Local and Personal. The Engineer Corps For this division of the R. R., sre now en gaged in this vicinity. Illness of Judge Elwell. The Bloomsbnrg papers ennonnoe the ill ness of Judge Elwell. Cattdl Bridge. The timbers for ctnal bridges at this place is nuw being framed and will shortly be put up so says the Superintendent. Fight t A ' Free fight" occurred tn our streets at a late hour on Saturday evening last,in which several of the young bloods of town and vici nity, took a hand. We are in blissful ignor ance of names of parties and circumstances. Clothing. H. Rosenberg & Co., have opened up at M.shoppen an extensiva stock of Ready made Clothing and/jents' Furnishing goods. These young men, wishing to establish a permanent business at that place, offer their goods at prices 'hat will secure them the trade in clothing, in that and tbe surrounding region- Out of Repair. The road st the ''dark hollow hill." over which we hsd occasion to pass last week, is so touch out of repair s to be almost impas sable for tesms. The newly appointed Su pervisors of Washington Township, should kok to the matter without delay. The "Singing Pilgrim," By Phillip Phillips, ia having an immense sale, and is considered one of the best Singing Books for the Sunday School now published. It it for sale, wholesale and retail, at L. B. Powell's, 11C Pena Avenue, •Scran ton. For all those * Distressing and Afflic'ing Maladies which originate in Scrofula or an enfeebled or vitia ted state of the blood, nothing can equal the tonic and purifying effect of Dr. Ander'a lo dine Water, a pure solution of fodioe diasolv ed in pure water without a solvent. Change of Firm. Mr F. 11. Smith, who for some months past has kept the Ilankmson Store in upper Meshoppen—ha been succeeded by Daniel Ilankirison and 11. P, Carter—who will con tinue the business under the firm name of Hankinson & Carter. A general stock of Merchandise, suitable to the wants of the farming community, will be kept by the new firm. Purchaseis will consult their best in terests by giving them a call. Stamps on Notes. A week or two since we published what purported to be a decision in reference to sumps on judgment notes. Since which we Lave received a note from a Deputy Collector of the 12th District, which corrects a mistake made in reference to the 50 cent stamps required on notes containing a confession of judgment. The law in this respect, as charg ed by Gmgreas last winter, exempted notes from this 50ct stamp. It is in other respects as published by us, ie ; A 6tamp of scts is nquired for every SIOO or fractional part thereof -and 5 cts for the agreement of waiv er of exemption and inquisition. We would recommend all who want the genuine "Mishlers Bitters" to go to Dr. Reads' Drug Store. It is generallyconceded by all who have • an eye out" for bargains, that be keeps the largest and best assortment of Drugs, \fedioinei Perfumery, Tobacco, Segars, Stationery and all otner articles pertaining to tho trade, of any other Drug Stoap in the country. Call and see for yourselves. Tho great numbers we see constantly going in and out of his establishment, proves that we are correct in what we asset. A Letter to Every body. Sherman & Lathrop, if they were about to write a letiter to every man, woman and child, in the county—which they should do— would probably do it in the following words and figures : TUSK. Pa , Sept. 1, 1867. Dear Allow us to call your attention to the fact that we have just received a large atock of new goods, bought expressly for this particular sea son, and we are quite sure we can suit all your wants in the way of dreis goods, for we bought a large variety eud a full stock, as well as fancy goo- s and trimmings, cloakings and trimmings. Tue styles are beautiful and prices low Our stock of ladies ami cbildreue' shoes are quite extensive, and sure to fit and please. You wilt also find a new and large stock of cloth ing, we havejast been getting made, expressly for this market, and you will agree with u< when you examine it, and say it is well made, and the styles must please. Our famishing goods and Yankee no tions are in full variety, eloih flannel, fancy, linen and cotton ibirta, coll ire, suspenders Ao. Trunks, values, leather and carpet travelling bags satchels, retticules door and carriage malts, has socks, rugs. Ac. as well ts a very large stock of car pets. We keep all kinds of cloth and can make you a suit io fit any time. Yours Trnly, SHERMAN A LATHROP Base Rail. Cur young men have got to work in earn est tt; the matter of this ancient, though greatly, modernized and popularized athlete game, The first regular gatna of the club was played on Saturday last, between some of the leading members and a picked nine, which resulted in the triumph fur the Pt'ct-wick* iaus, as will appear by the annexed score of the game which has been handed us for pub cation. Almost everybody knows how to play the old fashioned, round slakes base ball of our school boy days—but few however, under stand the modern game. For tbe benefit of tho uninitiated an ex planation of the letters appended to names of the different players may be necessary to in dicafe their positioos in the game. The let ters '•()" and U R" at the head of the columns of figures indicate the number of limes the p>ayer was put "Out" and tbe number of ' Runs" or scores made. The letter c she catcher— p, the pitcher or thrower—a s, short stop or fielder. The terms Ist, 2nd 3d b, in dicates Ist, 2od and 3d basemen; I. f. left fielder, c. f., centre fielder and r. f the right fielder. The following is the score of the game played on Saturday last. Tuukhannocks. | Pickad Nine. PLAYERS. 0. R. j PLAYERS. 0. R. ' C kcy. 2 4 Conklin, e 3 6 Mwell, p....5 2 Bolton, p 3 3 | ■ 3 3 Gray, a.a 4 3 4 J Piatt, Ist b 0 6 ; I nfl ii k 4 3 Harbart, 2d b 2 6 MCTOUMU V "! 6 F Piatt, 3d b 4 4 Woleb, r. f.... \ | —J J j ToUI 24 31 I Total 24 38 laaiaoa TuDkhannoeka 6 5 3 0 U\ 6 4 \ *o 31 Scorer—B. S Baldwin of tho ContioouUl Club of Y. City. Jua " c - Wriht "Hytbauda, Love your Wives," And give them Plantation Bitters when Uieyaro suffering from Nervousness, General '"Jj Ftiotoeas,Spasms, or any of tho ! thousand and one diseases to which the weak- ] er sex is liable. Having YOUR SELVES experi enced the benefit of their use, extend tbe blessing to others. This invaluable tonic will chase Hypochsndria or -'the Blues"—give tone to tbo damaged nervous system—gently stimulate languid secretions—dispel vapors and ENNCI, and generally build up tbe worn constitution. For each sex and all ages it is a gentle stimulant aud a refreshing cordial Millions of bottles are sold daily all over the world. Mignelia Water. A delightful toilet article—superior to Co logne and at half the price. Purgative Pills Have become a settled necessity with the American people. Indeed, cathartics always have been and always must be used, in some form, by all mankind. In this country, the pilutar form of administration has been grow ing in favor since pills were first mado of Al ,ies and Rhubard, rolled into a ball. Their high position in tbe public confidence baa finally bee' secured and fastened into pcr | inanency, Ayer's Cathartic Pills,the most j skillful combination ol medicine for the dis | eases they are intended to cure, that science i can devise or art produce. Those who need pills, no longer hesitate what pills to take if j they can get Ayer's Pills.— [Wheeling (Va.) i Press. MARRIED. KASSON—POWELL- On the 2nd inst by Rev. Ja cob Kennedy, Iletiry D. Kasson of Lovelton to Miss Matilda L. Powell of Wiliuot, Bradford DENNISON—RO^S—At Mehoopany, Sept, 2, by | Kev. J. 8 Lewis, A. B. Donni-on M. D. of John sonrille Morrow Co. Ohio, to Miss M. J. Ross of Mehoopany Pa- PALEN— YOUNG— At Parksville, N. Y., on the 28th ult., Mr. Peter E. 1* ilen of Tunkhannock. to Miss Rachel J. Young of Parksville, by Rev: Jacob Ileroy KINTNER—• JENNINGS— At the residence of the bride's mother. Mrs, P. B. Jennings, Muhoopanv, August 29th, by Rev. J. S. Lewis, Capt. J. 8. Kintner and M ; s Mary A. Jennings, all of Me j bo< pany, Pa. IDIOCI, OSTERIIOLT—At Tunkhannock on Friday Morning the 23d Aug., Mary Knox Osterhout, aged 26 years 4 months and 19 days. CAREY'—In Tunkhannock, Aug. 23th, of Consump tion, Mary A. wife of Earl Carey, aged 43 years A FEW WORDS ABOUT BITTER.— When people buy sugar molasses, muslin, j or almost any other commodity at a store, I tliey pay for it according to the quality of I tbe article purchased. Nobody would j think of paying as much for a pound of the i commonest brown sugar as they would for tbe same quantity of pure white pulverized, nor is it asked; but a pound of butter unfit for anything but wagon grease costs tbe same as a pound of the sweetest and fresh- ' est butter in the market. Now, this is manifestly unjust and wrong—unjust to consumers and to those who make good butter. It is an evil that should be remed ied, and may be, if storekeepers will but i take the matter in hand and act in concert. Let them discontinue the practice of paying the same for shoe grease as they do for sweet butter, and we shall soon have more of the latter and less of the former in our market. But the storekeepers must act together in the matter, and stick to what ever they agree among themselves to do. A departure by one or more of them from the rule laid down by all, would not only operate to the disadvantage of other mer chants. but defeat the very thing it was ex pected to accomplish. Let our business men act upon our suggestion. MANY persons in subscribing for a news paper suppose it is a sort of charity —a , work in which ali the obligation is on the pait of the printer, and that they are con i fet ing a benefit on him 6olely. We object to this view. We believe that every one of our subscribers gets the value of his money one hundred fold. Each copy of i our paper if printed in ordinary book fortnj would make a volumn of severa pages, and this or the small ijpm of four cents! It combines poetry, stories, history, travels, local and general news, the markets, politics, public sales, marraiages, deaths, accidents, and in taet is a concentration of all thß is readable and interesting. Put it in the hands of a child, and he not only acquires a habit of reading, but he becomes acquainted with the history and events of bis times, aud hegrowa up to b£ a man of information and general intelli gence. To the woman it is not only a blessed relief from labor and a companion during many a lonely hour, but from it she ; can teach and instruct her children, besides acquiring for herself many useful hints and facts, To the man it is all important, not only because it gives him the information of the day, but because its columns teem with notices which are of vital importance. Is there a new invention, the papers ad vertise it. Is a bank broke, he is at once i informed of it. If an estate is to be settled, ;an accont audited or filed, notice mu>t be given in paper, and thur., in many instances instances hundreds of dollars are saved. Who would bo without their country pa per! It is within the reach of all, and now is the time to subscribe. How TO STOP THE FLOW OK BLOOD.— Housekeepers, mechanics and others, in handling knives, tools and other sharp in struments, frequently receive severe cuts, j from which blood flows profusely and oftitnes endangers life itself. Blood may be made to cease to flow as follows: Take the tine dust of tea and bind it close to the j wound—at all times accessible and easy to ! be obtained. Alter the blood has ceased : to flow, laudanum is advantageously appli ied to thewouud. Due regard to these in structions would save agitation of mind, ' and running for a surgeon, who probably ! would make no better prescription if he j ' were present. Another Counterfeit. —A new and dan gerous counterfeit—national currency—of the denomination of five dollars, has just been put in circulation, which will surely mislead careless handlers of money, and j even the careful, without close observance. On the left end of the note, the wrist of the left aim of Columbus is scarcely visi ble, whereas in the genuint it is distinct At the top, read "This note it secured by boDds." The letters "b" and "y" are too far apart; and the "o" iu bonds is un der the "j" whereas the "b' in the same word is immediately under the "y' in the i genuine. The general appearance of the bill is a close imitation ol the genuine. SPECIAL GOTICW, CAUTION.^ My Wife Angelina having left mr bed and L srd without any just cause or provocation, this is there fore to caution all persons against harboringortruat ing-her on my account as I will pay no debts of her contracting. Tunkhannock Tp. ELLSHA B. LONG- Sept: 3rd 1897. TIIE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH.—There ore the nervous and debilitated should immediately use IIELMHOLD'S EXTUACT BUCHU. I MANHOOD AND TOOTHFUL VIGOR are regained by LISLHAION'S EXTHXCT Bucuc. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injuriou propertied, and immediate in its action. IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU gives health an l vigor to the frame and bloom to the palid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming I symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, con | sumption ineantity, or epileptic fits ensue. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. , TT7HEREAS, Letters testamentary to the estate VV of Asa Keeler, late of Northmorelatid town ship Wyoming County deceased, have been grant !ed to the subscriber. All persons indebte 1 to the | slid estate are requested to rank* dim me into pay ment, and those lining chums or demands against | the estate of said decedent will make known the i same without delay to MILO KEELER, Executor. | Keelcrsburg, July 16, 1867. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, Letter testamentary having boen granted t.ie un dersigned on the estate of Samuel l.yman, late of Mcshoppen Tp. dee'd. Notice is hereb given all persons indebted to the said estate, to make imme diate payment of the same, and all peisonß having 1 claims against the same, will present tlictn duly au thenticated for settlement without delay to O. C. LYMAN, Ex'r. Washington, July 22nd 1867-v6n49-6w, | SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED by Helmbola's Extract Buchu, NOTICE. "IT7HEREAS my wife Ann has left my bed and Y v board without just cause or provocation, I hereby forbij any person harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her con tracting from this date JACOB F. HALL. Braintrim, Aug. 22d, 1867. v7n43w. BRIDGE BUILDING. Notice is hereby given, that the Commissioners of the County of Wyoming, will let to the lowest re sponsible bidder, Ihe erection of tho Superstructure of a bridge across the North Branch of Mohoopany Creek, at or near Russell Burgess', in North Branch Township, Letting to be on Thursday Sept. sth 1867, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the site for the bridge. n. BODLE, L. COOK, U. W. SHERWOOD, Commu-sioners. Commissioners office, Aug 14, '67 Attest; Win F. TFRRY, Clerk ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the Estate of Eben Owen, late of Nicholson Township, dee'd, having been granted the uudersigned, All persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated fur settlement, and all persons indebt ed to said estate will make immediato payment of the same, to Wm. OWEN, Adm'r. Falls, Pa Aug. 7, '67—v7n2-6w, LOST- On the 20th inst on the River Bank at Tunkhan nock a Pocket Book containing about 811, in money and about 880. in read orders on Mehoopany Town ship. Tbe tinder will be rewarded by leaving it at Wall's Hotel or at tbe Democrat office. M. Walters, v7-n3-l w FOR NON-RETENTION on INCONTINENCE of Urine, irritation, inflamation, or ulceration of the bladder, of kidneys, diseases of the prostrate glands stone iu tho bladder, ealeulus, gravel or brick dust deposits, and all diseases ot the bladder, kidneys, and dropsical swelllings. USE IIKLHBOLII'S FLCIP EXTRACT Brcnr HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BU CHU, Is the Great Diuretic. IIELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Chemistry ir.d Bburinacy, aud ura the most active that eau ba made. TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN SAFE REMEDIES for unple.isaDt and dnngerou iseas s. Use Heltnbold's Extract Buchu and Irns roved Rose Wash. SCHBVCK. 9 9EA VEED TONIC. This medicine, invented by Dr. J H. SCHVNCK, of Philadelphia, is intended to disolve the food and make it into chyme, the first process of digestion.— By cleansing the stoma h with Schenck's Mandrake Pills, the Tonic soon restores the appetite and food that could cot be eaten before using it will be easily digested. Consumption cannot be cured by Schenck's Pul monic Syrup unless the stomach and liver is made ealthy and the appetite restored, hence the Tonic and pills arn required in nearly every onße of con consumjAion, A half dozen botties of the EA WEED TONIC and three or four boxes of the MAN DRAKE PILLS will cure any ordinary case of dy pops i a. Dr. SCHESCK makes professional visits in New York. Boston, and at his principal Office in Philadel phia every week. See daily papers of each place,or pnm phlet on consumption for his days for visitar tion. Please observe, when purchasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of Consumption, and the other as he now is, in per fect health, are on the Government stamp. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, price $l5O pe bottle, or $7 50 'he half dozen. All letters for ad vice should be addressed to Dr SCHENCK'S Principal 0 ce, No, 15 North gth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. eneral Wholesale Agents : Dennis Barnes A Co N. Y. ; S. S. Hance. Baltimore, Md j John D Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker A Taylor Chicago 111; Collins Bros, St, Louis, Mo.|ygnl4-lst mo ly- NOTICB, All persons indebted to the estate of Geo. S. Tut ton Esq late of Tunkhannock, Pa.,dec'd., by book account, note, or otherwise, will save trouble and ex pense by making a speedy settlement with SARA TI'TTON. IIARVEY SICKLER. Adtnr's, Tunk, Pa. Jtine 24 th 1967.—tt. 0. S. INTERNAL REVENUE Notice is hereby given that the Annual list of Excise taxes for 1867 has been transmitted to me 1 y the Assessor, and the same has become due and pay able. All persons Assessed in the County of WYOMING. Will make payment to F. M. CRANE, Deputy Col lector, on or before the 6th day of September 1867 at his office in the store of Daniel Wright, in Tunk hannock. Notice is also given that all persons who neglect or refuse to pay the duties and taxes Assessed upon them within the time specified, will become liable to pay the penalties imposed by law, iu addition. H. L. SCOTT, Collector 13th District. Penn'a. Colleetoris Offioe, Towanda, Pa., Aug. 17, '67 v7n4-3w BRANI)RETH'9 PII.LS.-These Pills are safe aud sure Tbey are prepared by a process which secures ail the best qualities of the herbs of which they are composed, wit hoot any of their bad They benefit in all cases, and do harm in none. See H. Brandreth is in whit* tetters on the Gor. eramvut stamp. T7 BI lin- ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE, IETTERS of Administration on tile . estate of J Lndd Shoemaker, lata of Wiodhaut Towdship dec'd, baring been granted the undersigned, notice it hereby given all persona indebted to the s*id es tate, to make immediate payment of tne same , ami alt persons having claims against the same wilt pre seut them without delay duly authenticated for settlement to HARRISON C'OMSTOCR. North Branch, Aug. "23rd, 1867. v7u46w THE HEALING POOL, AND HOUSE OK MERCY. Howard Assoc!allon Reports for YOUNG MEN uu the CRIME OF SOLITUDE, and the ER RORS, ABUSES and DISEASES which destroy the manly powers, and create impediments to MAR RIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent in sea'ed letter, em elopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILI.EN HOUGHTON, Howard Association' Philadelphia. Pa. 6n44-Iyear- CHILDREN'S LIVES SAVED FOR 5 CENTT, THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN DIE ANNUALLY Now, mothers, if you would S|)end 50 cents, and always have a bottle of Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment iu the house, you never need fear losing yonr little one when attacked with this complaint It is now 19 years since I have put up iny Liniuaent, and never heard of a child dying of Croup when my Liniment was used ; hut hun lreds of cases of cures have deen reported to mo, and many state if it was #lO per bottle they woutd not be without it. Besides which, it is a certain w building weft from Omaha, Nebraska, and for | iniiig, with its western cinnections, n unbroken line across the continent, attracts attention to the value of the First Mortgage floods which the Company now offer to the pulllo. The first question asked by prudent investors is, "Are these bonds secure 1" ! Next, "are they a profitable investment V to reply t in brief; Ist. The early completion of the whole great line to the Pacific is as certain as any future business eveni'can be. The Government grant of over twen ty million acres of land and fifty million dollars in i its own bonds practically guarantees it. One fourth i of the work is already done, and the track continues ! to be laid at the rate' of two miles a day. 2d. The Union Pacific Railroad bonds are issued j upon what promises to be one of the most profitable j j lines of railroad in tha country. For many years it ' ' must be the only line connecting tho Atlantic and ! ■ Pacific ; and being without competition; it can main ' tain remunerative rates, I 3d 425 miles of this road are finished, >nd fully ; equipped with de< ots, locomotives, cars, and i two tisirs are daily running each way. The raateri- j | llls f or the ,emaining 131 miles to the eastern base ! of the Rocky Mountains ore on hand, and it is under !.contract to : o dot. ■ in September. 4th Theu- t • a.oings of the sections already fin • ished are several timet greater than the rold inter- ! est upon the First Mortgage Binds upon such sec -1 tions, and if not another mile of the road were built 1 i the part already completed would not only pay in- i terest and expenses, but he profitable to tho Com- ; I pany. sth. The Union Pacific Railroad bonds can be is ued only n* the road progresses, aod therefore can never he in the market unless they represent a bona fide propcrtv. i 6ih Their amount is is strictly limited by law to a sum equal to what is granted by the U. S. Gov- \ eminent, and for whi hit takes a stennd lien as its i security. 'lbis amount upon the first 517 iciies west from Auiahu is only $16,000 per mile. 7th The fact that the U. 5. Government consid- j I eisa second lien upon the road a good investment, j and that some of the shrewdest railroad builders of j the country have alread- paid in five million dol- j I Urs upon the stock (which is to them a third lien), may well Inspire confidence in a first lien. ; 8(h. Although it is not claimed that there can be ' iny better securities that Governments, there nre parties who consider first mortgage upon such a property as this the very best security in the world, and who sell their Governments to re-invest in tbeso j bonds—thus securing a greater interest. ! 9th. As the Union Pacific Railroad bends are offer | ed for the ) resent at 90 cents on the dollar and ac ' crued interest, they are the cheapest security in the market, being over 15 per cent, less than U. S. | Stocks. 10th, At the current rate of of premium on gold, they pay Over Nine per Cent. Interest. The daily subscriptions are already large, and j the will continue to he received in New York by the j Continental National Lank, No, 7 Nassau St. Clark, Dodge & Co., Bankers, 5l j Wall St, John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, No. j 33 fFall St. and by BANKS -AND BANKERS generally through- ! . out the United States, of whom maps and descriptive t 1 pamphlets may be obtained, They will also be sent ; i by mail from the Company's Office, No. 20 Nassau Street, New York, on application. Subscribers will select 'heir own Agents in whom they have confi- j 1 dence, who alone will be responsible to them for the j safe delivery of the bonds. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, NLAV YORK. i v6nA3-3m. , ESTRAY. CAME to tho enclosure of tho subscriber, on or about the 20th May last A YEAKLIXG STEER. The owner is requested to come forward , prove I property, pay charges—of advertising Ac.—and take it away; otherwise it will be disposed of according to law Win. F CAIRL Monroe, August 26th. 1867. v7n43wj 1 UELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BPCIiU Is a certain euro tor diseases of the i BLADDER, KIDNEYS. GRAVEL. DROPSY, OR GANIC WEEKNESS, FEMALE, COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS. whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are sup ported from these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon pioinpt use of a re | liable remedy. UELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by H.THIXMROLI), j DRUGGIST, 591 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Street,Philadelphia,Pa I v6u'.'9 ly. Jftiwllaiifflus. TiirrniursfiT BARB Bit AND HAIR-DRESSER Take* pleasure in Announcing to his old customer* and the public; generally, 'hit He hu now sectored the services as at> aesuunt—ol LATE FRIiMjPASIS, Those wishing a good skate or other work in his line can now be accommodated without the vexation* deli js experienced at "one bone'' shops. SHAMPOOING, HAIR-CUTTING, DRESSING, DYEING, CIIRLINt), tc , Ae . done in ths best style and at reasonable rates. TtKKALES, TEH* UMETftr and EX TEA C tS, always on hand, an I for sale at the old stand oa Tioga Street. J BERLINQfIOf Tunkhannocb, Pa ; Feb. 12, 1867—6n27-tf.. FARMERS AND SlECtf AJfiCS* Take Notice. SURFACE PLAMNGand MATCHING, CIRCULAR and SCROLL SAWING; ALL KINDS of MACHINERY rcpaip in good style PLOWS, HARROWS, TORS, HORSE-HOES, ROLLE/fS, and SCRAPERS, on hand or to order. Power and hand Cornshellers; and Farming tools generally, MILLER A AVERT, v6n43-Iy. sherman&atMpT" (Successors to John Weil,) AT THE OLD STAND, NEXT DOOR TO THB BANK,AT TTJD7B:ZZANffOOa, Take pleasure iu announcing to the people of Wyo ming County, that they are now rec jiving from New York one of the largest and most complete assort ment of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS; WOME'9 AND CHILDREN'S • Hot?; CASSIMERES AND GENTLFMEN'S FtjRNt;H?NG IS WW S3 © f and a largo stock of READY-MADE (glotljing purchased from a Crtt class New York House at pri ces trom 10 to 20 per cent. lower than the usual rates; enabling them to dispose bf thhii! at prices 'TJELOWALL COMTETITOHb Having had 20 year's expeiienee' in this business they feM certain thai they can secute a trade at this point; and to do this,they only ask the people to Co MB ASV SKK THEIR GOODS AXD PBICES, BUTTER, EGGS, ard PRODUCE, of ALLIKfNDS tisen at the highest market rates in exchange for Goods or Cash at the option of the seller, H. N. SHERMAN, I, B. LATHROP, H W E K E E P I | A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS, \ cr> AND P A Y s Cash for Veal skins and Hides. SULIiM4.N <& LATH OP. - i lEV MILLISEHY & FASCY IBS. MRS. BARDWELL is now receiving a splendid stock of SPRING k SUMMER Goods oft 11 the urw est SHAPES of FELT an 1 VELVET HATS fur LADIES and CHIL DREN. ANo BONNETS. VELVET RIBBONS, FLOWERS, and FEATHERS; and a full assortment of FANCY GOOES, at prices to defy competition- All the latest styles of paper patlettt, i SLEEVESj CLOAKS, JACKETS. &c.,