■t -t Jn ACBsnr.T—J fa? steam- engine is stopped nnnsod-f(' f a isng period, the 7" piston rusts fast in the cjinder, the packing and dust hioklyc overs every ’ . . ’• 7',;-, - - ■tc'When'tlie human frame ! .s inactive and tor jfid. for a length pftimp tin,muscles relax, the ; nerves lose tneir tqne, tie ,organs refuse to ’ perfdriia their - functions. And the the whole of the great machine —the human frame—is disorganized. "1 7 -Day in, day out, men.sitpbring over ledgers • find day-books until they ate addieheaded. and ' "'figures swim before their eyes.; When even-- ‘ ing comes, and business hoars are' over, instead of taking ti walk so. as to send the blood dan ojog and tingling to the remotest part of their ’ frames, they pop into somocar and drowsily roll tor their doors. A very great portion of the minor ailments flesh is heir to is caused by .•laziness. j_ •• An afflicted individual goes'to,a doctor; Some-thing ,is wrong inside,” bat he does’nt know exactly where. Thereupon the physician, .looks. grave, and s ityi, “AH! Dyspasia; and ■forthwith orders tonics, drastic purges, and -what not, when all the laz* man wants is a two. mile tramp in the Central Park, or a good old fashioned jouncing on a -hard-trotting horse. A certain eastern potentate, feeling himself i-ont of sorts on one occasion, sent for his phys- ■ ician and demanded a cure. _ . Tako -this— “ mjjmnt a horse and awing the instrument back and forth, riding mean while, at full gallop. Certain drugs , concealed the handle will then exude ; yonr excellency will absorb them and be cared.” And.he tfns, says the legend ;. the shrewd man of medicine knew full well that all the king fresb air and ex ercise, and he took this method of prescribing them. It is better to wear oat '• ban to rust out, and shoe leather is far lesscostiy than medical ad vice. ■ ■: Stretching the legs relieves the tension on the purse strings, and the cheapest , as well as the, best medicine for dullness, head-aches, blue devils, stupidity, hypochondria, ill temper, and total depravity, is fresh air and sunlight. These are sovereign remedies, but because they are easily obtained, do not bad, and cost nothing, few use them. —Scientific American. ■ Funerals. —The Hartford JPress says a nerf and very sensible fashion is beginning to pre vail in that city in regard^ 1 to funerals. It is this: i . 1 The funeral services are held; the assembly is dismissed, and all except'the family and other relations of the deceased return to their homes; afterwards, and carriages come, and the body is aowtipanied to the grave by the family only. This j lives the immediate relatives an opportunity W leave of the deceased and to perform t-ac least sad offices -privately; and in case of families who are poor, :or in only moderate- circumstances,it saves much needless expense. A respectable fune »ral, economically managed, now costs §75 to $lOO, while, if carriages are provided for all friends,and acquaintances who choose to ride, the expenses often amounts. to $3OO or $4OO. — There is no good reason why a family irf afflio-. tion should be called upon, to pay for sympa thizing friends at the fate fef $1 each. A little boy of three .summers had gone to bed with bis parents, tired, cross, and crying, from rompings of the day, end on Into the night kept up his peevishness, until the father was satisfied that the diffioultyjlad degenerated into sheer ill nature. Haying exhausted moral suasion, he gave the youngster a thorough “ slapping.?’ The little -fellow lay sobbing a few moments, and then U.-ruing and throwing hie. arms about his father's neck, ho said in a new-found tone of cheerfulness, “ Pa, you do know what's good fob me, don’i yon ?”. If you love others, they will love you. If you apeak kindly to tjaey ■■will apeak kind ly. " Love ia repaid with R/ye, and hatred with hatred. 'Would you hear is sweet and pleasant echo, apeak sweetly and pleasantly yourself. T‘ lOGA CO. COURT PROCLAMATION:— Whereas, the Hon. Robert G. White, Presiden- Judge for the 4th Judicial district of Pennsylvania, and Royal Wheeler and 'Victor Case, Esq'.’s, Asso ciate Judges in Tioga countjyhave issued their pre cept, bearing date the 10th day bf April 1865, and to me directed, lor the holding- of Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas, 'General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terininor, at WcTlsboro, for the County of .Tioga, on the Jth Monday of May, (being the 29th day,) 1865, and weeks.**' Notice is therefore hereby fWen, to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and for the county of Tioga, to appear in-*heir own proper per sons, with their records,ihqpisltion&jexamlnationsand remembrances, to do those things which of their offi ces and in their behalf appertain to he done, and all witnesses and other persons /prosecuting in .behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to be then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jqrofs are requested to be punc tual in their attendance at the appointed time, agree ably to notice, Given under mybandand seal'at the Sheriff's Office, in Wellsboro, the 20 th day of April in th© year of our Lord one thousand eighthundred and sixty ‘ five* ' LEROV*TABOR Sheriff. ASSIGNEE SALE.—The property assigned by- Henry Seely, late, of Deerfield, Tioga Co., Pa., to D. Angell and Levi Scotty -for the- benefit of cred itors, is offered for b*lc and wiU*be‘ sold to 'settle the estate, on Tuesday, Sept. 32, nest. Those having claims will present them to 1\ Angell for settlement. Those indebted are\requested to make immediate payment 1 PROPERTY OFFERED FOR SALE. ' A large steam power Doo? and Sash Factory, Saw Mttl, Lumber House, and three acres of laud with about two hundred thousand (200,000) feet dry pine lumber expressly for Dobr&'fend Sash; A large Store and Dwelling House in Knoxville, : suitable for a Dry Goods business, with a small stock ,of goods now in the store. - « r Arouse and lot i acre in Knoxville—a :good property. 22 acres of good farming land ip Deerfield adjoin ing the Factory lot?" r , . * ' 30 acres good farmiogiand m Chatham township. A farm of 200 acres in Clymer, with first' class buildings, with IE Cows sber£on, This is ftn excel ; lent Grain, Drftry, or Bhe^p-farm. • Three horses, two and lumber tools, ’ wagons, Ac. DANIEL, AKGETjL, ) . . - . ._ _• - _ . - • ] s » Knoxville, Ba., April/4%, 1665-3 m. 11 CTLLDfEBr.—Ifrs. A. J. BQSIELD would announce to in her customers that she has .just received her SPRING SUPPLY fiF MILLINERY. ■Wso Vgood assortment of Infants’ Caps, Ladies’Dress Caps And Head-Dressy an d C3s, Embroidery and Laces. BLEACHING <5? PRESSING , dt ™? orter in all tho Xc-vr Etj'ta, TyelUboro, May 3,1865-2 m 1 DKSOLUTION op P/fiOTfEESHIP.—Notice is hereby given that th»,jiaTtnerEhip heretofore existing between George C. Juernsey and James H. ■■-etienisertrf'WeUsboro, p»; r i n 0 Blaoksmithing business, was dissolved on the "Path day of April last, by mutual consent Tt.e partnership books have ' been placed in the hands of onr Attorney, J. Harri. son, Vo whom all persons indebted to said partnership are requested to make payment immediately. C. G. GUERNSEY. WeUsbOTo, May 10, ’6sf-s«n. J. H. GUERN^r’ JJETROLECM (.PETROLEUM }-r Geologists in their belief and so report that the - Discovery of. Oil in Wellshoro is' near at handi.- * , - But I Would ray- to the people of TIOGA OOTjWTtf fe VjqflMfg, (before investing year Capital in Oil Stock) tbat.l have recently purchased' the Stock of Goods of M. Bullard, consisting of • . „ f CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Ac., all at a groat reduction from New YorJc JoUbins Prices, and am bound togivo to-my cnbtomers the advantage OP M YJEJROH ASE. Beipg desirous of closing out the Clothing part of this Stock, I now offor.tho entire 6tookvjv • ‘ . AAT COST, FOR i CASH I HATS.AND OAFS, I will almost give awayj at pll Events, will sell them so cheap you wiU hardly know the difference. Call soon and avail yourself of this , RARE OPPORTUNITY. Remember the place, the Keystone Store, om door above Roy's Drug Store. . ,'\ G. P. CARD. TVellsboro, Jan. 25, 1 1565-tf.‘ ' THE PEONIE S STORE W C3ORWIWG; N. Y. HAVING associated with him N. B. WAITE, who has been employed'for the last nine. years in theStoro, in the capacity of- Salesman, the business will fee continued under the name and firm of SMTT H & WAI TE, Dickinson House, and wlHbe conducted as heretofore'on "the • principle Ten years experience in the former, and from two to three years in the latter (during which” time onr business has more than-doubled) has fully demon* strated the wisdom't»f* this'•course. Wo are now re* oeivinft ~ VI, a fresh supply of SPRING GOQPS, selected with,especial reference to the wants of the people of-thle vicinity.;. The Stock wilLooflinst of STAPLE &-JFANCT..DMT GOODS , among which are BROWN AND BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, TICKS, STRIPES rT DRNIMS, CHECKS, PRINTS, FLANNELS, GINGHAMS, - .. , CHAMBEATS,, ... rv - • .DeLAINHB, -ALPACiCAS, \ SCOTCH PLAIDS, and a great variety | of fcKESS GOODS. ~ Also, SHAWLS, 4 LA,' DIES' CLOAKINGs; CtOTHS 4 CASSIMERES, *-. . fby-the yard .or made up to, or^es. KENTUCKY' JEANS, cottoitXdes, linens. life also teop aganeral stoek of- BOOTS &.SHOES r , FAMILY GROCERIES,- ,r-* , YANKEE NOTIONS, PALM LEAP HATS, SUN UMBRELLAS, &c. We shall endeavor to keep onr Stock as complete as possible, by the- ■ . - - , . Continued Addition of such'articlos in our tine as the wants of our custo mers . i SEEM TO REQUIRE. Oar facilities for purchasing Goods. .. ARE UNSURPASSED, and while wo dernot pretend to seU Goods LESS THAN COST, yet wo are willing to self them at a SMALL PE,OF^ f and it will he our aim by - to merit a share of public patronage. Wo*are-very thankful for tlie liberal and constantly INCREASING PATRONAGE bestowed upon ns; and hope to merit its continuance and increase. Customers from TIOGA COUNTY and vicinityare cordially invited to call and examine Goods and Prices. SMITH & WAITE. Corning, : March 30, 1864. . fp&E SUBSCRIBER HAS PITTED up a Large, . CONVENIENT, ; : AND , ; -. WELL -LIGHTED ROOM, ' v f: 1 ’ for the sale,pf_. carpetings. He intends To make thir a permanent branch of his business and to keep a - Good Stock, - Such as the wants of the community CALL FOR, Andto sell all Goods it the - 1 Lowest Market Rates* Warranting the Goods to be as REPRESENTED. hie Stock is ail New and " - WE'L L &EL EC TED. -Albpereonswe invited to.call amHook at the Stock, whether-in need of OARPETSat present er not. ■Jr.-A,;; PARSONS, No. 3, Concert Block. , - Coming,ll,-r.j April 26,1866. THE SPANISH JACK, S A NGjH O _P ANZ A, \\l Jut Serve a limited 'number of Marcs at my farm * n Hiddlebnry, i mile west of Keeney* ville, Tioga County, Pa. SANCHO PANZA is 7 years old, 12 bauds high, andweighsfiOO pounds. He is a stare foal-gotter, and . .has'no 'superior in' Northern Pennsylvania. Contracts for the delivery of-the foil as soon as weaned, wiU be made with the owners oftnarea. TERMS:—SIO to insure. Hares from a distance accommodated with pasture. Formers .will do well 'to call and see thelanimal.' . ! PHILO GRIFFIN, MiddleTbnry, April 19, 1865-2m* F Mrs. A. J. &0 FIELD. CO NO BESS - , . .. . ] n S ]VLIT H, iT.-'M. AT.IHE ; N EV ST OB E, OPPOSITE THE ONE PRICE ANJ). READY PAY.' Diwjcl fromJUiW lorfc, -and a general assortment of Goods for ISEK’S ASD BOY’S WEAR FAIR .DEALING, 'AMILY DYE,COLORS atK ; /? -'’A”*; BOY’S DRUG STORE, WAT B fi,' for«a!eat ROY’S \T ME TlO (x U ITT i A it) xt. ! + AA - f* r*i v x * V . ■ Co the time to Subscribe forournew Pacific Monthly, which we cheerfully commend to yon aa the Excoisior of the, . , ■ ■ r t MONTHLY MAGAZINES. paying'for Literary talent than iny'btlfhrilagaeina-lii the‘country, we flatter ourselves that no Department of the ’ ’ ‘ 1 ’ picn'rc . moMteLY ‘ will suffer neglect from the want of able and well- X •- CONTRIBUTORS, representing some of the principal shining. lights of the Literary tyorld. We shall make such additional engagements as circumstances may demand. Tour - special attention to our s ( \ :: lEjXjUSTR ATION S, which are* prodqced, "without regard to expense, by an efficient corps of artists —at whose head stands Brightly and McLenan, ' uncqualed as Designers and Engravers. We call the attention of the Pnblio to the profusion of first-class illustrations of the va ried, novel-PUd picturesque" scenery and local views of the 1 GOLDEN ST ATES AND TERRITORIES OF THE PACIFIC. With Descriptive Views and Reading Matter,* at fording the most reliable and comprehensive medium in esutence for full infJShiation in rugard to Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada, and thoir contiguous and aurif erous territories.' The information we give in regard to the Pacific States, alone, is worth ten times the Subscription Price of ear Magazine. "The twelve numbers,a year’s subscription, when,:neatly bound, affording two splendid volumes, suitable for Ue ' DRAWING-ROOM, LIBRARY, 11 -JOJL THE «COUN TING-HOUSE, and coating but FIVE DOLLARS, which in reara to come can not be purchased for any price. Our EDITORIAL DRAWER will abound with selectione o'f Wit, Original Stories Comic Sketches, and light literature, culls! from a well-garnered storehouse of fun, fact ■ and incident, affording interesting light redding matter for ihe Par lor and Fire-side. - ~ - > . COMIC ILLDLTRATIONS | This Department of the Monthly, under th( imme diate supervision of McLbsAU, the colebrateil Comic Delineator, will he foundjrich in Wit, Merrinunt, and appropriate Design. V fAshion plates. ,Having made special arrangements with Mme. Dekobebt, 473 Broadway, New York, for olntiibn tions to onr Fashion Department, wo call the a£ention of Mb'Ladles to the same, and commend our Honthly to their notice, as containing more informatics in re gard to Dcessand the Toilet, than any othetMaga tine published, tr_.b ’■ . SUBSCRIBE NOWI Now is the tima tb Snbsoribe, ahd have your vol ume complete for 1866. Wo will furnish Bach Num bers to such as do not subscribe in time for.the Can ary or February number. Butto be Sure and got jhem without delay, send in your subscriptionSoarly. [Our Subscription Price is . ‘ .-' - | FIVE'DOLLARS A YEA% Payable in Advanoe£upqn. ; .tbe rceipt of which onr raceipt for the same wjjl be sent in return. I’ftEMIOS IN GOLD! - As an additional inducement to subaoribe jarly, we shall distribute among our Subscribers a large list of rAloablePremiums, relying upon an qttraor dinary large Subscription List to compensate usf for bur liberality. These Premiums will consist of valua ble Souvenirs bf'th©-'Golden Wealth of the. Pacific States, and will be as follows; — _ga- To any person sending ne One Hnndnd Pay ing Subscriptions, we will send them immodhtoly, a Twenty and a Ten Dollar Gold Piece, Cslifdrnia Coinage; and an extra Copy of the Pacific Honthly for a Year, free. To any person sending us Fifty Paying Sub scribers, we will send immediately, a Ten and a Five Dollar Gold Piece, and an. extra Copy of the, Pa cific Monthly for a Year, free. IKS' To any person sending ns Twenty-five Pay ing Subscribers, we will send, immediately,a Five, Dollar and a Dollar Gold Piece; and an extra Copy of tho Pacific Monthly for a Tear, free. ' jrew- To any person sending us Ten Paying Sub scribers, wo will send, immediately, a Three Dollar Gold Piece, and an extra Copy of the Pacific Monthly for a Tear, free. To any person ■sending ns Pi vj Paying Sub scriptions, we will-send an extra Copy of the Pacific Monthly for a Year, freo- , We are also having made, a large quantity of Valuable PRESENTS and KEEPSAKES for Single Subscribers, who send direct to th« Office. Tho Presents and -Souvenirs consist of Cadies’ Breast Pins, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, Sleeve-But tons, ~ etc.; and Gentlemen’s Breast Pins, Fidger- Rings", Sleeve-Buttons, Studs, Settings for danv- Heads, etc., made from CaUfornia and Nevada Gold and Silver bearing .Quartz and Ore—Crystallised Quartz Jewelry, (commonly known as CaliforniafDia mond Jewelry.) The gold and Silver-bearing Quartz and Ore from which these Souvenirs -are. made, is from tho celebrated GOULD & CURRY 1 and Ophir Mines of Nevada, and will bo valuable as Mementos, as well as- beautiful in Appearance and Design. - Every Regular Subscriber, as above, to tbe <£a(tffic Monthly, will be entitled to one of these Arti cles for every Subscription standing opposite their names on our boohs. . ' 1 1 ■ SPECi Bi PIES OP THE Pacific Monthly Bent, postage pre-paid, upon the. receipt of- Fifty Cents in Currency or Postage Stamps. GAUT.EONI . -s3f- Write your. Name, Post-Office, Count,' and State, toxtheS-o-yoaaant.lhe Pacific Monthly Sent, Plain and Distinct. ' £>39r Register all Letters containing Mon*?; or when convenient, send by Express. * If yonr Post-Office is a Money office, obtain a Money-Order for your remittance, ° Send none bat United.Statos Treasury Notes, or money Bankable in Now York, i 1 All lnformation, etc., to -re ceive attention, must'Contain a Stamp, to prepay an swer. Address, all Correspondence, , *:- D. NL GAZLAY & CO , PrStISHESS PACIFIC ffIOiTBELT, 34 Liberty Street, Ef. Y. WHOLESALE AGENTS AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, 121 NAiSSiu STKEEt; NEW YORK; IttBITB « BAVBR. January 18,1866-Iy. Septeinher lBt, 1863. —IfIISDATE, ... FOft HEADY PAY ONLY I CUSTOM BOOTS AND SHOES; ‘ t K Leather, Findings, &c. CASH PAID FOR HIDES, PELTS, DEER SKINS AND FURS. FRANKLIN SAYSt,|. “ When yon have anything tot advertise, tell the public of It in plain, simple language.** I am manufacturing good custom made Boots and Shoes which I will soil at fair prices, aud only for fREAJ) 7, PA T . Suoh work cannot be sold at as low ! rates pel? pati as eastern made slop-work, butit can and will bo sold at prices which will enable the pur chaser to protect his feet with good substantial boots more cheaply than with u poor slop-shop article, I which, oven if it chances not to fall in pieces with the first weeks service, is but a doubtful protection in wet and coliLttaathfir-._,XiXWA*. Back and Doeskins Wanted, in the red and short blue, for which-1 will pay cash and a good price. . Boef-Bidos and Calfskins Wanted, for which I will also pay cash. - Sheep Pelts Wanted, for which X will also pay cash and the highest mar ket price. An assortment of .solo,.upper, calfskins and linings, pegs, thread, nails, awls, Knives, shoe-hammers, Ac,, &0., kept constantly on hand, which I will sell for cash. Shop on Main Streetbetween Wilcox’s and Bullard's. Cl- W. SEARS. -. B. I- oan’t give credit, because, to be plain, haVen *i got ft to give. ' . - . - - Wellsboro, Sept. 9,1863. Millinery goods.— Mrs. a. j. sofield has just returned from New York with a fine assortment of Millinery Goods* which she will take pleasure in showing" her customers and'will sell at a small profit. She is prepared to repair Felt and Bea ver hats in the latest-styles, also. Bonnets and.Strttw Goods, and will promptly attend to all work entrust ed to her care. ladies will find a choice lot of capj, : nets, scarfs, ribbons, and flowers, and everything in her line of goods. Booms opposite Roy’s Drag Store, Main St. Wellsbero, Noy/IB^'lSCi. General Order l. ; HEi.DQDAB.TERS OF THE IRON BRIGADE . —-OF Tioga and Potter Counties. ALL persons whether liable to draft or not, want ing any articles made wholly or in part of oast iron, are hereby notified that the headquarters of this Brigade is permanently located at the Knoxville Foundry, where all such wants will be applied upon presentation of “ The Greenbacks.” , ■ - If you want a Cook Stove call at Biles’. If you want a Parlor S.tove, call at Headquarters. . If you want a Box Stove, call at Knoxville Foun dry. • If you want a good Plow, call at Biles*. If you want vßoad Scraper, call at Headquarters. If yon want Cultivator Teeth, call at Knoxville Foundry. If yon want a Wagon Shoe, call at Biles’. If yon want a Paint Mill/oall at Headquarters. If yon want Sled Shoes, call at Knoxville Fonn dry. If yon want Mill Irons,.Maohinery, or any thing over made at a - ‘ "' l ' FOUNDRY, call where they make the best of ©Very thing and no mistake. " * . N. B, On account of the serious illness of the OLD MAN CREDIT,— Mr.'CASH will take his! place, and all. persons in debted will walk-up to the Captain’s Office and settle or not growl wbewthenonstablo comes around. . -V' J. P- BILES, A CO. J. P. BILES, H. K. RUMSEY7J Knoxville, Oct. 26, 1864. FALL AND WINTER GOODS.— No. 2, -Union Block. , J RO M E SMI T H Has lately returned- from Now York with a splendid assortment of' , DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, GLASSWARE, HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, ' GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODENWARE, - ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, FRENCH CASSIMERES, FULL CLOTHS. Attention is called to his stock of Black and Figured Dress Silks, Worsted Goods, Morinoes, Blaok and Figured DoLaines, Lorfg and Square Shawls, Ladies* Cloth, Opera Flannels, Ac, . Purchasers will find that No. 2, Union Block, Main Street, ie the place to buy the boat .quality of Goods at the lowest prices. JEROME SMITH. Wellsboro, Nov. 16, 1864-tf. WANTED. —500 bushele Oats,-600 bnshols Corn -in ear, 500 bushels Flax Seed, for which the hi-hest market price in' Cash will be paid. D. ,P. ROBERTS & CO, Wellsboro, Nov. 23, 1364-tf. REVENUE STAMPS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Revenue Stamps of all denominations, just received at the First National Bank of Wellsboro, in the Store building of C, J. L. Robinson. Persons wanting Stamps are request to call and get a supply. Wellsboro, May 25,136A-tf. tismm MANHOOD: . jSotiHF HOW LOST. HOW RESTORED. 'Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwoll's Celebrated Essay on the radical core (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea, or seminal weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotenoy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.: also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extrava gance. Price in a sealed envelope, only six cents. Tho celebrated author in this admirable essay olosrly demonstrates, from a thirty years* successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous nse of internal medicine or the application of the knife— pointing out a mode-of cure at once simple, certain, and.cffectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Soot, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps, by addressing CHAS. J. C. KLINE, & CO,, 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Office Box, 4586. • April I, 1865. [Juno 15,1864-ly.] SEE!) POTATOES. —Some dow and choice varie ties. Also "some fine Early Potatoes lor gardens, for sale at - HOY’S DRUG STORE. CLOVER AND GRASS SEED.—Wo have a Su perior Article of Clover and Grass Seed. Wolhboro Apr. 5, ’65. WRIGHT & BAILEY. WHITE WASH LlME.—The| best quality ol Rhode island Lime for white washing, at ROY’S DRUG STORE, * KEROSINE LAMPS at . ROT’S DRUG STORE 7IiOUR COMING DOWN tfITH GOLD at ——WRIGHT * BAILEES, WeUtboro, April®, 1865. : TJ-B L IC. 1 X AM now prepared to at my eatablish- I ment in Deerfield, PLAIN'AND FANCY FLANNELS,. . . Also, Ladies' . , - ' ' BALMORAL SKIRTS ■to order, either by,the piece or quantity, to auit cus tomers. JOSEPH INGHAM. Knoxville, July 16, 1863. ; DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY. THE undersigned having pnrehased the well known Woolen Factory of Messrs. E. k B. S. Bowen on the Cowaboaquc two miles east of Knoxville, takes this method of informing the inhabi tants of Tioga and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares to suit customers, into FLANNELS, * - J3ABSIMERES, DOE-SKINS,. FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery‘has been thoroughly repaired and new machinery added thereto, also an improved new wheel which will-enable him to work the entire sea son.. He will pay particular attention to Koll Carding A Cloth festal n*, which will be done in the neatest possible manner, having added one new 801 l Machine, will enable him to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance. He would farther say that ho has carried on tho busi ness in manufacturing wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining counties for the past twenty years,* he therefore esn warrant all work and satisfy his custo mers, using nothing in ' manufacturing but genuine wool. - JOSEPH INGHAM. rDeerfield, May §, 1868-ly.' Insurance Agency. THE Insurance Company of North America have appointed the undersigned an agent for Tioga County and vicinity. As the high character and standing of this Compa ny give tho assurance of full protection to owners of property against the hazard of fire, I solicit with con fidence a liberal share of the business of the county. This company was incorporated in 1794. Its capital ia-$500,000, and its asseats in 1861 as per statement Ist Jan. of that year was $1254,719 81 CHARLES PLATT, ARTHUR Q. COFFIN, Office of the Company 232 Walnut Street Philadelphia. Wm.Buebler, Central Agent Har risburg, Pa. 1 JOHN W. GUERNSEY, Agent for TiogaCotmty, Pa* -July 15, 1803. Soldier*’ Pay Bonnly and Pension Agency. KNOXVILLE. TIOGA CjOUXTY. PJtNNA. The undersigned having been specially licensed by theTlnited States Government to procure' the Back Pay,-Bounty, and Pensions, of deceased and disabled soldiers, gives notice to all interested, thatho has made arrangements with par tios in Washington, by which he is able to procure Back pay. Bounty .and Pensions, in a very short time, and that he will give particular attentions to all such claims that may be brought to him. Being provided with all the requisite Forms, Blanks, dec., r Depots, ooder rfk CONSTITUTION - LIFE SYRUP „AS ps ftnr „ "**“■ OLCTION in MKMCISE BCInP » Hit ' What may Mem almost incredible i, ,/ . hitherto considered hopelessly incut si i 1 ma “JiW. cured In a few day, or week,; and we 1 U". 6 iDVoatlgaUouaof tU Übtrsl-mimJed an Iy which hare no parallel tho p“ent“«y' ClBn,l During tbo hut five years we have comend a olee. and overcome opposition. as hercni “' d *"l> .U„ encountered Ky any reformer "'"‘“h “< »„ t . CONSTITL-TION LIFE SYRUP Is a positive Xnd'specific remedy for all ' ftom air lx pure State of the Eton® and fZ.n S w r, «‘ a *i»v Diseases transmitted from Parent to Child ' '^^sr -1 paralysis. It Is so universally admitted that C-in.. is tho only effective means of resur .‘““W’Shm forms of Paralysis, thauwo neid ncVreft ” “ ! t3 phatlcally tho Great Life-giving Power " '' tl,al «It m -DYSPEPSIA ‘ , Indigestion Weight at Stomach, ElAtm en „ plaint. Want of Appetite. bJ ISth"" C*. - Constipation, Biliousness SCROFULA. Strnma, King’, Evil, Glandular Swell,„„ , coratioD, Salt Rheum ’ U told misery, la, mSaulmJj”* ! U “ “ ,,h “ khbdmatisT *- ac ” r,lu fArthritia], Lnmhago. Neuralgia, L,'; „ Doloreaui. If there ia any diaeaw in which ru r Symp isaa6vercign.it is in Ehenma.,hr. affections. Tho most Intense pnljf «o-*ia “* Hind,., alleviated—enormous swellings'aro redneed r or vicarious, of twenty or forty yeara' «?S„;ii Cm V> cll "'Hc cured by ns. y J ra » ln ”dln e , ha r „ CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP the system cntiiely from all the evil .a . cnryjremoving the Bad Breath, and cnrin J th fw'',” M ' r ' and Rheumatic. Paine which the use iff Ca emcl prmluce. It hardens Spongy Gums, and Zmm, ft T'“ as fir aly aa ever. MU Becures toe Twtjj S 7 CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Er&d cates, root and branch, all Ernntive' nt. Skinlllke Ulcers, Pimplea, BlotcheZand ,n mu'"',’ “ f ,k > of th» kind, which so much disfigures the ontw anca bfbotb malea and females, often makine tZ 4pprir gu_stfng object to themselves and their friends 8 . * * J 1" Foe all Forms of Ulcerative Disease^ Either of the Nose, Throat, Toojnie Sdjd & , Sc ?*P;, D0 t> rel “« i J r ever proved it? equoL Fmh “ J - * Moth Patches upon the female foci: depemiine diseased action of the liver, are very unSeient t‘e o young wife and mother. A few bottles of Comtimt - h ‘ piauVrtfch is d'rSy aU will please remit twenty-five per cent, of with their order. E. & H. T. ANTHONY A CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Material?, 501 Broadway. New York. JSSt* The prices and quality of our good? cannot fail to satisfy; ' ' [Nov. 16, 18fi4-lv.j New Millinery Goods. MISS PAULINE SMITH wishes to inform her customers that she has just received her FALL AND WINTER STOCK of Millinery Goods, and that she is prepared all kind? of work in tho best manner fur all who ms? favor her with their patronage. She wishes to inform those having Felt and E?'* ver Hats to bo made over that she will take chsr:? of aueh articles and send them to the city. Shop opposite United States Hotel. Wellaboro, Oct. 11), 18fi4-tf. DRUG STORE- PRINCE'S METALLIC PAINT, - THADDEDS DAVIDS' INKS, CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, , CINCINNATI WINES & BRANDY. WHITEWASH LIME. KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, FLUID EXTRACTS, ■ PAINTS AND OILY PETROLEUM OIL, DRUGS & MEDICINES ROCHESTER PERFUMER* & FLAVORING EXTRACTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, WALL PAPER. WINDOW GLASS, DYE COLORS, Furnished-at Wholesale Prices by |W. r>. TERBELL, „ Jan. fIS, 1865-tf. Corning, Remember— Tho place to got host er«n ici Black Tea, Beat Baking Soda, ■Best Indigo and other dye*, Best Cream of Tartar, Best Keroaine Oil, Beet Soda Crackers. Best Washing Soap, j Beat and purest Medicines, superior envelopes * letter paper. 'Tie at ROT'S Drug and Chao* Stort marSo^ AN Assortment of TABLE. GLASSWARE* 111 be found at KOt’S DRUG STORE-