'he Tioga County Agitator: ! ! f»x arr-iKj PablUh®d fiyery Wednesday morning-and maUedto subscribers At ONE OOLLAE-ANI) EIFTIr CENTS per year/ ADVANCE. ‘ -- X - VJS ~ The paper is swat postage free to cmo£ '* .subseri -bers, though they'may receive their cst-offices located in counties immediately Adjoining >for" conve nience. - -. . U . ■ • The Agitator is the Official paper,of fioga'Co., and circulates In ©vhry neighborhood ,jb* tih. Sub-, BcrlpU , 'D.s belug.on the advance pay i, it circa-* a\nojigji class moat to'tho interest uffttvertiaers tp ceach.' Terms to Advertisers as liberal i those of . feroi by any pijpef of equaUcirealatioa ii Northern' .Pennsylvania'; *’ *arA cross oo the margin of a papor, denotes that the, Kubioriptioh isyibout to.expire.' Papers’will be stopped when the s time expires, unless 'the agent orders fhe£r enntina-, once. - > . ' • W. -A. NICHOLS. >v; Attorney, and.-counsellor vut law. Office formerly -occupied by James, 1' trey, Esq, Willaburo, Oct. 11, 186a-:ly. JOHN V A" COUNSELtOT.r'X LAW. Tioga Village, Xioga'Cciuiity, Peiitf kj , Prcuapl atteiUioc to Collections. March 1, 1£66.-4y-.. ; ' . .1 ; WILSON A ATTORNEY!? i .GpCNSELORS ,T r LAW, (FIRST DOOEJ'EOU BHJON £¥’-&, ON tVSNUE) . WelldMiiingb, s—.— Will attepd to businessentrusted to rB fir care in the counties ofj Tioga and Potter. [Oo^JS ’65. S. F. Wilson. J. "VTOTIOE.—The Law partnership beM ‘fydre exist' ingbetvreeo the subscribers is hotel ’dissolved by mutual consent; J A MES L- W REY, ffellaboro/Od. 18/’66. . *B, F: Wll?]ON. JOHN S. at ANN, Attorney and counsellor*!' law; Coudereport, Pa,, will attend ibe'ief iril Courts in Potter and Mo Kean counties. 'All Mtamess en trusted to hlftcare will recelvei'promptat£'&rion. He baa the agency of' largo* tracts of good ‘ b£ tfiing land and will attend to the payment Of taxes pv'an'y Irtnds in s&id counties. * | . Couderspor{, Sept. 13,, ISCS-ly.* P£NjKSl r LVANIA HO') OoaNJEK, OP MAIN STREET ANO TakAVENDE, WelUboro, Pa. J: W. BIGOJJY I,....,.Proprietor. TIIIS popular Hotel, haring bee'; fe-'fllteil and ce-furnished throughout, is Wef; petrla the public ke a first.class bailee. A goddjini tier tilwaVi os baud. . •. [Jap.|i,'lB6it.] H. W. , ' Wa. ; iL'SxiTn. • . .-wi'LfAAitis >c .snuiaiv';; ATTOTiStfS AXD COVA SEL OR if \T LAW. BOUH'TV' i PESSION A* ESCV. Main Street, Wcllaboro. I. i, January 1865-I^. BARBER & HAIR-DRESBEIC ■ Shop Owee-C. Lv Wilcox’s St-tBK. .1 Wellaboro, Dec 7, 1864.' ■ - WEIdIaSBORO HOI BL | (farmer Main Street andjhfAven WeLBSBORO* Pa Bb,B. HOLlDAY,proprietor. ‘ ■Oiie'if'the ihoBC popular-Houses in I je county. THii Hotel is the principal Siige-houae in ffellsboro, Stages J,»avc dally as follows; - . 'j," j ßor Tioga', at .9 a. mi; ; Fpr Troy. Jit in'.; "Fop and Rrldayf-at ■Jor.HbuSersport, every Monday,- and ;Tb'*'sdaj 1 ajt, 2 J ’ - „• y' : Stages Abbive—From Tioga, "at 12 2 o click p. m.;,from Troy.at 6 o'clock p. m.j Jersey Shore, Tuesday and Friday II a. in,; J'rC ) Cojiders port, Monday and Thursday Tl u. m. - a ~r * N, B.—Jiiumy .Cnwden, the well-kapf }'hosßer,. will Be found bn hood. 1 ' 'W f, , Wellsbpro, is64-!- , -- 1 ; .■ ■ HIJOH YOOTtif,: BOOKSELLER *■ STATfIASEK, AND DEAb.EB IN./,/!.:: i „ \< m Jr American Clocks, AujerlcOri, English, , Wslbbei, Jewelry, Silver Plated Picture Framer, Photographic AlMiul's, Si Fenacopos, Microscopes, Perfumery, Yankee* Notion (/ Fishing lackloand Flies, ami Fancy 'and Toilet A 'liclea.' • sgr~ SCHOOL HOOKS of every kind. ised in the County, constantly .on hand' and Sept by, o' lij of oth erwise, to order. '.a. -YO. S, ffY/O AT. Hi&CKj WELLSRO, O, PX VXT’ATCHES. CtOCRS. JEWCLdIi*, AND VV PLATED WARE.— Call at No." 5, 'CniOp Block,‘ if yon 1 *ant i; good WATCH, where yon will find a g«od Of AMERICAN & SWISS WAl'lHEjfe, - I keep. on band *E; Howard ■&. Oo. r s ni Vecicnt in heavy SilvWCases; wbfcli for lirte baVrf ieqnal.; 5 I respectfully refer to M. H. Cobb, Esq./ E£ t6r Agita tor, and Wm. Bache, Esq., President .1?\ National Bank of WellsbOro. .1. 1 ;• .