.. t - 'i_ i. THE AUITATUR. ABE h 0 --■■■■ ■* : i. We Usboro. Wednesday. Mar. 89.1866 Hew Advertisements. eeiue of the Wellsboro Potroleom Company. C. Ripley. Presided. < -,- t ,jf Union Dead »t Salisbury Constitutin' 1 Life Syrup' b -' u - rne d CiEiivcs.— Lieut. J tunes E. C«| M „f the 4-sth P.jV , wild was captured at tlisj jpl'osion of tbe mine before Petersburg Ihs|‘i moot, h a# returned on parole, and w now on- 1 * rieit to his home in Del mar James and Joseph English, of the 45th ’P, ; • for muuj months captive in Obeldom, have;. recently returned, and are -now on a visit. to. ; ; Mj ss Pauline Smith has removed her MiUl*, their mother in Delmar. The boys bear the - nßry op tQ the roonM lateij , occup i e(i by MrV. E arks of treatment, and-one of them Main Street opposite Roy’s Bmldiog.- r£ ported sick of fever. ' Sbf desires to inform the public that she has just received new goods from the eitj which will be afforded at reasonable rates. ft T E go to press with little to add to -what nbUehed last week concerning the flood.-' No 1 ltca l papers from the river towns, have come ta-f taocl. We learn next to nothing about the-j iooi on the Susquehanna above Northura'ber--?| land from the city papers, whereas, it is above’ lllSt place that the greatest destruction? o'o*' enrred. The telegraphic reports ore getferal aad rngae- _ , ,/ \ Ret. E. D. Wells, writes ns' yom Lawrence- T jlle, in this county, that the r t5O high by twelve inches, as three. yearf . ago. Still, the damage to -land, lumber, an(, fences wos great. The damage to the rai^ogt.' til been repaired, chiefly, and trains havo beej’i running from Corning for two or three days.-:; Ibis gives us a mail from the ; outer worb'i again, for which, thanks. ,*7l - , i From the Hospitals. —W« are obliged 'to S. S. EoAwell, of Washington, for news froo) the boys in the hospitals in that ■ city.' H*» irriies under date of March 20, as follows: ■,. " I saw Thomas Skelton yesterday. He ' B much better. His orm is nearly healed abofe the elbow and now discharges near the elbow-- b good symptom says the surgeon. " . . "Frank Kelley is doing getting fat, "About twenty cases came in fronT.Cify Point yesterday to Finley Hospital.- . “ Rees Morris is at Emory Hospital and dol ing well. He is wounded above the elbojvr of the right arm. , • i j " A. A. Scudder, formerly Q. M. of Itbe Sth Pa. Reserves, has returned fsom Rebeldowr;— Capt. Carle is at Annapolis. “ I have seen a great many rebel deserters since you left. They say that they are whipped ml that their leaders a»e <1 d fools fyr ke^p- ieg it up any longer.” Tetrolicm. —We are often inquired o in relation to the condition-ami activity of the Wellsboro Petroleum Company. We barn that it is still in existence' and preparing tq go mto operation as soon as necessary arrange ments can be made. It is for tbe interesrt.of the public that the experiment of sinking tfeils in favorable localities he tried without unne£es> ry delay. The stock ought to bo, subscribed and tbe percentage paid in, immediately, fkj that the officers of the Company may be able Is enter u,...n ibese experiments. Personally tfe know little of the progress made. It ought fq be considerable. ■ ■ r i If we understand the object of the Coijßjpany it is to develop the resources of the county, whether those resources be found to be coal, salt, or petroleum. There is little doubt enter tained as to the presence of valuable salt springs in several localities. The indioutiutls of petroleum are said to be strong in: the?l(er gitms intended to be worked by the Compa&y. It is for the benefit of every individual-in '• fe community that the objects of fhe associat vm be carried out. If there are deposits of ef It, oil, or coal, lying beneath out soil, tbey = ouj ht to be brought to the surface and made to cm tribute to the wealth and prosperity "of -he .county. We trust that the company will get K work vigorously and without delay. , A small contribution from each land .vrril put the company in condition to test' the theory of hidden riches. - Tie following little poem will, wewecoafident, ha read with pleasure by all lovers of pcn-pitCurea of untamed Mature. Many will recognize thf nwior sten though hia name is withheld. [f;n. ' HW-YEAR EVE ON OTTER RUN. [IjV o. vp. iGale from the nor’weat —mercury 10° below o.] The winds are out in force to-night. The clouds, in tight brigade, y