The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, November 01, 1865, Image 4
Obtthto ok iitih^Wpkld.—Ther&are many different waysoPgHting on -in thCrWorld-; it does not always mean making deal of money,’dr being a great man for people to look up to with wonder. Leaving offmbatt habit for' getting on in the .world; to be clean and tidy, instead ofdirty find disorderly,', ia getting on ; to be motive; -and inluatrioos, in stead of idle and getting of ; to be kind and forebearing, instead- of ill.matured and quarrelsome, is gettiig on ; to.-wflrit as diligent ly in bia master’s absence as in. his presence, is getting on; in short, when we dee any one properly attentive -to’bis duties, persevering through difficulties-to’gain such ; knowledge as' shall be of use ter himself and toptbefes, offering a good example to bis relatives tfnd'aoquaintan oes, we may be surethathe is getting on in fhe world. Money is a very useful article in its way, but it is possible to get OP y?ith small means ; for it is a mistake to' silppWe that we must wait for a good deal of'it before tvc can do anything.; Perseverance is oftetf)fcetter than a foil pnrse. Tbere-are— getting on than is supposed; murfy people lag behind or miss their- way altogether, -because they do not see tbe simple and abundant which surround them on all sides; and so it happens that these means are aids which cannot be-bought for money. Those wbo wish to get on in the world must have a stock of patience and perseverance, of hopeful Confidence, a willingness tj> learn, and n disposition not easily cast down by difficulties and disappointments. Dress And Disease. —Therf /s Do troth .more -firmly established among medical men, than that diseasejtollowe fashion as much as bonnets do. When thin shoes prevail, consumption ia the prevailing epidemic with females in every fashionable community in the country. When low-necked dresses are in the .ascehdant, sore throat and quineey are the raging maladies.— “When “bishops’ made their appearance, spinal affections become the “ tun.’’. The reign, of corsets is denoted by collapsed lungs, dyspep sia, aiid a general derangement of tbedigestive organs. Indeed, so intimately arc presses and disease connected, that a doctor says all tbatha needs to determine what a mnjori'iif of whom are dying of is, to have an of their wardrobe banded to him. A country editor is an Individual who reads newspapers, writes ijrlicles on' any subject, sets type, rends proof, works at- press', folds and mails papers,'prints jobs, rupa on errands, saws wood, works in the garden, talks to all who call, receives blame for a bnndredthings that are no one’s business hut his own, works fjrotn 5 A. M. to 10 P. M., and frequently gets cheated, os: of half of his earnings. Who wouldn’t be a country editor ? A cotemporary says: " Tbe, r firet printers were titans.” There are too many “ tight uns” among them still. ' Woman is said to be a meie delusion, but it is sometimes pleasant to hug delusions. .TIOGA MAUBLE WOBKS. CALKINS & CONKLIN. (lajCrColo and Calkins) PROPEIETOES. I _ MB. CONKLIN having experience ill some of the best Marble Shops in tbo country in the artistic part of the pro prietors arc now prepared to execute orders for TOMB STONES, of all kinds, and MONUMENTS of either RUTLAND OR ITALIAN^,MARBLE, in the most workmanlike manner, flbd with dispatch. They will keep the best quality of* Marble, of both kinds named, cunstantly on hand./ ' SNine* di>oolored with rust and fd&t cleansed and made to lo.ok as good as new. x •' I Mr. Harvey Adams, of Charleston, 1* our autho rized Agent, and all contracts mode fcith him will be valid. - ’Customers can contract for work with him at •hop prices, ; 1 ‘ Tioga, Sept. 13, 1865«Xy. ASSIGNEE SALE.—TbelPrpperty assigned by Henry Seely, late of JDeerjjeld, Tioga Co., Pa., to D. Angell and Levi Scott, fpr the benefit of creditors, m offered for sale and Vi)l be sold to settle the estate, on Tuesday, Dec. 6, next. Those having claims will present them to D. AngslLfor settlement Tho»e indebted are requested to moke Immediate payment.- ' \ t Properly Offtred % Sale. A large steam power Door anfl Sari Faptory, Baw Mill, Lumber House, and three of land with about two hundred thousand (2|OOJOCO) feet dry pine lumber expressly for doors and fcash.