* Also, tb«'W. Ellery, Bartlett, Appl«lor- '. Tracy A ; Co., Ml are'good Watches. ' PLATETD WAB| / ; Wnner and Breakfast Castors, Cake Bas fete, Sjyub Holders, Napkin Kings, Forks, Table and 3 la Spofns, Ac., Ac., 4<j. India Rubber Chains, Rings, and O.oli; Mounted Pencils. . j" ' ! HEAVY PXAIK QOLD'HU | JEWELRY OR ALL -; j A good assortment. of CLOCKS laritly no 'band. . _ . *//>- All ot whi«h wilt be sold M luw M-tbeV ca -be bought anywhere. : - v repairing done on short native- > Wellaborb, Angr 30, " /. A. pObfil ■ , FOR SALE—HOUSE 4 • LOT .udN kin, .steel, adjoining Wijgbt 4 Bailey's Stow. 20 acres, of land in Dolour, -between John Oray afid.'lerriok. ; Houte And Lot-00 povinzton £ * • foe terma. Bpply to'HENRY SHERW t »OD # Sect* W«IUWo/May 33 »J 865-11*. - : •; ’ ,Uy TJLOUR AND FEED,.DUCK> s HEA’£gLOUR, J; Port’ and’ Silt, Tea. Soap, Candles,-Saleratafi/Tobarco and Keroson* XHJ; •' Al®d, r Mackerel, White Fieh, and Trout, ' by "the package of pound. ’ CH-AS-* 4 U. V» S VALKJB VBTJRGv Welleboro, Juno 1865. J • ' -' ’ , ; PROTECTIVE WAR CLAIM AND PENSION AGENCY OF-THEMJ. S. SANITARY COM MISSION.—AII the papers and correspondentfe-Yc q aired to procure- Pensions, Honntv, Bcd Back Pay, and PrUe Money fOY discharged SOI* WERB and SAILORS, and V* the RELATIVES of and Sailors dyicsln the - service' of the Lil/ed States, Prepared and forwarded, and' the pro*- feds of claims, when -collected, remitted to the- pf Uee FREE OF CHARGE;;. -V . .y ,•:!* 1 Office »1?07 Cheeinnt Strect.-Phi idelpfcau. Or for farther information onassistSccf japply.to Lucx Mooee Hotchkiss, Wellf >oro, J S,: JL Mo£feis3fans field, - ...Asjipoiatß.Managers fer.TXojrt County. WH-I TE ..WASH outfity-e&'ihodd IriaoMltee for; »Mtk-wash ing, at .■ ; BOY'S -DBUQ'STORE. OS) AAA* YEAR mvde by. an, onM t with slfr- No npWcrfjonewmfy, The Presidents. C*Shl#i, *,d Treesrfreri of.t&ee -Blmks indorse the circular Sent free with samples. Aonrees the American Stencil Tool Works, Springfield, Ve» tnont. November 1. Ifififi-Sm. ■ S - I .WM 5g fTVTT 111 -h '"l i- 1 ' >J t , v‘. ,-V YQIu XIL TRUIiIP CAB|F ; y°p>3',w confidence say to the people of Wellsbptftp and- N.™Yott4s“ — Tetnrned -•>- - ■ - AjiAßflE? STOCK. - -<v eoni&tnjc-of l ' / | !i.l- .I:..:,;-.!.,®! 311 ftiMV babe smmiki NILES' - : foV-Mtfh fT i-“' •*• • - .Ji> '*■’*. 0t lij*. . L ,' A'i'‘ * . ' j, * * ■ •■.••'*; '- ’_ -i ■-• .1V; aHi |- {, 1 Tarnish everything to make & man' wftfns tami comfortable. Also, J ' ‘ tS , ... • . • . f . > ,- -. . _. V\. a nice lot op‘ cassi meßes;,;■;! Also, a larga,«|ock pf :: , i. BOOTS & SHOB^ for MEN, .WOMEty and-CHILDEEH,.: ... -i , • HatsViCaps^^i: 'too numerous to nteution.- AU i 0,1 „ " • " !■ | bn. • • * '•’! OfFEB' ;j -d *ef prices calculated to ohrry oiil'iuy r,ulebf business'. ' Nmull Profit* ahd' Salc*r'' Please lo" call and eiamino iny Stocif.'” Rani«mler the place, t *'/ '‘ > .me 67/£AP s^^ Vf eUaborn.gßpt. 2Ji, TWffc'. “ ' faffyfCli ", i jj ■* DisTiMiMli) IT XKfiiyAL. , .. S A-.f.Jz *, I t:, i*> ’.!• .->i I , ‘ -I; ■■■ i-• ' *xc.r -Sc >»ji * J Hiajuat returried.S’oin'New Stoot of -- ■»■• ■'■‘>■•‘l »« tfirat. .1 ti« tan* ja | JJ 1 ■' ll I •« ■ ..... : I, ■.■iha l !f -and is.offering,them, to. th.o public. fst LESS «onej-‘ than,they haTabeen.eold.unca ihe^WAßi - .* \ J , \ i ■ >!a f ! IV, GRBE N TB A S—J A PANE SBOO LO NG;T M.-. J ! y : * .. i ' jL of'vur'uHls’ q'utflitiesfrofii-TSe. ■- \ £.j -, |« in feernel andsaH thervarie tie* of; ground CpfraeaL- J :c 'c vj* '.3 is.:u-.t'l t <:u tbilVCs I ,-j X)i^BrE*o 4 A: • L r;k !' . 1 ■' - .. U'.-'i 1 .y / • •>» and ali'-ihe ’grades nf "<?OF#PE''StJGA'KS b large and splendid assortment of. „ , Cd • v . , -’ 3 V ■ ' Ic. ; jSttQyi&s* i’.;,V;! ;,- , u.. * • r ■- r •• : -n-i’i *.i i . ran not fail to pleBse.costomerslfctbfe?»:wiUdCuil.':a id examine our .Stock, eitbemn price j - . . -I' -It.: ' ‘ SYRUP & MOLASSES; (T ' . . ; ». , ■ ; ... * . .. ' ’’.yt.. ."i v'f i.r > ..’Lt A 'AV. 0?: { t) Vorying Ia price from pei..gaU.yp,_ J .. j WSH—W FISS;' aiROOTr CO&PISH; •> 5 . tli ,-M £ i. 3 - i i.-~ l L.v,;. ,<U h ii JLi-l: at)4 Abo a good stock of- Brooms, Market Baskets, doro Baskets,' Art-Helves, Wash Boards, Brushes, 13cd Cords, Do,or Mats, Buggy M&ti, Mop , >bo a,Dice ; aMQrtmanlof >Bu:dsag49. The Ladies will please — 1 Vij.’T6 rJi3.ii . .jHAvI TAH r lp 2 CELEBRATED YEAST CAKE, i * S < t SPICES. CLOVES* CINNAMON, GINGE: >' NUTMEG, &o. & - z&MMiSiSFsLa T&tlow meut of FLA VOHfffO ■ ‘EXTRACTS & TOILET SOAP. *, . AVs-.T. 1 !.-I .k y> H? Si ; keeps constantly on band the beet brands of S-slen tus, Soda, Cream Tartar, Sal Sodafor Washing; ah the best grades oi .