Local and Personal. apology- The absence of the editor during mot of •he past week, must furnish an apology for benc- of loco I *•, in this iasue. joi work. Having purchased a first claw Job press . s f u il assortment of all the new styles, of j Jibing material we are now prepared to rriot cards, circulars, bill and letter beads, V, cheaper and neater than ever before done ,n the County.- Send to your orders. Bje-dlruloua. The rye faces made by Yoat over the nomina tion of Mr. Lott for Representative,Yoat aaya he wont support htm— We shall see. The "Singing Pilgrim," By Phillip Pnlttlps, is having an immense M i e< and is considered one of the bent'Singmg Books for the Sunday School D o# published. It it for sale, wholesale and retail, at L. B. Powell's, 116 Pena Avenue, yfcranton. The Poor Man'a Friend, Doctor*' bills are too long for a poor man's pocket, but many of them may be avoided by keeping Grace's Celebrated Salve in the cup board. It is the "precious pot of ointment," curing burns, cuts, scalds, bruises, sprains, wounds, chilblains,chapped hands, &c. Moth ers, do not neglect to save your husband's hard earned money, but purchase a box of this salve, only 25 cts. Postponed, The opening of the Select School by Miss E. Vose, at Mehoopany, did not occur on the 3d inst as proposed by her, but has been postponed on account of her illness. This School will now be opened on Tuesday the 17ih inst. -as the preachers say,—providence permitting. Fashions, The fall bonnets will entirely revolutionize the pi est ni circus ticket, postage stamp pat tern, and milliners will be enabled again to live on their labor. Fur the last two sea sons ladies who had not ability to bonnet a doll have succeeded in constructing their own clam-shell bead gear. A Good Opening. N. H. Conkiin Esq., who studied law at this place, but who toe the past year or two has been permanently located in Southwest Missouri,l6 now on a short visit to his triends at this place. He brought us a pound speci men of 95 per cent Lead ore from one of the richest mines in that region in which the Conkiin Bros, ate largely interested. Norm, is looking well, reports progress and asks leave to go back again. With 6uch a fine opening for a young man no one should say nay.—Go in Norm, and win ! Nicholson Agricultural Fair: The Nicholson Agricultural Society will hold their First Annual Fair upon their New grounds at Nicholson Depot, Sept. 24th, 25th and 26th, 1867. The S >ciety have spared no pains or mon ey necessary to fit their grounds and build ings in the m< st approved manner. The track and grounds were laid out by Mr. Archibald, a practical engineer, and will compare with those of any similar institution in the States. They offer a premium list greater in amount and larger in its range than most societies of its kind. "Husbands, Dove your Wives," Aud give them Plantation Bitters when they are suffering from Nervousness, General Debility, Faintness,Spasms, or any of the thousand and one diseases to which the weak er sex is liable. Iltving VOUR SELVES experi enced the benefit of their uac, extend the blessing to others. This invaluable tonic will chase Hypochondria or "the Blues"—give t>.ne to the damaged nervous system—gently stimulate languid secretions—dispel vapors and ENNUI, aud generally build up the worn constitution. For each sex aud all ages it is a gentle stimulant aud a refreshing cordial.— Millions of bottles are sold daily all oyer the world. Minolta Water. A delightful t.ilet article—superior to Co logne aud at half the price. Radical Ticket. The Radical or Republican convention held at th is place on Monday last put in nomina tion the following ticket. : For Representative—Ziba Lott, of Tunk bannock. F r County Commissioner—Daniel Wright of Tuukhamiock Boro. For Jury Commissioner—Henry Roberts, of Fells. For Auditor—Daniel A. Bard well of Tuak hanu' ck Tp. For Coroner—Dr. J. W. Rboads ofTunk* han ock Buro. How to Mend Greenbacks. The American Greenback Currency altbo a most popular one, requires delicate handling Tender aio ihe notes in more than one sense they will tear. The New York World has discovered a method of mending torn notes, which we reproduce. This method is to smooth out the edges carefully and moisten the edges with the fingei tip after wetting it on the tongue. Then lay the bill on a piece of writing psper, carefully drawing the edges together, snd lay another piece of writing pa per over it. A few seconds rubbing with the finger over the seam will make il adhere, and a little ad. oitness, when it is dry, will enable s pet son to lift the bill from the paper with out