tbe agitator, m toc A L A NT) Kite III: AE i'CCfe - 22, 1865. / Sew Adr«rtlßduieD.ts ~, o iea p and the People will Say—J. A. Parsons. Voir Is the time to save, jour Greenbacks—H. E, first Ea*« Farm For Bate—Charles Grinnell. ■ , Ado'rs Notice —Hiram Brooks, Naihan Austin, id p “"jution-Farkhursc * Tear*. , * upper's Magaiiu# and Weekly—Harper 4 Bros, inniney and Counsellor at Law—J. Henry Lwmg, Aiiio'ri Notice —Mariett Eose, C. H. Seymoulr, K; T etsvsos, Adm'rs* .. 1 i«nlt Wanted—Haskins & Co. inrcr-P. P- Putnam. ■ - i, —Wm. H. Johnson. Hostetler's Celebrated Stomach Bitters. ;' j OT . Cieti* has appointed Thursday, Dec- 1, a j.j of Tbanksgiring and prater: Ssanon.—Rev. Mr. Cihßooa, Rector, I c; Pauls P- B. Church -will preadh his . doting “ e mon next Sunday morning. ■ ■ \ •.' 7 -, r joshna Morgan, :?/ Toronto, Canada West, ,ill phase accept thanks for copies of the Toronto <f.i!y p»perf, Onete,Union, the other rebel. Xi,c Ladies Sociable'of the M. E. Churoh ,t the Parsonage on Tuesday evening, Nov.. ill are cordially Invited to atfetd. fuLiT has a splendid assortment ot the celebrated Jlortsn Gold Pen, long and ehort nibs. Now is. the •lot i° K ct a ® rlt rat ® P* n - :At •*>s P- 0- Bookstore. jocxo has jmt received a splendid stock -of Wall' piper end itaiidnafy,' at the Book-«toie. Also toys, Christmas gifts, su'd all sorts of notions. ,; Uil Dos.—A dog supposed to be mad was killed [ter KnoiriUe, last .week, after, haring bitten several ~tber canines. Better sUugbterthe loti •■ .. Joricz.— Tbe'CoTlngton Temperance' Society wi I be tddreised by Meesn. J. B. Niles and M. H. Cobi rtsrtdaj evening, Nov. 2J. ‘A fall attendance if It. utUem is requested- , By order ot the Society. /., Ccrington, Nor. 22, ISfi'f, j lie Tioga railroad is following the fashion of tbef niuM,.and smash.npt and, collisions are heoomifeg Tl ry common. “ Nobody is hurt," as a general thing bi! locomotives, ooal cars, and oaboosea. /•' Nobody/ i; blame," of oour'se. ' 1 ' * Ivo cheeses sent to New York,from the East; fnarleiton Factory lately, sold for HJ cents a pound, -ebsad of anything yet sold In that market. •We V forgot to mention that the big hunk sent t« us to, keep < It from moulding, proved to he XXX. . inr of Personal Peopeett.— The Administts lore of Koyal Rose, late of Rutland, deceased, will all a large lot of personal!property,.on the premises, sc Friday 24th, at 9. o'clock forenoon. The sale In-, dales, oats, corn, hay, homes wagons; sleds, sleighs* tales, farming utonsela, end household furniture. y The State Normal School at Mansfield continues in'' b prosperous condition. ' The Fall Term wlllclds4 Dec. t. Winter Urm reopens the ensuing Monday.; The building is entirely filled with boarders and school numbers upward of 200 boxrdiogsand day pu*, i - -■* A pde. , -* J. G. Class, the YoCALix-t.—By reference,t(? on ftdveriliexnent elsewhere, it will be seen .that Mr,. Clark has changed bU Appointments tomewhat lait issue. He requests us to say that his programme for Wfellaboro, Saturday evening Dec. .2. will be -Mr cast entirely now, comprising several popular W-. ]tii, Th& M.-E- -Chorcb hat hcon tendered bii%.oo; list occasion* '- ~ £ • Dr, J. C. Jackiost, of Donevillc, N. Y. will lecture at the Methodist Church In this buro, Thursday i eve icg.Nuv.3oi*. 'Subject ! " HfiALTiMtff; wonb~jKid ho* to promote It" Br. Jaokson is the proprietor' tfl ti» Dansvllle Water Care, and one oft the fineiV in ri.e country.* “‘Bet all embiwee tanity to ! ‘■•i r one of the ablest expounders of lave of Health In America, Mr, A, 8. Hooier, of Qenessee College, will read k t joem, on tbs same evening, at the tame place. At Oirteß WAjfTSO.—Some person left a lotter fofe] is at the Post*Office last week, enclosing an envelope ;;Ltalmcg £l. There wc* not a scrap of writing to; show far what purpose it was intended. This 2s to; girt notice to the sender that unless some dlrectfSpu*; for the use of the money are given in proper season, t» ilail drop the enclosure where It will purchase ; UEBthlDg for such of out village folk as have lep ttcev than ourself; that b,to say—if such mto found outside of a printing office. X&e- Oii.-HuxTEEs.- i r“ Jacob's Well” reached * fttpttJo* 600 feet Saturday night, and Mr Schhfce£ lie's contract is fulfilled. The. Directors held a meet? log Monday evening and voted to put the well 1,000 feet, unless oil is found at a lest depth. Th*? Beard tendered an unanimous vote of thanks toJVfr? SchieffeliD for ihetsklll. and fldaiiiy. with , which bft tw performed bis‘'contracl. - . J ,' -' The whole drilling apparatus of the Canoe Camp. Crwk Well li fast at a depth of over 400 foot. Fl atly this well will have to he abandoned. It 2a (b pe itgretted, at genuine petroleum was found the time of thclosi of. the tools. s " The Lucky Well Is pumping, sod a show of petri>*. hum obtained. The seed bag does not kfep out the inrfaoe water, however, and it may have to be •d and a new one fitted. ' -. . No report from the other'trills. 1 M Can’t you take hold of this matter, and do some*, thing to stop the career of rowdyism in WelUboro V'. Tbu question hat been asked as£ieoy times during* thtpeit week, and io order to answer it oood and fo%t tli, Sake this time and- place. , -T\ Undoubtedly w« oould take held of ■' this matter, 1 ! ind do a little something to check the career of r<sj£ - In that respect we arejlke.ell other believefr la law cod order—that i t, w.e can .do our part. -W< dothat,and no more, i r h’o doubt it would be vastly pleasant to . many t<r b»re til the battle.with wrong and disorder fought,by latnebody else. - Some affect to believe that an editor u commissioned tv do ail the quarreling with **•*»• W« confess that at one verdant period in. o<tr Professional hie we did not much think of the ali (trity between one man and five hundred, and io ttiock cut, light and left, never asking if the people »e« for the fight. Ail that is past. It did us good, wdoubtedly. Io fight without either supports' or tWerrei. Eat that haring been wrought, and having' tOcne occasion been fiankei by our friends, wado.r.rt to make another local ctmpatgp upon that never. When the people of. WelUboro ;get* thoroughly aick jdf thft-dUgcacelal-street scenes which **• becoming so common, and we' see the evidence of , tbtu they will find ns not only ready but eager the fray. Let.it be remeihbered that rowdyism! prevail where public opinion is onUpoken’ Hainitit, When’the upright people get disgusted I tuoQgb Wl th the disorder, which grows apaoe, | lt and by whomsoever shall organise the war | it -Not before.,, - When tea of-the solid* men ] the rtiUge give hi a pledge of oy-oporatloh,#* | Peterson's Mhgazine.— We are in receipt of this popular Lady's Magazine fir December. It‘is a l\ - ” splendid number. The principal engraving, PdpuJ f | 1 Pafra,” is one of £reat beauty. For many year* t h •* Peterson'* Magazine"' has bad a larger circulation .tbnp any other'monthly In thetJniWd -State#.- In 1866 it-will be greatly Improved: the reading matter »i> - “ increased, and each number will cuntiEln a Double- Sir© StCel-Fashion Platy, elegantly I with from four- to six figures—-making “ Peterson" the cheapest in the world. The terms will remain two sifagle subscribers. -To clubs**: J t , - u if cheaper still, vit i five copies for $B.OO, eight copies for $12.00, or fourteen copies.for $20.00. To every rn ' V DA Y YfYY/YHT D Otfl person Qp - 1 , : JU.r MD . JuU** fisher will send «n extra copy gratis. Specimens , sent (if written lor) to those wishing to get up