The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, November 15, 1865, Image 3

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    _'EPE i . J iG.J.T.A.TOfc,
" '• i . ij rTT~ ■ l ‘-r J *r.y
i Ho?.: 15, ,ISB6^
»-* 1 vr —• v , ,
H'e'w Advertisements
atlittw—Hawley & Commin
jjnitad States Hotel—®. G- Ritter, Prop’r. ,
Ifew Fhotograph Gallery—Frank Spencer.' ‘ 1
■We ere obliged to Mr. Qporge- Skelton; of JJjßlmoS-,
for e basket of nice Baldwins, Greening, and: King
apple*, fresh, fair, and largo
Wittsioso Petroist** Co.—A special meeting of
tb* Directors will be held at the office of J, 7*. Bacbe.n
Friday eTenihg, 17th Inst. A foil attendance U
rery desirable. By order,. M. H. Coni, Clerk.
Fatal Accteset.—As Kotat. Ross, Esqy.Vprom.
[cent citizen of Rntland' township, was ..proceeding
homeward from Mansfield one day lasjt week; his
horse took fright and ran away, flinging. Mr. Rose to
{he ground. He wasdiseoverod in an inaeniiblo con
dition, «nd death ensoed in a few boors.- -<; ■
Duns I—W*. have jnst printed n-qaantit jof War
rantee Deeds on fine paper, for the accommodation of
nntceroue applicants /or .this kind of blanks. We
ehail sell them at ten cants each for six or 14*3, and
at the rate of $1 —a dozen for more. We will send,
them to order by melt, prepaid, for"these prices; The
money tnnsfaeeotnpany the order in snob On
Braiseai Cbahoes. —Mr! D. 6. Ritter .leased
the United States,Holed property, lately oocapled by
Mr. Nelson Austin, and has opened the the
public. See advertisements i
Mr. James Wilkinson. of
grocery end pfoVtri on's fori in tlie nekt door
to the of-A. P. Qoke, Esqr. Jdr.Wilkln
too is disabled from-active Jab or by casualties of
war, and deserves a liberal patronage,
- _ - - -- 5 —i. .. 1 ' t
By reference toan advertisement id anog>er.ptace,
it will be seen that Mr. J; Q. Clark, eminent
vocalist and composer, Is to give enteftairments in
tevsrol Tillage* Of this county within few
weak*. We are glad toiM that he wiH.icl avoid
Wellsboro He will slog -Id this place Saturday- even
ing, Deo. 2, proilmo, at which time' be wi& present
an entirely hew programme. .We undfcrs and that
the use of the M. E. Church has been to
Mr. Clark for-that occasion, it being baiter adapted
both for singing and&eaHng than the Coofj Some. ,
How To'ftE HfEPOL.—A country" paper l AHerald he
chiefly local : fh ita character. Nearly Everybody
takes a city paper in and thus gen
eral news. But no city paper gives thq lev si county
news, of>conr*c. . j , , , •. . **
Now if one interested in the growt ' and pro
gress of any locality in this county, wooM “send ns
the local news every , week, the Agitato? fhvld pro
mote the interest of that locality as mm, i as any
other. Our object is to encourage all iWal ties with*
out distinction. Xf one part docs better *tbtf 4 another,
we aball not he slow to aay so and • give' t*o proper
credit. • • * y ■_
The made one of * c» »wded au
dience at.tbe Wednesday evening ezevoU is at the
Academy last week, and were pleased to de
cided progress made ia declamation and Imposition.
A large proportion of the essays were dovotfed to the
inculcation of the virtues of self-reliancft And the ne
cessity = of individual effort, 'from which fact we con
uijide that 31r. .Van AU«t and ids excellenLA wistan fs
aim to teacb their students tbe necessity of practic
ing independence of .thought and' action. It is very
evident that our Academy; has made .rapid, progress
toward regaining its ancient high rank, among Insti
-tutions of its class under present management*- 'Tbe
material Is most excellent, and tEo morale', of the
school , * j. Z - A -h'"TJ
The Fall Term closes un the 27ch init,
men cement of the Winter Term, will beajd it(ise<| in
due season. We.assure parents th&f i jibe gold
en opportunity* fi? y ,th«lr 4 ohiidren—an portunity
not to be neglected".' ;Mr. Van' have Iso
p«pllsn*k< term*
Eakver's MauaiiKß —reached as early,’Vat owing
to & multiplicity 1 of 'duties, w'e hare failed n notice it
in season.' We may remark thar the nuv volume
commences in .December and with the pro/ Use of n*
nswedand Increased attractions To say. r bat every
family should subscribe for this eacellent'Vducator of
the people is to us* a stereotyped phrase. But we'
repeat it, neveithilesi. It* is the best aerinl of'its
kind In America, nr elsewhere, ae for that matter.—
Terms SV-~-por year.. Weeao furnish a copy vf either
Harper’s'Magwine or;;Serpens. Weekly newspaper, ’
and The Agitator pec -JW#- Otherwise either
may be ordered of Harper k. Brother#, Sew York,
at $4. each, per year, Or'ut the J t ui
Tee kfLEVTtc MoarHtr*.—i'be Jffo'vtfinber .nam- J
ber contains the following Interesting -aftiolk#? •‘-W.fay
the Putkammer Castle wak destroyed : T2yr Rhyme
of the Master 1 # Mate£’Th» TUitsc nod- in
Libraries; Letter to a Young-' Housekeeper ; The
Peace Autumn;" 0561 qT ~ Joh'fiin Kodotpffe Topffori.
The Chlmifey Jeremy AlFare
well to Agajjji*! (The Forge; Tbs ;the
Electric Telegraph.: The Field of Alex
ander Hamilton ; Reviews and Literary; Nptlcca:
Recent American Publications. We do dot seehow
any one can possibly do without the Atlantij, Terms,
$4,60 per annum. Address Ticknor A .tUetids, 124
Tremont-Ureet, Boston. - . f
The Illustrated,Annual’of Phrenology and
ology for 1866, the best ever issued. Contains Pjesl
dent Andrew Johnson, Abraham Lincoln, f Julios
Julftif Osnar, with Portraits: Character fn-the Walk,
with twelve illustrations ! Th'd 'Mother of- Wesley ;
Character of the Eyes; Stammering Sfid ‘firii tiering
(Causes and Curie);' Lreut.-iQMieratf-GTtt&i: The Red
Man and the Black Men, with illustrations': Beads of
the Leading Clergy atod-Heads of Notorious- Boxers,-
with Portraits: Fate of the Twelve Apostle#; ,Head :
of Sl Phul ; Qualities of Men; Cornelius Vander
bilt ; Language of the Eyes—blue, ba
ils and brown—ten engravings; Brigham Young,
Richard Cohd&rt John Bright, Major-Generftf Sher
man, with pprtraHa; Phrenology ai Home; with
Counting House Calendar, Post-paid’ fpf 12 cents,
by Messrs, Fowlbb k Weles, 389 Broadly, N. Y.
At a special meeting of Riosa L&dge, fo. A.
Y. AL,held at-their Hall io Bloasborg,pn 'heevening
of tbs 31st of October, the following' Pri tmbl* and
Resolutions were unanimously adopted
. Waxaßas, It has pleased an allwise Providence to
rstaove from ns, by-death, after a ufi'd tedious
illness, our much beloved, and useful £ro(h«vM. C.
Swag, thus depriving our Brotherhood of one who
ba» labored faithfully with us since
of oar Lodge, proving himself a true -Brother and
Friend, and society at of an esteemed and much
Tslued citiien. Therefore,
Bvtoktd, That in the death of BrotberJJwan, our
Lodge he* lost one of it« brightest ornaments, and
we deeply deplow this sad dispensation of Providence
io taking from our midst a brother in- tbs prime of
lilt and usefulness* and one who, although afflicted
for months past with that insidious and fatal disease,
consumption, has labored faithfully in building up our
beloved institution te this place. "
Evolved, That this Lodge will e<nr cherish ihe
ffietnory of~Brotber &WA9, ss -one wbo woe truly h
ifason and a Brother, and whose heart Was ever true
to the noble cauto he had espoused-; one
doing his whole duty here as & brother and good clti
ren, hat severed his membership trlth dfepart
Mf. f *
. RfoUed, That we tender to the bereaved Sryiaw -.'AAO'w,
and relatives of our departed brother oar moat heart- , ” *
felt sympathies, ih this their darkist hour of trinl; J tfAii.i -.s A-tMa-uli V
that - -
tive, friend and brother, and while mingling onr< Sl ; o & Wusu
■grief -^tfrkbbii^hre^-fesl^io' r Say,\WfiCp ;r£ot for the’ *
departed, be has done bis duty here and departed to
join tfa|tj?Bppy fcfotherh.pod shove, to be
Buolted, That the members of this Lodge wear.the j
usv«l badge of mourning for tbirty { daya. -,r , { ' * j -H *•- *" j il-* ■ts.i;
Besotted, That the foregoing preamble and l re6«iUM *'•* »n* /oJ» t-i - i
tlons signed by the W, M. and Secretary bo spread i
on the records of oar Lodge and a copy thereof be • ,
presented- to^he-wfdoßbfj-ofir deceased.'tootbsr »od r ;,~f }if/-J f inArierirUriUiin.
tfco TlogaG zT^7r^w:t b: ; T* *»■ : BtLflw-fw & •
J. G. Wood, Secretary. .
— r)..
‘The Oil-BLusters.—lf nOacciderit occh/s, Ja
cob's Well"- will be du>vn 6UO feet by Saturday
The sinking’of this well has been rapid, add Vrhbout j
Serious jaccidept; f This,.reflects, great credit':!
upon Mr. Schietfelin, the contractor, who not <)nly }
comprehends tfag principles 0/ but pro
ceeds with Judgment and caution. The indications
are very at.tbe;p:sSsaX4epth of the well.’
The Lucky Well is now pumping. We have
details, nothing but the fact that the pump has just
been; started, •«-, . r \
• A vein of‘very pure petroleum gas has been tapped
'etthe Barker Well,‘at a depth of : " T
Canoe Camp Creek well still refuses tb“g[ve'up'the
; ( .d; dn - i v -v; ‘
- *Tbe Westfield Oompanyde vety sangniine: o&tuc
-otsu: A gentleman fr6m ibkf locality fnfomd tf&that
the well is going down rapidly.
e ili'DaXl I I4th4s|fe jpg Fork
road, between Hector Horton's and tvellsboro,. a
imall black leather pocketbook, containing $2l an
National Bank.4fytes/ { will-pay $6 tor the return'
of tbe same‘td"me in Denhai', obto the Agitator Of
flee. Ed. Cajirß,
1- j t-.,; - ( .?■ Soldiaxa^Attention. .*. t * ’ r :
i A .preliminary mooting ?f. -the,Soldier* of,.
oountyj will be held. a^.the: Court |lquseiii
<m the Woning ot Wednesday,'Deo. 6th, 1665, fo< the
parpoeo of ; perfaqting .arrangomenu re
union of the Hoys m Blue," who have participated
in.tbe late battles of.tbe Rebellion by land audsea,.
’A 'representation from regiment 1 or parts Jof
regiments is required and a gehordl attendati&l re
quested. - Many Soldier«.j.
i j , eOMPOSE&,-.-.yr ; V
Will hold Sociable) in Tioga Count;, at the tjmes.
and placet following: ■' ■ *
Oceoia, Tuetda; evening, Nov. 28.
: -Knorfllle, Wednesday evening,- N«v..28l
S , ;JJ
Westfield, Thursday evening, Kov. 80. 4,.,.j , .1
East Farmington, Friday evening, Dec. 1. .* .
WELIiSBQHOj Satnrdaj evening, Dec. i. - i
j Nov. is; '65-3t. : ;
, [Advertisement.] ' J f i .
I hare just xecejred ft large stock of desi^able J
gpqds in Woolens; such as new Bontags! Breakfast
Capes, and Shawls, Hoods, Nubias, Mittens, Logins,
Hosiery", Tarns, «tc v at low prices! Also a fifae' 3£obk
of,“newest styles la Velvet Skating Caps,.JocUles t ubd
Hoods in Purples, Browns and Slacks, £tioimed-ftith*
fur. . The beat goods*. In market and
prices. r ". ‘ ‘ ' / ' ' V >
Also a large stock of Fura' fbr Ladies and 'Mlfees.
If moderate prices'wjl)'sell this stock intend
to have it done. Phare a few of those great‘Wfp*ins
In Domestics, such as - • 5
Fait colored Prirlts ’ - 1 V J ’
Yard wide Sheetings, heary, 31 cents, • ! !
Heavy Shirtings, cents,. u; - r'i i"
All Woot Cassimers at 9 killings,. J
h £
. ♦» *: mZ ’S ."
a w-w- «r w ■>*- 1
a < h vj •
3 w os S- ' : • i
S 4 2 8 d-i-i
9 t< I : -l !
4| ® 2 S, * ■ - *";
w. ifi p W -‘';
ii,' C 5 -B <• I • 1
•'■ ■ h ■■ , i !
ATTENTION,, A»> 9Jt(K BE "f* . Cfc: ; flSu: I j
Ca£Ci£Ep. IF ALLOWED TO CONtVsTE, | ' ~t#.. ..-p 1 ® i
Irritation th» £unat- a Permanent Throat Ajfqc-. ’fl fij
*• ttyn, or an IncuraU* Lung pittai* ~■ \. ‘'■ '| B |' / '- 3 '
’’' { ' IS" OFTEN THli RESOLI". *•' '■ ’Cj.l ‘’ .On"
. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL' TROCHES' ' : " : ’ ‘ 'O'’ © ■ r , ,£ ~
-- 'V • :; !.-•=. V. : i - _ ffi S - -
BAVINS A DIRECT JO JBficRARTS, fIITE *, rt W.H . W , - . r -. ,
IMMEDIATE RELICT. «S 5S ® " * i-lfß*
Cdtafrk, : Cobttttnpivc* 'Q 1 ® £2 ’' ‘~ ' I 1
v..;.:, ■■ -*-•- ■nfoim'Mh
i. Am W “*H '«
Fublio' ~IS V’A.v.
wilLflnd r^ocjes, m c^aring^^he, |9 fffl * . r ik.^'
(aKeubefore Siogiog3>r Sp^l9g, ; jfi ..
tfafOatnftcr'an mwsaal exertion.of tbe viicid:or£fai|is. pM -~©- 7
Tho J Tseomiiendrftf &mf hy - r ‘ :: g •
hj£Ve had'teSfittoni^j|‘'f^tA' ® ■
jaien througboat the’coabtry'/ ’Bi-ing' nn'iirtlcle , -A’ **%' t '
titK mcii«,jn4 h«5 - >PB 6 t^st - -- ..
of many years, each year finds them in new localities- f »^
fn varloui .parte of. the world, and ,(he .Trochf* )r , JBJ , g
universally pronounced battvrTbKaiotfaer , .5 ... ,
:i m -#
Obtain only Beowr’* -BfeoStfdq-At: THheußsi/*- ; *- - -jl not take any of the Worthiest Imitation* that v ’ ; * -£ -,*B*
" “1.... .ij •. . .*i i li* 1^!;i rj. •A. ip .. -
ta*y be pfferpd,. . ... . „,,,,. _ "i/l! .t.K Ls,, ! .... ii-W:«lH--. W- S■ «*
9old.ewywber»iio,th« Pmted \Bj.yar.„;-,.:, :.ji..:;r-. hz
tig* Countries, atBs centaper box. [lnovv66-dm]r f "fl 6 iSS' -&*f . ••
f-r 5* a. ,
- g ft- I
, -■ .N- a sr-‘S•
iJ S sl 2- p S-ifi
to © ® :«
Lj:fl >1 d w Qf)
«- 4: “
o|:r‘ f §
® k* I 1. : e,"4"
- ggisa I
*»:. M :.( 3 J • ■
■ J
• /.j:-;-; a "S'
w ■ U
J ; ■ '3 ! , . 5.
H ■ 3T '
. .Bed FlarmeU at 3 = . MT , \ t
Grey Flannels 4 shillings, ** ~ ' '
Fiuc Paramettai 3a. and ' | - •
atfl! on hand. *Thofe Id want of VuoH'gdo‘da w wni bay
quick if they wiah-tfxdo well. : 3
* "*T. A; Pknsoss, Coming, N. Y- “
J ' m-sCjr r x*ia e> . ! s-
Tn EiUand Bo re, on- lie Jtrt Juan, fey, J4e». E. fer
daughter of tha.ojficiating clergyman. ( i '
In ai«nefi‘eicf,*on the Ist Inst, b/Rev. N. L. Rey
DOUGLASS, both’ of Covington, Fa.
'* In .Elmira, on the 24th f nlt., by RbiMN/TPlSey*
iibldtf, Mr. BALDWIN SKBEL of LBwr4fice , /- , end
Miss Maggie swan, of Elmira. • 5 . • j
fn*Elmira, at. the 'Parsonage, by Eev.JlEAPhil-
Hps, Mr CHARLES UPDTKE of Jackson, and
Mbs RACHEL U-PDTKE of Rutland.
‘A Cons h, ’ C6lri, l or SOre- TI»roall
... ,')* R |
Andparhapi a few moreto-slllDW etxngglerr,.to-come
Op toft® nj»lc bpdy of our customers.
will offer superior inducements to the trading public!
In the line of 1 <
■.‘i.iTf f i <■} ■} . s -< j,■ ; 1 i/M' > <*.
1 sH'ffi *r risr o- : fe j ' J ■ i
Wkd erWry tJiJif ltib» lSu>i>£lTl CT"ili '
i ‘ H<vat> BiT 'l.o#s IfeS, A ■ :
• V
iun»Uy k»pt in,»t%ooontry t .. -SsosiivluUl 1 ’
... ‘ j-
_ : r-• r TEAS, COFFEES, SDRARS, ( • ’
•* 'i- ’i* ■ '•i-'A " dh
at reasonable prices.
■ 0 £ W-^EWir-s.
' : . / x &l r’ c V .itvjv& £C, fc ■
Call at onoe and buy your winter stock. ~ ]
-Xjfit W-I4P '- 1
Welbboio, Oct. 11,188 S. |'
,rr *
* 'I'OSISiKf.S .3
* Vi*
sV-UA. f ,-l 1- j : ; H
.Qi./s .dl.ii.i-. u.U ;‘> 'aiflUAJ
*■>,»Uc ’'.'i'Jr.iU. 1.
»ti ul 1 .a j xi‘. 4*.r> j j<„suit
:i .gHvilii xo't is- nu-% A*; '•
% b'l -
■ ... ;'di: " ‘ (.
1 f-
■ , Z i j Ur.
' ' • - v- •-
. i i r - * 1 'f*s.n:i v '
« i-’-.i'i : ■ DRY'-QOODS,'- I
’ • ***.•« ■■ J ’ j } i ir.. jf/t i. 1
~i ' i;. ; r*Rc H 7.,1 a;r.u ;
m»l. . ---i ..... .. -lil.. -., r., .j I
■ t CROCKEfcY,' fIATSi AN&tCA3PS,«» •
t :. ; PAINTS. ANjj..,QILS„,, -
wadbw WIEE 'BE"'"-’""
* 1 ‘ -4 i ; J.. -p ■ •
.-•1. ‘I.. ■ ; 1 . .... SC. ... :, . ■
Ready Pay Only ! !
TIOGA, Oct. 4,1865-ly,
i . r •
7 k e,
. '< ,
.ti'.v.i 1
i .■”. y
b«i opened a'Millinery Shop at East Charles
ton [WhltneyrilloJ having Jan returned from the
city with a nice assortment of goods,'which she offers
MCttflVJnleeTor esSu ;
; •FREdsiNo -done jro
~ ORDER, ,
fjb o’ap<W-itan utjMjun «!<« in 'odnnty. Call
.tandsee for ; jrbursolyes. 'y~_ lOptjjlS. 'W-SiaJr
*1 I ’jj i
*»-• *[3 ,i i
*IJ ,iiUu3V t 1
u :i id:-J
, J { a
.‘.n. A 5
'•‘W jo. i: Jg
•ii. .Ansn/i |
/ J •'lt 'I /..*i '3A’t O
-- r.
- f •' L i ..i t
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.j- . iT
* ~i
udi j
‘.t Hz *
1 -.O'* ’
J9«l A j
-*r -71
u , •+ V
Tile 'bega'feavb to auho'uhce t&< tit.
people of Tioga County'that ho has establiahetTaa
1 ejfeuoy ih 'Wellsboro, for tlio well’known :!■• n
,ASUl;i;i v/oi:ta
of New York.
an h? M pjppared to. msure all kinds of, property
upon as reasonable terms as can be had in anVbther
responsible Companies, AND, ISSUE POLICIES
without sendlng.the application to the General Office.
This is one of the richest Companies in the United-
States, having a
Gash Capital .of Two million Dollars.
i'ik'C Oiliirt' /ifii’y A l l4l •
besides the Assets which on the Ist of January, 186$,
amounted .‘.53,768,803 42
Its Officers are ' !
A. P, WILVVOKTU Vice Presidents
JOHN JVioQKB. ....Secretary,
J. H. WA^aBCSRN^..:v..'. ; .i.V,:..-.A4si«&ntSeo’y.
XhU Company, has tak.n out
t! ITRi 4} Tj T.H
{J i >
an 3 monthly pays th» per cdhiago ohargad upon' iia
Receipts which is made necessary by the laws of
Pennsylvania, in order to make its policies valid and
binding pppnjtbo Company r; AH policies (issued by
Coinfanfes which aaVe ndl t&kdzr out a-Sid& license
are declared null and void, and the parties are liable*i
to a h««yjj|nalty < lor. so, Jnsuring. See Burden's
3Jig*Sfp.g«B63,«*?^22 ( 23>; - s«i.
Wellsboro, Aug. 23, 1865. " W. H. SMITH.
Stoves! StoVes!!
,.H A K® W A»E V
Messrs." gton &’,ti7oKee beg to
nounco to. the citizens of Tioga County, s that to
addition to their excellent stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware,
Brittania, and Sheet-I-on Ware, they bar?, at a great
>ootUy, stocked their store on * ,
, _ i
with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of
which we enumerate the following articles:
’■ * ’ BUTTS, ‘ STRAP HINGES, J ;.
:• - ADpapS,
SHOVELS,' fepAD'ES, forks,
HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON,"i- -77
-s„ I’ Si sv 5
a new thing, and made, for aiie. -fTfaese are •but Ja fevr
of tho many articles composing onr stock of Hard
ware.' >' ( •■ i * - r !
We invfte iho to eall’ahd &Battmo for then!-
selves. We Mm to keep the best quality of goods in
bar lino: and all work to order done promptly and
well. * i .5 iXJUNtNiA TUCKER,
Successors of Wm. Roberts,
ffellsboro,. Nov, 5,.18f}5-tf. . . l(
A :.r-or ;
Pkccla ca s -pillsT—ite
combination of Ingredients In thu-e IMI la Jg th»ar<*Qlt
fipctonstre: practice;-;; They flrooilhj jtrtjgsir
oi rnuion, and caopot do- liartn- \q the most’dKllcatVT cer
tain in correcting alf Painful Menstruations,
/removing all phtmuctionsrwhvtber from cold or otherwise,
in'the 'side, palpitation of .tho'lhcaXt, whites,
:«il*h*m»n» palp- back
4 aad .UiobB t^r.j. disturbed sleep, which arise from-iaterrnp
tfons' dr nature.' ' “ *■’"“
Or. ChoesOZDan’s Fills iliy.<k>mmenceinent of
a new era itrxite and obstruc
tions which have cuusigm d so many to a premature grave.
can vnjoj good .health unless. »Ue i* regular* and
VT/enl‘\H v fl n obstruction fuk^gj-lacl l lliti g<?nVi&l Jicdlth be
•gins to dwfintv The** Villa lornt the fine%t\prejflJ|'at fob-ever
put forward with immediate and persistent success.. Dos’x
be Deceive,!). Take this advertisement to your Diugglst, and
tell him that yon waiit-tbo Pest and must Reliable Fenlale
Medicine in the World, which 19 comprised in these Villa.
Or. Choeseman’s Pills ha» been a standard Rem
edy for, oyer, thirty your-e, up (I
ever knbwn for all complaints peculiar $o Females.-., To all
they .are invaluable, indhung, witU_ certainty, perl
odlc&t-rfeguliAliy. Tbey-aVetub \\'n to •thnu#andi r Who bare
used them at different period?, throughout the country, ha
ving the^spncjio^iOf.sqme-jjf eminent-. Physician*
In America/' ‘ “
Explicit directions, stating- they shcald-not not be
used, wftli each BBlr—the 9 Price- One- Dollar -per Box, or 6
Boxes for $5, containing from 60 to 60 Pills.
.Pill* Ben tty anall, promptly, secure by
remitting to thVpropiietorsr Sold by Druggists generally.
Sent by express anywhere, by addressing irt M f
' iiUTCdINGti it iiILLTEH, Proprietors;'
, 2$ Dey Slrcot, New,7ork.
Sold in WAlsbofo by* John A . 'Roy: irr’Tioga by ~&ordcn
Bro’s; In Lawronceville by W.G.Mlller. i 110ct65-lyeow.
:,ij J
The bitter frdits of bad BIT
Invalid reader, Jo you know what nine-tcntha of
the bitter compounds yon are'galicited by the propri
etors to accept as universal panaceas -are? composed
.0f.2.. Givoheed for a moment.-cTbey an-matmiac
tured from anpurified alcohol, oontaining- ff consid
erable portion of /uael o:7, a poison almost -a* deadly
as prusslp acid, , Tbe.basis of the regular tinctures of
the Materia Medico iS-the same. No-amount of
“ herbal extracts” can overcome the bad tendency of
this .pernicious element. The essence of sound Rye
thoroughly rectified is tho, only stimulant- which can
be safely used as a component of atonic. Alterative,
and anti-bilious medicine, and HOSTEXTBR'S STO
MACH BITTERS is the only medicinal preparation
in the world in which this article Is used as an ingre
dient.- Hence th© extraordinary effects of this great
specific. It; gives strength without producing ex
citement* No other tonic does,this. All the ordin
ary Bitters flush. th<? face and affect the brain. Hos*
tetter’s Bitters diffuse nn agreeable calm through
the nervous system, promote, digestion, and: produce
Jileap.— No--Olher—tonic-su-quickiy revives—the ex
hausted physical .energies, restores the- appetite, and
the gloom and depression * which always ac
-coTapaiuna.Wfta'kneaa of-tba-bodily powers. -- -
- ftct-.Wa..: .j c'.K .; ■ v » !
.. roe& oauaysEOE^
> ’.Oh’
HAS just received a Large and Fresh Supply of
PAINT,, wUch he oCeu toaoU cheapMJhfta-.oan be
bought this side of the City? 1 ' He has also % very
large stock of „
" ( i- ■ .
ft : *
s r. u
. copmsas, .
.. . ~, LOGWOOD, Ac.,
whioh’irfll he'sold 26 pet cent.‘cheaper than can be
bought at any other establishment In the county.
always on handi - 1 •-
CalFititf teaming nijr Stoolfbaadi you will be sure
*o bay* P. R. WILLIAMS.
Wellaboro, An g. 23, 1866. : j ;
1 5 r ■. v; i r ,
I:C -**x (, « ■ \ x,'
« ■
■i; ■ ■ j: ■ i i I .i i
"fli '
'■■■or-- 5 s •
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£ ,|
« ■•■■■■■• %
v -r ~ ’• vr ~ > '
. t •_ , . :* * - . ,-- -
Not. only_ give Immediate relief, but are sure to
effect a permanent cure in Dyspepsia and Liver Com
plaint. They are not a purgative, and therefore their
use docs not create a necessity_for the habitual use of
Cathartics. -They cause no sickness of the acomacL
do griping of the bowels, and are perfectly harmless
to the most delicate. . _
—They wilUlraanediately correct a Sour Slomucn. cure
FlaluUnce v fie*rtburn> Sickness.or pain in the Stom
ach, "COstiveness, Belching of wind. Liver Complaints,
Headache, and in fact aTTthose disagreeable aod dan
gerous symptoms of the dhe&'se, which .unfit one for
the pleajores and-duties • •
-air agreeable and wholesome appetiser,
without any of :the injurious effects which are sure to
follow the use of stimulating “ Bitter” and ail pur-'
gative medicines. .By their purifying, strengthening
and invigorating power they are sure to keep the di
gestive organs in a healthy condition, thus preventing
CosUyeness, Diarrhoea or Dysentery.
Weak and delicate persons, who have been injured
by the use cf powerful and purgatives, will find them
a mild, safe.and sura restorer of the digestive organs
to their original strength and vigor. -
solely by the proprietor,
S. E. Cor. 2Xst and Market Sts., Philad'a, Pa.
S«e that-ioy Signafcnro- ia on tbe iko« of the box
before purchasing. Beware of spartan* Imitations.
W, t>, TERBEl.L,‘Wholesale Agent, Corning, N.
7. Sold by all Druggists.
Corning, Sept. 20, X866-ly.
The subscriber takes this method fo inform the
citizens of Tioga, and the public generally, that be
has opened a Gallery in Tioga, where be will remain
a short time, ror the purpose of carrying on the Pho
tographic Art in its various branches. All kinds of
Photographs, Cartes de Visiles, Vignets, and AwbSo
. typos, il el aipo types, Ponographs, i o., taken in fio
best stylo of the, on. A good assortment of Oases,
Photograph Prames, Albums, Ac., always on band.
Those desiring a good pictoro will do well to give
.him a,call soon. W. C A HKIEL.
,Tioga,. Oot. 25, lkos.
•i.' Ihenalent Excelsior Mnff- oan be- obtained only at
:WtlUbor<%»dT.B. BDUaUIMr-
'•.'iVui!. * .11
INKS, &0., &0., 40.
N. B. Physicians' Proscriptions and all efhar
Rocipas will b« oarofully and aaourataly. mad*of
from pure and reliabls Madicinea
Wellsboro, Aug. 23, 1365
IS2 Tvcrxß's anrvr n .'syx>t ron-
Sorofula and Scrofulcun .Diseases,
/Vom £cwry Fak3» a icc'i-moicu mrx-hunt of (Xc/breL,
Mainz. . '
-*♦l bare sold larao ounntl:ic3 o,‘ voar S.vasAP.vmtXA,
but never yet ono bottle whiuh of the
and fUU sausftu;tion to tho -c who tr>oic it. * ’A'* fast ns our
people try tt> they agree then? hna buea uo medidne like It
before in our conumiuify.”
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, CTicers,
Sotoj*, and ail Diaeaa&a of the Skin. *
Proei Beo. Holt. Straiten* E‘U;hrru2. "
“ I only do my duty to you nnd the when I add
my testimony to that you publish of the mcdhlnuL virtues
ofronr Saiis.vp.ueilla. My daughter, njjod ten, )uui oix
afflicting humor ia her cars eyes auil lair for years,
which Wo were rnnble to cur? until \vc ride:! vour S.misa-
PAB2LLA. She has been well ior some month*.” '•
Froja Mrs. Jane E. I Hr e, n tcrh-hioirn-nnfl wnohresteemed
ladnofDeu.rfvHlr, Oa-c Mny Co., -y..A
M My daughter has sr.floml lor a year pkst'Xntb a scrof
ulous eruption* which was \\ ry trouhicviomo,. Botinas
afforded any relief until v.v tri.d your ? 'usAL-aini.LA,
which soon completely cured her:’* * „ t
From'Charles Gage. of the- iridviy lupott
Murray d - Co., mumt failure c j €iia-,.ciuU nai)*., Phi
2 Vcaftwt, B. n
..‘Vi had for several years a ve» v troublesome wwr ia
my J face, which grew ccm-*tuml%* vrernv tmtll irdisffghroU
my features and become an lnt>>Ur.:bie iflbctlou. I trkd
almost every thing h man couln of both adrfa** n'id medi
cine, but without any relief v.iiar-.\r. uulll I took your
Sarsaparilla ft inmiedluft-Iy made my face as
you,told me It might for a tune ■ but In a few week,* the
new skin begun to form umUr the blotches. Void con
tinued until my face !•» as -mooth «* any and I
am without of the that I knots of
I enjoy perfect health, and without doubt ow« It to your
Sarsaparilla.” ,1 ; v t
Eryaipelau Qoneral Debility—Purif^heßlood.
-Erom Dr. licit Saurir. Ilonstor St.Jjmb York.
AYER. I seldom fail to remove Ernpiluu* nud
Scrofulous Sores by - the perseveringu?e of your 3aßsai»a-
RTLLa, and I have ju?c now cured aii qi MuHonasit
Erysipelas with It. No alterative p030?*4 CquaW t]**
SabsaAHRILLA you have supplied to the,profession aa
well as to the people ' ’
From J. E. Johutu-'i, Es-j., ITaknann, Ohio,
- u Fop twelve years, I lir.d the yellow Erysipelas ou ray
right arm, during which tune 1 tried all the celebrated
physicians 1 could reach, nnd took hundreds of dolin'*
worth of medicines. The ulcer* were so bad that‘the
cords bocar&c visible- and the doctors decided that my.nnu
most be amputated. I began taking your Sahsap trfflg. v.
Took two bottles, and scmii oi your Pins. Togellwr
they have cured me. Jam now h* well rmu sound nr any
body. Being m a public pin. a, rny ease h known to ovary
body ia this community, and elutes the wonder of aLU”
-Trvza Bon. Hairy Monro. M P of E’earsistfe, C. fT.,
a leading member of the Cu.i'idia.' Parliament. ‘
“I have used your Saiis w uki*l.v m my teinfly/ibr
general debility, uud for purifying the Uood, with eery
bcncfldnl results, and teel cor.iidcace in' commending it
to the afflicted. 2 ’ v.
St. Anthony's Fire. Rose, Salt Rheum, Scald
Head, Sore Eyes.
From Barret/ Sicfcter, £37., the a lie editor of Che Tunk
uannoek Democrat, Pamsjlvania.
“Our only child, about throe years of age, was at
tacked by pimples on hit forehead. They rapidly spread'
untu they formed a loathsome mid virulent aozxi, which
covered nis face, and aitunlly Lhiiaed hi* eyes fer some
-dayr. -A gJdlftil physician i.nplictl nrrrahr of rihrer' and—,
other remedies, without hut apparent ciTcct. Eor filled
days v/c guarded his hands, lost wltli them hu should
tear open tlic festering and corrupt wound wiiloli covered
hiawnolo face. llaviDg tnml every tiiln-j clsy
any hope from, we began givlmr *oui*~ Sarsaparilla,
-and applying tho iodide of potash’ JotiorH ah you direct
The soro began to hoed when wv liud given the Srstbottle’,
sad was well when we had thcsccon.o. The child's
- eyelashes, which had come oaf, grew agaJu v and b&»oow
as healthy and fair as any other. The whoioutdaUborfiood
predicted that the child must die.”
Syphilis and Kerotiriul Disease, -
From Dr Hiram Sloat, of St. Lonij, MUtouri. ■
“I find your Sarsaparilla a moro effectual remedy
forthe secondary sj-mptoms of Syphilis .md ror sypldtttto
disease than any other wo possess. The profession artf in
debted to you for some ox tho beat medidnes ive hare.*’
From A . J. French, if. D., an eznbteni physician of Zkw
rence, Mass., t cho ts a prominent member of the tbois
latare of Ma&achiueits. . . ,
“ Dr. AYta. My dear 3ir; I have fouod your E.i&a«
PARTLI.A an excellent remedy for S-gphUis* both oiTHhe
primary and secondary type, and effvWufil tn some cases
that were too obstlnnie to yield to other remedies. %do
not know what we can employ with more certainty of suc
cess, where a powerful alterative u required.”
jlfr. Chat. S- Vcsi Lieu;, of -Vt:: - I)'rrns?c?c£, iV. »/., bad
dreadful ulcers cm hiyle<p,£urscd by the abuse of mercury,
or mercurial disease* which more and more ttnrrH
vated for years, m spite of every remedy or treatment
that could be applied, until the persevering use of AYSH’s
SAHBAPARLLLA relieved him. i'ttw oases can be found
more Inveterate and distressing- than this, and it took
several dozen bottles to care him. - t
Xcucorphfletv Whites, IPeraaJo Weakness,
are generally produced by internal Scrq/alous Cftcsration,
and arc veiy often cured by the alterative effect qf tins
BAS4APABILL.V. Some case* require, however, m Rid of
the Sama* abzlla, the skilful application of local rem
from tju, nHdily-o&izkratui J>r\ Jacob
Morrill, of Cincinnati.
u 1 have found your Sarsaparilla an excellent altera
tire In diseases of females. Many casee of Irrarßlaritv
Leueorriw#a, Internal Ulceration, and local deULrty,
tag from the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to li, and
there are few that do not, whan its effect is nropcrly aided
by local treatment:”
A lady y unictlling to allow ker'narH*
, write* -
■ “ily .daughter aiM&znyscir have been cared of* a rAy
debilitating Lencotrhaw of long standing, by two boitits
of your SAllaAPAaxtL.^^ ,
Hhwnnmtfymi, Gout,Xav©r Complaint, Byagepaja,
Heart Disease, 3»euralgtoi - { - J
whan caused by Scrofula in the system, are rapidly cared
by this Ext. Sajis apaxal la*
*o many advantages over the other purga
tivw in the market, and their superior virtue* era
to universally known, that w« need not do Mote
then to assure the public their quality it melnta&ed
equal to the best it ever haa been, and that thJsy
may be depended on to do all that they have ever
Prepared by J. C. AYEB, M. D., i. Co., LowaU,
Maes., and told by - _. -, t
Sold by J. A.'Roy and P. E. 'Williams, WelUbbA;
Dr. H. H. Borden, Tioga ; S. S. Packard, CoriDetoS;
0. V. Elliott, Mansfield; 9. X. Billings, Gaines; and
by Dealers everywhere. [Nov. 23, 1894-Iy.J '
$20,000 WORTH OF . /
Boots & ShoeS,
, .TO BE SOLD AT '' J,
Xf you went to boy
Call at, WlllCOl’*.
PRINTS ,will be (old for 3iota. for 30 dayij .
Da LAIN ES ohaaper than eliawhere.
STO9-A BOOTS for $3,75.
'WOMEN’S SHOES, 31,50 only for 30 day a
Wellaboro, Sept 20,1886. ' C. L. WILLCOX.
WINDOW OLAS3 A PUTTY, fbj nle eheec.
at P. K. Williams’ Dng Store. ,
TAKBDSKIBK’S 30 2^odon't for deutiu
Teeth, for lalo at P. B. WUUami'-Driff
J. A. BOY.