The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, November 15, 1865, Image 1

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    'he Tioga County Agitator:
! ! f»x arr-iKj
PablUh®d fiyery Wednesday morning-and maUedto
per year/ ADVANCE. ‘ -- X - VJS ~
The paper is swat postage free to cmo£ '* .subseri
-bers, though they'may receive their cst-offices
located in counties immediately Adjoining >for" conve
nience. - -. . U . ■ •
The Agitator is the Official paper,of fioga'Co.,
and circulates In ©vhry neighborhood ,jb* tih. Sub-,
BcrlpU , 'D.s belug.on the advance pay i, it circa-*
a\nojigji class moat to'tho interest uffttvertiaers
tp ceach.' Terms to Advertisers as liberal i those of
. feroi by any pijpef of equaUcirealatioa ii Northern'
*’ *arA cross oo the margin of a papor, denotes
that the, Kubioriptioh isyibout to.expire.'
Papers’will be stopped when the s
time expires, unless 'the agent orders fhe£r enntina-,
once. - > . ' •
W. -A. NICHOLS. >v;
Attorney, and.-counsellor vut law.
Office formerly -occupied by James, 1' trey, Esq,
Willaburo, Oct. 11, 186a-:ly.
Tioga Village, Xioga'Cciuiity, Peiitf kj
, Prcuapl atteiUioc to Collections.
March 1, 1£66.-4y-.. ; ' . .1 ;
WelldMiiingb, s—.—
Will attepd to businessentrusted to rB fir care in
the counties ofj Tioga and Potter. [Oo^JS ’65.
S. F. Wilson. J.
"VTOTIOE.—The Law partnership beM ‘fydre exist'
ingbetvreeo the subscribers is hotel ’dissolved
by mutual consent; J A MES L- W REY,
ffellaboro/Od. 18/’66. . *B, F: Wll?]ON.
Attorney and counsellor*!' law;
Coudereport, Pa,, will attend ibe'ief iril Courts
in Potter and Mo Kean counties. 'All Mtamess en
trusted to hlftcare will recelvei'promptat£'&rion. He
baa the agency of' largo* tracts of good ‘ b£ tfiing land
and will attend to the payment Of taxes pv'an'y Irtnds
in s&id counties. * | .
Couderspor{, Sept. 13,, ISCS-ly.*
WelUboro, Pa.
J: W. BIGOJJY I,....,.Proprietor.
TIIIS popular Hotel, haring bee'; fe-'fllteil
and ce-furnished throughout, is Wef; petrla the
public ke a first.class bailee. A goddjini tier tilwaVi
os baud. . •. [Jap.|i,'lB6it.]
H. W. , ' Wa. ; iL'SxiTn.
• . .-wi'LfAAitis >c .snuiaiv';;
Main Street, Wcllaboro. I. i,
January 1865-I^.
■ Shop Owee-C. Lv Wilcox’s St-tBK. .1
Wellaboro, Dec 7, 1864.' ■ -
| (farmer Main Street andjhfAven
Bb,B. HOLlDAY,proprietor. ‘
■Oiie'if'the ihoBC popular-Houses in I je county.
THii Hotel is the principal Siige-houae in ffellsboro,
Stages J,»avc dally as follows; - . 'j,"
j ßor Tioga', at .9 a. mi; ; Fpr Troy. Jit in'.; "Fop
and Rrldayf-at
■Jor.HbuSersport, every Monday,- and ;Tb'*'sdaj 1 ajt, 2
J ’ - „• y' :
Stages Abbive—From Tioga, "at 12 2 o click
p. m.;,from 6 o'clock p. m.j Jersey
Shore, Tuesday and Friday II a. in,; J'rC ) Cojiders
port, Monday and Thursday Tl u. m. - a ~r *
N, B.—Jiiumy .Cnwden, the well-kapf }'hosßer,.
will Be found bn hood. 1 ' 'W f,
, Wellsbpro, is64-!- , -- 1 ; .■ ■
AND DEAb.EB IN./,/!.:: i
„ \< m Jr
American Clocks, AujerlcOri, English, ,
Wslbbei, Jewelry, Silver Plated
Picture Framer, Photographic AlMiul's, Si Fenacopos,
Microscopes, Perfumery, Yankee* Notion (/ Fishing
lackloand Flies, ami Fancy 'and Toilet A 'liclea.' •
sgr~ SCHOOL HOOKS of every kind. ised in the
County, constantly .on hand' and Sept by, o' lij of oth
erwise, to order. '.a.
Call at No." 5, 'CniOp Block,‘ if yon 1 *ant i; good
WATCH, where yon will find a g«od Of
I keep. on band *E; Howard ■&. Oo. r s ni Vecicnt in
heavy SilvWCases; wbfcli for lirte baVrf ieqnal.; 5 I
respectfully refer to M. H. Cobb, Esq./ E£ t6r Agita
tor, and Wm. Bache, Esq., President .1?\ National
Bank of WellsbOro. .1. 1 ;• .*
Also, tb«'W. Ellery, Bartlett, Appl«lor- '. Tracy A ;
Co., Ml are'good Watches. '
Wnner and Breakfast Castors, Cake Bas fete, Sjyub
Holders, Napkin Kings, Forks, Table and 3 la Spofns,
Ac., Ac., 4<j.
India Rubber Chains, Rings, and O.oli; Mounted
Pencils. . j" ' !
A good assortment. of CLOCKS laritly no
'band. . _ . *//>-
All ot whi«h wilt be sold M luw M-tbeV ca -be bought
anywhere. : - v
repairing done on short native- >
Wellaborb, Angr 30, " /. A. pObfil ■ ,
FOR SALE—HOUSE 4 • LOT .udN kin, .steel,
adjoining Wijgbt 4 Bailey's Stow. 20 acres, of
land in Dolour, -between John Oray afid.'lerriok. ;
Houte And Lot-00 povinzton £ * •
foe terma. Bpply to'HENRY SHERW t »OD # Sect*
W«IUWo/May 33 »J 865-11*. - : •; ’ ,Uy
J; Port’ and’ Silt, Tea. Soap,
Candles,-Saleratafi/Tobarco and Keroson* XHJ; •'
Al®d, r Mackerel, White Fieh, and Trout, ' by "the
package of pound. ’
Welleboro, Juno 1865. J • ' -' ’ , ;
MISSION.—AII the papers and correspondentfe-Yc
q aired to procure- Pensions, Honntv, Bcd Back Pay,
and PrUe Money fOY discharged SOI* WERB and
SAILORS, and V* the RELATIVES of and
Sailors dyicsln the - service' of the Lil/ed States,
Prepared and forwarded, and' the pro*- feds of
claims, when -collected, remitted to the- pf Uee FREE
OF CHARGE;;. -V . .y ,•:!* 1
Office »1?07 Cheeinnt Strect.-Phi idelpfcau.
Or for farther information onassistSccf
Lucx Mooee Hotchkiss, Wellf >oro, J
S,: JL Mo£feis3fans field, -
...Asjipoiatß.Managers fer.TXojrt County.
outfity-e&'ihodd IriaoMltee for; »Mtk-wash
ing, at .■ ; BOY'S -DBUQ'STORE.
OS) AAA* YEAR mvde by. an, onM t with slfr-
No npWcrfjonewmfy,
The Presidents. C*Shl#i, *,d Treesrfreri of.t&ee -Blmks
indorse the circular Sent free with samples. Aonrees the
American Stencil Tool Works, Springfield, Ve» tnont.
November 1. Ifififi-Sm. ■ S - I
.WM 5g
-h '"l
i- 1 ' >J
t , v‘. ,-V
confidence say to the people of Wellsbptftp and-
N.™Yott4s“ — Tetnrned
-•>- - ■ - AjiAßflE? STOCK. -
eoni&tnjc-of l ' / |
!i.l- .I:..:,;-.!.,®! 311
ftiMV babe smmiki
- : foV-Mtfh fT i-“'
•*• • - .Ji> '*■’*. 0t lij*. . L ,' A'i'‘ * . ' j, *
* ■ •■.••'*; '- ’_ -i ■-• .1V; aHi |- {,
1 Tarnish everything to make & man' wftfns tami
comfortable. Also, J ' ‘ tS , ...
• . • . f . > ,- -. . _. V\.
a nice lot op‘ cassi meßes;,;■;!
Also, a larga,«|ock pf :: , i.
for MEN, .WOMEty and-CHILDEEH,.: ... -i ,
• HatsViCaps^^i:
'too numerous to nteution.- AU i 0,1
„ " • " !■ | bn.
• • * '•’! OfFEB' ;j -d
*ef prices calculated to ohrry oiil'iuy r,ulebf business'.
' Nmull Profit* ahd' Salc*r''
Please lo" call and eiamino iny Stocif.'” Rani«mler
the place, t *'/ '‘ >
.me 67/£AP s^^
Vf eUaborn.gßpt. 2Ji, TWffc'. “ ' faffyfCli ",
i jj ■*
DisTiMiMli) IT XKfiiyAL.
, .. S A-.f.Jz *, I t:, i*> ’.!• .->i I ,
‘ -I; ■■■ i-• ' *xc.r -Sc >»ji * J
Hiajuat returried.S’oin'New
Stoot of -- ■»■• ■'■‘>■•‘l »« tfirat.
.1 ti« tan* ja | JJ 1
■' ll I •«
■ ..... : I, ■.■iha l !f
-and is.offering,them, to. th.o public. fst LESS «onej-‘
than,they haTabeen.eold.unca ihe^WAßi
- .* \ J , \ i ■ >!a f ! IV,
J ! y :
* .. i ' jL
of'vur'uHls’ q'utflitiesfrofii-TSe. ■- \ £.j
-, |«
in feernel andsaH thervarie tie* of; ground CpfraeaL- J
:c 'c vj* '.3 is.:u-.t'l t <:u tbilVCs I ,-j
X)i^BrE*o 4 A: • L r;k !'
. 1 ■' - .. U'.-'i 1 .y / • •>»
and ali'-ihe ’grades nf "<?OF#PE''StJGA'KS b
large and splendid assortment of. „ , Cd
• v . , -’ 3 V ■ ' Ic.
; jSttQyi&s* i’.;,V;! ;,-
, u.. * • r ■- r •• : -n-i’i *.i i .
ran not fail to pleBse.costomerslfctbfe?»:wiUdCuil.':a id
examine our .Stock, eitbemn price
j - . . -I' -It.:
. . ; ». , ■ ; ...
* . .. ' ’’.yt.. ."i v'f i.r > ..’Lt A 'AV. 0?: { t)
Vorying Ia price from pei..gaU.yp,_ J .. j
•> 5 . tli ,-M £
i. 3 - i i.-~ l L.v,;. ,<U h ii JLi-l:
Abo a good stock of- Brooms, Market Baskets,
doro Baskets,' Art-Helves, Wash Boards,
Brushes, 13cd Cords, Do,or Mats, Buggy M&ti, Mop
, >bo a,Dice ; aMQrtmanlof >Bu:dsag49.
The Ladies will please
1 Vij.’T6 rJi3.ii . .jHAvI TAH r lp 2
S < t
>' NUTMEG, &o.
& - z&MMiSiSFsLa T&tlow
meut of
*, . AVs-.T. 1
!.-I .k y> H? Si ;
keeps constantly on band the beet brands of S-slen
tus, Soda, Cream Tartar, Sal Sodafor Washing; ah
the best grades oi
.•.<?k lk .si BtS.'d ti , *4 itfi
by the barrel QriMutkt.the.beel.qnaUtyteCrt a .nil
. i.:ni f jj; ,n .u usnS
Kerosene Oil and-Lswp' *Mfv*
_ 1 .
, The last bntjjot, leaat to n)entlon,iß, W.,T. Mj&Tl
-- Gomls-to be ALWAYS' AS * HEEBBSUNT 1
no sole. an-j-fl i.
j Iha hirfieSymarket price Jp
and "W. X. MATH BBS.
nVellfbfero;'AMg; 23, 1885. 11 v»
USffhbltelirantt only auHikitett- Public.
Serrioaiof. ABRAHAM TiINCDUN.JmpWiiaI, truth-,
ful, 750 page*.-with-heauurnl.eugrayings, good paper,
and binaihg—by-mii. RAYMOND, M. C.
Some important lb logs ArShboJiy righted and oannort
be used in apyjotbpn work- , Wait-for the Agent and
see RAYMOND’S'binSro
fe:Swfc. j
PoriawrenteviJte. Tiogt, BJMJ tphad, fief r r
field, Clymer, Westfield and other towns. 5 •
Knoxville, Aug. 2, 1865-tf.. , ■ j
IN DIVORCE.— Stefa j
2'o Harriet A. Cole ’: You iarohsreby notified that
Chester A'.-Oole, your -hashs(od r hns applied (o the
Court Of Commoir- RJeaa-for-a divorce from the bond*
of matrimony,-and thffPthe said Court baa appointed
Monday, 4he 37th. day of November next at the
Court House in *>’«fa3ok.&'.&&., for
bearing-fchCßqjdfjOheaJer RrCoJ^iqTtbg- praises, at
which time andJ?lace yon can attend if you thiuk
proper.. '’tEROY TABOR,’Sheriff:;
'Dot. 25, ISfifintf.' - ,
-TyrOTICE.— TBg'-aaßnar-eiggtttnrftr Birotrtm-S' oi
1 X t| ’ fhe-Xioga BaDkhwill'he'lieTd »Vtb«'i3|'cd
of said Bank m thb-village of Tioga'on'ths kirA«4n
day of November, 1885. B. C. WICKHAM,
Tioga, Oot. 26,1865-4 t Preiidont.
•;• ■ - ■» ■■ •' ■■). ■■ .... - , i>&tj I"Jt j'.i-JJ .tiWii U .--. ■ :. : . . -
5 <.5.n
.-i j.r: A
i • v ; - i..- i a 7/iU
t4iK;euiT aartaui
; - zJS-.iil.'i a-*-. j«d;®
'X-: \ 'm
'Ui.a ,*:-<'lu to seiyj'i-jS
,j rv
Id t J- i ,!Sj
ii' ":
j /I:k*jv7 i<
WIL3 I T1<?A; - COWf W
i .Is'X 1
'^wMwsYMiiEWoSAiOQj, -pa.;
iu' . jIJ u •••*.; .1 a ~ h..*: v .■ \ jci
:J-5.-L fli-.T*n JV.oJ.iy •-«*. i .•
• -b i. •**!; 1H&: F££CJB. .., <A j ,
■ nt.h.'jii'j fit . isTusc-Aluiiu; ti'i.. t;
cn ,es%L>..i %e;-nitn. 4 ST ■’ ;i s.i t
t'.'ijt ’v UO.JIU -j-i ’
liiiw -!;J!ec: srfi t*nj s»sd nv3 j sri;
ri: i . feyviuofcvl snj iv
, ~ - . ' . .91'
?.‘Vi 1,1 l
: h v- j *
v»*i? t ?c*»v I**l
L.-JAi. U, k tr j: i i T .E ■
*3 '.u *' -A Wilt *
-l ‘«melOiieiihisaill< 1 i :
> ’*•; *.*iiJ JUv ;s-,.u - W
vl!' Btll »i t,’>J}. iv’l'J*. J >
j sd; n» it i».n j
..0 It ,[^^-
!’ ■■/ -- d‘j v> IriVct’Mi-; J~un, i» - M»jdA ■
jro 4i kj j
*,.»•:j iii it v-ij n: r-..-iiiiiA l*sf*j j
U*.".: "j -.'MT .nJ&ii i>»::0 if j.iu.L- • |
.■»a‘ 1 .-.v u i iv»r l ’o'i TCI,/ u»-f i *«•
.uj -j 4 Laige -, ■!
■> *0 ,J• t. 1< i j*J »;.
■ JusUßeceivt^d.
■2 »4U63fli tu JiiJt
S£E .FOR -ila
*v:,, sritfiri’s'; I Z
).. , w,-j i.i.l'; -A!. .U.UII-..' IIA u -j ,
.iiljaUreuctvitle, Oct.-4,M66-ly.‘.' ■ j' :
tfi. i,* --V { fi *
iJVoulcl re«jjgs,tfully aauoancu jt7taay (
j&nd well assortment, of ;; ,j 1 !•,.
h * t il ad .1* I • ■
?* vU *• U
jDYE stofes :
- v |
- i * .z.-i .a i
'-LAMPS, . /i.i.-i j {
r PLATED Wggs|.f
Ui co -“SCASTORS, .i-wboß ncV.T, I w
21 . . 1
73 j
i'l SPOONS. TEA & TABLB.a niol \
Foajtfe: ' ;:.- v r;v ; ;•
WSKES, i-c. , '■
*ir * WAITING PAPEK,: •*'" • ~
** jj i .5,1,1 »J ..i ,viv i
\ T#N T MK D ;
fl ... -r. cj.tC :l "! ' *.
t«a, S(»«co,
li , iCl i, j
/toiletSnd WAilN6)iAf|!
’ vif. | j.
pid an endkss; variety of T-,'?;, tWiu/l !
it y:a&kke mTuisk:A\
-;Tiogn, Pa., Get. 4, 18R5-1 j*s, t .j/ t 1 i,;
C& N. HAaflSWeB’S NURSERY.— „■
, .j.’U'iU j’.’jif j
ta Xioaa ■ „■
situated Road, jjitoga.j
Wc arc to famish at**
the j ■
■■* i-Jze, 25 cents at-thtJ Niltaprjn;* I ’'
dery, 25 cdutrf'dfclivered. Punr . ) ’
* (SuMifEß* jA^£es.—Burohnur‘H4Vf^t^^ff^ :
Wnahi wbiJrrj,“
Astrachap^ "Summer Bellflower, SuWtflw- ! Otieop,
; Rummer Bow, SourJßow, -A j
•Aon Pijipio/Falf Pippin. Republican^ > if)‘pln»rf4#ley
OjT D.oiae, Maiden’s' Blurb, Large \Vinol at i =, J5 Weet
inn. LyuiHH*fc.pumpkin Sweet ,",\j i . '
“ Winter ,A?lac< —Baldwin, Bailey*BU«i §
> ( American
' huxbury Rueset, Rhode Island Greei^g, 1 Esojhlsi
£pUzenburg, Swaar, Sweet GillflowerJ'Siigar' Sweet,
iloney Greening, ■fto'irey j Pound Sweet, Pound'
•Sour, Peckf*s Pleasant, fullmau .Mveot, TwUpUinfcC^--
■ King, Wagnef, l * i I
5 EnglLh Jargonelle,'JßHflßfrjfl
:Mnadow, Bttlfiv ‘l.uorniivts Loui?a Boria’Hjfc sor&j, 3
’Shekel, B*mr£SU* Amalis, Golden Bcart*? BfeofUp'
tßenuty, GlooloM freon u, Lawrence, .V/ : . i i
t JiAiso—SiMrifln Crab, Quinces, nmlißihipo Etote-J
-■ several varieties C. A Ni ii-AatfAl QMih |
: Co., Pa., Oct. 4, L ‘ ‘
; ~ ( ■
' is given ihuf n eummOtvslnSartatiop l
,Ims issued from the Court ol Common P!^^,(or.Yi > uga j
-Cqunty returnable I he last Mnaduy of Nuvtmber next,
'jut'lbe tail pf Itobert G. While, against. u£iuoall; : Gu- 1
lick and Franttnii U. Smith,. Trustees* <k 'the ‘Arbon
sEdwin l»yor, Antbimy Schoder andiMaryiK-Scbtfder
JRU wife, Thomas B. Jacque-, Samuel Bj Jacqneai*ud
S. Jacques, for the purposed making partition
Vf i tract of land, situate in Bloss tavruhip, UlUga
county, Penn'a, desqribedaej/ollows:
- j.Beginning*at;u birch »t the easterly
VdfwPd J j« l uiUiP&t t ® rBon ; tbeiico .4®Kt£ eB
£e>st two nD( l ' iDety Hve
thence south two hundred and fifteen perches to 6
birch; (hence.gputf^Eg^ty-, t de
grees wesffttl'Tlrnffiry n tTC^HigH'fperches to s
beech: thcnce,north forty degrees hundred
*ii3d^nff , ts i -lfei r ee tb
za tetitiitbaic&nOTtß
perches to a post:
west the
c(mtahung v tVb bUqdte'Tii'^oTeett nwfes/to'Jro or
fdit'dT i'-tftrger- traeT of iian'd in
»pBtwHmm ufii knemp 15" JBtejj-fflOji
he ; jho. pjrimed
togeQier and andfVidcd*.do hpta the premises above
•nirated.- 1 - ••’ '-"' ; - v -' : ‘i}EKOT TAfeOß;'Shcti£p. :
UooteWJw'.a s: sraaißstja >io,.ic;;
‘ '- '-"<v.‘-'-i *o ve-iiJfldraiaxa laun.ii.-
stui/ti:-r,. WJT.^TO : WJfaE®l>;«AbS»ir.'.‘-!}..-t;iir '
-t'WSdfeaalohnd Retail Doilbi' tii u-r; I.
, 'WSEESSSSSSs 3?a. ]
hUirsiut— j- .0 U !
>a» it'-' .'lbuev,/. ■(«<■<& L- lli I
Shop one Door South of Smith's Law Office.
Wellsboro, Ang. 2,1865-tf.
[ObKqQ iz'S.
** 2 /:
[V« -0 I*
•VJ tr
Mi'll" 1'
■i> l r J
PAINTS, OILS,,u. ,«.;t J ! :t
A »*i .«J. -if ..ii: * ;
.i s--t
ctf -’iS i ,
n rr r;
bti £i j.
, ®lo 1 1 v j?♦.
•- - J. 5 cS*UjJL. j J>ii
\ [Firib&Agitfttprj. „ii; is.l . .«L i :
■JU'jivi h'.jij j* ,;t ; .u. .
' Vf ° / »&’ JP ■’&
visuio?! .
! ‘' J
- ‘ a«. it <•.,! r. 11 j „
D«fcilrißnd; vourigtjefiand to.
w jfcsBSS£ lawa-ar 'true:! *' j
*Tif such our own country, in eorr&vfexld peHtW* -<
Our dear land bus*heard lam'ehtat’on nnd weeping'
Can we ask that -
Our mothers
As tho martyrs of Judah* their children are not. 1 ‘
. .»n«i ,-i .* 'iK
Mtmrn youK4ov!d wa? so fajthful imd loyal
■ iv&lit&rt duty and God’' r ’' -1
Ills duty to heaven included “all;ti
I He scrying bis country pass’d pnder the rod.,
Hb’ftdtif,e gVetir gortoiv (bit 1 lelVo’n ouVnation, ‘ •
I bit soon struggle
My CQipury’e in.peril and naught shall detain me, ’
Nt,‘dhf?sfinii can tVCiy tind idettstire divide. ‘ 1 ’.
The that Vu gave her was no' stintei! measure, ■*'
The full strength of manhood, its vigor tend prfdo.;
Her burdens, har-marehesrprivatiuns and battles :
d?Io moi ( wfth r a-smije gu )iQu>(urityl* siile. :> ~j iiV
Not long., yeuta of labor, nor wounds. chang'd bis
V - s ‘ ; * v - : ‘ 't"- -1 ■’ L 1 *
Era *ee to ; |ie with he? Bj{un t 5
when his arms he laid by t his relvasewas forever,
will cffM h 1m v fo !
‘The thd homestead wfa£n V 1 olory waada w n i n g,
Seek not to deasrihe with yoor numbers so rude,. *
in .foqd heaHa is epabrioed; ;
Bdl draw the vjnl gently, nor farther intrude,
'The Walteof rfuf Ziomihiia'i mobrnio* ber'ohUdreri,
,)Hpr \n her hpruae are moat <jear,
Faith looks from their dust in her shadows now sleep-
Ud U)<f -l.*4»U •.ill* .«■<.*:* .‘j y
the'qhasiot,o( Israel _apd horqemep appear.
,j Jl- ......
‘ *'* - '-aT
JiJrfj -4 o.jJ 1 "ii 1' -1' . O "u;
r BT MRB. M. JE, 8081N80N..,
\ltyji J«V i.jii f. -1 ;« I L-eU'-v •
't-The adtitietfhT-b* spy?iSotfgh tiofh (ihftkreeable
didiEabt '4feferi;OdW-ilfei»cPngB
; |rttjy.£/ffetin{r hispid ssicfca towards, naoeftauding'
then quartered jn Canada. , lip, a brave:
aha hautfsome* young, officer, warmly attached;
To ; tire 1 ArneVi:: 1 . h iind ; Willing To sacrifice,
feis difht»f needle, for * Kg' (SmHtrj
men who were fighting.ftfi liboriyiihd'tire right.'
He was fully-ttwitre-of -the risk he incurred—
itodr.was the.'ignbraritroflihof; fete'a si (tiling him,
tak'en.u Hy-meina
? f r WMfs4W. ui^£ BJ] 8 J ]“ f? -!y id ''VF^fl. n M er 9 d :
thoroughly, arfd laid acquired much information.
*of art important 9 Vim'tu're.' He li’ad 'iiiiau
jtn return to 1 tWe—ftitipricTih l niAip"'.md 'i-oporf
lllioifelfttn'the 'o;o‘m in adder-in-chief;'when the :
fjcOowtDg/iccijlent .strengthened :big determine-,
lAjjPcr....-.-,'- ~ -it:-.., ;j *• V •
While walking nne.. jhiy, mpaipg.upon,
the exciting events which 'were ’ th'e’h Transput
mg, bo -waainet bjr qnp ju f, tij e-uu ta mens §h Ii 11 rr
mated, and deemed joeased with his thoughts!
i '" k ' IlalldtT, fcblilVade : f y, 'hc 1 '(Tried,»- Vfiu’re ■jio
iing ibglWrtvng way-.*’ x -'■ ■' '■’■■■ 1 j
mb'-I unesi raat’'jdrepUied Hastings;'cifolfissly.’
I: you: twt ItebV;-, 6qt,jij.u’dc
te t sra6 l ’ife ,l .’ l ’ m t r
get a description of the ch.i}’ that's been jdaj-i
ing the spy,” added fhc man familiarly" “* \
m 5»
! j JJI
.Iff 1
i,.itfc i 107/me,'’
rep^^^h^ o Cu)pn^uttCi)U«eriiß4ly t jUouf'fi Jiis
liaise beat a, little fluioker ut th‘e mao’s'ljin-- ;
).c.n Ci:,Z , , Jf’T<.. i il. * > • ,( 3#(Jai.T
guage; but Re baa long* exersisea a Severe;
a^iv^ Wimefit'over (he-pliy *Hf bis features! itVid
rnot atnusete Burprwo; .
him cqntir(ued, ? the sijber.'
“ His 1 name is 'liimjobfia.jind lie’s been skulk
idßg w.uod,|fer^,riis!epin ffri • i. jbnt .flie officers;
~ “ffte® y 4 ?i utr i
. isrlmt ( ine next move” is tu *be. But |hav’ve
,‘ b'?Lniiy offiYeil Tyf uis
'fifaii. aßd*H3*B us gbod (lend man. I’’ 1 ’’ ' ! ''
x ibOflodil arunigb fn,t hitn ! l ' , ’exctilimed 1 the •
; Coluiii!!,« ho-sfil|' main tsinSii • tbp.spine.imiif- ■
ferent de’meanor. “His life isn’t north piuch,
that’s a fact. ;thi^~^ej;;coipratio,” he added)
l ilftpping''th‘e Tnddief •httfflrafty cfW tbeibotdiler,
7!*, jsnitnhfttngingJaiittle tott giiod fer“lho reficai ?’’
■. l; Tha uian. veplied wjtlva coarse laugh icoa an
oatl, v if f! ji . : Ra6?.c4,,nl) J ,hj i e . Waj, lfciiviug
Uaßjinp m no enviable slate of v inind,- ,ljad
tft'f! fclVow"6ee‘n ncq'uuirited Vvltil (um detectipa
would have been inevitable. He (HaafiVijVa)
J‘*OW> n g.
.noticing .unt’Hii^lbutprqbablv his
to' of Her ' \MrounigtaD*ceB,nad
! : 4Waßßfi*d'»nBpicidrf.‘* -I 'Nbt li
■ losCp hisilife depended ;upan adstant 'otmceal
jßiSDt,-as .flight jit fhat-bour (,it beiag.about four
in the afternoon) wtmM be- attended with ex
-1 Urtnw drttoj'eri' 'Rhe Soldiet would-hear i-des-
pare an, tell.bis,.story, the alarm
1 iW.V'4; .*l®; Bc 'f. r() -‘f opemies iflo
immediately on bis truck...., , ,
The young officer hastily entered' a thick
tfepspeAr.iby, laftketL-.abo.uf for
;Bppiaj of . refpge, .. IJe, couid, discover
,xurt^ n g ,offered tliofjdighteati protection
: no .better t.e/iTga
.P.ouJfiJffi f uprid, ijfi welUs
,;;,. : ,'-£ i 0 .j .-.-. sir: t.-d :
He hteard the tramp of horses’ tfle
voices of men, in it very wliicb.waa
oa i vei^ : goBd f rtrisbtfT6i-‘-
n minute HJS ■gnjti.''' 1 Wdy
J pa6SMTlie ‘sfjgt wlfee litviVfid Ji : 1 fiaftTrtg,
land !1 lneatTOd,7hprp! a f , J fvh,feff°tne
: Peho’df thptf'?lifj'tits wag'lWsf iPPhe'drataoce.
Time dragged on slowly. The ground -hfifs
recenf raiD, ami added'ttj Uje unpleasantness of
feia situation. He dared not -stir' for fear of
[l5 1 .. 0 '
attracting, the attention some person who
th e ; Ttiiiji.i ty ,_apd his.stiff
■.®W!(Pl* ln ,b? hegivn“tp painh i in, sonaidcr abl y. 7
, ' ( P? r ' 1 8e V,9r d (/hi JH fie JnuiLaot _be£n wall,'and
he felt that ho Ava? tapi'dfy, .becoming worse.—
Cold eliills ran hi-a J woe hot and'
general bingournpervaded
whole syptqpji -Wdiatfihou-ldhijdo? 11,was
.pay? Aui,te;dark, : hnt tinfiirtii [lately for.- him the
moon shone brightly, apd.. hefeafcd bei.hg-s.4on
if he attempted leaving his pregent position.—
So for two more long hours he lay there, be-
'l'' r*
7j<r» -ji:4J As, s*UJS ; JJ
Wk* -
■■i-.'K-i-'i ''S^tixiuC
numbed-with cold;'Hnd grhwing-soiamrh "worse
,timt.l)e;fearttd,".witheut.arai9tnno*vbe wlihld die.
■ it-v«s.-da»getDu* , to gq, it :Wftß,^equally
dangerous to remain. 'To be hanged,foj a spy
4ns‘not a very pleasant idea to contemplate,’
“eaSd'hd’gfokrTed'fct’the' fhotrglif -of"dying th cr 1
I ■ •*••- - -i- ,
v /Atlhjsmomeot ie remembered having seen,
a small calkin, a., short, distance.. He . would’
himsejf.uppn, the mercy _of the
impales, and beg and protection.
J ’ 1 top u s hed’-list do ” t hbrush' cautiously, and
‘aftstglanbihg from sddh’to sidb hurriedly,'drept"
a dktia iwwy aiptmjKSt fact, tmd then TghadiJaily,
tuisedhimself to-.-pn upright, position.-.'This
wps not accomplished .without,severe, effort;,
’his’limbs were went and’ cramped, and. he hot
tried dr Ifo Wafted.’ fits head felt so light end
dizzy”that ft W*s some mitfutes’before he 'could',
'ricoUoct in' wha-t-dhreetion thei cabin wqb sit-'
uaJCjd but hja-mind became-somewhat clear at
-Iqpgth, and he moved slowly forward.
" Suffering much bodily pain, and wearily
dragging one font after the other, he saw. a
’lljfhi thdriklihg in the' distance. Which ‘ induin'-
.tpdahepi-osipiily ofrttte'lowly dwelling.* - He
did not know w hether the occupants' were
wjiiga,or lories, hut he trusted,in Providence,
.and went forward more-hopefully. ;
Me’ approached the cabin, but paused at
bearihg the 1 sound 'of voices.' Taking a few
more noiseless steps hs was enabled to glance
•through .a;,rude. window. and -perceived two
,nien. pud two,..women sitting : within. , The
yqung| officer was about to knock: at the door,
when the word “ anv” reached h iq ears, causing
'bmi'td forego His intention, and" listen to hear
more. ' ■ - -.i--, > - ■ *
■a •
~J pm:quite confident we shall -succeed,”
.1 -j . ..... ... i
, “ The reward ia_worth I try\ng ; .for,at.any
‘rate/' returned the other. ,
“ What will be dpht with him if he should
ha;captured*?” asked'the youngest 'of the two
■ females, i .1 -j. ‘
V ?o ffi'lttp*' l’.’.paid,tbe:elder of the two men,
abruptly. ■ , .
“They won’t be likely to let him go
'Adde’d'his'companion’,-with a significant shrug
hf tlre’shdaiaers.■ • v ‘ : - * ‘ > “ u [
t Tie’ll be. treated as spies usually are,
: frr,cbabl_v,” .remtyked the-, middle-aged, woman
who had not yet spoken. :
'The younger shuddered .and looked thougbt
fhl. :a; ’ ; ' ' -b ■ ' : '
r wish- this unnatural war d-aa‘ ended, It eo'
i.bruttlizL'Srjhe - human character/" -she said,
? a Sfl‘k s Mji after.s^jause.. . . ■ t. ..
i-“ The.sponei' the pebcls gre conquered Ibe,
■quicker { it will be ended,” raid onqo£,
“‘ tic youV.'Vi iiri-Our uiity Ln 'catch thia spy."
ehsbo is'eaid lb‘ be very' ctinhitfg ’’an'fT'ua'eVnl in
.his-way- -.BfarcSMit b»d-'gre4t dfebirtde'off/amf
tt?; soon qs.we get rested we; most take -to the
WP.odp qnd hunt him down.”
.Tlf? other pave, his -.hearty consent ,to this
•pVapasiil; and talking over their plans together;
: -both'illeti' , f(?ft , ‘piiShed so'benr to'
naiphdrn.tllrtt Byrafslng their hands tflay bright
. bint fbut the darkness which had
the. moon’s departure, favored:him,
ahtl fie' remained undiscovered.
-■-W-iriting nvJriV h'p could 1 rioMirighf Tiear" the
ifontstepis nor voices i)f the retreating ■ figures,
4?- softly to the doot and tapped. • '
ev. raised, nod .a voice: da aiaaded,
“ Who’s there f” , . , ~1 . , .
1 "" ATriena; one,at least, who has not, the
power to injure you,” yfas the reply. ' ’ *'
:.i 'EheldoAropefiett ivfder.'arid 'the-pale; hag
:gl>Bd facerof the.applicant was Exposed to the
,yrflmaD,.wbp jscrufinized .; bi,u steadily and
ofosely. \ tr ,' , ,
she sajd briefly. ;
J “ T ain' in "distreas,” ” said Hastings, “ l ap
plf 'hdiitiisidyou ito* a wotnan and I can-
first nt the sepiil
,,cb«p (ji-idetua, ,J am sick, W&iry, hungry end
sorely pressed by my enemies. ~I.j»m'.the
American sptj fop yyhpm a reward ia .offered, —
You can save* me or deliver me hands
’M ynurhueband,‘or these who'have gone’in
pursuit of , me.” 1 --“ • : • ' 1. ...i
The mother and daughter exchanged glaUbSs,
hut neither spoke, and. Hastings anxiously
awaited the decision of his fate, ...
The woman who had .opened the door- now
■signified by a raoljon of the hand that he
Ahmild enter.' ’Ha did’ so’ and a seat was plac
ed beside the-'daughter, whoso" jyni
parities were obviously enlisted. ‘She.-'glanced
syippathjgingly■ at his. dejected icountni-ance,
and noted bis fp|teripg. Btep_B.ijnd litpbf, trem
blihg.frith weakness.
“ We-'fcflii'giVo you food,'flut our 'prdiection
wilf nvail hutriittre after my Hu jhhfid’s retont,”
Biiidithe .woman. ~ . ■
“ Can you not conceal me ?’.’ asked Hastings,
earnestly. . “Hetaven will reward you for the
deed ‘ “ ’
Th c niutfier looked at the daughter, and the
two : conversed Together in a low voice.
;] «'4Ve will do’-what'Vff can,” said the for
mer, briefly, l aa she placed refreshments before
him apt} signified to him toeat.
“Do not talk,'she added, qoiokly, ns
the young officer endeavored to
gratitude. There Is notinio to lose, and food
’ Will Oiy'yAh mBre good'than anything else.
Hastings did hot wait fob n second" bidding,
i oußritious : Beverage ebon ■ had'-'the
, effegtTft ranewohjs strength and,‘ inspire, fresh
courage... Himhead. felt laps, -giddy, the, .cheer
ful fire wirmed. his .ptiffeped .limbs,'and ,he
Xvpiit'd certainly have fiitenash-opin his chair
ißAd’hoth feeling of : dread 1 lest tile theft shdold
[suddenly, return, caused-himto look- often anx
iously., .-.o
I'iChej.will.lje, gone, Uvir hours,” said the
'youngest female,, as if,to reassure him on that
•pbfni? 3 : ■■ r ‘ ;;
r - Hastings Bigntfle’d his ihaoks, and looked at,
stfttentively- that -.a-omnebn
glow stole over her expressive .countenance,
mgkipgjhpr look, fnpee, inieggating <jian before.
He forgot,.for the moment, himself, hjs illness,
"the danger hehafi" incurred, the' risk fie "how
fan,■'everythingin contemplating her symniel
■ricah-ligrore, reghlarity Of-- features, 1 and- the
benevolent, iindnesi - ttatubeamed from ,her
eyes. He was startled from his revery by the
barking of a dog.
f:. l;w|
* . j. - -*• >-•
f I • i
W). 13,
' , Rates of Advertising.
cnargritTStf per square of 10
f linos, one insertion, and $1,50 for tbijeo insertions
‘ Advertisements of less''chan‘lo lines'considered as
» square:; The subjoined rates will be charged for
Quarterly, Half-yearly and YcarlysdyrirtiseJiients i
i ■ .Skosths, OaosTus. 12;bontu3.
■1 Square 1 , 5 ,...,.,iV„;5.t,00 '. 'S:>.75 L$J.5O
,3 do- y - «.op, , €.2d, t t 10.00
■Z do. ........; 5.75- 10.75 ■' .12.60
} Cd1umn)......-..,..:..ii).00- 12.00 1 ”15 75
i- ‘‘ do. ;~....„..„.;18.75 ‘25,00: -.= V^
1 ; do., ... ~,.;...§O.T)O -■ _ 42:00 —fli.OO
- . Advertisements-not. naving tiro -mrinberfof'inser
; iions desired marked upon them„viU.,ho
un tit ordered out and charged accordingly., . ,
■Posters, TlantHrillsr Hill-Heads, Letter-Heads, and
;oH kinda'bf, Jobbing done is cou:itry 'cStaimiOMments.
esepnted.Rentl.r anipromptlj. Justices'; Constable's
arid idher‘BXA"77K£t,conatnDtls* cn hand, „, .
“’You are lost!’l , ahe exclaimed
is near by I'* - ,
Hastings started to his feet and lookedhur
riedly about for some mode of-egresa beyidea
the door by which’he had entered.. . ; -■
t . Jhfi young girl .shook,her- head,-and ; her
paled .with terror. Hastings- kne wfthat
discovery, was inevitable if he remained where
Tie was, and that the result would be tequally
fata) if he)Ventured to leave, the cabin.- ,
The young girl a toad an instant as if spell
bound, .when the voices came-aearer and near
er. _ Suddenly she sprang to wards-a. door,which
,pj«nc(i into r dark closet. ” .