* A large Store and-Dwelling Housd in Knoxville, suitable for © Dry Goods business, with a small stuck of goods now in the store'. 5 % - 22 acres of.good farming laneUh Deerfield adjoining the Factory lot. t ■» 50 acres good farming land Ip Chatham township. A farm of 200 acres in Cl£mer f twith* first class buildings, with 13cows This is an excellent Grain,JDairr, or.Stcep farm. . This farm will be sold December 6th. DANIEL ANGELL. 1 * • , ; LEVI SCOTT,, . } Assign's. Knoxville, Pa., Oct. 4, ISOS-llm THE MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS' forty different styles, adapted to sacred and sec ular music, for $BO to $6OO each. '-Thirty-Five Gold or Silver Medale, or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues -sef? free. Address, MASON A HAMLIN, Boston, or-TASON BROTH ERS, New York. (fjty/t, 13 t 1865-ly.) MII.tiINERY GOODS!— HKIm PAULINE- SlfllTH i« noir receiving fresh from New, fork, a choice lot Winter Goods! comprising' latftti stales of Hats, , Ereqch Flowers, Ribbons, and flumes, which will be sold for caeh ver; 1 cheap. Wetieboro, Oct. 4, 1865^3tn.-\ JTCHI ITCH I! ITCHt)V j* Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! Wheaton s Ointment Will Owe tbo ItchW As Honrs. Also CHIL BLAINS, and h!1 Eruptions ot ' ie Skid. Price 50 cents. For sale by all Druggitli 1 y By tending 60 cents to IVE&t E 5 A POTTER, Bole Agents, 170 Washington street, 1 Moss., it will be forwarded by mail, free of tagej, to gpy part of the United States ; ISOotfilUftm. ORPHAN'S COURT SALi\~~in pursuance of aadrßerjof the Orphan's kata of TiogaCoonty, bearing data the first day of September, ISB6, the following described real estate,, late the -property of Joseph Walker, dec'd, will bebffj *ed at public sale, on the premises. on'Wedaeeday, thelatday of November next, at 1 o’clock JP. to wi? : '}j A lot of land lying in Richmond township, Tioga county, Pa., bounded on' the -ntfth by lands.of Jo seph P. Morris, on the east -b/ v ' lands of Joseph P. Morris and D. C. Holden, on tb south by lands of Hoard and Beach, and oh the vf st by lands of Geo. Slingerland and' —■» Oovefj—Containing about forty seven acroi. t Terms of sale/' Oaib on- conffmatioh.of the rale. / W.V.,W -BAYNES. J .nelson -walker, Adrar’# of the estate at Walker, deo^d., 275ep65-4t. ;’ * ‘ jf . ..~ .' J FOE THE LADIES.—BABBITT'S CEL'EBEA PED SOAP‘POWDER/o»»wf jibing made easy and eiaius reiQpyed from. Jable r; LiueD,,Napkins. Ac. For sale at Roy's Drag Store. GENTRATED LYE-fr/TS,- n, - - ( - EOxJ -.•< DEDO* BTOBB -t . ... 1 -- '< jq-EW PAji AND ■WINTER GOODS! ■PEOPIE'S store, •» Corning! We now have on hand ac unueually ASSORTMENT Of ;; FALL Ai Wllfll FOODS, adopted to the beat trad© of this place and vicinity, fcnd shall be constantly receiving such additions to our stock as the varied wants of our numerous oua> tomers shall demand. Oar stock consists in part of our usual variety of DOMESTIC GOODS, a larger stock of Mourning and other Djess Goods than ever before, among which are a large Tine of FRENCH MERINOS, IN .GOOD COLORS,, t A good stock of- CLOTHS S CASSIMERES, to be sold by the yard or made up to order. BEAVERS, DOESKINS. & SACKINGS, for Ladies' Cloaks and ornaments to trim them. RED, BLUE, GREY, YELLOW, .WHITE, PL'aIN & TWILLED, OPERA FLAN NELS, SHIRTING FLANNELS. SHAWLS, for Hants, Ladles/ Misses and Children. • Balmoral and Hoop - POSIERI AND OLOVEI, of evqry variety/ among which are ALEXANDER’S KIDS, BUCK MITTS, and ' GLOVES. BOOTS, SHOES, & RUBBERS, Among which are the Arotio Rubber, a new and very nice article. * HRTGOOBS.&c Onq facilities for BUYING GOODS are P VSSED by any in this section, and we wish it un derstood that We do not intend to be UNDERSOLD by any. quality of Goods considered, whatever others nujy say about it, and in proof of fchU.we ask an EXAMI NATION of' oar GOODS and PRICES, promising ourselves not to get angry for. showing Goods when no purchase is made. We shall' give our easterners the PULL BENEFIT OF ANY DECLINE in the Market should there be any, and should Goods ad vance we shall be compelled to follow. *We shall continue tbo system of \ t One Price and Ready Pay, which is steadily growing in favor. W© tender our thanks to the citizens of Tioga Co„ who have patronized us and would respecefully invite tbose who have never done so to call and see- ns. Score.opposite the Dickinson House on Market Street, tbree : doors west of the corner, and two doors east of Qungerford’s Bank. Corning, N. T,, Oct. 4,1865. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE— By'virtue of an order of Court of the couucy of Tioga, the undersigned Administrators and Administratrix of the estate of George M.Pratsman, late of Tioga township, deed, will on the-Stfa day of November next, at 2-o'clock P. M., at the bouse of E. M. Smith, on the premises in Tioga, expose for sale at public auction, the following described farm, know* as the Prutsman farm, in Tioga township, Tioga county, Penn'a, bounded as follows: Beginning at a buttonwood tree on the west side of the Tioga River at the south-east corner thereof,* thence north 79 degrees west twenty-four and six tenths porches to a post; thence north 74 degrees' west seventy-six perches toapost; thence north 3 degrees east one hundred and sixteen and three tenths perches to a post; thence west one hundred and sixty and five tenths perches to a pine; thence south one hundred and sixty-four perches to an oak£ thence east one hundred and thirQr-four-pqrc.hes to a post; thence south 10£ degrees west eighty-two perches to a post; thence east one hundred and, twenty.eight and four-tenths perches to the east bank-' of Tioga river; thence down the said foyer by its various courses and distances 'to the place of begin ning-containing two hundred and fifty-seven acres and ninety-five perches of land ho the same more or less, one hundred and. ton acres improved'two frame' bouses, two frame'bares, a horse barn, corn house, feed house, tool bouse, two sheds, two apse orchards, and some other fruit trees?and shrubbery thereon. The said land is also bounded north by lands of Abram Prutsman, east by lands of Prutsman, south by lands of Sylvia Parmentier and Andrew M. Prutsman, and on the west by lands of Sylvia Par mentier. Said Sale is to bo made upon the following tfrma: Eleven hundred and sixty-three and 63-lfiO dollars cash on confirmation of. the sale. -Two hun dred and ninety-five dollars and interest on the whole sum unpaid on the first day of June, A. D. 1866, and the like sum annually thereafter with Interest as afore said for and during five years, .and the balance of the amount said property shall bring immediately after the decease of Caroline Prutomap, widow of George M. Prutsman, with Interest on ibo same annually on the first day of June in each year until the principal sum is paid* The unpaid purchase money to be se cured by proper bond and mortgage upon the premi eea. B. C. WICKHAM,) AA . D. L, AIKEN, J■“ "* Tioga, Oct 4,1865-4 t. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—In pursuance of an •order of the Orphan's Court of Tioga county, hearing date the 9th day of September, 1865, the following described real estate, late the'property of Harrison Mock, deo’d, will be offered at public sale on the premises, on the 20 th of November next at I o'clock P. M., to wit: .A lot of land situated in Westfield township, be ginning at the north east comer thereof an£ the sooth east corner of a lot of of the estate of John Watkins, dec’d; -thence sooth 61 8-10 rods to a post; thence west 40 rods along lands of Page Sprague to a post f 'tbepce-aoothAS 4-10-rode-to4ba ppMw high-, way] the qco along the highway south 60 degrees west 68 rods; thence west along land* of Mack Brothers 21 8-10 rods to a post; thence north along lands of the estate of George W.Maokjdee'd, 90 4-10 rods to-a post; thence west along same 14 8-10 rods to a post; thence north along land of James Green 61 8 10 rods to a poet tho north west comer of tha lot hereby -described; -thence east alongjande of Jaa* Green and lands of said John Watkins, deo’d, 134 8 10 rods to the .place of beginniogwcontaining ninety and 8 10 oeres more or less. Also— Another lot of land situated ip Westfield township, described as follows, to wit; bounded pu the north by land of James Green, on the cast by. land of-GeargeJK. Mack's estate, on..thh jouik by land of John M. Harper, and on the west by land of said John M. Harper and Butler Pride—-containing a boot seventy.four and 3 10 acres.. Terms—One-half cash upon sale and tho other half in one year thereafter with-interest - Daniel sJshove, Adm’r of . Harrison Mack, deo'd. - Got. 11. 1865-61., AN Assortment of TABLE GLASSWARE will be found,at HOY’S DRUG STORE. PUTTY i WINDOW GLASS at BOY’S DRUG STORE. A X XH E AT 81.00 PER YARD. sIXANNBLS.OF EVERY VARIETY, SMITH & WAITE, the: riou a PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS.— Goods bare,advanced largely line® tbs middle of August, and ailstocbe, purchased before that time can be sold LARGELY PRESENT PRICES, if theoWners wish to. I intend to do, so and am now telling. ' LARGE AMOUNTS 6k GOODS NEW YORK WHOLESALE RATES. I will endeavor to convince an, one of that WHO WILL GIVE MB A CALL. Our.Stook it larger in amount, and BETTER ASSORTED than ever before. I-have made my arrangement* for a largo trade, anf-if a 1 ■ 1 1 ' - ~ , ’ i i BIG STOCK m GOODS, At very Low Prices, WILL BRING IT, I WILL NOTRE DISAPPOINTED. As samples, read the following LIST OF BARGAIN**; All Wool Bed Flahnels, « and Union Grey Flannels, A, and 64 to 6a, “ Sheep’, Grey Cloth,, “ Caaaimerea, B*. heavy, 14s. Kentucky Jeans, 3* G. French Merinoes, high colors, yard wide, vs. All Wool DaLaines, *>• Ex. heavy high col’d Balmorals, $3 ?3 English Prints, warranted fast colors;' - 2s and fid - Best DeLaines, Yard ,wide Fine Parumotta,, ss. Richardson's Custom made Kip Boots, IDS Top Sole and 8 Solo at very low prices. Custom made Calf Boob, Womens, My, entire Stock will average as low as this list, and I do not pnt this oat ae leads with no goods to back U, bnt can fill all calls for a reonnable length of time. HOOF SHIFTS. Our Stock U very Urge, *U bought In the Summer nnd MARKED AT VERY LOW PRICES. In this Stock I have done a much'larger trade THAN I ANTICIPATED, and I intend if Bargains will haveit and increase it, 1 have s good Stock left at SPRING PRICES. I Invite all persons in need of Goods to 1 1 'CALL on us. If I cannot snit 70a in QUALITIES, STYLES, oa PRICES, it shall be considered my fault, and there willbe no grumbling. J. A. PARBOVS, I No. 8, Concert Block. Corning, K. T., Sept. 13, XBCS. HEAD QUARTERS (JR, THE IRONr BRIGADE, AUGUST IBT, 18615.“’ .. . Special Notice is hereby given to Retained Sol diers, returned skednddlers, those liable to draft and to exempts, that the War is now ended and, so should HIGH PRICES END. All will take notice that we are prepared to serve those wanting any thing in oar line on short notice and at . REDUCED PRICES. We wonld call attention to a few of thei articles of onr manufacture. THE PEOPLES FRIEND COOK STOVE it still in great favor with those desiring an ELEVATED OVEN COOK STOVE. Onr PARLOR, BOX, * COAL STOVES deserve attention before purchasing elsewhere. Onr IRON & yfOOD BEAM PLOWS are as good as any if net better. ° We wonld call particular attention to our ROAD SCRAPERS, _ lat we are confident .that they cannot be excelled. dwJugh-j machinery" made and repaired on short no'Uce. W» Inland to heap np with the Improvements sf tha times. Try ns and bo convinced. TERMS CASH ON DELIVERY. ' ■; J- P. BIUBS, - -Knoxville, August 3, 1885. OBPBO J 8 COURT SALE.-—Xn pursuanceof an order of Ah*- Orphan** Court of-Tioga-county bearing d»t* October Bd, 18«5, the following described real estate, late the property of James B. Cady, deo’d, will be offered at public sale on the premises, on the ISth day of November next at 1 o'clock P M to wit: A lot of land situate in Nelson township, and bounded as follows, visdp tie nortbby'lands of 8. Bogart and Silas Finch, on the-east by lands of Phil lip Hanville, S. Bogort and the public highway, on the south by. the Cowaaesque river, and on the west by lands of Bucretia Alack and the Cowanesque river -—containing about eighty acres. ’ Terms of Sale. One half cash and balance in one year. _______ , X, H. BREWSTEK, Oct. 11, '65. Adm'r of the Jama* B, Ged;, dac’d. AT, tEB»' THAN PRESENT. CARPETS. TO SATE THEM. FINALLY, 0 0 ONI'VIU l l A Ttt R - . PALL AND WINTER GOODS.—So.. 2, Onion ■ Block. JEROME SMITH Has Intel; returned from New York with a splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS 4 SHOES. GLASSWARE, . HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES. DOMESTICS, WOODEN WAR I, ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES’ ORESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, FRENCH ‘CASSIMEREB, i FULL CLOTHS. Attention i« called to bis stock of ‘ Black and Figured Dress Silks, Worsted Goods, 1 Merino**, Black and Figured DeLatnee, f Long and.gonara Shawl,,, , . , ? ' T • -"?>’■ . Opera Flannel,, Ac. Purchasers will find that No. 2, Onion Block. Main Street, is the place to bn; the host quality of Good, at the lowest'prices. JEROME SMITH. Weljsboro, Nor. 16, 1864-tf., SOLDIERS’ PAT BOUNTY AND PENSION AQENCY. — KNOXVILLE. TIOGA COUNTY PENN A The undersigned baring been specially licensed by the United States Government to procure the Back PaY', 1 Bounty, Atfti PknsiOW's, 4 of deceased and diaabledaoidiers, gives notice to all interested, that be has made arrangements with par ties in Washington, by which be is able to procure Back pay, Bounty and Pensions, in a very short time, and that he will give particular attentions to all such claims that may be brought to him. Being provided with atj the requisite Forms, Blanks, Ac., Ac., he has superior advantages in this branch of business. Sol diers entitled to pensions, will find it to their advan tage to apply to the undersigned at Knoxville, a* tbe examining surgeon for Tioga Connty resides there. Also, Judge Case, before whom all application, for pensions may be made. 1. Soldiers enlisted since the 13th of April, ’6l, In any kind of service. Naval or Military, who are dis abled by disease or wounds, are entitled to Pensions. All soldiers who serve for two years or daring the war, should it sooner close, will be entitled to fall Bounty. Also soldiers who have been woanded in battle, whether having served two years or not, are entitled to lull Bounty. 2. When a Soldier has died from any cause, in the United States service, since April 13, 1861, leaving a widow, she is entitled to all pay due him; also to from $75 to $4OO Bounty. The bounty varies 'ac cording to tbe act or orders under which tbe soldier enlisted, She is also entitled to a pension. 3. If the suldier left no widow, bis children are en titled to the pay and bounty and tbe pension until they are sixteen years of age. 4. If the soldier left no widow, legitimate child, the father b entitled tq hi, pay and bounty, provided be live. In the United Stataxandhas ant abandoned the rapport of hb family. 6. If the loldier left no widow, legitimate child, nor father, or if the father ha, abandoned’ the-rap port of the family, or if be reside, oat of the United State,, the mother, if abe resides in the United States, is entitled to the pay and bounty, and if poor and de pendant, in whole or in part, on' her son for rapport, she is also entitled to a pension. Mothers whose husbands or former husbands reside oat of the Uni ted States or have abandoned the support of their families, should write to. tbo undersigned at once, or the father may get the bounty without tbe fads being known. 3,. to and,fid. Sscts. $2 00. '6. All soldiers wbo have lost an arm and one leg, are ettitled-to.Twenty. dollars per month. Prisoners of war are entitled to Three Months extra pa;. He is also prepared to settle Officers’, Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Commissar; accounts, and procure Certificates of,Non-indebtedness, in the shortest pos sible time. Also Artificial Limbs - for such as hare lost them in eerrioo. -Terms, moderate., I will be atmy office on Monday and Batarday of each week, to attend to this business. I July 28, 1865-ly. ' WM. B. SMITH. ( ! Rkfbbebcks: Wellsboro, J. F. Donaldson, Sher iff Stowell. Addison, N. T., W. E. Smith. Wash* iogton, D. 0., Tucker <t Lloyd. Knoxville* V, Case. Academy corkers is now the place to buy GOODS'and get your moQey’crworth. M. V. PURPLE ha* jnst returned from the city with a choice lot of ALL KINDS .OF GOODS usually found in the country. f Witt. A. FABLKSEB will be found always ready to wait upon hlj old cus tomer* and as many other* ns will oaU-at PURPLE’S NEW .ESTABLISHMENT. Deerfield, P*., Aug, 9,1865—3 m. ' WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, AND PLATED WARE.— Call at No. 5, Union Block, Jf you want a good WATCH, where yon will find a good assortment of; AMERICAN & SWISS WATCHES. I keep on band E. Howard 4 Co,’* movement in. heavy Silver Caies, which for time Baa no equal. I respectfully refer to U. H.. Cobb, Esq., Editor Agita tor, and Wm. Bacbe, Esq., President Ist National Bank of Wellsboro. Also, the W. Ellery, BartletV Applejonf-Traoy A Co., all are good Watches;" PLATED WARE. , - Dinner and Breakfast Castor*, Cake Baskets, Spoon Solders, Napkin Rings, Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, Ac., Ac., Ac. ’ India Rubber Chains, Rings, and: Hold-Mounted Pencil*. HEAVY PLAIN GOLD KINGS. JEWELRY OF;ALL KINDS. A good assortment of- 1 CLOCKS constantly on hand. ’ 1 All of which will be sold as'low a* th.y.ean be bought anywhere. ' REPAIRING BONE ON SBOBT NOTICE. Wellsboro, Ang. 30,18#6-tf. A. FOLEY. gTOYEgI STOVES 11 STOVES Ml- D. C. IsAlttPlttAll & CO., WELLSBORO, PENN’A, respectfully inform the pnblis that th»y bfn op«ed a V * NEW STORE & TINBBOF, on* door above Boors’ Shoo Shop, sod will ..hoop on bond ssd fnjrnUh to ordof. TIN, COPPER. Jk SHEET-IRON COOKING STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, THE EXTENSION-TOP, * THE AMERICAN & NATIONAL ■ COOK STOVE. H - Wo ihall deal on the Cash System, and will nob bo undersoldr-Onr mottois “email profits and rjnlck ■alee,” ; .... -- ~ ' 1 - ' kept constantly on hand.. > .D. C. LAMPUAN A CO. „ Wollsboso, Sopt. 4 MILK GAN'S, KNOXVILLE BOOT, SHOE, & LEATHER STORE.— WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL. The undersigned having formed a co-partnership nnder the name and title of I. LOGBRT & CO., can be found at the old stabd, earnedoftUain and. Mill Streets, where the; will keep constantly on band a general assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER & FINDINGS, of the best quality, which they will .sell so cheap for Cash, at to make it an abject for dealers to boy here. Our Stock consists in part, of MEN’S, 4 BOY'S, CALF, KIP, 4 ’STOQA BOOTS, of our own manufacture. Alto, LADIES' GAITERS, BALMORAL, KID, & CALF, 4 MISSES SHOES. French and Oak Stoek ponstantly on hand for sale. Cash paid at all times for HIDES, PELTS, and FDRB. TERMS—CASE ON DELIVERY. I. LOGHRY; Knoxville, Pa. J. RICHARDSON, Elmira, N. T. „ .Epozville, August 2, 1865-tf, P. Ft. WILLIAMS HAS just received a-Large and Fresh Supply of LINSEED OIL, WHITE LEAD, 4; ZINC PAINT, which he offers to tell cheaper than can be bonght this aide of the City. - Ha has also a very Urge stock of COLORING MATERIALS, snob as MADDER, i . ALUM, COPPERAS, INDIGO, . VITRIOL, LOGWOOD, 4o„ which will be sold 25 per cent, cheaper then can be bonght at anjr other establishment in the connty. HOWE 4 STEVENS' FAMILY DYE dOLORS always on hand. Call and examine my Stock and you will be sure to buy. P. B|. WILLIAMS. Welleboro, Aug. 23,1865. TO THE PUBLIC. I AH now prepared to manufacture, at mye.tablUh mont in Deerfield, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, Also, Ladies’ BALMORAL SKIRTS to order, either by the piece or quantity, to suit cus tomers. JOSEPH INGHAM. -. Knoxville, July 15,1863. DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTOR?. THE undersigned having purchased the well known Woolen Factory of Messrs. E. i B. S. Bowen on the Cowanesqne Hirer, two miles east of Knoxville, takes this method of informing the inhabi tants of Tioga and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares to salt customers, into FLANNELS, CASSIHERES, DOB-SKINS, FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery baa been thoroughly repaired and oew machinery added thereto, also an improved new wheel which will enable him to work the entire sea son. He will pay particular attention to Roll Carding & Cloib Dressing, which will be done in the neatest possible manner, having added one new 801 l Machine, will enable him to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance. He would farther say that he has carried on the busi ness in manufacturing wool for farmers In Bradford and counties for the past twenty years; he therefore esu warrant all work and satisfy his custo mers, using nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool. i JOSEPH IHGHAM. Deerfield, May 5, 1863-ly. PENSION AGENCY. TO SOLOZBHS AND THEIR FRIENDS THE undersigned having bad considerable expe rience in procuring Pension