* '■l A Strange Story— KecoarkaMe Discovery. Mr. James Lumley, tm old Bookjr fountain trapper, who bus been stopping ot,the Everett House for several days, makes a most tenmrka ble statement to ns, and one which, Sf authenti cated, will produce the greatest excitement in the scientific world. Mr. Lumley states that about the middle of last September he was engaged in trapping in the mountains about seventy-five or one hun dred miles shove the Great Falls of the Upper Missouri, and in the neighborhood 'On wbnt is knbwn tie Cadotte Pass.. Just after sunset one evening bo beheld a, bright, lumindus body in the heavens, which was moving with great ra pidity in ah easterly direction. It was .plainly visible for at least five seconds, wheiS itjudden ly separated into particles, resembling; as Mr. Lumley describes it, the bursting of sky rocket in the air. A few mlgutes later-ho beard a heavy explosion, which jarred the earth very perceptibly, and this was shortly after followed by a rushing sound, likea- tornado Sweeping through the forest. A strong wind sprang up about the same time, but.as 'sudden ly subsided.' The air woe also fille'd. with a peculiar odor of a sulphurous character. These incidents would have made but a slight impression on thomind of Mr. Lumley,' but for the fact that on fhe ensuingda'y he dis covered, ot o distance of about two miles from his camping place, that, astarwne oourasee' In cither direction, a path had been cut through the forest, several rods wide—giant up rooted' or broken off near the ground, the tops of hills shaved off and the earth plowed .up in 1 many.places. Great and wide-spread havoc was. everywhere visible. tip this r track' of desolation, ho soon ascertained the came of it'in the shape of an immense -stone that bad been driven into the side of a; moun tain, But now comes the most remarkable part of the story. An. examination of this stone, or so much of it ns was visible, showed that it had been divided into compartments; dnd that injurious places it was. carved with curious hieroglyphics I More than this, Mr. Lumley also.discovcred frugmonts of a substatfCe glass, and here and there dark stains,na though caused by a liquid. Hois confident that the hieroglyphics were the work of human, hands, and that the stone itself, although but; a frag ment qf an Immense body, must have bfcjm used for some purpose by anti mated beings;; Strange as this story appears, Mr. .Lamley relates it with so much rincerity that we ars forced to accept it as truej It is evident that the stone which he discovered was a fragment of the meteor which was visible in this section in September last. It will be remembered that it was seen in Leavenworth, in Galena, land in this city by Col. Bonneville. At Leavenworth It waa teen to separate into particles, or ex ploded ' l. . Astronomers have long held that it is proba ble that tho heavenly bodies aw inhabited, even the comets—and it may be that the me teors are also. Possibly meteors aka used as a means of “conveyance, by the inhabitants of other planets, in exploring space, aba i(. may be that hereafter some future Columbus, from Mercury or Cranus.may land on thja planet by means of meteoric conveyance, full pftsseseion thereof, as did the Spanish.naviga-, tors of the New World in 1492, and eventually drive what is knqwn as the " hufnftb race” into a condition of tho most nhjeot servitude. It ha4.always .been a favorite theory with, many, that there must be a race superior to us, and this may nt some future time.’ be .demon strated in the manner we have indicated. A Conqueror after the Copperheads. "When Gen. ShefSman returned the South, to present the laurels of his gTiat vic tory-to the Government, some slight'. fjsagreo f merit between the hero and the Secretary of War produced a profound sensation- in the clrcle.-of copperheadism. It was at oripe pro claimed that Sherman must be mafle'Presidfent In 1868—that he was a Democrat, ancHtecause cf which the " Abolition Administration” hated and slighted him. Now, let us*see what Sherman himself puts on record on this sub ject. The following letter, addressed.to Gen, Kilpatrick, of New Jersey, bis & Volume of meaning for "men of all parties;” "Ges. Jcdson Kilpatrick —Dear Sir; I have observed with interest your poliviaal con flict in New Jersey. It -is really ' provoking, hardly worthy of a serious thought, but rathisr of satire and ridicule, the squirming of the politicians celled Copperheads, who. Opposed the war from every conceivable motive. Some from theer.oowardiee, others to oppose a po litical party. Some because they thought we could not whip the South, and now that it is reduced to demonstration, cannot to explain their conduct even to themselves. I hare no patience with that class of men, and believe the people of the South have more respect Jor ns who belabored them soundly, than for the Copplerheads, who, nominally their friends, led them deeper and deeper into trouble.” “W. T. Sheehan, Major General." innate ;in tbsir ’ to manipulate —Jha oopperboci preferences— ieki loyal men. ' OoTOTttniTSSB Aeeested.