. , "Go in!” she whispered,
" yourself, behind" those "clothes.”, ’.0.-. ,
The officer mechanically obeyed,-thedoo* was
quickly closed, and fastened upon him, while
hie deliverer, with uncommon self-possession,
placed herself in tho.chair he had -justsweated,
and drew up to 'the small-table on which- -food
had been placed, pnd- very deliberately -com
menced, eating. .... ”
, had hardly done so, when-her-fathag, and
bis companion entered the cabip t , hot|i, l£pki n S
somewhat ill-humored and disappointed/,- >•
“"What are you up and eatingfay,. Hattief”
asked the former,, abruptly,. regardjtpg the
young girl with ajiiok of aatonishment .and
displeasure". ' , •
“Because I’m hungry,” was the unhesita
ting reply. ‘ ' ~
“"Well, and so aro we. hungry, girl j .sty, get
something quick, for we’ve got to rido a,dozen
miles yet; that is, if the, fellow don't disapoint
us again. Confound him! we migbt'.have
been on the right track by this time if the
horses had becn forthcoming,” h 0 muttered, as
Hetlie (as be called her) busied in
placing eatables before' (hem, as abeh ad boon
'Bidden.,,' " , , . ,
ji^kil 6 ibi o .Bad been transpiring.the.mother
ha'd 'silently left the cabin, entered ap out
boiling, and was preparing, a comfpitable.plaee
in which to conceal Hastings before] her Jius
band’s return; and this will account fo»-her
absence when his proximity had .baeiL,]**.op
portunely discovered by the young g»r!, ; !
While, the men were satisfying,thß-,demand*
of appetite she entered, hut started, back- in
, alarm at perceiving what a change ]itf-sffiaira
"the-last fifteen minutes had. wrought.., Jfeltie
caught her eye, and a warning glance cheeked
the exclamation that was, orv-her lips/ and re
called Tier usual.presence of mind- , r;
Ihg the fable. , " • v __ y.
“ WeTe had to wait for horses, and,tboiras
cal wi)l give us the slip if 7 wo .don't ,rf]Jc for
dear life,”-returned: her. husbaqd--.n^Hidliy.-
“ I say, Hen, 1 ; he' added -with ,aa ,Itnpalient
gesture, “ hav’nt yon almost dong, eating^/';
- fipisheil/’ replied Bon, pushing back
bis ch'aiy, and-buttoning hie- coat. “fk&rall
ready.”." . ' ... .
" tv el’ll go then, ax .soon - as-i ~get> another
pod ho approached.tho closet whjplf con
tained the object of their aolioitudeuiod paretiit.
The speaker stepped in, -and - cmptpeoCed
searching for .the article he had named.
The reader pan ..imagine, the sensatipsaj of
,o,uj:Jivro, as, he. crouched behind a. pile of Ad
ding, tremUiqg lest- a sudden movement.qf;ihe
.man should .expose bia perron. He w®*-. Cer
tain that his .heart beat loud enough-be
heard—and when i.o hr- thc.clothes- tnoyp- be
Tore.him he gave up all for Ic&t.. -.-.
The emotions of the young girl wefS-aflue
the less intense. Her face assumed aa.-.Aafay
hue, her feet seemed the-flqjr, ond.qer
breath almost stopped jig, her
motion ot her "father. ~As lie .advaricod near
the corner where she knew she
placed.her panels before her eyes andsank into
a chair. , :-y ;- -
But discover y-did not ensne.-n Tlup.hatf was
found nt length, and-whip THehtie,:,raised) her
eyes she breathed more freely. Her father
stood without the closet, while hnr;|oc!lJsnion
was assuring him that-if machuiorq-time was
wasted they might as well givsitrg,?Jhs; qpder
taking. , .
'S s t« li .. !*. . Ik.
"Where is he f” inquired tjTO wppliyJl'jrhen
the meq had.gone_ 7 .. - ... c
'jin there/’ replied the d&ugbte?^£Pifttijig
to the closet. . „
" It is a providence.indeed !” w{tg fer
vent ejaculation oT'tbe motlierptfs'Stid" cottipre
bended -hie'-narrow escape.. ■*_ ■ J 0
Nnftrao was 1 lost in .conducting'
the <ianbnUding-tfe- hath -named!-. It f:jvaS"En
tered but seldom, 7 little need; and* btiiffg
■ the rendezvous of-the- trbdpswonld loot
be likely to bo subjected- to‘a Tery a
eesirch'hy fiia' enemies, who probably blHeved
: h»m-ibuch further'off. - “ Ut -' Tili d’
llTlhrs-place he -remained several 7 --days’, ‘re
ceiving the beet-of’care from both -mother'and
‘daugßterfwho-visited him as often ’aa-tbSy
eould without attracting observation. WHdn
-bis Bfrength L had partly returned,-and he;;waa
able to travel, his generous protectors furnished
him with a suitable disguise, and by meabi df
the'husband’s-’absence were enabled to 'ajjffiit
•him his’jonrhey.
Ho encountered many difficulties and dangers,
and felt himself far from secure until be ' lijid
-passed’ the' British-lines, and 'knew' ha-fihd
■■nothing tnoredo fear: '' 1 J ’
- But he' VJitf ‘not forget'the marddtt‘wih)Ste
‘promphactififi 1 Kaved !iia‘life; After tire bfB'»e
of the war he met her again under'“m<?rB J au
spicious pleasant acquaint
ance terminated,-in bappy marriage.- - -.J .'
; Jika ‘tne'ckipg, is. catchmg.V. At
.least", nop.c but those happy in tbegj
",*elves tan make t?|Ueis so....wit, qp widpj
“standing, neither.,riches nor beauty, 9aq,,oftm
muoicate, this, feeling—the'happy qlone can
make happy., Lave and joy ara twin»,.oj u hjipp
of each other. , .
i coroner, being. askeij ,hpy,hp.,a«-
noonted fortho great mortolity -tliis.-yeqr, ejt~
ci aimed: \ I cannot people- seemto die
year that never died be/ore/’ ... j
“ In in my, my soup run to the stote' and : y*4t
some sugar." “E.vcnse
what indisposed this morning. Send father
and tell him to bring me a plug of tobacco !”
‘■a£d secrete