tearing it. The seam will, it is said, then be invisible, and he the strougest part of the bill. TO RAISE EARLY TOMATOES. Take in November three joints from a tomato vine, place the cutting in a pot or crock, covering two of the joints with rich earth , Set it in the kitchen window—in February it will be large enough to afford many cuttings- Plant these as before. When the season is right, plant You *ill have fruit one month earlier than from plants raised from seed. P"PI'EIT ORK IN LEHIGH Cor NTT. —We have been informed that a company of gen tlemen of this city have leased a tract of Jand, eight acres, situated in North Wbite r l towns hip an( j within a short distance of Guttbsvilie, of Mr. Reuben Sieger, of this city with a view of opening a copper mine. Ihe surface indications are pro nounced as being good, and the old story at cupper has been found in that vicinity years ago has caused them to take this step. i he company is an enterprising one, and work will be commenced at that place im mediately.—Allen town Newt. TUB DEMOCRATIC ISSUE FOR COMING ELECTIONS ! — Print greenbacks and pay the bondholders—and don't tax >u any more- A GENIUS IN THE CELLS. —The editor of the Rochester Democrat having recent ly visited Auburn Prison is publishing an account of what he saw there. He says 'one of the convicts, more than many of his fellows, and who was looked upon for some time after his incarceration as hardly compos mentis, has invented and made a superior sewing machine, entirely different from any used in the outer world, upon which the prison clothing is made. Near by.a knitting machine of his make is turn ing out stockings for the prisoners at a rate which made the ladies stare with as tonishment as they passed by it. lie also made a gun worth $125, and is now at work making locks of his own invention for the new cells. His name is Moody, and he is a nephew of Col. Moody, of Ohio, the celebrated Methodist minister who made such a stir among the rebels during the war. He is confined for grand larceny. The Way to Pay the Public Debt. There is a general discussion as to the best way to pay the public debt. The matter is plain as daylight says the Detroit Free Press: pat the thi -ves out of office and put honest men in, Retrench the expen ditures of the Government to one hundred million. Cut the Freedmen's Bureau swindle from the Treasury, and thus save millions tojthe people. If the negroes are fit to vote, they are competent to sustain themseves. Take the military trom the South and muster them out of service, and leave the people there to 'reconstruct' themselves, as they were doing before Congress interfered, and put them further from the Union than they were ever be fore. Cut off the myriads of parasites now hanging upon the Treasury. Retrench expenditures until the income exceeds the outgo. Apply the surplus to tue payment of the national debt, and the whole "ques tion" will be answered. VOTERS! FEEL IN YOUR POCKETS!— We are taxed about one hundred and Jiftg millions a year, in order to pay interest on the war debt ! It this interest were to be paid in greenbacks —which we have to take as money—we would be free of this tax ! if we have to take greenbacks in place of gold, why should not the bondholders take Why does not the Govern ment print off some more greenbacks, and pay bondholders in place of taxing the people ?—N. Y. Freemans Journal. VOTERS! ARE YOU SLAVES ?—Fifteen thousand capitalists own Government Bonds and are free, by law, from all State and County tax ! You pay what they do not! That is why you have hard times ! You are paying your own taxes, and these of these bondholders! The radical Re publican party have put this burden on you. The Democratic party want to take it off!—N. Y. Freemans Jvu nal. MAKE ENDS MEET!—A roasting piece of beef is better than a Government Bond! if the buteher takes greenbacks for whole some beef, Bond holders had better take greenbacks for their bonds—for half of them are issued fraudulently—and they are not going to be paid—ever—except in greenbacks I—N. Y. Freemans Journal. VOTERS! ATTENTION! The mechanic, and the day laborer, for his hard day's la bor is paid in greenbacks. Some fifteen thousand rich ones; out of thirty millions of people, hold Government Bonds, and re quire to be paid in gold for these 1 A THOUGHT FOR VOTERS NEXT ELEC TION- —If greenbacks are good enough to pay the farmer for his bushels of wheat, why are greenbacks not good enough to pay the few bondholders for their bouds ? It no w turns out through Republican sources that all of the Andersonville hor rors we re the result of mature