— Two men call ing themselves John Alexander and , Harvey Moliory, 1X616 arrested at the National Hotel in this place, on Friday the 20th alt.,' for pass ing counterfeit money. They were taken be fore Justice Rynder, and after a hearing, com muted to await trial at the next session of the Bounty court. $2,113 were found on their per sons, consisting of counterfeit tJ. ■S- Treasury $lOO, $2OO, $lO and fractional 504. The $lOO note was so well executed as to defy the criti cism cf our shrewdest bankers, who expressed the belief that it bad been printed-on the gov ernment die. The 20s & 10s were indifferently executed. The postal currency was tae same as that previously in circulation; ■ , ' The older of the two persons gives his age at 46, The younger, Mallory, appears to be about 80. -The older one gave to tbe Justice the name of Alexander J. McKee, and said be - resided In Eollidayeburg. From papers found on bis person, wo infer that tinder the name of Robert Mills he.was convicted of bur glary in Fayette, county, .in. 1858, and was sentenced years' imprisonment in the 'Western Penitentiary, but was pard|ned by (iov. Curtin in 1862. He is evidently a vet eran and will perhaps never get lis deserts from human courts. The young mau_dai ms-residence in Centre county. —Clinton Republican. Major General Judeoo Kilpatriuk, of' New* Jersey, baa been,appointed' Minister;to Chili, and Colonel Edwin F. Cook, of the same State, Secretary of Legation. 1 , A rj.T r p A r j'OT? • for labor once coating $6. And so on. Bat it *• VAX il *i, a notable fact that private indebtedness baa wonderfully decreased, more poor people eat ficah meat than in times of low prices, the ma jority wear as good clothes as-ever, and there is not ns much pinching want to-day as there -wes-itr-1865-6-7-.- - - . Th'e fact is, while prices role high, labor re ceives proportionate hire, and is in demand be yond the supply, so that no man or woman is idle who will work. --- - - The difference between Sigh Prices under Re publican rule.and Sigh Slices under -‘ Demo cratic” rule,is, that under the policy of the lat ter the industrial interests of the country were prostrated, and labor degraded to servitude; while under Republican rule, with the vast ex pense of a monster war to defray, labor has been exalted, and the various industrial inter ests conducted forward to an unprecedented pitch of prosperity. Snch is the substantially exact statement of M. H. COBB,EDITOR. AND PROPRIETOR I WSSLLSBOROUGH^PENN’A. WEDNESDAY. With malice toward none, with cxuwty for all, with firm ness In the right, let na strive to finish the work we' are In, tal'lfid PP. the nation’s wounds, to caie for him who abalFha'te” borne the battle, and for bis widow and vr— plians, and to do all which may achleteand cherish * Just ' and lasting peace among onraelres and with all nations.— ASE4SAM LINCOLN—jtfABCa 4.1866. BEEP—2O OBKT3 A POUND, Tbe Copperhead press is jast now exhibit* ing too bugbear of “ High Prices” to the ad miring gnze of its patrons, at the modest pride of $2, or $lO a year, weekly, or daily, ns t|e case may be. They parade this bugbear, and with the gen uine lingo of the tramping showman enlarge o poiTTts immensity, its forrnidability, and its destructive disposition toward the human race. We give a specimen; ■ ~ ,i . "Walk up, ladies and gentlemen ; hera’s.a genuine (Bug]bear, as large ns life and twice ns natural! It was caught in the State of aiassncmisetts. Tiaving escaped from the_~maa.-. agerie of William Lloyd Garrison db Co., on the 7th day of . November, 1865. This is the biggest, eavagest, and last of its species. Yon will observe that he has a white stripe along his back ,iud a variegated tail; that is a sign of great ferocity Walk up, ladies and gen tlemen i observe bis teeth 1 they- mark him as one of the carnivora. You would be charmed to see .him at his meals J his ordinary break fast is half a dozen of tbe indigent poor, be swallows a small village for dinner, and de vours a dozen widows’ bouses for sapper. Thje destructive creature was begotten by tbe Ab* repubolitioocanwiggerporsbipperparty, and its dum was Greenbaxinflation. It is four years old, 200 babds high,, and weighs 2,82§,526 pounds, 5 ounces, and 4 pennyweights. Walk up, walk up, gentlemen !’’ • Let ue look at this bugbear : Prices range high for nil the articles of living, as well -as . luxury. Of course there is a reason for- it. Ves ; through tbe connivance of the North ern Democratic leaders tbe Slaveholders were induced to levy war upon the Constitutions! Government. This rendered the raising, cloth ing,'equipping, subsisting and paying of (mi immense army and navy necessary. To do alj this required an extraordinary expenditure— many times greater than tbe revenues of the Government would meet. So evidences of debt were created, and multiplied, until the country, with all its business enterprises, was borne forward apon the volume of the curren cy. While the current demand remained pro porthniate to the volume, money passed freely from®knd to hand, and the appreciation of values to special, rather than genera] articles. when the current expenses of the