Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, August 14, 1867, Image 3
Local and Personal. Found Dead; Nathan C'haae, of Auburn, Snaquohannt Co. was found dead near the road, above Me el-oppeni on the 29th of June last. la sup p,aed to have died from the effects of intoxi cation. Conier-Stone Faying* The Corner Stone of the M. E. Church, ai Tnnkhannock, will be laid (Providence per mitting )on the 20th inat. at 1 o'clock, P. M Rev D C.'Olmsted, is expected to addresi the people on the aecasion, and a number o other Ministers will be present to assist ii the services. Fouud at East, A remedy that not only relieves, bat curei thatenemv of mankind, Consumption, as we! as (ho numerous satellites which revolvei around it in the shape of Coughs, Cold? Bronchitis. Sore Throat. Influenza, &c. Th< rimed y we allude to is Dr. Wistar's Balsan of Wild Cherry, prepared by Scth W. Fowli A Son, Boston. Select School. Miss E. Vose will open the next term o the Select School at Mehoopany on Tuesday gept. 3d. Term of tuition same as hereto fore Paint From Nicholson, We have received a specimen of the Miner a) Paint from the leceutly discovered pain ledges in Nicholson. It is of a dark reddisl color and without any admixture, would b. a grod color for shipping, roofs, bams, Milh fences, Ac. For house painting, any tint; could be obtained by admixtures of lead am other paints. As this rock exists there in inexhaustibh quantities, there can be ne doubt that oui Aicholson friends nave "got a good thiDg,"- even if their not yield the preciou< metals n the abundance claimed by them. Doc assures us that the nugget lor a breas pin is "commiDg to come." Stamps on Notes, At the request of some of our readers wt re publish the following decision ; "Promissory notes are liable to a stamf duty of five cents for each §IOO or fractions part thereof. If a note contains any specia aereement such as waiving tha stay of execution, right to inquisi'ion, appeal oi exemption, it is liable to an additional duty of five cents. Notes containing coßfeesiou il judgment are liable to au additional stamp ol fifty cents. The Baptist Church. The Baptist Church at this place which wa? waked up and set in motion, through the energetic preaching of the Rev. Mr. Grow <ast winter, is now one of the most wide-a wake denominations among us. JFo learn that th<y have purchased the Presbyteriar Church House, and propose to repair and fix it up in more modern style. As it is now a good building and finely located, they wil hare one of the neatest and finest places for worship in town. Let's make common cause of tho matter and build up a good Academy, the nexi thing. With such an Institution, we shal Lave less use for the jail. It Should be Known. It should bo more generally know, that we have in town, one of the most experienced Bakers and Confectioners in tho Country.— Mr. Z. Gray, of whom we speak, by his hon orable straight forward course of dealing and by making his Bread, pastry and Confection ary from pure unadulterated materials, de serves, —and when known, must receive the liberal patronage of a discriminating public. Drowned In a Spring. An infant son of C. H. Mowry, of Meshop pen, aged about 14 months, was drowned or the 27th alt., in a spring of water near by the house of his father- Dropped Out. The em ire bottrm—stringers, floor and all —of the upper canal bridge at this place foil into the canal, one day last week ; and, what is more important, a Sir. Barber with his nor team and wagon, who was parsing over it at the same timp, fell with it. Fortunately they escaped with but slight injuries. This is the second occurrence of the kind, on these canal bridges since las'. Fall. As the company di not rebuild them; and as we have but one left and that apparently very insecure, we shall probably soon find ourselves cut off from al intercourse with the river side of the canal.— The neglect on the part of the Company tc provide against these accidents, receives, a it deserves, severe censure. No Questions Asked, A friend left at our office a few days sinct a fine lot of black Raspberries, and turning his back upon us, before we had time to say, thank ee, went away. Such unusual conducl on the part of a man who appeared to be en tirely sane, required some explanation. A dav or two since, seeing our friend Mr A W. Fulton, who was the strange acting individu ai and inquiriog into the matter, we learned that he picked the berries on purpose for us ! Me ate them; and have ever since felt friendly towards all berry pickers in general and A. W. F. in particular. Our New SIJII. The new sign, made necessary by the change of title of our paper was painted by Mr. W. Ruger, the skillful artist located over the National Bank. With this the finest sign in town, we hardly think any of our out of town friends can fail to find our place of business. To those who have been for some time indebted to us for the Democrat wc thißk such a sign a tint qua non, New Clothing Store. Messrs. Straus &, Erhig, extensive clothing dealers from Rochester, N. Y. have rented C P- Miller's brick store for the purpose of en tering into the manufacture and sale on an extensive scale of Ready made Clothing, Ha's Caps and Gentleman's Furnishing Goods.