olubg. Address, post-paid, Charles A. Peterson, 306 Cbcst nut Street, Philadelphia. - ■ The Dadv's l Friend— The December nambv/uf, this favorite .magazine is a superb one. The leading steel engraving, in illustration of the text, . / - children are the crown of old men, I ' And the glory of children are their. i Is pee that will go homo to many hearts. The en graved title page W of art. It represents The Past and Tho Future—while. around, “ Thajlttla birds %iDg Eafct/and the flktU btrdriing'WpVt," line from Mrs. Browning*? Ueuul : •’ Rhyme of the Duchess May ” The Double' Colored Steel Fashion Plate for this number will be. pronoCtoeed bynbe ladi& ;i< we ’ure sery «re<iilj mistaken, Theo tWe I.ARGE AID WELL SELECTED -of tbe new fashion# in jackets, cloaks, embroitieVy, -Coiffures, bonnets, ic. The literary matter is excel lent 6o'* years 2 copies (and one gratia) $16.00. Address Deacon i Peterson, 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia, • I 'A’scaroity of teachers throUghour-tbe comity J rehdera further examinations necessary .'.'Tfiby;; ' , will take place o!s follows.* , ''J ” Mansfield, Nov. 26ijj, and Dec, 2d._ r , Knoxville, November 29th. ' '<■- i , Xiberty, (Scbaubacket School House) Dec..! 9th * ‘ w ■ Tbpse io this county must be ex | amined here. 5 Do 6dt ask AfcHo renew or in- ' 'dorse certificates. Let tJila-notioejßuffice. „ V. A. Elliott. 00. SuptV”'!’ Soldiers* Orphans’ 'Committee/ "%!»*} Thomas Allxn, WeUsboro) Chairman, Mrs.’ Jos., I*. Morris. Mansfield. Chas.-E. Swan, .Tioga, , Mis. John Dickinson,.Wellsboro, * J\ B. Niles, Niles Valley. A preliminary - meeting of the Soldiers of Tioga -ooucty will be held at the Court House in tyellaboro, on the evening ot Wednesday, Dec. oth, 1965, fur the' purpose of perfecting arrangements for & grand re union of the “-Boys in Bine.” who have participated in the late battles of the Rebellion by land and sea. A-representation from every regiment or'parts of, .regiments is required and .a, general attendance re quested. , • Many Soldiers. ' 1 JAMES «. CLABU, ' THE CELEB A TED* 7 VO CALIST -AW -■. : u ,, Will hold Sociables la Tioga County, at the times and piac«3* • ,v BlosLburg, Saturday evening, Nov. 25. Oceols, Tuesday evening, Nov. 29. .... - .. v Knoxville, Wednesday evening, Nov. 29. , WtsifieU, Thursday evening, N0t. 30. . ’"IT* WELLSBORO, Saturday evening/ Dec. 2. ~ . Nov. ifi. '6Wt. - - A* the McHeniy ; by Kev E. BJvVXLLO.&XUtf £LW o 1 jojb* c&AUHWrt# jk. hater* ot -cona*nv<iru [Bachelors, go ye and do likewise; blessed arc they who choose k better half of wisely as our friend fctqwdl. ei>.] , In the M. E, Church. Westfield. Oct. 22. ult., by Kcv. JTr, Strang. Maj. a. I). PHILLII'S and iltaa SVKIXLA TUuMP sON, all of Westfield. [W6 are obliged to the bachelor friends ToT th* Majuriur. a 12-pouuder specimen garden M ease,” of th?-geoi»i 80-: U, species, Rnbrnni. Said crusty old. bachelors' also wUb the pair a happy time. To which, Amen.] * • ' DIB 3D. In Rutland, on the sth Inst., ELIAS H. ESTES, of Southern typhus fever. * - • He bad been a soldier end came home last June. He was buried on Mr seventeenth birthday, -wfis'cut down in his youth, as many brave soldiers bav.e bean during the rebellion. ; May the Lord sustasc his brother and sister who',, watched over him during his illness, and bring ,-tho-- remaining brother home from the:army to comfort, them-in their afflictions. , , L. S. A C'oiigb, Cold, or Sbrc Tliroal* REQUIRES IMMEDIATE ATXaXTIQJfj AMD, bHocLD IfE Irritation oj th*'Lungs, a Permanent Thu.at Affiz- - - BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES , HATIMtf A DIRECT INFLUENCE T«ET I>aSV£^C-ITE Par Bronehiii*, Atthma, Catarrh, Con*nn.