Government began to fall off, the instincts of Capital informed Wall-st., that without a corresponding contraction of the volume of tbe currency paper money roust depreciate seri ously. Add to this tbe absorption of bresd "stuffs and provisions by speculators, and the reign of high prices is sufficiently -accounted for. Bnt are High Prices peculiar to this time, or to Republican role 7 We have seen that pres ent high prices grow out of the rage of specu lation, euperadded to currency expansion to meet tbe expenses of a war of unprecedented magnitude. If we can show that greater finan cial distress has prevailed under* and preceded by, many years of •• Democratic” rule, ought not that fact to close the calumnious lips of tbe shameless drummers of a moribnnd party f Let us, see ; Some of as remember the pan ic and crash oC 1837 ; and tbe crash of 1857 is unpleasantly fresh in tbe memory of nil. We pan safely say that the powers of the Govern ment had been wielded, practically, by the “ Democratic” party from 1828 to March 4, 1661. History informs ns that the financial distress of 1887 was unprecedented. It occur red in a time of profound peace, when the pub lic indebtedness wss trifling, in a season of fair crops. Yet bread of wheat was hardly within tbe means of well-to-do farmers and mechanics, and laborers were glad to get corn meal at exorbitant prices. Pork was $4O per barrel, and wag** to to / - Twenty years litter, tbe Government being in the bands of the “ Democracy" meanwhile, practically, there came another crash, and the role of High Prices was like a yoke of iron. Happily, we need not refer to history for illus trative facts. They are fresh in the memory of every man—the experiences of 18S7. James Buchanan, was President. Flour, fourth rate, was sold at $l2 and $l3 a barrel in Wellsboro. Other provisions in proportion. Confidence in banks was nowhere. We made a trip to New England and could not get a railroad ticket the face of the best paper money. So we pat ronised a broker and purchased gold at a com fortable shave. We traded beet Pennsylvania notes at a loss .of 5 pfcr cent;'' All this time work was scarce and wages low. You coaid not get money to buy with. And this in a time of profound peace, under " Democratic” rale, with no public debt to speak of. Even in 1855-6, flour, not too good for hogs to eat. sold for $lO in these parts. How does that time compare with this ? let us. see: . Yon can step into any National Bank in the country, and procuring its notes, travel In any State without hindrance, as if you paid in gold. Yon pay $l4 a barrel for flour good enough for anybody; yon pay 20 cents a pound for porter honse or loin steak, 16 for corned beef, 45 for butter, 25 for best brands of sugar, and fabu lous prices for cloths and clothing. We pay 21 cents for paper once costing 9 cents; 30 cents for ink once dear at 16 cents; and flO THE NOV. 22, 1865, the case. “ What will be the next Copperhead dodge 1” is a constantly recurring question. Well, the Cincinnati Evquirtr, the leading western organ -of that faction, answers that question fully, as follows ; . "There bus been no attempt to destroy the Government; nor has anybody in particular preserved the republic. The Government of the United States was never attacked: and if the republic—free institutions—have been pre served, they owe their preservation to their in nate vigor, and the native spirit of the people, not to either men or events." —To which we attach, aa a corollary: Jas. Buchanan is President of the United States,, and the popular belief that Abraham Lincoln was'elected in 1860, served four years, was re eledted in 1864, was, basely assassinated by a Copperhead last April, is an illusion; that the popular belief that the South repudiated the Constitution, hurled greatarmie* against the United States ; that the latter raised a mill ion and a half of soldiers, armed, equipped, subsisted and paid them ; that three-fourths of the families in the land mourn the death of some one or more of their respective circles by the casualties of war: that there., have been drafts, and skedaddling; that the Government is heavily in debt—all these are illusions. Further, that the popnlar belief that this is the 1865th year of the Ohristian era is also an. illusion. We are in the dark ages. Peter the Hermit is haranguing the Crusaders from his column ; Richard is Jousting with Saladin ; Babylon is in full bloom ; Dido is wooling the credulous JEueas amid the magnificence of Car tbage ; Titus is besieging Jerusalem ; Daniel is bearding Belshazzar; Bonaparte is crossing the Rhino ; Washington is crossing the Dels ware; and Moses has just declared death' to Snakes ! - P. S. . The earth is fiat as a pancake Ditto Copperhead logic. The. President's i-e'coDStraotioD policy, baaed upoQ great magnanimity, has failed. The rebellious South wants Justice, not magnanim ity. Kindness is thrown away upon such peo ple. _ ; But we are glad the President exhausted le niency in hie effort to fit the rebels for recep tion into the Union. It was wise, and fully justifies Congress in trjing what virtue there may be in stones.' Mr. Editor i . Permit a tax payer to enquire, by what prioctple’jou are governed, in selecting names for publication, from the Income tax list ? Ido not fancy this discrimination, and cannot see why Mr. Jones* -income -should be thus paraded, while Mr. Smith, bis neighbor, with more or less, as the case may be, la left otrt-in modest retirement. There Is a solution which has been suggested, but which seems too monstrous for belief—-that these /no ore nil that have returned their incomes to the assessor / Mr. Editor, has Tioga county so few honest citi zens as this would, indicate ? Why there are dozens of men in all our towns, whose incomes exceed tho allowed $5OO. Where aro they ? Where are the solid business men of Bloss. Covington, Richmond, Tioga and Wellsboro f Their name is logion, and their well-known business receipts, and style of living, would scorn the paltry sum of $BOO, as a limit. There must bo gross misunderstanding of the law, or more gross deviation from-truth In these returns. Where are our rich lumbermen, for instance ? I vertbly believe some men think themselves exempt from taxation, because Ibey make their money by lumbering. Thaddeus Stevens boasts that he com pelled the Committed on Ways and Means to exempt lumber from taxation, as not being a manufacture— thereby robbing Government of some millions annu ally. but securing popularity with good lumbermen no doubt, who thence think themselves entitled to shut the door on the assessor, altogether, as many do. Now, lumber it a manufacture, as much as cloth in the piece or iron in the ptg or bar; and It should be taxed equally with other manufactures. Why not ? It is ° a precarious business," certainly. So is the manufacture of Iron; of .cotton goods j of woolens. So Is merchandizing and all mechanical pursuits—yet all are taxed, and all are profitable, or why do men follow them ? I would call the attention of Hon. Mr, Wilson to this palpable omission of the lumber-men. They are stripping our hills of a wealth which cau never be re stored, and coining it into gold. Let them disburse a small portion of this income in the shapa-of reve nue taxes. X have no ill-will towards our citizens who are in this business. All I ask in this, as in other departments of industry Is that they hear a share of the burdens of the war, and that all shall make ah honest sad truthful return of Income, as in this way only can be made and maintained a system of just and ' Equal Taxation P. S. Does not the law require persons to make these returns under oath ? 'The Assessor should see to this. Not. 20, 1566, [Wo can only say, In reply to the initial question of our correspondent that the returns are published precisely as they come to hand. Wo shall publish the balance as soon as copies can be made. £n.[ We have.news from Mexico by the way of New-Orleans. From this we learn that Jnarea bad received reenforcements and captured Monterey. Matamoros was invested, and the Liberals “ could take if whenever they please.” A Mexican transport was captnred in the North Eio Grande, and turned over to the American antfaorites. An Imperial gunboat bad passed up to Matamoros. General Johk A Logan has been appointed Minister, and Wm. Browning, Secretary of Le gation to the Kepnbho of Mexico. The majority of Gen. Barlow. Union candi date for Secretary of State in New York, that far, ascertained, is 28,052, 1 I U\| A cue NT Y A(i ITATOR. About Incomes. Hon. Preston Kino, Collector of the Port of New York City, committed suicide by jumping from a ferry-boat, last Tuesday. He was suf fering under partial mental aberration at tbe time, caused by the vexations of business He served as U. P. Senator from New York one term, and was 59 years old at tbe time of his death. By order of the War Department, tbe name of Fort Runyon has been changed to Fort Kil patrick, in honor of that distinguished Jersey man. - ! Ward, the Republican caddidate for Govern or of New -Jersey, is elected by, something over 3,000. Dr. Tyng’e Church of New York was burned on the 14th in«c. Loss §30,000. JT. HERFEV EWING, , Attorney and counsellor at law. Not* 11 Law Building,—St, Paul St., Baltimore. REFERENCES: Levin Gale, Attorocr at Law, Edward Israel, Atfy at Law, Rev. J. McK. Hitcv.D. D.. Rev. Henry BU cSr, D I>„ Confield, Bro. A Co., F. Grove A Col, Lnd wig A McShorry, John F. MoJilton, Esq., Robert Lawson, Esq., S. Sutherland, Esq. [Mr. Ewixo la authorized to transact any business appertaining to this paper in Baltimore.] Nov. 2i, 1806-iy. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTlCE.—Letters of ad ministration'having been granted to the under signed on the estate of Royal Rose, late of Rutland, dec’d, notice is hereby given to those indebted -to make immediate payment and those having claims ito ’present them properly authenticated for settlement to MARIETT ROSE, - ) . C. H. SEYMOUR, iAdm’rs. E. I. STEYENS, j Rutland, Nov. 22, 1865-61* . DISSOLUTION. —The Co-partnerehip heretofore ezlating between Parkbnrst A Tears, was dis solved Nov. 3d, 1805, by mutual consent. The busi ness will hereafter be conducted by D. D. Parkhum. PARKHURBT A TEARS. Elkland, Nov. 22, 1895-3 1». . | " A Comploto Pictorial History of the Times.” “The best, cheapest, and mast raccewftal Family Paper in. the ttnien. HARPER’S WEEKLY. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED Critical Notice* of th* Prt*t “ The best Family Paper published in the United States,"-*-A r eu> London Advtriistr. “.The model Newspaper of our our country—com plete in all the departments of an American Family Paper—Harper's Weekly has earned for Itself a right to Its title * A Journal of Civilization.* J '—aV, Y, Even ing Pott . This Paper furnishes the Jbest illustrations. Oar future historians will enrich themselves out of Har per's Weekly long after writers, and painters, and publishers are turned to dust"— N. T. J teangtlitt* “ A necessity In every household." —Botton Tran script. i “ It Is at once a leading political and historical an aliat of the nation." —Philadelphia Prt»«. u The best of its class in America." —Botton Traa*r, SCfiSOBEPTIONS—IB66. The publishers have perfected a system of mailing by which they can supply the Maqazisb and Will ly promptly to those who prefer to receive their pe riodicals diiectly from the Office of Publication. Post masters and others desirous of getting up Clubs will be supplied with a iiandsome pictorial Show-bill on application. The postage on Haefer's Weekly is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post-office. TERMS* Habmb’s Weekly, one year. Aa E*trm Copy of cither th* -I Veeklg or Magaminm will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Sub scribers at $4 00 each. In one remittance; or Six Copies for $2O 00. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of ex pense, for $7 each. A complete Set, comprising Eight Volumes, sent on-receipt of cash nt the rate of %b 25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. •• Address HARPER & BROTHERS, 16n0v65-3t Franklin Square, New York. " Umjuaationably tho beat (attained work in tho World," Harper’s New Monthly Magazine. Critical Notices of xhe Press. It Is the foremost Magazine of the day. The fire side sever had a more delightful companion, nor the million a more enterpxtting ftiend, than Harper's Magazine.— ‘Methodist Protestant (Baltimore). The most popular Monthly in the world.—Afoc York Observer. We must refer in terms of eulogy to the high tone and varied excellences of Batperfe Magazine —a jour nal with a monthly circulation of about 170,000 cop les—in whose pages are to bo found some of the choi cest light and general reading of the day. We speak of this work as an evidence of the American People; and the popularity it has acquired is merited. Each Number contains fully 144 pages, of reading matter, appropriately Illustrated with good wood.cuts, and it combines in itself the racy monthly and the more philosophical quarterly, blended with the best features of the daily Journal. It has great power in the dis semination of a love of pure literature.—Truster's Guide to American Literature, London. The volumes bound constitute of themselves a li brary of miscellaneous reading such as cannot be found In the same compass in any other publication that has come under om\notice.— Boston Courier, SUBSCRIPTIONS—IB66. The Publishers have perfected a system of mailing by which they can supply the Magazine and Weekly promptly to those who prefer to receive their periodi cals directly from the Office of Publication, The postage on Harper's Magazine la 34 cents a year, which must be paid aft the subscriber’s post office. TERMS. Harper’s Magazine, one year. An Extra Copy of either Magazine or Weekly will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4 00 each, in one remittance; ot Six 1 Copies for $2O 00. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. A Complete Set, now comprising Thirty-one Vol umes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser, for $2 25 per volume, Single, volumes, by mail, postpaid, $3 00. Cloth oa ses, for binding, 53 cents, by mail, postpaid. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, 22nev65~3t Franklin Square, New Tork. HOSTETTBR'S celebrated stomach BITTERS.—Read E. D. N, SOHTHWORTH'S LETTER: Pro*p*ct Cottage, Georgetown, D, C., ) April 2, 1806. J Messrs. Hosieiteb A Smith : OentUmen —lt gives m* pleasure to add my testimonial to that of others In favor of your excellent preparation. Several years of residence on the banks of a Southern river, and of close application to literary work, bad so thoroughly exhausted my nervous system and nnderxnined zny health, and had become a martyr to dyspepsia and nervous headache, recurring at short intervals, and defying all known medicines in the Materia Medlca. I bad come to tho conclusion that nothing but a total change of residence and pursuits would restore my health, when a friend recommended Hostettaria Bit* ters. I procured a bottle as on experiment: it re quired bat one bottle to convino me that I bad - found ont the right combination of remedies. The relief it afforded me has been complete. It is now some years since I tried Hoststtettcr'a Bitters, and it is but just to say that I found the preparation all that U claims to be* It is a Standard Family Cordial with a a, and even as a stimulant 1 found it better than anything else 5 bat we use it in all billions and dyspeptic cases, from fever down to ague. If what I have now said will lead any dyspeptic invalid -to a sure remedy, X shall have done some good. I remain, respectfully yours, . Hot; l&Wra. E. D. S. N. Southwokh* SELL CHEAP. ; , AND the people WILL BUT! WILL BUT 1 WILL BUY! DOWN 1 GO GOODS ARB MOW- CHEAP J Have been enabled bytbe GREAT PANIC IN NEW YORK, to boy & great many goods at V E R'Y LOW PRIC ES, an(/as Is my, regular custom, have made my stock on band correspond with present values. The reduction is large. It will pay all customers to make their pur chases now. It is very improbable thut goods will go any lowey this fall.- W© have reduced prices as follows: J ■a 35 cent Prints, all the best makes,,to 28cts. 31 cent do English and Amosk’g to 25cts. 26 oent_ do ' Fast colors, to 22ets.‘ 56 cent bleached hiuslio, best grades, 45cts. 50 cent do 40cts. 44 cent do 37cts. 37 do do Slots. 31 do do . 250 t«. Tbs redaction is foil as large in our Dress Goods Stook, except Merlnoee, which are still less than NEW YORK PRICES. We sell fine yard wide Merinoea ia all colors at .. $1.12 cts. per yard. 7s. yd; wide to' da ds. extra “ Plaids, “ 5s | ss. Plaids, ‘ “ 4s All the grades, of Alpacas in same proportion. We have also made some changes In. our Flannel Stock. We now sell our Bargains in Flannels as follows: 4s. Heavy Red Twilled Flannel, 45cti, 4s. Grey , “ " 45 7s. Fancy Shirting, " 75 We bare alio reduced the pricea of our Balmorals which were cheap before bat are now much'cheaper. $2 SO Black Broadcloths, 2 25 $3 50 •• 3 25 $4 00 “ 350 These reductions make a heavy loss, but as I thick the only way to sell goods is to sell with the market, and aa goods are cheap in New York we must all sell cheap. Merchants who have made by the former rise In stock should sot complain. Our stock If full of Bargains, some;of which'have not bees changed any, because they -cannot be re placed at any lower figures, such as ' All Wool Sheeps' Grey Cloth, 9a Men's J D. S. Kip Boots, Richardson'* make at $4 00 Boy’s D. S. Kip Boots, same make at 300 Women's leather lined Balmorals at 2 00 Hoop Skirts at 1 00 Hadley's best Spool Cotton, Sets and hosts of other B&rgaius. I think customers can safely-make up their minds from the above statements that, we intend 10 sell foods this fall, I can assure them that If a large took of Goods to select from, at prices guaranteed to be at the bottom of the market and good treatment at all times, whether buying or not, will keep my large trade, I shall not lose it. I. A. PARSONS, No. 3, Concert Block. Corning, N. T., Nov. 22, 1884. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE YOUB GREEN BACKS. A great breakdown in the price of all kinds of Dry Goods. I bars jut returned from New York with alarge ud well selected assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, which were bought for CASH during the late Paulo at PANIC PRICES, which I am bound to SELL at PANIC PRICES. I am telling - (Hood Madder Print*, 22 Best ’ " 24 Extra Wide, English, SO Bsst Muslin DeLalnes, 84 Bleached Sheetings, 30 to SO Unbleached “ 28 to SO Extra Heavy, - 34 Best quality French Merlho, 10 shillings Double width Plaid Poplins, 82} Yard wide Rep, 60 Best (high colored) Wool I)chains, 60 Single width Plain PepUns, 40 Yard wide Paramatta, 40 A Large Stock of FLANNELS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, HOOP, SKIRTS, CLOTHS, FOES, NOTIONS, WORSTEDS, 4c.. 4q. A good assortment GROCERIES, BOOTS 4 SHOES, 40. Also, a luge Stack of FEED, FLOUR 4 PORK, constantly on hand. In fkst, ALL THE NECESSARIES OF LIFE. Cas turners in want of Goodi will save money by calling at the New Store and examine (loads and Prieas before, buying elsewhere. H. R. FISH. Tioga, Nov. 23, i864-4t. .$4 00. A FIRST BATE FABH FOB SALE.—THE SUBSCRI - ber will sell on 1 reasonable terms, his fkna In Delmsr, known as the Moses Hiller Farm, Ijlng on the State i.oad I—ding west from Wellsboro. Said Farm contains 80 acres, 40 of which are improved and under good cultivation, and the balance covered with first rate rail timber, eawlhg tim ber. and hard wood. The firewood alone is sufficient to pay the price for which tho farm will be sold. It is only three miles froia Wellsboro, on a first rate road, where 18 Inch wood is selling at $2 per cord. It has a good orchard, a new £ox4o foot bam and a reas onably good house. It is a first rate Dairy Farm for any person wanting one of that size, the milk-producing quality of the grass not being, exceeded by any farm In tho country. The market for form produce is all the farmer could ask, Eggs selling in Wellsboro at 25 cents a down, chickens at 30 cents a pound, butter at 40 to 50 cents, cheese at 20 cents apples at $1 per bushel, and other produce in proportion. Any person wishing to purchase can call on J. EiIERT, Esq., Wellsboro, or on the subscriber, cow lumbering on Harsh Creek. CHA3. P. GKTNUELL. Pelmar, Nor. 22, 15&5.-t£ .