— They expect to be able to open up the cstab liahment on or about the 20th inst, Editors, and other ragged people will mane a note of the above. String Hands And Oohestras will do well to call upon L. I'>well, 116 Pcnn Avenue, Scranton, for n>, ruroents. Strings, &c. lie is fillmg a great ma a y orders for Strings by mail. 7o >/? t or not to be—that's the question." ' bt-iber to suffer with mental anguish, everish lips, cracking pains dyspeptic agonies, And namelee bod.ly suffering ; * r whether, with sudden dash, * bottle of PI-ANTAT.ON BITTERS. as mother swears, be myself a man r **•'", 3 •mther said my eye. were sallow, Ud- 3 y Lrealh tr emendous % disposition troublesome—in fact < gently hinted I was fast becoming Jf u 'te a nuisance. 6 ' jUr now beneath my vest have dis- M f ppe ' re(, i j]'.' J<i *' as relish, my appetite is keen, e '* s tic, my mind brilliant, and • W™ 8 ' ,701tdu poiß, is added to my 4* au'd .S S* artic !°-superior to Co autJ al half the price. Pair aud Festival. The Ladies connected with the Methodist Church of Tnokhanuock will hold a Fair and Festival in said Church commencing on Mon day Eveniog August 19th. The proceeds will I be used in furnishing the new Church. The public are respectfully invited to at* tend and assist in this most laudable enters | prise. Get the Books: We offer a large variety of books to persons sending us clubs for the Democrat, with the money. A little effort on the part of any one, will secure them, one of these valuable hooks, —Read our offer in another column and go to work. H o-tvr-a-h! H-o-e-r-a-h !1 Ho o-r-a h! 1 1 We've been struck with a streak of some thing that's better than Jersey lightning George 11. Kelly, who used to handle type metal in our office, but who for the past five or six years has dabbled in more precious metals in Ca'ifoinia, has made us supremely happy, by seud.ng for a year's subscription to the Democrat a round piece otyyellowish colored metal, which if our memory is not at fault, used to be called a §2,50 gold coin. We took several long, searching looks at the thing and for some time could hardly re sist the idea that it was sjme new-fangled ! nickel. Referring to an old coin chart, our fears we dissipated. It is indeed, a genuine gold coin. We should not dare to make this fact public, on account of our creditors, but thanks to the powers above us—gold is not a legal tender nw. It's ' (green bax" now(see abolition strictures on Judge Sharswood's opinion that a man should pay in coin when he agrees to.) To relieve the light fingered gentry of any tronble in regard to this mat ter. we feel bound to say that the article they most desire, is buiied deep, very deep, in the ground—that if they dig deep enough and long enough tbey may get some of it.— We did think that for us, to make a last will and testaments, would bo to leave that interesting document, only, to our pos : efity. Since this streak of luck wo think j of willing and testameniing this piece of mo ney to some, as yet, unborn grandchild that j he may know what sort of trash his foolish old grand-dai used as a circulating medium when he was a boy. The " green bax'' sys tem will by then be perfect, and the great axiom, that "a national debt is a national blessing," will then be fully understood and appreciated. Our friend George didn't seem lo know the value of the thing. He tells us to take the l extra "four bits" and wet up our thirsty edi toral whistle. 'Guess he don't know we I have the Main Law here, nor that we " b'long i to the S'ciety, what don't never let their whistles get dry." THE STOLES WATCH.—One of the best stories we remember, refering to a stolen watch, cotnts from a French source. In the pit of the old French opera, one of the audience suddenly di>covcrcd that, his watch was gone. The evening's entertain ment had not commenced, and the owner of the property mounted a bench, stated the loss, which could not have cecured above two or three minutes, and begged those around him to remain perfectly quiet as his watch struck the hours like a clock, and, it then being on the stroke of seven, the watch would speedily indicate into whose possession it had fallen. There was a dead sdcnce ; but the eye pioprie- j tor detected an individual who was trying I to edge away from the vicinity, and he im i mediately denounced the skulker as the thief. The latter was seized, and the j watch was found on him ; and as the owner j quietly put it in his pocket, he remarked , | ; "The watch does not strike the hours, ' but I thought my assertion that it did . would enable me to strike out the thief." j To SAVE ICE FROM MELTING.—A Ger man Chemist publishes the following sim ple method of preserving small quantities of ice, which he has practiced with success. Put the ice into a deep dish, cover it with a plate, and place the dish upon a pil low stuffed with feathers, and cover the top with another pillow carefully, by this means excluding the external air. Feathers are ' well known nonconductors of heat, and in consequence the ice is preserved frqm melt ing. Dr. Schwartz states that he has thus preserved six pounds of ice eight days. The plan is simple, and within the reach of every household. FUND OR SELL YOUB SEVEN-THIRTIES —There is now no doubt that the August Seven Thirty Tieasury Notes not present ed for payment on on betore August 15th, ' will be treated as past due demand on the j Treasury, and payment made for them in 1 money. The Government is now chang- i ing the August Seven-Thirty for the new I Five-Twenty old bonds, by paying the in terest on the Seven-thirty to July 1, and giving the new Five-Twenty bonds to draw interest from July. On the 16th of August they will be worth only their face. Our readers should take pains to apprise their friends of the above facts, for it will be a pity to have tho holders lose the premium on their Seven- Thirties. WHAT JEALOISY WILL DO.—A young lady of respectable family was arrested by the police of this city OH Thursday, dis guised as A negress, having blackened her face and neck with oil and charcoal. It seems that the was suspicious of ano'bcr young lady being on too intimate terms with her lover, aud she expected to surprise them in disguise.— Pittsburg Chron. PREPARATION EOR THE TEETH —Disolve two ounces of borax in three pints of water; before quite odd, add one teaspoonful of spirits of camphor : bottle the mixture for j use. One wioe glass of the solution added ' to half a pint of tepid water is sufficient for each application. This solution, appled dai ly, preserves and beautifies the teeth, extir pates tartarous adhesion, produces a pearl-like whiteness, arrests decay, and induoes a heathy action in the gums. Married. DOOLITTLE—HEPBURN—I n Tankhannock, the 7th ia*t. f by the Rev. C R. Lane, Mr. James W. Dooliule, of Otsego, N. Y, and Miss Ann Louis* Hepburn, ot Tunkbannock, MARTIN—CARL—In Meshoppen on the 12th of August, 1867, by Clark Burr. Esq , Mr. Elias Mar tin, to Miss Arminda Q. Carl, both of Tankhan nock, Wyoming Co- Pled. STEVENS—In Windham, Ang. 3d, 18 67 Benjamin Stevens, aged 70 years. ELLIS—On the 4th inst., at Meshoppon, an infaatn t son el M. A, EUit, aged about 8 moths, 11l HILLIIEIY & FiICY IDS. MRS. BARDWELL i* now receiving a splendid stock of SPIUNO A SUMMER Goods of nli the new est SHAPES of FELT and VELVET HATS for LADIES and CHIL DREN. Also BONNETS, VELVET RIBBONS, FLOWER S.'and FEATHERS, and a full assortment of FANCY GOODS. •t prices to defy competition All the latest styles of paper patterns, SLEEVES, CLOAKS, JACKETS. &c,, Ac., from MADAME DEMOEES7. ZfT Urease?.m?le, cat and basted at the shortest ••ties. MRS BARDWELL. Tsnkhasnock, May. 22, IB(j7—vgn4l-tf. SHERMAN & ATHROP, (Successors to John Weil,) AT THE OLD STAND, NEXT DOOR TO THH BANK,AT * TUNSHANNOCK, Take pleasure in announcing to the people of Wyo ming County, that they are now recsiving from New York one of the largest and most complete assort ment of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS; WOME'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOEi; CASSIMIRES AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING IB ww £7 3 f and a largo stock of BEADY-MADE ®lot|iiig purchased from a first class New York Ilonsa at pri ces trom 10 to 20 per cent lower than the usual rates ; enabling th< m to dispose of them at prices XELOD' ALL COMPETITOR Having had 20 year's experience in this business they teel certain that they can secuie a trade at this point; and to do this,tbey only ask the people to COME AMD SEE TUEIR GOODS AND rBKEI, BUTTER, EGGS, ard PRODUCE, of ALI/KINDS tikec at the highest market rates in exchange for Goods or Cash at the option of the seller, 11. N. SHERMAN, I, B. LATIiROP, Tunk. Pa. Apr 16 1867. WE KEEP A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS AND PAY Cash for Veal skins and Hides SHERMAN & LATH OP. P 0 R SALE, TWO TOP BUGGIES, 'ONE NEARLY NEW FOR S2OO ONE BCT SLIGHTLY WORN, FOR 8150. Will be sold for cash or exchanged for bark. PALEN BKUS. Tnnk June 24th: 1867.~v6n46-tf. gjotices, BRIDGE ~ Notice is hereby given, that the Commissioners of the County of Wyoming, will let to the lowest re sponsible bidder, the erection of the Superstructure of a bridge across the North Branch of Mehoopany CreeK, at or near Russell Burgess', iu North Branch Township, Letting to he on Thursday Sept. 6th 1867, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the site for tho bridge. H. BODLE, L. COOK, G. W. SHERWOOD, Commissioners. Commissioners office, Aug 14, '67 Attest; Wm F. TFItRY, Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the Estate of Eben Owen, late of Nicholson Township, dee'd., having been granted the undersigned. All persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated fur settlement, and all persons indebt ed to said estate will make immediate payment of the same, to Wm. OWEN, Adm'r. Falls, Pa. Aug. 7, '67—v7n2-6w, AGENTS WANTED to canvass for "Four years in the Old World." 13,000 already sold. Now is the time to make money. No competition. Great inducements offered teachers, ministers, active ladies or experienced agents. Send for terms to FOSTKB A PALMEB, Jr., 14 Bible House, New York, SUBi'CENA IN DIVORCE, Maria Shaver by her next ) In the Court of Common friend Levi Winters vs. > Plea* of Wy'g Ce., No Henry K. Shaver. }32 January term. 1867 LIBEL FOR DIVORCE FROM THE BONDS OF MATRIMONY. I, M' W. DeWitt, High Sheriff of the Ctonty of Wyoming, do hereby make known unto Henry K. Shaver, that he be and appear at a Court of Com mon Pleas, to be held at Tunkhannock. in and for the County of Wyoming, on Monday the 19th day ef August, A. D. 1867. then and there to auswer the said oompiaiat, and to show eauae, if any there be, why the bonds of matrimony between bimseif and Maria Shaver, his wife, shall Dot be dissolved. M. W. DeWITT, Sheriff Sheriff's office, Tunk. July 16, 1867, MANHOOD AND YOCTHPUL VIGOR wo re gained by UCUIIOLD'S EXTRACT Bicatr, Ipifial fetters, HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BU CHU. Is the Great Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Chemistry and Bharmacy, and are the most active that can be nade. GONE FOREVER! So say the ladies of their beauty, when the mirror shows them their once jet or golden ringlets streak ed with grey. But never was there a more Ealsc Conclusion. Though the hair be as white as Time's own fore lock, or worse still, as red as a fiery moteor— . PRESTO! it is invested in a moment with the most magnifi cent black or brown by the agency of CRISTADORA'3 HAIR DYE, a perfectly wholesome and purely vegetable prepa tion Manufactured by J. Cristadora, 6 Astor House, New York, Soli by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. v7-nl-lm. ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONSTITU TIONS, of hoih sexes, use Helmbold's Extract, Bu chu. It will eerisk andgive energetic feeliogs and enable you to sleep well. TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN SAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dungcrou iseas s. Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu and Ims raved Rose Wash. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT RUCHU is pleasant in taste and odor, free lrorn all injurious properties, and immediate in its action. SCHES SEAWEED TONIC. This medicine, invented by Dr. J. H. SCHRXCK, of Philadelphia, is intended to disolve the food and make it into chyme, the first process of digestion.— By cleansing the stoma -h with Schenck's Mandrake Pills, the Tonic soon restores the appetite, and food that could not be eaten before using it will be easily digested. Consumption cannot be cured by Schenck's Pul monic Syrup unless ths stomach and liver ia made ealthy and the)appetite restored , hence tho Tonic and pills arn required in nearly every case of con consumption, A half dozen bottles of the EA WEED TONIC and three or four boxes of the MAN DRAKE PILLS will cure any ordinary case of d y popsia. Dr. SCHESCX makes professional visits in New York, Boston, and at his principal Office in Philadel phia every week. See daily papers of each place,or pint phlet on consumption for his days lor visitar tion. Please observe, when purchasing, that the two ; likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage ' of Consumption, and the other as he now is, in per fect health, are on the Government stamp. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, price $l5O pe bottle, or 17 50 the half dosen. All letters for ad vice should he addressed to Dr. SCHENCK'S Principal < 0 ec, No, 15 North 6th Street, Philadelphia. Pa. eneral Wholesale Agents : Demas Barnes A Co N. Y.; S. S. Hanee. Baltimore, Md j John D Parke. Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker A Taylor Chicago 111; Collins Bros, St, Louis, Molvgnld-lst mo ly- HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUOHtT Is a certain cure tor diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL. DROPSY, OR GANIC WEEKNESS. FEMALE, COMPLAINTS GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS. whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whaterer cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are sup ported from these sources, and the lIEALTU AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a re liable remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHC, Established upwards of 19 years, prepared by H. T lIELMHOUD, DRUGGIST, 694 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Street,Philadelphia,Pa v6n29- ly, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. WHEREAS, Letters testamentary to the estate ot Asa Kceler, late of Northmoreland town ship. Wyoming County deceased, have been grant ed to the subscriber, All persons indebtei to the said estate are requested to make dirameiate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent will make known the same without delay to MILO KEELER, Executor Keelersburg, July 16, 1867. NOTICE, All persons indebted to the estate of Geo. S. Tut ton Esq late of Tunkhannock, Pa., deo'd., by book account, note, or otherwise, will save trouble and ex pense by making a speedy settlement with SARA TUTTON, HARVEY SICKLER. Admr's, Tunk. Pa. June 24th 1867.—tf. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a fo w weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffired for several years with a severe lung affec tion, and that dread disease Consumption—is anx ious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same which they will find a cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis Coughs, Colds, and all Throat sad Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afljicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hones every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return mail, will please address REV. EDWARD A WILSON, Williamsburg, Rings Co., New York. 6vn4o HELMBOLD'o EXTRACT 111 CHU gives health and vigor to the frame and bloom to the jmlid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, con sumption insantity, or epileptic fits ensue. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of write of Fieri Facias, I will ex pose to Public Sale at the Court House in Tunk haonook Wyoming County Pa. on SATURDAY, THE 17TII DAY OF AUGUST, 1867 the following described piece or parcel of land, sit uate and being in the Township of Falls, Wyoming County, Pa., bounded and described aa follows, to wit : on the Nortff by lands of Jackson Vantuyl, 1 East by lanl r.f Levi Townsend and Perry Sickler, South by land of John Smith and West by land of Levi Townsend ; Containing about thirty acres ol land and about eight acres thereof improved, with two dwelling house, two small barn* one saw-mill one lath and shingle mill and some fruit trees there on with the appurtenance* Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Miles A Lynch use ot I. C. Lyo ch, vs Fhilo A Lafayette Sherwood, and will be sold for eash only, by M. W. DEWIiT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, £ Tunk., July 29, '67 j FOR NON-RETKNTIQN on INCONTINENCE < of Urine, irritation, in flu m a lion, or ulceration of the ' bladder, of kidneys, dGeascj of the prostrate glauds. stoDe in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick dust i deposits, and all diseases ot the bladder, kidneys, and dropsical swellliogs. Use UELXBOUI'S FLCID EXIUACT Bucay\ legal Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of writ* of Fieri Farias , I will ex pose to public sale at the Court House, in the Borough of Tunkhsaoock, Wyoming County, Pa,,on Saturday, August 17th, 1867 the following tract or piece of laud, situate in Monroe Tp. Wyoming Co, State of Pennsylvania, being the Northwest part of the William Maddock tract and bcunded and described as follows : Beginning at a birch on the North bank of a small crcck, running through said lot, thence South,eighty and one fourth degrees West 64 perchs to a post in the brook,thence South twontytbreoA one-halt degrees,west 22 perches to a birch,thence North forty-one degrees, West 85 perches to stones on Creek bank, tbcnce North two and on"-fourth degrees East 51 perches to stones on North line of Vaddock tract, thence Sooth eighty seven and one-fourth degrees, East 141 and seven-thenths perches to the division line, thence South two and one-fourth degrees West, 92 ani Ave tenths perches to the place of beginning, containing Eighty acres and one hundred and thirty perches of and be the same more or less, with about .four acres improved, with one log bouse and some fruit trees trees thereon. Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Elihu Fassett assigned to Win M. Piatt, vs. Charles S. Harding, Administrator of Charles Johnson de'd , and will be sold for cash only, by M. W DEWITT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) Tunk. July 29,'67 5 Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of writs of Fieri Facias I will ex pose to Public Sale at the Court House in the Borough of Tunkhannock, iu Wyoming County, Pa. ON SATURDAY, THE 17TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1867, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described property to wit : A certain piece or parcel of land situate and being iL the Township of Falls, Wyoming Co. Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit : on the North by lands of Sponeer Fitoh, East by lands of Isaac Smith South by the Susquehanna River anil West by land of Mathew Sherwood ; Containing about eighteen acres of land and about eight acres thereof improv ed, with one frame dwelling house, one frame shed and a small applo orchard thereon, with appurte nances. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I. V. Lynch, vs. A. W. Mahon, and will be sold for cash only, by M W, DEWITT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, > Tunk. July 26, '67. ) Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTTE of a writ of Fieri Facias, I will expose to Public Sale in the Borough of Tunk bannock, Wyoming County, State of* Pennsylvania, ON SATURDAY. THE 17TII DAY OF AUGUST, 1367, at 1 o'clock P M,, the following described property to wit : All that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the Township of Windham Wyoming Co., Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the North by lands of Mark Keeny, East by Sus quehanna River, South by land of John Fassett, and West by land of the Estate or heirs* of John Graves dee'd ; containing about one hundred acres of land and about sixty-five acres thereof improved, with one brick dwelling house, ono frame barn, one small apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon, with the appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. W. Whi'ney Administrator of Walter Whitney, dee'd. vs Jeaaette Whitney, Adm'trx of J. J Whitney dee'd. ot al, and will be sold for cash only, by M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, > Tunk, July 26, '67 j Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Facias, 1 will ex pose to Public Sale at the Court House in Tunk biniiock Boro., Wyoming Co. Pa., ON SATURDAY THE 17TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1867, al 1 o'clock P. M., the following described property, to wit ; All the right, title and interest of the defendant in bat certirin piece or parcel of land situate and being in the Township of Northmoreland, Wyoming County, Pa.; bounded as follows, to wit on tbe North by land of Mrs. Mary Wills, on the East by land of Moody Whitwell, on the South by Dr. Win. Thompson, and on the West by Levi Winters, con taining about thirty and one-fourth acrea of land, and about twelve a. res thereof improved, with the hppurteuancee. ALSO One other certain piece or parcel of land situate and being it the Township of Northmoreland,County of Wyoming. Pa.; bounded as follows.to wit i on the North and West by land aboie described South by land of Dr Wm. Thompson, and by land ol Moody Whitwell ; containing about two and three fourth acres of land, all improved, with the appurte nances. Seize ! and taken in execution at the suit of R. C. Hatfield, assigned to Aaron Brown, vs Asher Baker, and will be sold for cash only, by M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, ) Tunk. July 30, '67. ) Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Facias I will ex pose to Public Sal#, at the Court House in the Borough of Tunkhannock, Wyoming County Pa., ON SATURDAY, THE 17TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1807, at 1 o'clock P. M-, the following described property, to wit: All the right, title and interest of the Defendants in that certain piece cr parcel of land situate and being in tbe Township of Falls, Wyoming County Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit : on the North by land of Jadcson Vantuyl, East by land of Levi Townsend and Perry Sickler, Soulh'by land of John Smith, and West by land of Levi Town send ; Containing about thirty acres of land and about eight acres thereof improved, with two dwell ing houses two small barns, one Saw Mill, one Lath and Shingle Mill, and some fruit trees thereon, with the appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J C. Miles, vs. H. W. Finn and Levi Townsend, and will be sold for eash only, by M, W. DEWITT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) Tunk. July 26, '67 J Sheriff's Sale, BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Facias I will ex pose to Public Sale, at the Court House in the Boro. of Tunkhannock, Wyrouiing County Pa., ON SATURDAY, THE 17TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1867, at 1 o'clock P. M. the following described property, to wit : All the right, title and interest of the Defendant in and to that certain piece or lot of land, aituate in Exter Township, Wyoming County Pa., Hounded and described as follows ; Beginning at the highway leading from, the late Solomon Brown's estate to Whiloek's Mills —so called —and running thence North eighty-six degrees West, twenty-two and five tenths perches to a corner, thence North twenty-two perches to a corner, thence North five degrees East, twenty-nine and six-teDtbs perches to a corner, thence North ten degrees East, forty perches to a corner, South 74 deg. East, 6 perches to a corner. North 19 deg. East, 42.7-10 perches to a corner, South 70 deg East, 296-10 perches to a corner, South 14} deg. West, 39.5-10 perches t<J a corner, North 77} deg, West, 4 perches to a cornei, South 21 deg. West, 47 perches to a corner, South 69 deg East, 49 perches to a Hemlock, South 13 deg. West,26 5-10 perches to a corner. North 70} deg. West, 24 perches to a cor ner, South 10 deg. West, 1.7-10 pciches to a corner South 86 deg. West, 20,2-10 perches to the place of beginning ; contnining 32 acres and 50 perches with one frame dwellling house, and some fruit tree thereon, with the appurtenances. To be soM subject to the interest or right of dower of Eleanor E> te. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Aaron Brown, vs. Rachel Sickler, Administratrix of tbe es tate of Isaac Sickler, deo'd., and will be sold for cash only, by M W. DEWITT, Sheriff. Sheri7's Office. ) Tunk. July ?8, '97 J EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, Lotter testamentary having been granted Lie un dersigned on the estate of Samuel Lyman, late of Meahoppqn Tp. dee'd. Notice is hereby given all persona Indebtei) to the Baid estate, to make imme diate payment of the aame, and all persons having claims agamkt the same, will present theiu duly au thenticated for settlement without delay to G. C. LYMAN, Ex'r- Washington, July 22nd 1667-v6ui9 6w, fftimltannw. Thomas' Patent Atmospheric CHURN DASH. Patented May 7th, 1867. The mo*t Important and Valuable Invention qf the 19 ty Century, 1. The Dasher is superior to any other, by being as simple as the old dasher, and combining the at mospheric principle therewith, and the Butter Galh erei. 2. It is superior to all others, inasmuch as the same power applied to this in like mechanical oper ations will make one-lourth more reciprocations. It. It is superior to all others, inasmuch as it pro duces in a much shorter time. 4- It is sujierior to any other, inasmuch as it pro duces a much b<-tter quality of Butter, Lastly it is superior to any other Patent Churn, inasmuch as it is 500 per cent, cheaper than any other. It is well known to Dairymen and others, that Butter is contained in minute globules or sacks cov ered with a membrane, and requires the action of air to prepare the covering to be removed by lric tion. Toe Scientific American says : "If cream is daeiiod against hard substance or mashed between bars or rollers,it breaks tha globules and becomes oily, by destroying the grain. It should be thrown into currents and counter-currents by the action of air, causing a friction by the cur rents against each other, removing the covering without breaking or bursting the globules." This is the principle which the inventor of this Dasher endeavored to keep in view, and the result shows a much LARGER YIELD OF BI TTER OBTAINED IN LESS TIME THAN ANY OTHER DASUER Experiments have proven that any other method except pumping air through the cream ,will not pen etrate sufficiently to oxygenixe all the globules pre paratory to concentrating the butter. Throwing it into the air by clappers of old fashioned Dashers, does not sufficiently expose it to the air to bring out the Butter. The above Patent Dasher has beea purchased for Susquehanna, Wyoming and Luzerne Counties by A, P. Baldwin, of Montrose. The process of churn ing can be seen on exhitdtion at Wall's Hotel in Tunkhannock, for a few days by Mr. Reynolds, agent, who will sell township rights, A. P. BALDWIN, Mostrose, July 23d, 1867. THE -y- v ~f Iv v* t v" lv RAIL ROAD CO. 2 HEIR I IRS 2 MORTGAGE EOMDS As an Investment. The rapid progress of the I'nion Pacific Railroad now building west ffotn Omaha, Nebraska, and for ming, with its western c >i median.