the agitator. r, QC All AMD MIECtUAKEf Well* boro. WednoßdayyOot. 25, 183/ ( . i ' rtr ' '' - New Advertisements. ' ; ' AppllealloD in Divorce—Sheriff Tabor. ~ J . That large, fresh stock of Winter Dress Gti r e ])y & Purvis. IJ Kotice— B. C. Wickham, President. Tbe Bitter Fruits of Bad Bitters. W- Read, Readf Read—J. D. Harris, J. Harris. ' Photograph Gallery in Tioga—W. Carriel. ,i% Soldiers’ Orphans' Committee, tor Co. Xuoitab Allen, Wellsboro, Chairman, Mrs- Jos. P. Morris, Mansfield, Ch««. F. Swan, Tioga, j£is. John Dickinson, Wellsboro, J. B. Niles, Niles Valley. Any one having* good Melodeon for satactfj'rent, can find a purchaser or lessee by applying fo D. as Anuta, Principal of the Academy.- fi Xf Josiah Coolidge, 8. J. Loslnger, and Conway will vail at, they can heaf {it/some tbing to their advantage. - Pbkhomehok !—A load of wood was lately brought into town and spld for three-fourths of a porjL. It lessoned so rapidly as to shrink into less than half s cord in piling! . - Rev. J. F. Calkins will preach the fon&ral ■ sermon of Calvin S. a member of (jo. G, J7tb P. V., on Sunday, October 291 h, in the,.(n4arch at ibe Big Meadows, on Pino Creek, at 2 M. Well Dwe,.ohcle Sam! —The ap pointed Dr.'JoHs/of the Bloomsbnrg Assessor of Internal Revenue for that Congressional Diitrlct. Cffo man inihe State makes a our paper than the Doctor, and never was roc ognition betterbestowed. Hobss Killed.—As Mr. Oscar ld Mr. Kewell Campbell, of Delmar> Were’ coming o this i borough with apples lost Saturday morning, 6i»team of the former took fright and ran away, colliding with the wagon of the latter and killing 'one of hie hcnes instantly. ] A Bio Beak.— -The carcass of a big black bear was brought into town last Saturday* and whs pur chased by Townsend, of the upper meat market. It was a monster, weighing upward of 400 pounds, and bj no means fat. The brute was shot by Bon. Mann, of Mansfield, not far from Round XsltAs. Mr. Wallace Moore, of Charleston, will sNn call upon the citizens of Sullivan with u The Be/, at Ser vice, the Field, the Dungeon, and Escape,” la most ftcinating book, by A. D. Richardson, war>corres pondcnt of the Tribune. We have read t book, and certainly consider it the best yet published. Mnsitf.—Miss?. I. Wood, of Massachuse js, hav ing decided to retrain in Wellsboro during inter, will receive a limited number of Music Scholars at her rooms at Mr. Derby's, opposite Dr. Whbt;B office. She has hpd considerable experience in teaching and trusts that she Is qualified to give .good sa tUfCetion to patrons. Terms liberal. : „ ;• ‘ Fatal Accidbbt.— Hr. Samuel Rogers, ai £old and and respectable citisen of Covington township, was instantly killed one day last week while £ssi|iting Mr. Philip Wetmore in building a house. {Mr- Rogers was holding up a joist by means of a strip 6jf. hoard; while it was being fitted to. its place, when \lbe joist fell, striking him on the temple.. He was buried on Thur«d*y. I > Our cStiiem will see that Mr. Roy nW’f wearies on the march of improvement. The new r IdeWalk, and the elevation of the awning in front o!;’iis buil ding, are as line improvement as have heel ynade. Mr. Blgoney, of the Pennsylvania Housr)ll about to convert the building opposite the Bank if to a spa clous ball and Lecture room. The to be extended tech so as to covsr the whole iot.x ■■■ —' —— s Our not fail to read the beaU jful little poem on tb© first page, by Mr. J. the cm Incut finger aad composer, who wilj sing Court- House Tuesday evening, Oct. St. As etateillast is-; me, be will sing in Tioga Nov. Ist, evening, and at Utcsfield.Thnrsd&y and Friday evenings, following. The Utica Herald says : , “ One great feature of Mr. Clark's songs afid sing* ing is their onward and upward spirit. He ir making the world better whenever he rings.” Theßaptist Christian Herald says; I'bWe almost fancied, during bla rendering of 1 Rain on- the Roof/ that we were listening to a ohoirof angel^ The Oil-Hunters—Eureka! —Wehai “ to con gratulate the good-folk of Tioga, and * tht Lucky Well" Company, especially, upon having, ifter" pa tient search, reached a crcvioe which proq.icee oil in quantities sufficient to be appreciable. discov ery was made on the 16th inst. Two cotrej pondents, both of whom would be .considered entire!,': reliable, if named* assure uft that there is no mistake about the finding of oil. The Directors Jmmedhvtely. des patched their Manager to Buffalo lot. tubing and pomp, and the question as to there being oil in pay ing quantities to be obtained from that crevice will soon be settled. The oil was found at a depth of 901 feet „ , “Jacobi Welt" la down is down 425 feet The bltt passed through a stratum of sand rock, IB feet thick, Ust week, Che entire rook being witb pe troleum so as to give off a strong odor, - the de tritus when emptied from the pump, z T*/©'Water la a strong bribe still, and there seems doubt that the well will prove'a success, itfcb fact that wears ip she genuine oil.rock is fully’-cstahliabed. I We hare‘a semi-official rumor from Camp Creek which glves & flattering color tp tb< ‘ oil pros pect* there. The operators are greatly encouraged, sod w© hope to chronicle their success a h an early day*. — — No report from Occola, Westfield, orFarrmingtoa. A Card from Mr. BownuriL To lA* People of Knoxville : Thii day X leave yoh, bat not without;' many feel* lugs of regret- My most ardent that I might lire with you the full my days.— And how could it bo otherwise, when f< call to mind the many. endearing recollection ol thirteen year* that I hare lived with you? ' c To me it is a pleasing reflection lha-*‘ during that period I am not conscious of giving ihe- slightest offence to any, nor'can I call to mind* *a> single in* stance, or personate a single individual Jwho has ever treated me unkindly in word or deed" . Be assured dear friends, that whateve ' destiny may be mine, or wherever zny lot through tlh short jour, ney of life may he cast, I shall ever HHd in sacred rememb'rance my pleasing and agrees!*dissociations with you, y . I! I can never forget the many favors Lb ve been the recipient of at your bunds. Politically, f have J>ecn supported by you with greater unanitm%’.)han usually falls to the lot of political aspirant* £.,iecoiving Lj© entire vote of your district, and my .competitor none; A truly remarkable circumttauce lit s'| time of great political excitement. - v Ahd now dear friends, farewell, and* ere we meet ugaln, sepulchral winds may fan oar Iqrdhead* nnd cypress trees shade our tombs, f Should this bo our destiny, may even such a separation tie but a paren thesis in our connection which, shall termi nate in an eternal union in tbatbjeiWr ffimntry beyond the stare, where we may never hear the ulienmco of that word, that heart-breaking won£ ?bkfc jwfd known oaly ataid the mutations of time; s areriyff. Knoxville, Oct, 9, 1565. ■ Bowxaw* 1 - The WelUboro Cemetery Obmpaey. It has been said that the degree of civilization and refinement enjoyed by a community may be known oq view ot its burial-place. We believe the tost to be a just one j and so believing,, presume that a lew words touching the efforts of our Cemetery Company to give Wellsboro and vicinity a'good name among men, will not be misplaced. « The Company was incorporated by act of Assembly approved April, 1849, but nothing was done until the passage of the supplemental act of April, 1855, substituting Messrs. Chester Robinson, Wm. Baehp, Geo, McLeod, S. F. Wilson, S, E/Ensworth, James' I. Jackson, Joseph Riberolle, and Levi I. NichoL, lo lieu-of the persons named as corporators in the orlg in&l act. In July, following, the Company organised by electing L, I, Niohols President, James I. Jackson Secretary, and J. L. Robinson Treasurer. A com mitsse on location whs also appointed,-which ut&de a .final report on the 7th of September, and the Board decided to ■'purchase the present site, then owned by 8. P. Wilson, containing 9£ acres. The price paid was $475. Ib -November, following, the ground was cleared/ plowed and laid down,' and considerable progress made in improving the grounds under the superinten dence of Mr. B. F, Hathaway,- of Flashing, L. I. The price oC lota was first fixed at 3 and 10 cents per foot; but in June, 1858, the minimum price was fixed at 6 cents per foot, and a sale by public outcry ordered for the ißth of August. A Board of Managers was elected September 1, of that year, as follows: Messrs, Chester Robinson, Wm. Bache, Geo. McLeod, S. F. Wilson, S. E, fins- X, Japksoj],. Joseph Riberolle, L. I, Ni chols, and Peter Green. The Managers encountered many obstacles (for the work of civilization is never light), but by dint of steady perseverance they tri umphed over apathy and prejudice.' By tbe-.issue pf scrip, for the redemption of which the proceeds of future sales of lots was pledged, the Company carried on the work of improvement. steadily, and the num ber of lotbolders measurably increased. In October,lB66; Mr.* William Bache was elected President of (he Company, and Messrs. Jackson, and Robinson, were re-elected Secretary, and Treasurer, respectively. The Board remained unchanged up to last September, when M. H. Cobb was elected‘Sehri tary, vice James L Jackson, resigned.' The. original Board of Managers, with the exemption of Messrs. Robert Campbell and Wm. P. Shumwdy, elected In place of Mcssrs. MeLeod-and C. Robinson in 1862, still continues. At a meeting of the Board on the 16th ultimo, the President reported one-fourth of the lots sold, and tho virtual extinction of the corporation indebted ness. The work of improving and beautifying the grounds will now be steadily prosecuted. The Co., is now.preparing to enlarge the premises by purchase of lands adjoining, and it is to be hoped that negoci atious to that end may not meet With unusual bln .drance. * Already the improvements reflect credit up on the management. Trees have been planted, ther sloughs reclaimed, and roadways improved by-Tabor: and the lapse of. time. The enterprise" has’ emerged from its embarassmehts, and seconded by a generous' and appreciating public can now essay a larger meas ure ofimprovement. AH should remember that the. stranger will make our Cemetery the test of our cul ture, and progress in civilisation. Every bead of every family in this region should hasten to identify himself with this effort to render th« pl«cw of the dead as pleasing to the eye as the grounds which sar roand the homes of the living. Wjellsbobo Academy. —We publish, the following Scheme or order of Academy for t sbc benefit of those who may wish to visit the. School— We are assured that the teacher* are always pleased to receive visits from-patrons and friends of the school, particularly on Wednesday afternoons : . ' It- JS o Sf » °cu | 8 3| |l -#Sa»oj < I lii.- thi ■s -fiS fist Jb££w u d ; li o o ■ gH ji ■a- OB u o O m - M ** M o H | o ’■ r ,5- <5 fc ■ >- iHi *N. li - Wit ssss ®ooh " Life and Death ih Rebel Prisons.” By-A. (X 7 Abbott: New York, Harper A Brothers ,■ pp- 300. "$l/T2T Thighs - which have come into our hands. The writer is only Tn 'earnest; hot a witness to what- he * relates.— But the attractive feature of the work-is that* he groups together the experiences of -many officers who spent weary months in rebel durance. Among these narrations* and one of the very best, nise a chapter contributed by Capt. H. B. Seeley, of Brookfield, thia county. The work is beautifully printed and illustrated profusely, and so cheap os to be within the reach of aIL Capt. Seeley will famish the work at the book-stores. Mt is not a subscription book. It may be ordered at the Wellsboro Bookstore. - Tl£ Lixdy’e #W««i r (Deacon & Pstaraon,Philadel phia )j presents extraordinary attractions in the No vember number. “ Grandmother's. Portrait” is adc- Ugbtful steel engraving, a perfect' gem.' * The ladies will find the fashion,literary t and pattern department, nncqualed. $2.50 per year. The November No. of Pttereon*e Magazine is very fine. It* plat© engraving —" Protection,” —is exceed ingly pretty, albeit, not quite as well executed as .some of its former,engravings. The ladies- will - get the worth of the year's subscription in this number. Chas. J. Peterson, 300 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. $2 per year.' * - •••* 'r: MARRIED. In Fall Brook on the 11th insi, by Rev. John Caldwell', Mr. LEWIS. CLARK and MisS ELIZA STRATTON,.of Fall Brook: ' ~, ‘ The printer was: bountifully remembered. • On the 11th ult., by Rev. J. Bowersax, Mr, J'foSL] AH HUGHES and Miss JANE E. SMITH, bolh.of Liberty; In Middlcbury, on the 19th. last, by Thomaa Kee noyrErq., Mr. ELIAS'MOORE r -andXMxs~JMAB.T BLANCHARD, all of Middlcbury.r 4 ~ ,z?.”~T DIED. In Liberty, oh the 10th inst., of .typhoid; j’ever r; jDELIAH,.sou ol Joseph and Sarah Hughes, aged . 12 yean, 5 months, and 6 day*. 1 - Again has another hopeful sop .fallen, which leach thwnecCTsityjoLbriDgingreligiousdnfiueooe-to -bear npon the youth as early aspoislble.~ Then may the bereaved hava a .strong hope to Comfort them Jn -ihcir affliction. ,c.i ■? C boots And shoes, s jf, GROCERIES, HARDWARE ■>. r. V” - CROGKEEyi HATS AND GAPS, ; ■' J 5 i O F OffiBAPV- Ready Pay Only ? TIOGA, Oct. 4, 1886-ly. «0 £ | g : < s 11 ■ e 2 ° vW : e d >»’w o-Or's - * S s,-«. flj-'.R'-' ft a 015o 15 w * S ■ g-S . n O * ‘y - S ’® I »®*-5 h 3 - «■ g *■ f •- z h S « “ S g-g&o M aO'g® lissls ■aSi3o«ai3 it.--- > « ■ fc. o m •g S‘ && •- ' W, * © « A ■ . “1 | < ~-r S £ S< s ~:,.;7 rt •-- . x ' » ■"' i w O g S ... :; -5-. : • - a - ■■ go -■ ■ 'S © a i §, S § S . .. V " ,Nj’ M * _ • -av S’-ffff'S'i mill e o « o ajs xxaovfi' —jc. >, c u a tu o •o *}' *| o 4 <0 •►.if .A© •alas? .gaol*. S|o||« 9 te o 9 Oea WS3OH.- IS il £ la a ■B.w -c 15.-! gsssas r* w n w 6* m. « a. * Cl i 4 m i*3 13 co w pt a ad M *i: c5S| \ o*„ m << 'V „ . ,E 3 gr a _fiS • -■ : S a■ S *"g '- i® m •* S 2 « a „* w, qd § 2 c “ v .S © V S 5 * © 02 2 £* j£* ■ “ :;g--5- *-,©-»-■ .#*ll & i *«'■■. S"®- b 5 t 3 Q |: 5 a 2 » I . a- ::.jS : ;2 n B-- '•<«! ' ; N TR?BTEAy.—Strayed from thg premises of the sub- JCi scribers in Bloss cownahip, one BED COW, five years old, large horns, tamed back. She was dry and'fat, Also,;one dark brindlo - Steer. Both had atar mark on left hip. Ten dollars and expert ses for driving them to us at Morris Bun, or five dollars for information wheretbeymay be foand,-wlll bib paid.. ■ ' ; H. S. LEACH and SCOTT. Morris Run, Ost TOvUKI ,V ,v *.5.0 •“ ‘i-l- TIOGA PENN’A, ARE RECEIVING A 2 c V* •* , \ - -"- * t \ a .1. , ■-;.„ x v / STOCK 0E DRY.GOODS, ”f- 1 -" s ' PAINTS AND OLDS-, WALL EAPEJS', QEOGEBIBS,. , -SiOif. 3u><, &0; WHICH WIW.BE;* I '• P 0 s ' ■ © * ■* JjURE I FIRE !!, PIKE !!!~ The undersigned begs leave to announce to the people of-Tioga County that he. has. established an agency la Wcllsboco, fir the well known d£-N* w York. That Ke is prepared te Insure all kinds of property upon as reasonable terms as can be bad in any other responsible .Companies, AND XSSUE POLICIES without sending the application' to the General Office. This is one of the richest Companies in the United States, having a* ; - Oash Oapital of Two Million Dollars, besides the Assets which on the Ist of January, 1865, amounted W.U.-..?.: ; ;;; $3,765,503 42. Liabilities 77,901 52 Its Officers *are' CHAS J. MART1N..;....;.,...: Vice President, JOHN .McGEE .........Secretary, L R* WASIIBORN Assistant Seo'y. This Company.hae takes ont i:'- , and monthly pays the per centage Charged upon its Receipts which is made necessary by the laws of Pennsylvania, in’order to make its policies valid and binding upon the Company, Alt policies- issued by Companies which have not taken out a State license are declared null and_void, and the parties are liable tp-A* heavy penalty for so. insuring. See Pardon’s Digest, page 853, Sec. 21, 22, 23. , Wellsboro, Aug. 23, 1865. W.H. SMITH. - ■- *-„*■ jDl plainL They are not a purgative, and therefore their me does not create a necessity for tho habitual use of Cathartics. They cause no sickness of the stomach, bo griping of the howels> and aro perfectly harmless to the most delicate. 1 They will immediately correct a Soar Stomach, cure Flatulence, Heartburn, Sickness or pain In the Stom* acb, doatWeness/BelchiDg of wind, Liver Complaints, Headache, and in fact all those disagreeable and dan* gcroas symptoms of the disease, which unfit one for the pleasures and duties of life. They are an agreeable and wholesome appetiser, without any ot‘ the injurious effects which are sure to follow the use of stimulating " Bitter" and all pur gative medicines. By their purifying, strengthening -and invigorating power they are snre to keep the di gestive organs In a healthy condition, thus nrerenting ,Cbstircpess, Diarrhoea or Dysentery. "Weak ah. SOY'S caca STORK- V: :-ttiddiebpry, Ort, l&, 186 Wt* N. T. WJBT. HOME insurance company. A, STATE LICENSE. TiOoA MARBLE WORKS. RUTLAND OR ITALIAN MARBLE, ■ - . . LOUIS.F. METZGER, Sept. 6, 1866-ly. No. 649 Pearl, St., New York. Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! Wheaton’s Ointment —-WiU-Onro ibe-ltcb-ia-48- Hoars. Stoves! Stoves!! Wo shall keep constantly on hand a full assortment of BAND, HOOP & BAR IRON, STEEL, NAIL . RODS, HORSE SHOES, HORSE SHOE NAILS, & CUT NAILS, PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, Also, a moat complete assortment of STOVES, TIN, COPPER, & SHEET IRON WARE; and a full,aasortment of _ HAYING TOOLS, in their season. Particular attention paid, to the manufacture of - - MILK CANS; the subscribers having had an extensive experience in the manufacture of the article. Also a quantity of FANCY, PRESSED, k JAPAN WARE. Wears selling a nice article of SAD-IKON HEATER, which effects a great saving in fuel. JOBBING and REPAIRING done promptly, in the best manner, and on the most favorable terms. Wo also desire to say that we shall sell onr wares as cheap as they can bo purchased anywhere else, the difference in freight and transportation only added. We intend to make it the interest of the public to buy of os, and shall study the interest of patrons as well as onr own. The Subscriber will take In exchange for Tin- Ware, SCRAP-IRON, LEAD, PEWTER, COPPER, BRASS, AND RAGS. . Gall and examine onr stock before purchasing else where. GUNN na of mnltitiules of men. cither produces or if •otlutud by an enfeebled, ituucd state of the blood* herein that fluid bocomef icom potent to sustain thi forces in theirvigorous ;tion, and leaves the sys idi to fall into disorder \d decay. The scrofulous mUmination is variously