deliberation of Holt and the War Department. Thir ty thousand of our fathers, sons and broth ers left to die botiible deaths, because the authorities at Washington said they were too feeble to be of service in our ranks, and it would cost money to maintain them in hospitals, and to have exchanged man for man with rebels, would aid the Southern cause. For one whole year, Republican pa pers published cuts descriptive of the pri son pen, hung Wire for his cruel treatment and denounced the South for its brutality when it now turns out by the showing of the highest authority, that the South was anxious to get nd of them and exchange every man. If Stanton and Holt and But ler can sustain themselves through all this they have cbaitmd lives. piRE, LIFE, & ACCIDENTAL GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCf I Mosritosk, P*. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER $30,00",000! ! Home 1n5.,C0., N Y.,Capital and Surplus,s3,7oo 000 ! Ins. Co. of N. America, Pbila " '■ 1.800,000 ! International Ins. Co-, N. Y. " ' 1,500,000 ' Lycoming Co. Mutual, Muncy, Pa, *' 3,000,000 | Farmers' Mutual, York, " 560.000 Ins. Co.. State of Pa., Pbila., Pa. " 700,000 Hartford Eire Ins. Co, Hartford Ct. " 1,800,000 Putnam " " ** " 600,000 Travelers' Ins. Co., of Hartford Ct, insur ing against all kinds of accidents. 500,000 COXHXCTICUT MUTUAL Lire lasrßAtici CourA.ar, of Hartford, Ct., paying 60 per cent, divi dends to the insured. Capital $10,000,000 Notes received in payment of one-half the premium, on which six per cent, interest only is to be paid, and only four notes re- Suired. The notes are never to he paid un er any circumstances—Policy will be paid in full and notes given up. Assets over $3,000,000 AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia, Pa., Capital, $1,000,000 C. H- SMITH. Solicitor, Montrose, Pa. HARTFORD LIVE STOCK INS. CO, Capital $5000,000 Insrtmce on all kinds of Live Stock agatnst Theft and Deal from any cause. All Business entrusted to our care will be attended to on fair termes, end all Loeses promptly adjusted. BILUHM STBOCD, ) SXOUD A BROWN. Agents, CHAS. L. BBOW.V. J M. C SUTTON, Esq., Friendsville, Pa, Solicitoi Office first door east of "Brick Block," mootrose, Pa. V 7-83-, fpetial llotirfs, CAUTION. My Wife Angelina having left my bed and board without any just cuu*e or provocation, this in there fore to caution all persons against harboring or trust ing her on my account as I will pay no debts of her contracting. Tunkbannock Tp. ELISIIA B.LONG- Sept; 3rd 1897. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE, IETTERS of Administratien on the estate of J Ludd Shoe naker, late of Windham Towdehip dee'd, having been granted tho undersigned, notice is hereby given all persons indebted to the said es tate, to make immediate payment of ttse same , and all persons having claims against the same will pre seut. them without delay duly authenticated for settlement to HARRISON C'OMSTOC'K. North Branch, Aug. 23rd, 1867. v7rl46w NOTICE. WIIEREAS my wife Ann has left my bed and board without, just cause or provocation, I hereby forbid any persou harboring or trusting her on my account, as I wdl pay no debts of her con tracting from this date JACOB F. HALL. Braintrim, Aug. 22J, 1867. v7u43w. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the Estate of Ehen Owen, late of Nicholson Township, dee'd, hiving been granted the undersigned. All jiersous having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement, and all jiersons indebt ed to said estate will make immediate payment of the same, to Win. OWEN, Adtn'r. Falls, Ta Aug. 7, '67—v7n2-Gw. DOST- On the 20th inst on the River Bank at Tunkhan noek a Pocket Book containing about sll, in money and about SU. in read orders on Mehoopany Town ship. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at Wall's Hotel or at the Democrat office. M. Walters, v7-n3-lw TO CON SUM FT IVES. The REV. EDWARD A WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who dessre it. the prescription with the directions ,or making and Using the simple rem edy by whi-h he was cured of a lung affection and th.it'drcad disease Consumption His only object is to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing aud may prove a blessing Please address REV. EDWARD A WILSON, No. 165 South Second St, Williamsburg New York 614C1J. INFORMATIONS lnformatina guaranteed to produce a luxuriant ' growth of hair upon a bald head or benrdless face. ! also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, j Eruptions, etc ,on the skin, leaving the same soft clear, aud beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addresing T110.?. F CHAPMAN, Chemist. 