THE AGITATOR.:; 0 c A I, ASH MISCELLAIpfOt/B yyellsboro. Wednesday, May 10, 1866. H New Advertisements, gherir* Sales —Sheriff Tabor. y or galc-A.W. Potter. Dissolution —C. G. *J- H. Guernsey. The V. 6. Sanitary Commission. Register'* Notice—H. S. Archer, Register. j B. Niles, Esq., Diet. Atty., has opened a ] aff Office one door east of Bigoney’s Hotel. w ’j s h him » foil measure of-success. ~ 1 ' , f ' •ffe are greatly obliged to Mr. L. A. Sears f u r a fine mess of brook trout. May his ‘luck .ever be legs. T(,e widow of the late Dr. 0. L. Gibson, ,j : ed Saturday evening at her residence in this borough, after a long and painful illness in the hOth year of her age. ,• The Union Sinoino-School is prospering f ne lv under the auspices of its projectors ( lid conductor. The class now numbers seventy, an d meets Tuesday and Friday evenings eitcb K eel. Gio. P. Card, Esq., is the Presiden, of the Association. Mr. S. W. Troll write* us from Hasrisbhrg that Lew's Elliott, late of Co. I, 45th P. $ V. died at the Post Hospital, Camp Curtid, Ilay 3, and buried in the City Cemetery uetfr tbst city. John Miller is much improved and sill receive his discharge in a few days.. - s ' Soldiers’ Ain Society; —We invite all friends' of the Aid Society to meet with ns next Satur day afternoon. ' There'has lately been a call from the Sani tary Commission for Wrappers. Material fcias ken purchased, and all that is now wantin/ ia plenty of help to make them.' *, Come one and all, trusting that this w, rk will not long be needed. M- Riberolle, Secretary, "The Bors see coming home 1 Yes, if the. Washington ward march of the 6th and Pth ar my Corps means anything, it means discharge and return home. 'Never was the return of men so ardently longed for, never have men. received such a welcome as our returning he roes will receive. They have endured untold hardships—.the fatigue of’tlie forced .match, the rigors of the winter bivouac, the imnfinein perils of the charge and of the assault -but they have been have made it well; and their welcome will repay; the'm for all they have endured and dared. Obituary. —At MoDongnll General Hospital, Fort Schuyler, near New York City, 4prib22. 1865, Daniel Watts, in the 43d year of^hia He was a private ii) Co. G, 141st N. Y. Vx Is., and was with Gen. Sherman in, his mareb;fiotn Atlanta to Savannah, and thence to Branch rille,. Fayetteville, Goldsboro* and From the latter place bo was, with other sick and wounded, transferred to Port Schuyler, where he died. His remains were .exhumed, brought home to Tioga, and re-interred in the Tioga Evergreen Cemetery. - Com. [Elrgy next week. Ed.] Obituary. —ln the charge upon P:irt-.Ma ture, before Petersburg, on "the 2diof April last, John P. Blanchard, Co. Q-. 207tb V. tged 20 years mid 9 months. ■ f • ■ John P. Blanchard was the only son of, Mr. Abner Blanchard, of Knoxville, in th|s county. He enlisted last September in Co. G,'2o7th P. T. A letter from Sergt.' Vandusenr, of the same company, speaks of the dead ss of- one who “ was as true and brave a soldier as Sever took the field in 'defence of Sis country.” ' ■, There can be no higher praise.. Beloved at home and a general favorite in his Company, hie is but one more name inscribed, bpOh the roll of honor, in characters which the lapse of time cannot dim. The ‘"speck of war” at Morris Rnn and Tall Brook has vanished. The .Mortis Run operatives are relnoved to Bloeeburg, dad the Foil Brookers retire beyond the premises of the Companyis rumored that, the mi sers have determined to resist the employment of other operatives by the Companies,-hut as workingmen are, in general, endowed with a large share of practical sense, we do than credit the rumor. Such a'course ■ could only'preju dice their cause in the eyes of the public, and result in serious disaster to their interests. F. S. We regret to say that news received after the above was in type, leads us to Believe that the miners at Fall Brook are resorting to violence to maintain themselves in their quar rel with* the Company. We ! forbeaf giving currency to "the painful rumors which reach ns. Rebellion against law and order ia not a good thing, whether it he aimed at a government or a Company, and mast be put down. Something Vert Moch NEEDEj».i-One of the first things noticed by the stranger whoi is abroad in our streets during the evening, is the illumination of the shops and stores} 1 Jn most villages the shops and stores are punctually closed at g o’clock. Experience has. 'proved that the custom received after that hour does tot cover the expense of lights. It is -iierefore for the interest of merchants and shtTlkeepers to adopt the custom of closing at 8 «'block, as is done elsewhere. But there is im. elsewhere abandoned custom, ; '' T'HE T I O G A € 0 AG I T ATO U, , ** #l Fhe public are requested to take notice that the Cheap Cash Store will close out Sat urday evening. Everybody who wishes to profit by the great Bargains offered will do well to call immediately. i] Trial List, May Term, 1806. * Hays, Ilattin & {Jo.; vs. Chas. Ryan, 1 A. K. Buzzard, vs. J. Sherwoood, -J. N. Baohe, vs. H. (Brill, et al, H. R. Jones, vs, C. O. Bowman, Y. Streeter, v B . Q eo . Q. Bristol, Geo. Donohey, vs. Cooley & Maxwell, M. W. Newton, vs. Barna Jackson, Walker & Turner, vs. Chas. Ryan, vs. Wright 4 Ryan, Anson Holmes, vs. David Rexford, Wilcox,Perry 4 Escker.vs. Bache, al, H. O. Demurest, vs. T. Pattson, et al, Jno. Benson, vs. J. D.Vedder, T. Pattison, vs. W, Demarest, et al, C. Ackley, vs. C. Toles, John Link,- - va J. W. Childs, Chemung Canal Bank, vs. P. 4 O. Donohey, B. R. Hail, ' y S . j. B. Hosted, P. Griffin, vs. ,E. Bayer, et al, C. Toles,- vs. A. F. Bozzard,' 1 B. Wilcox, vs. E. Dyer, Charley Bliss, vs. A. Streeter, West for Bayer, ' vs. Philo Griffin, Close for Bayer, vs. Philo Griffin/ Counterfeit Postal Currency. Editor of the Agitator : Some scoundrel hks within the past two weeks, been very busy in “ a new counterfeit 50 cent postal currency into circulation in our borough, with such success that nearly half the currency of that denomination now in circulation is coun terfeit. I have written out for you some, points of difference by which any body can tfll the genuine from the counterfeit. 1. On the genuine the words “ Act approves March 3,1803,” shaded letters are much dar ker in the counterfeit. „ y 2. The pupil of the right eye of Washington in the counterfeit is so mnch larger than that of the left as to be a glance. 3. In the genuine .the words Furnished only by the Assistant Treasurers and designated de positaries of ihe United States; observe that in the counterfeit the worde “of the” Tun to gether while in the genuine there is a space between Jthem. ; 4. In the genuine the engraving of the ground in the'fore-ground is what is known as “ stipple,” while on the left of the counterfeit it is “ line." ' . 5- In Hie genuine the houses of the city in the distance on the left, and the hills on the right are clear and distinct; on the counterfeit both are indistinct and have a blurred appear ance. ‘ i i-. 6. In the genuine the heavy black lines forming' the border have ’at -each end a -small white round mark with a black dot in the cen tre of each; on the counterfeit these are im perfect and indistinct 7. In the counterfeit, inside of the 0 in the 50 on each side of the head of Washington there is n white clear and distinct next to the shading. In the genuine there is no line. These counterfeits are doubtless the best ever issued, and have deceived some of oar best bu siness men. The public ought to look out for the the man or men who ace in this nefarious business and bring them to prompt punisment. Yours, X. Y. Z. Wpllsboro, May 9. 1805. The Magazines.—The May numbers of the magazines arc mostly received. ‘ ' The- Atlantic, like its namesake, always pre sents something, new, varied, and interesting. The number befpre us impresses, us as being a first rate number. : It contains two tine poems —“Gold .Egg." a Dream Fantasy, and Th<- Grave by the Lake.” There is a fine story— “ Out of the Sea," additional. “ Chimney. Cor ner,",and Needle & Garden papers, a few ad ditional chapters of “ Dr. Johns,” a Connec tiicut Story of tbo old time, and a solid essay entitled “ Diplomacy of the Revolution.” Ticknoe & Field, Boston, Mass. ■ 1 copy $4 ; 2 copies $7 ; 5 copies, §l6; per annum. Harper, is most splendidly illustrated 7 this month. ‘ ‘ Washoe Revisited” is intensely in teresting. There is an illustrated biography of Dr. Lyman Beecher which repays reading, with use. “ Ovlr the meadow,” St. Leon’s Heir,”, with fresh chapters..of “Armadale," and “Oor Mutual Friend," and several good poems, are enough to sustain the high reputa tion of this indispensable serial. Harper & Brothers, New York. §4 per annum. 6 copies for $2O. The Pacific comes fall-freighted and and has established its claim to'rank with first class serials.' See advertisement on' fourth page. Fob the Ladies. —The Ladies’ Friend Sof proves with every' succeeding' number, andht its price—$2,so—gives considerably more than a quid pro quo. The plate in the May No.— “The Cap of Cold Water," —is most-excellent. Deacon h Peterson. Plilad’a. ‘ “ Our Young Folks ” —is positively the most enchanting publication for youth, and tbo«e who never intend to grow old, ever issued. It reviews the "Arabian Nights” “Robinson Cru soe," and all the story-books. One story— “ Winning His way”—is worth doable the snbsoriytion price. 3 copies $5 ; 5 copies $8; 10 copies $l5. Every family ought to have it. Any of the above Magazines can be ordered through Mr* Young the Bookstore. President Johnson has issued a proclamation opening the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia to trade. ■ ; A BEAL FACT—NO IMPOSITION—As I In tend closing my Store in a few days, and wishing to dispose of a good share of the stock on band, 1 will offer the following inducements to pnrohosera.of DOMESTIC & FANCY DRY GOODS. Past col'd Prints, Is. 6d. per yd. Brown Shirtings, Hots. Is. & loots per yd. Bl’ob’d do. Is, Is Bd. & 2s. per yd, Best DeLalnes, 28ots. Ginghams, 22cts. poryd, Kentucky Jeans, 2,6 d, Farmers and iMeohnniefeCaesimere, ss, Hoop Skirts from SOota. to 15s. * An entire new stock, of- Dress Goods, snob as Al pacas, Indria Stripes, Scotch Plaids, Armnres, £q., of the latest Spring importation, which will be sold at equally low rates. SHAWLS, CLOAKS &■ BALMORALS. Also, a splendid assortment of Ladies' Cloths in the newest colors at Ids. per yard—all wool; I hare just received a r oh slock of .HATS & CAPS, CASSTMERES, *4c.. which W b .-olio-loir pars- . Calle , y nd ec re- co.i*o ol tae-hativ-j-r .ff.-red at the cash Store. H. C.“WiftsOK6. ->* j? * petroleum. pROSPECTUS— OFTHE— WELI^SBORO PETROLEUM COMPANY. CAPITAL STOCK 9100,000. 10,000 SHARES OF $lO EACH. FIRST ASSESSMENT $1 FEB SHARE. 910,000 Working’ Capital. The Wellsboro Petroleum Company baa duly exe cuted leases of 5,000 acres of : selected lauds, ly login the townships of Xtelmar, Charleston, Ship* pen, Gaines, Morris, Liberty, and Middlpbury, and in Wellsboro, Tioga county, and in Brown township, Lycoming county—in number about 100 leases. Agents of the Cotapany are actively employed in leading other choice lands. $60,000 of the stock is already subscribed. Operations will be commenced when three-fourths of tbo authorized stock shall be subscribed and ton per cent, paid in. ' The lands leased cover all, or nearly all, of the territory in the localities named, where surface and geologic indications of petroleum exist . It is believed that the inducements offered by the Company are such,aa termake investments in its stock peculiarly desirable. Persons wanting stock should subscribe-at once, as the books will be closed bn tbe first of May. Subscriptions received by J. L ROBINSON, Esq., Treasurer, at the FIRST NA* TIONAL BANK OF WELLSBORO, Pa. Directors L. BACHE, President, H. W. WILLIAMS, J. W. BAILEY, J. RIBEROLLE, J.N. BACUE, C. COPESTICK, ' G. P. CARD, M. BOLLARD. AMOS COOLIDQE, J. L. ROBINSON, Treasurer, M. H. 0088. Clerk. MG H MOiNB I S OU RS I Babylon is - Fallen!! AND BULLAUD, seeing the downward tendency of al* things vendible,. iuujtened to THE CITY and purchased un assortment of Dry Goods, Notions Hud-so-iortb,^ ON A GOLD BASIS, which goods will he sold on like tertoi, Just a cheaper thun'uuy of like good quality can be sold THIS SIDE OF SUNRISE. . If you want Dross Goods, Xf you want Spring Goods, If you want anything to wear, If you,want to buy at such prices that you.can afford yourself ar extra dress or two, to repay you for wearing your 010 clothes for two years, call at the KEYSTONE STORE, nnd bring all your cbildreo and yonr neighbors wUV you. Eor d good bargain ought to be distributed among your,friends. So come ONE AND AIX LOOK AT MY NEW STOCK, and you will say THEY ARB GOOD AND CHEAP. O. BtTLLARD. WellaborOj April 12, 1866. rjIHE SUBSCRIBER HAS FITTED up a Large, CONVENIENT, AND WELL LIGHTED ROOM, for the tale of CARPETINGS. lie intends to make, this a permanent branch of hU .business and to keep a Good Stock, Such as the wants of the community CAIs I« FOR, And to sell all Goods Lowest Market Hates* Warranting the Goods to be aa . R E PRESENTED. The Stock'is all New and WELL SELECTED All persona are invited to call,and look at the Stock, whether In need of CARPETS at present or not.. J. A. PABSOJIB, *«. 3, -Concert BlooK. Corning, N. T., April 20, 1865. NOTICE.— The Directors of Dolmar School Dis triet will meet at the Court House in Wellsboro, on Saturday, the 27th day of May next, a I o’clock P. M., to let the building-of a School'House near Alexander Balfour’s, and to contract for getting of wood for next winter Schools. • s By order of the Board. ISRAEL STONE Wellsboro, April 26; 1880-4 t. Secretary. FARMS FOR SALE.—Lot No. 5, in Charleston, near S. Bennett k Sons steam mill, in acres, 15 acres improved, the balance well timbered. Also one improved Sunn in Farmington, near the Lime lulu. 65 acres mostly in meadow. ■- > u : t- a’ if be'titkeifff reguired. in part,or /o-.loy in''ud'Ji-iyment for these forms. LawrenoeVtlie, Apr. 26,’65-3l* J. W. XOBBS.. APPRAISEMENT of TIOGA COUNTY, for tbs year A. D., 1866. t fees on each license seventy-five cenes. - Btoss. Clau. Tax, Salt Company of Onondaga, A 60 00 5° do IT: 1600 „ ,/?*- : !>.*>' '- ■ / tm-,7 too Nast A Anethaoh, “ - •-• ■' ■-- 10 ’ 20 00 H. 8. Cubbing 4 Co. 13 -10 00 H Gaylord, ; 14 700 H. W. *H. n. Holeen, ‘ .1* Jto *• Baylor, AS 10 00 AH. Gaylord, ' 14 700 Isaao Lounobuiy, , 14 7 00 James Qernon, 14- ... 700 A. L. Budine, 14 7 00 Elijah Plimmer, . 14 / 700 lira. Atm Jones, 14 7 00 John A. Martin, 54 7 00 Simon Willooi, 14 7 00 J. P. Monell, 14 7 op Stephen Bowen, 14 7 09 S. B. Caldwell, . 14 , 700 Covington Boro. ■ S S Packard, 14 7 00 Benett 4 Willson, 14 7 00 ffillcox 4 Videan, .14 7 00 K Dyer. 14 7 00 T W Thomas, ■ . 13 10 00 ,/ a Clymer. Wm O Bristol, 14 7 00 J Rosbmore, 14 7 00 Charleston. ~ : Wm Adams, 14 7 00 Norman Rockwell, 14 7 00 AJ4 E H IVebater, J: 14 r 7 00 Luther Bennet, 14 7 00 Chatham. John 4 Sampson Short, Ddmar. James S Cole A Bro,. Deerfield. Chas R Howland, - 14 7 00 J Stoddard, , 1 14 7 00 EOdand. Parkhttrat A Co., 12 12 60 Parkhurat A Tears, 13 10 00 Farmington. Hiram Meritt, ’ 14 1 I 700 Do&ne A Smith, 14 7 00 Silas X Billings, ■- Jackson. MC Welli,' M K Retan,. Nelson Swan, 0 H Wood, 13 10'00 V Case A Son, 14 7 00 L B Reynolds, , 14 7 00 Giles Roberts, ! ' ■ 14 ■ 700 0 P Beach, 14 TOO ■CGoodspeed, 14 7 00 J Dcarman, ! 14 u 700 Lawrence Boro. • ' R W Stewart. C Parkhurst, C S Mather A Co., John D Vangorder, SAJWTubbs, W J Miller, fames Kinsey, E D‘ Wells, B Seeleman, 3nml Hartman, tfurber ‘l4 700 H H Borden, | ' - 14 700 PS Tattle, !| ' , . - 13 10 00 3 O Daggett, J ! 13 10 00 W T Droll,. 14 7 00 PA Getter, T 4 *7 00 S.C Alford, 14 ■- 700 BW Clark, " IS' ‘ 10 00 E A Smead, 14 ’7 00 T L Baldwin,. , 11 15 0(1 H E Smith 4 Son, 14- 7 00 E'C-FUb, 14 , 700 - - ". . Tioga. J Holley, W K Mitchell,- Fall Brook Coal Co., Ira M'Edgeeomh, Sami Pierce, Charles Goodspeed, R Krason 4 Co., J B 18 0 Murdock, QoorgefClose,i ’ ’if. Thompson A Sanders, ' WtUiixrro. Jerome Smith, ' J B Bowen,, Thomas Harden, Nast A Auerbach, 0 Bullard, 18 10 00 0 Q Vanvalkenburg A Bro., 'IS • - 10 00 M M Converse, 13 10 00 C L Wlloox, - . ,f ,18' 'lO 00 Wright 4 Bailey,- -IS 10.00 Roberts A Marvin, " -a Mr-' 700 J D Jones, ' 14 7 00 D G Ritter, ' . 14-, . - 700 Geo Hastings 4 Co., 14' 700 P B Williams,. 14 7 00 Hugh Young, 14 7 00 Wm T Mathers, 14 ’TOO G P Card, ' U 7 00 J A.Eoy, res- .■= - 14- 7.00 Guns 4 Tucker, 14 7 00 Wm Townsend, Agt, 14 7 00 do Distiller and Rectifier, . 15 00 Miohael SchwarUenbooh, (brewer) .10 500 H C Parsons, 14 7 00 Kelley 4 Purvis, * 14 7 00 Notice Is hereby given that an Appeal will be held at the Commissioners Office in Wellsboro, on the 22d day of May next, between the hours of 10 A. M,, and 4 P. M., at which time and place all parsons aggrieved by .the foregoing ap pralsement'wlll be heard, and Buck abatements made as are deemed proder and Just; and.all persons falling to appear at said time and place will be barred from making any de fence before me. E. J. PURPLE, Mercantile App’r. Wellsboro, April 12,1865-4 t. CONCENTRATED LYE, for sale at ROT’S DRtTG STORE. 'VaisKeas! ll—Tboe-i wishing a of whiskers, a nloe moustache, or a beautiful head of glossy heir will please read tin ford of TIIOc. 7. CHAPMSN io another pari of this paper: •: (Feb. 23.18«6-*m.] 14 7 00 , 14 . 7 00 Gainu. U 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 • 7 00 Knoxville. 14 7 60 14 7 00 12 12 50 14. 7 00 13. 10 00 14 7 00 14 , 7 00 Liberty. 14 ~ „7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 15 ~ 10 00 14 7 00 ' Mainsburg. U < 7 00 U - 7 00 14 7 00 14 , 7 00 14 -7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 ■ 13 10 00 14 7 00 Morris. 14 7 Q 0 14 ■ 7 00' 14 7 00 14 ' 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 08 14-‘ 7 00 14 7 00 Osceola.- ■ > 14' 7 00 'l4 -7 00 14 - 700 14 7 00 Sullivan'. 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 Tioga Boro. 14 (7,00 14 , 700 Ward. 7 - 40-00 Westfield. .14 7 00 -14 7 00 U 7 00 Mi 7 00 M ; 700 ri* | 700 12 ' 12 50 12 12 50 12 12 50 ’ is It 00 N‘ wl ' (tear -with HEW PRICES ! GOING ON AT J. A. ROSE & GO’S CHEAP GASH STORE! N'EW-aOOD'3 ’ J 1 _ NE'W‘ : 'tTY ; LES! MODS HAVE FALLEN; GOODS ARE CHEAPER! The only question among Ladies is; where can X get something handsome in the shape of a Good Stylish Dress, Cloaking, &0., and at the same time CHEAP ? On walking into the Store of J. A. ROSE & CO’S the Ladlai will find this difficult qneition IMMEDIATELY ANSWERED . HE BETS CHEAP! HE SELES CHEAP! DRBSS GOODS. Corded Poplins, Marin oes, Alapaceas, Coburga, Rep BeLaines, Pacific BeLaines, Ac., Ac. FANGS' GOODS. Hair Rolls, Head Nets, French and American Cor sets, Breakfast Shawls, Splendid Nnbias, Skating Caps, Hoods, Hood Nubias, Brest Trimmings, Collar' and Sleeve everything. LADIES’ CLOTHS, FLANNELS, SOLFERINOES, figured and plain, every color and quality. : Gentlemen say before leaving home, “ Where do, yon want to go to trade. Wife ?" “ I don't know." “ Well, I will tell you. Ton STOP AT ROSE’S. HE KEEPS THE LARGEST 7 00 BEST STOCKS! OF REAM MADE CIioTHING, I WANT- A PAIR OF PANTS, •j SO LEX’S STOP THERE.” " YOU'RE BIGHT. | J. A. BOSE ft 00. KEEP HOOP SKIRTS, SUCH AH ASSORTMENT! WHY, I DO BELIEVE he has enough to baild a telegraph across the Allan tio Ocean; AND I WANT ONE, I WANT TWO, We Will Stop There, FOB.' BE -SELLS WOMEN'S .SHOES, for BALMORAL SKIRTS, (fall size).. 25 HOOP : SKIRTS, (wide tapes),... BEST KIP BOOTS, (shop made)... BESIDES ALL THESE HE HAS ALL KJNDS OF BOOTS and SHOES ! r? AND ALL PRICES, AND THEY ARE CHEAP, TOO, FOR I HAVE TRIED THEM, I Know the j are Right and Cheap. 1 DON’T KNOW HOW HE GETS HIS GOODS, (probably steals them or bays than and never pm for them) 7 00 , BUT WE WON’T 1 ASK HIM, AS LONG AS THEY ARE CHEAP, ' ■’’wE WILL BUS.” LADIES & GENTLEMEN, WE HAVE EVERYTHING; Yal, I eay we hare everything ezeept wagon tracks and poet holee and theee yon can bay at the Hard ware Store*. IT IS WORTH WHILE TO STEP IN AND SEE WHAT HE HAS. Don’t bay—only see. Come and examine. The ’Goods' are to your taste. And remember tho plaoa. ROSE’S CHEAP CASH STORE, MAI7BFIELD, Tloga Connt}’, Pa^ NEXT DOOR TO MANSFIELD HOTaiL- Stanfield, Jinnarj 11,1885-ly, AND AND AND AND YES, YES, .. >4l-25 ...... 3.25 1.25 .. 5.00 AND “TO BOWEN’S V 9 QEEINQ a big crowd on Main Street, hnrry ing toward a aommon center, lomebody aikad Where Are Ton Going ? The answer was ‘.‘To Bowen's, No. I,Union Block!” To look at that iplandid itook of NEW FALL & WINTER ROODS I New York. “ SENSIBLE PEOPLE," thought I yon know who bnyi etc bar gain, and aella so naw> give the purchaser a bargain too. tutarrr Therefore, if 70a want enything in the line of DRY GOODS. LADIES' GOODS, BEADY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, *O., GO TO BOWEN’S, and if 700 want HARDWARE, QDEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, and GROCERIES, at prioes 700 can afford to pa 7 GO TO BOWEN’S. If yon have Cash, or Butter, or Cheese, or Grain to exchange for this SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS, bring them along, and yon will get Satisfactory Bargains; and if 70a come onoe, 70a will be snre to cent* twica —yoa, thrice, or half-a-doaqn timer. Don’t forget the place: NO . 1, UNION BLOCK, WeUsboro, Not. 1,1884. JOHN E. BOWEN. The peculiar taint or infec tion which we call Scitor vi. a lurks in the constitu tion’ nf multitudes of men. It cither produces or is produced by an enfeebled, vitiated state of the Wood, .wherein that fluid becomes incompetent to sustain the | vita! lorccsiatheir vigorous [action, and leaves the sys ,.Aem to full into disorder vg- j| U | decay. Thescrofulons -cfvSilpcontamination is variously - *-v —caused hy mercurial dis ease, low living, disordered digestion from un healthy food, impure air. filth and filthy habits, tile depressing vices, and, above all, by the vene real infection. Whatever he its origin, it is hered itary in tiie constitution, descending “ from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation; ” indeed, it scents to be the rod of Him who says, “ I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon titeif cluldren.” The diseases it originates Lake various names, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the glands, swellings which sup purate and become ulcerous sores; in tiie stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi gcstion,--dyspepsio, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, all having the same origin, require the same rem edy, viz., purification and invigoration of tho blood. Purify tho blood, and these dangerous dis tempers leave you. - With feeble, fouhor.comiptcd blood, you cannot have health; with lliat " life of the .flesh” healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease.' Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual antidote* that mcdicalscience lias discovered fur this afflict ing distemper, and for .the cure of the disorders it •entails. That it is far superior to any other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial.' That it docs combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great • multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases: King's Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas,' Eose or St. Anthony’s Fire, Salt Eheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole scries of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports o/ individual cases may be found in AVer’s American Almanac, witch is furnished to.tho druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have ac cess to some one who can apeak to him of its bene fits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than axe healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. Thelvjast importance of these con siderations has lea us to spend ye.ars in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. Tliis wo now offer to the public under the napie of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, although it is composed of ingre dients, some: of which exceed the best of Sana pctriUa in alterative power. By, its aid you may protect yourself from the suffering and clangor of these disorders. Purge out the fbui corruptions, that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health jwill follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus impels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it I Wo know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised much and did nothing; but they will neither Iks deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended lo reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more effectual than any other which has ever been available to them. attests CHERRY PECTORAL, The World’s Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds,'lncipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced sta ges of the disease. This has been so long used and so universally known, that we need do no more than assure tire Sblic that its quality is kept up to the best it ever t been, and that it may he relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., • Practical and Analytical demists, -Lowell. Mass. Sold by (dl druggists every where, and by Sold by J. A. Boy and P. B. Williams, Wellsboro; Dr. H. H. Borden, Tioga; S. S, Packard, Covington; C.-V. Elliott, Mansfield; S. X. Billings, Gaines; and by Dealers everywhere. [Nov. 23, 18M-ly.] • TO THE NERVOUS, DEBILITATED AND DES PONDENT OF BOTH SEXES.— A great suffer er having been restored to health in a few days, after ’many years of misery, is willing to assist hia suffer ing feUQw*cToftture» by sending (free), on the receipt of a postpaid addressed envelope, a copy of the formula of onto employed. Direct to JOHN M. DAGNALL, Box IS3 Post Office, Jan. 4', 1865-sm. Brooklyn, N. Y. OLD BYES MADE NEW —A pamphlet direct ing how to speedily restore sight and give up spectacles, without aid of doctor or medicine. Sent by mail, free, on receipt of 10 cents. Address E. B-FOOTE, M. D., ■ Feb. 8, ’65-6m. 1130 Broadway, New York.