Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, August 07, 1867, Image 3

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    Local and Personal.
Our frienJ L. W. Hermans, Thotographer
has returned, after an absence of abmit six
week* to bis old stand over the National
Bank, 'where all wishing Picluies can be sup
plied at short notice.
The Improved Linseed Oil or "Drying Oil"
ig used and approved by the best painters
here and elsewhere. It is cheaper than raw,
oil and preferable in every respect.
To he found in Tunkhannock at the Drug
Store of Lyman and Wells, only. They also
keeD a variety of other oils, and a good as
sortment of Paints, Varnishes, &c.
jrjir and Festival,
The Ladies connected with the Methodist
Church of Tunkhannock will hold a Fair and
Festival in said Church commencing on Mon>
bay Evening August 19th.| The pnctcdswill j
be used in lurniohing the new Church.
The public are respectfully invited to
attend end assist in this most laudable
Strliuf Hands
And Uchestras will do well to call upon L
B. Powell, 110 Pcnn Avenue, Scranton, for
Instruments. Strings, Ac. He is filling a
great many orders for Strings by msil.
Either of body or mind, prodaces debility
mnd discesse. The usual remedy is to take
some stimulent, the effect of which is the 1
same as giving a tired horse the whip instead
of oats. The true way is to fortify the sys- ;
tern with a permanent tonic like the Peruvian
Syrup, (a protoxide of iron), which gives
strength and vigor to the whole system. j
New Clothing Store,
Messrs. Straus A Krlliff, exteusive clothing
dealers from Rochester, N. Y. have rented C,
r. Millers brick store for the purpose of en
tering into the manufacture and sale on an i
extensive scale of Heady made Clothing, Hats, j
Caps and Gentleman's Furnishing Goods.— ,
They expect to be able to open up the estab-!
li6htnent on or about the 20th inst.
Editccs, and other ragged people will make
a note of the above.
Prepare tor Court
Froseciftors in criminal cases will please
see that their witnesses are duly suppa-naed,
either by themselves or by a constable, and
the return made and sworn to on Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, the 19th day of Aug.
1807, being the first day of the term of the
Gourt of Quarter Sessions for this county,—
Witnesses must be on hand on Monday morn
in? to respond, otherwise attachments may
issue forconten.pt.
For the Benefit of the Clergy,
To PREACHERS OF THE GosrEi., in this
County who furnish satisfactory evidence of'
tjie fact, we will furnish the Wyoming Dem. j
at half price—{Jl.oo per year.
Preachers of political, disunion, negro equali- ;
ty, mongrel doctrines, will be furnished, now
and then, through the columns of the Demo~
crat, with a slight touch of "Had Columbia" i
The two Churches, and the Jail, which are
being built here this summer, are going for
ward or ra'.her'upwards. The Jail, seems to
be a little the most in advance. The stone
work of cellar and the cells being well nigh
completed. The brick-work has now been
-commenced by Mr. Hit hard Brenton, late of
Pittston, but now a resident of Nicholson, in j
this County. The foundation walls of the j
Presbytprian Church arc How ron.ly Inr the j
brick. This, tco, Mr. Brenton has been en
gaged to build- The basement 6tory walls j
of tho new Methodist Church are nearly tin- f
ished and so far, appear quite ornamental. ;
A Brass Band at Nicholson,
The young men of Nicholson, aided by the
public spirited citizens of that place, have !
procured a full set of instruments for a brass
Band, at an expense of upwards of STX). —
They have also engaged the services ol It. P. 1
Itoas, Esq., the accomplished musician and .
Leader of the band at this place, as an
Instructor. Having had, just a little experi- j
•cnce in this business —being yet in our A. B.
C.'s—we warn our Nicholson friends against
expecting too much, in too short a time. Ten
thousand discordant unearthly sounds will
have to be made in the long and patiently <
practiced exercises, to produce even the sim
plest tune.—But 6tick to it boys ! Per6e
veieuce overcomes all obstacles.
'•To be, or not to be—that't the question." j
Whether to suffer with mental anguish,
Feverish lips,cracking pains dyspeptic agonies, !
And nameles bodily suffering ;
Or whether, wth sudden dash,
Seize a bottle of PLANTATION BITTERS.
And, as Guntbcr swear#, bo myself a man j
Guntker said my eyes were sallow,
My visage haggard, my breath tremendous
My disposition troublesome —in fact,
He gently hinted I was fast becoming
Quite a nuisance.
Four bottles now beneath my vest have dis
My food has relish, my appetite is keen,
My step elastic, my mind brilliant, and
Nine pounds, avoir dupois, is added to my
Magnolia Water.
A delightful toilet article—superior to Co
logne and at half the price.
Unlocking the Kecks.
The great coat of silver and gold arisesj not
BO much from their scarcity in ihe earth, as
the difficulty of extracting them from their j
atony combinations. Dr. J. C. Ayer, the
well-known chemist of Massachusetts, has
cut this gordiau knot. After having merited j
and received the gratitude of half mankind, I
by his remedies that cure their diseases, he j
is now winning the other half, by opening j
for them au easy road to the exhaustless
treasures of the hills. lie has discovered
and published a chemical process, which ren
ders at little cost the hardest rocks and ores
friable like chalk, so that the precious metals
are loosed from their confinement, and easi- j
ly gathered. Mines too poor to pay, may be
worked at a profit now, aud the yield of rich
largely increased, while the cost of
extracting the metals from the ore, U dimin
ished. Either is a great achievement, to en
yich mankind, or cure their diseases. But we j
sre informed our celebrated countryman ad
here to the latter, as bis speciality aud chief
ambition [Buffalo Sentinel.
Making Lorats—fast,
Some member of the Band on their return '
from the residence of Mr, Asa S. Dana across i
the river— whore they had been treated to a '
fine collation ijj the way of ice cream, j
? *<=-,—made tje remark that ''we (the
Band) were making local items protty fast." j
leather fast,gentlemen,for separate mention;
but we can lump them off in this wise ; j
9SR EVADE On returning from their pleasant j
v lo J' ' l the other evening,
theEana—remembering the splendid bouquet
presented them, for their Montrose trip, by
- Trs. 1 iatt, gave that lady a serenade, which
she appeared and acknowlegded ; and after
cue or two of the Major's funny yarns, they
departed, just in time to be met by the Rev.
C. R. Line, who, acting as a committoe of a '
party of Mite Society ites assembled at his 1
house very urgently invited them to go there !
HAMJ play the rest of the evening : which
invitation tby—the Band aforesaid—felt
obliged to decline,on account ft most of them
laid,— cf their hcing by that time,— "played."
j Dcllcite Compliment to the Baud.
The followiug note, which explains itself,
; was recently received by R. P. Ross, Esq ,the
Leader of the Band at this place,from a Lady
of rare musical attainments, One whose good
opinion therefore, offords the Band far greater
satisfaction than her very liberal money cons
tribution. Thanks, to our modest and gen
erous friend, whose name we are obliged to
withhold, in order that we may partially at
least, comply with her request, in the Post
R, P, Ross, Esq.,
Not Knowing who
i is Treasurer of the Band, I Incloso to you for that
i Treasury, ten dullari. This small sum does not,
of course, cancel any indebtedness arising from
the pleasure your uausie affords me, but may sim
ply serve as an assurance of my gratitude and re
spect. May an appreciative and liberal communi
ty reward yeu most generously, and thereby en
courage you in the continuance of your most grate
ful favors, and the highest interests of your as-
I sociation be promoted
Yours, Reap eetfully
A Great Mistake*
It's a mistake to suppose that because the
circumstances of an event are well known in
the neighborhood of its occurrence, that they
are equally well known in all parts of the
County. It's a mistake to suppose that it is
an easy task to hunt up, run down, inquire
out, sift out and get in shape tor publication
an item of news growing out of an occurrence
in a remote part of the County. Last winter
—sometime—a terrible accident occurred at
the house of—somebody—somewhere, in the
j Township of Monroe, in this County, by rea
j son of the falling in of the floor of an upper
; room filled with young people, gathered there
at a convivial party. One or two persons
i were dangerously if not fatally burned or
I scalded, others we p e much injured. The/act
of this occurrence did nut reach our ears un
til the lapse of many days—we think,weeks ;
, and then, with not sufficient deliniteness as
l to date, names and circumstances, to war
rant us in its publication,
j We give this case as an example of the un
' recorded and unpublished incidents which are
, happening frequently in all parts of the coun
' ty, aud, which, if published, would add much
to the value of the Democrat as a local news
With these prefatory remarks, wo now
come to the point where we wish to 6ay
something. It is this : Our friends will
greatly oblige us,and add to the value of our
paper,bv giving us the facts, names, dates and
circumstances—as fully as possible —of unus
ual events in their respective localities, for
publication. Il not in shape for the press we
| will try to make them so. Names and dates
, being mere aibitrary things—to which the
i context furnishes no clue— should be plainly
written. The name of the writer must al j
, ways accompany communication. It is not;
i required for publication, but as a guaranty of
the truthfulness of the circumstances narrated. '
A Fish Story, in Rhyme.
Everybody loves to listen to a good fish
j story—evert if it is a little "fishy." These
stories, heretofore, however,have always been
jin prose—and many of thein rather too prosy
|to be interesting. We never came across a
genuine fish story done up in rhyme, before
receiving thelollowing admirable one. from '
a gentleman, whose name is not as familiar to
us as that of our mutual friend S.— of whom
he sings. We hardly know which most to !
admire, the scienco exhibited, by S,— the
fisherman or by S. R, the historian of his
' triumphs.
For Ihe Democrat.
aiFascPAxr, Juiy, "or.
In the quiet town of M ,
There lives our nighbor S— ,
, Who never goes a trout ing.
Unless with good tueceas.
Now once upon a eortain day,
'T*as in the r-ummer time.
lie took his " implements" aid went
To have —a treating time.
Ere yet the snn had c hed it's rays
Of Glory round about,
Our neighbor S. hid we!! secured,
A goodly mess of trout.
The dny wore on and naught as yet
Had happened to molest,
i But now u little incident
Brought Science to a test.
Close by a rock tho fi.-herman,
A monster treat had spied,
But every time he threw the bait,
The imp would ouly hi Jo.
" All right my little lad," quoth he,
"I'll have you yet to day ;
Perhaps you'd rather have a meal
Served up some other way."
He placed upon a piece of bark,
A neatly baited hook,
Anl with this n vel cargo launched
The crait into the brook ;
It floated slowly down to where
He lost had seen the trout;
He gave the line a gentle iiri'di.
And lo! he fetched him out I
S. R.
Tit Al'GEß— on the Knd ult in Whiteside Ceunty
Ills, Samuel Trauger aged 56 years.
RANCID BCTTER. —We cut from an ex
change the following recipe!—"To a pint
of water add thirty drops (about half a tea
i .spoonfull) of liquor of cboloridc fcf lime.