823 Broadway, New York ! THE ULORY OF MAN I? STBKN'tiTH.—There ore the nervous and debilitated should immediatelj nse LIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Bucuu. | MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL \TOOR are regained by IIEHIB >LO'S Rentier BUCHU. SHATTER ED CONSTITUTION? RESTORED by Helmboiu's Extract Bucbu. FOR NON-&ET EN TI <>N OK INCONTINENCE of Urine, irritation, inflauiatiun, or ulceration of the I bladder, of kidneys, diseases of tbe prostrate glands, t stone iu tbe bladder, calculus, gravel or brick 'lust deposits, aud all diseases ot the bladder, kidneys, and dropsical swell lings. USE HKI.MBOI.I>'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCBU. hELMBOLB'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BU CHU. Is the Treat Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPABILLA Is the tlrcat Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Chemistry ; and Pharmacy, and are the most active that can be uade. 1 CONSUMPTION CURABLE UV DR SUHIiNCK'S MEI)RI.\ Ei. ! TO CURE CONSUMPTION, the system must be ' prepared so that the luugs will heal. To accom plish this, the liver and stomach must first be cleans ! Ed and anjapprtite created for good wholesome food which, by these medicines will be digested properly and good healthy hlood made ; thus building up the constitution. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS cleanse the stomache of all bilious or mucous accu ! mutations; and, by using the Sea Weed Tonic in connection, the appetite is restored. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP is nutricious as well us medicinal, and, by using the three reme dies. all impurities are expelled trom the system,and | good, wholesome blood made, which will repel al, disease. If patients will tak- these medicines ac- I cording to directions. Consumption very frequently iu its last stage yields readily to their aotion. Take the pills frequently, to cleause.the liver and stom ach. It does not follow that because the bowels are not costive they are net required, for sometimes in diarrhoea they are necessary. The stomach must be kept healthy, and an uppetito created to allow the j Pulmonic Syrup to act on the respiratory organs properly and allay any iiritation. Then all that is required to perform a permanent cure is, to prevent taking cold. Exercise about tbo rooms as much as possible, eat all the richest food—fat meat, game and, in fact, anything the appetite craves ; but be articular and mastic ie well. rf>.il2-2nlw ea-op, NOTICE, All persons indebted to the es'ite of Geo. S. Tut ton K.-q late of Tunkhunnock, P.i., dte'd , by hook account, note. Or otherwise, will save trouble and ex pense by making a sjieedy settlement with SARA TCTTON, IIARVEY TICKLER. Adinr's, Tunk. Pa. June 24 th 1567. tf. 0. I INTERNAL REVENUE Notice is hereby eiven that the Annual list, of Excise taxes for 1867 ha? been transmitted to me >y the Assessor, and the fame has become due and pay able, All persons Assessed in the County of WYOMING. Will make payment to F. M CRANE. Deputy Col lector, on or before the 6th day of September..lß67 at his office in the store of Duuiel Wright, in Tunk hannock. Notice is also given that all persons who neglect or refuse to pay the duties and taxes Assessed npon them within the tune specified, will become linblo to pay the penalties imposed by law, in addition. H. L. SCOTT, Collector loth District. PeniCa. Collector's Office, TowanJa, Pa., Aug 17, '67 v7n4-3w SCROFULA—CONSUMPTION, Dr. LUGOL of Paris, one of the most eminent Chemists ot Europe, said : ' The most astounding results may be anticipated when lodine can be disseired in pure water." Dr. 11. ANTIKBS, after fifteen years of scientific re search and experiment, has succeeded in dissolving one and one quarter grains of lodine to each fluid ounce of water, and the must astounding esults have followed its use, parti'-ularly in Scrofula and kin dred diseases. Circulars free. Dr. H. Anders' lodioe Water is for sale by J. P* DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York, and all Druggists.—v7os-lm ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONSTITU TIONS, of boih sexes, use Ilelinbold's Extract, ltu chu. It will eerisk andgive energetic feelings and enable you to sloep well. TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN SAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dangerm iseas s. Use Ilelinbold's Extract Buchu and Ims roved Rose Wash. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is pleasant in taste and odor, free troui all in juriou properties, end immediate ia tfr action, ipttial _ THE HEALING POOL, . AND HOUSE OF MERCY. Howard Association Reports, fur YOUNG MEN on the CRIME OF SOLITUDE, and the ER RORS, ABUSES and DISEASES which destroy the manly powers, and create impediments to MAR RIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent in sea'ed letter, envelopes. free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia. Pa. 6n44-ly ear OHLMER'SLIVEft SAVED FOR SO CENTT, 1 THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN DIE ANNUALLY of Croup. Now, mothers, it you would spend 50 cents, and always have a bottle of Dr. Tobias' Uenetinn Liniment iu the house, you never need fear losing your little one when attacked with this complaint It is now 19 years since I have put up iny Liniment, and never heard of a child dying of (.'roup when my Liniment was used ; but hundreds of cases of cures hare deeo reported to me, and many state if it was HO per bottle they would not bo without it. Besides which, it is a certain i ure for Cuts. Burns, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throats Swellings, Mumps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Spasms, Old Scares, and pains in the back and chest No one once tries it who is ever without it. It is warranted perfectly safe to take internally Full Directions with every bottle. Sol dby the Druggists Depot, 56 Cortlaudt Street, New York. v7n2-7wks. BOOK AGENTS WANTED To solicite orders for a new illustrated BIBLE DICTIONARY. (COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME.) This Dictionary embodies the results of the most recent study, research and investigation, of about sixty-five of tho most eminent and advanced Bibli cal scholars now living. Clergymen of all denomi nations approve it. and regard it as the best werk of its kiud in the EuglisU language, and one which ought to be in the hands of every Bible reader in the land. In circulating this Work Agents will find a pleas ant and profitable employment. The numerous ob jections which are usually encountered in selling or dinary works will not exist with . But, on the contrary, encouragement and friendly aid will attend the Agents,makiug his labors agree able, u*eful and lucrative* Ladies, retired Clergymen School Teach°rs,Farm ers, Students, and all others who possess energy, arc wanted to assist in c.nvassing every town mid coun ty in the country, to whom lha most liberal induce ments will tie offered. For particulars, apply to, or address PARMELEE BROTHERS, 722 Sansom St, Philadelphia, Pu* v7a3 wks3, 13Yr*X3I?SIA. Thero is no disease which experience has so am ply provei to be rciuoduble by the PERUVIAN SYRUP. (.1 protected solution of tbe Prjtoxido of Iron), a* Dyspepsia, The most inveterate forms of this dis ease have been completely cured by this mekicine, medicine, as ample testimony of some of our first citizens proves. FROM THE VENERABLE ARCHDEACON, SCOTT, D. D. DUNHAM, Canada East * "I am an inveter ate Dyspeptic of MORE THAN YEARS STANDING " * * * "I have been so wonderfully benefited in the three short weeks during wtii.-h ! have used the Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely persua le myself of the reality. People who have known me are astonished at the change. lam widely known, and can but recommend to others that which has done so much for iue," * * * ANOTHER CLERGYMAN WRITES AS FOLLOWS • ' My voyage to Europe is indefinitely postponed- I have discovered the "Fou.itain of Health' 1 on this side of the Atlantic* Three bottles of Peruvian Syr up bavo rescued me from the fangs ol the fiend Dys pepsia." A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing a history of this remarkable remedy, with a treatise on ' Iron as a medicine." will tie sent free to any address. The genuine has "PERI'VIAN SYBOI-" blown in the J P, DINSIMORE, Proprietor, 36 Dey St.eel. New York Sold by all Druggists- ALLCOCKB POROUS PTjWTERST Hartford, Conn.. Nov, 11. 1364. Messrs. THUS. ALLCOCK A Co —Please send, with dispatch, twelve dozen Allcocd's Porous Plasters Our daily experience confirms their very superior excellence. At this momc nt of writing a man ap plies fur one, who, by, entanglement in the shfut of machinery, had both his legs broken, spine severely injured, and was for nearly a year entirely helpless. This man found rolief very soon by the application of a plastei to his spine. He was soon enabled to work, and now he labors as well as ever. He would cheerfully pay 85 for a single Plaster if they could not be had at a lower rate: lam surprised that' surgeons do not make use of the perforated plasters to the exclusions of all othe s, as thoir flexibility and and adhesiveness are greatly in advance of all other plasters with which lam acquainted ; while tho perforations noculiar to them renlored them greatly superior to all others for ordinary surgical ues— Knowing the plasters to bo so useful, I have no scruples that uiy sentiments should be known. J. W JOHNSON, M. D. Agency, Brandreth House, New York Sold by all Druggists in tbe United States and Canada. 