-, an unbroken line ; across the continent, attracts attention to the value of the First Mortgage Bonds which the Company ; now offer to the public. The first question ask# Iby prudent investors is, "Are these bonds secure ?" i Next, "are they a profitable investment ?" to reply 1 in brief; Ist. The early completion of the whole great lins j to the Pacific is as certain as any future business | cveut'can be. The Government grant of over twen ty million acres of land and fifty million dollars in | its own bonds practically guarantees it. One fourth | of the work is already done, and the track continues ! lo be laid at the rate of two miles a day. 2d. The Union Pacific Railroad bonds are issued upon what promises to be one of the most profitable I lines of railroad in tha country. For many years it must be the only line connecting the Atlantic and i Pacific ; and being without competition, it can main i tain remunerative rates. 3d. 425 miles of this road are finished, and fully I equipped with dejots, locomotives, cars, Jfcc., and 1 two trains are daily running each way. The materi als for the ,emaining 131 miles to the eastern base of the Rocky Mounteirs are on band, and it is under contract to be done in September. 4th The net earnings of the sections already fin- j ished are several times greater than the gold inter- i 1 est upon the First Mortgage Bonds upon such sec ; tions, and if not another mile of the road were built j | the part already completed would not only pay in i tcrest and expenses, but be profitable to the Com j pany. sth. The Union Pacific Railroad bonds can be is ued only as the road progresses, and therefore can never he in the market unless they represent a ban a j ! fide property. 6th Their amnnat is is strictly limited by law to a sum equal to what is granted by the U. S. Gov i eminent, and for which it takes a second lien as its security. This amount upon the first 517 miles west from Amalia is only $16,000 per mile, i 7th The fact that the U. S. Government consid ers a second lien upon the road a good investment, ' and that some of tie shrewdest railroad builders of the country have alreadv paid in five million dol -1 l.irs upon the stock (which is to them a third lien), j may well Inspire confidence in a first lien, j Bth. Although it is not claimed that there can be i any better securities that Governments, there are parties who consider a first mortgage upon such a ' proficrty as this the very best security in the world, ! i and who sell their Governments to re-invest in these bonds—thus securing a greater interest, 9th. As the Union Pacific Railroad bands are offer j ed for the present at 90 cents on the dollar and ae ! crucd interest, they are the cheapest security in the market, being over 15 per cent, loss than U. S. Stocks. 10th, At the current rate of of premium on gold, ' they pay Over Mine per Cent. Interest. The daily subscriptions are already large, and the will continue to he received in New York by the Continental National Lank, No, 7 j Nassau St. Clark, Dotlgc & Co., Bankers, 5l Wall St, John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, No. j 33 fFa.ll St. and by BANKS AND BANKERS generally through- j out the United States, of whom maps and descriptive j pamphlets may be obtained, They will also be sent ! by mail from the Company's Office, No. 20 Nassau Street, New York, on application. Subscribers will select their own Agents in whom they have confi- ! dence, who alone will be responsible to them for the j safe delivery of the bonds. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer. NEW YORK. v6n4B-3m. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notico is hereby given to all persons interested I that the following accounts and claims have been filed in the Register's Office in and for Wyoming Co. will be presented to the Orphans' Court to be held at Tunkhannock, in and for the same County, on Monday the 19th dap of August next, for confirma tion and allowance ; Widow's Claim in the estate of Abraham Ace, late of Tunkhannock Tp. dee'd., Filed Dec, 22J 1866. Widow's Clsiui in the estate of Conrad Kintucr, ; late of Tunkhannock Tp. dee'd. Filed March 30,'67 ' Widow's Claim in the estate or Albert Rosengrant late of Eaton Tp. dee'd. Filed April 22, 1867. Widow's Claim in the estate of Moses Vaughn,late of Mehoopany Tp. dee'd Filed April 29. 1867, Widow's claim in the estate of William E. Holmes late of Falls Tp. dee'd. Filed May 1", 1867, Widow's Claim in the estate of Mnvr Warden,Ute of Nicholson Tp. dee'd. Filed June 14, 1867 Final Account of Joseph Graha n, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Samuel Yun tuxer. late of TuuknauiKiek Tp dee'd. Filed July 13, 1867. Widow's Claim in the estate af Ludd Shoemaker, late of Windham Tp. dee'd, Filed July 15, 1967, Final Account of Exra Thompson and William R. Crispell, Administrators of the estate of Thomas Crispell, late of Monroe Tp. dee'd. Filed July 20, 1967. Final Account of E, J. Mowry, Administrator of i the estate of E. Mowrey Jr., late of the Township of Meshoppen de'd. Filed July 15, 1867. Final Aoeount of Stevens D.ina, Administrator of the estate of llenry Metcalf, late of Tunkhannock Boro. dee d. Filed July 22, 1367. O. L PARRISH, Register. ; Register's Office, Tunk. July 22, '67. SHATTERED CONSTITUTION 3 RESTORED by UcUnbyla's Extract Bu.hu, j DJiurellauwus. NOTICE. Harin* pur-'hased the entire interest in the Phi | tographie Gallery in this place, I take pteasure in | informing my friends and the public in general that I am prepared to produce pictures of every descrip tion, including CARTES DE VISITE, i VIO NE'I'THS. AM 13 HOT Vl' MEL A ISO 7 Y PES, FERR OTYI ES, IVORYTVPE,&c, &c. Being possessed of every facility, I FEEL CON FIDENT of giving entire satisfaction. All are re quested to call ard examine, and "Seize the shadow, ere the substance fade." AH kinog of colored work done at the shortest no I tice and in the best style of the art. Al*o all kirds ; of copy ing done from old pictures, from card to size. Satisfaction guaranteed. L. W HERMAN*. Tunk. Apr 11th, 1366. BOOK BINDERY. I Having securrcd the services of Mr. 11. Z tehe. orto !of the best bindeas to be found in the State wo are prepared te furnish to BANKS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, MERCHANTS, manufacturers. COAL OPERATORS," HOTELS and others, with BLANK HOOKS of every description, on short notice, bound i t any style desired, in the most substantial manner, at reasonable prices. Magazines bound, and old books rebound, at New York prices. Orders laft at the office of the paper publishing this advertisement, or sent by Express, will be at tended to and returned without unnecessary delay E. S SI. HILL. Scranton, Pa., June 3. 1867~vGn44-!y. TO o\VNmißfoF HO III? i;s- Thousands of horses die yearly'from Colic. This need not be. Dr. Tobias' VcnP ti tn Horse Liniment will positivelp cure every case, if given when first taken. The s only one dol lar. Every owner of a horse should have a bottle in his stable, ready for use. It ig warranted sujie j rior to anything else lor the cure of Cute, Win J Galls i Swellings, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Old Sores. Ac. This Liniment is no new remedy. It has been ; used and approved of for 19 years by the first horse men in the country Given to an over-driven btrse, I it acts like magic. Orders are constantly reeived I from the racing stables of England for it. Tbe cel i ebrated Hiram Woodruff, of trotting fame, has used ! 't for years, and says it, is far superior to any other he has tried, He kindly permits me to refer to him. I His address is East New York, Long Island. Kecol- I lect, Dr. Tobias' \eiiftian iloise Liniment :g put up |in pint bottles, lake no other. Sold by the Drug gists and Saddlers. Depot, obCortiandt Street,' New | York, PROF J. BEBLIIGHOF, BARBER AND HAIR-DE ZJSSBR I Takes pleasure in announcing to his old customers 1 and the public, generally, that be has now secured tbe services as on assistant—of ffe ftißsx I&LASS Workman, , 5- Tr IV - v ' LATE F R M PARI?, Those wishing a good share or other work in his line can now be accommodated without thevexufijus deli ys experienced at "one horse" shops, j SHAMPOOING, HAIR-CUTTING, DRESSING, DYEING. C E R LIN G , Ac Ac. done in the best style and at reasonable rates. TO.HAD ITS, T£7?irM/:ir and EX TWA CTS, always on hand, an 1 for sale at the* old stand on Tioga St reel, J BERLINGHOF Tunkhannock, Pa ; Feb. 12, 1967—v6n27-tf.. FA KMKIiyiAND MECHANICS Take Notice. SURFACE PLAAINCt and MATCHING, CIRCULAR and Scroll sawing. ALL KINDS of MACHINERY repair in good style PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, HORSE-IIOES, ROLLERS, and SCRAPERS, On hand or to order. Power and hand Cornshellers; nnl Farming tools generally, MILLER A AY'ERV, T6n43-Iy. COURT PROCLAWAf IOV. TTrnEREAS, the Hon. WM ET.WELL. l'rcsi " ■ dent Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Court ot General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and the President Justice of tbe Court of Oyer and Tor miner and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of cap ital and other offences, for tbe twenty-sixth Judieia District of Penn'a G. Pike, and J. V. Smith, Kens Associate Judges of the Court of Common Picas and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Associ ate Justices of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery of the County of Wyoming, have by their precept to uie directed, ordered A GENERAL COURT OF OYER AND TERMINER ANI> GENERAL JAIL I.oLIVERY . to be held at Tunkhannock on Monday the Huh day Aug. A. D., 1667. Notice is therefore hereby gives to the Coroner, all Justices of the Peace and Constables within the Coun ty of Wyoming, that they be and appear in their pro per persons at the time and place above mentioned, with their rolls, reuurds, inquisitions, examinations, % recognizances and other remembrances, to do tbojse things which to their offices in that behalfrcspectivc ly belong. Notice is also given that those who are bound by recognizances to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of Wyoming County, tbatthey bo then and there to prosecute them a shall be just. M W. DEWITT, sheriff. Sheriff's Office, J Tunkhanaock July 19, 1867 \ BRICK! BRICK7 The subscriber has now on hand and will hereaf ter constantly keep FOR SALE A FINK LOT of SMOOTH WELL BURNED BRICK, at his briok yard opposite Palen A Bros, new Tannery, IN TUA 'A I/A A WOC A \ TA. which will he sold cheap/and in quantities to Mi purchasers. II W. RHODES >6nl7-l£.