•.<?k lk .si BtS.'d ti , *4 itfi by the barrel QriMutkt.the.beel.qnaUtyteCrt a .nil . i.:ni f jj; ,n .u usnS Kerosene Oil and-Lswp' *Mfv* _ 1 . , The last bntjjot, leaat to n)entlon,iß, W.,T. Mj&Tl FRS -- Gomls-to be ALWAYS' AS * HEEBBSUNT 1 no sole. an-j-fl i. j Iha hirfieSymarket price Jp and "W. X. MATH BBS. nVellfbfero;'AMg; 23, 1885. 11 v» rjAO i TUB FEW LB- OF. "HCIOCm OOVN.TWt+' USffhbltelirantt only auHikitett- Public. Serrioaiof. ABRAHAM TiINCDUN.JmpWiiaI, truth-, ful, 750 page*.-with-heauurnl.eugrayings, good paper, and binaihg—by-mii. RAYMOND, M. C. Some important lb logs ArShboJiy righted and oannort be used in apyjotbpn work- , Wait-for the Agent and see RAYMOND’S'binSro fe:Swfc. j PoriawrenteviJte. Tiogt, BJMJ tphad, fief r r field, Clymer, Westfield and other towns. 5 • Knoxville, Aug. 2, 1865-tf.. , ■ j IN DIVORCE.— Stefa j 2'o Harriet A. Cole ’: You iarohsreby notified that Chester A'.-Oole, your -hashs(od r hns applied (o the Court Of Commoir- RJeaa-for-a divorce from the bond* of matrimony,-and thffPthe said Court baa appointed Monday, 4he 37th. day of November next at the Court House in *>’«fa3ok.&'.&&., for bearing-fchCßqjdfjOheaJer RrCoJ^iqTtbg- praises, at which time andJ?lace yon can attend if you thiuk proper.. '’tEROY TABOR,’Sheriff:; 'Dot. 25, ISfifintf.' - , -TyrOTICE.— TBg'-aaßnar-eiggtttnrftr Birotrtm-S' oi 1 X t| ’ fhe-Xioga BaDkhwill'he'lieTd »Vtb«'i3|'cd of said Bank m thb-village of Tioga'on'ths kirA«4n day of November, 1885. B. C. WICKHAM, Tioga, Oot. 26,1865-4 t Preiidont. •;• ■ - ■» ■■ •' ■■). ■■ .... - , i>&tj I"Jt j'.i-JJ .tiWii U .--. ■ :. : . . - WHILE'TirERIr SHALL 88l A W-HONG ' UNRIGHTED, AN’S INHUMANITY TO MAN" SHALL CEASE, AGITATION MUST CONTINUE 5 <.5.n .-i j.r: A i • v ; - i..- i a 7/iU FAMILY FLOUR, CORN MEAL, j- WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLBIi t4iK;euiT aartaui ; - zJS-.iil.'i a-*-. j«d;® 'X-: \ 'm 'Ui.a ,*:-<'lu to seiyj'i-jS ,j rv Id t J- i ,!Sj dU'. ii' ": j /I:k*jv7 i< WIL3 I T1<?A; - COWf W i .Is'X 1 '^wMwsYMiiEWoSAiOQj, -pa.; iu' . jIJ u •••*.; .1 a ~ h..*: v .■ \ jci :J-5.-L fli-.T*n JV.oJ.iy llb.li •-«*. i .• • -b i. •**!; 1H&: F££CJB. .., <A j , ■ nt.h.'jii'j fit . isTusc-Aluiiu; ti'i.. t; cn ,es%L>..i %e;-nitn. 4 ST ■’ ;i s.i t t'.'ijt ’v UO.JIU -j-i ’ gf‘ liiiw -!;J!ec: srfi t*nj s»sd nv3 j sri; ri: i . feyviuofcvl snj iv , ~ - . ' . .91' ?.‘Vi 1,1 l : h v- j * v»*i? t ?c*»v I**l L.-JAi. U, k tr j: i i T .E ■ HI: *3 '.u *' -A Wilt * -l ‘«melOiieiihisaill< 1 i : > ’*•; *.*iiJ JUv ;s-,.u - W vl!' Btll »i t,’>J}. iv’l'J*. J > j sd; n» it i».n j ..0 It ,[^^- !’ ■■/ -- d‘j v> IriVct’Mi-; J~un, i» - M»jdA ■ jro 4i kj j *,.»•:j iii it v-ij n: r-..-iiiiiA l*sf*j j U*.".: "j -.'MT .nJ&ii i>»::0 if j.iu.L- • | ~^l'k‘jiiWaMiV'faWFidl" .■»a‘ 1 .-.v u i iv»r l ’o'i TCI,/ u»-f i *«• .uj -j 4 Laige -, ■! ■> *0 ,J• t. 1< i j*J »;. ■ JusUßeceivt^d. ■2 »4U63fli tu JiiJt S£E .FOR -ila *v:,, sritfiri’s'; I Z ).. , w,-j i.i.l'; -A!. .U.UII-..' IIA u -j , .iiljaUreuctvitle, Oct.-4,M66-ly.‘.' ■ j' : jg’EW FIRM &eN£W GOODS AT TIOGA. •: BOUDEN BWMK |■- tfi. i,* --V { fi * iJVoulcl re«jjgs,tfully aauoancu jt7taay ( keep j&nd well assortment, of ;; ,j 1 !•,. DRUGS AND | " h * t il ad .1* I • ■ I6LASSMD WALt.f ?* vU *• U jDYE stofes : - v | - i * .z.-i .a i '-LAMPS, . /i.i.-i j { r PLATED Wggs|.f Ui co -“SCASTORS, .i-wboß ncV.T, I w 21 . . 1 73 j i'l SPOONS. TEA & TABLB.a niol \ Foajtfe: ' ;:.- v r;v ; ;• WSKES, i-c. , '■ *ir * WAITING PAPEK,: •*'" • ~ ** jj i .5,1,1 »J ..i ,viv i ?i ENJEtOPES, SCHOOL I j., \ T#N T MK D ; fl ... -r. cj.tC :l "! ' *. t«a, S(»«co, li , iCl i, j /toiletSnd WAilN6)iAf|! ’ vif. | j. pid an endkss; variety of T-,'?;, tWiu/l ! it y:a&kke mTuisk:A\ -;Tiogn, Pa., Get. 4, 18R5-1 j*s, t .j/ t 1 i,; C& N. HAaflSWeB’S NURSERY.— „■ , .j.’U'iU j’.’jif j ta Xioaa ■ „■ situated Road, jjitoga.j Wc arc to famish at** the j ■ ■■* i-Jze, 25 cents at-thtJ Niltaprjn;* I ’' dery, 25 cdutrf'dfclivered. Punr . ) ’ * (SuMifEß* jA^£es.—Burohnur‘H4Vf^t^^ff^ : Wnahi wbiJrrj,“ Astrachap^ "Summer Bellflower, SuWtflw- ! Otieop, ; Rummer Bow, SourJßow, -A j f-FALL •Aon Pijipio/Falf Pippin. Republican^ > if)‘pln»rf4#ley OjT D.oiae, Maiden’s' Blurb, Large \Vinol at i =, J5 Weet inn. LyuiHH*fc.pumpkin Sweet ,",\j i . ' “ Winter ,A?lac< —Baldwin, Bailey*BU«i § > ( American ' huxbury Rueset, Rhode Island Greei^g, 1 Esojhlsi £pUzenburg, Swaar, Sweet GillflowerJ'Siigar' Sweet, iloney Greening, ■fto'irey j Pound Sweet, Pound' •Sour, Peckf*s Pleasant, fullmau .Mveot, TwUpUinfcC^-- ■ King, Wagnef, l * i I 5 EnglLh Jargonelle,'JßHflßfrjfl :Mnadow, Bttlfiv ‘l.uorniivts Loui?a Boria’Hjfc sor&j, 3 ’Shekel, B*mr£SU* Amalis, Golden Bcart*? BfeofUp' tßenuty, GlooloM freon u, Lawrence, .V/ : . i i t JiAiso—SiMrifln Crab, Quinces, nmlißihipo Etote-J -■ several varieties C. A Ni ii-AatfAl QMih | : Co., Pa., Oct. 4, L ‘ ‘ ; ~ ( ■ ' is given ihuf n eummOtvslnSartatiop l ,Ims issued from the Court ol Common P!^^,(or.Yi > uga j -Cqunty returnable I he last Mnaduy of Nuvtmber next, 'jut'lbe tail pf Itobert G. While, against. u£iuoall; : Gu- 1 lick and Franttnii U. Smith,. Trustees* <k 'the ‘Arbon Land sEdwin l»yor, Antbimy Schoder andiMaryiK-Scbtfder JRU wife, Thomas B. Jacque-, Samuel Bj Jacqneai*ud S. Jacques, for the purposed making partition Vf i tract of land, situate in Bloss tavruhip, UlUga county, Penn'a, desqribedaej/ollows: - j.Beginning*at;u birch »t the easterly VdfwPd J j« l uiUiP&t t ® rBon ; tbeiico .4®Kt£ eB £e>st two nD( l ' iDety Hve thence south two hundred and fifteen perches to 6 birch; (hence.gputf^Eg^ty-, t de grees wesffttl'Tlrnffiry n tTC^HigH'fperches to s beech: thcnce,north forty degrees west.one hundred *ii3d^nff , ts i -lfei r ee tb za tetitiitbaic&nOTtß perches to a post: west the c(mtahung v tVb bUqdte'Tii'^oTeett nwfes/to'Jro or fdit'dT i'-tftrger- traeT of iian'd in »pBtwHmm ufii knemp 15" JBtejj-fflOji he ; jho. pjrimed togeQier and andfVidcd*.do hpta the premises above •nirated.- 1 - ••’ '-"' ; - v -' : ‘i}EKOT TAfeOß;'Shcti£p. : UooteWJw'.a s: sraaißstja >io,.ic;; ‘ '- '-"<v.‘-'-i *o ve-iiJfldraiaxa laun.ii.- stui/ti:-r,. WJT.^TO : WJfaE®l>;«AbS»ir.'.‘-!}..-t;iir ' -t'WSdfeaalohnd Retail Doilbi' tii u-r; I. FnmjRrPORK, HAMS, & GROCERIES'. , 'WSEESSSSSSs 3?a. ] hUirsiut— j- .0 U ! >a» it'-' .'lbuev,/. ■(«<■<& L- lli I FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, BUTTER,., Shop one Door South of Smith's Law Office. Wellsboro, Ang. 2,1865-tf. [ObKqQ iz'S. ** 2 /: [V« -0 I* •VJ tr Mi'll" 1' ■i> l r J r5T*-iT PAINTS, OILS,,u. ,«.;t J ! :t A »*i .«J. -if ..ii: * ; .i s--t ctf -’iS i , n rr r; ;l: .*y bti £i j. , ®lo 1 1 v j?♦. •- - J. 5 cS*UjJL. j J>ii \ [Firib&Agitfttprj. „ii; is.l . .«L i : ■JU'jivi h'.jij j* ,;t ; .u. . ' Vf ° / »&’ JP ■’& visuio?! . ! ‘' J - ‘ a«. it <•.,! r. 11 j „ D«fcilrißnd; vourigtjefiand to. w jfcsBSS£ lawa-ar 'true:! *' j *Tif such our own country, in eorr&vfexld peHtW* -< Biotbje^s.^ke.yon. Our dear land bus*heard lam'ehtat’on nnd weeping' Can we ask that - Our mothers As tho martyrs of Judah* their children are not. 1 ‘ . .»n«i ,-i .* 'iK Mtmrn youK4ov!d wa? so fajthful imd loyal ■ iv&lit&rt eaWy.to duty and God’' r ’' -1 Ills duty to heaven included “all;ti I He scrying bis country pass’d pnder the rod., Hb’ftdtif,e gVetir gortoiv (bit 1 lelVo’n ouVnation, ‘ • I bit soon struggle My CQipury’e in.peril and naught shall detain me, ’ Nt,‘dhf?sfinii can tVCiy tind idettstire divide. ‘ 1 ’. The that Vu gave her was no' stintei! measure, ■*' The full strength of manhood, its vigor tend prfdo.; Her burdens, har-marehesrprivatiuns and battles : d?Io moi ( wfth r a-smije gu )iQu>(urityl* siile. :> ~j iiV Not long., yeuta of labor, nor wounds. chang'd bis V - s ‘ ; * v - : ‘ 't"- -1 ■’ L 1 * Era *ee to ; |ie with he? Bj{un t 5 when his arms he laid by t his relvasewas forever, will cffM h 1m v fo ! ‘The thd homestead wfa£n V 1 olory waada w n i n g, Seek not to deasrihe with yoor numbers so rude,. * in .foqd heaHa is epabrioed; ; Bdl draw the vjnl gently, nor farther intrude, 'The Walteof rfuf Ziomihiia'i mobrnio* ber'ohUdreri, ,)Hpr \n her hpruae are moat <jear, Faith looks from their dust in her shadows now sleep- Ud U)<f -l.*4»U •.ill* .«■<.*:* .‘j y the'qhasiot,o( Israel _apd horqemep appear. ,j Jl- ...... ‘ *'* - '-aT JiJrfj -4 o.jJ 1 "ii 1' -1' . O "u; r BT MRB. M. JE, 8081N80N.., \ltyji J«V i.jii f. -1 ;« I L-eU'-v • 't-The adtitietfhT-b* spy?iSotfgh tiofh (ihftkreeable didiEabt '4feferi;OdW-ilfei»cPngB ; |rttjy.£/ffetin{r hispid ssicfca towards, naoeftauding' the then quartered jn Canada. , lip, w.ag a brave: aha hautfsome* young, officer, warmly attached; To ; tire 1 ArneVi:: 1 . h iind ; Willing To sacrifice, feis difht»f needle, for * Kg' (SmHtrj men who were fighting.ftfi liboriyiihd'tire right.' He was fully-ttwitre-of -the risk he incurred— itodr.was the.'ignbraritroflihof; fete'a si (tiling him, tak'en.u Hy-meina ? f r WMfs4W. ui^£ BJ] 8 J ]“ f? -!y id ''VF^fl. n M er 9 d : thoroughly, arfd laid acquired much information. *of art important 9 Vim'tu're.' He li’ad 'iiiiau jtn return to 1 tWe—ftitipricTih l niAip"'.md 'i-oporf lllioifelfttn'the 'o;o‘m in adder-in-chief;'when the : fjcOowtDg/iccijlent .strengthened :big determine-, lAjjPcr....-.-,'- ~ -it:-.., ;j *• V • While walking nne.. jhiy, mpaipg.upon, the exciting events which 'were ’ th'e’h Transput mg, bo -waainet bjr qnp ju f, tij e-uu ta mens §h Ii 11 rr mated, and deemed joeased with his thoughts! i '" k ' IlalldtT, fcblilVade : f y, 'hc 1 '(Tried,»- Vfiu’re ■jio iing ibglWrtvng way-.*’ x -'■ ■' '■’■■■ 1 j mb'-I unesi raat’'jdrepUied Hastings;'cifolfissly.’ I: you: twt ItebV;-, 6qt,jij.u’dc te t sra6 l ’ife ,l .’ l ’ m t r get a description of the ch.i}’ that's been jdaj-i ing the spy,” added fhc man familiarly" “* \ m 5» ! j JJI .Iff 1 i,.itfc i 107/me,'’ rep^^^h^ o Cu)pn^uttCi)U«eriiß4ly t jUouf'fi Jiis liaise beat a, little fluioker ut th‘e mao’s'ljin-- ; ).c.n Ci:,Z , , Jf’T<.. i il. * > • ,( 3#(Jai.T guage; but Re baa long* exersisea a Severe; a^iv^ Wimefit'over (he-pliy *Hf bis features! itVid rnot atnusete Burprwo; . him cqntir(ued, ? the sijber.' “ His 1 name is 'liimjobfia.jind lie’s been skulk idßg w.uod,|fer^,riis!epin ffri • i. jbnt .flie officers; ~ “ffte® y 4 ?i utr i . isrlmt ( ine next move” is tu *be. But |hav’ve ,‘ b'?Lniiy offiYeil Tyf uis 'fifaii. aßd*H3*B us gbod (lend man. I’’ 1 ’’ ' ! '' x ibOflodil arunigb fn,t hitn ! l ' , ’exctilimed 1 the • ; Coluiii!!,« ho-sfil|' main tsinSii • tbp.spine.imiif- ■ ferent de’meanor. “His life isn’t north piuch, that’s a fact. ;thi^~^ej;;coipratio,” he added) l ilftpping''th‘e Tnddief •httfflrafty cfW tbeibotdiler, 7!*, jsnitnhfttngingJaiittle tott giiod fer“lho reficai ?’’ ■. l; Tha uian. veplied wjtlva coarse laugh icoa an oatl, v if f! ji . : Ra6?.c4,,nl) J ,hj i e . Waj, lfciiviug Uaßjinp m no enviable slate of v inind,- ,ljad tft'f! fclVow"6ee‘n ncq'uuirited Vvltil (um detectipa would have been inevitable. He (HaafiVijVa) J‘*OW> n g. .noticing .unt’Hii^lbutprqbablv his to' of Her ' \MrounigtaD*ceB,nad ! : 4Waßßfi*d'»nBpicidrf.‘* -I 'Nbt li ■ losCp hisilife depended ;upan adstant 'otmceal jßiSDt,-as .flight jit fhat-bour (,it beiag.about four in the afternoon) wtmM be- attended with ex -1 Urtnw drttoj'eri' 'Rhe Soldiet would-hear i-des- pare an, tell.bis,.story, the alarm 1 iW.V'4; .*l®; Bc 'f. r() -‘f opemies iflo immediately on bis truck...., , , The young officer hastily entered' a thick tfepspeAr.iby, laftketL-.abo.uf for ;Bppiaj of . refpge, .. IJe, couid, discover ,xurt^ n g ,offered tliofjdighteati protection : no .better t.e/iTga .P.ouJfiJffi f uprid, ijfi welUs ,;;,. : ,'-£ i 0 .j .-.-. sir: t.-d : He hteard the tramp of horses’ tfle voices of men, in it very wliicb.waa oa i vei^ : goBd f rtrisbtfT6i-‘- n minute HJS ■gnjti.''' 1 Wdy J pa6SMTlie ‘sfjgt wlfee litviVfid Ji : 1 fiaftTrtg, land !1 lneatTOd,7hprp! a f , J fvh,feff°tne : Peho’df thptf'?lifj'tits wag'lWsf iPPhe'drataoce. Time dragged on slowly. The ground -hfifs recenf raiD, ami added'ttj Uje unpleasantness of feia situation. He dared not -stir' for fear of [l5 1 .. 0 ' attracting, the attention some person who th e ; Ttiiiji.i ty ,_apd his.stiff ■.®W!(Pl* ln ,b? hegivn“tp painh i in, sonaidcr abl y. 7 , ' ( P? r ' 1 8e V,9r d (/hi JH fie JnuiLaot _be£n wall,'and he felt that ho Ava? tapi'dfy, .becoming worse.— Cold eliills ran hi-a J woe hot and' general bingournpervaded whole syptqpji -Wdiatfihou-ldhijdo? 11,was .pay? Aui,te;dark, : hnt tinfiirtii [lately for.- him the moon shone brightly, apd.. hefeafcd bei.hg-s.4on if he attempted leaving his pregent position.— So for two more long hours he lay there, be- 'l'' r* 7j<r» -ji:4J As, s*UJS ; JJ OF THE REVOLUTION Wk* - ■■i-.'K-i-'i ''S^tixiuC numbed-with cold;'Hnd grhwing-soiamrh "worse ,timt.l)e;fearttd,".witheut.arai9tnno*vbe wlihld die. ■ it-v«s.-da»getDu* , to gq, it :Wftß,^equally dangerous to remain. 'To be hanged,foj a spy 4ns‘not a very pleasant idea to contemplate,’ “eaSd'hd’gfokrTed'fct’the' fhotrglif -of"dying th cr 1 I ■ •*••- - -i- , v /Atlhjsmomeot ie remembered having seen, a small calkin, a., short, distance.. He . would’ himsejf.uppn, the mercy _of the impales, and beg and protection. J ’ 1 top u s hed’-list do ” t hbrush' cautiously, and ‘aftstglanbihg from sddh’to sidb hurriedly,'drept" a dktia iwwy aiptmjKSt fact, tmd then TghadiJaily, tuisedhimself to-.-pn upright, position.-.'This wps not accomplished .without,severe, effort;, ’his’limbs were went and’ cramped, and. he hot tried dr Ifo Wafted.’ fits head felt so light end dizzy”that ft W*s some mitfutes’before he 'could', 'ricoUoct in' wha-t-dhreetion thei cabin wqb sit-' uaJCjd but hja-mind became-somewhat clear at -Iqpgth, and he moved slowly forward. " Suffering much bodily pain, and wearily dragging one font after the other, he saw. a ’lljfhi thdriklihg in the' distance. Which ‘ induin'- .tpdahepi-osipiily ofrttte'lowly dwelling.* - He did not know w hether the occupants' were wjiiga,or lories, hut he trusted,in Providence, .and went forward more-hopefully. ; Me’ approached the cabin, but paused at bearihg the 1 sound 'of voices.' Taking a few more noiseless steps hs was enabled to glance •through .a;,rude. window. and -perceived two ,nien. pud two,..women sitting : within. , The yqung| officer was about to knock: at the door, when the word “ anv” reached h iq ears, causing 'bmi'td forego His intention, and" listen to hear more. ' ■ - -.i--, > - ■ * ■a • ~J pm:quite confident we shall -succeed,” .1 -j . ..... ... i , “ The reward ia_worth I try\ng ; .for,at.any ‘rate/' returned the other. , “ What will be dpht with him if he should ha;captured*?” asked'the youngest 'of the two ■ females, i .1 -j. ‘ V ?o ffi'lttp*' l’.’.paid,tbe:elder of the two men, abruptly. ■ , . “They won’t be likely to let him go 'Adde’d'his'companion’,-with a significant shrug hf tlre’shdaiaers.■ • v ‘ : - * ‘ > “ u [ t Tie’ll be. treated as spies usually are, : frr,cbabl_v,” .remtyked the-, middle-aged, woman who had not yet spoken. : 'The younger shuddered .and looked thougbt fhl. :a; ’ ; ' ' -b ■ ' : ' r wish- this unnatural war d-aa‘ ended, It eo' i.bruttlizL'Srjhe - human character/" -she said, ? a Sfl‘k s Mji after.s^jause.. . . ■ t. .. i-“ The.sponei' the pebcls gre conquered Ibe, ■quicker { it will be ended,” raid onqo£ thet.men, “‘ tic youV.'Vi iiri-Our uiity Ln 'catch thia spy." ehsbo is'eaid lb‘ be very' ctinhitfg ’’an'fT'ua'eVnl in .his-way- -.BfarcSMit b»d-'gre4t dfebirtde'off/amf tt?; soon qs.we get rested we; most take -to the WP.odp qnd hunt him down.” .Tlf? other pave, his -.hearty consent ,to this •pVapasiil; and talking over their plans together; : -both'illeti' , f(?ft , ‘piiShed so'benr to' naiphdrn.tllrtt Byrafslng their hands tflay bright . bint fbut the darkness which had the. moon’s departure, favored:him, ahtl fie' remained undiscovered. -■-W-iriting nvJriV h'p could 1 rioMirighf Tiear" the ifontstepis nor voices i)f the retreating ■ figures, 4?- softly to the doot and tapped. • ' ev. raised, nod .a voice: da aiaaded, “ Who’s there f” , . , ~1 . , . 1 "" ATriena; one,at least, who has not, the power to injure you,” yfas the reply. ' ’ *' :.i 'EheldoAropefiett ivfder.'arid 'the-pale; hag :gl>Bd facerof the.applicant was Exposed to the ,yrflmaD,.wbp jscrufinized .; bi,u steadily and ofosely. \ tr ,' , , she sajd briefly. ; J “ T ain' in "distreas,” ” said Hastings, “ l ap plf 'hdiitiisidyou ito* a wotnan and I can- first nt the sepiil ,,cb«p (ji-idetua, ,J am sick, W&iry, hungry end sorely pressed by my enemies. ~I.j»m'.the American sptj fop yyhpm a reward ia .offered, — You can save* me or deliver me hands ’M ynurhueband,‘or these who'have gone’in pursuit of , me.” 1 --“ • : • ' 1. ...i The mother and daughter exchanged glaUbSs, hut neither spoke, and. Hastings anxiously awaited the decision of his fate, ... The woman who had .opened the door- now ■signified by a raoljon of the hand that he Ahmild enter.' ’Ha did’ so’ and a seat was plac ed beside the-'daughter, whoso" jyni parities were obviously enlisted. ‘She.-'glanced syippathjgingly■ at his. dejected icountni-ance, and noted bis fp|teripg. Btep_B.ijnd litpbf, trem blihg.frith weakness. “ We-'fcflii'giVo you food,'flut our 'prdiection wilf nvail hutriittre after my Hu jhhfid’s retont,” Biiidithe .woman. ~ . ■ “ Can you not conceal me ?’.’ asked Hastings, earnestly. . “Hetaven will reward you for the deed ‘ “ ’ Th c niutfier looked at the daughter, and the two : conversed Together in a low voice. ;] «'4Ve will do’-what'Vff can,” said the for mer, briefly, l aa she placed refreshments before him apt} signified to him toeat. “Do not stop.to talk,'she added, qoiokly, ns the young officer endeavored to gratitude. There Is notinio to lose, and food ’ Will Oiy'yAh mBre good'than anything else. Hastings did hot wait fob n second" bidding, i oußritious : Beverage ebon ■ had'-'the , effegtTft ranewohjs strength and,‘ inspire, fresh courage... Himhead. felt laps, -giddy, the, .cheer ful fire wirmed. his .ptiffeped .limbs,'and ,he Xvpiit'd certainly have fiitenash-opin his chair ißAd’hoth feeling of : dread 1 lest tile theft shdold [suddenly, return, caused-himto look- often anx iously., .-.o I'iChej.will.lje, gone, Uvir hours,” said the 'youngest female,, as if,to reassure him on that •pbfni? 3 : ■■ r ‘ ;; r - Hastings Bigntfle’d his ihaoks, and looked at, stfttentively- that -.a-omnebn glow stole over her expressive .countenance, mgkipgjhpr look, fnpee, inieggating <jian before. He forgot,.for the moment, himself, hjs illness, "the danger hehafi" incurred, the' risk fie "how fan,■'everythingin contemplating her symniel ■ricah-ligrore, reghlarity Of-- features, 1 and- the benevolent, iindnesi - ttatubeamed from ,her eyes. He was startled from his revery by the barking of a dog. f:. l;w| * . j. - -*• >-• f I • i W). 13, ' , Rates of Advertising. cnargritTStf per square of 10 f linos, one insertion, and $1,50 for tbijeo insertions ‘ Advertisements of less''chan‘lo lines'considered as » square:; The subjoined rates will be charged for Quarterly, Half-yearly and YcarlysdyrirtiseJiients i i ■ .Skosths, OaosTus. 12;bontu3. ■1 Square 1 , 5 ,...,.,iV„;5.t,00 '. 'S:>.75 L$J.5O ,3 do- y - «.op, , €.2d, t t 10.00 ■Z do. ........; 5.75- 10.75 ■' .12.60 } Cd1umn)......-..,..:..ii).00- 12.00 1 ”15 75 i- ‘‘ do. ;~....„..„.;18.75 ‘25,00: -.= V^i.jo 1 ; do., ... ~,.;...§O.T)O -■ _ 42:00 —fli.OO - . Advertisements-not. naving tiro -mrinberfof'inser ; iions desired marked upon them„viU.,ho un tit ordered out and charged accordingly., . , ■Posters, TlantHrillsr Hill-Heads, Letter-Heads, and ;oH kinda'bf, Jobbing done is cou:itry 'cStaimiOMments. esepnted.Rentl.r anipromptlj. Justices'; Constable's arid idher‘BXA"77K£t,conatnDtls* cn hand, „, . “’You are lost!’l , ahe exclaimed is near by I'* - , Hastings started to his feet and lookedhur riedly about for some mode of-egresa beyidea the door by which’he had entered.. . ; -■ t . Jhfi young girl .shook,her- head,-and ; her paled .with terror. Hastings- kne wfthat discovery, was inevitable if he remained where Tie was, and that the result would be tequally fata) if he)Ventured to leave, the cabin.- , The young girl a toad an instant as if spell bound, .when the voices came-aearer and near er. _ Suddenly she sprang to wards-a. door,which ,pj«nc(i into r dark closet. ” . . , "Go in!” she whispered, " yourself, behind" those "clothes.”, ’.0.-. , The officer mechanically obeyed,-thedoo* was quickly closed, and fastened upon him, while hie deliverer, with uncommon self-possession, placed herself in tho.chair he had -justsweated, and drew up to 'the small-table on which- -food had been placed, pnd- very deliberately -com menced, eating. .... ” , had hardly done so, when-her-fathag, and bis companion entered the cabip t , hot|i, l£pki n S somewhat ill-humored and disappointed/,- >• “"What are you up and eatingfay,. Hattief” asked the former,, abruptly,. regardjtpg the young girl with ajiiok of aatonishment .and displeasure". ' , • “Because I’m hungry,” was the unhesita ting reply. ‘ ' ~ “"Well, and so aro we. hungry, girl j .sty, get something quick, for we’ve got to rido a,dozen miles yet; that is, if the, fellow don't disapoint us again. Confound him! we migbt'.have been on the right track by this time if the horses had becn forthcoming,” h 0 muttered, as Hetlie (as be called her) busied in placing eatables before' (hem, as abeh ad boon 'Bidden.,,' " , , . , ji^kil 6 ibi o .Bad been transpiring.the.mother ha'd 'silently left the cabin, entered ap out boiling, and was preparing, a comfpitable.plaee in which to conceal Hastings before] her Jius band’s return; and this will account fo»-her absence when his proximity had .baeiL,]**.op portunely discovered by the young g»r!, ; ! While, the men were satisfying,thß-,demand* of appetite she entered, hut started, back- in , alarm at perceiving what a change ]itf-sffiaira "the-last fifteen minutes had. wrought.., Jfeltie caught her eye, and a warning glance cheeked the exclamation that was, orv-her lips/ and re called Tier usual.presence of mind- , r; ,interogativd|yi,appSQaoh- Ihg the fable. , " • v __ y. “ WeTe had to wait for horses, and,tboiras cal wi)l give us the slip if 7 wo .don't ,rf]Jc for dear life,”-returned: her. husbaqd--.n^Hidliy.- “ I say, Hen, 1 ; he' added -with ,aa ,Itnpalient gesture, “ hav’nt yon almost dong, eating^/'; - fipisheil/’ replied Bon, pushing back bis ch'aiy, and-buttoning hie- coat. “fk&rall ready.”." . ' ... . " tv el’ll go then, ax .soon - as-i ~get> another pod ho approached.tho closet whjplf con tained the object of their aolioitudeuiod paretiit. The speaker stepped in, -and - cmptpeoCed searching for .the article he had named. The reader pan ..imagine, the sensatipsaj of ,o,uj:Jivro, as, he. crouched behind a. pile of Ad ding, tremUiqg lest- a sudden movement.qf;ihe .man should .expose bia perron. He w®*-. Cer tain that his .heart beat loud enough-be heard—and when i.o hr- thc.clothes- tnoyp- be Tore.him he gave up all for Ic&t.. -.-. The emotions of the young girl wefS-aflue the less intense. Her face assumed aa.-.Aafay hue, her feet seemed glued.to the-flqjr, ond.qer breath almost stopped jig, her motion ot her "father. ~As lie .advaricod near the corner where she knew she placed.her panels before her eyes andsank into a chair. , :-y ;- - But discover y-did not ensne.-n Tlup.hatf was found nt length, and-whip THehtie,:,raised) her eyes she breathed more freely. Her father stood without the closet, while hnr;|oc!lJsnion was assuring him that-if machuiorq-time was wasted they might as well givsitrg,?Jhs; qpder taking. , . 'S s t« li .. !*. . Ik. "Where is he f” inquired tjTO wppliyJl'jrhen the meq had.gone_ 7 .. - ... c 'jin there/’ replied the d&ugbte?^£Pifttijig to the closet. . „ " It is a providence.indeed !” w{tg fer vent ejaculation oT'tbe motlierptfs'Stid" cottipre bended -hie'-narrow escape.. ■*_ ■ J 0 Nnftrao was 1 lost in .conducting' the <ianbnUding-tfe- hath -named!-. It f:jvaS"En tered but seldom, 7 little need; and* btiiffg ■ the rendezvous of-the- trbdpswonld loot be likely to bo subjected- to‘a Tery a eesirch'hy fiia' enemies, who probably blHeved : h»m-ibuch further'off. - “ Ut -' Tili d’ llTlhrs-place he -remained several 7 --days’, ‘re ceiving the beet-of’care from both -mother'and ‘daugßterfwho-visited him as often ’aa-tbSy eould without attracting observation. WHdn -bis Bfrength L had partly returned,-and he;;waa able to travel, his generous protectors furnished him with a suitable disguise, and by meabi df the'husband’s-’absence were enabled to 'ajjffiit •him his’jonrhey. Ho encountered many difficulties and dangers, and felt himself far from secure until be ' lijid -passed’ the' British-lines, and 'knew' ha-fihd ■■nothing tnoredo fear: '' 1 J ’ - But he' VJitf ‘not forget'the marddtt‘wih)Ste ‘promphactififi 1 Kaved !iia‘life; After tire bfB'»e of the war he met her again under'“m<?rB J au spicious pleasant acquaint ance terminated,-in bappy marriage.- - -.J .' ; Jika ‘tne'ckipg, is. catchmg.V. At .least", nop.c but those happy in tbegj ",*elves tan make t?|Ueis so....wit, qp widpj “standing, neither.,riches nor beauty, 9aq,,oftm muoicate, this, feeling—the'happy qlone can make happy., Lave and joy ara twin»,.oj u hjipp of each other. , . i coroner, being. askeij ,hpy,hp.,a«- noonted fortho great mortolity -tliis.-yeqr, ejt~ ci aimed: \ I cannot people- seemto die year that never died be/ore/’ ... j “ In in my, my soup run to the stote' and : y*4t some sugar." “E.vcnse what indisposed this morning. Send father and tell him to bring me a plug of tobacco !” Bather ‘■a£d secrete
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