#ti*.'s '.and. TROOCBEB ARB. USED WITS ALWAYS OOoU «rcCLB9 Singers anti Public 'Speatkeis’' K wUI find Troches useful in. clearing the. voice .when* liikcn before ’Singing nr Speaking, end’ ridtvvtng the . throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs.*- The Tt&chet are recommended and prescribed hy and have hid testimonial?- fi»nn ; eminent. men throughout the country. , ;Oa article j>f .true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of many year finds them ill now localities In various parts of the world, and the Trochm aro universally pronounced better than other ftrriclev* u *' Ostaim only •'Bjw>wm> ,Broschul' and do not take any of the WortKlfta Imiuiiinyn that may be offered. ’•*■ ’ ‘- r --- Sold everywhere la the United States, and in For , eigu Countries, at 85 cents per box. [lnov\fis-dm] $lO A Da| •Uasy nTadfi- : ©jj selling Engraving*, Card Photographs ami £j v tionerj J . ' Our Stationery' Packet* excel’all otbeiaji euch Package contains Paper, Envelope', Pencil, Pens, Ac., ami Jewelry worth a dollar at retail.. Piice : only 30 Cents. W© will send Agent* 100 Birtihh'ery • Packages and a Silver Watch for $l7. We also pub-' tish aplendid Steel Engravings aqd Portraits,' £>i)Lo graph Prints, &o. t very popular and saleable. Will, j-end a fine assortment of 100 for sls,oo.iliat will re- j alite f5O, or a SlOlot that will sell fbh $36 or over, j Will send h sample lot for $o hat will sell for £l5. Send Stamp for Catalogue, Terma, tfcc. : • t .:a UASKINS &CO, 36 Beekman Street, Y. rr . . Robt. Hawley, H. H. Ccnaij, ■ - - : A TVO RNETS i ugt .LAWU - -. PA,.. -.PA,.. ' ~ ~ j* Speoinl attention given tn collectjon-of Bounty and'Back Pay.'ana nll'claimS \gptnVt'the^ r A’- tiona! an ' Stale GfiverameDfs, WHUanjiport,.Pa-, : UoT.iJS ( . ISJSritntV :1 ;j. jyjUFFS !’' MDFFS! ! , MtrFrS|n : , .n Xlte pa(«nt.£x«et*tßr Muff ma b« -ohUloed-cply at ■ffaUatow, »oV, 8. ’ -■*-* BCJAAS»3. - —v ,AOr 11 ATO K. .“■ ■ .■ . - ■ - • 1 w.. coniraoN schools Soldier* Attention. - ‘ - TWC.’-A. Bta&D. V -If allowed to coaiisui;, ■CHECKED tion, or an 'lneurqhl* Lung Cieeutt 19 DET£M TS£ RXScAT. I*»B£tfATt RBi-iAE. Throat XHseiUw, AGENTS WANTEDI TIOGA, PBNUA, .11 .M : ■-. j, > y ' ,:'-:; i ARB »ECEIVINO -A : ■ !>-. :l Ji ,'Zf- V. *a t •? tu "-ij /iji GROCERIES^HARDWARE, V L- 1 1 IUT.S. AND.JI&PS. ,;painX.:?;a;n d 0i15,,; i icM 1 r / :i ' DISPOSED'OF CHEAP, Ready Pay Only I ~ TI&QA, Oct. 4, 1866-ly •• - ■ .. '* -. ' ! ea; WJ £/. . ; . ■'.s ■ S'-'-*- 1 ;- " " i * - ,:s£ s r:iv*vl 'fc:4-I**-- 5- ?- :-v a a a | * 'ja B ‘ 5r .£ fc 8 ! as e * "<% " I ■ ■2-3 a! 3 3 .«.•■•< pB l S' 3 "ai S :i:e- w S: Z ' ,u 5 w „© s;| /S-g Q d 'CS (go I i ° I»- a If! I S £B J .fi ■tal' P g g &ft 5 ® 2 : S ■■• CB ® 5®- 5 ® n g as ■« ifl ■ -fi- 2 z » W 5 S S-1 S .* 1 a g •“* ® ® ■S :r -'2.-. 3>^ h ? =•■ T.H % $lO > i i T .. NEW MILtINERT SHOP.'—Mra_o. h. STONE has opened % Milliner;. Shop at East Charles* ton [Whltneyville] “having JiisTt' returned from the oily withea nioeassortment of goods, which, she pflers tt.tbe ladiea allow rates for ,cash. BLEACHING & PRESSING DONE TO ORDER; A I K ' and cheaper than anywhere alee In the county. Call and eta for yonnalvw. *■ [Oat . ;t ARRANGEMENT -t f 1jT IKfct FIRE!! *™< ! h > y *’ £ m Is‘«y*'-v4 i f STOCK OF i 1 V ,M \ i ;-I,J ' BRT GOODS, t ’ ‘ BOOTS AND :SHOES, »•.,< !< j V.’-m.G 4 ti • ' « ! ' i •WALL PAPER, GROCERIES, >f.- - ’ * U' w.„. . - . . WHICH WILL BE FOE ' ' J .i- - - . GJ *3 o •s a a -.The undersigned begs leave (o announce to (he pa:>ple of Tioga County that he baa e£r4bllahed an 'agency in. Wellsburu, for the well Unutvn INSURANCE COMPANY, 'i \ bf New York. . , , ( That he is prepared to insure, all kinds of property upon os reasonable terms as con be had in any other responsible Companies, AND ISSUE- EOLIOIEB without sending the application to the General Office. This ia one. of the Companies, in the United States, haring a " - • ... ‘j t < I, Cash Capital of Two SUllion Dollars, besides the' Assets which; On thd :kBto_f Jonuory, 1885, amounted to 43 Liabilities 77,901 52 It# Officers «r*’ ‘ [QHAS. J MARTIN President, A. F. -•;v*..ywo^jPreiideiit, *‘J OUN McGEiS Secretary, J. H. WaSHBORN Assistant Seo’y. This Company has taken out :J : A SiMIUS .LICENSE, : and mqntMr payi the per centage charged upon Us Receipts' which necessary by the daws of Pennsylvania, In order to make its policies validnnd binding upon the Company. All policies issued by ■Companies which have not taken out a State license 'ate declared Wall'And-Void/and .the parties'are liable to ft heavy penalty for so insuring. See Pardon's Digest, page 853. Sec. 21, 22, 23. 1 Stoves I,„• Stoves I J AND' HAKB WARE! Messrs, ounn .& tucker beg w an nounca tu the olliiona of Tioga County, that in addition, to their excellent stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, BrUtnnin, or.d Sheet-X-on-Wnro, they have, at a great ndllay, stocked ttaHr.store on . MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with -a complete aisortraent of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles; NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X COT, MILE? HAND-AND BUCK SAWS,. BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER’S TOOLS,' : . PUMPS. AXES, AUGERS, i BIITS. ■ ... t BITT-STOCKS, ... ' ‘h/tcluifs’, 'carsfiis,' 1 • : 1 1 SHOVELS, .SPApES, JFQRKS, ; • BENCH SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, ; ; CARRIAGE BOLT'S, BURRS, SKEINS,; -Washers, pipe boxes, axletreeX ! KT.LimO SfelUis^r.HoKifeOHODO; UOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, '' ' : I >; ... 3ADSAGE CDTTERS AND STDFFERS COMBINED... Also,- , , ~ . . PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POW DERiAND CAPS; .•.? - ; PATENT barn door hangings, a new thing, and made formto : '*Th«e are but a*few of the many articles composing our stock of Hard ware. :x. ' Wo invite the public to call and examlne for them selves. We aim tp keep the best quality of goods in barline; and all work to ofder 'done promptly and well. GUNtf A TUCKER, - Successors of Win. Roberts., . WelUboro, Nov. 8,1865-tfJ ..•Jv-'iIS i; Q SI.- mit -TO <THE WEAK ! . - ,0 “ ■ . YOUTH TO THE AGED M I Tbis preparation it aE*Jav«natoi and Re , ttoreroL Wasted or inert functions | The. should be certain to make the Qiokrec* a bouse* Hy|iT god,lnasmuch as it Will render them youthful In feel* ' tnf su'd in ahength, and -enable them to live over again the days of their pristine joj. It not only exhilarates bnt Strengthens, and is really an lnv?rtusbl«* lijeaaing, especially r to those t?hw iittVp’Uecu reduced tb.s condition of samilty, atlf abase, misfortune, or ordinary tieknesa. No matter Whit the odu*e.of the impotenev of any human organ, this superb preparation will remote the effect at once and forever. i Biokrens cures Impofoncy, General Debility, Neryout Incapacity, Lyspepflft Depression, boss of Appetite,-Low- Spirits, Weakness of tho organs pi Ovnoration, Imbecility, Mental Indolence, Emaciation, Übn.nL . It Jaaa a most de lightful. desirable flnd novel effect upon tha Nervous System; end all who aro in any way prostrated by nervous disablU* lieVaVo earnestly advised to seek a, cure-in this mort excel lent and unequaled preparation. ' Person«,whq. by imprudence, have lost their natural vigor, will hud a*speedy and permanent cure in tho BloKKENfc’. ’ The Feeble, the Languid, tbo Dlspairing, tho Old should give this valuable 1 discovery a trial: it will be- found totally different from all other auicles for the same purposes. Xo Pemaleßi—Thls preparation is invaluable in ner* vous wcakuvsees uf all kinds, us U will restore the wasted strength with wonderful permanence. It is 4Uo a grand tonic, and will give relief lo Dyspepsia, with the first doio A brloi persistence In its use will reno vate the stomach to a degree of perfect health, and banish Dyspepsia forever. i Oou Dollar per BoLUe,.or.sut Eottleefbr $6. Sold by Drug* gists generally, - . j Sent by express anywhere, by addressing UUTCUINOS & HILLY EE, Proprietors; - “ 28 Dey Street, New York. :i .< ... Sold In Wellsboro by John A. Koj ; in Tioga by Borden Bro’s { In by W.. G. Miller. IlootB6-lyeow. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY.— FBAM SPENCER has the pleasure to inform the oitisens of Tioga county that they hnfe tho best opportunity ever offered them, to procure Ambrotypes, Ferrotypes, Gems, CartetfJd*. iVisite, Vignettes, end all kinds of fancy and popular card, imd colored pictures, at his Gal lery on_Elmira Street. F. M.’SPENCER.' MitU-f-rld7 Nov. 15,1865.1 t . PROPOSALS FOR. STOCK—Tho Directors of 1 the'--’* Lucky Oil Well Company,'/ of Tioga, Pa., i «jl! reccivu- proposals, up to Monday, Nov. 20, 1865, J for-lKa Whoiaror^no; part thereof .of 1750 shares,! Reserved: Stuck pf.egid .Company, par value SIU per! share. No proposals considered for. less than $1 per . share. There is oho well sunk ,on tho lease to the ■depth of-920 feet with a fine show of oil, ami the! ■ fund is for the express purpose of tubing and pump-1 lug Ibeusama. Alt propusals inust bo addressed to y , -Tioga, Now.-8- ALBERT M. BENNETT, Sec. y - - • - - - ... J HALL'S 'CBLEBdATKii-VKdET ABLE SICILIAN UAXBj —mja£vy£tt,-c4a bohad atitUV’e Drug gtoia P. R. WILLIAMS HAj* jusl res-cived o Large and : E*re?h Supply of LINSKEL OIL, WHITE LEAD, t ZINC PAINT, whi‘*K tu, »{fors to; sell cheaper than can bp bought thN of the City, He haa also a very large stock-of " . - «*■ i X COLORING MATERIALS, • <UCh B 8 1 ; .- ( ( ' 'hi .- ‘ ;: ; ALUM, COPPERAS, - /INDIGO, X vitriol; ; ■ .. . jXIQGWOOD, *O., which will be sold 26 pctCcent. cheaper than can be bought at any other establishment in the county. . . HOWE & STEVENS’ FAMILY DYE COLORS always on Band. ' Cnll and examine my Stock and you will be sure to bay. . ■ - P. E. WILLIAMS. " Wellsboro, Aug. 2s, 1865. " Nol_only jjivo imm«amto relic?, but arc sure to effect a permanent cur.e In Dyspepsia and Liver .Com ' plaint They are not a purgative, find use does not create a necessity for the habitual use pi Cathartics. They cause no sickness of the stomach no griping of the bowels, and are perfectly jharmles* to the most delicate. They will Immediately correct a Sour Stomach, cure Flatulence, Heartburn, Sickness or pain in the Stom ach, Costiveness, Belching of wind. Liver Complaints, Headache, and in fact all those disagreeable and dan gerous symptoms of the disease, which unfit one for the pleasures and duties of life. They are an agreeable and wholesome appetiser, without any of the injurious effects which are sure to follow the use of stimulating ** Bitter” and all pur gative medicines. By their purifying, strengthening and invigorating power they are sure to keep the di gestive organa in a healthy condition, thus preventing Costivenesa, tHarrhaa or Dysentery. -• Weak and delicate persons, who have been injured by the use of powerful and purgatives, will find them, 'a mild, safe and sure restorer of the digestive organs to their original strength and vigor. Prepared solely by the proprietor, . S. N. ROCKWELL, S. E. Cor. 21st and Market Sts., Philad'a, Pa.* See that my Signature is on the face of the box before purchasing. Beware of spurious imitations. W. D. TERBELL, Wholesale Agent, Corning, N. Y. Sold by all Druggists. Corning, Sept. 20, 1866-ly. jpOR A FEW BAYS ONLY I And perhaps a few more to alllow stragglers to come up to the main body of .our customers, O BULLARD will offer superior inducements to the trading public, in <the lino of i WHITER DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, .CA-SSIMEREf,: SHEETINGS, & Sn;iß T.I NGS, and every tiling in the. line of DRY GOODS anally kept In the country.' ‘ . TEAS. COFFEES, SUGARS, and all the ~ ,- FMII.F GROCERIES, at reasonable prices. HATS & CAPS, B O O T.S & SH O E S. Call at ones aniThuy Tour winter stock. O. BCKiIiARH. Wollsboro, Got. 11,1,666. • • FALL and WINTER GOODS.— So, 2, Union Block. ’ \ JEROME SMITH. Has lately returned from New York with a splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, GLASSWARE, HATS k CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, ' WOODENWARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS. ' LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS AND. .KENTUCKY JEANS, FRENCH OASSIMBRES, FULL CLOTHS. Attention is called to his stock of Black and Figured Dross Silks, Worsted Goods, Merinoes, Black and Figured DaLaines, Long and Square Shawls, Ladies’ Cloth, Opera Flannels, 10. Purchasers will find that - No. 2, Union Block, Main Street, . is tho place to bay the best quality of Goods at the lowest prices. JEROME SMITH. Wellsboro, Nov. 8, 1865. fJIfIAT LARGE, FRESH STOCK, OF WINTER DRESS GOODS a r KELLY & PURVIS’S IS GOING OFF LIKE HOT cakes: "Wollßboroj 03L 25, 1865. ETC. DRUG STORE.— Dr. W. W. WEBB & 880. Have opened a Drug and Chemical Store, on Main Street, Ist door below Hastings, whore they intend lb keep a.Coll assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. A good article of Medicinal Liquors and Wines. Prescriptions carefully prepared. Medical advice given free of charge. . Wellsboro, Nov. 8-ly. PURE SINGER at - . . - • r ROVB DRUG STORE. JOHN A. ROY, HOLE SALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, DYES, PUTTY, PERFUMERY, WINDOW GLASS, ' ~ FANCY GOODS, : SPICES. TOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, IX LOOKING GLASS PLATES. - yCkiiNx. >i PICTURE GLASS, WINDOW GLASS, ENVELOPES, CAP & LETTER PAPER,. INKS, &0.. &0., 40. N. B, Physician* 1 Prescriptions and ail oth#r Recipes •will be carefully and accurately made from pure and reliable Medicine*. WelUbJro, Aug. 23, 1866. ,'i) , Tnr; rvonUf-r taint or infisc- - £*~\ tion which tvc call‘Sceof’’ i - '.i lurks in the conatitu,- , q tiu'uof. multitudes of man. <g- tg, , ,I; either iiruduces or i» , A ....united by an enfeebled, "5^— vitiated statu cf the blood, MT&i* icit.in tii it tluid becomes r 7 ■' ■ ■ Tvivi’t to sustain tlto • b . i;» intueflfVlgfffCSJT ’•i. v /i;.sd lj„.es theSYs i.’-ir'J //ifittrfci I '-' I '-- tJ fvJl iau disorutr, aud Tco scrofulous ’. ‘^-dif-. ..ainaiion Is variously ’ ' caused by mercurial dis ease, low living, disordered digestion from 4a- healthy food, impure air, fiiui and filthy habits, the* depressing vices, and. above all, by tuc vene- . real infection. Whatever lie its origin, it is hered itary in tiicconstitution, dt-v.ending “fromparents to children unto the tliird and fourth generation;” indeed, it seems to be the rod of Hint who says, “I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon theft iiildron." The disemos it originates trie varioo* ; names, according to the organs it attacks. Xnth4 mugs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally f '.'nsutnption; in the glands, swellings which sdp , tr.ilc r.ndbecon.o ulcerous tores; in the stomach” ml bowels, derangements which produce Indt "estion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on :th» ; •tin, erv.p'tive and cutaneous affections. Thise, ■di having the fame origin, require the same rem edy, vii., purification- and invigoratien of the alood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous dis tempers leave you. With feeble, fonh or corrupted blood, you cannot Have health; with that 11 life, of tlio flesh” healthy, you cannot have scrofoleo* disease. - ■ . - Ayor’s Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual antidote* that medical science has discovered for this afflict ing distemper, and for the cure of tlio disorder* it entails.- That it is far superior to any other 1 remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial, That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in iheir effect upon thi» class ot complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cure* it lias made of the following diseases; King's Evil, or Glandular .Spellings, Tumors, Erup tidns. Pimples, Sores, Erysipelas, I Hose or St Anthoay’s T'ire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Couglu from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy; Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases; Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Aver’s America;-; Almasac, winch is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some ’of thn w»«uirlta.blo .4um -whioU it has mado-vrheit all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may Imvo aij cess-to some one who can speak to him of its bene fits from personal experience. Scrofula dopressM ylie vital energies, and thus leaves its victims fir ■more subject to disease and its fatal results than; arc healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten/ and does greatly shorten, the average duration of; hnman_lifa. The vast importance of these con siderations has led us to spend years in perfecting' a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of Ansa’* Sarsaparilla, although it is composed of ingre dients, some of which exceed the host of Son**; pariUa in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffering and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruption*, that rot and fester in the blood, purge- out the 1 causes of disease, tad-vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels tho distempers which lurk within tire system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised much and did nothing; but they will neither he, deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains, no question of its surpassing excellence for th i cure of tlie afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although tinder the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which lias been before the people, and is far more effectual, than any, other which has ever been available to them. •A-ITBiEVS CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, 1 . Colds, Incipient Consumption, and ■ for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced sta- ges of tlio disease. ; This has been so long used and so anivers.iil.jr . known, that we need do no morethaa assure tint' public that .its quality is kept up to the best it ever has~beetr",ißd"thntr it mary WreUedtm to do all li: has ever done. Prepared by Practical and Analytical CkcmlsUi XowolK Maas. Bold by all druggists every where, and by Sold by J. A. Boy and P. B. Williams, Welltboro; Dr. B. H. Borden, Tioga; S. 9. Packard, Covington; C. V. Elliott, MaotSeld ; 8. X. Billings, Gaines; and by Dealers everywhere. [Nov. IS, 1564-Iy,]- ■yy-ONDER OF WONDERS I $20,Q00 WORTH *OF DRY GOOD S, Boots & ShoeS, TO BE SOLD A T REDUCED PRICES. II yon want to bay CLOTHING, Call at WILiLCOX’S. PRINTS will bo sold for ISots. for 30 days. . DbLAISES cheaper than elsewhere. STOGA BOOTS for $3,75. : WOMEN’S SHOES, 51,50 only for 30 days, Wellsboro, Sept. 20,1855. ‘ C. L, WILLCOX, WINDOW GLASS a PETTY, for sale cheap, at P. B. Williams’ Drag Store. YANBDSKXBK'S SOZODONT far Cleaning Teeth, fotnU at P. K. Williams’ Drag Stow. J. A. BOY.' Ds. J. C. Ayer & C0.,-*-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers