gpleeepal Ooafmi jtoa. Th« Episcopal Convention tjpld'ia Philadel phia ha* just closed its labors.* The question of thanksgiving for tba reetomtiOf' of national < authority created considerable, debate in that bbdy. The New York Independent says that the ilonee of Bishops had at olfe time deter* mined unanimously to give ssoh thanks. — Jnst at that moment Bishop AtHnson of North Carolina, and Lay of Arkansai, entered and took their Beats. Immediately a!l was changed. them must have entered the phantom of Bishop Elliot, whose famous “ 'Silence, if yon please, but not a word of censure," was hence forth tile order of the day. Bishop Whitting ham whose proved loyalty is beyond dispute, attested as it is by the paper left by Governor Hicks, in which it is stated that tjjie Bishop did more than any one else to help \/.tn in keeping Maryland in the Union, and who le honored by the hostility of his clergy, almost- unanimous in their sympathy with rebellion-—teok up the part of pacificator. He was aided by Bishop Potter, and the work was accomplished. It was conceived to be an injustice to force" men to rejoice over what they had contended against for four years, end would place them under the suspicion of being hypocrites if they attended, while their absence would show that the church was not reunited. So the oompi omise—if that can be called compromise whore everything was yielded to an insignificant minority of two was made, and the church committed to a half hearted policy. It were a nice Question to in quire what must be the feeling" of men wjio doting the last four years God to grant the very thing they pre now ashamed to thank him for. No consideration for the feel ings of Southern brethren prevented them from imploring the Divine aid their hour of agony; but, when that was afforded, they dare not offer op praise for it. It is, the old story ; “Were there not ten cleansed,iot where are the nine?" 1 The steadfastly loyal Bishops, however, were net willing that all the members of that House -should appear to have concurred, in its refusal to return thanks for the restoration of the na tional authority and the destruction of slavery. Seven of them joined in the presentation of a paper which lias been published iu the Epis copal Recorder, and which explains their po sition—as follows: , The übdersigned have desired one of their number to read in bis placq House of Bishops, the following paper, is not a re monstrance against action, winch is already past. It is not a protest, for which they are aware that the wholesome roles of the House allow no place upon Its journals/ fit is simply a statement, which after it has been read, can be by themselves preserved, made -public and transmitted to the knowledge of those who shall come after. '. In the decisions of the House of Bishops with-reference to the Jay of Thanksgiving for the restoration oT peace, and to other important subjects, the ground, has been taVen, that, for the take of more complete conciliation, no sen timent should be expressed by'rthia'Honee, or this Convention, or this Church in any collect ive capacity, on subjects of'sncb importance and to dear to all of at at. the reestablishment of the National Union and ths'emancipation of the slaves. The Honse of Bishops unquestionably loved their eoontry and its unity, and ihey could not approve the system of human bondage -, but they will teem to have adopted as the position to be henceforth occupied by (his Church one which it consistent with indlterenoe to the safety and unity of the tnd to the free dom of the oppressed. ’. ' i This is a position which, as the undersigned believed, should not he maintained by any branch of-the Christian Church in the United States, whether in the present or any future generatioh. To signify that it -was not accept ed by all on this occasion, and that those who did not accept it believed it" to have been ac cepted at all, only because an extreme desire for conciliation and unanimity prevailed for the honr, the undersigned have prepared this docu ment, wit’, perfect and cordial /aspect for their brethren, but under the coo iciousness of a great duty to the inseparable interests of their beloved Church and country. ~ CHARLES P. McILYAINI, Bishop of the Diocese oT Ohio. ALFRED LEE, ' . ‘ Bishop of the Diocese of' Delaware. MANTON EASTBPRN, ; * Bishop of the Diocese of-Matsfcchusstts. GEOROE BURGESS, Bishop of the Diocese o ; Maine. HENRY W. LEE, Bishop of the DiooeSe/jt lowa. G. T. BEDELL,/ Assistant Bnhop of Ohio. THOMAS H. VAIL, Bishop of the Diocese of Kansas pHitADitraiA, Oct. 23, ISsS. v Wiu Sextxnced to b* Echo. —About 4 o’clock on Tuesday, Novi'lst,'Gen. Auoca, accompanied by Maj. RussEl, Provost Marshal, sod Oapt Gao. R. WaTBWMEi proceeded to Capt "Witt's room, and havioginformed him of his unpleasant errand, she death sen -t«nea,and the time fixed'for Tiw ezecation, on Friday. The prisoner listened with composure, whtnQsn. Augur asked him whether be had anything to say, to which question the prisoner replied, “ I hare nothing except that I desire to state to yon that! am innocent of the charges brought against me." Having been asked about his wife, he remarked that she was in Kentucky, and hardly could come here in time, beside he did not wish' she would be plunged in grief at seeing hit ; in his extremity. The prisoner made a reqqesXthat Rev. Father Botus and Loeis ’ Soeace, ]ieq., his counsel, should be sent for. Before the officers retired, Oapt. Win is represented as saying: " I have been persecuted, and if then is each a thing as a spirit coming,back to earth. I'll come back to persecute those who have perjured themselves to basgms." 1 ' ' Tbs Secretary of State Sefiegraphea to Qor. Perry of South Carolina, thst he is to continue to exercise the duties of Provisional Qevernor until relieved by spsoial drier from the Presi dent. The Secretary also 'expresses the regret of the President that neither the Convention nor the Legislature of that ( tate have declared the Rebel debt to be illegal,.and that the State ••sms to decline to ratify the Constitutional Amendment abolishing Slaveary. This, and the reply of the President to the North Car ■ olina delegates, seem to indj£ate very clearly that there is to be no hurry in admitting the late Rebel States to renew tc ir. old relations to the Union, and that they v ill be kept under provisional government not'd they have folly complied with the requirme; 1a of the Admin- ’ Wtwdom—.ZHbun*. THE AGITATOR. U. H.COBB,EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR WEUSBOBOVGB, PBNN’A. WEDNESDAY, With maUcz. toward non*, with csabltt iar all, with firm nett in the EIOBT, let ut strive to finish the work we ate in, to blod up the nation's wound*, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for hla widow and or. nhane, and to do all which may achieve and cherish ajuet and lotting peace among onrselves and with all nations.— AEEiOAi! Lincoln—Halos 4,1806. A DAY OF VIOTOBIEB, TcssßAy, November 7, 1865, will hereafter grace the calendar of Memorable Days. , The open and virulent traitor, the timid and timeserving, the sympathizer - with’treason, and the men who weakly shrank back, waiting for the cat to jump,—all these congenial spirits will remember it as a great day of wrath, in whose flaming vortex a Treasonable Party was swallowed up, as a power, forever. And by the tens of thousands who have sus tained the remarkable hardships of the bivouac, the exhausting march, the winter damp, and deadly field, that the Republic might survive the greatest civil convulsion in all time, —and by those who gave bone of their bone'and flesh of their flesh, or opened their hearts and lips and proffered their fortunes to stay up the bands of rightful power,—by these the Day of Victories will be regarded as tbe day of the re demption of the Republic, a day in which just judgment was rendered upon a faction which counted its aggrandisement above the triumph of righteous principles and tbe perpetuity of civil liberty. How grandly they came trooping - into tbe Republican fold I—New York, NEW JERSEY —delivered from the putrefying body of fac tional death at last; —Massachusetts; sin, Minnesota, Illinois ; a great concourse of States; come to join Pennsylvania, Ohio, lowa, Indiana, and New England in tbe battle for universal freedom. Welcome, all!—and tbiice welcome New Jersey 1 This day of victories teaches the teachable, that tbe people who have not been in'rebellion have determined to punish those whose hearts and lips have encouraged by ostra. oiam through the potency of suffrage Controlled by healthy Public opinion. As for "the apolo gists for treason, the rigbtminded majority will have none of them. It teaches the teachable that not even honor able service, and soars received in defence of our common country, can recommend their en durers and wearers to popular favor, if lent to the common enemy for the benefit of a faction. The soldier who forgets himself so fat as to lead the faction which seeks the life of the na tion, which heaped reproaches upon the army and navy for four years—such soldiers may be taught now, that the people will ignore them, , even as the recreant soldier ignores bis record. It teaches the timeserving, ambitious leaders of all parties, that there it a higher and might ier Controller of national destiny than cabals, conventions, “ rings," or any mere partisan management; and it ought to tepoh timid, timeserving followers, of all parties, that the full hah can afford to do Just right, always re gardless of what may coma to him personally. It teaches demagogue the power to de ceive the people, a power hitherto wiplded with too great ’.success by the Woods, Seymours, Vallandigharo, Bigler, Brookses, Reeds, Inger solls, Woodward, Buchanan, and hosts of less er lights, has passed away, let us bops forever. And this we know, because— Before this great war came and lifted tens of thousands from the dull level of dependent thought and action up to the plane ,$f indepen dent thinking and acting, the chances are as ten to one that the canning snares prepared by the demagogues of New York and Pennsylva nia, would have caught thousands who spurned them on the 10 th of October and the 7th of November. Tes, the solemn revelations and painful les sons of war have educated the American peo ple for high moral political action more then fifty years of prosperity. - ' Therefore let ns copy the heroic Paul, and, thanking God, take courage. We are thns taught to value the lessons of adversity ; for this Red Sea bad to be crossed before the nation could be saved from a fate bitterer than death. And by this total rout of the abettors of the rebellion 'against law and order we' ought to he taught tbpt the great war was ordained for a double purpose—the punishment of a nation grown insolent in wrongdoing, and for the'en franchisement of the people. Henceforth the people ought to have increas ed faith in the being and jmrpose of a Provi dence. Even the most obstinate, of atheists must agree that the results of the conflict aff ord most remarkable evidence of design. He is hopelessly blind, or atheistic boyond hope, who does not accept the evidence. ■ Bat above all, let the Republican party be taught by this overthrow of the remnant of a once great and powerful party. . While the Democracy championed freedom ancf progress, as it chiefly did up to 1848, it was invincible to the mightiest attacks of its antagonist. But when it began to truckle to the eltve power it began to decay ; and after a decace of varying fortune, marked throughout by most abject submission to the slsveocracy, it perished from the earth, condemned by God end despised by good men. Its ghost has walked the earth for the last four, yeare, troubling the people, but the victory of the 7th drove the malign shade back to its place. Then let the victors be warned; for as cer tain as God rules the universe, if any party strikes hands with wrong, or leafy itself to In justice, just so certain will it beswtpt away, dis honored, despised, and vnlamentcd, > THE TI 0(i A C OOSTY AG IT AIM— | VICTORIOUS EVER! Tlie 7tii of November, IS6S, ren dered ever memorable! NOV. 15, 1865. New Jersey Elect* u Kepnbllcau Governor mid Legislature, tabes tlie Oath of A ileal. auce,and is Admitted into the Union! The People see the Difference between the Eagle and the . Turkey Bnzaard. and go for the Eaglet FbICNDS, the 7»h of November was a great day for the Republic. It made the North a unit io support of the regenerated Republic. These are eome of the triumphs of the Repub lican cause on that day; , New Jersey, 8000 majority for Governor, and a Republican legislature, which secures the passage of the Constitutional amendment abol ishing slavery. New York, 28,000 majority for the Eagle, as against the Buzzard ticket. Wisconsin, by a big majority. Minnesota, ditto. Massachusetts, 50,000 majority. ' General Couch is eouckant. Illinois voted only for county officers, bat went overwhelmingly Republican. « It was a day of victories for tbe Right. Sq let us make a wise use of victory, and contin ue to merit it. Chili has declared war against Spain. Bra zil and Uraguay are at war with Paraguay.— So there is war somewhere, even if we hare a return of peace. War may he a costly pas time, but natjons love tp.mdolgeip it occasion ally.- Even the Mormons talk about levying war against'lhe (Doited States. Wa trust the Gov ernment will so deal with Southern rebels that Brigham Young' may think several times before be puts his threats in force. Better bang the blasphemous demagogue. It will do him a power of good. A Copperhead exchange says; “We are to have thousands of National Banks, more dan gerous to the liberties of the people than an armed foe." To which we reply—we' have had- thousands of State banks, and most of them chartered by democratic legislature*.