firm Sirtuu \ G A ZEu3EELZ3T esee rotH (isms•* "aut year ire renewetl thia sea kon on a nr2:*r tcaie. La wraa piucea ituie omoriuoag many acres are wbiiilv biast ed. Tbe Mercer yai"aty annetira ta be the must llCicted. reilies ire always acrentabie, and % rreat arnamum tn 'tie talne. :rah lupios and Fai! ptnp'ns. make 'he wry beat. Cur rent jelly omnia be made *mn ae rpens. After o raining the juice, bnil xenriy iuui an Pour iiefore -ntd'ng the sugar al:er which It aeetis little more. Cool a unail ■\nant.ty :n a tan before AAing ip. to e if it ihickuna. To grew 'he wainnt. gas her the nits n he Fill, mm alter they drop. D*g jiF f hree m four ncnes if -ar h ;n w:il iratnetl Apr-ait ha ants tne ir wa ncnes leap n the bed thus prepared and iver ifer wrh Swo ir three inches of ear'a. tawdtikt. or any-hing 'hat wll preserve he Tatar*; mois ture. Pfant tora nr three nc.hes deep, is 4oon as ;he gr-iunii : n good order. :n -tprng where ho treea are to and pertnanentiy ia they iu an bear ttauKpnuit ng, like must trees. Tbe ijenedt fert"ui ftom reuuenc srirrtng kiirac: mil in try weaiher, especially ■•£ it oe of a compact ia: ire. s lerved trcm the admission if air containing moisture.— Many nr best mi ti* iiori aawe :earned 'hat frequent mi.wag of the soii a very lu-nertciai u ad craps es pecially n time if fruit ft. This s the time when T'eds rpen. felt tc rheme"c"'s. A lay's x ;rk now if pro per'y iirecteti. may turi * week 4 work oex' season. Clear iut 'he weeds frnm the torn ami pot alii iields aerefore cos: what it w3. and it w:il ■■ expense in 'he end of ui slovenly pract ces. by ar oo common among is that ui .etnng he wenita ivertc.p 'he pn oAoas and ripen, and -died rtunr -teeds in the ami m the w ;rat. 'i n may mart the gnmi ami the bat farmer by it ia eertainiy as a any other ariy. After hayng acmes a perod if '.nmnar*. wo Aannre in most r armn. There is a time for i Httle Irainine. -li'ch ng cnttaig bushes and other timdar mpr Many iwimp or wr mcjufow mar now be rekan n band and brtoght .nto cnJ saimn. and a Hit of (na tural fnr "he heap, or cow-yard, rhrewn uu*. ar.d be put n *he way of pre para-rton ".r use Ni i3u • fry fitrnw wit f ; ;i t.i pr-wde 'he proper sinters] for stilling tp ths terti i;y if .iia land. I; muck is perfectly d. ted. :t w il mild shuut nirie-tauths of its ■rwn wt ht in Rqn..i manure. Tbe most i.iiporsn' -rk for August s'he prepare! ion if iie zt und 'or rii.l seeding.— Summer isiinwa sre i be w rked, and stuh ate grennus piow.d ; he la 4 'cr should be tnrned over as soon is possible after bemg irfenred if grain. Tme * wanted for w*edH ta s'*.— helore 'he bu x r : c g prctedmu the siiwmg. and t s ,e f ' u t. et riie soil re ceive (hegood effitcs of the air. son and an, and become gh' and pn HefLre he seed a'ed :t ,r.. A eat toe stubbie should be weil nar- wed .r gang plowed car*y 2j start tha weeds. Tt i;us been frequently a.-serteil that prnper !v umier 'rained sub- > eti amis aerer sotfer from inu h. WJO cannot name many fann ers ose their crops £r tn irci' ieaec cnce in ten years and st.i! hare iewr expermen - eti rn know whether they can undertrain and sobiMiil their and. tiir me -en'h the same of there crop*. :r wbether such sohsotitng and underdraining w H -are 'hem trim drouth en tirely ? And iee who doubt this fact..thouid Ctey am. make 'be *xoermcnt or rat the farms of 'hose whi base, to knew of :ta truth I ft :S Lhcugnr. by 'be m-ist uf farmers, that the only way e bare a g- mi meadow :s to plow up. seed down three ir hnir years , but this a a mi stake a .da. as meaii oes. if the soil not of a very bght loam, w.;l mprova by age for a nuaioer of years, if treated n a proper manner—wft-en a to pas ture as little a p,ss ble, top-dreaa with otas ter at the rate if '* p'nuudw to the acrs .mce n two years . use bar- jar i uxuaure as a o>p - dresairg, at the ra'a of fttteea loads to the acre, which afcouid he appi ed in the month of Octuber. A nteadow that has been trea * rd ;o this manner has been mowed si x sea son*. and has a bet'er swar i on, and a better proepect for a g-xxi crop this year than rt fcas bad 6at any time sinca it was seeded ; and had a better crop or hay on tc last season than I far se-ra! ysart prew jyiL. LACK- . WEiJTBHS 2 3. Summer Arrangement"— I W4IT. PXDRIBJNISA LKALJ-D LFLAHB wasrw hid | a.iHTwinn. y-iHWintfor Hail Mail P ianonifsr r.tuu. Trnin. 3TATIO!f3. Cram. Trtun. A. M. P M. 9.i!tl Y irk'* 1.25 IT.JO Sow aiunplnn. L !(l LI It! yf umuia'on. LUB P M. 12U2 OTToitI. ra.l3 Bn-ignvilto. ..Mi 12.18 Maniink "Hunk, 1.15 Oino. 12.45 Dutuwim, 1.30 Dino. 130 Mount Bothoi, VMI 1:20 W iter 'Tn. 12.44 1.34 -"miirtatmnf, L 2"2!) 1-4.1 Iprsiipierillo 12,17 Latf EenryviUa. 1207 P . 211 Onklnnd. 11.49 2 S P.trku. 11 30 2.10 Tohvhatmw, 11.10 104 'Ttiulittkmm Ll 1.37 220 Monrnw 10.14 237 Dtinnitu;, 1(124 LlOAr i CGiIS A. W. - ■ P * 10.10 4- t Ar.O 15 021 10 40 4-12 <3rk J * 4ummit. 023 .1 3(1 10 33 3.00 A.nniftcin. '.♦ 15 5..15 11.13 11(1 PtutrorvvOle. 019 310 T1.43 51 *fithtuon. 915 4130 12.38 338 BiiptMirtiim. 4.18 4.35 12 .28 3.20 Mi.ntiTira. 735 325 P.M. l.Jfl 541 \.wr MilfnnL 7- 24 3..15 125 730 iroai 3na. 715 2.0 5 2 P2 AM. P M •htatiun ami of L.harry It CO M M ECTlOMti—Wßyrwartt. "Tie TBAPI ftn.n .fr Turk mn tiarttt tr. MA2TCN r K.S ut Philwialpniti Kanmncrnn umwfi it 7 111 . u AMI IR -IRHAT BSXO *"(1 I 'He limiujh Mail T-nn in "ha Srta Bulifaf n4 1 J i. n Tha Piasanifnr ma am fnmnton vmnptus it iroat Band 'tli limuim Tntnn puntf rant mil uat in ire Smlatiy irrtvn • at 3utfu.u u !.. 4 4. a.. t at at luiatnuuuii u 12 m. Eastrrar (. The M' HXfZfir TB.iITT t'min -iraa.' Brail ton lnrta hi-ra antli 6hn (Tinrinnati Sxpmss .in -he 2ra 3oilwi rVnm -lia Want ; it M.iiiunk.i "H.i t with a ruin for Philiuianmiii mil ntarmatliiite ttaiinnM. irr-'-nk n P'liltutaipnta at u .111 i. tn. mil at. Maw Stunpitin wth i rain or liutiun. Bathmtiam. li untuwn. latutinit ina 'J.irri.imr'j, trr.rnif it Xi.- it 4. .20 i. m. Ar 4Ctt.4.2i'C<)!f. tunnrt;iinß ira na;l wrh ■rains in the Liu-kawini.-i nut Bhii.msuiint Bail- Tuut. tnil in hu Oamw iru mil Umlauti l.uuii Cu. i XulrrtiuL T.inu Taulus if waiuli matin im pnnlait ''eiiiw J BULianr PrwH.imr. 1. A. " Janam. Tin net .a29tf una TUIT "iilfMU ipaa raiuuTiiH /ana taw rc.nx uro "iiii^i.iKL^'ai.. TO WTLKI&HAIJm. firming Jirsat - a L tumiim .vo-Rrm son IT. BAH mmd £ < I. * STMATEE TIMS TABLE COMMBIfCTIKt J~ C -V* E I7t A , 18 87. A.l Thmmm Trains tnuka'tlnHa afinneitriiin* wna Traimi o iuu htim S . tioak A. M. mU 31! ? M. A.—wa at Saw 7 ir*i it 1.15 uut 10.25 P M. Phiimialptiia. it 2 uut 4.40 * Laawa Muw Tint it 4.30 A. M. mil .2 if. PHi.iwluipniu u. 7ta A. Al. .mil .30 P M Arrtwa it Tilkestiurm it 1.92 mil 9.4 FT ? M. \'iif aTo aa' Nicholson Pu, VVm. O. GARDNER A CO lure ,unf -trai .reil i u-gti uiu a wiemliit korK. i X"'i'tn lumiatiiig it /ancD 0ooi)5 o'LOTHiyt-i. BOOTS i 3j£C 23, lIAT3 AATI CAPS, CM2iI2LLAJ, TAATaLLLM'i 2.A iS iaU T3ryij. Cloths, Cassimeres. Trimmings. YAXX EE YOTXO NTS #C, i.l yinifs s- Id 4y uh virrenwii m -m-rimm* ade Oir A.m. "T. keep xooii Griode,"' iTjr motto, -Not to be unti-r- Id ' 111 Minnet'tLon its.rn H 5 TAILOR-SHOP. ClihtlTs Cl'T lID 4fAS>E IM THE L % TEST STY I.E. Nairn Tim u iimrn. W. O. GARDNER JT CO. Anihiiisan, Pa. CARRIAGES & BUGGIES Tie fuiiSßrrhsr. a praetiu-il wirttmaa if long sx perenen. is auw inidhiag itf a larys lot of aew Car n.nrss iad Sntpros. at iua Cwreiage ihou IN TUN" KHAN NOCK. Sunal. if lot mpm-or in Wiritm.innh.p. QnaHtr if Mirir'ai jad 'iniiHl- to thoiw "irned iut at any idler kii,p in mo it,un try. THuim wiaamg to auy kMlii €r hiMnnuivfts. Aim igtmta "or ill itlior uuiruiues or IVyouiing On. Pa. P. C BCUN3 x 3HO ? inu.wimo.-K. Pa. >t. 11. I.ttiti. tinlil-if Watches JEWELRY REPAIRED P. C. 3C Ti 3 cis B &<>. Tm nimnmre n uiminnring hn 'ho amip/ if Un&k.'innnoitk uni 'u-iu.iy thiir.ihortiua ipmed t tDutdo ajj C.Jti ino'UHte Vi. 't iiniel. viuri :irv ire nrßiiarmi n in ho nnHt litfi ill ,u"* n lioir inn u in APPIIIj TTLiJ iml IKILLiT L. M.l2v S £3. in kiurt notlue. 3av iltr ia.l onq ixperioni") n ' ti ntrinma, liny itl •.uniiiiMit um liny tan p"-i liuint miatiwiuinui ail iironilg limn T'tu lu-ir iiurenugo. ALL W RK: wuta.i.TT'sr) TO JITS UTIB FACTTOW 3 aSFCMDED X3T'l3 ifiia T2IAL- V 3 -P ir :.,. /,■• F :i.t f- nhrp.ihia r-tpmr ri \ no. Icrerdenn.. mil itHnr mnm-i lutnunants mini uni mi n irdr in -taint IIIIUMI t SSUV STOCK ;t WATCHES and C LO 1 : iiA nut mcpivnd. v/r wxlm r rio.v. Aim 3 nnr if c 3 10 * Hri r c BOOK in land r 'imnn*'l O HP** -n lie auuut* iUii if ; )uiuihiit*r i LOWEST RATES SIINSA PISTOL CABTFISES utaoimi o i.l an mnlorn it y: us if ir-1 I.V-M ana TUS.VT fcCO'- WELi'DiEO\ T i V>i knap* i an un ,IB imii.lur Marina CnHfr-immira -limit >f i.iir. fc.\ Cliur-n mil 3iinil:i-' 4i:hwil -Ins'in; Bunks. ' antrnnfinn Bunk' if a.. *,mi. my H tii -h trill ae **nr. 'iy 'nail annn receipt it' hn ruirknf ui-na. .rlnri from BE.VLIiUi: i Jii I' 2 A 0 I£IL-tl tpatiiai- Iy miuiitmi- Atiiim* L. S, POWELL. -i-nnuiii. Pa. ■in&-Z your TICE. " Havnif pmrnoMtl in oitnra niarear. ,n 'ho PHn roir-apnui 'railary in :ii plana. I uiaa pimuwre n ni'oraiiiiir ny rrtam.iH uiii n pulilia n wnaral tint ) t m prepared u, pm.tiuir piotupus if ivory ImTtp oiMi. aiiioii inj •'HOTOGr n APHS. CABTES DE VISITE, V[G\tTTES. AMBROTYPES j ME LJLTO TYPES. FERROTYr ES. IVORVTrPRAf, lc, 3ini? annua atari it' ivory facility, [ FEEL Co2f- FTItE*T ii .ijjv'nif 'atari Hiuim'intmn. Ail aw w- Viantmt t anil ma i tiunina. ami "-'una rliß ihiufatt, an r.he nihafrimia r'.nlrt." Ail kinua of loiuroii work June at tin -unir'sHt an -ins ami n 'li iiaat wyie of rii irt, Hd all (tirOa of anpyinit iim>* from alii pir'uriH, from mint tu u. iatmtAuUua gMHKIGnii. L. W IHTHM-Or*. Tank. Apr LLtJllvlii 8. BR \* OR ETH" 1 * HLLA —THww P'.lla in wfo ana aire. They are prepared hv a prmwi which irar ail cho hast. iiniiinßi .if rhn tmrlm of whtnh rhay in nmnoml. wit 'unit my if -hair hiwL -'my aani- it in all jii.ibh. ami in inartn in anne. re 3. 3rnnor*tA an w'an.o uCani i -M i*ow. yrumont atnmn. y7-al-litt- Brg (bnh & £twmitt. Hisrh Water IN THE SCSQUEHiJSI 2.AFT3 jtavug up. D.VMB gut, &i.vim r lllßlling, PRICES GOVE DOWV.I lie., le. .it 'JIB 01 I J 3t anil tbimer!y onsupioil hy 3. Win*, ■ink will on thunii 0111111) tiir tank, ill smile of K.o€£ltf&i c n. I -PK.O VTSfOJrx 1 CROCKERY* WOOD-V-LEA. WILLOW- W mil. HAMD-WARH. TIN ma <*LAdH-WAas, i Tui*, GltfWl. ikipw IfniiiHPtm, 3 r up, 3 . a ;t, ittiemttiH. OrßHin- Purrer. Mußtsuri, Cheese. Uiukoral, Coii-Sinh. Drtoii- lpplea ami Pom lies, '"ruikers. Sola. EuiMna, Orunjui. Lemons Corn* V ita S'ltinnip. Cloves. P'mi"itn. Pnpnnr Cinnamon. Candies of ill tLnd*. TOBACCO CIGARS, CORN MEAL. CHOP FEED .1113 FLOCR, SHEETING, SHOES, coT ruN YARN, LAMPS, CAN DLE- W hil. SOAP INK, PEPPER- SaCCE, S-ula, ?itch-F ;rka. 3hoen. Sondes. H 'i as Puli. Tabu, c Boards. Haif Bushels. Peck-Menu in?*. Bin tor-Bowls. Stampers, t Ladles, Brushes, Oil, Lead. Shut, P iwdur .fee., fee., u many things u meni.on Call mil examine belora pur cb using elsewhere. Produce mm oil n oxi-uunge ; 2ysry him; ri! ih found mm hut laiompi o i lrst uiu* 'inner? mu Ptn vision ?iurs. o billing. Tinuaannor* ?v Apr. .1, 1867-winJ6-i£ n A ; "hats it "caps: 3-&£23£i!2-&2alI GROCERIES. mm it i si i On Bridge street nearly opposite VVheelock's old stand NO 'tV OPEXED. ST A B. MOTT. ! TTI3 COPT 27! STOR S. FOa.MSaLY QOXPIBD 37 SENA 7 3TA3JL xn vxjaxaA.vjrccK, PA. A SEW 3TOOC A NEW sT)i:K A new STOCK a Saw STOCK 0? iprino sncinra .*OODS iI>EIN<* AND SCM.Mait <*oooß SPRINti AND i*OODB iPIIOKx AND SCMMHa iiOODB miiKiMr.tur of OllllHlHtinir of •rinmnnmr of r.inmuting BE* I Just mrriTeii mil tor iuie i roiemii i it<: |ltlu <1300D5 ? ! neluilinij □nuns. r FiUtt, Ti as 15 323, DTE S T C E F 3 . BRUSHES OF ALL DESCRIPTION", Pocket Books, Hair Tonics, 7 3 a ra D 72? iTERHNti'3 AMBBOBLA. TOOTH DROPS, HAIR OILB, POMAL ITS i ?7a.F T "M2ani.i. ff IN'TY 50T103.3, CONFECTIO'NHRT, 3TATioarßax as tobacco, HAVANA cr ABDOMINAL 3CPPOftT2Rd, 3HOCL j DER 3EACBS, TUr.-iSRS. An... An.. A--. Ail rile Popuiur PATENT M£OI€iNES of "he ia.y And in £ict every L aiikjinable true ie beiocuring to a I FIi2ST CLASS' DRCO ST OR E PHTaICIAJS' PajISaCCPTIOiSi fuily laniTjfmatteil aC ill hours oft lati night, Doirti tnrgnt a aail u I DR. RHQADS' DRUG-STORE. 7uDA3nmnnlr Ft. lUrH&irr. Foundry* Machine, > U3 STOVE SHOPS WAEBO STF.EET, TOTE IN NOCK, PA. 2 i ••ni hurt ■ ifo-tamr ixpertmwi m 7-iun:lr neii i ml iliiniiincHts. uiil unoinyina nnna iut dm mat workmen he- uiiinnd pieiige ueranrtves (i i.vih 'lit! 1.1 vnrk 11 heir iuu 11 i rfyle ml ir. J insert hy uay anuliir iitaiilifimiiir n he anmtry MILL GEARINGS undo mii Sttau ip in murt- nonce, from partem* m iiUIU U 4*l uuus. 'LOWS , CULTIVATORS in i nher lii-mmi;. Lnpminenra. nam OF AIL mas. Tin. Sheet-Iron, and HOLLOW-WARE. £S7-i Z>, FSfJT- ". Jbc-, >&<■. rays in oau.t ir to irder C P. GEAPIHaRT. is '.O. r inkhimnoek. Apr; ti'th. .SfiT taiu.ifHf. iarpaaee it"lron RU N'T BROTHERS. VOW OFFER FOR SALE EON TE' R L. TAILS AND -PIKES MIXS BU.IL. RAILHCAD >PTKES. INVTLS, BELLOW? PLAIT A:< S !S a uJiE-cHiOffi?. a ui- MEKED HOHSE NAILA WROUGHT IRON. immr iiiifiu C.l SPEW TEILS' EOOL3, 'ALL WARRANTED l HUBS, *PiILBS. ffRLLOES ?EAT iPINDLES. CABIHAii E SPUING?. iXLES. PIPE BOSS.?, SPRING iTESL, 30TTS NUT 1 ? WASH ERS BELTING. PACKING GRIND STONES; PLANTER PARIS. CEMENT, HAUL SHOVELS. WHITE LJS*J> SRENOH WINDOW i La??, t.i . .to., ALSO J133. DOOFLUA AND BLINDS OS HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND JLANCIFAGTL'RJ£D 10 DRJJ*R LEATHEUR ASD FIXDIXGS FAISBAK'S sales, sraatmi. NAREII 28. 1363. vtn33 TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND US TAJ E REMEDIES 'or ennuiamiiK ant itmifarnu aeuaea. Use auunoolit'i JLurmc 3uup.u ami Im IvRT Bom WIGR, IJlsiriraL vera arms'* bem- ramrarr mn tjnrr.rtiiis uut iurritucna Dtunaaea. Jfrnm dnusry dtut. it rmll-.tntmrn Mr-,ium >/ fe ! j j/ir'l, Pthtim. "T hvn will 'nrry- iiinntltlrs if -mir 4a;Alw -1 wt ublili •' die m. (ii*:nai T'lit'i i wmi- .iWApiVMix*. *t ■ ii-iiph- "S Ser, m'-i Atn,.jiui in ulliiMip iiumor n uer •im. J aye*, imt hair '"or vimmv vlni ti ,<■ wtv unililii • A .N nitil -T" tnert'-our H...WAI* iiu- IM 1 yean veil JU<*. AIIIUI .unmiui. ' Sfrmm. ITri. ,'nnr 7. Utr-. t Ti l launtm inn tka*. ■] itrrmwl ■titty M witti * ?| •rrrmiloiiß inptinn. tIIC!I vih rnry miuin-euiue. ; j Solium; ilfurdeit my irilnf uuil v> ar >1 Ai.uaAe iMI.Ui, vlivclv wmhi -imiiurttly nwi' J fff\m 'hnrits P *;;. ii'tfte :tni(ilii--rxinnt m .ftii—7i/ r ':i , niinnftuittrm it mumtowi ■nr) n .Vatkuii, .-'..IT. " U hail *"nr wrnrrtl -iuu , ♦mnhlr-'irri® 1 humor n nv tie wlueii .unurtauaw vori onul t linlniiifia :ny iMUuro* inu ucjunc iu uuii- i emliic ilßii-.tiiin. twl ilmirnt ivory Inm; i nan -I ■wiiiiil il" inrli rlv'iK mil niitii-ttie. But ntluint my 4 reili-f urtiauivor. uiul L runic your ;J It .iium-iiiui-ly mute -nv thee vome, iu -on on: ne 3 tt nityht hr i -iine hnr :n i t-vr vr etew die n, H tiksn u-pan H dirm amler rim iliirohee. .mil on- S anin-i null nv ;u— H as nnooiii is auv mnv's j| uni I mi vittumr mv ivnnioms if rlie •.*• -In* jjfl I vcin'v if. I ■nin- irr*i*"t lie.iltii. aul vuhinti , 4 doutlt itlT" t -o -Olir iAHSAI' VittLu-A. - * .ffirysiptiHui —'ionumt Deiniitr —PrutiT ran J P—im Dr. Hunt. Uumn, ffimstnn It., o-e "i*. ■ ' 7't. v •—:n. t wlilnm tat hi rranove {■mutium m ami -itrmttiumt lorrs iv-tieprmevermifnweor vnir ■ ■(..ittM j_itai! :..i. urn . im - '' list auw ami .ui atuat I il tfiiUipumt .?,-/>/ vitti t. No Uroratli-e r nvelvn t uui the yUnv El—um I in -nv -iirtit mm. tunm; rhieh -ime I a-vi ill he 1 veieuiv.ioa .my ioiKU, niid msuli, and oelt inn- I lre'te if lolliim vorrii if neilinue,. T?iu ui-r I oo 'mil rtint rtle 'Wirrle lerarne ■•■mlita. mu - !ie 5 ineuir- letaano. rliet mv irm miun ye .uninunred. ( 4 iv-ml nAinij -our ■ ..iha .' ..1:1...A. TOOK t-.VO MA. 8 lew. inn mm- if -our P-i.Tnip-ttler "lite- iuv, 9 rareil mu. tamiiiwv unyr ll md miind is .aiv mitv. ■ -uu .i pillule .line •• ny vute s cauivn oi rverj I hmly n iile -imrauuit-.- mil -xeiti-s tbe vonuer it I &~>m Ton. 7nr7 iliiiim. if. n P. >f 'fur—a r.'e. I r. t ouUiuti nemurr if lit • anaUiun Portia- 9 merit. ; iave uw-i -'Mir ,nn...a nmvfmmlv I Air ;-:ierru utility, mil tor tuff pun/ lie noun, I vrtti lenestrilj -*eiiiltw. mil Aasi glllllrtWlia A 9 ■aimm-.iilill- t to tie uflkuta. ' St. AtatiicnT'-i ym. 3oae. Aait HLsnm. j Jr-.aia Hand, iim Evob. 3mm .Unmt-t tektrr. Pxt/ .'he 'Uilr. ttilor if At 1 Piuntiunnutu Drnnutrra, prmmylnmui. ' 'ur mr- -tlild. itumr "hr— -'-*rs if uf". vie S altai-itiHl iv nmnieK ill iue hir-heid. Thnv -uomlw 1 jiir -ui ,uinl rin-v urrneii i uHitienme mil -'niivat a ion-, v:.iita "ivensl ua nee. ran icniaoly uiitaua fi lj 1H or Kimr in*.-,. l dcltni itiymciMi inniied 3 mtr iM- of mivor unt itiier mmeillus. ivlttnnit icy ilium—ut m i. l*or lUteen uiya ve riit S.i.ta.ko.* ift;i.>,.G | it' Uinal rrsmiMUiHi. 7~: m *//? mil -n im nut nii(iht~*r?cbrTted 3* J Vttcn \fur~iU. tr Ciiictntuiti. -• r !mve iimiil -mr - : i." iu dswlml 1 liter-.! n liimatms u etniuea. l.inv naues -of | ii-t-d'uiir-lv. L.-Hi-nViina. i-.irertiui Clei-rtiniin. uta 1 o.eai leiniiiv ortailUf flvim die umiftaliinH liouhi sm. fl in- : -'.' -■> r. md hen ir- Im iSat m out. ■ v-ien rs ifi-T n pvpftrllv ndiil 'iy lira! treatment.' I A in*:/. tsneiUintj i Ulnm Pit intuirut.un y ur j itfmt irrrh't < 3Tv limsrJMrv rail m-welf hnv heen -ur~i if I 1 vnry druilirnunir -in IUTIUUU if .nnc if 1 tr.v'i huttlea -if —mr AaITOv.I* vhiuua. Eioeiirnur.iiun. I-;u£. Lovr C.:mpni.onr, Dyv j piipma, Hanrt D'UHIUH?. S-nirtuiFa. V'len •auwd iv P-r-fiirt n the ivntcm, ira -tipsuf I oarmi uy :iua iLrt. Sabhap ißilla. /ITER'S CATHARTIC PILLS nnmm-iM io nail" uivnnnur"* iver die icier I nur ninvea .n ttw marki-r. ami doeir inijer-ur 9 -ii-nnts ir n iniv'vsuily xninm. tfamiwe need I list :n linn u aswirit die puuiii.- their I puiiin- s -liaintaanui vrimii tti die beat t ■:•* I las een. ami dint liev nil-- ie iepeadea m 3 to in 01 rhiii rni'v Imvf avur .|i:ne Pwoared by J. C. .AY E&. M.. D-. i 'lp-f 1 Luwiii. YLuse.. ami iutit :v Wll irsain iy Buhii-.I t B.ian-afyne. inn Lv-nira I I nils. T IIIK.i niuui-K. fcr :nit B Am. Xaumnmn. I fie .eno c Voliie * Uui lin. 3 mar Diian t n.. 9 P u lory-ii. mi! .ul Dnoayma oau Leiuurs ;u nan- ,9 i-'nes. e-'ar-rrhuru. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A itiniieimm vui idinwi :rir ynnrs .Trim S-n -ur*- Daiuiir-. Phmniunra im-iy inu til hu aifn- j n -i •HouthfTil is iservrion. v- !. i.r he i.ra if mfurnif *i limi.untv tend -w r ui vho it-e-l r, -fnt "r* anu tiuatetdims tiir nna nir nno -Hmnln vmwi' n vlimn an va.t -urml. Suifiirars wsuniif u nrtdD iv 1 an nivnrri.wi- , cypwrenca. eta m i >y in tMn-I'net • ml vneo. ij 'cr.i .y to pMar -freer. Nit Tan. Ml liiffll U4JST M JC\.' *? VBDWTLX a in>r vci—nn i ipinniiiiL o ittmk 'ii -I TJOF'T i IR T,KHIS if 1 aa fur LADIES md '."HTL PREV Also BONNETS, m VELVET aiBBGNSI E L 0 W E aS. and F I i T H S R J. inii a "ili asK< ctißenc or FANoY GOODS. iz prices to 'Lily oo mg e tic in 9 AI! din latest stylrts of pappr paftsnn £5, CLQ J dJLS,JjkCTL£ 7S. dzc., itc., /Vw* M.-i frpi.ME l>£ r MOILS-< T rnssas taaoio. irtt and iiumra it ne fflnrrf dllUlta. 9HS 3 oA— w EL— lomidiuinueit, Stay. 12, 1%7 /jn-ti-ct. HELACBOLD'S HOT ULTRA IT BUCHU -.M HtiiiLiiiu. in laUHo - UM idur. :'rm) Dim i*i ii„unut nnfHtam* ami iuinuiiiio n a wiiioA *A HELM DOLL'S ENTHAirT BCCHU fivoß ij| ami •tyu- u 'an tvauia iuu Itluam to JIB >■ oneak. Dalnlity a louuuipuouud oy ouuiy I imnpuiins. mil fou ramuuMit at ouuuiouad "• *W Hi fiunmiriu nsnnttfy, jr -tniiapuc its uihUa-