11 ELM MOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU gives health an 1 vigor to tbe fiame and bloom to the paiid cheek Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treattuent is submitted to, cmi euuiption insautity, or epileptic fits ensue GET THE BEST WEBSTER'S DICTION UNABRIDGED NEW ILLUSTRATED OVER 3.000 FINE ENGRAVINGS. 20,003 Wvrds and Meanings not in other Diction arics. A necessity to every intelligent family, student, teacher nnl professional man. "THE NEW WEBSTER is glorious-it is perfect—it distances and defies competition—it leaves not ring Li he desired."— J. 11 Raymond, LL. D-, Pres. of Vassar Coll "AH young person* should have a standard Die tionary at their elbows. And while you are about it OBT THE BEST; that Dictionary is NOAR WEBSTER'S —the great i cork unabridged If you are too poor, save the amount from uff your back to put into your head." PHHKNOLOCICAL JOURNAL. "Every FARMER should give his sons two or three square rods of ground, well prepared, with the avails of which they may buy it. Every MECHANIC should put a receiving box in some conspicuous nlaco in the house to catch the stray pennies for the like purpose. Lay it upon you table by the side of the I>it>le ; it is a better expounder than many which claim to be expounders. It is a great labor-saver ; it has saVcd us time enouph to in one year's use to pay for itself ; and that must be deemed good property which t will clear itself once a year. It you have any doubt about the precise meaning of the word CLEAR, in the last sentence, look at Webster's nine definitions ot tbe v. T."—MASSACHUSETTS LIKE 80.. T. fn ono vol of 1.840 Koyal Quarto Pages. Published by G. A C. MEKKIAM, Springfield, Mass. Sold by all Booksellers. v6ui3 tf. A CANVASS OF TIIE UNION proves that the most successful candidate for genera favor ever plated before THE PEOPLE, is that pure and salubrious vegetable bcautifler, CRISTADORA'S HAIR DYE, Far and wide, throughout the restored republic, in defiance of rivalry and ooinpe.ition, it appeal* TO THE POLLS ! of al who design to clethe tbe same with the magni> ficent bl.ick or brown hues which nature has denied, or age stolen away. Manufactured by J. CRiSTA DORO, 6 Astor TTousc, New Y'ork. Sold by Drug gists, Applied by all Hair Dres#ers.- v?os Im. glistfUaiifmt*. LEMON SCHOOL DISTRICT. STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDI TURES FOR SCHOOL YEAH ENDING JUNE IST 1807. RECEIPTS. Amount of School Duplicate ' .ll'oc Amount received from other Districts 2J,2b Total *516,36 EXPENDITURES. Amount paid to teachers $360.72 " " " Collector and Treasures 32,08 " ' Secretary Exonerations and Mistakes 20,93 Balance in Treasury, unexpended 124,63 Total 854g,36 NATHAN KEIM. President. GEO WALLACE, Seci'y. v7n42w. ROSS* MILLS & GO* Corner Tioga and Warrgn Streets, TUNKHANNOCK, PENN'A. Are uow opening a large stocko Hardware, such as 38071, STEEL & NAILS, Paints, Oils, Glass, Tutty, Var nishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan ics Tools, Wooden Ware, Brushes of all kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, Seives, Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cloth, Rosin, Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c. HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE, Buckles, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated Bitts of every kind, llames, Iron Pad Trees, Saidle Trees, Gig Trees, Girth Web, worsted and Cotton, Thread, Silk Awls, and needles, Halter Chains, Trac Chains, &c. Ac. PAINTS! AND OILS, SPERM, AND LUBRICATING OILS ALSO CROCKERY, GLASS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE WINDOW and PICTURE frames, GLASS OF ALL KINDS. rr Nails and Hand-Rakes at wholesale and retail. All of which have been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, and expressly for this market, and all they ask is an examination of the goods to satisfy all of the truth of what we say. Remember the place. ROSS, MILLS Si CO. Tunk. Pa. May 29th, 1867. JUST. PUBLISHED NEW WORK ON SINGING. RASMNI'S TffEITY MELODIC EXERCISES. I.