$4 00. l—Cam* Into the enclosure of the subscriber in Covington boro’, on or about the 20th of October last, a dry, moa«e colored COW, about 14 years old, good ske. The owner Is requested to prove property, pay charges and take her away. Nov. 20,1965.-3 t. l—Come into the enclosure of the subscriber In Jlj Covington, on the 10th of October last, a two year old BCLL, color bright red, with white switah tail. The owner will please come forward, prove property, and take him away. WM. H. JOHNSON. Nov. 23, IMS.-St .♦ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of ad ministration having been granted to the under signed on tho estate of Nelson Austin, late of Charles ton, township, deo’d, notice Is hereby given to those Indebted to moke immediate payment, and those having claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement to HIRAM BROOKS, f , . , Nov. 22, ISOS. NATHAN AUSTIN, \ Aam f * BHITE® STATES HOTEL. MAIN STREET, WILLSBORO, FA., D. Q. BITTER, Proprietor. Having leased this popular hotel property, (lately occupied by Mr. Kelson Austin) 1 shall endeavor to make it trnly the traveler’s home. .Personal atten tion will be given to the table, and the comfort of guests will bs a prime objeat. The stables will be under the care of'an experienced hostler. ■ Wellsboro, Hot. IS, 1886-ly. • BY virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facia*, levari Faciar, and Venditioni Ezpoua*, issued out of the Court of Common Plea* of Tioga county, p a to me directed, will fee exposed to public sale in thJ Court House. in Welhboro. on MONDAY, the 27th day of November, 1865, at I o'clock in the afternoon the following described property, to wit: * THE PRICES! A lot of lend in Charleston township, Tioga county, JPcnnsylvaniti* No. 6044, surveyed In the name of James* Wilson, bounded os follows: on the north by Bingham lands, east os formerly on the township line of Covington, south by Nos. 6019 and 5043, w*aiby I»»d of Washington Yale ; reserving one half of the coal aljnd other mineral productions that may be dis covered'on said land, with the privilege of working the same—containing six hundred and eighty.»U acre* more or less. To he sold as the properly of Daniel Owen and Henry F. Smith. ALSO —a lot of land in Bloss township, bounded north by Levi Mills, and James H. Gullet and Dyer Jacques £ Co. and Dyer, Lqwrcy £ Co., east by land* of Tioga Improvement Company, south by lands owned by Elliott, Terris, ot al, and James H. Galich, Trustee, and west by lands off the estate of Jamee Hopkins—containing about 1200 acres, more or lew, about 300 acres improved, two frame house?, two frame barns and ono saw mill thereon. ALSO—another lot in Rios* township, bounded •north By James li. Oullck, east by highway, south and west by James H. Gulick—containing about $ acre, frame house, frame barn and fruit trees thereon, ALSO—another lot of land in Eloss township, bounded north by James H. Gulick, east by highway! sonth[and west by Jas. H. Gulick—containing about £ of an adfre, a framo house and frame barn thereon ALSO —another lot of land In Rloas lownabip, bounded north by James H. Gulick, east by highway! south and west by James H. Gulick—containing about § of an acre, a frame house and frame barn thereon. To be sold as the property of James 11. GuKc^. ALSO—n lot of land in Gaines township, bounded and described as follows : on the north by highway, east by highway, south by Russell Smith, and by Germania—containing about fifteen acres, about four acres improved, a frame- heave, blacksmith shop, saw mill, plaster mill, and fruit trees thereon. To be sold as Jbe property of I. Champney and X R. Champney. ALSO—a lot of land in Delmar township, bounded and described as follows; north, by E. H Hastings, east by M. C. Spicor, sonth by William Hoedley, west by Julleti Miller-containing three-fourths of an acre more or less, frame house, and fruit trees there en. To bo sold as (he property of Solomon Putnam and Andrew Putnam. ALSO—a lot of land lyin'g in Maimbarg, bounded and described as follows: on the north by Cory Creek, on the east.by A. Ford, on the aomih by Main Street, on the west by John about I of an acre, frame house and frame barn thereon. ALSO—another lot in Sullivan, bounded on the north by Alvin Aastin, on the east by Jesse and Jo seph Austin, on the south by Joseph Aastin and Mun son Dead, on the west by Simeon, Ford ana Otis Richards—containing eleven acres, more or lets, all improved. To be sold as the property of A. J. Web ster A E- R. Webster. ALSO—a lot of land in Middlebury township, bounded north by lands of Ira Briggs, east by Racbtl Westbrook, sonth by Rachel Westbrook, west by high way—containing IS acres more or less, about S acres improved, log boose and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—another lot bounded north by R. P. Wilson, east by Jere Davit, south by G. D. Keeney, west by G D. Keeney—containing 4 acres, more or I less, all im proved, frame house, frame barn and fruit trees thers on. Tw be sold as the property of Mary A. Bryent and A. H. Bryant. ALSO—o lot of land lying In Middlebury town, ship, .bounded and described as follows i on the north by lands of Waldo White, on the east by lands of Daniel White, sonth by highway, west by Wtp- K- Mitchell -containing $ acre more or less, 1 frame tavern-boose, one frame barn and fruit trees (hereon To be sold aa tho property of J. A. Briggs A Morris P, Kelsey. - ALSO—a lot of land in Union township, bounded and described as follows: beginning at the south-east corner of Sanford Withey; thence east along the Hue of William Crooks land* to the Sugar Work Bun; thence along said said Bun northerly 68 rods to Joel Saxon, north-west corner; tbeooe east some 10 rods to the road surveyed I leading from Lycoming Creek to Block House road aijd Wm. Hell's lands : thence northerly by said road stone fifty-four rods to line of 0. Dltcbbarn or Sherman lands; thence west to Morgan ; thence south by Morgan A Withey to place of beginning—oontainlag 40 acres more or less, about 2 acres improved. ALSO—another lot beginning at the north east comer of a lot of land formerly surveyed to L. H. Landon; thence sooth IS4 rods to a post the south* west'{corner of a lot of land formerly surveyed to George Parley; thence east fifty-seven rods to a post; Jhenpc north 184 perches to a post} caeuce west fifty-seven perches to the place of beginning— containing acres more or lest- To be sold as the property of H. C. Difrance. ALSO—a lot of land in Tioga township, bounded as follows j commencing at a beech on the soath lids of Mill Creek j these* north Id east 34 rods j these* •oath 89 east 105 rods; then south 34 8 rods: thence tonfh I degree east 00 rods] thence tooth 73 west 31.8 rodsj thence north 80 west 44.8 rods; tbenee north 42 west 04.7 rods to the place ol beginnings bontainlng 49.1 acres. ALSO—a lot commencing at a post south side of Mill Creek j thence north 1| east 80 rods j thence north 89 west 103.3 rods; tbenee loath 33 rods; thence south I deg. west, 99 B*lo rods; thence west. 60 9-10 rods; tbenee north 18} dog,-west, 68 4-10 rods; thence south 73 dog. west, 10 rods to place of beginning—containing 65 B*lo acres, 5 aero* partly improved j Also—a lot commencing at a post south side of Mill Creek, thence north 1 deg. east, 99 8-10 rods; thence south 89 deg. east, 86 4-10 rods; thence south 1 deg, west, 100 2-10 rods ; thence north 89 deg. west 86 rods to place of beginning—containing fifty 8-10 sores,, a plank house, frame burn, a few fruit trees, and fifteen acres improved, thereon. To be sold as the property of Israel Rickey nod Rufus Clemons. ALSO—a lot of land In Jackson township, bounded and described as follows: north by highway, east by Thomas Holton, south by Lewis Shires, west by Charles Orcntt—containing 76 acres, more or less, about fifty acres improved, frame house, two frame barns and ont buildings and fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Hlel Updike. ALSO—a lot of land in Delmar twp., bounded north by the line of Shippen and Delmar townships, east by lands formerly of 3. E. Ensworth. south by Phelps, Dodgo A Co., and west by Silas Billings— containing about 760 acres and being part of warrant No. 4427, about 4 acres improved, law mill, 3 frame bouses, shingle bouse and a blacksmith shop tbereob. ALSO—another lot of land is Delmar township, bounded north by John Miller and Tine H. Baldwin, cast by Joseph Bernautr and G. W. Eastman - ,.south by Ira Wetherbee, Win. Stratton and Wm. Ebcreots, and west by Roland Reed, Lewis Dexter and lands formerly owned by 11. Stowell, and sold to Ralph Meade—containing about 380 acres, about 250 acres improved, two frame bouses, two frame herns, and sheds attached, corn house and other out balMlngr, two apple orchards, peach orchard and other firoft trees thereon. To be sold as the property of H. 3tow.fi. * W.Uiboro, Not. 8. LEHOT TABOR, Sb«ri£ A 88IGNEE SALE.— -The Property assigned b T Henry Seely, late of Deerfield, Tioga Co., Pa,, to D. Angell and Leri Soott, for the benefit of oreditore, it offered for sale and will be sold to settle the estate, on Tuesday, Deo. i, next. Those having claims will present them to D. Angell for settlement Those Indebted are requested to make immediate payment' p. p. ptrrsAii. A large steam power Door and Sash Factory, Saw Mill, Lumber House, and three acres of land with about two hundred thousand (200,000) feet dry pine lumber expressly for doors and sash. A large Store and Dwelling House in Knoxville, suitable for e Dry Goods business, with a email stock of goods now in the store. 22 acres of good farming land in Desrfisld adjoining the Factory lot. ■ 50 acres good farmlog land in Chatham.township. Ona farm in Clymer Township sold, exoept 13 Cows thereon, DANIEL ANGELL. 1 , . , LEVI SCOTT, | Assigns. - Knoxville, Pa.. Oct. 4, 136i-2m.‘ MRS. a. J. SOFIELD WISHES TO IN form her customers that >be is now receiving from New York, a fine assoetment of : - MILLINERY GOODS, which shehas taken much care in selecting. Ladies will find a superior quality of - MERINO UNDER-WRAPPERS. MERINO HOSIERT.. Infants’ Hoods. Dress Cape, fine linen Handkerchief and everything in the AUiUnery line. ‘ ' [OctlS. SHERIFF’S SALES Properly Offered for Sale.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers