Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, August 07, 1867, Image 2

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THE deaths from pesuleuco in Mauritus to
May 28. were 17,000.
On some of the juries in Texas there rs not
a single white man, owing to the "iron-clad
A lady brought before the Police Court of
Cleaveland, for drackeoness, were five thon
eand dollars .worth cf diamonds.
SUBSCRIBERS to the "Lincoln Monument
Fund" in New York are inquiring where
their money has gone. Into Radical docu
ments for the south— Boston Post
THE Japanese commissioners recently in
the United States purchased 20,000 volumes
of school books, of various kinds, to take
home with them.
PENNSYLVANIA during the late rebellion
furnished 362,184 soldiers for the Union ar
my, independent of 25,000 militia in service
in September, 1867.
A New Orleans quad room has brought a
suit against a wealthy gentleman concerning
the parentage of a colored picaniny. It is
thought to be a case of black male.
THE largest amount of money that has ev
er been in the United States Treasury at oue
time since the organization of our Govern
ment was in it on Saturday last—lßo,ooo,ooo.
CSolonel J. P. Linton has been "renomi
nated by the Democracy of Cambria County
for the State Legislature. Colonel Linton de
eerres a re-election for his services during the
last session.
The election took place in Tennessee,on
Thursday of this week. It does not require
• prophet to foretell the result. Brownlow
carrried it out with niggers and bayonets
IT is stated that the Indian war now costs
about a million per week, and the expenses
will soon ran ap to five millions per week.
It costs about a million dollars and the lives
of tea white men for every Indian killed.
A CRAZY Second Adrenlist in New York
State has for ten years been feeding a big ox
lor a feast when Christ should appear, lie
has starved his other stock and spent nearly
all bis property In purchasing food for that
A Frcedman in Texas proved a claim o
9150 for wages against his master, but a ne
gro jury would allow him only sllO, on the
ground that they knew him to be "a trifling,
lasy scoundrel," and not worth what his em
ployer agreed to give him.
Two men in Davenport, lowa, claim the
aamc woman as their lawful wife- They have
gone to law about it, and the Judge is puz
sled to know which man to assign her to. The
woman herself don't care particularly which
of the two wins—she's sure of having one, no
snatter how the case is decided.
CHICAGO is eating frogs voraciously this
•eason, and has already consumed 100,000
With the expectation of tripling the number
next year, ai me oueruian nouse ana ieaa
ing hotels they are rcgulary announced on
the bill of fare, and readily accepted as a re
lief from tbe detestable "blue beef."
Bince 1837 there have Leon establised
throughout the world 160,000 miles of tele
graph lioes, comprising 400,000 miles of tel
egraph lines, comprising 400,00 mile of wire (
and working tbrongh nearly 14,000-stations.
The fetal leDgih of submarine cables laid is
19,923 miles. Tbe price of telegraphing is
higher in the United States than in Englands
THE Turkish Sultan brings to Paris, as a
present to Eugenie, a solid gold model of the
imperial kiosk, in tbe harbor of Constantino
ple, with tbe surrounding trees in green en
amel, and the river flowing past in brilliants.
Tbe tower of the building will be of rubies
and. the value of tbo whole will bo $500,000.
A YOUNG man named John P- Jacobs of
Fair Haven, Coon., has lately become insane
in consequence of the public disgrace of an
expulsion from the lodge of Good Templars
ia that place. Jacobs was a clerk in a gro
cery store, and his moral offence was the sale
ol some cider to the wife of a clergyman and
member of the same lodge.
' THE Springfield Republican tells the fol
lowing snake story : A child at South
Dorset, nineteen months old, caught a green
snake nearly two feet long, the other day, ate
•bent three inches of its tii!,bit it through
the bead, and came into the house with the
reptile wound about its arm, and the blood
oosing from Us month. Tbe child's mouth
was badly poisoned, but it received no other
injury. .
WHEN a Mr. Rice was eating chsrries on his
fenn, near Fredisbnrg, Ind;, on tbe thii d inst.
end viewing tbe working of his bees, a hire
being close to him, one of the bees stung him
on the upper lip, when he immediately
started for tbe house calling to his mother
fcr some remedy, laughingly remarking that
•'bee had stnng him. The remedy was ap
plied, but iu half an hour the man was
speechless, and soon after was a corps".