\ I'OKM or OLFEGGIOS FOR SOTRAA'O OR MEZZO SOTRA.VO VOICES, INTENDED AM Studies to acquire the Art of Singing "These exercises were composed to be used simul taneously with his system, "THE ART or SINGING," or with any other method for the cultivation of the voice, and will take tho place of CONCONE'S SOL FEGGIOS ; being mure melodious and better adapt ed tor teaching. "Some of these exercisos are specially beautiful as well as useful, a mingling of trie dulce et utile which set ures tbe interest as well as the improve ment of the student. The various styles evslopcd n these exercises reader them invaluable in an edu cational poiut of view, a* they tend to enlarge the intelligence and tho appreciation, and at the same time form 'he taste of tho pupil. They must be studied carefully with reference to the innumerable marks of expression and forms of ornamentation.— Upon the minute accuracy with which these are ac compli.died dcjanids the actual sterling advancement of the pupil; any evasion or slurring in these re spects is time and effort utterly wasted, white, on the other hand, a close and patient investigation,ami a minutely and faithful execution of them, will give uneXpert cd power and facility, and open to the student the means and resources bv which great artists produce their most brilliant and profound ef fects. — Watson's Art Journal. In TH O Volumes. Price, each, in Boards, Retail, 82 00 do. do, in Cloth. Retail, 250 A Sample Copy sent by Mail, post paid, on receipt of Wholesale Price, 81,50 Published by \YM. HALL & SON, So 543 Broadway. N. Y. Publishers and dealers in Music, anl Manufactur ers ot ELITES, FIFES, FLAGEOLETS, Ac., Ac. Send for catalogue of prices. iVEW FANCY AND TRMMING STORE Tioga Street, Tunkhannock, Pa. MliS. ft LKASE. HAYIN 3 lately opened a new Fancy Store., of fers for sale an entirely new assortment of TIUMMIN.G Dress Trimmings, White Goods. Embroideries Ladies Zepher, in all colors. Kid Gloves, Cuffs and Collars, Lace, Veils, Corsetts, Ladies Nok ties, best quality of Combs, Needles and Thiead of the best quality, and Fancy Notions of every variety, a large stock of TOYS, Including China, Brouxe. Papier Maohe Tin, Rose wood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden, Parian and Candy Toys, For Ladies. Cosmntics Ac., Such as Pomades, Oils, Bandolina bloom of youth and Paints, Rouge, Lilly White Ac MRS. K. LEASE. Tunkhaaooek, May I, 1566 Uftscellaiuflus. Thomas' Patent Atmospheric CHURN DASH. Patented May 7th, 1867. The must Important and Valuable Intention the I9ty Century, 1. The Dasher is superior to any other, by being m simple as the old dasher, and combining the at mospheric principie therewith, and the Batter Gxlh erct. 2. It is superior to all others, inasmuch as the saute power applied to this in like mechanical oper ations will make one-fourth more reciprocations. 3. It is superior to all others, inasmuch as it pro duces in a much shorter time 4. It is superior to any other, inasmuch as it pro duces a much better quality of Butter. Lastly it is superior to any other Patent Churn , inasmuch as it is 500 per cent, cheaper than any other. It is well known to Dairymen and others, that Butter is contained in minute globules or sacks coh ered with a membrane, and requires the action of air to prepare the covering to be removed by Dic tion. The Scientific American says l ■'lf cream is dashed against hard substance or mashed between bars or rollers,it breaks the globules and becomes oily, by destroying the grain It should be thrown into currents and counter-currents by the action of air, causing a friction by the cur rents against each other, removing the covering without breaking or bursting the globules." This is the principle which the inventor of this Dasher endeavored to kee[ in view, and the result shows a much LARGER YIELD OF BETTER OBTAINED IN LErS TIME THAN ANY OTHER DASHER Experiments have proven that any other method except pumping air through the cream ,will not pen etrate sufficiently to oxygenize all the globules pre paratory to concentrating the butter. Throwing it into the air by clappers of old fashioned Dashers, does not sufficiently expose it to the air to bring out the Butter. The above Patent Dasher has be.-a purchased fur , I Susquehnuua, Wyoming and Luzerne Counties by | A, P Baldwin, of Montrose. The process of churn | ing can he seen on exhiidtion at Wall's Hotel in i Tunkhannock, for a few days by Mr. Reynolds, , agent, who will sell township rights, A. P. BALDWIN, i Mostrose, July 23d, 1067. _ tub c tjU -j- v Vpi,siu> I'.ilou i liru* j new Tannery, j /.V TUA'A'I/A.Y.YOCA \ PA. I which will be cold cheap, and In quantities to mi ! purchaser.J. j H W. RHODES i T6c47tf.