The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, August 09, 1865, Image 3

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    rHK AGI-T ATOR..
0 c A I, AHt lillECElil'Jili E Otm
'^HreU* boro * Wednesday. Aug. ©, *
Hew Advertisements
Rerieter’s Notice—H. 8, Archer, Register. : 'i
The American Watch for the American People-, •
chrfß Seles —Sheriff Tabor. ■ , ;
ff.oted-Six Army Blankets. I 1 . .
Lilt of Letters— Tioga Post Office.
The Boys are coming home—John R. Boston.
jctdeoij Corners is now the place to buy Gohdi—
jr. V, Porple. 4 >
IPo thankfully acknowledge the receipt of a basic 1
„f munificent tomatoes, the gift of Mr. William. B,
ITbii*- They were as luscious as pineapples.
yiie Jsrsey Shore Berald has shed its neutral
ti garb, and is now in its appropriate lu -
pine garments. ,
IVe would gladly publish tha communication -Sent -
t , el ■■ Blossburg,” bat for Its length. If the wSte r
sill tgree to its abridgement it will appear next p jel:.
Notice.— The Pews of the Presbyterian
aill be rented on Monday the 2Utinst.,at 10 of lock
A y. By order of the Trustees '<
C. 6. Osoooo, Se-y,
Nsiic*.— A list of Pennsylvania soldiers, p'lerjn
at of war, who died at Jkndersonviile, from Fe l. 26,
1864, to March 24, T 865, can be seen at the Posttffife,
pnthonotary's Office, and at this office.
Messrs. Kimball & Beagers, Harness Makers, he v
ing disposed of their business to Mr. George W.'J> a
vie, have dissolved partnership. Mr. Navlo wtfl ni ,r
-fji on the business. .
The Potato crop appears to be going to b id.
Xhe Bet is doing much damage in the Cowanesfue
vtllej. and many field* bere&bont are dying. ?be
mthcr continues showery, and grass Is .renin) 1 ,in
lodged fields. -i.
To Teatblbbs. Hereafter the Potter Con ity
Stage will arrive at this Tillage 'Mondays and Thttrs
dsyi at 10 A. M., making connection with the Tioga
itsge, and leave WellaborA for Coudersport at M,
■ane days. Please take notice.
PESSOSiI.. — Capt. C. M. Hart, and I.ieut- iteeatur
Dickinson, Co. I, 451 h Kegiment, have arrived, in
excellent health and spirits. We congratulate.tTtem
on having seen the beginning and end of tbe greatest
Rebellion since Michael drove Satan into the Bottom
less Pit ,
The public are invited to examine a deiigt/ior a
County Monument to commemorate the dead oi tijia
county, martyre in the cause of Freedom. It {t on.
eihibition at the Pott Office, and is the work «f ,C. F.
Vru, Esq., of Liberty., We think all wilt sgree
that it is a beautiful thing.
What means our friend of the Potter Jwrw %
When said we that if a young'iriffirproflii id-to
marry a young woman and didn't/ the-yotoag man
ibonld shoot the young map ? - V- ■
Young man, have you been trifling with the,-iffec
ticmi of some young woman 7 . •• Fair.— We are requested to* give'notice
that there will be a grand exhibition of
and ruckling colts, at Knoxville*, on K
A general invitation is extended to the owner? of such
itock. Colts from throe years old dojfrn nuSy be en
tered for the praise*. *
Hour .Again —the boys of the JB7tk. came
in oil Sunday, and aro looking first rate'. ’M«&V °f
the boy* have developed into.muscular faring
their term of service, and none that we bavirehen
hear the marks of dissipation. \Ve are glaa note
this ; and hope never, to see them foUowftog in tbc
train of the few whose conduct is a repro£c£, upon
(he uniform they have la»d hff.
Tornado at jCTEMON. —-Dr. A. M. L’oop obt gcs ns
with additional details of the violent wind at v'ejson,
briefly mentioned last week. A large two storehouse
owned by Mr. A. Locey, occupied by Mr. A. C. Webb,
whose wife and four children were asleep Ih ) time,
was demolished, the inmates escaping uniujur d.
Mr, Perry Strait’s bouse was carried acri bs the
street and unroofed, the inmates escaping unfc irmed*
The bams of Messrs. G. W. Phelps and jJ. i/l? 'White
were completely demolished. Upward of build
ings were blown down or unroofed. *'
Oil News.— The superintendent of the;* Lucky
If ell,” going down near Tioga, reporti a °f
700 feet. At [this point tbe bitt struck a eft ity one
and a half or two feet deep. We learn well
i* to be tubed and pumped. ,
Mr. Joseph Barker, a Director of the Cp\ anesque
Talley Oil Company, informs us that their fHjjU near
Oceola i»* dowji 75 feet, with indications as,good as
aUernfiUng strata of shale and soapstone cai afford.
That ik good enough.. 1 >' T '
Tbe'work of erecting a derrick and engisitf bouse
at “ Jacob's Well,” about to be sunk by Mr* .Scbieffe
lin near this Tillage, for the Weilsboro Petroleum Co.,
i* rapidly progressing. : 1 .
Mad Boob. —Mr.. John Pearson, of Marsh
Farm, lately lost some swine from bydropld&ri. The
dog that bit them wan killed. We learn ,’>at Mr.
Beach, of Chatham, kail a valuable cb'r bitten
and was obliged to kill H.‘ W© would not © teatd
necessary alarm, but it is proper to warn rwners of
dogs of the danger of rabies duringjtbie trying wea
ther. Better chain up, or muzzle, every dbg, than
mo aoy risk of accident. Better that dog die,
than that one human being perish with hydfophobia.
Since the.above was written we bear that tfcstfield,
ffljrner,Gaines, Sfaippen, and Union, ar«3p cb afflic
ted with mad dogs, and there is a painfM rumor of
the death of a citizen of Union from byk ©phobia.’
Serenade. —The iGlee Club serenaded Col. James
Caeli, late of the 191st jP.Y., at hia , lodgings at
Holiday’* Hotel, Saturday night. Aut mb'er of. our
cititene also paid the gallant ColOncLartd hie lady a
welcoming visit, and after ibo serenade tie party par
took of an ice >cream collation prepared iy Mr. Holi
day, at which complimentary toasls wctbdrilnk and
general good feeling manifested. %
Colonel Carle entered the service in ,1161, as a pri
ests in H Company, 6th Pa., Reserves) an£ rose to
the command of a regiment by dint o£-‘%rierit alone.
Probably no man in the service owes out
ride influence. He enjoys the reward lich fidelity
joined with natural ability seldom fail/ (o* command,
toon or late. He who rises by unaided; effort l ia an
•AAmple and an ornament to society..
A Day op Disorder.— We hope
m ®y not scon again be made tho tbeiUir. nf such a
csrnivaj of disorder as ruled in our stress last F?fvt
ttrdey. We are informed that the north s te of Main
street was practically closed against Indies daring the
afternoon. .We heard much profanity%nL disgusting
language, but not so much as is credibly,-leporjed.
Such irregulatkties would not tolerated
bad Sheriff Tabor been at heme. His eeemir
to have been Taken* advantage of by tho \ arious; and
w® suggest to our local officers the prof tidy of ap
pointing a staff of .volonteerj)oHce, to he distinguish r
edby a uniform badge, and accepted ctot >f the num
ber of those who are practically oppose#'»intemper
ance and disorder. At all events, lei h. have some
body who has sympathy enough with hpMr to put of
fenders in they look-up until ft* gat rid df their sur
charge of whiskey. r **- - ' ■*
f* \
Jsmes JotfES, who sis pend si publication
of His paper at Jersdy' SKoW— inter
,the military service, early in the war. has resumed
.poblication. The Vedette is one of the most vigor
one Republican papers on our list, and we welcome
its reappearance. Success to it.
A Card. “ The Yankee Boys" tender their bid*
cere thanks to the citizens of Wellsboro end vicinity,’
tor their very liberal patronage and respectful atten
tion, and especially to the Commissioners, for the'use
of the Court House. Phil. P, Buss, ~
J. G. Towicbr.
Knoxville Items.*-J. P. Biles, Eiq., writes us
as follows:
Fatal Accidest.— Saturday morning, 2flth ult,
near this village, William Herbst, of Leesport, Berks,
was thrown from his horse, and so seriously
hurt that he lived but a few- days. Herbst had nearly
lost the use of boe arm from a gunshot wound receiv
ed in battle, sod this doobtless caused him to be
thrown. He was baying cattle. The body wag tak
en to Berks county.
Almost a.Fire.—Between 4 and s 6 o'clock of the
morning pf the 3d inst«i a fire was discovered in the
rear of the wood buildings opposite J. Dearm'an'e
store, in this village. It was soon extinguished, and
enough discovered to show thafit was the work of ant
incendiary.' Combustibles had been heaped In the
attic and set on fire.
Mrs.-Sarah M. Etz, P. M. at Tioga, has opened
a Nows Office at the Post Office in that village, for
the sale of the New York leading dally and weekly
papers and Monthly Magazines. 'New Boeks And
Sheet Music ordered_at publishers prices. As she is
the widow of a brave and patriotic soldier who feU
in the service, we hope the people will give her a lib
eral patronage.
A perfect watch is the American Watch, which
the reader will find by consulting our advertising col
umns, is offered for sale by Thomas Johnson, 28 Ifake,
Street, Elmira, N. Y-, pot up in a variety of styles,
both of movement and case, and varying in prices
from $20.80 to $400.00, complete and a warrantee giv
en of perfect time for five years. JSJr. Johnson in
forms us that the best ev ; dence of ttye universal pop
ularity of these watches, affer .being before the public
for ten. years, is that since the Ist of January, 1865,
he has sold over $20,000 worth of theth. We predict;
with present prospects,,that onr Yankee nation will,
before ten years more roll 'round, become, completely
Americanized in-th'e matter of American Watches.—
Elmira Oazetfe. ' ■' * V - c .
The Monument Question.
Mb. Cobb; from the beginning of the discussion
of the Monumental Question in the Agitator, I have taken
a deep interest in the same; and being anxious that such
discussion may lead to a good result, 1 will add a few sug
gestions to what has already been said on the subject.'
lam highly in favor of a general effort In the county,
and deem such union indispensably necessary to accom
plish the desired object— to erect a monument to the fallen
heroes of this county, adequate to, and worthy of the sac*
rlfiee. Monuments costing $3OO would be but a poor offer
ing of tribute to the dead, and would In future only be re
garded as monuments of narrowmindedness and ingratitude.
And ejren should we place such monuments in all the three
cornered lota of tbo cemeteries of the county, it would on
ly prove our shortcomings in this age to do justice to the
deceased, while a united effort might raise a monument
worthy of the cause.
Relative to the location of the Monument to be erected,
I would uot bo very particular, and fully approve of the
plan to submit the earn© to competition among the different
cqptral villages of the county ; but would In that case hope
that such a spirit of liberality should prompt the citizens
of Wellsboro', the county seat, in aiding this laud&lde ob
ject, that tho award would be in favor of Wellsboro’, as I
do not know of a more favorable site than tbe Public Green
in Wellsboro’. The plan, and materials for construct) Dg
such a monument are matters of greater difficulty than lo
cality. While itl should be of imposing appearance It will
‘be necessary to keep economy in view, as well as the prob
able amount Of means obtainable for the object.
The plan proposed by your correspondent from “The
Hills,” does not strike me os acceptable, the size being too
great, and tbe place for inscribing tho names, on the shaft,
very insufficient for the purpose. To obviate this difficulty
I would propose to erect the Monument on & base with ter
races of sandstone, the superstructure of two storys, octag
onal in form; the lower story to be ten feet high and about
15 feet in diameter; upper story 8 feet high and 10 feet in
diameter. On each of the eight comers of each story I
would place two mitred iron pilasters, or half columns,
cast with flanges to receive marble slabs to form-the uutsidr
of the Monument—the inside to be built of rough masonry
—with a winding staircase leading to tbe second story. The
first story cornice to be surmounted wltha neat Iron railing
to serve as a balcony. The mar bio slabs forming the skin
of the Monument will servo as tablets upon which to grave
the names of the slain, each township having its separate
column. * Surmounting tho second story I would place, on
a proper base / a pyramidal shaft of altitude sufficient to give
symmetry to the whole. This might be of hewn, white
sandstone.. •
i >•’ i
This plan, in details and execution, may need znnch mod
ification. I have bad no opportunity to consult with expe
rienced persons as to probable cost of the marble and iron,
and am not able to give an estimate of the cost of construc
tion after this plan. I may, possibly, be very wild in my
propositions; bat fully convinced that such a Monument
would prove tbe pride of a grateful people and an adorn
ment to any locality, I have written what 1 have written.
1 V
In Covington, on the 4th inst, by Rev. G. P. Wat
RINE WEAVER, both of Blosa.
In Franklin, Venango county, Pa., July 25th, 1865,
of cholera infantum, MYRA 8., daughter of'Samuel
and Jane W. Haynes, aged 9 months and 7 days.
A little flower lent to love, 1
A little angel gone above,
God. keep thee darling till wo come,
To join thee in thy heavenly home. Coif.
■Weare requested to announce tbe name of J-. 8.
NILES, of Middlebury, as a candidate for the office
of Blstrict Attorney, subject to the decision of the
Republican County Convention.
We are requested announce Mr. N. BEACH, of
Chatham, as a candidate for County Commissioner,
subject to tbe decision of the County Convention.*
We are requested to announce WILLIAM A BAMS,
of Mansfield, as a candidate for Commissioner,
subject to the decision of the Republican County
We are reqested to announce EPHRAIM HART,
df Charleston, as a candidate for Commissioner, sub
ject to the decision of the Republican County Con
We are requested to announce the name of ROB
ERT C. COX, of Liberty, as a candidate for the
office of Representative, subject to tho decision of tho
Republican County Convention.
We are requested ro announce the name of Dr. W.
T. HUMPHREY, of Osceola, as a candidate -for the
office of Representative, subject to the decision of the
Republican County Convention.
We are requested to announce Maj. GEORGE W.
MERRICK, of Delmar, os a candidate for the office
of Treasurer, subject to tho decision of the Republican
.County Convention.
We are requested to announce the name of C. F.
MILLER, of Tioga, as a candidate for the office of
Treasurer, subject to tho decision of the Republican
County Convention. -t
We are requested to announce the name'of A.
GROWL, of Wellsboro, as a candidate for the office
of Treasurer, subject to .the .decision of the Republi
can County Convention.
Col. XCth Va. Vols. Of New York. Late of War Dept,
Attorneys , Claim , Patent , Real Estate,
And General Insurance Agents. -
Claims of all t all kinds against the United States
Government or individuals collected.
Ordnance, Quartermasters', and all Government ac
counts promptly made up and adjusted.
Special attention given to PATENT CASES.
and FARMS for Sale or Rent in Washington,"p C.,
Alexandria, Va., and surrounding country.
RISKS in some of the oldest and moat responsible
Insurance Companies. ....
' -Office; 22T Pehna. Avenue, f T
’ - > r*.opposite Willards’ r
Juiy 19,1865-3 nu Washington, JVC.
TH E TlO « A COU i< T ¥ AG IT ATO B y
i3cttoUtim. m-i nr
i, •? & »'
- £ r / « y
•s -—OR- i XHK-r- ■ ■■ ~j
CAPITAL ITOCK.. i. ...9190,000.
X.-< ■ i y :J »,
10,000 SHARES' OF $lO .EACH.
■ ■ ; : • i . 1 ) ;j b I
910,000... Wftrfeln* Capital.
The WelUhoKKr Petroleum,Company .has duly exe
cuted leases of 5,000 Acres-of BKI.ECTED 'LANDS, ly
ing in the townships ' of Delmiir, Charleston, Sbip
pen, Gaines, Morris, Libert;, and Middlebiiry, and
in Wcilsboro, Tioga coant;, and in Brown township,
Lycoming count; —in number-about 100 leases.
Agents of the Company are actively employed in
leasing other choice lands. $60,000 of the stock is
already subscribed. Operations will be commenced
when three fourths of the authorised stock shall be
subscribed and ten per cent, paid in.
The lands leased cover all, or nearly all, of the
territory in the localities named, where surface and
geologic indications of petroleum exist.
It is believed that the inducements offered by the
Company are such as .to make investments in Us
stock peculiarly desirable. Persons wanting stock
should subscribe at once,'as the books will be .closed
on the first of May. Subscriptions received by J. L.
ROBINSON, Esq., Treasurer, at the FIRST NA
" ' IMpectore:-
L. BACHE, President,
J. N. BACHE, .
C. COPESTICK, • "- ‘
G P. CARD, ■ •
J L. ROBINSON, Treasurer,
M. H. COBB, Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that a writ In partition in
which Edwin Dyer is Plaintiff, and Anthony Schoder
and Mary E. Scbodcr his wife—Thomas B. Jacques,
Sauiucl B. Jacques, Isaac 9. Jacques,’ heira at Law
of Samuel 0. Jacques, EUia Lewis, Robert 6. White
and'James Lowrey are Defendants, has issued oat of
the Court of-Common Pleas of Tioga county, Penn’a,
bearing teste the'eighth day of July, £. D. 1865, re
turnable on the last Monday.of August then nexfc
asking partition among the aforesaid parties of the
following described piece or parcel of land situate in
Bloss township, Tioga county, ond State of Pennsyl
vania and follows: beginning at a beech
and running thence by lands of Samuel Wallis south
4u£ degrees west 200 perches to a beech; thence
south 49£ degrees east 174 percbcs to a post; thence
north 40£ degrees east 119 perches to a birch; thence
.north 23$ degrees west 186 perches to a hemlock;
thence north 494 degrees west six perches to the
plac« of beginning—containing 1(5 acres and allow-
more or less, with the appurtenances surveyed
iiTp&r«uance of Warrant No. 613 granted to Jeremiah
Which said writ is now in my hands, all of which
the aforesald-Defeadants are hereby required to take
notice. ♦ LEROY TABOR, Sheriff.
Wellsbero, July 19, 1865-6 U
Philadelphia Press will please publish 6 times
and send bill to this office.
Get the best and oply authorised Life and Public
Services of ABRAHAM LTNCOLN ( impartia], truth
ful, 760 pages, with beautiful engravings, good paper
and binding—by Hon. H. J. RAYMOND, M. C.
Some important things are copyrighted and cannot
be used in any other worjj. Wait for the Agent and
seeRAYMOND'S, subscribe. 1 ' '
E. R. VAN HORNE, M. D., Agent,
For Lawrencoville, Tioga, Richmond, Chatham, Deer*
field, Clymer,'Westfield and other towns: —"
Knoxville, Aug. 2, 1865-tf. . ,
The undersigned will sell at Auction on
next, at 2 o'plock P. M., upon the premises- in the
village of Blossburg; Tioga county, Pa., the follow
ing real estate; to wit:
r A lot of land designated in the plan of said village
of Blossburg as block numbered sixteen, (excepting
lota numbered 2, 6 and 8 in said block) upon which
there is part of a three story Hotel and a bam. The
interest proposed to be sold was formerly owned by
John G. Boyd, dec'd, and was purchased by the un
undersigned on the 18th day of September, A. D.,
1843, at a public sale thereof by E. B. Gerroulds, Ad
ministrator of said Boyd, made under an order of the
Orphan's Court of Tioga county—said purchase being
in trust for the uses and upon the terms expressed in
a declaratioabearing date Sept. 16th, 1848, acknowl
edged Sept, 19th, 1843, delivered to R, G, White, of
Wellsborough, Pa., and now in his custody,
• The following are the names of creditors of said
Boyd who are recognized as having an interest in the
.proceeds of the sale of this trust estate in accordance
Vith the terms of the trust aa expressed in the dec
laration referred to:
' Clarendon Bathbone, assignee of John S. Hoag
landj.6. E, Wilson, J. H. Cowden, for J. B, Hall;
David Baker A Co.* Alexander H. Gaylord; Stephen
Potter, Isaac Lamaroux; James Hays, John McKib
ben, Dennis Driecol, William Thurber, Stephen Comp
ton, N. H. McCollum, Jesse Ward, Lorin Butts; Ho
ratio Seymour, assignee of P, P. Cleaver, Charles
Phipps, Edwin Dyer, Packard,£ Taylor.
The purchaser of this property will bo required to
pay one-third of the amount bid as soon as tbe pro
perty is struck down. A reasonable credit will be
given for the remaining two-thirds.
Ang. 2, 1865-31. HORATIO SEYMOUR,
- The PennsylyHoiaJStute Agricultural Society will
hold its Exhibition on September 26, 27, 28,~and 29,
1865, at • • - ' J
Any Information desired by persons desiring to
exhibit applications for premium lists or posters, or
by members of the Society, will bo given by tbb un
dersigned, or 4 A. BOYD HAMILTON, President,
Jiily J 26, 1865-3s;f Secretary.
> Ii; /1
Vi i i
sj o (
'5- *■ -
Babylon is Fallen
»< - r »
BULLARD;. teeing the downward tendency- of all
things vendible, hastened to 3 *' •» a i
and purchased an assortment of Dry Goodu/Notiom,
which goods will be sold on lilte terms, just a little
cheaper than any of like good quality can be sold
If you want Dress Goods, If you want Spring
Goods, If you want anything to wear, If . you want
to boy at such prices that you can afford yourself an
extra dress or two, to repay you for wearing your old
clothes for two years, call at the
and bring all your children and your neighbors with
you. For a godd bargain ought .to be distributed
among your friends. .So come
LOOK AT MY NEW STOCK, Willey ! •,?
WeDahoro, April 12,1865.
S At
58 ns
a ,9s
© ja *3
® si
■5B K
Q P» ;3 I
The undersigned having been specially licensed by
the United States Government to procure the
Back Pay, Bounty, and Pensions,
of deceased and disabled soldiers, gives notice to all
interested, thatbe has made arrangements with par
ties in Washington, by which he is able to procure
Back pay, Bounty and Pensions, in a very abort time,
and that he will give particular attentions to all snob
claims that may be brought to him. Being provided
with all the requisite Forms, Blanks, Ac., Ac., he has
superior advantages in this branch of business. Sol
diers entitled to pensions, will find it to their advan
tage to apply to the undersigned at Knoxville, as the
examining- surgeon for Tioga County resides there.
Also, Judge Cose, before whom all applications for
pensions may be made.
1. Soldiers enlisted since the 13th of April, ’6l, in
any kind of service', Naval or Military, who are dis
abled by disease or wounds, are entitled to Pensions.
All soldiers who serve for two years or during the
war, should it sooner close, will be entitled to full
Bounty,. Also soldiers who hare been wounded in
battle, whether having served two years or not, are
entitled to full Bounty.
' 2. When a Soldier has died from any cause, in the
Unlted.Statee service, since April 13, 2861, leaving a
widow, she*is entitled to all pay due him; also to!
from $75 to SfOO Bounty. • The bounty varies ac
cording to the act or orders under which the soldier
enlisted, She is also entitled to a pension.
3. If the soldier loft no widow, his children are en->
titled to the pay and bounty and the pension until
they are sixteen years of ago.
4. If the soldier left no widow, legitimate child,
the father is entitled to his pay.and bounty, provided
be lives in the United States and has not abandoned
the support of his family.
5. If the soldier left no widow,'legitimate child,;
nor father, or if the father has abandoned the sup
port of the family, or if he resides out of the United
States, the mother, if she resides in the United States,
is entitled to tho pay and bounty, and if poor and de
pendent, in whole or in part, on her son for support,
she is also entitled to a pension. Mothers whose
husbands or former husbands reside out of the Uni
ted States or have abandoned the support of their
families, should write to the undersigned at once, or
the father may get tho bounty without the facta being
6. All soldiers who have lost an arm or one leg,
are entitled to Twenty dollars per month. Prisoners
of war are entitled to Three Mouths extra pay. Ho
is also prepared to settle Officers'/Quartermaster,
Ordnance, and Commissary accounts, and procure
Certificates of Non-indebtedness, in the shortest pos
sible time. Also Artificial Limbs for such as have
lost them in service. , * , .
Terms, moderate.
I will bo at my office on Monday and Saturday of
each week, to attend to this business.
July 26, 1885-ly. WM, B. SMITH. *
tIEPBRENCEs : Wfilliboro, J: If;Donation, Shot
iff Stowell. Addison, N. Y., W. R. Smith. Wash
ington, D. C.» Tucker A Lloyd. Knoxville, V. Case.
The County .of Tioga proposes to raise $26000, by
a loan to be secured by Bonds of said County at
T 3 lOtbs per cent, interest, the Bonds to be payable
from 3 to 10 years from date with .annual interest at
the above rate, and to be issued in amounts to suit
lenders after therfirst day of August.
This loau becdmes necessary on account of the in
ability of the county to realize any portion of the
County and Bounty Taxes upon Unseated Lands
until June, 1866, and also to. pay. the. interest
upon the last issue of Bonds going to .fill tho last
fall. Qucja/ and . the deficiency jn the amount of
Taxes to meet' tho next instalments,- i All persons,
Companies, or Corporations willing to aid tho county
Id its efforts to meet punctually tho County Bonds
now outstanding and interest, are requested to notify
tho Commissioners on or before the Ist day of Sep--
'tember next/ “ ' '
Wellsboro, July 12,-1865.
to be cured 1 If so, swallow two or three hogs
heads of " Buchn,”, “ Tonic Bitters,” " Sarsaparilla,”
“ Nervous Antidotes,” Ac., Ac., Ac., and after you
are satisfied with the result, then try one box of Old
Doctor Buchan's English Specific Pills—and be re
stared to health and vigor in less than thirty days.
They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt
and salutary in their effects on the broken-down and
shattered constitution. Old and young can take.them
with advantage. Dr. Buchan's English Specific Pills
cure io less than 30 days, the worst eases of Ner
vousness, Iropotency, Prrmaturo Decay, Seminal
Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual, and
Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause pro
duced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, postpaid,
by mail, on receipt of an order. Address,
• No. 429 Broadway, New York, General Agent.
P. S.—A box sent to any address on receipt of
price—which is One Dollar—post free. A de
scriptive Circular sent on application. ' * '
July 19, 1865-2 m.
A. Brooks 'You are hereby notified that Jos.
P. Brooks, yonr husband, has applied to the Court
of Common Pleas of Tioga County for a divorce from
the bonds of matrimony, and the said Court has ap
pointed "Monday, the 28th day of August next, at 2
o’clock P. M m at the Court House in Wollsboro, for
hearing the said Joseph P, Brooks in the premises at
which time - and place you can attend if you think
proper.\ • , T LEROY TABOR, Sheriff.
Wellsboro,. July 19, 18 65-41.
NOTICE TO subscriber
requests all indebted to her to come forward
and.settle immediately, as she desires
to leave town. - ' PAULINE SMITH*
Wellsboro, Aug. 2,1865-31. [
r I—. t * r ’ i ’li' ♦ •
Stoves! Stoves!!
■We shall keep constantly on band a full assortment
, Aiso.Vmost complete assortment of
and a fait assortment of
! f HAYING- TOOLS, h ;
in their season. ■ ■ ■ i
, Particular attention paid to the manafaetnre of
tho subscribers having had an extensive experience In
the manafaetnre of the article. '
Also a quantity of
We are selling a nice artfcle of SAD-IRON HEATER,
which effects a great saving in fuel.
1 JOBBING and REPAIRING done promptly, is
the best maßner, and on tilc most favorable terms.
We also desire to say that we shall sell oar wares
as cheap as they can be purchased anywhere else, the
difference in freight and transportation only added.
We intend to make it the interest of the public to
bay of ns, and shall study the interest of patrons as
well as our own.
The Subscriber 'will take in ex change for Tin-
Call and examine oar stock before purchasing else
Successors of Wm. Roberts.
Wcllsboro, Jane 14,1805-tf.
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ORPHAN’S COURT SALE.—In pursuance of on
order Of the Orphan’s Court of Tioga Count?,
bearing date the 20th day of July 1865, the following
described real estate, late the property of John Bur
gess, deo'd, will be offered at public sale, on the prem
ises, on the 25th day ef August next, at 1 o’clock P.
M., to wit:
A lot of land lying in Sullivan township and de
scribed as follows ; bounded on the north by Anson
Palmer, on the east by Walter Ballard, on the south
by James H. Burgess, and on the west by the road
leading from Armenia Mountains to Dewey Hollow;
being 30 acres, with ten acres improved, a frame
house and some fruit trees thereon.
Adm’r of the estate of Jobn Burgess, deo’d.
July 26, 1865-41*
will restore gray hair to its natural color; prevent
its falling out, and give it a glossy appearance. It
is a superior hair dressing. For sale by
Wellsboro, July 26,’65-3m. • P. R. WILLIAMS.
ESPBA Y. —Strayed from the premises of the sub
scriber in Charleston, on the I9th nit, A SPOT
TED COW, 'white and red, 8 years old. Any person
giving information where she may be found will be
suitably rewarded. . POLITUB BBAUQB.
Charleston* Ang. 2,1886-34.
IS now receiving a large and well eeleoted
confuting in part of a General Stock of
WOODEN WARE, &c., &o.
All of which will be rold VERT LOW for
All perrons baying GOODS for
Are rerpeotfally invited to cal! and eiraiin#
As they are to he gold at
Tioga, May 17 1865. T. L. BALDWIN.