DURING a performance at tre Circus of
Thayer A Noyee in'the city of Rochester, Elias
White, tbe Lion King' entered a cage of
ferocious lions. One of the males attacked
htm, felling him to the floor of the den, and
fastening his psws upon his shoulder inflicting
severs wounds. Tbe circus men now went
to the rescue with iron bars, and finally
succeeded in rescuing Mr. White from the
cage tlfve, hut severely injured. The affair
caused great excitement in tbe audience.
Maximillian. Miramon, and Mejia were all
shot together. None of them was blindfolded
Maximillian denied the authority of the
court that tried him, and hoped that bis
death would stop the further effusion of blood
fa Mexico. His last words were 'tvior
Carlotta !" His request that the soldiers
would aim at his beast was answered by five
bolts entering his breast: bat these did not
bring immediate death end two sobers ap
proached and shot him again in the side-
Ifiramoo rs*d>• paper expressing his regret
that be aboald leave tbe Liberals in power, ;
and that his. children would be celled the j
children of a traitor. Mejindied bravely, in
f Ijc Jlemocrut
Wednesday, Aug. 7th 18G7.
CHANGES, and til others interested, will
please note the CHANGE of TITLE, of this
Change of Name--and Why P
We do not deem it necessary to inform
the readers of the Democrat that a change
has been made in its size and genera] ap.
pearance as well as in the title or hcading-
These facts mast be apparent to all. The
paper speaks for itself. It is, perhaps,
due to our friends that we should furnish
some explanation of the change made in
the heading or title of the Democrat.
The old title— The North Branch Dem
ocrat was given the paper man)- years ago,
when the subject of canal improvements on
the North Branch of the Susquehanna
river, from Pittston to the State line was
an exciting topic in this and Bradford
Counties, through which this canal exten
sion passed. The name at that time gave
the paper a more specific local designation
than at present The term North Branch,
as understood in this state now, applies
not to the canal extension, but to the River,
from Northumberland, where it forms a
junction with the West Branch, to Athens,
or Tioga point. A name applicable to so
extensive a region, fai'ed to sufficiently
localize our paper. Hence, for the pur
pose of fixing its locality, it was almost in
variably called by papers and persons
abroad, the Tankhannock Democrat.
The clasic, aboriginal name, "Wyoming"
has been given onr County. Within its
borders, occurred many of the stirring in
cidents that have rendered the name his
toric. Here lived many of those old Wy
oming settlers, whose early trials aud suf
ferings in the Wyoming valley, have pass
ed into history.
We think the name, Wyoming Demo
crat, an appropriate one, for these and oth
er reasons. Besides, it give our paper—
a local habitation, as well us—a name.
The Union Pacific Railroad.
A few weeks since we noticed the open
ing of the Union Pacific Railroad to
—Tf ■ taa ai • iioobo and
now we have to report its completion to
Crow Creek, a poiut 48 miles further west
making a total of 425 miles. Fifty miles
of track in addition arc graded ready for
the iron, and there is no doubt of the com
pletion of the road to the base of the Rocky
Mountains early in tbe Fall. The Compa
ny are confident that the whole line to the
Pacific will be open for business in 1870.
The Indians have annoyed the surveying
parties and tie cutters, who are many hun
dred miles in advance of the work; but
they have a wholesome fear of the popula
tion that a railroad carries with it. and all
trains run without intenuption.
The business of the Company has been
most flattering. The earnings for the
quarter ending August Ist, were about
$700,000; but as the report of the last
week in July has not been received, the
exact fraction cannot be given. These
earnings acerucd from operating an aver
age of not more than 350 miles of road,
and after deducting operating expenses,
the balance is far in excess of the interest
obligations of the Company on the amount
of bonds they can issue on that distance.—
It should be remembered that this result is
from a troy business alone, through a new
conntry, and is not to be compared with
the vast through business that must follow
tbe opening of the whole line to the Pacif
ic. The success of the enterprise seems
to be thoroughly assured, and we can see
no reason why the First Mortgage Bonds
are not entitled to rank among the best
securities. The daily sales are now so
large, that the Company already entertain
the.idea of advancing tho price.
What Can't a Military Governor do t
A military governor, under the recon
struction act, can—
Suppress newspapers,
Silence lecturers,
Remove governors, judges, mayors, and
officers of State, generally.
Can exclude white aldermen and appoint
black in their places.
Can take possession of savings banks.
Can make laws and postpone the pay
ment of debts.
v Can rnn down cityjstocka and repudiate
city currency.
Can spend $500,000 for registering black
voters, and refuse to register white ones.
Can abolish local taxes, and regulate tho
circulation of papers.
Can settle tbe rates of wages, and the
price of comodities. Can disobey the Pres
ident and insnlt the Cabinet. They can
do all this and far more What they can't
do, no one has ventured to say.
It would certainly be a difficult task to
say what they cannot do, still we may ven
ture to say what they can't be ; They can't
be decent. They can't be civil. They
can't be gentlemen. They can't be true
frienda of a republican government. They
can't be honest. Tltey can't he christians
a bit more than political preachers can.
In order to interest all in the circulation
of the Democrat and secure for it a circu
lation which will enable us to still further
improve it, wc offer to canvassers the fol
lowing liberal PREMIUMS.
To the person sending us the names of
give a copy of
AKY—a Library within itself—containing
upwards of j!800 pages of closely
printed matter —with over 3000 illustra
tions. The publishers's retail price of
which is sl2.
To the person sending ns the names ol
ten subscribers, with S2O, we will give a
choice of one of the following works, worth
$5 each. "The Great Rebellion," by J. T.
Ileadly, a finely written and complete his
tory of the war—two volumes in one, with
library binding,
"Pollard's Lost Cause"—a Southern his
tory of the late war.
A Photographic Album—gilt-edged
embossed, Morocco bound—an elegant
centre-table book.
To the person sending us the names of
five subscribers with $lO, we will give a
choice of the following works, valued at
$2,50 each.
"Beyond the Mississippi, by Richardson
Library Binding.
Public and private Life of Alexander 11.
Stevens—with speeches.
Europe—its scenes and society.
The Nurse and Spy—morocco bound.
Annals of the Persecution in Scotladd—
-2 vols.
"Ferguson's Rome," (history.) J
To the person sending us the names of
three subscribers, with $3, we will give a
choice of the following books, valued at
from SI,OO to $2,00 each.
"Mexico under Maximillian,"
',The 104 th Pa."—by Gen. Davis,
"Drifting About"—by Massctt—very
"Hydropathy, or Water Cure"—Fowler.
"The Lawyer in the school-room,"
"Parson Brownlow's Book"—by a
villain—(valued by us at 0,)
Speeches by Wendell Phillips—ditto,
"Youth's History of the War,"
"Sketches of the old painters,"
"Life and times of Cramer,"
"Les Miserables," by Victor Hugo—
"Garret Van Horn"—a novel,
"The Morgcsons"—a nevel
"Light on Shadowed paths"—a novel.
"Sprees and Splashes"— by Merford—
"Life of Buchanan,"
"Life of Gen. Scott,"
"Jhigar l'oe and his critics,"
"The Fruit Garden," by Barry—a rare
and valuable work.
"The Young Mother," by AJcott.
"Poems of a year," by Aldrick,
To any Lady who will send us the
names of four subscribers, with SB, we will
furnish either "The Ladies Friend," or
"Peterson's Magaizene," for one year, or
"The American Practical Cookery
Book."—All good things in a family.
As we have but single copies of the
books above mentioned, we can furnish a
particular book to only one person—the
one who first sends in the club required,
and order for that book. In the event of
the same book's being desired by two per
sons -the first one scuding in, will receive
it, and a book of the same class, value, and
as nearly similar as possible in matter, will
be furnished to subsequent senders. The
Ladies who send clubs under the offer to
them, can all be supplied with magazines
from the publishers.
A little effort, by any person, will se
cure for them one of these really valuable
Books, or Magazines.
Let's hear from you, friends !
The Natural Result of Mongreliam.
Jamaica, once the glory of Exeter Hall,
and "moral ideaism," furnishes abundant
; evidence of what may be expected in this
country, should the people submit to tbe
domination of mongrclists. A private let
ter, partly printed in the Pall Mall Ga
zette, says that tho writer, who is an old
resident, "never knew Jamaica in such a
state of despondency. None of the better
classes—no educated person —would re
main if tbey could manage to get away.—
The country is deeply in debt, no effort is
made to develop her resources, and taxa
tion is largely increased." Regret is ex
pressed that the colonists no longer possess
'anything like self-government." The
Parish of St. Anna, that ia 1840 contaiued
thirty sugar estates, now has thirteen, and
of these several are on the point of aban
donment. Of fifty-tbree cofiee properties,
there are only four remaining. There is
no market for horses, mules, aud cattle. —
The principle crop, pimento, promisbes to
perish uugathcred.
Jamaica has been "reconstructed." It
presents a fair picture of the point to which
Radicalism is endeavoring to reduce our
once wealthy and thriving Southern States.
Aw afflicted editor who is troubled with
hand-organs under his window, longs for
the "evil days mentioned in Ecclesastes,
when "the grinders shall cease because
they arc few," and'dhc sound of grinding"
shall be "low,"
The N. Y. A Perm'a Gold and Silver Mi
ning Company.
Wc last week announced the existence
!of the above named company, and gave
such facts in relation to its prospects and
operations as had then reached us. We
then expressed the hope that we should
be able to report its further doings.
A neatly printed pamphlet, giving some
further facts in relation to this company—
i its officers Ac., has reached us. We have
I also had a conversation with A. S. Rollins,
of California, the Superintendant; and
with Dr. E. N. Banks,'one of the Trustees,
and up to a recent date, the only man who
has been actively engaged in the matter.—
The Doctor, who is a son of the Hon.
Ephraim Banks, late Auditor Generral of
this State, having some skill in geology and
chemistry, and a strong predilection for the
metals, was attracted to that point, up
wards of a year since, by the reports of the
existence of oil, and minerals, in that re
gion, which were then so general through
out the country. The oil fever there as
, in most other places, outside of the recog
: nized oil region proper, bad its run aud
; subsided. Dr. Banks never lost faith in
! the existence, there, of valuable minerals,
but has been, for months, patiently and
; quietly "prospecting" that entire region.
Discovering what to him was good eviden
ces, he recently took leases on favorable
conditions of the owners, of upwards of
1300 acres of the land, by bim thought to
be most valuable io minerals. Samples of
the various rock thought to contain met
als, were taken by him to New York for
assays, with the following gratifying re
sults. (We copy from the pamphlet above
mentioned—page sixth :
FYllumsbirg, June 15, 1807.
E. B. Nelson, Esq.,
Snt: From 1 14 ounces of your red ore
marked No 1, we have obtained \ grain of
gold and a trace of silve,r which would be
at the rate of $lB per ton of *2,000 lbs.
From 1J ounces of your ore we have ob
tained | grain of gold, which would be at
the rate of $320 per ton of 2,000.
Also copper at the rate of s6o.
From ounce ycur red ore we have a fire
assay and obtained 2 J grains of metal, of
which J is gold, which would be at the
rate of - $373 33
Balance silver, ... 46,66
Making - $419 99
for the ton of 2,000 lbs.
Yours, respectfully,
Maj. A. S. Rollins, of California, a gen
tleman of extensive experience in the gold
and silver mining regions of that country
and Nevada—a practical amalgamator aud
assaver, came to make a pcrsonaljinspec
tion of the lands leased and returned with
samples; obtained the following as the re
sult of an assay:
Gueentoixt, July 12, 1867.
<rn • AS VI VGU4 9AUI|;iC J.NU. O
show one one hundredth grain of gold,
which would be at the rate of $12.80 per
per ton of 2.000 lbs., and a trace of silver.
Yours, respectfully,
These reports together with the person
al inspection by Major Rollins, resulted
1 in the formation of a Company at New
York, under the general incorporation
laws of that state, with the title at
the head of this article. The capial stock
of which is fixed at $500,000, divided into
50,000 shares of $lO, each. Ten tbousanl of
these shares or $50,000 for the purpose of
! securing a working capital is shortly to bo
put in the market at sss per share.
The following are the officers of the
company as at present organized :
O. L. IIALSTEAD, Esq , President.
S. J. BI'RRELL, Esq. Sect'/ and Treas'r.
O. L. Hallstcad, Esq., of Nicholson, Pa.
Samuel J. Burrell Esq. No 67 Nas. St N Y
Hon, Thos. Barclay, No. 4 Wall St. N. Y.
J. R. Marsh, Esq. Brooklyn, New York.
Maj. A. S. Rollins, of California,
Dr. E. N. Banks, of Nicholson, Pa.,
Maj. S. N. Bradford, of Scrauton, Pal
A. S. ROLLINS, Superintendent.
The Superintendent, Mr. Rollins, is now
at Nicholson, giving personal attention to
matters there, preparatory to commencing
f operations for mining on a scale that will
in a short time fully dcvelope the resources
1 of these mines.
The chemical analyses to which some
i portions of this rock has been subjected,
has resulted in the discovery of valuable
1 Paint ore. On this subject the pamphle tsavs
I "In addition to metalliferous rock o'b
! tained from this property, there is found in
j great abundance a kind of decompose red
slate, of much value for paint, and worth
in the city of New York twenty-five dollars
per ton. which, it is estimated, may be min
ed and shipped to said city at a cost not ex
ceeding eight dollars prr ton, thus realizing
to the Company a net profit of seventeen j
dollars for every ton shipped. Conse-!
quently, it is believed that the product of
the Company's operations—-to say nothing
of the gold and silver bearing rock—.may
also be made largely renumerative if car
ried on on a scale commensurate in any de
gree with the wealth-giving quality of said
This, then, is a brief, hurried, and rath
er impellect account of this new company,
which has sprung up so suddenly, in our
midst, and is exciting so much interest and j
inquiry here and elsewhere.
We, of course, have no opioion of our
own on the subject of Gold, Silver or
Paint mines in this County— not having
been able to give the subject neither ob
sarvation nor reticction. We can but
hope however, that it will not prove an
iguit fain ui, and tbat the honestly enter
tained opinions aud of the
company, and of our Nicholson friends,
may be fully realized.
Esq. Hallstcad, tie President, is one of
our soundest and most prudent business
men. A man the least likely of all others
to embark in any chimerical wild-goose en
terprise. We are assured that be and
those with whom he is associated, in this i
enterprise, have unbounded confidence in
its speedy success,
So unite it be I
Fred Douglas on the Situation.
Having given our readers the views o-
Thad. Stevens, Ben. Wade, etc., our apolof
gy for introducing Fred. Douglas must be,
that lie is quite as good as the rest of his
: party. We cxtivct from the New York
correspondence of the I.ouisville Detno
t crat :
Somebody yesterday asked Fred. Doug
las (negro) why he did'nt go down South,
along with the rest of the Republican ora
tors, to help enlighten the minds of the
freedmcn as to their political duties, etc.
"Because," said Fred,, "1 want to train
alone. 1 want to wait till those mean
whites get through with tbeir talk, and
then I will begin. 1 notice that io all the
speeches tha' Wilson, Kelly, and the rest
of them have been making to the colored
folks at Richmond, Mobile, New Orleans,
and other places, nothing is ever said
about giving the colored men a \ ice Pres
ident of their own color. But they've got
to make that concession to u*, and that's
just what I'm going down South to tell
our folks to insist npon."
"But, Fred., do yon think the Jacobin
managers will accede to that arrange
ment ?"
"I have no doubt of it at all, sar ; none
at all. Wendell Phillips and Horace
Greeley say they are in a favor of it, and
what they say has got to be done. They
are the inen who run the republican party,
along with old Ben. Butler, and whoever
would run with that party must do what
they say."
"But do yon think, if they nominate j
grant for President,that Grant will consent ;
to have a darkey on the same ticket as
"Don't think anything about it, sar.— j
Grant only counts one. It is not for Grant
nor any other man,to dictate to the people.
We are the people. Grant is but one of
our servants, sar. If be doesn't like Lis
compan v, let him resign. Plenty of others,
sar, ready to take his place ; plenty of
others, sar
"But, even if they nominate a darkey
for Vice President, what good will it do
you or your race ?"
"Don't talk foolish, child. It will do us
a heap of good. In de fust place, it will
make a colored man President of the Sen
ate. and then as the President may die, he
may be President of the United States.—
That's my plan of reconstruction, sar ; and
until it is adopted and made successful, sar,
the Union will never be restored, and the
country will never have peace.''
"There were other queeries about to be
submitted to the distinguished "man and
brother," but just at that moment Rev. Dr.
Cheever came along, and after introdncing
Fred, to a blushing damsel (who was hang
ing lovingly on his arm.) the whole party
vanished in the direction of the office of the
Anti-Slavery Standard.
Mongrel Insult to Pennsylvania.
The Westchester JetFersoriian says
Pennsylvania used to be a proud old State
nrvuid of Jior rnnr'- •>" 1 --
character, her achicvemtnts, both civil and
military. We invoke this feeling of State
pride against a party which thus insult
both the State and people by an endorse
ment of such an article as the following
from the Salem, Massacliusettcs, Journal.
"The nomination of Judge Williams for
Supreme Court in Pennsylvania, by the
Radical-Republicans, is another acknowl
edgement on the part of the stolid Dutch
elemeuts of the superiority of New Eng
land men. Judge Williams is a native
of Connecticut, and received Lis ear'y
training in the higher-law doctrines of our
section. We have been reliably informed
that be has in no-wise apostatized from
the faith of his fathers or the true principle
governing the rights of man, but that be
steadfastly retains his atfection for New
England institutions. Those are the sort
of men whom we love to see elevated to
power in the Dutch Middle States and
over the half-civilized people of the West.
They constitute the ark of safety foijthe
material interests of our section, and in no
instance, where money can effect anything,
should the people of New England be
sparing of their means in securing the
nomination and election of such men as
Judge Williams.
Pennsylvania—poor, ignorant, stupid
old Dutch State—regardlese of the hissing
of copperheads, is now pretty thoroughly
"Yankeeized." Thaddeus Stevens, a na
tive of Vermont, and a man true to his
faith, holds the political elements of the
State in tho hollow of his hand, and on a
fair ballot of the rank and file of the party,
would have "been made United Slates
Senator, The State Superintendent of
Common schools is by birth and education
a New Englander, and it is fair to presume
that the next crop of Dutch voters will bo
as completely "Yankceized" as it is possi
ble to effect out of such unpromising mate
rial. We understand, also, .that each an
nual legislature is largely composed of
New England men, and that more one-half
the present delegation in Congress are na
tives of our section, but of that we are not
quite positive. Taking matters on the
whole, the out-look in Pennsylvania is as
favorable for New England ideas and su
premacy as could be wished."
TRADE— The following item appears in the
Albany Journal :
"A gentleman from near Columbia, S.
C., a prominent leader during the war,
purchased, a few weeks ago, in Cuba,
where he has a plantation, one of his for
mer slaves, who bad been landed and sold
by Boston skippers."
As loDg as there is a negro to kidnap
and and a market to sell him in, pious and
philanthropic Boston ship owners will be
found ready to coin money by the trade
they have so hypocritically denounced.
The papers from all parts of the
South bear the same testimony—that un
der management of demagogues and office
hunters, the population of the South is ar
rayed race against race—black agaiuat
white. The only oontcst is a contest of
races. A thousand maledictions will light
upon tho wretches who have brought about
this groat evil, full of soirow to both laces,
and involving tho destruction of (he blacks.
1 glefo 3b&ertistnuiifs
The Latest and Best.
l'rltaary, 40a. Elementary, 6Qe. Practical, SI,OO
Up to the time*; teach the mathodi aeed by )>tui
nen men; complete on ail the branches of Commer
cial Arithmetic ; well condensed in rules and analy
ses ; admirably graded ; ]ierlect text-books' with no
; defects: So say Teachers who use theu. Going in
everywhere. Specimens mailed to Teachers at half
the above prices. Agents wanted in every County.
! Address I>. APPLETON A CO., New York,
pleasant and profitable employment lake Agen
-ley for "Good Book/?' Ask for Illustrated Cata
lhgno. Send two stamps, S. K WELLS, 389 Broad-
I way, N.Y. <
AGENTS TVANTED to canvass for "Four
years in the Old World." 13/100 already sold.
Now is the time to make money. No competition
Great inducements offered teachers, ministers, active
ladies er experienced agents. Send for terms to
FOSTER A PALMES, It., 14 Bi|>io HOUSE, New York,
Another Great Work bv K. A. POLLARD, entitled
Life of Gen R. E Lee,replete with facts 'never be
fore published, including Biographies of every South
ern General of distinction,
A companion volume to "THE LOST CAUSE," an
Standard Southern History of the War. A new and
enlaiged edition is now ready. These two works
form a complete library of the War from the other
side, E. 11. TREAT ACO , Publisheis, 654 Broad
way, New York,
JOSEPH Or Descriptive
Warranted. uating Number.
The well known ORIGINAL and TOPCLAR Numbers.
301-401-I 1 O 35 I,
Having been AISMNCD by other MAKERS, we desire
ftto caution the public in respect to caid imitations
CAUTION !An injunction was granted by the
Supreme Court (New York) at Genera! Term, Janu
ary, 1567, against the use by others of the NUM
BER 303,
No. 91 John St , New York.
110D*IAN, ¥IS K & CO.,
Buy and sell at market rates Six per cent Bonds of
1891 ; Five-Twenty Bonds, all issues ; Ten-Forty
Bonds ; Seven-Thirty Notes, all scries j Compound
Interest Notes, and Gold and Silver Coin.
Convert all series of 7-30 Notes into the New Con
solidated 5-20 Bonds at best market rates.
Execute orders for purchase and sale of all mis
cellaneous securities:
Receive Deposits and allow 5 per cent Interest on
balances, subject to check at sight.
Make collections en all accessible points.
All issues of Government Securities credited or re
mitted for, on receipt, at market rates, Free of all
commission.charges. K. F. A CO.
FAINT COMPANY are now manufacturing the
Best, Cheapest and most Duraule Faint in use ; two
coats well put on mixed with pure Lineecifr-iOil, wiil
last 10 or 15 yeers j it is of a light brown or beauti
ful chocolate color, and can be changed to green,
the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns,
Fences, Agricultural Implements. Carriage and Car
makers, Fails and Wooden-Ware, Canvas, Metal
on J Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire and Water proof,) ,
Bridges, Burial Cases, Canal Boats, Ships and Ships'
Bottoms, Floor Oil Cloths, (one Manufacturer having
used 5000 bbls. the past year,) and as a paint for any
purpose is unsurpassed for Body, durability, elastic
ity and adeesiveness. Frice $6 per bbl., which will
supply a farmer for years to come. Warranted in
all cases as above. Send for a circular, which gives
full parti 'nlars. None genuine unless branded in a
trade mark Grafton Mineral Faint. Address DAN- '
IEL Bill WELL, Proprietor, 254 Pearl st, X. V.
Invented by a Surgeon. Nine patents in
Legs, ranging from 850, through all the
improvements, up to the Anatomical Leg
with Laterial motion at Ankle, Ilko natural one, at :
Two patent* in Arms, with new Shoulder motion, •
S7B to M 25, Send for pamphlet, It contains val- .
uable information and is sent free.
OrriCEs: Cincinnati, 158 W. Fourth St 1 , Chica- |
go, opposite P. 0. St. Louis, Pine St New York, j
658 Broadway.
Address, DOUGLAS BLT, M. P., at nearest Office, '
1760. 1867-
"CENTUIi 7."
SioocTa day.
We have adopted the plan of putting money in i
CENTERYJTOBAC'CO to induco customers t> nse
it, knowing that it is only necessary for them to j
give It a trial to become fully satisfied ot its merits, •
and to pronounce it the best fine cut made. We :
will continue to offer these inducements until this j
facl is fully recognized.
We are making THE CENTURY from selection
of the very choicest old leaf, and hare devoted ev
ery care to its manufacture. It is free from Drugs,
end every respect a pure Article of chewinuMMtcco
Ou M mdnys wa will inane paper a BJQU U. S.
No*. OnrlWdeyvln tw ; paper?, fAO o*h.—
On ' Wednesdays, In Bve papers, SSO in ca-h Ou
Thursdays, in tcU-qiMera, SlOeach. Ou Fridays,
in twenty papers, |)s in each, end on Saturdays, in
fifty papers, 82 in each, in all cases Issuing genu
ine U. S. Greenbacks to the amount ofSlOOa
The finders of these GREENBACKS—by sending
us their names, address, and numbers of the bills—
will be presented with packages of our Tobacco, in
proportion to the amount of money found.
Ik This house has beee sstablished for over a Hun
dred Years, and has always sustained a character .
tor honesty and fair dealing, which puts to flight all 1
doubts, ifany should exist, as to the genuineness of
this enterprise.
The Century Tobacco can be had in large quanti- j
ties at Manufacturers prices, of A R. Mitchell, 35
Central-st,, Boston ; B. A. Van Shwick, 168 Front
st., Philadelphia ; Foy A Earle, 8S 5. Water-st., j
Chicago; .Sjhultz A Bagley. 94 West .Second st.
Price list sent on application to
[Established in 17g0.[
16 Chambers St. N. Y,
t Corset Skirt Supporter
Combines in on* garment a rxR
'EOT FITTING Gems BT.anJ the most
losirable Skirt /Supporter ever of
lered the public. It places the
weight of the skirts upon the
shoulders instead of the hips ; it.
improves the form without tight
lacing; gives ease and elegance;
unapproved and recommended by
Made with Stencil Dies. Send for Cata
logue aud Samples*, free, S, M. SPEN
CER * CO,, Butuebaro, Vt, T
fiOOO AQKNT5 , wnt d. to sell Nix New In-
DVTV/V/ventlons, of great value to families • all
pay great profits. Send 25c. and get 80 rages and
sample gratis. Agents have made SIOO,OOO
Ephraim Brown, Lowell, Massachusetts.
Picture business. Very profitable No risk
17 specimen Pictures and catalogue sent for 150
pojtkge. MAN SON LANG, 207 Bowery, N. Y
1 _ SistfKiinrnits.
New states and Territories from tho
, Great river to the Great Ocean,
Over 20,000 Copies Sold in Qno
( Month.
Life and Adventure on Prairies, Mountains and
the Pacijh: Coast. Hi ft oter 200 Jheefiptxte and
, Photographic 1 u ire of the Scenery, Cities. Undt
! Mines, rtople and curiosities of the N'eir Stales
} and Territories.
To prospective emigrants and settlers in the "Fir
West," this History 0 f that vast and fertile region
\\ ill prove an invaluable assestanco, supplying as it
dOes-a want long fej, 0 f a full, authentic and riliablo
guide to climate, soil products, means of travel, Ac
Agents Wanted— Send for Circulars and see our
terms, and a full description of tho work. Address
, Philadelphia, Pa-
PER DAY SURE- —Agenu wanted every
where to sell our Patent While Wire Clothes Lint*.
Will last 30years. Address the AMERICAN WIRE
CO . Office lg2 Broadway, N.Y.
The purest tonic in the known world. Universal
ly and
MISLED Ifaottaken.
BARNETT ALUMLEY, 150 Water St. N. V.
MILLS* & G0 t
Corner Tioga and Warrgn Streets,
Are now opening a large stocko
such as
Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Var
nishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail
Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan
i ics Tools, Wooden Ware, Brushes of
all kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, Reives,
Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cloth, Rosin,
Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c.
Buckles, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated
Bitts of ever? kind, llames, Iron l'ud
Trees, Saidle Trees, Gi-r Trees, Girth
j wuo, worsted and Cotton, Thread, Silk
Awls, and needles, llalter Chains, Trace
Chains, &c. ic.
; WINDOW and PICTURE frames,
-Vails and Hand-Rakes at
wholesale and retail.
All of which have been 4
. and expressly for this market, aud
| all they ask is an examination of the
'goods to satisfy all of the truth of
j what we say. Remember the place.
Tunk. Pa. May 2'Jth, 1867.
Studies to acquire the ArLof Singing
"These exercises were comptsed to be usod wuial
taneoualy with his system, "THE ART OF ?INGI.S<., '
or with any other mctfiotl for the cultivation of 'fia
voice, and will take the place of CONCONE'S SOL
FEGGIOS ; being more melodious and better adapt
ed for teaching ,
I ''Some of these exercises arc specially beautiful
as well as useful, a mingling of the dulco et utils_
which secures the interest as well as the improve
ment of the student. The various styles Icveloped
! ia these exercises render theui invaluable in an edu—
| cations! point of view, as thev tend to enlarge tho
! intelligence and the appreciation, and at tho same
time form tho taste of the pupil. '1 bey wmust be
! studied carefully with reference to the in numerable
! marks of expression and forms of ornamentation,
i Upon the minute accuracy with which these are ac.-
cotnplisbed depends the actual sterling ndvanceincnt
!of the pupil; any evasion or slurring ia these re
spect* is bine and effort utterly wasted, ttbile, on
I the other hand, a close and patient investigation,and
! a minutc'v and faithful executiou of them, will gavo
unexpected power and facility, and open to the
student the means and resources by which great
; artists produce their most brilliant and proiound ef
fects.— Il'utsoii's Art Journal.
In THO Volumes.
Price, each, in Boards, Retail, 0Q
do. do, in Cloth. Retail, -5(1
i A Sample Copy sent by Mail, post paid, on receipt
j of Wholesale Bnge, $1.56
Published by WM. HALL & SON,
No 543 Broadway, N. Y,
Publisher? and dealers io
ers pLfLUTBS, FIFES, FLAOEOLkIa, he., Ac.,
1 Send for camogue of prices. • •'
safe and sure. They are prepared bv
which secures all the best qualities of the herbs J
which they arc composed, without any of their bad
I They benefit in all cases, and do haru; in spue.
I R BrAndreth ia in white letters <>o the Gov
; x *" " vT-ni-lin.
| erntntut stamp.
1 ore the nervous and debilitated should iimncdtJH-J