A (Morning at the Fnrmah •r’a. A short time ago it chanced to (s , to see a young couple shopping. It was pe -fectly evi dent that they were raw at the business. Tho lady wore'orange. hioßHOms, and had that inde finably interesting look peculiar to brides, while any one'inight have known that the gentleman was ja nevrly-Vedded man, from the "planner in which ho handed his lady about and performed those numerous little offices of gallantry, which so pleasantly keep-up the delusion o\. courtship dulinglhe honeymoon. They-wi.e buying furniture at one of" those general. outfitting establishments, where Mrs. Toodles .'as in hab it of supplying herself with things -hat might come igtpdy in -a life-time. The Ibridegroom was an attache of some public oS.c4.trr counting room, at perhapjs"a thousand a y ear, aud the bride a seamstress, 'They had laid up- some money, and, having' taken a' hdps i six feet sqnardj'vnttfadoor Hke the entrance to a mouse trap, were proceeding to furnish it' with what little remained. They had already selected half admen large Brussels carpets, mahogany chairs «aongb"-to furnish Platt’s Hall on an or atorio-night, window cornices an(^Curtains of sartrrawfiacerone of ■wbich-was-lar'ge- enough to cover up their little dwelling. A book-case and cabinet, and a bureau with psych and all complete, either of which was big as the house in question, hadj]gen checked Off to them at a bargain; and in.the corner the ware house where specimens of fine oabipet-work were gathered, both bad come to. a dead halt over an article which neither could rook at with out blushing, and of the nature of which both professed entire ignorance. ,It wks a choice piece of workmanship, with all tfie’fiew-fangled appliances, and seemed to posses;’for both a fascination which debarred all farter progress. , "Heml” said the shopman, “ tyfat, isn’t it ? the latest invention out. like tickets for a rafle. Children cry for it, - Acts like magic on the occupant. Can be'.Worked by a simple attachment to a sewing machine, lakes care of itself, arjd deposits its lose;as easily as a feather. Is a nurse as well as ' i. comforter, and donH spank nor stick pins,as ether nurses do. , Try balf-a dozen.’’ The young couple eyed the thidg sideways, but took a good look at it, nevertheless ; pre. tending to glance around upon btfaer objects, such as mantel ornannuls and' stat uettes, but always coming back 'to the original olyect of attraction." "AfTast they were about to’'depart, having purchased a tmfficiency of furniture to stock a hotel, when,the dealer came running np to them, with caressing palms and his blandest possible manner. ~ ? “ Ton have forgotten one thing; let - me put yon down .for just one—pray-^do,—l know you’ll need it—it’s so handy to have, you know."’’ “Well, it’ll keep, I Suppose,’’-rejoined 1 the bridgroom pettishly. -' \ “ Can’t say; the stock might 'on out and the patent be accidentally destroyed, or—or— in short there’s no telling what'might happen. “ That’s very true,” whisper id the bride through her thick veil—and she sciieezed Bene dict’s arm Tery hard as phe_ spo Ee: “ as it’s always well to be prepared for. Emergencies, suppose we try one 1” , . After this, need we say it wash cradle 1 The Democratic Programme “ as it was.” In a entitled ‘ Observations in the by Edward A. Pollard which was io course of publication at Richmond' at the time ‘the city tell into Yankee hamJs, we ffbd the following paragraph, whiifh preserving, a-a purl nt the political bitsiOty ot the .timet*. Mr. Pollard, who traveled about£fhe North on. parole tor several months, and in confiden tial intercourse with “syuiput-hiiVrs,” Says: *• N*» fiuiiht can rest in hidtor that at the time of the Chicago Convention, nhe Democrat ic party in the North hud prepared a secret programme of operations, the .fifityt and inevita ble conclusion, of which was thieaCkn&toiedgement of the independence of the Conjjtofyii ate States. — It v> ua prupo.ed to get to t J .HH by distinct «nd successive steps, ho?ns not to alarm too much the Union sentimental' the country. • The first step w.is to be the .ipronnaition of the Union os it was” in a Convej'.'t.on of States; if that was voted down, then proposition of a new'principal of federation, limited to the foreign relations and to the revenue; if that was rejected, then the propositions of an inter conffderate Union to preserve, fis far as possible, by an extraordinary league, the American pres tige; and if ail these propositioDSaintended as successive tests of the spirit o( tW'feoutb, were to fail, then at last the independence of the con federate states, made the sim ,gua non, was to be conceded by the, Democratic party of the North, and the last resort of pacification, and ■ the one of two alternatives where their choice could no longer hesitate. It will be seen from this sketch of the programme Chat the design of the Democratic party w.ag f r get the North on the naked issue of war and Reparation. ■ “ The flan utterly failed ; ; in execution. — The fall of Atlanta gave a c’aw lease to the , war.. And, aside from that Cevent, it would have fallen through from the incoherence of the materials which, at' that time,'composed the Democratic party. In fact;t&e party, like all other Yankee minorities, wci ft to pieces, and was swallowed np in the Presidential election, and may be said to have practically disappeared since then, from the political arena, where if it • shows itself at all now, it is only in mock oom ibst” . Strength or MATEBuis.-j-ft is a remarka ble-fact that one of the most' abundant mater ials in nature—iron—is the - strongest of all known substances. Made i/itobeet steel, a rod of one-fourth of an inch in, .diameter will sns tam.9ooo pounds before breaking; soft steel, 7000; jron wire, 60|Xt; bar-iron, 4000 5 inferior har-|ron,'2ooo; cast iron, 1000 to 3000 ; copper wire, 3000; silver, 2000gc*d, 2500; tin, 300; -oast sine, 160,sheet-zinc, 1000 ; cast lead, 55; milled lead, 200. Of wood, (jp* and locust, the same size, will hold 1200 ; tto, toughest ash, 1000 ; elm, 900; beech, cedar,ivhite oak, pitch pine, 600; chestnut and soft -Staple, 550; pop lar, 400. A rod of iron is altout ten times as strong as a hemp cord. A ref ie an inch in di ameter will bear about two ap4 a half tons, but in practice it is not safe to st ject it to a strain of more than about one toi). [ Half an inch in diameter, the strength will ie one-quarter as maim 5 a quarter of an iucl> Due-sixteenth aa tnncb, and so on.— American 'Artisan. A Father, who had jerk td his provoking •on across bis knee, and w t s operating with gseat vehemence on the exposed portion of the Vohin’s person, when the" young one dug into the parental legs with his-venomous teeth. “ Blazes, what are you hirin' 1 mb for 1”, <■ Well, d«d, who beginned this efe w«r ? :> u ■ i DISTINGUISHED ARRIVAL. Has just returned from Hew York, with an enormous Stock of * GROCERIES & PROVISION’S, and is offering them to the public for LESS money than they have been sold since the WAR. GREEN TEAS—JAPANESE OOLONG, IM- of various.qualities from T6o. t0.§2.00 per lb. -COFFEES—JAVA, RIO, JLAGULRA, in kernel and all the varieties of ground Coffees. SUGARS—GRANULATED, CRUST, POW DERED, and all the grades of COFFFF SUGARS : also a largo and splendid assortment of cannot tbit to please easterners it they"will call and examine onr -Stock, either in price or quality. - varying in price from 65c. to $1,50 per gallon. FISH—WHITE FISH, TROUT, CODFISH, nd ramus kinds of MACKEREL. Also a good stock of Brooms, Market Baskets, Corn Baskets, Axe Helves, W,aah Boards, Scrub Brushes, Bed Cords, Door Mats, Buggy Mats, Mop Handles, Pails j also a nice assortment of Bird Cages. 'The Ladies will please remember that T. Math ers keeps J. B. Stratton’s T. Kingsford & Sons’ Com Starch, Sage, Vermlcella, Tapioca, Maparoni, oil kinds of SPICES, CLOVES, CINNAMON, GINGER, NUTMEG, &c. - . Also Black Snuff, and Yellow Snuff, a good assort ment of FLA VORINO EXTRACTS & TOILET SOAPS. keeps constantly on hand the best brands of Salera tus, Soda, Cream Tartar, Sal Soda for Washing) also the best grades of FAMILY FLOUR, CORN MEAL, by the barrel or sack, the best quality of Kerosene oil and Lamp Oil. j - The last but not least tu mention is, W. T. MATH ERS WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD 1.1 Goods to bo ALWAYS AS REPRESENTS!) or no sale. - The highest market price in Cash!paid for Bnttef and Eggs. W.iT..'MATHERS. Wollaboro, Aug. 23, 1865. ( P. R. WILLIAMS HAS Just received a Large and Fresh Supply of LINSEED OIL, WHITE LEAD, * ZINC PAINT, which he offers to sJll cheaperthan can be bought this side of the City. He has also a very large stock of COLORING MATERIALS, such os MADDER, ALUM, COPPERAS, c .. INDIGO. VITRIOL, ■ ~ LOGWOOD, Ac., which will be sold 25 per cent, cheaper than can be bought at any other es&blishment in the county. HOWE * STEVENS’ FAMILY DYE COLORS * t always on hand. Call and examine my Stock and you will be core to boy.- P. K. WILLIAMS. WeUsboro, Ang. 23,1865. E'JfOXVILLE B.OOT, SHOE, & LEATHER „ STORE— WHOLESALE & RETAIL. The undersigned having formed a co-partnership under the name and title of I. LOOHBY Sc CO., can he found at the old stand, corner of Main and Mill Streets,where'they 'Will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of' * . BOOTS, SHOES. LEATHER 4 FINDINGS, of the best quality, which they will sell so cheap for Cash, as to make it an object for dealers to hay here.' Oaf Stock consists in part of MEN’S, & BOY’S, CALF, KIP, 4 ’STOGA boots, ; of pur own manufacture. Also, AITER § J,i4I,MORAL, KID, 4 CALF, 4 MISSES SHOES. French and Oak Stock constantly oh hand for sale. Cash paid at all times for HIDES. PELTS, and FEES- . TERMS—CASH ON DELIVERY. I. LOGHET, Knoxville, Pa. J. BICHAKDBON, Elmira, N. T. Knoxville, August 2,1896-lf. CAUTION.— Whereas, my wife, MARGARET J., has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I hereby forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account as* I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. Elkland, Sept 6, 1885. RALPH GILLETTE. A LARGE STOCK of PERFUMERY and YAN. KEB NOTIONS, for solo by P. K, Williams, No, 3 Union Block, Wellaboro, Pa. TTCT" HITE WASH LIME.—THE BEST * ’ quality of Rhode Island Lime for white wash ing, at ROY’S DRUG STORE. TFTANTED—SIS ARMY BLANKETS—For T T which Cash will be paid. Apply at the “ Agi tator” Office. Wellsboro, Aug. 9,1865-tf, W. T. MATHERS PE RIAL 4 YOUNG HYSON, BROWN SUGARS, SYRUP &. MOLASSES, BLUE FISH. CELEBRATED YEAST CAKE, W. X. MATHERS THE TiTKiA CUUiNTV AGITATOR. J£NOX-VILLE FOUNDRY.— HEAD QUARTERS OF s During the last Are years we Lave contended wm, tl _, cles, and overcome oppoeltton, as herculean as wars " encountered by any reformers: " ,r CONSTITUTION LItE SYRUP Is a positive and speciftc remedy for all diseases crisis.■- trom an latum* Stah or tbi Bioon, and for ah (bmdi.. - Diseases transmitted from Parent to Child. H PARALYSIS It is eonnlvereally admitted that Constitution Life is the only effectlre means of restoration in the forma of Paralysis, that wa nsed not reiterate that it i. " pbatically the tireat Life-giving Po wer, 5 ** em ‘ DYSPEPSIA Indigestion, Weight at Stomach, Flalnlance Llr.r r plaint. Want of appetite, Badßrith ' C ™ Conitlpatlon, BOloas&eais SCROFULA. Stmfflfc, SZag’9 JtrU, Glandular Swelling., EmjDela. n deration, Salt Rheum. U This taint (hereditary and‘acquired) Ailing iif, told misery, 10, by all osnal medldal remedies, IncotibU RHEUMATISM. - [Arthritis], Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout Tie Dolortaux. 1 ,c If there le any disease in which the Constltnlion nr. Syrup is a sovereign, it is Ju Bheumati.m mj F. iL, affections. ’ The most intense pain, ere almost instan.h, alleviated—enormous swellings ara reduced, r..— -■ 7 or vicarious, of twenty or fotty jeatV .tandmg, cared by as. , fe ’ 9 CONSTITUkION LIFE SYRUP Purges the system entirely from all the evil effect, 0 t enry, removing tho and curing the Weak J„,„, and Rheumatic l Palna wblch the nee of Calomel is produce. It burdens Gums, end “cures thsTc,b° a» firmly a» ever. '* * eeu CONSTITUTION LIFE STEUP Eradicates, root and branch, oil Ernptivo Diseases of S f Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches.and all other diiacait'4 o f this kind wh cb so much disflgnre, the ontward a pp L. unco of both males and females, often making thorn s Ji. justing object to themselves and their friend* Foe au Forcis or Ulcseatitc Dtmsra, Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongne, Spine, Forehead or Scaly, no remedy has ever prosed Its equal Moth Patches upon the female face, depending upon a diseased action of the Llrer, are very nnplearant to 3.1 yonng wife and mother. A tew bottles of Constitution Life Syrup will correct the secretion and remote thedi posit, which is directly under the skin .1 Diseases of the Llrer, (riving rise to Languor, Dlelnet,. a?f- Btlon r ea k Stomach, or an nlcernted or cancerous Condition of that oigan,accompanied with burning or other tnpleasant symptoms, will be relieved by the nse of Const! tiinos Life Syrup. A# a General Blood.?srifying Agent, the Life Sjmp stantla unrivaled by any preparation in the world. THE HIGH AND POOR are liable to the same diseases Nurture pad Science have made the Constitution Life Syra B for the benefit of all. i * PURE BLiJOD produces healthy men and women; end if lbs constitution Is neglected in yonth, disease and carl death is the result. Do not- delay when the means are i'„ near at band, and within the reach of all CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP is the Poor Man’s Prised and the Bich Man's Blessing. ’ MORGAN & ALLEN, WHOLESALE. DRUGGISTS, AGENTS, 46 Cliff Street, New York. Sold by J. A. Bor, Wellsboro, Pa.; S S. Pictian, Covins ton, Pa.; Eewsgtoit 4 Co, Troy, Pa. * March »,1806-ly. E. 4b H. T. ANTHONY 4c CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of PboU Materials, we are Headquarters for the follow! Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic views. Of these we have an immense assortment, including War Scenes, American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, Ac., Ac. Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, for public or private exhibition. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We were theffrat to Introduce these into the Toiled States, and wejnanofactare immense quantities in great variety, tanging in prioe from 50 cents to $5O each. Oar ALBUMS have> the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any ethers. They will be sent by mail, free, on receipt of price. . Fine Albums made to order, jp?' jCAKD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now embraces over. Five Thousand different subjects (to which additions are continually being made) of Portraits ef Eminent American!, Ac., via: about’ 100 Major-Generals, 550 Statesmen, 200 Brig,-Generals, ISO Divines, 275 Colonels, 125 Authors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, 40 Artists, 250 Other Officers, 125 Stage, 76 Navy Officers, 50 Prominent Women, 150 Prominent Foreign Portraits. - 3,000 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, Ac, Catalogues sent'on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen PIC« TUBES|from our Catalogue will be filled on the re ceipt of $l.BO, and sent by mail, free. Photographers and others ordering goods C. 0. B. will please remit twenty-five per cent, of the amount with their order. E. & H. T. ANTHONY A CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 601 Broadway, New York. The prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. [Nov. IS, i864-ly.] "Yy holesale drug store— PRINCE’S METALLIC PAINT, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, CINCINNATI WINES & BRANDY, WHITEWASH LIME, KEROSENE LAMPS, 1 PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, I FLUID EXTRACTS, PAINTS AND OILS, / .PETROLEUM OIL. V DRUGS & MEDICINES. RCjIpHESTER PERFUMERY * FLAVORING EXTRACTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, DYE COLORS, Furnished at Wholesale Prices by W. D. TERBELL, Jm* 18# 1885—tf. Corning, N. T. New Floor and Provision Store. GHAS. a H. VANVALKENBORO wishe* to in form the citizens of Wellaboro and the surround- ing country that they bare recently started a new FLOUR AND PROVISION STORE, in the building formerly known as “ Osgood's Store, where tbey may be found at all times ready to wait on all customers who may faror them with, a call, and 3 ®“ them the choicest kinds of FLOUR, MEAL, BUCK. WHEAT, PORE,