Wash in this two and a half pounds of ran-
I cid butter, when every particle of butter
has come in contact with the water, let it
j stand an hour or two ; then wash the but
! ter well again in pure water. The butter
is then left without any odor, and has the
sweetness of fresh butter. These prepara
tions cf lime have nothing injurious in
tbcrn." The same paper says :—"We had
obtained some of the most rancid, aud it
was bad enough for any stomach that had
any more sensibility than a wagon wheel.
We doctored it as per recipe, and then
placed it on-the table along with new and
; good butter. Here is a fact worth a year's
subscription to a paper."
>(OTE—We have heard of rancid butter
i being placed on the table without any of
j the trouble re£er*d to; but we do not rec
i ommcud any one to try it.
DELICATE DECISION. —It is well enough
' for all of us with the rest of mankind to
: know, that it has been decided that when
j you tread on a lady's train in the street.
■ you are not required to apologize. \ou
have a right to bo in tuo street
' So ha* the lady v but she has no more righ
j to carry her train, with the expectat ion of
having itrespcc.ted,than she has to bring her
cradle and rock her baby in it. A train in
the drawing ropqa, bowevei inconvenient,
is graceful and appropriate ; and if you do
not like it, you may keep out of the room.
You may go into the street, you have a
right there, and you have a right to step
i on the sidewalk, and if any wild, wayward
j waspy, wilful woman dares to unfurl her
silk or satin banners between your feet and
! the pave, it is at her royal ri&k—and not
i yours.
; gjjftial %oticrs.
Letter testamentary having been granted t.ie un
! dereigned on the estate of Samuel Lyman, late of
' i Meshoppen Tp. dee'd. Notice is hereby given all
■ persons indebted to the said estate, to make immo
i diate payment of the same, and all persons having
claims against the same, will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement without delay to
Washington, July 22nd 1367-v6n49-6w.
"JVTOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested
a 1 that I have applied to the Hon., the Judges of
the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the County
of Wyoming, tor the benefit of the insolvent laws of
this commonwealth, und that tbey have appointed
the first day of next term of said court, tne 19th
day of August next, to hear me and my creditors,
at the Court House, in tha Borough of Tunkhannock
when and whero you can attend, if you think proper.
Exeter, Juiy 15, 1867.
, Maria Phaver by her next } In tho Court of Common
! friend Levi Winters vs. > Pleas of Wy'g Co., No
Henry K. Shaver. y32 January term. 1867
I, M" W. DeWitt, High Sheriff of the Cconty of
Wyoming, do hereby make known unto Henry K.
Shaver, that he be and appear at a Court of Com
mon Pleas, to be held at Tunkhannock. in aud for
j the County of Wyoming, on Monday the l'Jth day
•f August, A. D. 1867. then und there to answer tho
| said complaint, and to show cause, if auy there be,
; why tho bonds of matrimony between hiiuseif ami
I Maria Sharer, hie wife, shall not be dissolved.
M. W. DeIVITT, Sheriff
1 Sheriff's office, Tunk. July 16, 1867,
James U. Bagley I In tho Court of Common
vs. > I'leas Wyoming County,
Emcline D. Bagley jNo. 24, January Term. 1667
t I, M. W. Dcwitt High Sheriff of the County of
Wyoming, do hereby uiako known unto Emetine D.
Bagley, that she be and appear at a Court of (,'ein
mon l'ltas, to bo held at Tuukhannock in tho Coun
ty aforesaid, on Monday the 19th day of August, A.
I> 1667, then and there to answer the said complaint,
aud show cause it auy sho hath, why the bonds of
matrimony between herself and James H. Bagley
' her husband shall not be di.ndveJ.
M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff,
j Sheriff's Office, Tunk. July 9th'67. i6u47tf. j
WHEREAS, application has been made to the Court
1 of Common Pleas of Wyoming County for the grant
j ing of a Charter of Incorporation to the Baptist
Church, of Tunkhannock Borough in said County,
the same havihg been tiled in the office of the Pro
| thonotary of said Court. Notice is hereby given
I that if no sufficient reason to the contrary is shown,
it shall be lawful for the said Court at the next
j enn thereof to declare that the persons so associated.
| shall according Lo the articles and conditions set forth
I in said Charter, become, aud be a corporation or
j body politic, in law ami in fact, and tlic court will !
make such other directions as the case may require.
E. J. KL'ENL' I',l',uthonotary
Tunk. July,B, 18G7-v6a47.
WHEREAS, application has been made to the
| Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming County for the
; granting of a Charter of Incorporation to the Methu
dist Episcopal Church ot Factoryville, in said County,
' the same having been filed in the office of tho Pru
j thonotary of said Court. Notice is hereby given
I that if no sufficient reason to the contrary is shown, j
j it shall bo lawtul for the said Court at the next term ■
1 thereof to declare that the persons so associated, I
shall according to the artieleg and conditions set '
forta in said Charier, become, and be a corpc ation ;
or body politic in law and in fact, and the court will
make such other directions .s the case may require,
t E. J K KKN EY, l'rothonotary. '
aunk. July Bih 1367—v6n47.
gained by UELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Btcnc.
Ilelinbolu'g Extract Buchu,
Notiee is hereby given to all persons intcres ted
that tho fulh'wiug accounts and claims have been
filed iu the Register's Office in and for Wyoming Co.
will be presented to the Orphans' Court to be held
at Tuiikhonnock, in aud ihe game County, on
Monday the 19th day of August next, for confirma
tion and allowance ;
Widow's Claim in the estate of Abraham Acc. late
of Tunkhannock Tp. dee'd., Filed Dec, -2d 1566.
Widow's Clrim in the cs.ate of Conrad Kintiier.
late of Tunkhannock Tp. dee'd. Filed Ma'ch 80,'67
Widow's Claim in the estate or Albertftosengraiil
late of Eaton Tp. dee'd. Filed April 22J1667.
Widow's Claim (ax the estate of Mjse<Vaughn,lato
of Mehoopany Tp. dee'd Filed April 29, 1867,
Widow's claim lathe estate of William K. Holmes
late of Falls Tp. dee'd. Filed May 18, 1867.
Widow's Claim in the eetatc of Minor Worden,latc
of Nicholson Tp. dee'd. Filed June 14, 1867.
Final Aecouut ol Joseph Graha u, Executor of the
last WiR and Testament of Samuel Vamiuger, late
of Tunknannock Tp dee'd. Filed July Id, ISo7.
Widow's Claim in the estate af Ludd Shoemaker,
late of Windham Tp. dee d, Fifad July 15,1667,
Final Account of Ezra Thompson and William 11.
Crispell, Administrators of the estate of Thomas
Crispell, late of Monroe Tp._deo'd. Filed July "2U,
1367. ;
Final Account of E, J. Mowry, Administrator of
the estate ot E. Mowrey Jr., la to of tho Township of
Meshoppen de'd. Filed Joly 15, 1867.
; Final Account of Stevens Dana, Admiuistriitor of
j tho estate of Henry Metcalf, late of Tunkhannock
Boro, dee'd. Filed July 22, 1867.
Register's Office, Tunk. July 22, '67. ,
IDE OK IRON supplies the blood with its LIFE
ELEMENT, IRON, giving strength, vigor and new
I life to the whole system,
If the thousands who are suffering from DT&PZF-
! test the virtuos of the PEBI VIAN SYRUP, the effect
: would not only astonish themselves but would
[,lease all their friends ; tor insteud of feeling cross
"ull gone" and miserable, they would bo cheerful
1 vigorous and -active.
I have tried the the PKRI VIAX SYRUP, and the re
i suit fully sustain your prediction. It has made a
SKW MAX of me, iutused into my system Dew vigor
and energy ; I am no longer tremulous and Jebili
tated, as when you last saw me, but stronger, heart
ier, and with larger capacity tor labor, mental and
physical, than at any time during the last fire
i years."
Thousands hare been chanced by the use of this
remedy from weak, sickly, suJferiMg creatures, to
I strone, healthy, and happy men and itvmm ; and
I invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a
j trial.
I The genuine has "Peruvian Syrup" blown in the
I glass.
A 32 page pamphlet will be sent free
J. I'. DINS.MORE, Proprietor,
No. 36 Dey St., New York.
. gold by all Druggists.
The Rev. George Storrs, of Brooklyn, N. Y, says
In tho Bible Examiner, byway of apology tor pub
lisbing a medical certificate in his magazine, of the
cure al his only son, of Scrofula, "after dftsoHirttn
appeared inevitable." "We publish this statement
• 'not for pay. hut io gratitude to Ud whor-bat an
' "swered preyer, aud injustice to Dii -Anxfars ; he
"ing satisfied that there is virtue iu the lodine Wa
"ter treatment, which the readers of this Magazine
"will thank it# editor for for bringing to their no
Circulars free.
D H. Anders' lodine Water is fok sale by J. P.
DINSMORE. Proprietor, 36 Dey St., N. Y., and
y all Dru ggisls.
Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders in al
their stages, at little expense, litUe or no rhaugein
diot, DO Inconvenience and no exposure II is pleas
i ant in Uetc and odor, immediate iu it: aud
l Ueo frvrn ail injuuoui properties.
facial gtotitts,
• ts the Great Diuretic.
la the Great Blood l'urifier.
Both are prepared according to rules of Chemistry
ind Pharmacy, and ars the most active that can b
wade, j t
! So say the ladies of their beauty, when the mirror
. shows them their once jet or golden ringlets streak
ed with grey. But never was there a more
False Conclusion.
Though the hair he as White as Time's own fore
lock, Or Worse still, us led as a Sery meteor —,
it is invested In a momeut with the most magnifi
! cent black or brown by the ngeacy of
' a perfectly wholesome and purely vegetable prepa
! tion Manufactured by J. Cristadora, 6 Astor
' House, New York, Soli by Druggists. Applied by
! all Hair Dressers. \7-nl-lm.
TIONS, of both sexes, use Halmbold'g Extract, Bu
chu. It will eerisk andgive energetic feelings and
enable you to sleep well.
SAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dungerou
isens s. Use llelmbold's Extract Buchu and Ims
raved Rose Wash.
pleasant in taste and odor, free trom all injurious
properties, and immediate in its action.
This medicine, invented by Dr. J n. Srnu.vcx, of
Philadelphia, is intended to disolve the food and
I make it into chyme, the first process of digestion.--
j By cleansing the stomach with Schenck's Mandrake
! Pills, the Tonic soon restores the appetite, and food
that could not bo eaten before using it will be easily
Consumption cannot be cured by Schenck's Pul
monic Syrup unless the stomach and liver is made
ealthy and the appetite restored, hence the Tonic
! and pills arn required in nearly every case of con
' consumption, A half dozen Lotties of the SEA
' WEED TONIC and three or four boxes of the MAN
i DRAKE PILLS will euro any ordinary case of dys
Dr. SCBENCK makes professional visits in New
York.ißoston, and at his principal Ofiico in Pbiladel
j phia every week. Sec daily papers of each place,or
j paui pblot on consumption for his days lor visitar j
] tion.
Please observe, when purchasing, that the two
likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stago
' of Consumption, and the other as lis now is, in pcr
: feet health, a¥e on the Government stamp,
j Sold by all Druggists .and Dealers, price Sl5O pe
bottle, or S7 50 the half dozen. All letters for ad
vice should be addressed to Dr SCHKSCK'S Principal
0 cc, No, 15 North jjth Street, Philadelphia. Pa.
cneral Wholesale Agents : Dcuus Barnes A Co I
l N. Y. ; S. 3. Hance. Baltimore, MJ ; John D j
Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker A Taylor Chicago !
Ill; Coll'ns Bi i* St. Loais, MJ |vgal4-lst me ly
Ts a certain cure for disokses of tha
uaaj !! rIiMUSPB fif tha
whether existing In
from whatever cause originating and no matter of
Diseases of these organs _ioquire the use of a
If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or
Insanity inay ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are sup
ported from those sources, and the
that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of n re
' li.J/le remedy
Established upwards of IS years, prepared by
/ D?l T UGIST,
50-1 Broadway, New York, and
104 South 10 th Street, Philadelphia,?*
I v6n29-ly.
, TiniEREAS, Letters tcstamcntnry to tho estate
VV of Asa Keeler, late of Northmorelnnd town
' ship Wyoming County deceased, have been grant
jcd to the subscriber, AH persons indebted to the
i said estate are requested to make dimueiate pay
client, and those having claims or demands against
' the estate of sai 1 decedent will mako known the
j same without delay to
MILO KEELER, Executor,
j Kcclersburg, July 16, 1567.
All persons indebted to the estate of Geo. S. Tut—
j ton Esq. late of Tunkbannoek, Pa., dee'd., by liook
account, note, or otherwise, will save trouble and ex
pense by making a speedy settlement with
Tank. Pa. Jjjne 24th 1867.—t1.
The advertiser, having been restored to health in
| a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having
( suffered for several years with a severe lung affec
■ tion, and that dread disease Consun prion— is anx
{ ious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means
' 1 of cure.
j To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
' i prescription used (free of charge,) with the diree
j tions for preparing and using the same which they
will find a cure fur Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis
Coughs, Colds, and nil Throat nnd Lung Affections.
! The only object of the advertiser in sending the
Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and sproad
, information which he conceives to be invaluable, and
• he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it
will cost tbcm nothing, and may prove a blessing.
1 Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return
i mail, will please address
Williamsbu-g, Kings Co., New York.
; 6vn4o
, and vigor to the frame and bloom to the palid
cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming
I symptoms, and if no treatment is subuiittad to, con
i sumption insautity, or epileptic fits ensue.
Sheriff's Sale."
BY VIRTUE of writs of Fieri Facias, I will ex
pose to Public Sale at the Ciurt House in Tunk
hannock Wyoming Countv Pa. on
the following described piece or pan el of land, sit
uate aud being in the Township of Falls, Wyoming
, County, Pa., bounded nnd described as follows, to
wit : on tbe North by lauds of Jackson Yantuyl,
East by land cf Levi Towasend and Perry Sickler,
, South by land of Job" Smith and West by land of
Levi Townsend ; Containing about thirty acres of
land and übuut eight acres thereof improved, with
two dwelling house, two small barns, one saw-mill
ono lath and shingle mill and some fruit trees there
, I OD with the appurtenances
Seized and taken in execution nt the suit of Miles
A Lynch use t I. C. Lyn cb, vs Chile A Lafayette
Sherwood, and will bo sold for cash onlv. by
M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff.
' Sheriffs Office. )
j Tunk., July 29, '67 ,
i of Urine, irritation, inffamation, or ulceration of the
I 1 bladder, of kidneys, diseases of the prostrate glands.
, stone iu the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick dust
deposits, aql ail dits xen ot the bladder, kidneys,
j and dropsical swc|lling3. 1
i L~£ UtLgnoui'a jbtiu Lxnacx Uvuie,
Sheriff's Sale.
BY VIRTUE of writs of Fieri Facias, I will ox
poso to public sale at the Court House, in the
Borough of Tunkhannock, Wyoming County, l'a,,on
Saturday, August 17th, 1867 the following tract or
piece of land, situate in Monroe Tp.
Wyoming Co, State of Pennsylvania, being the
Northwest part of the William Mad dock tract and
founded and described as follows : Beginning at a
birch on the North bank of a small creek, running
through said lot, thence South,eighty and ono fourth
degrees West 61 perchs to a post in tbe brook,thence
South twentythreeA one-halt degrees,west 22 |icrcbei
to a birch,thence North forty-one degrees, West 85
perches to stones on Creek hank, thence North two
and one-fourth degrees East 51 perches to SIODCS on
North line of Maddock tract, thence South eighty
seven and one-fourth degrees, East 141 and
seven- thenths porches to the division line, thence
South two and one-fourth degrees West, 92 and five
teuths |>erches to the place of beginning, containing
Eighty acres and one hundred and thirty perches of
and be the same more or less, with about {four acres
improved, with one log house and some fruit trees
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit o' Elihu
F;u>sett. assigned to Win M. Piatt, vs. Charles S.
Harding, Administrator of Charles Johnson do'd ,
u:id will be sold tor cash only, bv
M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff
Sheriff's Offiee, )
Tunk. July 29,'67 \
Sheriff's Sale.
BY VIRTUE of writs of Fieri Facias I will ex
pose to Public Sale at the Court House in the
Borough of Tunkhannock, in Wyoming County, Pa.
1867. at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described
property to wit:
A certain pieco or parcel of land situate and Leing
in the Township of Falls, Wyoming Co. Pa., bounded
nnd described as follows, to wit : on the North by
lands of SpeDcer Fitih, East by lands of Isaac Smith
South by the Susquehanna ltiver and West by land
of Mathew Sherwood ; Containing abont eighteen
acres of land nnd about eight acres thereof improv
ed, with one frame dwelling house, one frame shed
and a small applo orchard thereon, with appurte
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I. V.
Lynch, vs. A. W. Mubon, and will be sold fur cash
only, by
M W, DEWITT, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, )
Tunk. July 26, '67. $
Sheriff's Sale.
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fiiri Facias, I will
expose to Public Sale in tha Borough of Tunk
hannock, Wyoming County, State of Pennsylvania,
1567, at 1 o'clock P. M,. the following described
property to wit :
All that certain piece or parcol of land situate and
boing in the Township of Windham Wyoming Co.,
l'a,, bounded and described as follows, to wit : On
the North by lands of Mark KeeDty, East by Sua
quebanna River, South by land of John Fassett, and
West by land of the Estate or heirs of John Graves
dee'd ; containing about one hundred acres of land
nnd about sixty-five acres thereof improved, with
one brick dwelling house, ono frame barn, one small
apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon, with tho
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. W.
Whi'noy Administrator of Walter Whitney, dee'd.
vs Jeanetto Whitney, Adm'trx of J. J. Whitney
dee'd, et al, and will be sold for cash only, by
M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, £
Tunk, July 26, '67 J
Sheriff's Sale.
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Facias, 1 will ex
jKise to Public Sale at the Court House in Tunk
: hannock Boro., Wyoming Co. Pa.,
1867, at 1 o'clock P. M., tho following described
! ' All the right, title and interest of tho defendant
: in that certain piece or parcel of land situate and
being in tho Township ot Xorthmoreland, Wyoming
Countv, Pa,; bounded as follows, to wit : on the
I North bv land of Mrs. Mary Wills, on tbe East by
land of Moody WhU*ell. on the South by Dr. Win.
Thompson, and on the West by Levi Winters, con
taining about thirty and one-fourth acres of land,
and about twelve a.res thereof improved, with tho
I One other oertain piece or parcel of land situate
and being in the Township of Northmorelnnd,County
of Wyoming. Pa.; bounded as follows,to wit :on the
I North and West by land aboie described South by
land of Dr Win. Thompson, and East by land ot
Moody Whitwcll ; containing about two and thice-
I fourth acres of land, all improved, with tho appurto
j nances.
j Seized and taken in execution at tho suit of R. 0.
i Hatfield, assigned to Aaron Brown, vs Ashcr Baker,
and will he suld fur cash only, by
M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff
i Sheriffs Office, j
Tunk. July 3d, '67. j
Sheriff's Sale.
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Facias I will ex
pose to Public Sale, at the Court House in the
; Borough of Tunkhannock, Wyoming County l'a.,
I 1367, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described
property, to wit:
i All the right, title and interest of the Defendants
! in that certain piece cr parcel of land situate and
J being in the Township of Falls, Wyoming County
J Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit ; on
tho North by land of Jackson Yantuyl, East by
land of Levi Townsend and Perry Sickler, South'by
1 land of Jobn Siuith, and West by land of Levi Towu
send ; Containing about thirty aoras of land and
about eight acres thereof improved, with two dwell
ing bouses two small barns, one Saw Mill, one Lath
aud Sbingle Mill, and some fruit trees thereon, with
the appurtenances.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. C.
Miles, vs. 11. W. Finn and Levi Townsond, and
will bo sold for cash only, by
M, W. DEWITT, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, >
! Tunk. July 26, '67 i
Sheriff's Sale,
BY VIRTUE of * writ of Fieri Facias I e ill ex
pose to Public bale, at tbe Court House in the
Boro. of Tunkhannock, Wyroming County Pa.,
1567, at 1 o'clock P. M. tko following described
property, to wit :
All tko right, title and interest of the Defendant
in and to that certain piece or lot of land, situate ir>
Exter Township, Wyoming Couuty Pa., Bounded
and described as follows ; Beginning at the highway
lending from, the late Solomon Brown's estate to
Whilock's Mills—so called—and runniog thence
North eighty-six degrees West, twenty-two and five
tenths perches to a corner, thence North twenty-two
perches to a corner, thence North bvo degrees East,
twenty-nino and six-tenths perches to a corner, thence |
North ten degrees Eist, forty porches to a corner.
South 74 dcg. East, 6 perches to a corner, North 19 j
deg. East, 42.7-10 perches to a corner, Sooth 70 deg
East, 296-10 perches to a comer, South 11J deg.
West, 39.5-10 perches to a corner, North 77J deg,
West, 4 perches to a cornet, South 21 deg. West, 47
perches to a comer, South 69 dcg East, 49 perches
to a Hemlock, South 13 deg. West,26 5-10 perches to
a cornc, North 70f deg. West, 24 perches to a cor
ner, South 10 deg. West, 1.7-10 potches to a corner
South 96 deg. West, 20,2-10 perches to the place of
beginning ; containing 32 acros and 50 porches with
one framo dwellling house, and some fruit tree
thereon, with the appurtenances.
To be sold subject to the interest or right of dower
of Eleanor Kyte.
i Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Aaron
Brown, vs. Rachel Sicklor, Administratrix of the es
tate of Isaac Sickler, doe'd-, and will bo sold for
cash only, by
M W. DEW ITT, Sheriff
Sheri7'g Office. ?
Tunk. July 29, '97 J
llozvarfl Association Reports, for YOUNG
MEN on the CRIME OF SOLITUDE, and the ER
RORS, ABUSES and DISEASES which destroy the
manty powers, and create impediments to MAR
RIAGE, with sure means of relief. iSent in sealed
cttrr. envelopes, free of charge. Address I)R. J.
SKILLKN lInUOUTvN, Howard AsmhmUw,
Philadelphia, l'a,
Thomas' Patent Atmospheric
Patented May 7th, 1867.
The molt Important and Valuable Intention of
the lWy Century,
1. The Dasher is superior to any other, l>y being
as simple as the old dasher, and combining the at
inoapheric principle therewith, and the Butter Gslh
-1 erei.
2. It is superior to all others, inasmuch as the
seme power applied to this in like mechanical oper-
I atious will make one-fourth more reciprocations.
I 3. It is superior to ail others, inasmuch as it pro
duces in a much shorter time.
4. It is superior to any other, inasn uch as it pro
duces a much better quality of Butter,
Lastly it is superior to any other Patent Churn,
inasmuch a* it is SUO per cent, cheaper than any
j other.
It is well known to Dairymen and others, that
Butter is contained in minute globules or sacks cov
ered with a membrane, and requires the action of
; air to prepare the covering to be removed by iric
i tiun. The Scientific American says :
"If cream is daeiied against hard substance or
mashed between bars or rollers,it breaks the globules
and becomes oily, by destroying the grain. It
should be thrown into currents and counter-currents
by tho action of air, causing a friction by the eur-
I rents against each other, removing the covering
without breaking or bursting the globules."
This is the pnocipie which the inventor of th is
Dasher endeavored to koep in view, and the result
shows fl much
Experiments have proven that any other me thod
except pumping air through the cream ,will not pen
etrate sufficiently to oxygenize all the globules pre
paratory to concentrating the butter. Throwing it
into the air by cl apperg of old fashioned Hashers,
does not sufficiently expose it to the air to bring out
the Butter.
The above Patent Dasher has beea purchased for
Susquehanna, Wyoming and Luzerne Counties by
A, r. Baldwin, of Montrose. The process of churn
ing can be seen on exhibition at Wall's Hotel, in
lunkhsnnock, for a few days by Mr. Reynolds,
agent, who will sell township rights,
Mostrose. July 23d ; 1567.
orixioxs or THE mr.ss.
The Philadelphia Inquirer speaking'of this in
vention says: "This most simple, practical and
useful invention, truly, merits the patronage of
not only men of science, hut also every agricultu -
ralist and farmer.
The Philadelphia Aire in speaking of the prac
tical ojieration of this invention says: Having
witnessed the operation of the Atmo-pharic Churn
Dash, we are without doubt satisfied that it is one
of tho neatest and most useful inventions exhibit
ed- The dash can be used in aDy churn, and will
produce butter in from three to five ininutcs. Its
operation is simple and ingenious, acting on the
same principle as the ordinary air pump. By its
use trash air is, upon each motion, forced into the
churn and the cream thrown into currents and coun
ter currents, and producing not only a much finer
and healthies quality of butter, but a far greater
yield than can be obtained by any patent churn
ever invented.
Manufactured by
At T trjVA'lfji JVJYO C A', 2>a.
who has tho exclusive right for Wyoming County, is
i one of tho very few Machines that will cutllaT,
Ptruw, Stalks, Ac., better than the old fashioned
Cutting boxes, u<ed by our grand fathers.
Those who value time and labor ; and would avoid
a needless loss of lioth. in feeding their stock, should
get one of these improved Cutters.
No man ever found any thing hetter ; or ever
t went back to the old macbino after a tnal of it,
: and
As an Investment.
The rapid progress of the Union Pacific Railroad |
now building west from Omaha, Nebraska, and for- !
inmg, with its western connections, ;ui unbroken line
across the continent, attracts attention to the value
of the First Mortgage Bonds which the Company
! now offer to the pullic. The first question aske Iby
prudent investors is, "Are these bonds secure 7"—
: Next, "arc they a profitable investment 7" to reply j
in brief:
Ist. The early completion of the whole great line
to the Pacific is as certain as any future business
be. The Government grant of over tweu
ty million acres of land and fifty mill .-i dollars in
its own bonds practically guarantees it. One fourth
of the work is already ione, and the track continues
to be laid at the rate of two miles a day.
2d The Union Pacific Railroad bond* are issued ,
upon what promises to be one of the most profitable :
lines of railroad in the country. For many years it
must bo the only iiae connecting the Atlantic and j
Pacific ; aud Lciii{ without competition, it can main- i
tain remunerative rates.
3d 425 miles ot this road are finished, and fully
equipped with depots, locomotives, cars, Ac., and
two irains are daily running each way. The materia
ais for the .emaining 131 miles to the eastern base
of the Kooky Mountains are on hand, and it is under
! contract to be done in.September.
4th The net earnings of the sections already fin
i ished are several times greater than the gold inter
: est upon the First Mortgage Ponds upon such sec
tions, aud if not aoother mile of the read were built J
the part already completed would not only pay In
! tereet and expenses, but bo profitable to the Com- !
pany, j
j sth. The Union Pacific Railroad bands can be is- i
ued only as the road progresses, and therefore can
i never be in the markot unless they represeut a bon a ;
fide, pro pert?.
6th. Their amount is is strictly limited by law to [
a sum equal to what is granted by the U. S. Gov
ernment, and for wbi-h it takes a second lien as its
I security. This amount upon the first 517 miles west ,
from Amaha is only 816,000 per mile.
7th The fact that fhc U. 5. Government consid- '
ers a soeond lien upon the road a good investment, !
and that some of the shrewdest railroad builders of
the country have ahead? paid in five million dol
lars upon the stock (which is to them a third lies), i
, may well Inspire confidence in a first lien.
Bth. Although it is not claimed that there can be I
any better securities that Governments, there are
parties who consider a first mortgage u|x>n such a
property as this the very best security in the world, j
and who eelLthcir Governments to re-invest in these
bonds —thus securing a greater interest,
9th. As the Union Pacific Railroad bands are offer- j
• ed for the present at 90 cents on the dollar and ac
crued interest, they are the cheapest security in the :
market, being over 15 per coat, less than U. S.
10th, At the current rato of of premium on gold,
1 they pay
Over .Vine per Cent. Interest.
, The daily subscriptions are already large, and
tho will continue to bo received id New York by the .
Continental National Bank, No, 7 ,
Nassau St.
Clark, Dodge & Co., Bankers, 51
, Wall St, xau;
John J. Cisco & Son, BarJ-uallowedt
33 IPilll St. ] remains repose ; th<
and b, BANKS AND BA J ' mn ma ? whirled
| out the United States, of WliitC m&Dilc Ot WlQtCr
pamphlets may be obiayoin sight; yet her spiri
by mail from the Com h jj. ■ lhe ,j g bt pa t]
Street, New York, on . , ~ \
select their own Ageitly, mournfully calls for
dence, who alone wi derins off into the ways of
safe delivery of the h 4
\6u4c JLC.
UJiscrlliHtemw, I
Having purchased the entire internet In the Phn
tograpbic Gallery in this place, I take pleasure in
inforuiing my friend* and the public in general that
i am prepaid to produce picture* of e very descrip
tion, including r
FrD^NT^fT* iofe \ er J facility, I FJSEL CON
nuMt-rf J M 5 * Btlre ""Miction. All are re
quested to call and examine, and
Alfkfallf'nf M."
All kincs of colored work done at the ihorteat ao
U< and in the best .tyle of the art. Al^dUinS
of copying dou. from old pictnre., fto ß card
size. SdtiificiitiA guaranteed<
_ Tank. Apr 11th, leW9.
r rTie " of Mr H &">he, on#
of the leet bindejs to be found in the State ■■
are prepared te furnish to " 1
insibancb companies,
and others, with
H L A X k B O O Kg
ef every description, on short notice, Unnd In any
st} le desired, in the most substantial manner at
reasonable prices. '
Magazines bouDd) and oW reboun , t
New dork prices. '
Orders left at the offlce of the paper publishing
thu advertisement, or sent by Express, will be •£
tended to and returned without unnecessary delay
E, S. M. niLL.
Scranton, Pa., June 3. 1367—v6n44-ly.
X Colic. This need not be. Dr. Tobiae' Vene
tian Horse Liniment will pnsitivelp cure every case
if given when first uken. The cost is only OM dol
lar. Every owner of a horse should here a bottle
in his stable, ready for use It is warranted supe
rior to anything else tor the cure of Cuts, Wind GaUs
Swellings, Sore Throat. Sprains, Bruises, Old Sores,
Ac. This Liniment is no new remedy. It has been
used and approved of for 19 years by the first horse
men in the country Given to an over-driven horse
it acis like magic. Orders are constantly received
from tho racing stables or England for it The cel
ebrated Hiram \\ uodruff, of trotting lame, has used
it for years, and says it is far superior to any other
he has tried, He kindly permits me to refer tn him.
His address is East New York, Long Island. Recol
lect, Dr. Tobias' Venetian Homo Liniment is put up
in pint bottles. Take no other. Sold by the I'rug
gists and baJdlcrs. Depot, 5b Cortlandt Street, New
Takes pleasu-e in announcing to his old customer#
and the public, generally, that he hue now secured
the services as an assistant—ot
Those wishing a good shave or other work i& hie
line can now be accommodated without the vexatious
deli ys experienced at "one horse" sbope,
CURLING, A o ..' A .
done in the best style and at reasonable rates.
EX TEA C T 6',
a! ways on band, an 1 for salo at the old stand eo
Tioga Si reel,
Tunkhannock, l'a ; Feb. 12, 18b'7— \6n27-tf..
Take Notice,
in good style.
on hand or to order. " •
Power and hand Cornshellcre; and
Farming tools generally,
Vl/TIBKEAS, thellon. WM. ELWELL. F>wrf
v ¥ dent Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and
Court ol General Quarter Sesaonc of the Peace, and
the President Justice of the Court of Oyer and Ter
miner and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of earn
ital and other offences, for the twenty-sixth Judicia
District of Penn' a G. Pike, and J. V. Smith, Esq*
Associate Judge* of the Court of Common Pleas and
General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Aasoel
ate Justices of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail
Delivery of the County of Wyoming, bare by their
precept to me directed, ordered
to bo held at Tunkhannock on Monday the 19th day
Aug A. D., 1567. . '
Notice is iherclore hereby given to the Co ngot, all
Justices of the Peace and Constables within the Ofrwn
ty ol Wyoming, thet they be and appear in their pru. .
per penk.ns at the time and place above mentioned,
with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations,
recognizances and other remembrances, to do thosw
things which to their offices in that be half respective
ly belong.
Notice is also given that those who are bound by
recognizances to prosecute the prisoners that are ot
sball be in tho Jail of Wyoming County, thatthey ha
then and there to prosecute them as shall ba Just.
Sheriff's Office, |
! Tunkhauack July 19,1857 {
X The subscriber has now on hand and. will • hcreaf
nuir constantly koep
li at his brstk opposito Palon A Dry*.
hint * Mry '
error. \ v TVJVXETAWOCE'* TA.
■ill be soid cheap.'end in quantities to suit