Bounties and Back pay of Soldiers, will attend to all business in that line entrusted to bis care with promptness and fidelity. ALL SOLDIERS discharged by reason of wonnds are entitled to the $lOO bounty. Pensions, Bounties, and arrears of pay, collected by the undersigned. Persona wishing to confer with me will please call or address me by letter at Sylvania, Bradford county, Pa. Charges reasonable. GEO. P. MONRO. Refers by permission to H. B. Card, County Treasurer, Wellsboro, Pa. D. P. Pomeroy, Troy, Pa. A. H. Spalding, Sheriff, Towanda, Pa. [April 1. A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing in South Ameriea as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cur© of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by banefnl and vicious habits. Great numbers have been al ready cored by this noble remedy.! Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and. unfortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope©, to any one who needs it, Free of Charge. Please inclose a post-paid envelope, addressed to yourself. Address, JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City. April 1, 1886-ly. SOMETHING NEW*—FATHERS A MOTHERS READ THIS.— The Gem Uelodeon designed for children, two to fourteen years of age and costing from $8 to $35 only, according to aixe. The Tone and finish is eqoal to the Large Melodeon,* and warranted. Etery child can now have A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT that ii a rut jo, to the household. I am selling large Melodeons, 6 octave, as low as $75, and 6 octave as low as $lOO, and warrant. These prices are be yond competition—small profits is my motto. Pianos of the best makers from $275 to $OOO, and warrant all 7 ootaveh and rosewood. To Leaden of Bands, I will famish yon Bnas or Cteram Silver Isstnunente, five per cent, cheaper then you oan purchase is Hew Tort, saving transportation, and besides yon can teat the Instrument before Paying. Either Strattons’, Martins', Gilmores’ or. Wrights’ Instruments as you may choose. BAND BOOKS OF AJ,L KINDS, Band Mono, Month Pieces, and real Turkish Cym bals—everything pertaining to Band Music,on hand and for sale. Every order promptly attended total onoe. J. C. WHITE. Mansfield, Pa., August 2,1865-eow3m. AUDITOR’S NOTICE.—The undersigned having been appointed an auditor to distribute the funds in the hands of the Administrator of L. M. BitUard, deo’d, will attend to the duties of said ap pointment at his office in Wellsboro, on Friday the 10th day of November 1865. All creditors and-per sons interested in the distribution of said funds are hereby notified to appear and present their elaime o» be forever barred from eo doing.,, I Wellsboro, Oct. U, 'B5. WM. H.'SMITH, Aud’r. ! September Ist, 1863. FBOM THIS DATE, FOR READY PAY ONLY! CUSTOM BbOTS AND SHOES; Findings, &o. CASH PAID FOR HIDES, PELTS, DEER SKINS AND FURS. FRANKLIN SAYS: "When yon have anything to advertise tali,), public of it in plain, simple language." ' I am manufacturing good custom made Book an d Shoes which I wilt , sell at fair prices, and , READ YPA Y. Such work cannot be sold J rates per pair as eastern made slop-work, but it c. and will bo sold at prices which will enable the nnr chaser to protect his feet with good substantial hLi. more cheaply than with a poor slop-shop article which, even if it chances not to fall in pieces with th 6rst weeks service, is but a doubtful protection i •ret and cold weather. Try me. 10 Buck and Doeskins Wanted, in the red add short falae, for which I will pay C a*h and a good price. J Q Boof-Hides aad Calfskins Wanted or which I will also pay oash. ’ forwhioh I willalso paycash and the highest mar ket price. An assortment of sole,upper,calfskins and lininvs pegs, thread, noils, awls, knives, shoe bamraers 4c 4c., kept constantly on hand,which I will , e n ’jj " for cash. Shop otc Main Street between Wilcox’s and Bullard’s., .. . G. W. SF.ARB. . N.B. I can’t give credit, because, to b* plain haron’t got it to p * Wellsboro, Sept, 9 t 1863. ~ ' " ' E. A B. T. A CO., Manufacturer* of Photographic Material*, WHOLESALE AND ' RETAIL , 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. . 1“ addition to our main business of Photographic Materials, we are Headquarters for the following, vii • Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Views, Of these we have an immense assortment, including War Scenes, American and foreign Cities and Land scapes, Hroops, Statuary, Ac., Ac, Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, for public or private exhibition. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp.' We were the first to introduce these into the United States, and we manufacture immense quantities* in great variety, ranging in price from 60 cents to 150 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beanty and durability to any ethers. They will be sent by mail, free, on receipt of price. J3&* Fine Albums made to order. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now embraces over Five Thousand different subjects (to which additions are continually being made) of Portraits of Eminent American*, Ac., Tit: about 100 Major-Generals, 550 Statesmen, 200 Brig.-Generals, 130 Divines, 275 Colonels, 125 Authors, , 100 LlenL-Colonels, 40 Artists, 250 Other Officers, 125 Stage, 75. Navy Officers.' 50 Prominent Women, 150 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 3,000 COPIES OP WORKS OP ART, including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, Ac. Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Down PIC TURES from our Catalogue will be filled on the re ceipt of SUSO, and sent by mail, free. Photographers and others ordering goods C. 0. D. will please remit twenty-five per cent, of the amount with their order. | E. A H. T. ANTHONY A CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 Broadway, New York. gSt" The prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. [Nov. 15, 1364-ly.] DRUG STORE- PRINCE’S METALLIC PAINT, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, CINCINNATI WINES & BRANDT, WHITEWASH LIME, KEROSENE LAMPS, ! PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, FLUID EXTRACTS, PAINTS AND OILS, PETROLEUM OIL, DRUGS * MEDICINES, ROCHESTER PERFUMERY & FLAVORING EXTRACTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, DYE COLORS, Furnished at Wholesale Prices by : W. D. TERBELL, Jan-18,1885-tf. Corning, N. Y. DENTISTRY. c. n. daett, WOULD gay to the public thatbe is permanently located in Wellsboro, (Office at his residence, near.the Land Office and Episcopal Church) where he will continue to do all kinds of work confided lo his care, guaranteeing complete satisfaction where the skill of the Dentist can avail in the management cf cases peculiar to the calling. He will furnish ARTIFICIAL TEETH, set on any material desired. FILLING & EXTRACTING TEETH, attended to on shortest notice, and done in the best and jnoat approved style. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN by the the use of Anesthetics which are perfectly harmless, and will be administered in every ease when desired. Wellsboro, Sept, 6, 186fi-ly. New Flour and Provision Store. CBAS. 4 H.VANVALKENBURQ' wishes to in form the citizens of Wellsboro mid the surround ing country that they have recently started a new iFLOUR AND PROVISION STORE. in the building formerly known os “ Osgood's Store," where they may be found at all timeateady to wait on all customers who may favor them with a call, and sell them the choicest kinds of FLOUR, MEAL, BUCK WHEAT, PORK, Ac., at as reasonable rates aa any firm in this place. CASH paid for all kinds of GRAIN, HIDES’ and FURS. CHAS. AH. TAN TALKENBUBG. Wellsboro, Deo. 21,18 M. KING’S PORTABLE LEMONADE is the only preparation of the kind made from the fruit. As an article of economy, purity, and deliciousness, it cannot be surpassed, and is recommended by physi cians for invalids and family use. It will keep for years in any climate, while its condensed form ren ders it especially convenient for All who use lemons are requested to give it a trial. Enter tainments at home, parties, and picnics should not be without it. For sale by all Druggists and first-class Grocers. Manufactured only by LOUIS F. METZGER. Sept, 6,1865—1 y. No. 549 Pearl St., New York. A LARGE STOCK of PERFUMERY and YAN KEE NOTIONS, for sale by P. R. Williams, No 3 Union Block, Wellsboro, Pa. KEROSINE LAMPS at ROT’S DRUG STORE. Sheep Pelt* Wanted, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS.