f ■* A Very Bomaatic Affair. affair in ConcTnnafila noticed by _ ibeji&mttte, roßning-in- jtaJßJUpci'a young "inamed .couple '.mutually reasons, to separate. To aeoompliffa this end the friends-of both parties experienced, a great deal of- trouble, as it was apparent to all.that the'joun'g Couple loved each other tenderly. A. short'time after the separation-tho-young’inaD-qniotly left the city, and during iKtlong years, elapsed since that-time no one but --family have heard from him. The young .. v /-showed her <JiSfttic9 foTiei'formet busbanc/by. remaining -gjng]" until a few weeks since, when shs was "'united in the bonds of wediock-to a well known gentleman doing business in this city. One <Jav last week No T returned toCinoinnati, and .'qaiefly took lodgings in a private bouse, w.here there were no other boarders, save a newly manned conple. The landlady of the house, mSlTihg to to her new boarder, invited him into the parlqy, for the purpose of introducing him to her two guests, who were there awaiting dinner. She approach ed them, at the same time saying, “ Mr. ——•, allow me to introdnce—■” .Hero it ended, and « scene ensued which it would be difficult to portray. On turning round, tbe lady' gave one. shriek and fell to the floor. The landlady and husband No. 2 for a moment could not un derstand the situation in which they were placed, bnt it is sufficient to aay that 'the bus band and wife, who many years before 1 had been separated, were again together. 'A. few momenta only were required to explain,-thfe matter, and to convince hueband.No. 2 that his fascinating young bride was a grass widow.-j- He threatened to leave her, and she rather en|- oonraged him in hie threat. He did ad,- and they who were onee separated are again united, more devotedly than ever—and -so ended what may truly be called a romance in real life. - Paper Board,, Pipes, Cons, and Armoury Wl learn from the daily papers, says' an En glish journal, that Colonel Szerelmey haring made it the study of hie life tp discover the composition of the zopiasa of the ancient Greeks, he has now found that, by meaus of this gum, paper can be rendered bard and dur able. Zppissa paper boards can be produced of any mngth and thickness, and. capable of being cut to any shape, like wood, with a com mon, saw. These .boards are fifty per. cent, cheaper than'oak, are Impervious "tofinaeots, and perfectly water-proof. Their-stfengtb may be gathered from the fact that they, .will resist a pressure of two hundred and fifty- pounds.; to the square inch, or even moye-. if required.-r These boards are said to be ’suitable for'"ship building, the construction of. portable bouses, ' roofing, flooring, coach-panels,- boxes, piano and packing-cases, &o. Paper pipes for water, gas, liquid-manure, &c., are produced from thp same substance as tfae boards, and have the same properties. Rockettubea, cartridge oases; large guns, and even houses may, we are told, : be manufactured of this paper 1 . - It can- be easily moulded to any form .desired, and- is capable of being used in . mass, without waste, like fusible metal. entirely frefe from moisture ; and, while any ordinary paper ; would corrode iron, this can be made to adhere - to, and form a covering Impervious tjjfwatef over it. These valuable qualities naturally re.- commend the zopissa paper use as a cover ing for boilers, steam tubs, funnels, &o.— . Among other jases to which i has been suggest ed, that Colonel Szerelmey’s - invention might - be torned, is that of baokin/ the iron-plates in which men of war are now t ceased, instead of teak or oak. The'kopissa pdper is said to have a power of resisting shot’ten times greater than oak; and it is an important consideration that it is not liable to splinter like wood;—• TRe believe the government baa- already direct: ed some experiments to be-mada on-the eubjecti . It u even said that by the oee-of this zopissa paper alone, of all the, materials at present known, can a perfect electric cable be form ed. . ' , Bright haa a great faculty for getting things i. cheap. The -other day he hada beautiful' set ; of teeth inserted for next to nothing. He kicked ft dOg. - ; . j NOTICE TO TEACHERS.—The School, Direct •era of Charleston District, will' tneee at- the Young School House, (on the State-Rood,-) on '£ bore da;, the 16th da; of -November next, at one o'clock - -f. M-i to hire teachers for the coming Winter Schools.' Teachers pitase remember certificate and £ cent rev-' «atn stamp, prerequisites to a contract. By order of the President, J. L; KINGSBURY, Sec..' Charleston, Not. 1. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.-rln order of the Orphan's Court of Tioga county, heerlag dote the 9th day of September, 1866,.the following described real estate, late the property of Barrisoa Mack, dec'd, will be offered at publfc gale do the premises, on the 20th of KprOmber next at~l o’clocklp. 2£,, to wit jL Tot t>f land situated in . Westfield; t owjSsbip^ i>o - at the north east corner thereof and the sooth •ait corner of a lot of land cf the estate of John Watkins, dec’d; thence eouth.6l 8,-10 tods to,a post; thence jrest 40 rods along lands of Page Sprague to > post f thence tenth 55 4-1 Ojeda to the publiopigh . *»y t thence along the highwaj south 60 ’ degrees ’ .west 68' rodsthenco west along lands, of Sack ! Brothers.2l g-10 rods to a post;'.thence north along ' landsof’the estate of George W.-Mack, ' rods to a'poatj thence west along same 14 8-10 rods to r »T>ost ;' thenoe north • along land of dames Green 61 8-10 rods to a post the, .north west corner of the lot hereby -describe dthence- cast along kmdalof Jns. Green and lands of, said John IVotkine/deo’d, 184 810-rods jto the of - bo£*,nning— .containing and 6 r lo acres more~or les L lot of land situated in Westfield township, described as follows, turritbounded on themorth by JAnd_-c£ .James GxftenA’.oiL tfaa east by land of George W. Mack's estate, on • the south by land of John M. Harper, and on the west by land of said John M. Harper and. Sutler Pride—containing about seventy-four and 3-10 acres.. , - .1. „ Terms—'One-half cash upon sale and the other half in oaoyearthere&fter'irith interest.- — , ( DANIEL S. SHOVE,-,- Adm'r of Harrison Mack, deo’d. „OoW-1U1865-6t, ; ypiOGA CO. COURT PROCLAMATION.— ■ Whereat; the Hon, -Robert Q, White, President Judge for the 4th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and Eoyal -Wheeler and Victor <3aso, Eqg.'s, Asso ciate Judges in Tioga counts hare issued their pre cept, bearing date the 10th day of'October 1865, and to me directed, lor the holding pf Qrphan'prOgjirt, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyen.and.Terzniher,a.t<WeUshoro, for the County of the 4th Monday of November, (being the 2Tth day,) 1865, and to continue two weeks.' Notice ia therefore -hereby the Coroner, Justices of the Peace', and Constables in and for the county of Tioga, to appear in their own properjier •ons, with their records, inquisitions, eaimWatipnsand remembrances, to do those things wbiEtdTthfiiCoffi cee and in their behalf appertain to btr done,, and all witnesses and other persons prosecuting in : behalf of the Commonwealth againstnny person or persons, are required to be then and there attending, and not to departat the imperil.- • Jurcrg-graaequqsted'to'btrpupu- Jtaalln their attendance at the Appointed time! agree* ably to notice, . . . • ■ -Oivea-nader my hand And-t pai at-thwebcriffr-Offlee. Welltboro, the 10th day of October in thriiar £V,l«rd<nm thousand eighthundredahd Blxtv ftwt * I LPBVY TABOR Sheriff/ Goods have julvancqd largely sitter the middle August, and all stocks purchased before that time can be syid - **' f -. AT" THE FEOFEE’S STORE, Im Corning t We now have on band an unusually : ABSCmTMENT^OF FILL IND WINTER GOODS, adapted to the best trade of this place" and vicinity, and shell he constantly, refle.iv.ing * snob additions to our stock as the variednumerous cus totners shall demand. ~ Our stock consists In part of our usual variety of \ : r Domestic .gqods, .. a larger stock tif Moarning and other Dress Goode than ever before, aino'ng which are; a large Uno of : ERBN CH MERIKLQS; IN GOOD COLORS,- , ■ ... AT 91.00 PER YARD. A good stock of CLOTHS % CASSIMBMS, to be sold by the yardor made up to order. • BEAVERS, DoIjiSLINS, & SACKINGS, ; for Ladies' Cloaks and ornaments to trim‘thorn. FLANNELS OT EVERY VARIETY,- RED, BLDE, GRfiX. YELLOW, WHITE, PLAIN & TWILLED, OPERA' rFLAN -1 NELS, SHIRTING FLANNiIIS. SHAWLS; for Gents* Ladies, Misses and -Children Balmoral and Hoop Skiffs, HOSIERY AND OLO|EB, of every variety, among_whieh are ALEXANDER’S KIDS, BOCK. MITTS, and ; r i GLOVES,V BOOTS, SHOES, A RUBBERS, Among wbioh-aie the'Arctio Rubber, & tfejtTaod very nice article*- 5 DRY GOODS Ac Our facilities for BUYING GJ)ODS are UJ£SUB PASSED by any in this we wish it un derstood that 1 * -- We do noiintend io pv UNDERSOL&Sy any , l~~\ (?:■ ■ - -i-j quality of Goods considered, whatever qtfittrs may gay about it,'and in proof of this we ask aix JSXAMI NATION ofour GOODS and". PRICES, promising ourselves not gee angry for showing Goods when no purchase is model/.We shall give our*Jstistomers the FULL BENEFIT OF ANY DECLINE in the Market should there be any, and should ‘ Goods ad vance wo shall be compelled to,follow. "We shall continue the”system of / • ] One Price- and Ready Pay, which is steadily growing in favor. We tender onr thanks to the eilUens of Tioga Co., who have patronized us and wotiftl respectfully invite those who have neves dohe so to call and see uf, Store opposite the Diclpnson Hogfe on Market Street, three doors west of the corner, ami two Hangerford*» Bank. SUITS A WAITE, Cprning, N. Y., Oat 4, 1866. J.TCH! nCHU; ITCHIU, ! r ;, 1 - Scratch! Scratch! : ' Scratch ! Wheatons Ointment. ~ - WiUCnro the Itch in 48 Boars Also cures ULCERS, CHIL BLAINS, and all Eruptions of the Skin. ',Price 50 cents. For gale by all Druggists. * By sending €0 cents to "WEEKS X POTTER, Sole Aggb*K r 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwardedby maU, free of postage, to any part of the. United States. 180ct65^6na. REPLICATION IN DIVORCE.— To EUtahtth Beddot »: Yon are hereby notified that David 0. BeddoeeJ-your husband, basjgppiled to tbe.Conytof Common* Pleas of Tioga County fora divorce from, the bonds of matrimony, and that the said Coart hara fixed upon Monday the 27tb day of November next at 2 o'clock P. M., at Wellsboro’, for hearing the said Davfd' Q'Beddoes in the premises*, at which time and place yon cad attend if yon. think proper. LEROY TABOR, Sheriff. Nov. 1,1866. TIOGA MARBL.E WORKS. CAIgtHW & CONKLIN, (lot. Ools cud CalkJu) "PROPRIETORS. ME. €OIIXIIIS haring had large experience in aome of. tho.beac Jlarble Shopa. in the country in the artistic .part of this business the pro* prietora are now'prepared tb execute order* for TOMB STONES, drat] Muds, and MOVEMENTS of either RUTLAND OE : ITALIAN 1 MARBLi), is the most workmanlike manner, and with dispatch. They will keep the best quality,of -Marble,of both kinds named, constantly on hand.' Stones discolored with rust and diet cleansed and made to look as good ns new. Mr. Harvey Adams, of Charleston, is our autho tired Agent, and all contracts made with him will bo valid. Customers can contract for work with him at shop prices. Tioga, Sept 13, 1866-ly. • gTOVES! STOVES I! STOVES! 1! D. €. LAMPHAS Jk CO., WELLSBORO, PENN’A, respectfully inform the poblio that they have re* -moved their ' / NEW STORE dh TIN SBOF,. to the building lately occupied by D.P. Roberts, and, will keep on hand and furnish to order,' > TIN, COPPER,, & SHEET-IKON WARE, COOKING STOVES. PARLOR- STOVES, ; THE EXTENSION-TOP, & ?HE .. s.ii AMERICAN & NATIONAL , ' , COOK STOVE: i We shall deal on the Cash System, and will not be undersold. Our motto iS"**gmaP profits and quick - v jvti lk^icxNs J kept constantly on hand. ; ~ t D. C. LAMPMAN A CO. Wellsboro, Sept «, 1865-tf.-- - EOS THE LADIES.—BABBITT'S CELEBHA TBD SOAP POWDER.-or washing made easy and stains removed from Table Linon, Napkins, Ac. For sale at Boy’s'Drug Store.- t A' DMINISTBATBIX’S NOTlCE.—Letters of ad ministration having been granted to the under signed on tho eatato of Abram Palmer, late of Hid dlobnry, doo’d. notice is hereby given to - those .In debted to make immediate payment and those having •eleims to pretest, them properly enthontioatodT for ■eQUMUnUAJ v NANCY ANN PALMER, Adm’z. Mlddlebury, Oet IS, 1884-6 1» TJIUUA coj ::^me LARGELY BELOW PRESENT PRICES, if .the owners wish to* X' inter* d ter do, so and am now tailing - ’ I " » ' ,r. £ ..LAROE AMQUNTS OF OOODS AT LESS TEAS PBEBEHT york Wholesale rates. X'T»yi lendeavor to convince any one of that . / - . i » . , e-, WHO. WILL HIVE ME A CALL. Oor 8(ook i«[ larger in amount, and better assorted .... ►'!■, X .c. j. . ; then ever before., I have made mj arranganiants fpr ala^gßtred»i»i)*.l ftt ' 1 BIG STOCK OF GOODS, ! At very Low Prices, WILL. BRING IT, I WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED, j As samples, read the following LIST OF BARGAINS: All 'Wool Bed Flannels, 8s to 4a and 6d. “ sod Onion Qrey Flannels, 3a and 6d to ss. “ . Sheep’* Grey .Cloths, 9s. “ . C&ssimefes, Es. heavy, 14s. Kentucky'Jeans, 8s and Bd. French Merinoes, high colors, yard wide, 9s. All Wool DeLaines, 4s. Ex. heavy high ool’d Balmorals, $8 76 English Prints, warranted fast colors, 2s and dd - Best DeLaines, SScjs. Yard-wide Fine Paramettas, ss. Richardson’s Custom made Kip Boots, 1 D 8 Top Sole and 3 Sblhat very low prices. 1 ? Custom made Calf Boots, Womens, ■ " S* 00. My entire Stock will average as (low -as thla list, and I do ne|- pul thu out as pleads with no goods.to back if/but cdtiUtl all collator a I'easonable length of time. : 5 •- ' - ■.:> r - - HOOPSZIRTS- ■ Oar S.tock is very-jarge, bought in the Summer and ‘ * J " -.' - / - , MARKED AT VESYZOW PRICES. C A R P E T S'. In this Stock I-have done a much larger trade THAN I ANTICIPATED, and I intend iV "* 1! ix Bafgalns srillbavyitend increase Is, ,X TO HAVE THEN. ' a - "j J bave s good-Stock-loft at SPRING PRICES. ■ J ■• . ETN A LLY, I Invito all persons In need of Qobdir to : C ACL ON - Dfl, >'i ’• s If I eanfeot anit you. in ' _v : ~ QUALITIES, jSTYLES, pif D^tCES, it (bail be coqaidered my fault, -Fill be no gramßling,'; ‘ v s " *4s^4P*p**f '' So. S, Coucert Block. Corning,N. V* Stpt.prpWß. ~ V ' FOUNDRY.— HE ID QUARTERS OF THE IRON BRIGADE, AUGUST Ist, 1885. Special Notice i> hereby given to Returned Sol diers, returned akedaddlert, those liable to draft and to exempts, that tfie War is now ended and so shenld HIGH PRICES END. All will take notice that we are prepared to serve those wanting any thing in onr line on short notice and at REDUCED PRICES. We would call attention to a few of the articles of onr manufacture. THU PEOPLE'S PBIEND COOX STOVE is still in great faver with those desiring an - ELEVATED OVEN COOK STOVE. Our PARLOR, BOX, * COAL STOVES deserve attention before purchasing elsewhere. Our IRON WOOD BEAM PLOWS are os good as any if not better. WVwpald call particular attention to our- “ ROAD~SCRAPEiIS, ha we are confident thatthe'y cannot'bhexcelled.' MACHINERY . . ;. made end repaired on short uotice. j - We intend to. kbep. up.with,the improvements of .thetimes. ■ • Try ns and be convinced. ; TJBSm CASH. ON DE^IYERfX. ■X. P. BILES. - KndxvUJe/ Angnst 2,;1865.' - - • ' MILLINERY GIOODSI ; 1 .Miss PAtiLIKE SMITH: in now receiving fresh from New York, a choice lot Winter Goods, comprising- latest styles of Hots, French Flowers, Ribbons, and Plumes, which will be sold for cash very cheap; •Wellsboro, Oct, 4; 1865-3 m. - • Concentrated lye, for sale at - - . “ ROY’S DRUG STORE AN Assortment of TABLE GLASSWARE will be fonnd at ROY'S DRUG STORE. ; TJUTTY.-A WINDOW GLASS at 'i. JT ROT’S DRUG STORE, TTNOXYI. 1\ STORES.— WHOLESALE & RETAIL S V i-i-V 11 - r. - ✓ J i !' A (xfT NTT :ze 1 Rob f, Sadi:, & The undersigned having formed a co-partnership' under the name and title of I. LOGHRY A CO., can be fouud at thk old stand, corner of Main and Mil) Streets, where they will keep constantly on band a general assortment of EpOTS. SHOKS, MATHER & FINDINGS, U 'j iJ «i U'j ■ - 5 . • I of the best quality, which they will sell so cheap fur Cash, as to make it an object for dealers to boy here, ‘ Our Stock consists in part of MEN'S-A, BOXiSjrJCALF* _ wk tFjf Hi * * \ of oar awn manufacture. Also, LADIES’ GAITERS, BALMORAL, KID. & CALF, A MISSES SHOES. -i i>:::7ITjJK is.-. French end Oak Stock constantly os band for foies Cash paid at all times for HIDES, PELTS, and FOES. ‘ TESIfS —jCM SH ON DELIVER T. 'IZ " J tI.JLOOHBT, Ji J. RICHARDSON, Elmira, N. T. Knoxville, August 3, 1886-tf. SOLDIERS’ PAY BOUNTY AND PENSION AGENCY.— KNOXVILI& TIOGA VQVETY PENJNA, The undesigned having been specially licensed by the United States Government to procure the Back Pay* BotJNtr, aki> Pensions, of deceased and. disabled soldiers, gives notice to all interested, that be bag madearrangementa with par ties in Washington, by which he is able to procure Back pay, Bounty and Pensions, in a very short time, and that he will glye particular attentions to all such claims that may bej brought to him. Being provided., with ail the requisite Poms, Blanks, Ac., Ac., he has; iupericrfldvauugefin.this branch of business. Sol-lj diers entitled to pensions, will find it to their advan tage to apply to the undersigned at Knoxville, as the examining surgeon for Tioga Coubty.resides there. Also, Judge Case, before whom aU.applications for pensions may be made. 1. the 4Sih of April, '6l, in any kind of service, Naval or Military, who are dis abled by disease or wounds, are. entitled to Pensions. All soldiers twtryears or during the war, should it sooner close, will bo entitled to full Bounty, Also soldiers who have been wounded in battle, whether having' served two years or not, are entitled to lull Bounty. 1 2. Whpup SojcUef baa cause, in the United States service, since April lb, 1861, leaving a widow, she is entitled to all pay due him; also to from 476 Uj £4OO ThoJjQUjptjr varies ao* cording to the act or orders under which Che soldier enlisted, She is also entitled to a pension. 3, If the soldier left no-widow,'his children are en titled to the pay and bounty and the pension until they are sixteen years of age. 4. If the soldier Jeft-j|> widow, legitimate child, the father is entitled tu : hiapay and bounty, "provided he lives in the United States and has not abandoned the support of his family, r. . 1 lf the soldier left no widow, legitimate child, nor father, or if the father has abandoned the sup port of the family, or if he resides out of the United States, the mother, if she resides in the United States, Jis entitled to the pay and bounty, and if poor and de pendent, iff whole or in part, on her son for support, she is also entitled to.a pension'. Mothers whose bqifrandg nr former husbands reside out of the Uni ted-fitates OT have abandoned the-support of their families, should write to the undesigned at once, or the father, may get the bounty without the facts being known. ' 6. All soldiers who have lost an arm and one leg, are-entitled to Twenty dollars pertnontb. Prisoners of war are entitled to Threa Months extra pay. He is also prepared'to settle Officers’, Quartermaster, OrShance,.aud Commissary accounts, and procure Cert&oatee.df Non-indebtedness, In the shortest pos sible time.' Also Artificial Limbs for such as have lost them in service. ' < Terms, moderate. - I will be at my office on Monday and Saturday ol each weeki-to attend to this business. . Jfply 2«?IS6S-ly. WM. B.'SMITH. RiFKBBSCES: Wellsboro, J. FI Donaldson, Sher iff 'STowell. Additon, N. t;, W. R. Smith;; Wash- Ington, D.Q.iTucker A .Lloyd. Knoxville, V. Case TO THE fU^LTC. I AM nowTrep&red tb.maQdfactosa, at tpyastabliih ment In geerfi«ld, j- V A " J plSin and sanUv fbannuls, • Also, La3ies’ I BALmO&AtI SK!R%& *’ ‘ •' < * to order, eftber by tbe piece or qokbtity, to auit cus tomers. ' i JOBBPBINGHAM. Knoxville, 1863.“^ DEERFIELD WOOLEMFAOTORY. THE undersigned shaving purchased.the well known Woolen Fjiijtory.of Messrs, fe, A B. 8- Bowen on the CoWanesqne Blver.two miles east of Knoxville, takes this method of Informing the inhabi-. tants of Tioga and- adjoining- counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shore* tp snit customers, into ' _ r .„- FLANNELS, CASSIMERBS, DOE-SKiNS* ■ - J ; FULL-CLOTHS, of all kinds, Tbe machinery has been thoroughly repaired and new machinery added-thereto, also: an improved new wheel which will enable him to work the entire sea son. He will pay-jbartichiar attention to' 801 l CUt>U* Dressing, which will Be done in the neatest possible manner, having added one new Roll Machine, will enable him to dispatch and accommodate, people 'from a distance. He would farther say that he-has carried on the busi ness in manufacturing wool lor farmers in. Bradford and adjoining counties for the pasttweuty-jSfears; be therefore can warrant all-wotb and satisfy his custo mers, using’nothing in manufacturing bn.t genuine wool. JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, May 5, 1868-ly. -- PENSION AGENCY. TOSOLDIERS AND THEIR FRIENDS undersigned basing bad considerable expo* procuring, tension Bcmntieejpad Back payof Soldiery will attend to all bnsineaaln that lisa entrusted tb'liia care with promptness AtiL SOLDIEES discharged by MasoiTdf wound* are etjiuieOo the 5100 bounty. ' -< PetHrionac:£ountiea, and arrears of by the nndertfgned. • Persona wishing to conferwith me wiltplaiae cell or address ine by letter ar Sylvania^Bradford county. Pa.,'ichargjei reasonable. - GEO. P. MONRO. Refers bypormisflion to t-U H.'B. Card, County Treasutir, Pa. D. F. Pomeroy,sroy, Pa. A.D. SjjSsHng,ißhetiff, To*pnda, Pa. [April 1. ’ Jk CARD TO INVALIDS. A. Clergyman, while residing- in South America as a missionary discovereda safe and-- simple remedy for the Cure: of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of tho Urinary” and Seminal Organs, and the -whole tpein of disorders brought, on by baneful and.vicions'’bablts. Great numbers have been al ready cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afilicted and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed’envelopee, to any one who needs it, Free .of Charge. .. . . _ Please inclose a post-paid envelope. addressed to yourself. Address, JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City. ' l, 1865-Iy. ' *, . „ , ■ The mason ahamlin cabinet organs’ forty different styles,'adapted to-saored -and see nlar music, for $BO to $6OO each. Thirty-Five Gold or Silver Medalt, or other first premiums awarded, them, niostrated Catalogues' sent free.' AdHress, MASON A HAMLIN, Boston,l)rMASON BROTH ERS, New York, [Sept. 13,18«S-ly.] ton. EXTRACT BDOHD.— , iIELHBOLD’S BBCBt. y HECOTBOCD’S SVCHV. - lIELHBOLD’!! BIiCHII. THE ONLYKNOWN REMEDY FOR , DIABETES IRRITATION' OF" THE""NECK OF THE bladder; INFLAMMATION OF THE | / L KIDNEYS;'CATARRH : OF THE v. i. ’ ... ■*#’ 1 ■ BLADDER, STRANpDRY OR PAINFOL URINATING. i * e. For these diseases it is truly a soveraigD. remedy,- and too tnuch cannot be said in its praise, A single dose hasbeen known to 1 relieve the most argent, eymjtyjn*.' I '' ( _ Are yon troubled with that distressing pain !n tfie small of the hack .and thiongb the hips? A tea* spoonful fe-day of Helmbold’a fiuehn will relieve jvJi, PHTSXCIAN9 ATO OTfIEBI* PLEASE NOTICE. „ .ff'i 1 make no bw#et <&*'thgredfcnts.- Hetmbold’s Ex tract Bnebu is composed of Buebu, Cnbebs, and Ju niper Retries,' selected with -great care, prepared In vac«o and recording to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY These Ingredients are known as the most valuable Dinretios afforded. It that which acts upon the kidneys, HELHBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHIJ la pleasant in, taste and.udei, free from all luxurious properties, end.immediate in iti aatton. . FOR THE-SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory of tha U. 8., of which tho 'following is a correct copy:, “ Bcchd, —Its odor is stron'g,'diffusive, and’some ' what aromatic, its. taste bitterish, and analogous to that or mint.' * TI is'given chiefly in complaints of the Urinary Organs, shch as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and. Urethra, Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retention or. the Incontinence'of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneona Affections, and Dropsy.” FOR FURTHER INFORMATION See Professor Dewees' valuable works on the Practice of Physio. . See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Physic, of Philadelphia. ‘ ' See any and nil Standard Works on Medicine. LSTTGE-BT HAHUFAGTURINQ CHEMIST Ilf TOE WORLD. lam acquainted with H. T. Helmbold; the drug store opposite mj residence, and was suc cessful in conducting tbe business- where others bed not been equally so before him. I have keen favora bly impressed with bis character ancTenterpnae. r , j (Firm of Powers .fc.WeigbtmWb) Manufacturing CbeuUls,. - Ninth an 4 Brown Streets* Philadelphia. [FVorn the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, Matrk 10.] We are gratified to hear of the continued success, in New' Yorky'of'bur‘ townsmanVMr. H. T» B4lm bold, Druggist. -Hi* store, next to tbe Metropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front, 230 feet deep, end five stories in height. It Is certainly a grand establishment, aid speak* favorably of ;tbe merit of his He re tains fall Office and Labratory in this city, which are also model establishments of their dais. ? The proprietor has been induced to muk*.phi3 statement from the fact thet bis remedies, although advertised, are GENUINE preparations, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from using any thing pertaining ito Quackery, or tbe Patent Medicine order—most of wbiob are prepared by self styled Doctors, who are too ignorant to read a phy sician's simplest prescription, much less competent to prepare pharmaceutical preparations. these parties resort to various means of effecting sales, such as copying parts of advertisements of popular remedies,, and finishing with certificates. Tbe Science of Medicine stands SIMPLE, PURE, and MAJESTIC, —having Fact for 'its Basis, Indui-. tfon for its Pillar, Truth tidnifer its Capitol. A WORD OF CAHTIttSf Health is most important; and tbe afflicted should not use aa advertised medicine, or any remedy, unless its contents or ingredients are Known to others be sides tbe manufacturer, or until'they are satisfied of tbe qualifications of the party so offering. HELIIBOLD’I ‘' * : '' s ' -A *r -- GENUINE PREPARATIONS. FLUID .iKX^RACT-BDppD^ FLUID EXTRACT: SARSAPARILLA, AND IMPROVED -ROSE WASH, Established upwards ef 16 -years. - ;,i - 1 • 'B' OLD. Principal Depbi^ 3J HELMBOLD’S DRUQ AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 BToadway, New York; Andl'pEUpOLD'S jppJ9AI };> Dg>OT, 104 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.. SOLII -tffc MX DRUOOUTB. October 11, 186W7. A OIVIIETIC i ACTS" GENTLY, FROM THE WJL WBIQHTMAN, ! '■‘.'till'*' IsvlieJ j_ . . ; FROM THIS DATE, * FOR HKADY PAYOSIYi Leather, Findings, be. CASH RAID FOR HIDES, PELTS. d Eer -SKIiIS_AIiD_EDES. ’ ’ JJR FRANHLIN’ SAYSr ~ “ Wb«a you bare anythin!} M adv„i ile public of H-iir-plaiß, simple language." * lam manafacturinggCod.custetti mad, k on , , R fiAP Y - “Ar. Such work cannot bo sold at'., i” tatea;per pair as.esstern mads aldp-woVt bnlli * and will be aold at prices'whica'wili'enaWe tbklf* 11 chaser to protect histectwith good substantial k ’ more cheaply than with a- poor aiop-ahon 1,,, o ”,'* witiph, even, if it chaoses not to-fall in pieces .ItK .k weeks service, is .but a doubtful ’protection i wet and cold weather,_ Try me, ' “ on la .. Buck and. Doeskins Wanted,.-! in the red and abort blue, for which I w}U pa , , and a good-price,— . - . r * c **“ Beef-Bidea and Calfskin. Wanted' or'which X will alao pay oaah. ’ Sheep Pelts Wanted, for which I will also pay cash and the highcji m.r ket price. * ' ..? ar * - An assortment of sole.npper,calfskins and lining pegs, thread, nails, awls, knives, ahoe-hummea Ac Ac., kept constantly on hand, which X will aelj 'ehean for cash. Shop on Mam Street between Wilcox’s and Bullard s. G. W. SEARS. IT, B. X’can't give credit, because, to be nlain haven’t got it to give. * - - 1 ’ Wellsboro, Sept. 9,1863. iE. H. T. ASTHOSV & CO., Manufacturer* of Photographic Materials, ■' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. la addition to oar main businpsa. of fbutagtsphic Materials, ae are Headquarters for the following, vit . Stereoscopes Views, Of these »s bar*' an Immense assortment, Including Was Boases, American and. For sign Cities and Land shapes, Groups, Statuary, do., 4c, A iso, Revolting Stereoscopes, for public or private exhibition. Out Catalogue will be sent to. out address on receipt Stamp. f ' ' photossaphio albums. ‘ We were the first iwintrodnee lhaaeiato the Baited States, and we manufaotara immense quantities to great rariety, ranging ia pripeftom 50 coats to tin each., hare, the reputation of being superior in Seahty and durability to any ethers. They will be sent by mail, fbue, «o receipt of price. ffiW* Fine Albums made tb order. CARD PHOTOQR'APHS. ■‘Oar Catalogue how embraces over Five Thousand different snbjectrfto which additions are oontinnaliy being made) of Portraits of 'EnJInOEI Amorioans, 4e., n vi*: about •: 108 Major-Generals, . 550 Statesmen, 200 Brig.-Generals, 150 Divines, 275 Colonels, 125 Authors, 100 Lieat-Colonels, 40 Artists, 250 Other Officers, 125 Stage, 75 Navy-Officers, ' 50 Prominent Women, f 150 Prominent Foreign. Portraits. 13,000 COPIES OF WORKS OF ABT, including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, Ac. Catalogues seat on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen PIC TURES from our Catalogue will be filled on there ceipt of *l.BO, and sept by mail, mu. ‘ Photographers and others ordering' goods C. 0. D. will please remit twenty-five per oesti of the await With their order. . ... E. 4 H. T. ANTHON7 4 CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 601 Broadway, New York. j3ST The prices and quality of our goods caaaol <*ii to satitfy. ' [Nov, 16,15M-ly.J DEUfI STOSS- PRINCE’S METALLIC PAINT, THADDEUS DAVIDS’ INKS, CONCENTRATED MEDICINES. | CINCINNATI WINES & BRANDY, WHITEWASH"'LIME, KEROSENE LASIPS," ' PATENT. MEDICINES, .. . . STATIONERY, - . - FLUID EXTRACTS; , " ! ' PAINTS AND OILS, I PETROLEUM Oil, DRUGS & MEDICINES, ■ . . ROCHESTER PERFUMERY * FLAVORING EXTRACTS SCHOOL BOOKS, WALL PAPER, f WINDOW GLASS, DTE COLORS, Enrnithed at Wholesale Pilcat by > . W. D, TERBELE, Jan. IS, 1866-tf. Corning, N. T, DENTISTRY, G. N. DARTT, WOULD say to the public that be is permanently located in "Wellaboro, (Office at hla J residence, near the Land Office and Episcopal Church) where be wUI continue to du all kinds of werk confided to his care, guaranteeing complete satisfaction where the skill of the Dentist can avail in the management of cates peculiar to the culling. He will famish ARTIFICIAL TEETH, get on any materia! desired. FILLING A EXTRACTING TEETH, attended to on tbortost notice, and done in tb< tail and must approved tty le. TEETH fcXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN by the the use of Anmatbetloa which are perfectly harmless and will be administered in every case when desired. Welltboro, Sept. 6, 1865-ly.’ ' New Flour and Provision Store. €' HAS. 4 H. VANV AIZENBERG wishes to to form th* citizens gf WelUboro and the surround* tag conn try drat they bare'recently started a new ' i . flour and provision store, in the bwHding formerly-known as ** o?gr>bd’s Store," where they may be.(oxuuLacail times ready to wait on all cuatomers who may favor them with a call, and all ’theta the choicest kinds of - .'MEAL, BUCK WHEAT,' PORK, Ao., at as reasonable rates as any firm in this place* ; ' CASH paid for all kinds of GRAIN, HIDES. v «nd FURS. CHAS. &H. TAN VaLKENBEBG. WeHsbord, Dee. 21, 1864. THING’S PORTABLE LEMONADE lj the only preparation of the kind made from tbs frnit. Ae-an article of economy, purity, and delieionscert, it cannot be surpassed, and is recommended by physi cians for invalids and family use. It will keep f° r years in any climate, while its condensed form te n ‘ .ders it especially convenient for travelers. AH use lemons are requested to give it a trial. Enter tainments at home, parties, and picnics should not be wilfaoat it. For sale by all Druggists and first-clast Grocers. Manufactured only by LOUIS P.-METZOER, Sept- 6,,1865-ly. No. W 9 Pearl St., Now York A LARGE STOCK of PERFUMERY and YAS KEE NOTIONS, for sale by E. R. William*. N0..3 Union Block, Welisbono, Pa. KEROBHTE LAMPS at BOY’S DRUG STORE*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers