Local and Personal. foil' t . . The Courts which are now in session here ( J w.U attended, Criminal matters seem to predominate of the liquor laws j fL . numerous. T ),c Meloileona mid Orgatn. Furnished from the music establishment ftp. Powell 116 Peun Ave. Scranton ° * eve'rv where spoken of as iostiuinents of j the very host class. Ai)oJogel |r * The illn-ss of one of our typos ; and our duties in Connection wuh the Courts, must be taken as an exeuse for any errors of onus f jon i r coinmissiun iu this issue of the Vein- , ocrtit. K, R. Bridge. The stone for the abutments and piers of the Railroad Bildge at this place, are now b"ing>put upon ihe ground. Mes-rs. Nelson, John, and Wellington Lee, we believe have contracted to put up this work. Til# Canal. The caral which the Company were unable to fifl with wa'er, by reason of its scarcity in in the river, and the great absorption by the dvv banks is now filled and in condition for boatiug. Refreshing, The long and soaking rain of last week, which sueceded one of the severest drouths which has lafien to Ihc lot of people in county, for many years. —did as the saying is "a heap of good" to almost every thing and every body. "Corner-stone laying. The corner stone of the new Methods! C.iUrch, at this place, was laid on Tuesday last, with apropriate rergi >es cermonies. in winch the Rev Mr Clmstead, Rev .7. P. Wib Rev J. L. Legg end others particepated. Taking Medicine. To cure His ases occasioned by a d. ficiencv enron in lite b'ood. without restoring if to lhi system, is like trying to repair a building •wh.:o the foundation is g -ne. The Peruvian "Syrup (a pntoxi le of Iron) supplies this tie ficiency an I bnildi up an iron constitution Changing Titles, Mr Henry Stark of Philadelphia on his last visit to this placed, disposed of five or nx house lots one or two of them with houses j upon them, to different purchasers here The present owners propose to build up .n and otherwise improve them. I.et the work go on. Declines. It is said George W. Woodward positively declines to be the Democratic candidate for C.ingreasnmn for this district. It seems now probable that J. B. Stark will be the Democratic nominee. Upon the Republican side W. W. Ketcharn and G -o. Uoray are prominently mentioned, i _Scranton Journal. Large Field of Wheat. Lewis 11. Litts sq of Newton Luzerne Co, last year, cleared and sowed to wheat 70 acres of new or fallow ground in one lie d, and at the present harvest took therefrom up war Is of 1500 liushels of fine plutnp wh'te wheat. The entire crop, with the exception of eoought for a short cake or lw., reserved by Mr. Litis, has been sold to Brown aud Weckiztr, of the Falls Mills. A Powerfull Rival. There is a new patent Sewing Machine, (call ed the S'ar Shuttle.) manufactured in Cleve land, Ohio, by W. G. Wilson & Co., and sold lor Twenty Dollars, that makes the Lock Stich otrotlar to Wheeler & Wilson and other first cia-s machines. The manufacturers claim that it is equal in s'Ze, finsh and work manship, to any other first class machine, be side being able to do the same range of work The Fair. The Fair given by the Methodist Ladies aid Society, at the Ctiurch on Monday e&ventng, i was. we are told, a very fair Fair. A large ru alter ot very elegant and desirable article* were on exhibition, anil disposed of ior re munerative prices, while the society added considerably to iheir friends, every one pres ent felt that he received a quid pro quoor Agricultural Society. The Glenwood Agricultaral society has col lapsed by teason of the destruction of then grounds by the freshets. A new society, however has b.-en organized at Nicholson, and a 6plendd track and grounds Lave been se cured and is now being lit ted up. The Socies tv propose to give their first iair about tiie la-t days of September. The premiums list will shortly be puhli-hcd. Eels out of muil. Passing by Mr.Asher Fitch's place,in Falls, the other tlav, we were very suddenly bro't to a deal halt, by being asked if we didn't "want a rness of eels " Of course the inter rogator didn't know us, a well as we know ourselves, or he wouldn't have asked such a 6'liy question. We excused the insult, an .t have put ourselves outside of the larger pur tion of' them stuiks," winch with ail eleven pound bas, were captured by Mr. Fwhile out speariug the night before. None of the : finny tribe tbiiik of getting away from Asher when be rially "goes lor them." The Crops and Prices, The harvest has been gathered, and the barns of our farmers are well tilted with grain of a superior quality. There will be no lack of bread, and the price of flour mu-t rule considerably lower than it did throughout last year. This will afford s- :ne slight relief to the laboring classes, who fiud it difficult to make their scanty turnings meet all th demands ur.de upon them, But the rebel experienced from an abundant crop will be on'y partial and c -mparauvely slight. There j wi.l be no considerable reduction in the price ; cf the thousand and oue articles which tn'er into the consumption of every family in the i .iand. Clothing, groceries aud almost every thing which is needed will soon continue to ; rule at high pr.ces so long as gold stands at its present rate ol preraiu n and the only tnon j ey in circulation is a depreciated paper cur rency. The high taxes now in iorce will keep goods of all kinds up to exorbitant fig- ! tires preventing a returu ol 1"W prices and ! pf'tsptiuus times for years to come. With the industry of one half the country prostra- j 'td, and the energies of the South crushed ] beneath the Ton heel of a military despotism there can he no change f>.r the better. Only , when th e fanatics now in power are hurled ■ om office, and a reign of good sense, states- j in a-ship and justice inaugurated in the place o I ie infamous and unwise system hoW pre- | lai tng, can the people expect relief from the ur. iei,B w in-1 pres. g „ heavily upon them, j wi'lTo W l "| < x '' lCt l ' ial ® single abundant crop V ; , ? *" f Ma^n anl trade,and , ■> l " e pi'Ce of everything are doom ed to be sadly disappointed.— tSTRAY NOTICE. tatno to tLe enclosure o(!.'*• subacrihar in Tunk- ! ' a ®nock Township on or about the ." rsc of July Uxt, bull of a deep red collot. The -wner is r,d c " tte for ' ar.l prove praerty pay cbrgeJ ' ■ending il"* 7 o,herwi hs e||! 1,3 de-posed ol j Tunkharowv , MARGARET KINTNER \\ 7-aJ 3w 7® nook 20th 1807. J DEMOCRATIC MEETING. At a meeting of the Democratic Standing Committee and others of the Convention,held at the the Court House in TtiDkhannoek, on evening of 19th August, 18G7. Meeting cal ibd to order by Maj L. C. Conklin, Ahira I Gay Eq. was appointed President, C. L. Vaughn and Nathan Kline Esqr.'s, Vice Pres iJents ; Davenport Iladley and John G. Spaulding. Secretaries ; Object of Meeting stated by II m. Win, M. Piatt. Meeting ad dressed by Hon. Win. M. Piatt, II >n. R. R. Little and Ahira Gay, E-qrs.. The follow ing icsolutions were unanimously adopted : MR. LITTLE offered the following : WHEREAS, The desperate eagprness of the ' party in power to maintain its upieruaey,has exhibited itself in nothing more emphatically than in its activity in the support of its local presses,(the chief instrumentalities of assault ! upon, and misrepresentation of the motives, principles, aft 1 purposes of the Democratic party) while those members of that party whose fi lebty to tin- principles of the Fathers has withstood all hope of official preferment, all expectation of profit (rum government patronage, and all the appliances and allure ■ , mt-nls of shoddy, have contended themselves ■ with mere protests against the great public I wrongs winch they were lor the time power j Jess to avert, and VT'.'iUREAS, The best and most efficient means of vindicating those principles consists |t. the liberal supp >rt and enlargement of the j circulation of the local conservative journals 'of the county. Therefore, ! 1 Resolved —That the Democratic Standing Commit te of this County aro instructed to take into c moderation the bet means of en : larging the circulating of the Wyoming i)eni* ' ucrut ; 2 That every Democrat in the County owes it to himself and to his country, to heartily Ci". opei ate in this movement not j niy by subecrintng, but by exerting his in tluence in tins behalf. MR PI AT I', uffareJ 'ho following 1. Resolved —That the Democratic party in ihe nomination of the Hon. George Shars wuoii for the high position of Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania—have mani fested much wisdom in the selection of a can : delate eminently qualified by experienced uc-Uion, an l talent, to fill the office with credit to himself and honor to the great State of Pennsylvania. 2. That hereaftcf the Democratic party I jof Wyoming County hold each anl every j v<-ar on the M otiy eveuing of August, j Court, an annua! meeting of the party, and ' [h ,t tiiis be one,of the Standing Rules of the \ \ Democritic party —and that the chairman of ! of the Democratic Committee call said Meets ing at least six weeks before the time of I meeting. 3. That the proceedings be published in the W}oming Democrat. HOW TO BUILD A CISTERN. You desire to build a Cistern that will i do aw ay with the necesity of a well, it can be effectually and satisfactorily aeeom- < plished bv the following metlioil ; —Coin- It etc the Ci.-.tern by thoroughly cementing the walls as usual ; then build np in the centre, with soft brick, cement and sand for tit >rtar, a square box to hold, say a barrel of water. Into this box insert your pump pipe—the water will filter through the brick and keep a constant supply of j water clear as crystal and ready for use, filtered in the in >st perfect manner. We got this idea from our townsman, Mr John [ F. Lewis, of large experience in cistern building in England, and we are adopting it at our own dwelling Any one can read tlv perceive that water which passes through brick must necessarily be thor oughly filtered. All tilings being equal rain water is admitted to be better lor ; drinking than even well water. — I'itlston , Crazeltc. LYING IN Ht:n.—lt is often a question among people who are unacu minted with the anatomy and physiology of men, wheth er King with head exalted or level with I the b dy, is the most wholesome. Most, consulting their own ease on this point, ar- j ' gue in favor cf that which they prefer. Now, all hough many delight in bolster ing np then heads at night, and sleep soundly without in'nry, yet we declare it , to be a dmgerous habit. The vessels in j which the blood passes from tiie heart to j the head are always lessened in their cavi- j ties when the head is resting in bed higher than the body ; therefore, in all diseases at i tended with fever, the head should be pretty nearly ona.level with the body ; and people ought to accustom themselves to i sleep thus, and avoid danger. — Medical j Ju'iriml. i \ NOVEL ADVERTISEMENT. —The fol lowing novel matrimonial advertisement recently appeared in a Western paper : "I am eighteen years of age, have a good set of teeth, and beleive in Andy Johnson, tiie star spangled and the 4th of July. I have taken up a State lot, cleared up eight t en acres last year, and seeded ten of it down. My buckwheat looks first rate, and the oats and potatoes are bully. I j have got nine sheep, a two year old bull j and two heifers, besides a house and barn. I want to buy bread and butter, hoop skirts and waterfalls tor some persons of the female persuasion- dining my life— That's what's the matter with me. But I ' don't know how to do it." THE EAGLE. i lie clasps the crag with hooked hands, (To-e to the sun in lonely lands. Ringed with the azure world he stands. ! The wrinkled sea beneath hitn crawls, lie watches from his mountain walls, And like a thunderbolt he falls. Tennyson. ; A Western critic thus travesties the lau reate's eagle: THE EAGLE. Tilth hooked claws he clasps ye fence, Close by yo hen-roost ; gazing thence, lie spies a mice what's got no sense. Yc mice beneath can't well see him, lie watches from his lofty limb, ' Then jumpeth down and grabbeth him. He tints draws bis conclusion, The difference fwix the two I now will paint His i agio's wild, and mv eagle ain,t. ~ LOST. A Yearling Rull-Jeep red, *hort horn.', the end ot •he tail white. Any one (jiving '"formation of the , tsaassfiw -1 TunkhaoCo.-i August 1 ! SfaffllilllfOUK LADIES & (VEXTI.EMEE Employed. Picture business. Very profitable No risk. — 17 eptciinen Pictures and cataUsue sent for 15c ! pistage. MAN SON LANG, 2'J7 Bowery, N. Y ; City. j MORE CONN PER ; THAN ZII U MONTH. ! Made with Siet.cil Dies. Send for t'ata ; logtie aud Samplt-ss, free, S. Xf. SPEN. i t'Elt & CO,, Urattleboro, Vt, j M d AGENT.N wanted, to soil Six New In j vZVTv/venttous, of great value to lainilies* all j pay gnat profits. Srtui 25c. aud get 80 yages ami : sample gratis. Agents have IU icle SIOO,OOO. — Ephraim Crown, Lowell, Massachusetts. M VDAM P'OY'S ■T\ /~X Corset Skirt Supporter i s$L c ' imhincs in one garment A PBR f* Pi er RITTISA CORSET, and the most k.-irablo .-kirt Supporter ever of fered tho public. It places the weight of the skirts upon the shoulders instead of the hips; it improves tlia form without tight hieing; gives ease and elegance; is approved and recommended by J. B. SAUNDERS ! Ofi Summer St., Boston. !: PAINTS 1011 FARMERS AND OTHERS.—TIIK GRAFTON MINERAL 1 PAINT COMPANY, are now manufacturing the ' Best, Cheapest and tnot Diiranlo Point in use; two | coats well put on mixed with pure Linseed Oil. will last 10 or loyeers; it is of a light brown or beauti ful chocolate color, and can bo changed to green, lead, stone, olive, drab or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses. Barns, Fences, Agricultural Implements. Carriage and Car makers, Pails and Wooden-Ware, Canvas, Metal i an l s'biogle Roofs, (it being Fire and Water proof,) Bridges. Burial Cases. Canal Boats. Ships and Ships' Bottoms, Floor Oil Cloths, (one Manufacturer having useJ 5000 bids, the past yerr.) and as a paint for any I pu.oose is unsurpassed for Body, durability, elastic ity "and adeesiveness. Price $6 per bbl.. which will supply a tk"*ner for years o come. Warranted in : all cases as above Send for a circular, which gives full particulars. No.:e genuine unless branded in a ! trade mark Grafton Miueigl Paint. Address I>AN ' IEL BIBWELL, Proprietor, 25d st, N. Y. i 171KE, I, IFF, St ACCIDENTAL r GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCi ! ' MOSTKOSE, TA. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER | $30,0 0", COO! f ■ Home Ins. Co., N Y.,Capital and Surplus,B3..'oo 000 Ins. Co. of N. America, Phila. " '• J,Boo, -"0 International Ins. Co-, N. Y, " ' 1 500.00# Lycoming Co. Mutual, Muncy, Pa, " 3,000,000 ! Farmers' Mutual, York, " BtiO.OOO Ins. Co.. S ate of Pa., Phila., Pa. " 700,000 Hartford Eire Ins. Co, Hartford Ct. " 1,800.000 Putnam " " *' " 600,U00 Travelers' Ins. Co., of Hartford Ct. insur ing against all kinds of accidents. 5P0.000 CCXXLCTICUT MCTIJAL LIVE INSVRAXCB COMPABT. of II irtford, Ct., paving 60 per cent, divi dends to the imurei. Capital $10,000,000 Notes received in payment of otic-half the premium, on which six per cent, interest only is to lie paid, an l only four notes re quired. The notes are never to lie paid un der any circum-tauce* —Policy will bo paid in full and notes given up. Assets over 83,000,000 ; AMERICAN LTFE INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia, Pa., Cajital, $1,000,000 C. 11. SMITH, Solicitor, Montrose, Pa. HARTFORD LIVE STUCK INS. CO, Capital $5000,000 . • I'uronce on all kivtbt of Live Stoek against j Theft and Deal ft om any cause. All Business entrusted to our care will be attended to on fair termes, and all Losses promptly adjusted BitLisiis Srttui d. > STOL'D A BROWN. Agents, : CUAS. L, BROWS. } I M. C SUTTON, Esq., Friendsville, Pa, Solicitoi Office first door east of "Brick Bl ;ck," uiunlrose, Pa. r7-n3-tf. ROSS# MILLS &C 0 Corner Tioga and Warrgn Streets, '1 FNKI K\XOC K, 1'!" N* N'A. ; Are now opening a largo stocko HARDWARE, such as IRON, STEEL & NAILS, i'uints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Var nishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail Hods, Building Hardware, Mechan -1 ies Tools, Wooden Ware, Brushes of all kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, Seives, Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cloth, Rosin, Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c. HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE, Buckles, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated Bitts of every kind, Ilantes, Iron Pad Trees, Saddle Trees, Gi£ Trees, Girth Web, worsted ami Cotton, Thread, Silk Awls, and needles, lialter Chains, Trae* j Chains, Ac. Ac. PAINTS AND OILS,! SPERM, AND LUBRICATING OILS ALSO CROCKERY, GLASS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE j ! WINDOW aud PICTURE frames, ; GLASS OF ALL KIND 3. . Wails and Hand-Rakes at wholesale and retail. All of which have Leon ! SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, j and expressly for this market, and i all they ask is an examination ot the ; goods to satisfy all of the truth of j what we say. Remember the place. ROSS, MILLS & Co. t Tunk. Pa. Mav 29th, 1867. I j fpmal floticfs. Notice is hereby given, that the Commissioners of the County of \Uyoming. will let to the lowest re sponsible bidder, the erection of the Superstructure of u bridge aoioss Iho North Crunch of Mehoopany Creek, at cr near Russell Burgess', in Noeth Branch Township, Letting to be on Thursday Sept. sth 1867, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the sire for the bridge. 11. BODLE, L. COOK, * G. W. SHERWOOD, Commi-'sioners. Commissioners office, Aug. 11, '67. Attest; Win F. TFRRY, Clerk ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the Estate of Eben Owen, l ite of Nicholson Township, dee'd , having been granted the tAdjereigne I. All persons having claims against said eltate will present them duly authenticated for settlement, and all persons indebt ed to said estate will make immediate payment of the same, to Wn. OWEN, Adm'r. Falls, Pa Aug. 7, '67—v7n2-6w. I.OiwT- On tbo 20th inst on the River Bank at Tunkhan nook n Pocket Book containing about #ll, in money and about #BO. in read orders on Mcboopany Town ship. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at Wall's Hotel or at the Democrat office. M. Walters, v7-n3-lw lIfcLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCiIU gives health an J vigor to tlio frame and blootn to tbo palid 1 cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming svmptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, con sumption insantity, or epileptic fits ensue. P 0 K SALE. TWO TOP r.FGGTES, ONE NEARLY NEW F0 R 82 0 0 ONE BUT SLIGHTLY WORN. fob $l5O. Will be sold for cash or exchanged for bark. PALEN BROS. Tuck Juno 24th 1867.—\6n46-tf. fOR NON-RETENTIOiI OR INCONTINENCE "f Urine, irritation, inflamution, or ulceration of the bladde", of kidneys, diseases of the prostrate glands, stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick dust deposits, and ill diseases ot the bladder, kidneys, and dropsical (welllings. Use IILLMBOLD'B FLUID EXTRACT Bccnr. lIELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BU- CilU, Is the Great Diuretic. IIELMiiOLD'B CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SAR3APARILLA " Is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Chemistry md llharmacy, and ara the most active that can ba in add. GONE FOREVER! So say tba ladies of their beauty, when the mirror shows them f£"ir once jet or golden ringlets streak ed with grey. But never was there a more False Conclusion. Though the hair be as white a" Time s own fore lock, or worse still, as red as a fiery xJ fi teor— PRESTO! it is invested in a moment with the most magnifi cent black or brown by the agency of CRISTADORA'S HAIR DYE, a perfectly wholesome and purely vegetable prcpa tion Manufactured by J. Crista! ora, 6 Astor House, New York, Soli by Druggists. Apolied by , all Hair Dressers. v7-nl-lm. ENFEE3LED AND DELICATE CONSTITU TIONS, of ho h soxe, use llelmbold's Extract, Bu- [ chu. It will eerisk andgive energetic feelings and euable you to sleep well. TA. NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN j SAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dangcrou iseas s. Ise llelmbold's Extract Buohu and Ims j roved lloso Wash, IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU IS pleasant in tast • an 1 odor, free Irom ail injurious properties, and immediate in its action. Dr, SCHCNCK'S IMUI.MOVICH SYRUP This great medicine cured Dr. J 11. SCIIENCK, the Proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, wheu it had assumed its most formidable aspect .and when speedy death appeared to he inevitablo. Ilia physicians pronounced his case incuraiile, when he commenced the use of this simple hut powerful remedy. llis health was restored in a very short time, and no re turn of the disease has been apprehended, for all the symptoms quickly disappeared, anl his present weight is more thin two hundred pounds. Since his recovery, he has devoted his attention exelusi/ely to '.he cure of Consumption, and the dis eases which are usually complicated with it, and the cures effected by his medicines have been very nu merous and truly won lerful. Dr. SCHEXCK makes profess onal visits to several of the larger citie weekly, where he has a largo concourse of patients, and it is truly astonishing to see pa ir conusinpti ves that have to be lifted out of their carriages, and iu a few months healthy, robust jiersons. Dk SCHEXCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP, SEAWEED TONIC, and MANDRAKE PILLS are general!; all required in curing Consumption. Full directions accompany each so that any one can take them without seeing 2'r. SCHEKCK, but when it is con venient it is best to see bim. He gives advice free but for a thorough examination with his Respirome ter his lee is tnree d liars. Please observe, wben pur> hasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor—ono when in the last stsge of Consuuiptioi, and the other as be now is,'in per fect health—are on the Government stamp. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. Price 41 50 per bottle, or 47 50 the half dozen. Letters for ad vice should always be directed to Pr, Sehenck's Principal Office, No. 15 North 6th Street, Philadel phia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents ; Demos Barnes A Co. N. Y ; S. S. H.iaee B iltiinore. Md, ; John D. Park Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker A Taylor, Chicago, 11,1 Co illcs Bros, St.Louis,Mo [v6nl3dw.eao % lw-lyr 0 IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BTTCIIU Is a certain cure lor diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL. DROPSY, OR GANIC WEEKNESS, FEMALE, COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the URINARY OROANS. whother existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no unu cr of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are sup ported from these sources and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a re liable remedy. IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by 11. T 11 ft I. >1 HOLD, DRUGGIST, 894 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia,P v6n29-ly. NOTICE, All persons indebted to the estate of Geo. S. Tut ton E.-q late of Tutikbannock, Pa., dee'd., by book account, note, or otborwiso, will save trouble and ex panse by making a speedy settlement with 1 SABA TUTTON, HARVEY SICKLER Admr's, Tunk. Pa. June 24th 1867.—t1. lEV MILIUERY & MICY MS. MRS. BARDWELL is now receiving a splendid stock of SPRING A SUMMER Goods oft 11 the new est SHAPES of FELT an J VELVET II AT S for LADIES and CHIL DREN. Also BONNETS, VELVET RIBBONS, FLOWERS, and FEATHERS, and a full assortment of FANCY GOODS. at prices to defy competition All the latest styles of paper patterns, SLEEVES f CLOAKS, JACKETS. Arc., Ac., from ALA/JAMB 'DBMOBBS 7. I ff Dresses.made, cut and basted at the shortest notice. MRS. BARDWELL. Tunkhannock, May. 22, IB(j7.—Von4l-tf. SHERMAN & ATHROP, (Successors to John Weil,) AT THE OLD STAND, NEXT DOOR TO; THE BANK, AT tuktbliiantcoch:, Take pleasure in announcing to the people of Wyo ming County, that they are now reesiving from New York one of the largest and most complete assort ment of' DRY GOODsj DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS; WOME'S AM) ( KII.DREN'S SHOES ; CASSIMLF.ES AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING $3 <6 f and a largo stock of HEADY-MADE (L* totljing purchased from a first class New York House at pri ces from 10 to 20 percent, lower than the usual rates ; enabling th' ui to dispose of them at prices BBL 0 If ALL CO. UTBTITOJiA Having had 20 year's experience in this business they leel certain that they can secure a trade ut this point; and to do thi.-.tbey only ask the people to COME AID SKT TBEIR GOODS AND PRICES, BUTTER, EiilliS] ai d PRODUCE, of ALL KINDS tiger. at the highest market rates in exchange fur floods t* Cu. U at the option of the seller, 11. N. SHERMAN, I, B. LATHROP, Tank. Pa. Apr 16 1967. GET THE BEST IVEBSTER'S DICTION&RY. UNABRIDGED NEW ILLUSTRATED OVER 3.000 FINE ENGRAVINGS. 26,000 JFortfs and Meanings not in other Diction aries. A necessity to every intelligent family, student, teacher and professional man. "THE NEW WEBSTER is glorious—it is perfect—it distances and denes competition—it leaves not ring to be desired."— J. H .Raymond, LL. D., Frts. of Vassar Colt "All young persons should have a standard Dic tionary at their elbows. And while vou. are about it CRT THE BEST; that Dictionary is NOAH WEBSTER'S —the great work unabridged If you are too poor, save the amount from off your back to put iuto your head." PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. "Every FARMER should give his sons two or three square rods of ground, well prepared, with the avails of which they may buy it. Every MECHANIC should put a receiving box in some conspicuous place in the house to catch the stray pennies lor the like purpose. Lay it ujain you table by the side of tho Bible ; it is a better "expounder than many which claun to be expounders. It is a great labor-saver ; it has saved us tituo enou, hto in one yearis use to pay for itself ; ami that must be deemed good property which will clear itself ouce a year. It you have any doubt about the preti-e meaning of the word CLEAR, in the last sentonco, look at Webster's rune definitions ot the v. T."— MASSACHUSETTS LIFE BOAT. fn ono vol of 1,340 Koyal 'Juarto Pages. Published by G. A C. MLRKIAM, .Springfield, Mass Sold by all Booksellers. v6n43 tf. PERUVIAN STRUP A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF THE PROTO XIDE OF IRON, supplies the blood with its LIFE EI.EMENT, IRON, giving strength, vigor and new life to the whole system. If ihu thousands who are suffering from Dyspepsia Debility, Female Weaknesses, Ac., would but test the virtues of the Peruvian Syrup, the effect would not only astonish themselves but would please all their friends ; for ins .end of feeling cross, "all gone" and miserable, they would be cheerful, vigorous and active A DLsTINGUTSAEI) JFRT9T 4VRITES TO A FRIEND AS FOLLOWS: 1 have tried the Peruvian Syrup, and the result fully sustains your ptedsctten. It has made a NEW MAN of me, infused into my system new vigor and energy; lam no longer tremulous and debilitated as when you last sa me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for labir. mental and physical, than at any time during the last five years," Thousands havo been changed by the use of this remedy from weak, sickly, sufferiug creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and woman; and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial The genuine Las "Peruvian >yrup" blown in the g! ass A 32 page pamphlet will lie sent free. J. P. DINS.MORE, Proprietor, No. 36 Dey St., N. V. Sold by all Druggists. SC XOFT'LA The REV. Gitorr.F. STORES, of Brooklin, N. Y says, in the Bible Examiner, byway of apology for publishing a medical certificate in bis magazine of the euro of his only sou, of Serofulw,"after dissolu- , tion appeared inevitable." "We publish this state ment, not for pay' but in gratitude to God who has "answer"' l waver, and in justice to Dr, Anders; be 'isficd that there is virtue in the lodine Wit her treatment, which the rcaoin "f this Magazine "will thank its Editorfor bringing to their notice." ; Circulars fiee. Dr. 11. Anders' lodine Water is for sale by J. P DIN.SMQRE, Proprietor, 36 DeySt* N. Y. aid all Druggists TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, ufter having suffired for several years with a severe luug affec tion, and that dread disease Consumption is nx ious to make knowu to his fellow-sufferers the means of eure. To a!! who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using tho same wlii"h they will find a cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis Coughs, Colds, and all Throat aad Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the alil.cted, and spread inform if ion which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hones every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove able.-ting. Parties wi.-hmg the prescription, free, by return mail, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., New Ycrk. 6valo gltofltouflttg. _ Thomas' Patent Atmospheric CIIU R N DA S Ik, Patented May 7th, 1867. * Tht most Important and Valuable Intention of the 19 ly Century, 1. The Dasher is superior to any other, by being as simple us the oM ul I not only pay in terest and expenses, but bo profitable la the Com- . i p a °y sta. To ; Union r.ieiG" Rtilroad bonds can be :s --ued only* as the road prngre.-ses. and therefore can never be in the market unless they represent a bona Jide propertv. 6th. Their amotiat is is strie'ly limited by law to a sum equal to wh.it is granted by the U. S. Gov ernment, and for wbi bit takes a second lien as its , | security. 'J bis amount upon tho firsi 517 miles west fr uii Amain is only S'ti 000 per mile 7lh The fact that /he U. S. Government eonsid eis a second lien upon the road a good investment, and that some of the shrewdest rai'ro.id builders of the country have alread- paid in five million del- j l.irs upon the stock (which is to them a third lien), ' may well Inspire cotifi lenee in a first iien. 6th. .Although it is uot claimed that there can be any better securities that Governments, there are parties who consijer a first mortgage upon such a property as this the very best sceuriiy in the world, j and who sell their Governments to re-invest in these I bonus—thus securing a greater interest. 9th. As the Union Pacific Railroad bnds are offer- I ed for the ) resent at 90 cents on the dollar ar.d ae- ! crued interest, they are the cheapest security in the market, being over 15 per cent, less than U. 6. ! Stocks. 10th, At tho current rate of of premium on gold, they pay Orer A'incper Cent. Interest. The daily subscriptions are already large, and l the wiil continue to bo received in New York by the j Continental National Hank, No, 7 Nassau Ht. Clark, Dodge & Co., Bankers, 5l Wall St, John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers.No. 33 /Call St. and by BANKS AND BANKERS generally throuzli out the United States, of whom maps and descriptive pamphlets may be obtained, They will also be sent by mail from the Company's Office, No. 20 Nassau Street, New York, on application. Subscribers will select their own Agents in whom they have confi dence. who alone wiil be responsible to them for the sale delivery of tho bonds. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, NEW YORK. v6n4S 3m. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. XT J"IIF.I',KAS, Letters testamentary to the estate V of Asa Keeler, late of Norlhtuo refund town ship Wyoming County deceased, have been grant ed to the subscriber. All persons ii.'eb e i to the said estate are n questea to mukv dimni 'ate pay ment, and those h i ving claims or demands against tho estate of said decedent will make known the same without delay to MILO KEELER, Executor. Keelersburg. July 16, 1867. BRICK! llliicr. The subscriber has now on hand and, will fchereaf ter constantly keep F on S A I. F. A FINE LOT of SMOOTH WELL BURNED BRICK, at his brick yard opposite Palen A Bros, new Tannery, IV TIWKIZA.Y.YOCE, TA. which will be sold cheap..and in quantities to sui purchasers. 11. IV, RHODES* v6n47-tf. EXECUTORS NOTICE, Letter testamentary having been granted t..e un dersigned on tbe estate of Samuet Lyman, late of Meshoppcn Tp. Ueu'd. Notice is hereb given all persons indebted to the said estate, to make imme diate payment of the same, and all pe.sons having claims against tbe same, will preseut them duly au thenticated lbr settlement without delay to G. C. LYMAN, Ex'r. I Washington, .July 22nd 1967-v6n49-6w. 1 "SHATTEREDCONftTiII TK'NS RESTORED by ! Hclmbolu's Extract Euv.hu, ftttsrdl'Tnccits. i I . - . i|, NOTICE; Having purchased th- entiro interest in tho Pho tographic (Jailor in this place, I take pleasure irf , infoiiumg my tiicnds nod the public in gen aril that I am prepared to prolup pictures of every descrip tion, iuclu ling CARTES BE VISITS, ' YKiNKT I KS. A.VI liHOTYPES MELA IMA YPES, FEIUiUTL'tES, IVOIti'TYl > E,&c. &c. Being, poser-j.-1 of every facility, I FEEL CON FIDEN 1' ol giving entire satisfaction. All are re quested to call at-1 examine, and ''Seize rhe shadow, ere the substance fade." , All kin .s of colored work done at the shortest no iieo and in the best style of the art. Also all kirdrf of copy injr done from old pictures, from card to j size. Satisfaction guaranteed. L. W HERMANS. Tuck. Apr 11th 190(5. QCEANTuX BOOR BINDERY, i O Having sccurred the servh-ss of Mr. 11. Xoehe, on# of the best Unlca- to ue faurul iu the State, w< : are prepared te furni.h to BANKS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS. COAL OPERATORS, HOTELS ' and others, with 11 1. A \ K HOOKS ! of every description, on short notice, bound iu any style desiicj. in tho most substantial manner, at rea-'onahle p; : - es. Magazines' bound, and old books rebound, at i New York prices. Orders l d't at the effl to of tho paper publishing this advertisement, or sent by Express, will he • tended to an l rctaruad without unnecessary delay. E. .9 M. 11l LL. Scranton, Pa., June 3 18G7—v6n44-ly. TO OWNERS OF IIORFKS THOUSANDS OF HORSES DIE YEARLY FROM Colic. This Bee 1 not be. Dr. Tobias' Vene ti m Hove Liniment will po-itivelp cure eveqr caee. if given when fir: taken. The cost is only one dol | iar. Every owner of a horse should have a bottle in his stable, ready for use. It is warranted HupC rior to anything else lor the cure of Cuts, Wind Gail* Swelling- - ,re for at, Spr.ins. Bruises, Old SoreS. Ac. This Lin mint is no new remedy. It has been used and np[ oved of for IU years by the first horse men iu the country Given to an over-driven horse, it ac s like mug •• Or !ers are constantly received from the ru ing (table* of England for it. The cel ebrated Hiram W draff, of trotting lame, has used it for year-', in I sa - ■ it is far sufierior to any other i.c baa trie !. He kindly permits me to refer to hira. Hia tddiwnt is East Hew York, Long Island. Recol lect. Dr. Tobia-' Venrtian Hmse I.inintent is put up i l pint bottles. Take no other. Sold by the Drug guts and Saddlers. Depot, o'j Cortiandt Street, New York, j PROF, J. BERLIIBHUF, 3ARBCR AND IIAIR-DRESSER Takes plensu *e in annrun -itig to his old customers and the public, generally, that he has now secured the serwees as an assistant—of A" F.XKST 'CLASS -V^'OKKMAN, i -o- *T t*-.-** --v-" ' EA T E I' It O .11 PARIS, Those wishc _* a : r u )J sit .-e or other work in his line can i; wbe aceomraod.i I without the vexation* deli IS experienced at "OUJ horse" shops, ! SHAMPOOING, HAIR-CUTTINCr, PRESSING, D Y ETN G , C RPI NG , Ac., Ae . done in the best style and at reasonablo rates. TO. MA IIS, ipJi tiir.iriHT and E.Y Tli A C TS, always on hand, an! for sale at the all stand on Tiosa Si reel. J BURLING IIOP Tunkhannoeb, l'a ; Feb. 12, 1867—\6n27-tf.. FARM i lls AND MECHANICS Take Notice. SURFACE P L A M N G and MATCHING, CIRCULAR an! SCROLL SAWING. ALL KINDS of MACIIINgiiY ropair in good style ** - PLO WB, IIA It ROWS, XTLTIVA TORS, IIORSE-HOES, ROLLEA'S, and SCRAI'EUS, cn hand or to orJer. Power and hand Cornshellers; and Farming tools generally, MILLER A AVERY, v6ni3-ly. jfsfi PUBLISUED NEW WORK ON SINGING. BAMINrS IX FORM OK Oil mows lYrrt SOTTAA'O OH . MEZZO son A. \ V VOICES, INTENDED AS Studies to acquire the Art of Singing "The=e exercises were composod to be used simul taneously with hi.* system. 'Tnir AKT OK Stxoixn," or with any other method (or the cultivation of tho voice in I wiil take the pl.oe of CON CONE'S SOL FFGO lits ; i ■ ing more melo jijcs and better adapt ed lor tea hi.ig , "Some of theso cxer ises are specially beautiful as well a= useful, a uiingln g of the dales el utile I which secures tho interest as well as the improve ment, of the student. The various stylos ievctoped n theso exercises reu !cr tiiem invaluable in an euu j cuionnl jioint of view, as they tend to enlarge thd ' intelligence and the appreciation, an 1 at tbe samo i time forin the taste of ike pupil. They must be ; studied carefully with reference to the innumerable' ' marks of e.x| lessi-m an 1 lo'.us of ornament aUufl, — | Upon tho miaul'.* accuracy with which these are ac complished dopeuds the actual sterling advancement of the pu{ il ; any ova on or slurring in these re— , speets is tiino aa l eft.rt utterly wasted, while, on the other bait I, ai. -o and patient investigation, ami a minutely ar. I faithlul exeeution of them will giro ! unexpeel id power, and facility, nisi opr.. to tho ! student the means and res- vjrees by which great ' artists |-n luce their most brilliant anil pre (bund ef fects.— H'atson'a Art Juumal. Jn Two I otantes. Price, each, in Boards, R-lail, <2 00 do. do, in Cloth. Retail, . 2 51# A Samplo Copy sent by Mail, post paid, on receipt of Wholesale I'riee, 81,50 PublihUed by \VM. HALL & SON, No 513 .Broadway. N. X". Publishers an