HARVEY SICKLER, Publisher. VOL. VII. t%curiitg Bnnocrat, g Democratic weekly . H^tnen paper, dovuted to Poll . IST, at Tunkhannock ~ 3Y HARVEY SICKLER. W Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advance) $2,00; if lot paid within six months, .i 52.50 will be charged 50 paper will be DISCONTINUED, until all ar itarigssre paid; unless at the option of publisher. RATES OF ADVERTISING. TEX LINES CONSTITUTE A SQUARE. One tqnare one or three insertions $1,50 Every subseqtl nt insertion less than 8 50 RIM. EsTtTK. PERSONAL PROPERTT, and GENERAL ADVERTISING, a# may be agreed upon, PATENT MEDICINES and other adrertisemente oy the column : One column, 1 year, S6O Ilulf co umn, 1 year 35 Third column, 1 year, 25 Fourth column, 1 year, 20 Business Cards of one square or less, per year, with pa; er. *B. EDITORIAL or LOCAL ITEM advertising—with out Advertisement —15 eta. per line. Liberal terms made wiih permanent advertisers EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS and AUDI TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, $2,50 OBITUARIES,- exceeding ten lines, each ; RELI G IOCS and LITERARY NOTICES, not of general! Merest, one half tne regular rates. Advertisements must be banded in bv Tczs vir NOON, to insure insertion the same week. JOB WORK afslikinls neatly executed, and at prices to suit tb# times. All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and JOB WOKE must be paid for, when ordered jtiusiitrss fotfrts. RK.dstV E UTTLM ATTORNsVi AT LAW Office on Tioga Street Tunkhannock Pa U?M. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW Of fice in Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk Itnoock. Pa HS. COOPER, PAYSD'IAN A SURGEON • Newton Centre. Luzerne County Pa. A l„ PA K H Is"II, ATTORNEY AT LAW ' • ffi-e at the Court Huuse, in Tunkhannock WJI miug Co. Pa. It h, RHOADS, PHYSICIAN A surgeon IJ . will attend protn. t!y to all calls in his pro [>i is. May be found at his Office at the Drug |-- re. or at his residence on Putrnan Sreet, formerly I copied by A. K. Peckham E-q. DENTISTRY.- - - DP.. L T. BURNS has permanently located in Tunkhar.noeli I'orongh, and respectfully tenders tit professional servicer to its citizens "dice on second ficoi, formerly occupied by Dr. Oilman. vtinAbtf. PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE, AND OK2T IMEXT AL FATNTIIVG, 'Hy >r. ItUGEH, Artist. Room* over the Wyoming National bank,in Stark's Brick Block, TUNKHANNOCK, PA. Life-sire Portraits painted from Ambrotypes or Photographs —Photographs Painted in Oil Colors All orders for paintings executed according to or der, or no charge made. J ft" Instructions given in Drawing, Sketching, Prtrait and Landscape Painting, in Oil or water Colors and in all branches of the art, Tunk, July 31, 'g7-vguSO-tf. NEW TAILORING SHOP The Subscriber having had a sixteen years prac tits, experience in cutting and making clothing new offers his services in tt>is line to the citizens of SKS.LSON and vicinity. Th'tsij wishing to get Fits will find his shop the pin to gt them. JOEL, R. SMITH -nsfl-6mos B LT ON HOUSED HAKKISHURG, PKNNA. The undersigned having lately purchased the 'BUEHLER HOUSE " property, has already com- Heo -e 1 s-j h alterations and improvements as will fu-ler this old and popular House equal, if not supe " t<. any Hotel in the City of Harrisburg. ■t continuance of the public patronage is refpect kly solicited. GEO. J. BOLTON WALL'S HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE, U XtvIIANNOtK, WYOMING CO., PA. Till s establishment has recently been refitted an 4 lurnished in the latest style Every attention M be given to the comfort and convenience of those •la patronize the House T. B WALL, Owner and Proprietor: I unlihannoek, September 11, IR6I. MEANS' HOTELr towantda, FA.. J>- B. BARTLET, ( Late ol "gRAiNARu HOUSE, ELMIBA, N. Y. PROPRIETOR. nI h nFcY\nI HOTKL . '■ one of the LARGEST is fitted uJ in ViED H " U4e in the country-It mi nn Jinm mo# * *nd improved style, * P ® are to make it a pleasant and zgreeable stopping-place for all v 3, n2L(y. NORTH BRANCH HOTEL. MESHOPPEN, WYOMING COUNTY PA Wm. 11. CORTRIGIIT, I'rop'r [T resumed the proprietorship of the above rent , te !' l ' le undersigned will spare no efforts '*r'he house au agreeable place ol sojourn to II "ho may favor it with their custom. Wm H. CORTRIGHI. 'w, Ird, 1663 BVIIELL & Mnmin iino A L ARGE STOCK OF SPKING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AND For Hale CHE.IP, c ALL KINDS OF Produce TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS AT BUNNELL A BANNATYNE*S Tunkhannock , Pa. Sail. TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA. - WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11 1867. "EYE HATH NOT SEEN, EAR HATH NOT HEARD." Bye bath got seen, ear hath net heard, Oae halffof the miracle land- That Ilea just urer the waters of life, Just beyond ita ehoala, and ita strand, Where our tears change to pearls, our sufferings to Jej, Our dreea becomes gold, without an alloy. Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard. One half of the mysteries there ; The pearly gates, with their legions of guards, Or its blossoms, and fruits ao rare, Of the pastures ao green, and the water* ao still. Where the sanctified host* may wander at will. Eye bath not seen, ear hath not heard, Scarce a note of the harmony sweet— That echoes and rolls o'er those mountains of bliss Tho blood washed spirits to greet— Who. weary of life, hare severed its ties, And mounted by faith to their home in tho skies. Eye hath not seen, ear bath not heard, But a tythe of the mystical lore, Of the country where prophets and patriarchs meet, To part from their kindred no m > ro; But dying, they left us in letters of gold, The blessed assuranee—they're sate in the fold. Eye hath not seen, ear hath net heard, But faith, has these mysteries scanned ; And folded its wings, with the beautiful hope, Of "that rest," in the "unknown land ; We shall go not out from the country so fair. For sickness and death shall enter not there, HOE OUT TOUR ROW. One day a farmer's lasy boy WHS hoeing out the corn, And moodily had listened long To heur the dinner horn. That welcome blast was heard at last. And down be dropped his hoe ; But the old man shouted In his ear— "My boy, hoe out your row !" Although a "hard one" was tho row, To use a ploughman's phrase, The lad, as sailors hAre it. Beginning well to "haic"— "I can." said he and maufully He seised again ais hoa, A nd the old man smiled to see The boy hoe out bis row, The lad this test remembered, And proved the mcrl well. That perseveraocs to the end At last will nobly tell. Take courage theD ! resolve you can, And strike a vigorous blow ; In life's great field of varied toil Always hoe out your row. THE TEST: ORLOVK IN A HOGSHEAD. "They put everything on runners while *!. .* laous, iVI IF UUtO UUb UJUM.SJ j tarry long. Buggy seats, carriage tops, ! crockery crates —all are in the question. ! And I even saw one of the finest horses . in the cty drawing a hogshead on woodi-n | runners, in which were seated a gentleman and lady. They were a fine looking couple and bore off the palm for fast dri ving, as well as the ludicrous looking sleigh conveyance."—Letter from Chicago. Ah reader! and thereby bangs a tale. It was a New Year's day in that far famed city of the West—even in the New Year's day of 'SO. Since Christmas, winter had set in, in good old fashioned earnestness. Snow had fallen to the depth of several inches, and being firm and hard, made excellent sleighing—a rare thing in the city. Indeed our winters seem sadly degener ated of late being much more mild and free from snow than in the days of onr fathers; perhaps to accommodate them selves to our failing health and strength t for this latter fact is but too apparent. Yet this New year's day seemed more a type of the old time. It was cold, yet not too cold, and the Rleighing was excellent. Everybody who had a suitable convey ance, or could get one, even at any price, was out enjoying the rare sport; only the i more keenly to be enjoyed for its very rarity It was indeed a gala day; bright and beautiful still in the human hearts beating so joyonsly beneath! Earnest Hammond sat in bis counting room busily engaged in attending to the reception of a large quantity of goods just arrived. lie was yonng yet; but fast ris ing in wealth and position. Born in the East, he had brought with him all the hab its of strict attention, pleasure must he waived. Therefore, when he did give himself to its enjoyments, it was with double zeal. Naturally warm hearted and impulsive, and social withal as snch a person mnst always be, he keenly enjoyed society. And when he entered it, he was ever a welcome companion, both with his own and oppositejsex. And now cloa ng his books with a look of satisfaction and relief, he determined to give himself to the pleasure of this annual gala day. While business was pending he bad closed his ears and eyes to all else; but now he could not fail to hear the unusual stir in the streets, and to feel that while he had been engaged within doors, all had been life and commotion without. When he came forth the street presented a most novel scene. A more molly, incongruous lot of vehicles it were not not easy to im agine. Such life and hilarity are always infectious, and Earnest soon canght the spirit* He, too, would join the sledgers'; but how ? ITe inqnired at several stages for a sleigh. None were to be had. Yet he was not ea ily daunted, and, moreover, bad an nnusual share of perseverance.— He owned one of the finest horses In the city; of that be felt sure He remem bered, too, that in a remote part of the stable where he had usnally kept him, he had one day noticed a pair of wooden run ners. He would see if in some way a con veyance might not he planned. His Yan kee ingenuity must be brought to the ser ▼ice. He soon reached the stable. The run ners were found, and in good order. But now tor the other part. A hogahead that " To Speak hla Thoughts is Every Freeman's Right. " for 9ome reason or other had been sawed apart and nicely cleaned, stood before him. Instantly a part of it was upon the runners. In a few moments a comforta ble seat was added, and he was ready for a drive. But now arose another difficulty, nn tbought of before. lie must have a com panion—a lady of course ; elsa half the enjoyment would be lost. But who would it be ? Who would be seen even with him in such a conveyance as that ? Ex cuse his vanity, reader mine. He knew he was a favorite. Indecd| ho could not help knowing it. But this was a special occasion. "All the world was out."— Whom could he find brave enough to dare it ? He must see. There were two or three yonng ladies, who had long claimed his special regard, and he felt sure he was not entirely indif ferent to them. He had even been ob serving them of late, striving to learn the true character of each. This he found, as gentlemen and ladies usually meet in city life, rather a difficult matter How he yearned to see through the false surround ings into the true and inner life beneath ! He was rather old fashioned in his no tions, it mnst be confessed ; but he did care more for the real than the artificial more for the heart than the outer adorn ing. But how would it end ? Would he be wiser than his sex ? It was indeed a difficult question but he did not quite de spair. Ella Campbell bad long been of the first in his esteem. But recently he had thought her somewhat vain and superfi cial, caring more for the outer than the in ner man. and he had been cautions in his attentions to her. He would test her now. Driving briskly to the door and throw ing reins over his horse, he quickly rang the bell. A servant at once ushered him into the parlor, where sat the lady of his thoughts. She greeted him warmly ; but on hearing the object of his visit and unique conveyance ho had brought, she plead a previous engagement, and at once excused herself. Earnest Hammond was gifted with a good share of penetration ; and when not previousuly blinded, read character well. Now, instinctively feeling how it was, he politely withdrew. And while he rode gaily away, Ella Campbell sat pouting in the room, unthought and uncared for by Text'visifVas Text'visifVas to the house of Square Reed. Here he had long been a frequent and welcome visitor, and was always received quite "like one of the familv," as the Squire often said, looking knowingly at his two girls, Charlotte and Bella. Charlotte was the older and handsomer of the two; and beauty is always attract ive especially with the men. She was the favorite, too, in society. But at times Earnest had turned from her to the gen tle graceful Bell, with her pure heart, and piquant, innocent ways, almost with a feel ing of love for the latter. Her's indeed was a character to study. Timid and retiring when in the presence of strangers, she was vet singularly artless and confiding with those she best knew and loved. There was a dash of independence, too and a vein of romance in her heart, pleas ant and refreshing to meet. She was gracefnl and plain it is true, but there was a character and strength there, also.— Though her sister might beat please in a crowd, she would be better known and felt at home. All this earnest felt; still beauty fasci nated him. Not that Be.lla was ngly.— Oh no! But she was not beautiful, ei ther ; at least, save in the loving eyes and hearts of those who best knew her. Ear nest liked them both. It were difficult in deed, to determine which was the favorite. As he nea r ed the door he sa 1, within himself, as one often will in cases of doubt. "A look or a word shall decide between ! them. If one or both refuse to ride with j me, it shall be a sign that all is over.— I But if one excepts —why, then who knows what may come of it? lam twenty-eight now; "old enough, as my partner told me j yesterday, "to be married and have a ! home of my own." And so I am.— ; We shall see—we shall see." Two faces were at the window as he drove np. One brightened visiblv, and the other as visibly paled; while a min gled expression of scorn and disappoint ment passed over her fine features. "Good morning, ladies, good morning ! exclaimed he, as he entered their pres ence. I find myself in rather an awkward position just now, and need some one to help me out I must have a drive this morning, yet have been unable to obtain any conveyance save the one von saw as I drove up. What shall I do?" And he looked to Charlotte for an answer. "An awkward position, indeed ! answer ed she. "You bad best drive alone." "But mnst 1?" he asked somewhat sor rowfully. Bella looked np quickly; but she did not speßk. "Snrcly, you do not think a lady would he seen in such a conveyance?" continued Charlotte with a slight toss of her beauti ful bead. Again Bella looked up while a painful flush suffused her cheek. She was sorrv her sister had spoken—sorry for her, grieved for Earnest She- felt snre, too, tfiat she could not have denied him—that whatever he should ask would not be im proper or wrong. How then could her sister speak th ns ? Charlotte noticed the expression, and half read its meaning. She did not much like the reproof i convoyed; and taming to her she said, somewhat scornfully.' /Perhaps my sister will g 0 with you. W ill you. Bella 7' " W\ II you Bella]" the young man repeated earnestly, as he bent over her a glance which thrilled throngh every part of her being. For a moment the blood rushed over her brow and neck, the next it receded, and she answered gaily : "And why not, indeed !" "But will you go Bulla f" again asked Earnest, in that straight manner which ev , er characterized him. "I should like it of all things !" answered the enlli usiastic girl, forgetting the em otion of the moment before; "But remember how we are to go," con tinued Earnest quickly. "Yon will bo the observed of all observ ed," added Charlotte. "And what of that?" called back the delighted girl, as she was half way up the stairs* In a moment she was read v. and,.gaily bidding her sister good bye, she was soon seated be.-ide Earnest, and tbev drove raD idly away. Charlotte half repented her momentary pride when she saw the tender glance of Earnest, as he placed her carefully upon the seat, and drew closer the folds of her large, warm shawl in which she had shown the good senje to wrap herself.— But it WHS too late now ; so taking a book she prepared to spend the morning alone. In the meantime Earnest and Bella had joined the motely throng moving as rapid ly through the city. Now they drove close down to the wa ter's edge, where far as the eye could reach, one saw nothing but the clear blue waters of the lake, with its masts and sails making one think ho were upon|thc Atlan tic coast, instead of so many in the interi or- Anon they looked upon the wide spreading prairie now pure and white with the new fallen snow, and stretching far away till it was lost where earth and sky seemed to meet. Then again they were swiftly passing through the wide and level streets of the city. Oh ! there is life and Qxhilirntion in thus giving one's self up to the enjoyment of the hout ! Nature is a good mother to all ; and when we give ourselves into her keep ing, she will ever fill the heart with joy and gladness. Would that more such exercise —RJPTC Q'jt of door t xercises yere.freeJx so completely within doors, as many do in winter, enough to drive all the roses from the cheek, all joy and gladness from the eye and all freshness from the heart, mak ing one old and dead before his time. The spell of the hour was upon them : and as they sped merrily along, Earnest felt his heart warm more and more toward the pure and artless girl by his side. He had known her long—he bad known her well and she had ever seemed the same— ingenious, truthful, noble and good. He wondered how even for a moment, he had ever thought of another : for she seemed to him, then all that his heart would ever wish or desire. But could she ever be his? or was she destined lor another ? The thought made him desperate. lie could not endure it for a moment. The question must be decided at once, and with him, to resolve was to act. They had been talking gaily of the scene around them—or Bella had been talking, he listened —for amid the multitude of ve hicles in the street, each had to attend pretty carefully to his own; when turning to her wilh another one of those glances thrilled through cverv fibre of her being, he said, and his voice whs low and earnest as he spoke. '•Bulla, I am a business man, and shall do things rip in a business fashion, I love you. Will you be my wife ?" The g'rl looked up as'onishcd. She had long liked him —liked him better than any other on earth ; but she had never dieamed of being his wife. He was so much older, so much wiser than she—for she was scarce eighteen, and in heart a very child —why, did he not take her sister? She could not apprehend it all; and almost doubted if she had heard aright. For many moments she did not reply, Earnest observed her closely, and half guessed in her truthful face the unuttered thought, she was about to speak, the ludicrousness of the scene burst upon her, and she laughed outright. It was his turn now to look astonished. "Why Bella, what is the matter ?" he soon asked, somewhat hurt "Only think 1 making love in a hogshead, laughed the mischeivous girl more merrily than beffirp. "Who ever heard of such a thing!" and this time Earnest joined her* even at his own expense. "Well, well, no matter where," continued he, taking the little hand that lay for a moment outside her sbawl. Do yon love me, Bella? and will you be ray wife? An swer me trulv ; will von be mine ?' "Yes Earnest, yes'. but I most laugh nevertheless. The scene is entirely and wlioly ludicrous. Quite anew order of ro mance !" and again her laugh rang out loud and clear as the song of a bird. And this time Earnest joined in it as heartily as she. He could well laugh now; for had she not promised to be his? No ra dter how ; she was to be bis, all his ! And as he pressed her hand at parting: — "Laugh now as much as you like, but to night I shall call to appoint the wedding day, and arrange for its ceremonies. So, good morning, dearest! and in a moment he was gone. That night all was arranged; Squire Reed and his wife giving a full and free couseni; and in just six weeks from thai time Bel la Reed became Mrs. Earnest Hammond. | "THE WAR A FAILURE." " The fool huth said in his heart, there is Jno GoJ." Such is the language of Scrip ture. But, suppose we omit the first part f of the above sentence—which we print in | italics —would we be justified in sanertirig that the Scriptures declare 'there it no OodP ' Clearly not. It would be a clear and dis j tinct misrepresentation of the Word of : God. It would be palpable lying. No ' one will dispute this; no, not even Mr- Jordon, Chairman of the Republican State I Committee. j And yet Mr. Jordon. in his late address, has lied just as palpably. In speaking of ; the last Democratic National Convention, ,he asserts that the Convention declared "the war a failure.'' Whereas, the dis tinct language of that Convention was, "/or the purpose ot restoring the Union, the war was a faiture." How can Mr. Jordon look an honest man in the, face after perpe traiing such a barefaced falsehood ? Or how ! can any truth-lovir.g citizen follow the lead ' of a man who will thus attempt to cheat by lying. j Time has proven the perfect correctness !of the Democrats at Chicago. The last of i ficial declaration of Douglas was, that "war is disunion." The Democrats repeated the declaration at Chicago in 1864. Three years have since passed away. The Union is still dissevered. "The war still exists," says Congress. Therefore, tho declaration of the Democrats that "for the purpose of restoring the Union, the war was a failure," ; was emphatically true. Aii Old Statesman Speaks. Hon. Thomas Ewing, one of the old, able and trusted Whig leaders, and after wards a Republican, has recently written a letter, defending his 6on, Gen, Hngb Ew ing, from the charge of having stolen any portion of Jeff. Davis' library. He gives the statement a fiat denial, and then after stating that out of four sons, and two sons in-law, five of them were in the federal ar my, and that he himself made war speech es, closes thus : " This will, I trust, be received as a fair record of family loyalty, so far as the war is in question ; but never having sworn al legiance to Summer, or Thad. Stevens, or any of their ilk, and having opinions of my own, as to the constitution and sound pub lic policy I have ventured to differ from this • some particulars, and chiefly in I think there is yet something left of the old Constitution, and that we ought to try and save the piece ; that the South is suffi ciently crushed and humtded, without put ting them under military rule, or letting loose a flight of confiscation vultures, to fatten on the carcass; and especialy Ido not think the President ought to be impeach ed because he differs in opinion with the j two Houses of Congress and because he will not hold still while they whip him with nettles." The reflecting, honest and respectable in the Republican party re fast leaving that organization. The ultra unconstitutional and disgusting every man in its ranks who has a just regard for liberty, peace and fra ternity. BEAUTIFUL THOUGHTS. The same God who moulded the sun and kindled the stars watches the flight of the insect* He who balances the clouda and hung the earth upon nothing notices the fall of the sparrow. He who gives Sa turn his rings and placed the moon like a bail of silver in the broad arch ot heaven, gives the rose leaf a delicate tint, and made the snn to nourish the violet. And the same Being notices the praises of the clicr nbim and the prayers ot the little children. There is but a breadth of air and a beating of the heart betwixt this world aod the next. And in the brief interval of awful suspense, while we feel that death is present with us that wc are powerless, and lie all powerful and that the last pulsation here is but the prelude, of endless life hereafter ; we feel in the midst of the stunning calamity about to befall us, that earth has no compensa ting good to mitigate the severity of our losses. But there is no grief without some beneficent provision to soften its intense npss. When the good and the lovely die, i the memory of their good deeds, like the moonbeams on the stormy sea, lights up our darkened heaits and lends to the sur rounding gloom a beauty so sad, so sweet that we would not, if we eouid, dispel the darkness that environs them. Whitle. —Next to laughing whistling is one of the most philosophical things in which a fellow of good spirits can indulge. Whistlicg is a popular prescription for keeping up the courage—it might be said good spirits. Some genial philosopher has well said on this subject, that whist ling is a great institution. It oils the wheels cf care, supplies the place of sun shine. A man who whistles has a good heart under his shirt front. Such a man not only works more wil ingly, but works more constantly. Aw bis-tling cobler will earn as much money again as a cordwainer who gives way to low spirits and indiges tion. Mean or avaricious men never whistle. The man who attacks whistling throws a stone at the head of hilarity, and would, if he could, rob June of ita loses — August of its meadow larks. Recipe for Making love. Taxe two parts sugar, three of soft soap, a little sage plenty of summer savory add a little wine; mix well together, and leave the whole to "sett" for two or three nigbte. It ia best taken while hoL TERMS, $2.00 Per. ANNUM, in Advance. and otjjfoisf. Why la a tender-hearted person like e home keeper vrith little fttreitare ? Beaenae aha ia easily mr.ved. i When we there only two TO we la 7 In the day aof no a (Noah) before and a (yea and I ) were born. tither goods may hare declined, but the rise in hoop-skirts on the street ia at timet startling. Of all the absurd hats ever seen, the jap aneea bat is the worst. It is a plate with a button on the top. The man who had to lower his shirt collar to pass under a railway bridge, arrived in Nev sYork last week. He was laboring un der a slight attack of "collary morbus." A man who has a wi/e or sweetheart nam ed Lize is not to be believed in anything, , for he's always sure to tell Lize about every* thing. A shoemaker out West has advertised for "a female who haa a knowledge of fitting boot* with a good moral character." Mr. Kent, of Natchez,' was astonished the other day by receiving a bill of lading boxes of tom eats. It should hare been to mato cataup. Why are young ladies kissing each other like an emblem of Christianity 1 Becaose they are doing unt,o each other as they wo'd that men should do unto them. PREM TICK'S LAST.—A young man in lowa after his father's decease, married his step mother. He liked her so well aa a son, ha thought he could got step fa'ther. A man who had been teased to death! for many years by a virago of a wife, when she died had (he following inscription engraved upon the head stone of her grave. "Here lies my wife, and heaven knows, not less for mine than her repose. ~ aU | uv UKIUICUVJC tniAt a ffVVWU and a fodder bed, Sain ?" "Dunno—gin it up." "Kase de tickin ob de watch am on da inside, and de tickin ob de fedder bed am on de outside." FACS AND FIGVRK. —A young speculator, having married a very homely girl, worth something over two hundred thousand dollars v