;red digestion from un
ay ..i, .-, filth and filthy habits,
the depressing vices, and, above all, by the vene
real infection. WTiatever bo its origin, itis hered
itary in the constitution, descending “ from parents
to children unto the third and fourth generation; ”
indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, “I
will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their
children.'* The diseases it originates take variooe
names, according to the organs it attacks. In the
lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally
Consumption; in the glands, swellings which sup
purate and become ulcerous sores; in the stomach
and bowels, derangements which produce indi
gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the
skin, eruptive and cutaneous affectiqns. These,
all having the same origin, require the same rem
edy, viz., purification and invigoration of file
blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous dis
tempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted
blood, you cannot have health; with that “life of
the flesh” healthy, you cannot have scrofulous
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
is compounded from the most effectual antidotes
that medical science has discovered for this afflict
ing distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it
entails. That it is far superior to any other
remedy yet devised, is known by ail who hare
given itatrial. That it does combine virtues truly
extraordinary in their effect upon this class of
complaints, is indisputably proven by the great
multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures
it has made of the following diseases: King's
Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup
tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas,
Bose or St Anthony’s Eire, Salt Rheum, Scald
Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in
the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy,
Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis
and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases,
Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series
of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood.
Minute reports of individual cases may be found
in Ayer’s American Almanac, which is furnished
to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein
may be learned the directions for its use, and some
of the remarkable cures which it has made when
all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those
cases are purposely taken from all sections of the
country, in order that every reader may have ac
cess to some one who can speak to him of its bene
fits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses
the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far
more subject to disease and its fatal results than
are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten,
and does greatly shorten, the average duration of
human life. . The vast importance of these con
siderations has led us to spend years in perfecting
a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This vro
now offer to the public under the name of Aran’s
Sarsaparilla, although it is composed of ingre
dients, some of wliich exceed the best of Sorwt.
parilla in alterative .power. By its aid you may
protect yourself from the suffering and danger of
these Purge out the foul corruptions
that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the
causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow.
By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the
vital functions, and thus expels the distempers
which lurk within the system or burst out on any
part of it.
We know the public hare been deceived by
many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised
much and did nothing; but they will neither be
deceived nor disappointed in tins. Its virtues have
been proven by abundant trial, and there remains
ho question of its surpassing excellence for_the
cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to
reach. Although under the same name, it is a
very different medicine from any other which has
been before the people, and is far more effectual
than any other which has ever been available to
The World’s Great Remedy for Coughs,
Colds, Incipient Consumption, and',
for the relief of Consumptive ’
patients in advanced sta
ges of the disease.
This has been so long used and so universally
known, that we need do no more than assure the
public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever
has been, agd that it may be relied on to do all it
has ever done.
Prepared by Da. J. C. Area & Co.,
Practical and Analytical Chmitt S,
Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all druggists every where, and by
Sold by J. A. Boy and P. B. 'Williams, WeUsboro ;
Dr. H. H. Borden, Tioga; S. S. Packard, Covington;
C, V. Elliott, Mansfield; S. S. Billings, Gaines; and
by Dealers everywhere. [Nov. 23, JBW-ly.]
scriber having built an entire now Mill for the pur
pose of Carding Wool and Dressing Cloth in the
lower part of town near Biberole's Tannery, returns
thanks for past favors and would inform ths people
of Tioga County and other places adjoining that he
is ready to Card Wool on short notice as his works
run by steam power. Wool Carded and Cloth Dressed
at as low rates or lower than any other establishment
in the country. All work warranted to give good
satisfaction. All work sent from a distance by stage
will bo returned by the same if ordered.
Wellsbooo, May 31, 1865. CHABLE3 LEE.
The subscriber will take charge of Express pack
ages for New York and Philadelphia by the way of
Covington, Mansfield, and Troy, guarantying their
safe and prompt delivery at the ofiiees at each place.
Packages for Philadelphia may bo sent cheaper and
quicker by this route than by the way of Coning
and Elmira. Packages for New York can be sent
cheaper, and as promptly by this route as by any
other. Office opposite Boy's Drug Store. .
WV-N. MARVIN, Proprietor.
WeUsboro, June 28, 1865. ,
ib peculiar taint or infeo
which vrc call Scbot
larks in the constKn
-19 of multitudes of men.
either produces or is
idaccd by an enfeebled*
: atecl state of the blood,
irein that fluid becomes
impotent to sustain the
il forces in their vigorori*
ion, and leaves the syi
to fall into disorder
decay. The scrofulous
itamination is variously
ised by mercurial dis-