- Have they destroyed the liberties of the people? If not, then will banks established on a far safer principle be worse ? At present, Copper heads scramble for national currency as greedi ly as anybody. Why do that if they have no faith in National Banks ? The steamship Atlanta, from Havre, lately arrived in New York harbor with 90 cases of cholera among her steerage passengers. She was detained at Quarantine. Twenty caaes bad proved.fatal at last accounts. But it is not likely that the disease will be come epidemic at present. And when it does become so, it is not likely to .prove anything like so destructive as formerly. Montgomery Blair made a laughable blan der in one of bis York State apeeehee lately. Said that political Jeremy Diddler: " Alt ho' lam a democrat I am. no demagogue." He should have said : “ Although lam a dema-' gogue lam no democrat." What a ridiculoo* muss the mieplaclng of a word tomatimea makes. We bad hoped that the New York Democra oy night prove on antidote to the cholera. It happens that the party shuffled off its mortal coil on the 7th of November, about the time the cholera made its appearance at the Quar antine. The city will have to depend on sani tary regulations for the .check of the epidemic. The Wayne Co. Herald thinks the news from New York and New Jersey will not dishearten the democracy, alleging that its party has fall en into a state of hopeless “ lethargy.” .That may be the name for it; but it is the first time we ever beard “ death” called “ hopeless leth argy." Hall, of the Catakill Recorder, says that the course of fanaticism is not yet run, apparently. That may be; but we reckon that the course of political villainy jmode the home stretch on the 7th of November, 1 in New York end New Jersey. - Wikz, the Butcher of our captive soldiers at Andersonville, was banged last Friday. He died a? most, great villains. do, protesting his innocence. Now let justice have a chance at some of the big villains who stood at his back. Hon, Jacob Collamir, U. S. Senator from Vermont, died at bis residence in that State on the Bth inst. An honester man never sat in tbe balls of legislation. Immense Woolen and Cotton Mills are about being erected in Philadelphia, to be call ed the “ Cameron Mills,” in honor of Simon Cameron and an acknowledgement of his great services os a friend and promoter of the indus trial interests of Pennsylvania. —Harrisburg Telegraph. Mr. Buchanan, who lives in Lancaster coun ty, bos reid the proof of his “ Last Dying Ad dress and'Confession," nnd it will appear in book form next month. Mr. B. was formerly President of the United States.— Pittsburg Ga zette. The following colloquy took place on our street the other day. ’• How do you sell your beef this morning?” The butcher replied, “Twen ty-five cents a pound.” “ Twenty-five cents a pound, eh ?—have you a heart ?” “ No, just sold out” “Well, I knowed you couldn't have a heart and as twenty-jive cents a pound for beef.” —Bloomsburg Republican. The psrty searching for copper ore in Lewis township, this county, have found a vein l four feet thick. The quality has not yet been test ed.—Jersey Shore Vedette. ■ ■ Thx N*w Consoudatzd Burntzm Diasc tobt or Nsw York, Boston and Philadel rsiA. —Most conclusive evidence of the popu larity of this new enterprise of Messrs. Baldwin & Co., of 64 Cedar street. New York, is the already large and rapidly increasing subscrip tion list, they having secured the unprecedented circulation of neatly ten thousand copies in the short, space of sis weeks. A work, of ibis ebaraoter is much needed, representing, as it is intended, the vast business interests of the largest commercial marts in the United States, consolidated in one volume. Its utility to busi ness men cannot be over-estimated. To mer chants generally throughout the United States and Canadas, doing business with New York, Boston or Philadelphia, as a handbook of refer ; eoue it will be of incalculable value. We are heartily glad to seethe publishers meeting with the success their enterprise properly deserves. As an advertising medium it commends itself to merchants and maufacturera ; its circulation, confined as it will be to bosioess bouses, must be productive of good to its patrons. We see thattbe business menof Philadelphia and Bos ton have taken hold of the matter with the proper spirit, and are determined that the Em pire City shall* not he ahead of them in their display of the commercial resources of their respective, cities. The subscription price of the Consolidated Business Directory is five dollars per copy, quarto. size, handsomaly printed end bound in cloth, gold embossed.— Altogether it will be a fine spicimen of typo graphical.skill.—N\ Y Express, Sept. 26. We most cheerfully call the attention of onr merchants to the above work, every one of whom 'should have a copy of it. As an in ducement for them to subscribe for it, the Pob lishers will insert in the Business Register con nected) .therewith, the Name, Business, and Address-of every subscriber. Those who do nut want, the Directory can have their Name, Business and Address in the work upon the payment of One Dollar. The Consolidated Business Directory is highly indorsed by the Daily Press of New York, Boston and Philadel phia. Send your subscriptions. Five Dollars' per copy, to Messrs."fl; A. Baldwin 4 C0.,-64. Cedar Street, New York. List of Incomes And Tarn, iheieou, for the Year 1805, In the B th Diction, 18(i Collection Dietrict, rounding of Ti oga tounthip and boro, Rutland, Sullivan, Maim, bury boro, Richmond, Manefield boro, Covington toicitship and boro, State, Morris Run, Ward, and Rail ‘Brook. Bnoss. Names. Income. Tax. M. Blackley, »l*o 00*5 00 A. T-.-James/ = -81* O 0 IS SO W. S. Hearing, 690 00 29 50 Henry Hollands, 330 60 1186 J.-fitsgeralds, Jr., 143 *0 7 10 T. B. Andersen, 1308 «0 03 40 8. H. Thompsen, 2SO 00 1350 E. Laa»,i- ’ - , 495 00 24 75 John James, Jr., D. Maxwell, John Booth, Sen’r, Robert Hutchinson, Be oiel Holden, D. Clement, William CUlmere, Ssn'r, 1233 09 6110 Charles Prothevo, David Davis, Pa trick-McCarty, William McCarty, Benjamin Jones, Thos- Phillips, D. H. Stratton, John Bonoer, John J. Williams, 350 00 13 SO John Bowen. Wm. Harria, 351 00 16 65 Jacob Janea, 651 00 32 56 Jamea Bntcfaioaon, 690 00 .26.00 Jerome Patnam, 077 00 S 3 66 Wm. Jordan, 092 00 , 34 60 Qeo. H. Cline, 371 00 18 55 John Han wall, j MS 00 37 65 D. Jose*, Jobs 31. Bran*, Bobt- Scott, W. R. Gilmore, Benjamin Joses, - 720 00 .30 30 Robert Brydc, 780 00 38 30 Jobs Eddlnga, 320 00 11 p 0 Robt. Van Haaghten, 348 00 27 40 Afa Boated, 333 00 27 73 R. E. O’rieil, 101 00 5 05 Thoa. Sample, ' 430 00 22 33 Richard Humphrlea, 291 00 14 83 John Barit, 340 00 27 00 311 00 23 35 Wairo. John Daniel*, Jam*a Padlety, Luntr. ■ , 'Trank Smith, 1638 Do . 8180 John Bland, 643 60 S3lO Wm. Parker, 588 00 29 46 Qeorgo Chambers, 669 00 83 46 Gottleib Kaufman, OS 00 4 90 Soluvaz abd Maxssbum. Lafayette Gray, 624 00 81 20 L. L. Smith, 600.00 '26 00 C. H. Dewitt, 140 00 7 00 Philander Webster, ) 176 00 «75 William Styres, I 336 00 16 76 Chas. Smith, 246 00 12 80 C. M. Shaw, 33 00 166 Vanßnren Reynolds, 100 00 6 00 E. 8. Bose, 386 00 19 25 Lorenzo Dohd, 10 00 60 D. M. Shaw, ISO 00 6 60 Peleg Dead, 42 00 210 L. D. Seely. 464 00 23 20 John Poz, f 64 00 2 70 A. C. Witter, 58 00 2 90 L -| Tiooa Bobo. Ira Wells, 1 1400 00 70 00 P, B.Tattle, 24600 , 12 26 H. H. Borden, P. E. Smith, A. M. Bennett, J. W. Guernsey, 1613 00 76 66 X. L. Baldwin, . 800 00 40 00 David Cameron, 746 06 - 37 36 A. 8. Turner, 1276 00 62 80 MaasniLD Boko. X. B. Hudson, 34 00 1 70 J. P. Morrii, 647 00 32 36 Mart King, 1732 00 86 60 J. M. Bailey, ' 317 00 16 86 Albert Clark, 334 00 16 70 J. M. Phelps, 19 00 96 f COVISOTOS ToWSIHIf AMD 8080. Phineas Rodgers, 336 00 16 80 Butler Smith, 173 00 8 66 S. B. Packard, 934 00 46 70 Xbos. Jones, 2000 00 100 00 Richmond. J. M. Roie, A. M. Spendsr, P. S. Ripley, COMMON soaoou. A scarcity of teachers in the Northwest part of the county renders it necessary that an ex amination should be held at KNOXVILLE, November 29,1865. , I will also be at Mansfield every Saturday till’ the 2d of December to examine teachers. . Directors and teachers must not enter into any contract with reference to the winter Schools till a valid certificate is secured. It is the intention of the School law that annual examinations of teachers shall be main tained bo long os only provisional certificates are granted. ;3 V. A. Elliott, Co. Supt. H. C. Magruder was banged at Louisville, and Champ Ferguson, at Nashville, on the 20th. , ■ : ’’ But. Havlbt, B.:H. Coxitis, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. Special attention gives to collectiofcof Pensions. Bounty and Back. Pay, and all claims against the Na tional an 4 State Governments. Williamsport, Pa-, Nov. 15, 1865-3nr. m&m STREET, WELLSBORO, PA., Having leased (bis popular hotel property, {lately occupied by Mr. Kelson Auntie) I shall endeavor to make it truly the traveler’s home. - Personal atten tion will be given,, to the table, and the comfort of guests will bo a prime object. ~ The stables will bo under the care of au experienced hostler. Wcllsbcro, Nov. 16, 1866-ly.' - PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY.— . FEANfi SPENCER has the pleasure to inform the citizens of Tioga county that they have the best oppertunlty ever offered them, to procure Ambrotypes, Ferrotypes, Gems, Cartes de Visit*, Vignettes, end nil kinds of fancy and popnlar card, and colored pictures, at bis Gal lery, on Elmira Stieet. ! F. M. SPEKCEE. Mansfield,. No v. 15, 1865-tf. PROPOSALS FOB STOCK.—The Directors of/ the •* Lucky Oil Well Company/’ of Tioga, Pa., will receive proposals up to Monday, Kov. 20, 1865, for the whole or any part thereof of 1750 shares. Reserved Stock of said Company par value $lO per share. No proposals considered for less than $1 per share. There is one well sank on the lease to the depth of 920 feet with a fine show of oil, and the fund is for the express purpose of tubing and pump log tbe same. All proposals must be addressed to Tioga, Nov. 8. ALBERT M. BENNETT, Sec. REGISTER’S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given Uat tbe following persons have settled their ao counts in the Register’s office of Tioga county, and that tbe same will be presented to tbe Orphan’s Court of said county, on Monday, the 4tb day of December ne£t, for confirmation and'allowance : Account of Watson Dunham, Adm’r of the estate of Wo. H. Chase, deceased. Account of W. W. Baynes, Adm r r of the estate of Ezra Davis, Jr., deceased. Account of Barton Hunt, Adm'r of the estate of David Hunt, deceased. Account of Daniel Mack, Adm’r of the estate of Samuel A. Mack, deceased. Account of Jacob Biser, Ei'r of the estate of John F. Fray, deceased. r Account of Aaron Rumsey, Ei’r of the estdta of Susannah Austin, deceased. Account of Robert 8. Lugg . Adm’r of the estate of Zschary Taylor, deceased. Wellsboro, Nov. 8. H. 8. ARCHER, Reg’r. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.— By virtue of an order of the Orphan’* Coon of the county of Tioga, the undersigned Administrators and Admlniftn&HxOf the. estate of George M. Prutsman, late of Tioga township, dec'd, will on the Bth day of November next, at 2 o'clock P- M., at the house of E. M. Smith, on the premises in Tioga, expose for sale* at pabUc auction, the following described fans, known as the Pruts man farm, in Tioga township, Tioga county/Penn's, bounded as follows: Beginning at a buttonwood tree on the west aide of the Tioga Elver at the south-east corner thereof; thence north 79 degrees west twentyrfoor and six tenths perches to a post; thence north 74 degrees west seventy-six perches to a post; thence norths degrees east one hundred and sixteen and three tenths perches to a post; thence west one hundred and sixty and five tenths perches to a pine: thence south one hundred and sixty-foar perches to an oak; thence east one hundred and thirty-four perches to a post; thence south 10} degrees 4 west eighty-two perches to a post; thence east one hundred and twenty-eight and four-tenths perches to the east baijk of Tioga river; thence down the said river by its various courses and distances to the place of begin ning—containing two hundred and fifty-seven acres and ninety-five perches of land be the same more or leas, one hundred and ten acres improved, two frame houses, two frame barns, a horse barn, corn bouse, feed house, tool bouse, two sheds, two apple orchards, and some other fruit trees and shrubbery thereon. The said land is also hounded north by lands of Abram Prutsman, east by lands of Abr&m Prutsman, south by lands of Sylvia Parmentier and Andrew M. Prutsman, and on the west fey lands of Sylvia Par montier. Said Sale is to be made upon the following terms: Eleven hundred and sixty-tbros and 63-100 dollars cash on confirmation of the sale. Two hun dred and ninety-five dollars and interest on the whole sum unpaid on the first day of June, A. D. 1806, and the like sum annually thereafter with interest as afore said for and daring five yoars, and the balance of the amount said property shall bring immediately after the decease of Caroline Prutsman, widow of George M. Prutsman, with interest on tbo same annually on the first day of Jons in each year until the principal sum is paid. The unpaid purchase money to be se cured by propet bond and mortgage upon the premi ses. B. C. WICKHAM, \ . . . D.L. AIKEN, ; Admr *’ ’ Tioga. Ost. 4,1865—1 t. Th* above .ale adjourned until Monday, Deo. 11, 1865, at 2 o’clock P. M. 9 75 105 00 , 780 00 SO 00 1484 00 71 70 647 00 S 3 35 468 00 23 40 564 00 28 30 1138 00 56 00 8 05 161 00 107 00 5 35 2 05 41 00 730 00 36 60 331 00 16 55 152 00 7 60 308 00 10 10 485.00 24 25 053 00 32 75 70 00 3 30 380 00 18 30 1008 00 33 40 SOOtOO 13 00 (JiHAT LARGE, PKESH STOCK OP WINTER DRESS HOODS - AT - - KELLY * PURVIS’S IS GOING OFF LIKE HOT C^KES! Wellsboro, Oct. 25, 1866. jq-EW DRUG STORE.- , Dr. W. W. WEBB & 880. Have opened a Drag and' Chemical' Store,.on Main Street, Ist door below Hastings, where they intend to keep-a full assortment of . . . , J{ DRUGS AND MEDICINES. A good article of Medicinal Liquors end Winee. Prescriptions carefully prepared. Medical advice given free of charge. WeUiboro. Nov. 8-ly. 600 00 26 00 617 00 30 80 300 00 16 00 FALL AND WINTER GOODS,— No. 2, Onion Black. JEEOjME SMITH Has lately returned from New York with a splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, . BOOTS 4 SHOES, GLASSWARE, HATS 4 CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, / WOODENWARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS. FRENCH CAS3IMEBES, FULL CLOTHS. 90 00 4 80 2000 00 100 00 122 00 0 10 Attention li called to his stock of Black and Figured Dress Silks, Worsted Goods, Mtrlnocf, Black and Figured DeLaines, Long and Square Shawls, Ladies’ Cloth, Opera Flannels, Ac. Parthasars will find that - No. 2, Union Block. Main Street, Is tha place to hny- the best, quality of Goods at the lowest prices. JEROME SMITH. Wellsboro, Nov. 8, 186$. HALL’S CELEBRATED VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR ESNSWEE, can-be had at BOX’S Drag Store. IJIUTED STATES HOTEL. D, Q, RITTER, Pruprietor. SHERIFF'S SALES BY virtue of sundry writ* of Fitri Fadat, £ ec • Facial, and Venditioni Ezpaaai, ijrotd' oat”'''; the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county p ° to tnh directed, will bo exposed to pnblic sale Court House, in Wellsboro, on MONDAY the soft day of November, 1865, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon the following desoribed property, to wit: A lot of land in Charleston township, Tioga count Pennsylvania. So. 5044, surveyed in the name James Wilson, bounded as'follows: on the north h Bingham lands, east as formerly on ths townihln of Covington, south hy Nos. 5049 and 50-18, *,,, l 9 land of Washington Yale ; reserving one half of coal and other mineral productions that may he /u* covered on said land, with the privilege oi Workb the same—containing six hundred and eighty si* acres more or less. To ho sold as the , l . Daniel Owen and Henry F. Smith. ' ALSO—a lot of land in Bioss township, bounded north by Levi Mills, and James 11. Gulick and Dv Jacques 4 Co. and. Dyer, Lowrcy 4 Co., east by lamb of Tioga Improvement Company, south by Umi owned by Elliott, Perris, et a), and James H. (Juliet* Trustee, and'west by lands of the estate of Jam*’ Hopkina—containing about 1200 acres, mom or leu about 300 acres improved, two frame houses two frame barns and one saw mill thereon. 1 8 ALSO—another lot in Bioss township, hounded north by James H. Gullck, east by highway south and west by James H. Galick—containing about 4 acre, frame house, frame barn end fruit trees thereon ALSO—another lot of land in Bioss tosmshiu bonnded north by James H. Gullck, east by highway sontb and west by Jas. H. Gullck— containing about i of an sore, a frame bouse and frame barn thereon ALSO—another lot of land la Bioss townahin bounded north by James H. Galich, east fcy highway south and west by James H. Guliok— containing about i of an acre, a frame house and frame barn thereon To be sold as the property of James H. Gullck. ALSO—a lot of land in Gaines township. heUhded and described as follows : or. the north by highway east by highway, south by Russell Smith, and west by Germania—containing about fifteen acres, about four acres improved, a frame houao, blacksmith shop saw mill, plaster mill, and fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of I. Champney and V. R Champney. • ALSO—ft lot of land in Delmor township, bounded and described as follows: north by E. IL Hastings, east by M. 0. Spicer, south by William K.-.adley, west by Juliets Miller—containing tbree-fuurtbi of a a acre more or leas, frame house, and fruit trees there en. To be sold as the property of Solomon Putnam and Andrew Putnam. ALSO—a lot of land lying in Mainaburg, bounded and described aa follows: on the north by Cory Creek on the east by A. Ford, on the south by Main Street oil-the west by John Robinson—containing about { ot an acre, frame house and fromb bam thereon* ALSO—another lot in Sullivan, bounded on the north by Alvin Austin, on the ea«t by Jesse and Jo seph Austin, on the sonth by Joseph Austin and Mud son Doud, on the west by Simeon Ford and Otis Richards —containing eleven acres, more or less, all Improved. To be sold as the property of A. J. Web ster A R. R. Webster. ALSO—a lot of land in Middlebury township, bounded north by lands of Ira Briggs, east by Rachel Westbrook, south by Rachel Westbrook, west by high way—containing 13 acres more or less, about 3 acres improved, log house and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO —another lot bounded north by R, P. Wilson, east by Jere Davis, south by Q. D. Keeney, west by (3 D. Keeney—containing 4 acresj.more or less, all ira proved, frame house, frame bam and fruit trees there on. To be sold as the property of Mary A. Bryant and A. H. Bryant ALSO—a lot of land lying in Middlebury town, ship, bounded and described as follows: on the north by lands of Waldo White, on the east by lands of Daniel White, south by highway, west by Wm. £. Mitchell—containing 4 acre more or less, Lfrima tavern house, one frame barn and fruit trees thereon. To be sold aa the property.of J. A. Briggs d Morris PTKelsey. ALSO—a lot of land in Union township, bounded and described as follows: beginning at the south-east comer of Sanford Wltbey; thence east along the line of William Crooks lands to the Sugar Work Bus; thence along said said Bun northerly direction, some 69 rods to Joel Saxon, north-west corner; theses east some 10 rods to the road surveyed leading from Lycoming Creek to Block House road and Wm. Hall's lands; thence northerly by said road some fißy-foar rods to line of G. Ditehburn or Sherman lands; thence west to Samuel Morgan ; thence south by Morgan A Withey to place of beginning— containing 40 acres more or less, about 2 acres improved. t ALSO—another lot beginning at the north-east corner of a lot of land formerly surveyed to L. H. Landon; thence south Is 4 rods to a pest the south* west corner of a lot of land formerly surveyed to George Farley; thence east fifty-seven rods to & post: thence north 184 perches to a post; thence west fifty-seven perches to the place of beginning— containing sixty-five acres more or lew. To be sold as the property of H. C. Difrance. AXSp—-a lot of land in Tioga township, bounded as follows : commencing at a beech on the sooth aide of Mill Creek ; thence north east 34 rods; thence loath 80 east 10$ rods; then south-24.8 rods; thence south I degree east 00 rods; thence south 72 vest 21.8 xodsj thence north 80 west 44.8 rods; thence north 42 west 64.7 rods to the place of beginning— containing 49.1 acres ALSO—a lot commencing at a post south lids of Mill,Creek; thence north 1| east 60 rods;th«noe north 39 west 102. S rods; thence south 22 rods; thence south I deg. west, 99 1-10 rods: thence weu 60 9-10 rods; thence north 18} deg. west, 68 4-lw rods; thence sonth 72 deg. west, 10 rods to place of beginning—containing 66 6-10 acre*, 5 acres partly Improved; Also— a lot commencing at a post south side of Mill Creek, thence north 1 deg. east. 99 8-10 rods ; thence south 89 deg. east, 86 4-IOrods; thence south 1 deg. west, 100 2-10 rods; thence north 89 deg. west 86 rode to place of-beginning—containing fifty 8-10 acres, a plank bouse, frame bam, a few fruit trees, and fifteen acres improved, thereon. To be sold as the property of Israel Rickey and Bufat Clemons. ALSO—a lot of land in Jackson township, bounded and described as follows: north by highway, east by Thomas Holton, south by Lewis Shivee, west by Charles Orentt—containing 76 acres, more or leas, about fifty acres improved, frame house, two frame barns and out buildings and fruit trees thereon. Xu be sold as the property of Hiel Updike. ALSO—a lot of land in Delmar twp., bounded north by the line of Shippen and Delmar townships, ease by lands formerly of 3. £. Bnsworth, sooth kj Phelps, Dodge A Co , and west by Silas Billings— containing about 700 acres and being part of warrsn; Ho. 4427, about 4 acres improved, saw mill, 3 frame houses, shingle house and a blacksmith shop thereon. ALSO—another lot of land in Delmar township, bounded north by John Miller and Vine H. Baldwin, oast by Joseph Bernaner and G. W. Eastman, sooth by Ira Wetherbee, Win. Stratton and Wm. Eberent:, and west by Boland Heed, Lewis Dexter and lands formerly owned by Q. Stowell, and told to Ralph Meade—containing about 380 acres, about 250 acres improved, two frame houses, two frame barns and sheds attached, corn house and other out building!, two apple orchards, peach orchard and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of H Stowell. Wellsboro, Nor. 8. LEROY TABOR, BherU. ASSIGNEE SALE.—The Property assigned by Henry Seely, late of Deerfield, Tioga Co., Pa„ to D. Angell and Levi Soott, for the benefit of creditors, Is offered'for sale and will be sold to settle the estate, on Tuesday, Dec. 6, next. Those bavins claims will present them to D. Angell for settlement* Those indebted are requested to make > immediate payment' Property Offered for Sale. A larg* ataam power Door and Saab Factory, Saw Mill, Lumbar House, and three acres of land with about two hundred thousand (200,000) fset dry pin* lumber expressly for doors and sash* A large|Store and Dwelling Bouse in Knoxville suitable for e Dry Goods business, with a small stock of goods now in the store. 22 acres of good farming land in Deerfield adjoining .the. Factory lot. 50 acres good farming land in Chatham township. One farm in Clymer Township sold, except 13 Cows thereon, DANIEL ANGELL, \ AaaWi LEVI SCOTT, ) Assigns. Knoxville, Pa., Oct. 4, 18G6-2m.* Mrs. a. j. sofield wishes to in fonn her customers that aba li now recaWng from New York, a fin a aswoetmant of MILLINERY GOODS,: which aba haw taken mnoh care In selecting. Ladle* will find a superior quality oT MERINO UNDER-WRAPPERS, MEKINO_ HOSIERY, Infanta' Hood*. Sraaa Caps, fins Unan Handkerchief! and aratytUas in tba hUUinary Una. ' [oatlS.