irnsri's Bf authority of the Secretary « ’ the Treasury, thb undersigned has assumed the Gcierol Subscription Agency for the saie ot United Stans Treasury Notes, "bearing seven f subscriptions, and the notes forwarded at oucc,.r/*v The interest to IStb.Jnne next will in advf, lap.- • This is THi ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, ani' it is confidently expected that its superior advantagt > 'will make it the Great Popular Loan of to People. Less than of. the L ,J au authorized by the lußi Congress are no.w on themuiket.* The amount, at.the.fate at which it is being abi orbed, will, all b© fiit-witliin Jour mbnuiSiJfheA- ihe. nottfi wili*undoubtedly command a premium, as has uni formly been the case on closing th© subscriptions to other Loans. *ln orderthat citizens of every toWU and section of the country maybe afforded facilities-for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Batiks, and Private Bankers thronghontthe country havld by J. A. Rot. Wcllsboro, Pa. ; >. g. Pacxasb, Coving* . Pn.; Ronrproy A Co. Troy, Pa. , larch 29,166&-Iy. Sol ton. Hi ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTlCE.—Letter* of ad ministration having beg* granted to the tinder* signed on the estate of late of Charles ton, deceased, notice is hereby given to those in debted to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them projg:rly authenticated for settlement to AYBRY, Adm'r* Charleston, Feb. 16, 1565-ft. AT(j‘R'S NOTICE.— Letters el Administration taring been granted to the undesigned upon the e»nt«- of Joseph Walker, late of Rich mend, dec’d,' thdi % indebted will 1 " please make immediate payment, an<{ having claims against said estate wilt present them for settlement to , w, w. . i nelson s. walker t Adtu ’ r - Richmond, Feb. 22,1865.-6ta . ’ 3 Family dye colors at ! ’ . Roys drug store. A N Assortment of TARLE ‘ GLASSWARE tffl J\, be found at ROT’S PRDQ STORE. v -r ►Oltoian. MONTHLY MAGAZINES. Employing and paying for -more Literary talent than any other Magaiine- In the country, we flatter ourselves that no Department of the ~ - HCIFIC ' MONTHLY will suffer neglect from .the wantof able and well known ~ LIXEEiBY : CONTRIBUTORS,. of the principal shining lights of the Litocld. v e shall make such additional circumstances may demand. Tour, special attention is called to our ILLUSTRATIONS, which are produced, without regard to expense, by an efficient fiorpt of artists—at whose' bead stands Brightly and McLenaS, uneqbaled as Designers and Engravers. Wo call the attention ( of the Publio to the profusion of first-class illustrations of the va ried, novel and picturesque scenery and local views of the * With Descriptive Views and Reading Matter, a& fording the most reliable and comprehensive medium in'existence for full information in regard tb Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada, ond their contiguous and aurif erous territories.. The information we give in regard to the Pacific States, alone, is worth ten times the Subscription Price of our Magazine. The twelve numbers, a year’s subscription, when neatly bound, affording two splendid volumes, suitable for the DRAWING-ROOM, LIBRARY, 1 0 B TH B COUNTING-HOUSE, and costing but FIVE DOLLARS, which in years to come can not be purchased for any price. Our EDliOtfriL DRAWER will abound with selections of Wit, Original Stories Comic Sketches, and light Literature, culled from a well-garnered storehouses! fan, -fcct-.and-; incident, affbrdin g interesting lighVrCadln g Par lor and Fire-side. ✓ This Department of th&Mdnthly, under the imme diate supervision of McLsnah, the celebrated Comic. Delineator, will be found>rioh in Wit, Merriment, and' appropriate Design. Haring, made .special arrapgementt with Mme. DE*oJtEsr, i 4T3 : Broadway, Sotf'TOfk.i'or contribu tions to our Fashion Department, we call the attention of the Ladies to the same,aid commend our Monthly to their notice, as containing more information in re gard; toDr ess and the Toilet, than , any pother Afaga alntf published. " Now is the time to Subscribe, and have your vol ume complete for 1865. We will furnish Bach Num bers to such as do not subscribe jn time for the Janu ary or February number. Bufto bo sure and get them without delay, send in your subscriptions early. Our Subscription Price is " Payable in Advance, upon the rceipt of which our receipt for the same will be sent in return. As an additional inducement to subscribe early, 'we shall distribute among our Subscribers a large list of valuable Premiums, relying upon an extraor-, diuary large Subscription List to compensate us for our liberality. These- Premiums will consist of valua ble Souvenirs of the ‘Golden Wealth of the Pacific States, and will be as-follows : j»g- To any person sending us One Hundred Pay ing Subscriptions, we will send them immediately, a Twenty and a- Ten D>ollar Gold Piece, California Coinage; and an extra Copy of the Pacific Monthly for a Year, free. . _ | To any person sendibg ns Fifty Paying Sub scribers, we will send immediately, a Ten and a Five Dollar Gold Piece, and an extra Copy of the Pa cific Monthly for a Year, free. ■ jEsg* To any person sending us Twenty-Hyp Pay ing Subscribers, we will send, immediately, a Five Dollar and a Two-and-a-half Dollar Gold Piece, and an extra Copy of the Pacific Monthly for a Year, free. To any poison sending ns Ten Paying Sub scribers, we will send, immediately, a Three Dollar Gold Piece, and an extra Copy of the Pacific Monthly for a Year, free. To any person sending ns Fir e-Paying Sub scriptions, we will send an extra Copy of tbe Pacific Monthly .for, a.Tepr, free, We are also having made, a large' quantity of Valuable for Single Subscribers, who send direct to tbe Office. The Presents and Souvenirs consist of Ladles’ Breast Pins, Ear-Kings, Finger-Rings, Sleeve-But tons, etc,; and Gentlemen’s Breast Pins, Finger- Rings, Sleeve-Buttons, Studs, Settings for Cane- Heads, etc., made from California and Nevada Gold and Silver bearing Quartz and Ore—Crystalised Quartz Jewelry, (commonly known as California Dia mond Jewelry.) The gold and Silver-bearing Quartz and Ore from which these Souvenirs aro made, is from the celebrated GOULD & CURRY and Opbir Mines of Nevada, and will bo valuable as Mementos, as . well as beautiful in Appearance and Design. Every Regular Subscriber, as above, to the Pacific Monthly, will be entitled to one of these Arti- for every Subscription standing opposite their naJnes on our books. ' sent, postage. pre-paid, upon the receipt of Fifty Cent, in Currency or Postage Stamps. r . C A U T HSf* 'Write'your Name, Pokt-OfilceTCounty and State, to where y oa.want. the Facile- Monthly sent, Plain and Distinct. - -v, SIS' Kogister all Letters containing Money ; or when convenient, sendbyfcipres*. -- JSf' If your Post-Office is a Money-Order office, obtain a Money-Order for yonr remittance, lIS' Send none bat United States Treasury Notes, or money Bankable, in NewTork. -- JEET" All Letters asking Information, etc., to re ceive attention, mast contain a Stamp, to prepay an swer. Address all Correspondence, D. M. QAZLAT &CO, QAZLAY’S PACIFIC “MONTHLr.— Now is the time to Subscribe for our now Pacific Monthly, which we cheerfully commend to you as the Excelsior of the -' „ GOLDEN STATES ~ AND TERRITORIES OF THE PACIFIC. comic" illultbatioks. FASHION PLATES. SUBSCRIBE NOW I FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR, PREMIUMS IN GOLD! PRESENTS and KEEPSAKES SPECIMEN COPIES •-• t L • or THE Pacific Monthly PUBLISHERS PACIFIC nONTHLTi 34 Liberty Street, N. Y. WHOLESALE AGENTS: AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, - 121. NASSAU STREET, NEW jYORK. WHITE $ BAUER, SAN FRANCISCO, California. Janaary IS, 186S-ly. THE TIUIjA COUNTY A(i I T*A TOK. THE PEOPLE’S STORE m CORKOO, M. Y. J. M. SMITH, HAVING associated with him N. E. WAITE, who has been employed for the last sine years in the Store, in the capacity of Salesman, the business will bo continued under the name and firm of SMITH & WAITE, AT I H * NEW STORE, t O PPD.B 1 TJS - TBS', Dickinson House, i and will be conducted as heretofore on the principle ONE PRICE AND READY PAY. Ten years experience in jibe former, and from two to three years in the Tatter (during which time our business has more than doubled) has fully demon-, strated the wisdom of this course* ■We are nowTe ceiviug* - r* *r • * Direct from Wcw York, a fresh supply of - • SPRING GOODS, selected with especial reference to the wants of the people of this vicinity. The Stock will consist of | STAPLE & FANCY DRY OO.ODS, I among which are BROWN AND BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, TICKS, r STRIPES, DENIMS, CHECKS, PRINTS, 1 ■ ".J I, FLANNELS, .GINGHAMS, ~ ' ' " CHAMBRAYS, DeLAINBS; ALPACCAS, . SCOTCH PLAIDS, and a great variety , of DRESS' GObDS. Also, SHAWLS, A LA DIES’ CLOAKINGS, CLOTHS A .CASSIMERE9, by the yard or made up to order.' KENTUCKY JEANS,' COXTONADES,'LINENS, and a,general assortmentof- Goodsjor MRICS'-AND BOV’S : iv®Aß • We also keep, a ( general stock of BOOTS & SHOES, FAMILY GROCERIES,;- YANKEE'NOTIONS, PALM LEAF HATS. - SUN UMBRELLAS, &C, We shill enaeaTor'tojkeop oat Stocfc a* complete as poesible, by the , Continual Addition ; : . of snob articles in -our Unbas tie wants of our ousto* oxers - - UEEM TO REQUIRE. Our facilities far purchasing Qoodi ' " ABE OASEBPASSEB, and while we'do not prelerid-to'sell Goods - LESS THAN COST, yet we are willing, to sell them ata 1 > ■ SMALL PROFIT, and it "will Wotif'altri by ’ -■ FAIR DEALING, to merit a share of public patronage. We are very lhankful'for iho liberal arnd constantly INCREASING PATRONAGE bostowjsfi I tfpon^s, ; and, hope to m*rit its continuance andinOreali.' Uasiinrera Worn- ■> ‘‘ TIOGA,, COUNTY and vicinity are cordially invited to call and examine Goods .and Prices. .SMITH A WAITE. Corning; Biarch 30,1864,’ 1 1 ' QSEAT BARGAINS FOR THISTY DATS— HAVING A MUCH LARGER Stocß Desirable, AT THIS, SEASON OS THKYBAR, I TAKE THIS METHOD —or— INCREASING SALES, r-i . * * and turning them into Cash for SPRING PURCHASES. From this time forward until farther,notice, I shell sell most of the stock at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Ad samples we will sell. SHAWLS, at a reduction of $l.OO to $3.00 each CLOAKS, " “ 1,00 to 3.00 each CLOTHS, * •' " .50 to 2.00 pr yd CASSIMERES, “ ;25 to .75pryd DRESS GOOI)S, " .12} to .50-pryd BALMORAL SKIRTS, .50 to 1.00 each HQOP . .12} to .60 each Red, Grey, & White Flannels, .12} to; J 25 pr yd OUR STOCK OP BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, DOMESTICS OF ALL KIIfDS, A^‘FANCY GOODS, SUCH. AS WOOLEN GOODS, SCARFS, SpNIAOS,Ao. REDUCED TO THE ■ ;• ■; rr--. u j ; LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. We wish to sell a good many goods daring the next thirty days, and believe we are able to do se if you need good*. . Call end'see for yourselves, X A. PARSONS, Corning, I. I. January 26,1865. CHURCH MUSIC.—AII persons that play the Mo* lodean or Cabinet Organ should bo ablo to play Church Mrule.fcyaNew Mfelhod'of Teaching Ohbrda and Tfaorongb Base. I guarantee the seholar : ttt bo ablo to read and play at sight Ordinary Church Mu sic at the end of-twenty-four-or thirty lessons, provi ded the person IS 1 familiar with the Letters on the Staff and Key Board. My scholars also have the privilege - fine Vocal Society one evening each week. Instruments of all kinds for sale and to rent. Mansfield, Febr22,:1865-Inu r. J. 6. .WHITE. UDITOB’S , N 0 T I C E The undersighedhaving been appointed an auditor to distribute the proceeds arising from the sale of real estate of Hiram 1 TI-Hill.’at the suit of James Watrons, will attend to the duties of saidappoinment at his office on the 24th day of April next, at I o'clock P. M.j at which time and place all persons interested in the distribution of said fund are Invited to ■present their claims or be forever barred from any chum upon said fund. HENRY SHERWOOD Wellsboro, March 22, 1865-31. ~ , , Auditor. SELLING OFF AT COST.—Nast 4 Auerbach (one door below Hardens’-) will sell their Mens’ and Boys’ Clothing) Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Ladies* Cloaks, Hats and Caps, Balmoral Skirts, Broche Shawls, Ac., 40., At COST PRICES, on account of reducing their Pall and Winter Good*. ■ ' “ , - NAST 4 AUERBACH, I - c of Btonburg, Poland Byr*o"us*,l7.jr. Wellsboro, Mar. 32, 1886-tf. September Ist, 1863. PROM THIS DATE, FOR READY PAY ONLY! CUSTOM BOOTS AND SHOES ; Leather, Findings, &c. CASH PAID FOR HIDES, PELTS, DEER SKINS AND FURS. JQR. FRANKLIN SAYS: “When you have anything to advertise, tell the pubko of it in plain, simple language/ 1 v : I am manufacturing good custom made Boots and Shoos which I will sell at fair prices, and only for BEADY PAY. Such work cannot be sold at as low rates per pair as eastern made slop-work, but it can and will be sold at prices which will enable the pur-' chaser to protect bis feet with good snb&antial boots more cheaply than with a poor slop-shop article, which, even if it chances not to fall in pieces with the first weeks service, is bat a doubtful protection in wet and cold weather. Try me. Such and Doeskins Wanted, In the red and short blue, for which 1 will pay cash and a good price. Beef-Hides and Calfskins Wanted, for which I will also pay cash. Sheep Pelts Wanted, for which X will also pay oash and the highest mar ket price. , # „ An assortment of sole,upper,calfskins and linings, pegs, thread, nails, awls, knives, shoe-hammers, do., Ac., kept constantly on band, which I will sell cheap for cash. Shop on Main Streetbetween Wilcox's and Bullard's. G» W. SEARS. N. B. I can't give credit, because, to be plain, haven't got It to give. Wellsboro, Sept. 9,1863- FILL AND WINTER GOODS! T. L. BALDWIN IS now receiving a large and well selected STOCK OF FALL AND TVINTER GOODS, consisting in' part of a General Stock of DRY GO ODS, LADIES* DRESS GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Boots AND SHOES. WOODEN WARE, &c.. &o. All of which will bo sold VERY LOW for READY PAT ONLY. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE "TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. J All persons baying GOODS for READY PAT, _ Are respectfully invited to call and examine THE STOCK, Ae they are to be sold,at VERT LOW PRICES. CASH PAID FOR WOOL. Tioga, Nov. 27, 1864. T.L. BALDWIN. MILLINERY GOODS.— Mrs. A. J. SOFIELD has just returned from. New York with a fine assortment of Millinery Goods, which she will take pleasure in showing her customers and will sell at a small profit. She is. prepared to repair Felt and Bea ver hats in the latest styles, also, Bonnets and Straw Goods, aijd will promptly attend to all work entrust ed to her care. ’ Ladies will find a choice lot of caps, nets, scarfs, ribbons, and flowers, and everything in her line of goods. Rooms opposite Boy's Drug Store, Main St. Wellsbero,‘Nov. 16, 1864. General Order No. 1. HEADQUARTERS OP THE IRON BRIGADE —OP— Tioga and Potter Counties. ALL persons whether liable:to draft or not, want* log nay articles made wholly or in part of cast irony are hereby notified that tb’e headquarters of this .Brigade is permanently located at the Knoxville Foundry, where all sacb wants jwill be supplied upon presentation of “The Greenbacks." . If you want a Cook Stove call at Biles*.. If you want a Parlor Stove, call at Headquarters. If you want a Box Stove, call at Knoxville Foun dry. If you want a good Plow, call at Biles*. If you want a Road call at Headquarters. If you want Cultivator Teeth, call at Knoxville Foundry. If yon want a Wagon Shoe* call at Bilee*. If yon want a Paint Mill, call at Headquarters. If yon want Sled Shoes, coll at Knoxville - Foun dry. If yon want Mill Irons, Machinery, or any thing ever made at a FOUNDRY, call where they make the best of every thing and no mistake. "N. B. On acoonnt of the serious illness of the OLD MAN CREDIT, Mr. CASH will take Us place, and all persons In debted will walk np to the Captain's OSes and settle or hot growl when the constable comes aronnd. , X P. BILES, A CO. J.P. BILES, ) H. K. RUMSET. J Knoxville, Dot. 26,1864. TX T ANTED—6OO bnsbele Oats, 500 bushels Cora W* in ear, 600 bushels Flax Seed, for • which the hlghoat market price in Cash will be paid. "" D. P. ROBERTS A CO. Wellsboro.Nov. 28,1864-tf. REVENUE STAMPS.. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Revenue Stamps of all denominations, Jhst received at the First National Bank of Walliboro, in the Store building of C. 4 J. L. Robinson. Persons wanting Stamps are (senest to cal) and get a supply. "T Wollsboro, May 26,1864-tf. jrtlstM MANHOOD: MslS/mr how lost, how restored. MUaSuv Jnst pnbliahsd, a new edition of Dr. Culverwell’s Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea, or seminal weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.: also. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extrava gance. Price in a sealed envelope, only six cents. .-The Celebrated author in this admirable essay oloarly demonstrates, from a thirty years’ successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife— pointing ont a mode of cure at onco simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture sbonld be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under 'seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps, by 'addressing CHAS. J. C. KLINE, 4 CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Office Box, 4586. April 1, 1865. [June 15,1864-ly.] AUDITOR’S NOTICE. —The undersigned having been appointed an Auditor to distribute the proceeds arising from the sale of real estate of A. G. Elliott, will attend to the duties of said appointment at the office of Williams 4 Smith on Friday, the 24th day of March, A. D. 1865, at 1 o’clock P. M.,at which time and place all persons interested in the distribu tion of said funds, are invited to present their or be forever barred from any claims open said fana.. W.H. SMITH, Auditor. Wellsboro, March 1,1885-4 t. Kerosene lamps at BOY’S DRUG STORE. ( TO THE PUBLIC. T AM now prepared to manufacture, at my establish { X meiit in Deerfield, I PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, I Also, Ladies’ I BALMORAL SKIRTS to order, cither by the piece or quantity, to suit cus tomers. JOSEPH INGHAM. Knoxville, July 16, 1863. DEERFIELD WOOLEty FACTORY. r PHE undersigned having ■purchased the Well J- known Woolen Factory oi Messrs. E.