i that Soldi*x. - I of wealth;; I appeal to yon mejpber-of the Church, and *to all-the wen-dressed and respectable men who throng, the lines pf.ttavel end walk the streets of onr cities! Protect that soldier. 'He dins stood up for yon ;,he has protected you atJafey risk to himself. I'Now stand by him. Be is on the thresh^(,of.va. drinking saloon, has al ready ti?o tnucb. H talks loud ly, profanely' if may be; so pet Japs would you if you had beltr three yeari. the rough school from'whiah ho 7 has just graunated.-- He |iis hundred dollars or so, hut hi* all, the scanty return for his ly&rdship and exposure, perhaps for his blood, endured and shed for yoii. '.Go to him. Do not approach or touch him "as if he were a toad- Take off your kid gipve and put your naked band upon his shoulder. Kindly and patiently prove to him that you are his friend. You observe that villanous ancUdesigning men are making bis acquaintance- Their ob ject is* apparent. ' Never gathered • sharks around an unconscious swiramer- Vith a less friendly purpose. Faithfully war.l him : save him from their hands if it does qq; t you some personal', disdonffort. A few vile Words may be thrown atyou, but can you no l stand a lit tle‘dirrf3'rhtm7When‘he, far~yoa, -aps* bravely faced a storm of shot and shell long hours on many bloody fields? Tou say hsv ought to know better. That is no excuse.. Most men have made fools of themselves* oo,some occa sions of their lives, and seldom.with much reason as this poor soldier. .He has just ob tained freedom from an iron ’ discipline. He has more money .than he ever bad before at one time. Absent for years, Jie is now going to that home which many a time* during the dangerous past he never expected to see again. The nor it over and the Union Restored. It is enough to turn the bead of apathy itself. Is Itstrange then that he is-excited and indiscreet, and does things that he would not do a week hence when the fever is past ? .Stand by the soldier. He has more dangerous - enemies go ing Nurth than be bad marching South. It ie said that at least one-half are robbed ere reach ing home. It is a shame that file can bo in a Christian land. Shall thieves T'et millions of our soldier’s pay? i Protect them on their homeward journey, and waitinfvdittle children, and patient expectant wises ViM bless you with hearts overflowing with ; oy and-grati tude. S, P. K., Chaplian, in t<- N. 7. Moan • glist. ' " . L A Finnish woman expressed the greatest astonishment and horror at hearing from Mr. Wolley, that it was acommon'fhing in England for a husband and wife to kiss each other. “If my husband were to attempt such a thing,” said she, “ I would bps him about the ears until he would feel it for a Taylor. J^KOS^ECTDS— —OF THE— .WELLSBOIIO ' PETROLEUM COMPANY. CAPITAL. STOCK.!'. • .T. 1 .51.00,000. 10.000 SOARES OF 110 EACH. -'■ i ' t •' - f FIRST ASSESSMENT $1 I“EB SHARE. ( * . •; 7 (IQiOOih Working Capital. - * • The wittsboro Petroleum Company has duly axe on ted leases of 5,000 acres Qf selected lauds, ly ing hfthe townships of Delmar,;Charleston, Ship* peo f -Gajnes,J4erri», Liberty* add Middlebury, and In, WeUsboro, Tioga county, t nd jin Brown township, Lycoming county—-in numbe:,* about 100 leaser* Agents of the Company aro actively employed in o«l«v *haiw lands. £60.000 of the stock is already sublcribed.l Operations -Prill be commenced when throe-fourths of the authorised stock shall be subscribed and ten per Cent. pni .'•?, W. BAILEY, • i,, - J. RIBEROLLE, ?. If. BACHE, . >' 01 OOPESTICK, . - G. P, CARD, 1£ BULLARD, ; AMOS COOLIDGE, ' July. 12, 1566-6t rf TfatlOß COSING.' P.OWN WtXH GOLD “at “ 3 " JJ ‘ /W&IOHX A BAtLEf'S. WelUfcoro> April 8, 1865.“ -- •, * BESS to announce to the people of Wellshoro and vloloity that he is now receiving for the A Fine Assortment of Brawn, White, Leather Co lored and Satin of the moat fashionable and tasteful patterns. Also -a great variety of Plain and-Flgored v■' _ which he, intends tp sell cheap regardless of the price or Sold in Wall Street. ' The latest and best invSntions ln with Cord and Tassels to match. In the way of ( • . ■ ■■ - his (took U unrivaled both In variety and quality. Among other notions he has constantly on band Albums, Alburn Pictures,' Almanacs, , _ Bodkins, ■ ' Bankers Cam, - Jteads, Back Gammon Boards, • .. Barometers, Bridal Gifts, Combs, Oroohet Needlos, - Chess Mon, C attain Loops, Carpenters Pencils, Camels Hair Pencils, Chalk Crayons, Cards, - , Dolls, Dice, ; ' Diaper Pins, Drams,' Fancy Boses, . Fishing Tackle, Frames, Plates, Fans, , , I Snitar Strings, Hair Pins, Ink of all Colors, Indelible Ink, Inkstands, ' Knitting Needles, ' Ke/-rings, , - Ladies Baskets, Microscopes, _ Needles, Patterns.for Worsted Work, /, Pictures, ■ _• Picture Framss,. Picture Card, ' Pen Kaoks, Parlor Games, 1V ' i t: - ■ ?; ; Port Monales, . ■ ; PocketKnires, Pocket Mirrors, " 1 . v'r .Pipes in all varieties, j?ins, (Mourning) . Portfolios, Paint Boxes, Sand, ( j Shaving Brushes,! Snuff Boxes, Shuttles for Lace,' Sealing Wax. Silk Pl»h Lines, l Stereoscopes and Tobacco Bates, . Thermometer*, Toy*. ' Visiting Cards, - Violin Strings, Ac, Ha has on on band the largest stock of ever brought into Tioga County., embracing WHITE FOOLSCA?, BLUB FOOLSCAP, QUAETO POST, GILT EDGED NOTE, LADIES’ NOTE, 51 . LEGAL CAP, l BILL PAPER, j | MOURNING PAPER, land ten different styles of ENVELOPES- used in the Schools and Aeadenftes In the. County, which drill be seat by mall at publication prices. Emtraoing BIOGRAPHY, HISTORY, . , POETRY, ’ ’ ' , soms, LAW, i POLITICS, i PHILOSOBHY, md TRAVEL. Alio, " DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGERS, PASS BOOKS, TIME BOOKS, ■ BANK BOOKS A other BLANKS. :: • ' jj e meu b mb: ':: ■ A.-H. GAYLORD. ; Before Parcliasliis Kleewliej-e, I -No, Blaftt OJ^ct,£^3ding... APRIL IS, <■ HU G H Y jp'll'W G i(j AZLAY ’ s pacific monthly.— SPRING TRADE, WALLPAPER WINDOW “TAPERS, CURTAIN FIXTURES, Yankee Notions STATIONERY FIVE DIFFERENT QUALITIES —or— COMMERCIAL ROTE TAPER ( ALSO ALSO ALL SCHOOL AND TEXT BOOKS ALSO A VARIETY OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, TO CALL. JELEBE TH£ XIOOA 00U N T Y AGITATOR. Now U the time to Satfscrlbe for out new Pacific Monthly, which we cheerfully commend to you as the Bichliibr'of the ' MONTHLY MAGAZINES. . Employing and paying for more Literary talent than any other Maguine in the country, we flatter' ourselves that no Department of-tho ' PACIFIC MONTHLY - I will coffer neglect' from the want of able and well known . - - ■ - -■; LITERARY CONTRIBUTORS, representing some of the principal shining lights of tl)e Literary world. We shall make, such additional engagements as circumstances may demand. Your special'attention is called to onr ILLUSTRATIONS, which aro produced, without regard to expense, by an efficient oorpe of artists—at whose head stands Brightly and uueqnaled as Designers and Engravers. call the attention of the Public to the -profusion of-first-class illustrations of the va ried, hovel and picturesque scenery and local views of the GOLDEN STATES - ' AN D TERRITORIES OF THE PACIFIC. With Descriptive,Views and Reading Matter, af farding the mostrelUblo and comprehensive medium in existence for full information, in regard to Califor nio, JgjwaaH» r «mLJhAir.fiAnfiguftn« florif erous territories. The information we give in regard to the Pacific Slates, ten times the Subscription Price of our Magaxine. The twelve numbers, a year's subscription, when neatly bound, affording two splendid volujmes, suitable for the DRAWING-ROOM, LIBRARY, OR THE COUN TING-HOUSE, and costing but FIVE DOLLARS, which In years to come can but bo purchased for any price. Our EDITORIAL DRAWER will abound with selections of “Wit, Original Stories Comic Sketches, and light Literature, culled from a well-garnered storehouse of fun, fact and Incident, affording interesting light reading matter for the Par lor and Fire-side. COMIC ILLUIiTRATIONS. This Department of the Monthly, under the Imme diate supervision of MoLekait, the celebrated Comic Delineator, will be found rich In Wit, Merriment, and appropriate Design. FASHION PLATES, Having made special arrangements with Mme. Dimobest, 478 Broadway, New York, for contribu tions to our Fashion Department, we call the attention of the Ladies to the same, and commend onr Monthly to their notice, as containing more information in re gard to Dress mad the Toilet, than any other Maga zine published. SUBSCRIBE NOW! Now is the time to Subscribe, and have your vol ume complete for 1805. We will furnish Bach Num bers to such as do not subscribe in time for the Jana ary or February number. But to be sure and get them without delay, send in yonr subscriptions early. Our Subscription Price is FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR, Payable in Advance, upon the rceipt of which onr receipt for the same will be sent in return. PREMIUMS IN GOLHI As an -additional inducement to subscribe early, we shall distribute among our Subscribers a large dinary large Subscription List to compensate ua for our liberality. These Premiums will consist of valua ble Souvenirs of th»-Golden Wealth of the Pacific States, and will be as follows: To any person sending ns One Hundred Pay ing Subscriptions, we will send them immediately, a Twenty and a Ten Dollar Gold Piece, California Coinage; and an extr% Copy of the Pacific Monthly for a Tear, free. «a* To any person lending ns Fifty Paying Sub scribers, we will send immediately, a Ten and a Fire Dollar Gold Piece, and an extra Copy of the Pa cific Monthly for a Tear, free. To aity person sending ns Twenty-five Fay ing Subscribers, we will send, immediately, a Five Dollar and a Two-and-a-half Dollar Gold Piece, and an extra Copy of the Paoiflo Monthly for a Tear, free. - - - To any person sending ns Ten Paying Sub scribers, we will send, immediately, a Three Dollar Gold Piece, and an extra Copy of the Pacific Monthly for a Year, free. yar* To any person sending ns Five Paying Sub scriptions, we will sena ah extra'Cdpy of the Pacific. Monthly for a Tsar, free. We are also having made, a large quantity of Valuable PRESENTS AND KEEPSAKES for Single Subscribers, who send direct to the Office. The Presents and Souvenirs consist of Ladies’ Breast Pins, Ear-Ringi, Finger-Rings, Sleeve-But tons, etc.; and Gentlemen’s Breasi_Pins, Finger- Rings,- BleeTO-l>otton« r -Stods t ~BettingB- for Cane- Heads, etc., made from California and Nevada Gold and Silver bearing Quarts and Ora—Crystalised Quarts Jewelry, (commonly known as California Dia mond Jewelry.) The gold and Silver-bearing Quarts and Ore from which these Souvenirs are made, la from the'oelehrated - _ • - - GOULD & CURRY and OpMr Mines of Nevada, and will be valuable as Mementos, as well ae beautiful in Appearance and Design. Every Regular Subscriber, aa above, to tbe Pacific Monthly, will be entitled to one of these Arti* oles-for every Subscription standing opposite their names es our books. SPECIMEN COPIES or TBE Pacific monthly sent, postage pro-paid, upon the receipt of Fifty Cents in Currency or Postage Stamps, CAUTION! MB' Write your Nome, Poet-Office, County and State, to where you want the Pacific Monthly cent. Plain and Distinct. A* Reglater all Letter* containing Money; or when convenient, send by Express. If your Post-Office is a Money-Order office, obtain a Money-Order for your remittance, tBK* Send none but United Statea Treasury Notes, or money Bankable in Now York. All Letters asking Information, etc., to re ceive attention, must contain a Stamp, to prepay an swer* Address all Correspondence, 3>. M. GAZLA7 & CO, PDBUSHBAB PACIFIC HOITHLT, 34 Liberty Street, N. Y. WHOLESALE AGENTS AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY,. 121 NASSAU STREET,- NEW YORK. WHITE % BAUER, SAM FRAItCISCO, California, -■U'r “ v. '~ lJ ' " k ’ January 18,1885-Xy. September Ist, 1863. T to publio. ~ > TAM now preparid to mtauftctar*. at mTeiUbllih FROM THIS DATE, JL mint In SudUld, FOR READY PAY OEY ! PLAI ' LAHNBI8 ’ CUSTOM BOOTS AND SHOES; BALMORAL SKIRTS X _ -, n . j,, to order, either by the piec. or quantity, to »ait out Leather, Findings, so. tomers. Joseph insham CASH PAID FOR HIDES, PELTS, DEER KnoxyUle, Joly 15,1863, SKINS AND FDRS. FRANKLIN SAYS; •* When you-Rave anything to, advertise, toll the public of it In plain,' simple language.- ~ ' I am manufacturing good custom made Boots and Shoes whioh I will sell at fair prices, and only for READY PA Y . Such work cannot be sold at as low rates per pair as eastern made slop-work, bat it can and will bo sold at prices which will enable the par. chaser to protect his feet with good substantial boots more cheaply than with a poor slop-shop article, whioh, even if it ebanoes not'to fall in pieces with the first*weeks service, is but a doubtful protection In wet and cold weather. Try me. Buck and Doeskins Wanted, in the fed and short blue, for which I will pay cash and a good price. Beof-Hidos and Calfskins Wanted, for which I will also pay cash. Sheep Pelts Wanted, for which 1 will also pay cash and the highest mar* ket price. ■ An assortment of sole, upper,calfskins and linings, pegs, thread, nails, awls, knives, shoe-hammers, 40., ~d(c., kept constantly on hand, which I will tell cheap for cash. Shop on Main Street between Wilcox’s and Bullard’s. G. W. 6BAKB. N. B. I can’t give credit, because, to be plain, haven’t got it to give. Welleboro, Sept. 9,1863 Genera] Order No. 1* HEADQUARTERS OF THE IRON BRIGADE —OF — Tioga and Potter Counties. ALL persons whether liable to draft or not, want ing any articles made wholly or in part of oast iron, are hereby ’notified that the headquarters of this Brigade is permanently located at the KnozTille Foundry, where ell each wants will be supplied upon presentation of “ The Greenbacks." If you want a Cook Stove call at Biles’. If you want a Parlor Stove, call at Headquarters. If you want a Box Stove, call at Knoxville Foun dry.. If you want a good Flow, oall at Biles . If you want a Road Scraper, call at Headquarters. If yon want Cultivator Teeth, oall at Knoxville Foundry. If you-Want a Wagon Shoe, call at Biles'. _ If yon want a Paint Mill, call at Headquarters. If yon want Sled Shoes, call at Knoxville Foun dry. 1 If yoa want Mill Irons, Machinery, or any thing ever made at a FOUNDRY, call where they make the best of every thing and no mistake. N. B. On account of the serious illness of the OLD MAN CREDIT, ' Mr. CASH will take his place, and all persons in debted will walk up to the Captain’s Office and settle or not growl whan the constable comes around. J. P. BILES, & CO. J. P. BILES, 1 H. K. BUMBET- j 1 Knoxville, Dot. 26, 1864. FALL AND WINTER GOODS.— No. 2, Union Block. • JJE RjCLMJE S. MI T H Has lately returned from New Tort with a splendid assortment of PRX GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, GLASSWARE, HATS 4 CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODENWARE, ENGLISH CIiOTHS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. SATINS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, FRENCH OASSIMERES, FULL CLOTHS. Attention 1« called to hH stock of Black and Figured Brass Silks, Wonted Goods, ; Merlnoos, Black and Figured BeLainae, Long and Square Shawls, Ladles’ Cloth, Open Flannels, Ac. Purchaser! will find that No. 2 ( Union Block, Main Street, is the place to bo;, the belt qnalit; of Qoods at the lowest prices. JERQUE SMITH. Wollsboro, Not. 18, 1864-tf. ON HAND.—P. R. WILLIAMS is on hand at his Store, No, 3, Union Block, with afresh stock of DKUGRntND MEDICINES, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, Fancy Articles, Patent Medicines, Ac., Ao., bought since the Fall of Richmond, and which will be sold very cheap for cash. He has also on hand Linseed Oil, White Lead, and Zinc, Window Glass and Patty, White Wash Lime, Garden Seeds, and )n fact everything kept in a DRUG STORE. We claim to have the best and cheapest stock ot Drags and Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Toilef Soap, Yankee Notions, Ac., Ac., ever brought in town, and if yon don’t believe It call and examine for yonrselves. No. S, Union Block, first door be low Jerome Smith. P. R. WILLIAMS. Wellsboro, April, ID, 1866, Dissolution of partnership.—Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between George C. Guernsey and James H. Guernsey of Wellsboro, Pa., In the Blaoksmlthing business, was dissolved on the 16th day of April last, by mutual consent. The partnership books have been placed in the hands of oar Attorney, J. Harri son, to whom all persons indebted to said partnership are requested to make payment immediately. , C. G. GUERNSEY, Wellsboro, May 10,’85-3m. J. H.-3UERNBEY. A UMXNIBTEATOE’S NOTlCE.—Letters of id ministration having been granted to the under signed on the estate of John Burgess, late of Ward, deo’d, notice is hereby given to those indebted to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them properly authenticated far settlement to WM. BRAINE, Adm’r. Ward, June U, 1804-6w.* FARM FOR SALE.—Situated on the Spencer’s Mills Rond from half to three-fourths of a mile east of Whitney’s Corners, in Charleston township, and five and one-half miles from Wellsboro. Said farm contains about 107 acres, about 65 acres cleared, the balance valuable woodland. It is well watered by springs of excellent water, and small creeks. The house is two stories, comfortable, and the oatbiidings are in good condition. There is also on said farm a thrifty young orchard of grafted fruit; some 76 trees. Terms easy. Apply to the subscriber, on the premises. Charleston, May 31, ’€6. HENRY GIFFORD, Ran away from the subscriber, an indentured apprentice, named RICHARD MoKINNA, from Randall’s Island, Kings co., N.T. Alt persons are forbid harboring or trusting him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting after this date, D. A. LpCKTVOOD, Charleston, June 28, 1865-31. J PUTTY A WINDOW GLASRat ROY’S DRUG STORE, /CONCENTRATED LYE, for sale at - ' ROY’S DRUG STORE. AN Assortment of TABLE GLASSWARE will berfoundiat. , ROY’S DRUG- STORE. DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY. fPHE undersigned having purchased the well JL known Woolen Factory of'Meairs. Er«fcß. S. Bowen on the Cowanesque River, two mile I east fif Knoxville, takes this method of informing the inhabU tanta of Tioga and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares to suit customers, into FLANNELS, ' CASSIMERES, , DOE-SKINS, FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery has been thoroughly repaired and new machinery added thereto, also an improved new wheel which will enable him to work the entire sea son. He will pay particular attention to Roll (Carding & Cloth Dressing, wbioh will bo done in the neatest manner, having added one new Roll Machine, will enable him to dispatch and accommodate people from aidistnnce. He would farther say that be has carried on the busi ness in manufacturing wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining oountles-for the past twenty years; he thereforeesn warrantall work and satisfy his custo mers, using nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool. JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, May 6,1863-ly. Insurance Agency. THE Insurance Company of North America have appointed the undersigned an agent for Tiogu County and vicinity. As the high character and standing of this Compa nygive- the assurance of full protection to owners of property against the hazard of fire, I solicit with con fidence, a liberal share of the business of the county. This company was incorporated in 1794. Its capita) is $500,000, and Its assests in 1861 as per statement Ist Jan. of that year was $1264,7X9 81. CHARLES PLATT, . . ARTHUR 6. COFFIN, Office of the Company 232 Walnut Street Philadelphia. Wm.Buehler, Central Agent liar risbnrg. Pa. JOHN W. GUERNSEY, Agent for Tioga County, Pa, July 15, 1863. Soldiers’ Pay Bounty and Pension Agency. KNOXVILLE. TWO A COUNTY PENN A The undersigned haying been specially licensed by tbs United States Government to procure the Back Pat, Bounty, and Pensions, of deceased and disabled soldiers, gives notice to all Interested, that he has made arrangements with par ties ib Washington, by which he is able to procure Back pay, Bonnty and Pensions, in a very short time, and that he will give particular attentions to all such claims that may be brought to him. Being provided with all the requisite Forma, Blanks, Ac., Ac., be has superior advantages in this branch of business. Sol diers entitled to pensions, will find it to their advan tage to apply to the undersigned at Knoxville, as the examining surgeon for Xioga County resides there. Also, Judge Case, before whom all applications for pensions may be made. Soldiers enlisted since the Ist of March, 1861, in any kind of service, Naval or Military, who are dis abled by disease or wounds, are entitled to Pensions. All soldiers who serve for two years or during toe war, should it sooner close, will be entitled to $lOO Bonnty* Also soldiers-who Save been wounded in battle, whether having served two years or not, are entitled to $lOO Bonnty. Widows of .soldiers who die or are Ruieo are onliucu w p«natmu nmi the ®l oo Bounty. If there be no widow, then the minor-chil dren; ah'd'if no minor, children, then, the father, mother, sisters, or brothers are entitled as above..— Terms, moderate. I will be at my office on Monday and Saturday ol each week, to attend to this business. July 15,1893. ly. WM. B. SMITH. Reverences: Wellsboro, J.*P. Donaldson, Sher iff Stowell. Addison, N. T., W, E. Smith. --Wash ington, D. 0.. Tucker and Lloyd. j PENSION AGENCY. TO SOLSIBBS AND THEIR FEIEND8 > THE undersigned having bad considerable expe-' ricnee in procuring Pension Bounties and Back pay of Soldiers, will attend to all business in chat line entrusted to his care with promptness and fidelity. ALL SOLDIERS discharged by reason of wounds are entitled to'the $lOO bounty. Pensions, Bounties, and arrears of pay, collected by the undersigned. Persons wishing to confer with me will please call pr address me by letter at Sylvania, Bradford eonnty. Pa. Chargee reasonable. ‘ GEO. P. MONRO. RefersHy permission to H. B. Card, County Treasurer, Wellsboro, Pa. D. F. Pomeroy, Troy, Pa. A. H. Spalding, Sheriff,- Towanda, Pa. [April 1. Pennsylvania State normal [School, MANSFIELD* TIOGA COFA THE SPRING TERM will commence on Mon day, March IS, 1865. Prop. F. A. ALLEN, for the past six years in charge of the Chester County (Pa.) Normal School, has been elected Principal, and Prof. Frans Crosby, recently of the same institution, has been appointed to the Professorship of Languages and Literature. Prof, Alls* is well known throughout the SUte as a gentleman of accurate scholarship, possessing a prac tical experience of. fifteen years as an educator of teachers. Prof. Crosby possesses the advantage of a rare and successful experience as a teacher of the va rious branches which are pursued in schools of the higher grade. Excellent Chemical and Philosophical apparatus will be in-readiness at thr opening of the School. A Gymnasium will be erected, for which a valuable apparatus has already been secured. Tuition, t« advance, per term, $6.00. No extra charges for the languages or mathematics. Boarding in the hall, or in private families, from $2.50 to $3.00 por week. TY. C. RIPLEY, Albert Clark, Beo’y. Preset Board of Trustees. Mansfield, July. 20, 1864-ly. ASSIGNEE SALE.—The property assigned by Henry Seely, late of Deerfield, Tioga Co., Pa., to D. Angell and Levi Scott, for the benefit of cred itors, ia offered for sale and will be sold to settle the estate, on Tuesday, Sept. 12, next. Those baring claims will present them to D. Angell for settlement. Those indebted are requested to make immediate payment PROPERTY OFFERED FOB SALE. A large steam power Door and Sash Factory, Saw Mill, Lumber House, and three acres of land with about two hundred thousand (200,000} feet dry pine lumber expressly for Doors and Sash. A large Store and Dwelling House in Knoxville, suitable for a Dry Goods business, with a small stock of goods now. in the store. A house and lot i acre (central} in Knoxville—a good property. 22 acres of good faming land in Deerfield adjoin ing the Factory lot. SO acres good farming land in Chatham township. A farm of 200 acres in Ciymer, with first class buildings, with 13 Cows thereon. This is an excel lent Grain, Dairy, or Sheep farm. Three horaes, two cows, farm and lumber tools, wagons, 40, DANIEL dNGELL, 1. . , LEVI SCOTT, J a * ,i 8» >• Knoxville, Pa., April 26, 1805-3 m. REVENUE STAMPS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Revenue Stamps iof all denominations, just received at the First National Bank of Wellsboro, in the Store building of C.l 4 J, L. Robinson. ■ Persons wanting Stamps are request to call and get a supply. Wellsboro, May 25, 1864-lf. VITHITE WASH LIME.—The best quality "of ' T V Rhode Islend Lime for white washing, at - ROY’S DRUG STORE. - WORCESTER'S, par YEAST, or HOE&EASt IN CAKES'. 0 - EWry'Lady should py r ,it,and have light bread. For sale at Roy’s Drug Sthre. 1 ' 0ON&T1TOTION LIFE SYRDP.-. PHIMIIn it WILLIAM H. GREGG, M. D Qxadtut* of the College of Physicians ami v ar 2., ’ ?^' k ’. f u lme^ y AMUUnt Physician In h '» liUuia iledlodlnspectur of th.W V* I'* 1 '* State Tolunuer Depots, under Got. Edwin 1), jj or lo ‘h CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP HAS PRODUCED . * OLUTION IN MEDICINE, CEI) 4 **T- What may seem almost Incredible, Is that man, a, hitherto eouaiderod hopelessly incurable aoV cored ina few days or weeks; and we cheertM.7! < *?' DU r Investigations of the liberal-minded and seWra ltl lb » wWch have no paralieiat the present .lay Dtlac t 0««. During the last five years », have contended win, e cles, and overcome opposition, as herculean a. . bMl ' encountered by any relormers. ,T t: CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is a positive and specific‘remedy for all diseases from an larona Srarc or the Bioon, and for all tb Diseases transmitted from Parent to Child. U It is so universally admitted that Constitution Lif. Is the only effective means of restoration in tb. forms of Paralysis, that see nsed not reiterate tw phelically tha Great Ufe-glvlng Pow.r ““ l< *» ■sa- DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion, Weight at Stomach, Flataleac. tt- „ plaint. Want of Appetite, Bad Br~ Coa Constipation, BUlousDogi. ’ SCROFULA, Struma, Klng'a Evil. Glandular Swellings. Srvtie.l.. n, deration, Salt Rheum. ™* P Cl, This taint {hereditary and acquired) mime nr. ... told misery, Is, by all usual medldal.rimeieS RHEUMATISM. [Arthritis], Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica,pnfying Agent, the Lift Synp, any ‘ P rfc P*ratlon In the world. 9 TUB RICH AND POOR ore liable to the same illsrem Naunre and Science have made the Constitution Lift Sttib for the benefit of all. 3 * PURE BLOOD produce, healthy men and women; and if the constitution l» neglected In youth, disease and etrlv death is the result. Do not delay when the means are u near at band, and within Che reach of all Secretary President CONSTITUTION LITE 3TKCP it the Poor Man's Jrkad and the Rich Man's Blessing, MORGAN & ALLEN, WHOLESALE DBtJGQISTa, AGENTS. 46 Cliff Street, New Tort Sold by J. A. Rot, Well.boro, Pe.; as. Pacxaeh, Covlm. ton. Pa.; Rssctotos ACo.Troy, Pa. 1 March 29,1866-ly. E. A. H. T. ANTHONY & CO,, Mannfactnror* of Photographic Materials, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 601 BROADWAY, N. Y- In addition to our main business of Photographic Materials, we ore Headquarters for the following, vis. Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Views, ‘Of these we have an immense assortment, including War Scenes, American and foreign Cities and Lsnd* scapes. Groups, Statuary, Ac., Ac. Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, for public or private exhibition. Oar Catalogue will bo sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTbORAPBIO ALBUMS. W* were die first to introduce these into the Coiled State*, and we manufacture immense quantities in great variety, ranging in price from 50 cents to $3O each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any ethers. They •will be tent by mail, was, en receipt of price. Pine Albums made to order, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now embraces over Five Thousand different subjects (to which additions are continually being made) of Portraits ©f Eminem Americans, Ac., viz: about 100 Major-Generals, 550 Statesmen, 200 Brig.-Qenerals, 130 Divines, 276 Colonels, 125 Authors, 100 Lieut-Colonels, 40 Artists, 350 Other Officers, 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers, 50 Prominent Women, 160 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 3,000 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, Ac. Catalogues sent on receipt of S|*mp. An order for One Dozen PIC TURES from our Catalogue will be filled on the re ceipt of $l.BO, and sent by mail, fbjee. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. D. will please remit twenty-five per cent, of the amount with their order. E. A H. T. ANTHONY A CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 Broadway, New York. fiSt* The prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satiety. [Nov, 18,1884-1,.] DRDS STORE PRINCE’S METALLIC PAINT, THADDEOS DAVIDS’ INKS, CONCENTRATED .MEDICINES. CINCINNATI WINES * BRANDY, WHITEWASH LIME, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, FLUID EXTRACTS, i PAINTS AND OILS, PETROLEUM OIL, j DRUGS '4 MEDICINES, ■ ROCHESTER PERFUMERY & FLAVORING EXTRACTS, , SCHOOL BOOKS, WALL PAPER. WINDOW GLASS, DYE COLORS, Farniihed at Wboiuale Prlcca by w. D. TEEBELL, Jan. 18, 1865-tf. Corning, N. Y. New Floor and Provision Store. CHAS. 4 H. VANVALKENBUR& wiahef to in form the citizens of Wellsboro and the surroand ing country that they have recently started a new FLOUR AND PROVISION STORE, in the building formerly known as u Osgood’s Store/ where they may be found at all times ready to wail all customers who may favor them with a call, and tell them the choicest kinds of 1 FLOUR, MEAL, BUCK WHEAT, PORK, at as reasonable rates as any firm in this place , CASH paid for all kinds of GRAIN, HIDS& and FURS. OHAS. AH. VAN VALKENBCBG. Wellsboro, Dec. 21, 1864. • MILLINERY.— Mrs. A. J. SOPIBLD would annotjDC»to her customers that she hoi just received her SPRING SUPPLY OF MILLINERY. Also a good assortment of Infants* Cape, LadfeV Dr«s C»P» and Head-Dresses, Collars and Cufia, Embroidery and lace*. BLEACHING & PRESSING dene to order in all tbe New Styles. Walla boro, May 3,18C6-2m. Rn. A. J. 80nEU>* paralysis