Are charging from the mountain tops . ' Across the everglades; f There is a fierceness in the air. A dull, unearthly light, The Frost King, in his whitest crown, Rideg on the storm to-night. Tar down the gorge of Otter Run I hear the sullen roar - ' ,J Of rifted snows, and pattering sleet, Among the branches hoar j The giant hemlocks wsg their beards Against the midnight sky. The melancholy pine trees moan, The cedars make reply; The oaks and sugar maples toss - Their frown ami in sir, * i The elms and beeches bow their heads And shriek as in despair; - ?' ®csnt shield to-night, for fiesh and blood/* Is feather, hair, or for, . „ from north to south, for many a league, • i There la no life astir. The gaudy jay, with painted crest . Has stowed hia plamcs away; '• - The f nesting wolf forgets to bowl, The mountain-cat to prey ; The deer has sought the laurel brake, 'I Her form, the Umid|hnre, , • ; The shaggy bear Is in his den, . ;’x The panther In his lair: From east to west, from north to south, For twenty miles around, - : To-night no track shall dint the shroud r { That wraps the frozen ground. ' , r I sit and listen to the storm That roars and swells aloof, — Watching the fitful shadows sway Upon the rustic roof ; And as I blow an idle cloud - 1 To while the time away, I croon an old-time ditty In the min or key of A, Later War News.— Just as we go to press official rtews of a brilliant victory before Pe tersburg reaches as by the New York Sunday papers. The rebels attacked our lines in force, but were fepolsed with a loss of 3,000 killed and wounded and 2,700 prisoner's. The fight ing -was. duae by the Ninthtand Secpnd. Corps,! r_ Store —N e \v Goods. —Mr, H. C, Par-: sqas, of Corning, IS. Y., has rented the Store *°* Roj s Building, and is now opening a large r Btock of Dry 1 Goods, Boots & Shoes. &c. t for the Spring trade. Mr, Parsons proposes to. sell goods at greatly reduced prices, following tbeimarkec “down to the bottom/' Farmers ftn® others will, do well to drop and price •big stbck, • -It-•' i Mr*. Helen Sofield has removed to the build ing, lately occupied by'-Col. .Hill,, on Main Street, where she will be happy to, see her old ‘customers and as many new .ones as may have need of Millinery goods. i The Pacific Monthly Magazine for March proves- to be a very interesting.number indeed. We notice, among other things of interest and value; several communications from distant parts written by consular and commercial agents of the Government. These are descript ive of the countries where they are written, and contain much statistical -information of value to trade. If'any one wishes to secure a periodical rich in information touching com merce, mining, as .well .as in well written mis cellany, we commend the Pacific to their fa vorable consideration. See advertisement on 4tb page for terms, &o. SOLDIEB’S AID SOCIETY. The following is a list of articles sent to the Sanitary Commission by the Soldiers' Aid So ciety of Blossbnrg, Pa.,'March 2.1865: 8 dressing gowns, 13 cotton Shirts, 2 pair woolen drawers, 8 pillow cases, 13 linen towels, 3 linen armslings, 1 sheet, 60 rolls bandages, 2 bandies old linen, 1 box lint, 4 cakes castile soap, 12 handkerchiefs, 5 pocket combs, 3 glass jars pickles, 1 can pickles, 6 cans peaches, 4 cans tomatoes, I'bottle tomato catsap, 1 pack age’dried prunes, 1 package dried berries, mis cellaneous-reading. By order of Society, __ Mrs.. James H. Gulick, Pres’t. -=■ Cabbie Woobedff, Seo’y. The Soldiers’ Aid Society of Blossburg meets every Saturday afternoon at the “ Literary Club” room, in the Seymour House. It is in a flourishing condition at present. The Aid. Society acknowledge a donation of $75, from the Blossburg “Dramatic Club," the' net pro ceeds of their entertainments. We congratu late the “ Dramatic Club” on their ability to win the approbation of the public. ,The “ Club” deserve praise for making the Sanitary the object of the entertainments, and may they receive a hundred fold reward for their exertions in behalf of this good cause. Our Committee have made large purchases of cloth, and we urgently “ call for volunteers” to help make it up. Every .wp,man, old nr young, unless actually “disabled” will be “accepted.” We trust we will not be obliged to resort to a “ draft ” “ Stragglers” are not allowed in times like these; and “ deserters” m ist ex pect the disgrace they merit. Hufnanity and patriotism should make ns willing to tax our energies afresh. It is stated and proved by statistics of different armies that at least three times as many soldiers die of disease and from a want of proper care with respect to the woonded, as are killed by the enemy. In view of the coming Spring and Summer campaign, it is hoped that all good men and women who are not privilege!! to take a more active part, vfill contribute tbeir mite for thiacause. “Ev erything is needed : clothing of all kinds, del icacies of every description. Come to the, Soldiers’Aid, Mother, and wife, and maid.” Although the object of the Soldiers’Aid So ciety is to provide .supplies for the comfort of the sick and ,wounded, it has another value, in asmuch that it serves ,the purpose in keeping* alive love of the Union through, healthy social contact and mutual We close with the prayer that has been breathed by many poor soldiers, “ God bless the Sanitary.” . ' C. W. Sold at 150 Meass Cheap Goods. —l am selling all goods at tbeir present value, regardless of cost, and intend to follow the market down to the bottom. I have now on band an.d am receiving almost daily, Great Bargains in Dry Goods, Roots & Shoes. -Cotton Goods, sneb as Prints, Sheetings, Shirtings, Ticks, Denims, Ac. r have declined tremendously—from 60 io ICO per cent.. Drees goods, such ns Delaines,'Mo. hairs. Plaids, Ac., pearly as much. Woolen Goods, such as Flannels, Pant stuffs, Cloths, Ac., 25 to'6o,* per cent. Such reductions make all goods cheap** and buyers will do well to take hold. ' J. A. PARSONS, 3, Concert Block, Corning. , On the 14th inst., in Charleston, by tho Rev. J. Ingerick, WM.,L. FRELANB.-of Farmington, to CANDACE C. BEERS, of Wells. Bradford Co., Pa. Editor of The Agitator ’ Dita Sir:— With your permission I wish to say to.the readers of your paper that 1 will send, by return mail, to all who wish it (free) A Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Bklru that will effectually re move, in ten days. Pimples,.Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and, all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth, and Beautiful. • I will-also mail free to those having Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, sinfple directions and information that will,enable them to start a fail growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, In less than thirty dajs. All applications answered by return mail without charge. . Kespectfullv vonrs, . THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, Feb. 22,1606-Sm. 831 Broadway, New York. tVmsEXBsl 11—Those wishing a fine set of whiskers, a nice moustache, oi a beautiful head, of glossy hair will please read the card of TIIO3. F. CHAPMJI N in another part of . this paper. [Feb. 22.1865~5m.] DISSOLUTION. —Tho Firm heretofore existing under the name of S. Bennett & Co., is this day dissolved by mntual consent. The business* will hereafter he conducted by Vischer, Ditnon Randall, Who are authorized’ to use tho late firm name in li- quidation. , SOLOMON BENNET, * Middlebory, Feb. 4-3 i« JOHN VIS'CHER. * Tho unnersigned have this day entered into a eo- j partnership under the name of Yigcher, Bimon 4 i Randall for the of tho business heretofore > conducted by S. Bennett A Co. - ■ j ‘ • ‘ JOHN VISCHER, ' - ! . JOHNU; DIMON; “ .Middlebory, Feb. 4. ’Jibf 'J JOHNt) ALL: 'MV \ AN Assortment of TABLE GLASSWARE will be found at ROV’S RRUG STORE. .» ’ f - 5 1 : L 1 }'i MARRIED. • l THE TEOO 4 AUITATOB. CLEAR THE TRACKI npttAijriUh to d‘i,BU|.tflJRK5A STlO^fi *. mea'ns something! Of course ii -doe*. It mean* that ' * ] ' BVL L A H X>’ fc . 1 ■ STOCK’ OF , . : FILL & fiiWEB fiOOllS. are nil the rage, and that uot three square mile? ti i people, in and around Wellsborough and vicinity, ’ f -KNOW WHEhE ,XO GO Tpi BOY GOOD GOODS, AND DUX THEM CHEAP. B XJ X* 'is JSk. B. © defies competition in style, variety, quantity/quality *nd cheapness, of ' ’ LADIES’DRESS GOODS, * .FANCY GOODS, LACES, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOSIERY. LINENS, CAMBRICS; BUTTONS; LADIES' GAITERS/ -SLIPPERS/GLOYES, and—but why • enumerate? He has everything in the line of goods that will be’ asked for. Come And see. -.Andthen— s „- I BUY TO SELL AGAIN, not “cheap as dirt/ 1 because good goods can't be sold for a song flow-a-days; but as chedp as any like quality of goods.can be sold in the country. Also, BE AY Eli HATS, - ALL STYLES AND MATERIAL. The Grocery Departnv’t, comprises everything in th\t line, nil good and a reasonohie prices. 1 Drop in with the crowd. One Door above Roy’s Drug Store. ■ I r -io. BDLLARDi, ■ WellsVo'rt'.TSrov.X', T8«3: • ’ s - '• ,J) ETRQLSUMj PETROLEUM!— Geologists and practical men unite in their* belief: and so report that the Discovery of Oil is Wclisboro is near at hand. - * • Bat I would say to the ,people of * : • tioga' county & vicinity, (before investing your Capital in Oil Stock) that I have recently purchased the Stock of Goods of M, Bullard, consisting of CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ic. r all at a groat; redaction from j r New York Jobbinc Prices, 'and am bound to give to my customers the advantage OF Iffy PORCH A SB. : Being desirous of closing out the Clothing part of this Stock, I now offer the.entire Stock AT COST FOR 'CASH 1 HATS ANX> i CAPS,. I will almost give away; at all events, will sell them so cheap yon. will hardly know the difference. Call soon and avail yourself .of this RARE OPPORTUNITY. Remember, thejplace,. the Keystone Store, one door above Roy’s Drug Store, " t'our or thirty.lessons, provi ded the person ns familiar with the Letters on the Staff and Key Bdhrd. - My scholars also have the privilege of Practicing Chorus, Singing with a fine Vocal Society one evening each week. Imlrunienfs of «U kinds, for and to m>t.. Mansfield,-Fob. 22, 1865-hn. ~ J. C. WHITE. •j£ imroß -s* frolic B.z— The undersigned having been appointed an auditor to distribute the proceeds arising from the sale of real estate of Hiram K. HUI, at the.suitof. James Wntrous, will attend to the duties of said appoinment at'his office on t&o 24th da; of April next, at 1 o’cjocb P. Ml, at wMch tlmo.and place all persons interested inHhe dislritiutionW said fund are invited to : present their 'claims or be forever barred from any claim upon 1 said fund. HENRY SHERWOOD, Wellsboro, March 22, 1865-3 t. Auditor, ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.-Lettcrs of Ad ministration having been granted to the under signed upon tbe estate of M. D. Bossard, late of Farmington, deceased, all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present the same, duly authenticated, for settlement to WM. C7AMPBELL, Farmington, Mar. Adm’r, TO* the FARMERS of DELMAR & CHARLES TON.—I am now selling my stock of Dry- Ooods, Groceries, etc., at reduced prices. Call soon, as ibis sale is to close out the stock. • . * , ' ‘ * ' .0. L. WILCOX. Wcllsboro, Mar. 22, 1865-3 t. 1 BtTSHELS 0F SEED POTATOES FOE -L VV/ SALE—comprising the following varieties: Chili, Davis Seedlings, and Peach Blow. Price $l, per bushel. ELIAS TIPPLE. East Charleston. March 22, 1865-Im. jp A*R II FOR SUE.-, , Situated in East Charleston near (ho Middlebury Unc, belonging to Mrs. Julia Murphy, containing thirty (30) acres. For further particulars, address Clossborg, Mch. 22, '65. ALFRED T. JAMES. TO CONSUMPTIVES.—-The undersigned having; been restored to health in a' few weeks, by fa? very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a sovero long affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire, be will sendacopy of .the pre scription used, (free of with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will .lindo'sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, tis,_Coughs, Cold/, Ac. The only object of the ad vertiser in sending tbe Prescription is to benefit tbe afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to'be in valuable: and he every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may procure a blessing. ? Parties wishing/the prescription will please addresi Roy. EDWARD A, WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York, Feb. 22, L865-3m. OLD EYES MADB]NBW. —A pamphlet; direct ing bow to speedily restore sight and give up spectacles, without ald~of doctor or medicine. Sent by mall, free, on receipt of 10 cents. Address E. B. FOOTE, M. 8., Feb, 8, , 05»6m. 1130 Broadway, New Tort. IP YOU WANT TO KNOW a little of everything relating to the human system, male and female; the causes and treatment of diseases; the marriage customs of the world; how to marry welland a thou sand things never published before read the revised and enlarged edition of “ Medical Common Sense/' a curious book for curious people,’ and a good book for every one. 400 pages, 100 illustrations. -Price $1.60. Contents table sent free to any address. Books may be bad at the Book stores, or will be sent by mail, post paid on receipt of the price. Address E. B. FOOTE, M. D., Feb. 8, '65-6m. 1130 Broadway, New York, INFORMATION FREE! Nervous Sufferers;—, A Gentleman, cured of Nervous Debility, InconU potency, Premature Decay, and Youthful Error, actu ated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to Lfurnisb to all who need it, (free of charge,) the recipe ' and directions for making the simple remedy used in i hircase. Sufferers wishing,'to profit by the advert!- ! gore had experience, add possess a sure and valuable . _rome*> can do so by addressing him at once at his place of business. The Recipe and full information L —of vital importance—will* be cheerfully sent by re turn mail: Address, ~ 'JOHN B. OGDEN,' . i .No. 60 Nassau Street, New ToriT; "*• • P. Sufferers of both sexes will flnA this information in valuable. Dee. 7, 1864-Smos. s. > TE4B WITH ,NBKVPRICES! 5 RL, J GOING ON AT J. A. ROSE & CO’S CHEAT BASH, STORE! r/' f.3ii k/i A ? NEW STYLES! GOODS hafe fallek : --'Goons -ABE CHEAPER! The only question among Ladies is, where sen I get something harfasornfe in the shape of a flood Sjtyllsh Dress, Cloaking,.Ste., and at Hie same time CHEAP ? 'On walking into the Store of J. A. ROSE & CO’S the Ladies win find, this difficult question IMMEDIATELY ANSWERED. HEBVYS CHEAP! HE SELES CHEAP! DRESS GOODS. Corded Poplins, Merinocs, Alapaccas, Coburgs, Rep DeLaines, Pacific DeLaines, &c., &c. FANCY GOODS. : Hair Rolls, Head Nets, French and American Cor sets, Shawls, Splendid Nabiaa, Skating Caps, Hoods, Hood Nubias, Dress Trimmings, Collar and Sleevo everything. LADIES’ CLOTHS, - ■ ’FLANNELS, ■ SOLFERINOBS, figured and plain, every color and quality. . Gentlemen say before leaving Lome, “ 'Where do you want to go to trade. Wife ?” "I don't know." “ Well, I wIU-tell'yon. fStja. • ■' i STOP AT HOSE’S. , HE KEEPS THE LARGEST KEM MADE CLOTHING, •i* - 1 i I WANT : A PAIR OF PANTS, . EG LEX'S STOP.THERE." J. A. ROSE & 00. ' KEEP floor amnTO, SUCH AN ASSORTMENTI - WHY, I DO BELIEVE I. r 7 • ' . i . . ’ ie has enough to build a telegraph iorott the Allan io Ocean; ! i Want iwo, We Will Stop There, . WOMEN'S SHOES, for 41.25 BALMORAL SKIRTS, (fall size). 3J25 25 HOOP SKIRTS, (wide tape5)...’....... 1.25 BEST KIP BOOTS, (shop made)......;... 5.00 HE HAS ALL;;KINDS OP u BOOTS and SHOES! AND THEY ARE CHEAP, TOO, FOR I HATE TRIED THEM, I Know they are Right and Cheap. I DON’T KNOW &ETS ms GOODS, (probably steals them or buys ‘ them and never pay* for them) . i BUT WE WON’T /ASK HIM, AS THEY ARB CHEAP, ■ WE wax BUT.”. LADIES & GENTLEMEN, r VfE HAVE EVERYTHING; Yes, I »oy we have everything except wagon tracks and poit holesand these yon.can buy at the Hard, ware Stores. , . - - IT IS WORTH .WHILE AND SEE WHAT HE HAS. r i' - •; i•' -H I Don't bay—oniy see, ! Come' and examined The Goods are to yoar taate. : And remember the place. ROSE’S CHEAP CASH STORE, MAWSEJEIi»t Tioga County, Fa,', "i ■ i NEXT' DOOH TO MANSFIELD HOTEL. Mansfield, January 11,1865-ly, tf E ; W GOODS AND BEST STOCK OF AND “ YOU’RE RIGHT. AND AND I WANT ONE, YES, YES, FOR BE SELLS BESIDES ALL THESE AND ALL PRICES, A.B D TO STEP IN THE INHERENT DISPOSITION I * MAN K I N D, LEADS H 1 HI TO PURCHASE TH E NEC ESSARIES, LUXURIES OF LIFE, Lowes) Possible Prices; 66 Almighty Dollar 99 HAS BEEN STYLED SOUL OF MAN, Bat Ordinary Understanding COMPREHEND THE TREE VALUE AN ESTABLISHMENT, , THAT FURNISHES A COMMUNITY SEASONABLE MERCHANDIZE, LOW RATES. When Ferine A Co. located their establishment in Troy, It was for the express purpose of furnishing the public with goods at AS COULD NOT FAIL ATTRACTINO PURCHASERS. W. will sllow the public tojndge of their success. Air. E. P. PERIIVE, WHILE THANKING THE PUBLIC I ' I ' »“* THAT NO EFFORT SHABL BE WANTING Merit a Continuance OF SAID FAVOR. HAS A LARGE STOCK MERCHANDIZE FILL AND WINTER TRIBE, THAN CAN BE FOUND Adjoining Counties, WHICH THE PUBLIC EXAMINE, SUCH PRICES (we have the boldneu to affirm) BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. HE BUTS HTS HOODS FO R CAS H, FOR CASH, I . I s ].■ ' ’ . , . and the oenznmer gets the worth Of his money. With, qoiok Sales and light Profits, both Parties are enabled ttp realize the value of the NIBBLE SIXPENCE. TROY, OoL 6,1884. OP AS WELL AS T B j’ AT THE AND SINCE,. THE THE IT TAKES TO with a large .variety of AT UNIFORM . SUCH PRICES FOR PAST FAVORS, WOULD SAT, ON HIS PART, TO HE NOW FOB THE PROBABLY LARGER IN THIS OR ARE INVITED A T AS CANNOT AND SELLS I “TO BOWEN’S P» fiEEING a big crowd on Main Street, hurry *** ing toward a common canter, somebody asked Where Are Ton Going? Iho answer was “To Bowen’s, Wo. I,Union Block!” Xo look at that splendid stock ojf NEW FAIL & WINTER GOODS! ast arriving from If ©tv York, “ VERY SENSIBLE PEOPLE/' thought Ito myself ; you know who buys at a bar gain, and sells so as to give the purchaser a bargain - too. Therefore, if yon want anything in the line of DRY GOODS, . LADIES' GOODS, BEADY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, hs., GO TO BOWEN'S, and if yon want HARDWARE. QDEBNSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, and GROCERIES,, at prices you can afford to pay OO TO BOWEN’S. If you bars Cash, or Butter, or Cheese, or Qraiß to exchange for this s SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS, bring them along, and you will get Satisfactory Bargains; - and if you come once, you will be sure to come twice —yea, thrice, or half-a-dozen times. Don’t forget the [ place; NO. 1, UNION BLOCK . Wolliboro, Nov. 1,1864. JOHN B. BOWEN. mtaruination is variously lused by mercurial dis ease, low living, disordered digestion from un healthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the vene real infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hered itary in the constitution, descending “ from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation; ” indeed, it seems to bo tire rod of Him who says, “I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." The diseases it originates takeevarious names, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the glands, swellings which sups purato and become ulcerous sores; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. Those, all having the same origin, require the same rem edy, viz., purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous dis tempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, yon cannot have health; with that “ life of the flesh” healthy, you cannot have scroftilou# disease. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual antidotes that medical science lias discovered for this afflict ing distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it emails. £ That it is far superior to any other Ttemcdy r'yet rfeviecd? ia known by all who have given ilia trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is-indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of. the following diseases: King’s Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony’s Eire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Goughs from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole aeries of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports ofoindividual cases may be fount! in Aver’s AmericAh Ai.masac, which is furnished to the druggists forgratnitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have ac cess to some one who can speak to him of its bene fits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital-energies, leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these con siderations has led us 1 to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of AVer’s Sarsaparilla, although it is composed of ingre dients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsa parilla- in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffering and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised much, and did nothing: but they will neither be deoeivednor disappointed in tins. Its virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more effectual than any other which has ever been available to them. ATER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced sta ges of the disease. This has been sq long used and so universally known, that we need do no mere than assure the public that it? quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may ic relied on to do all it has ever done. > Prepared by Pb. .T. r, Aveb ft Co., Practical a-al .-iayljfical Chemists, Lowoll. Muss. Sold by all druggists every u i.efe. and by Sold by J. A.Roy and P. K. William*, WeUaboro.’; Dr.H. H. Barden,Tioga; S. S. Packard, Covington: C. V. Elliott, Mansfield; S. X. BiUiogSfGainea; and by Dealers everywhere. [Nor. 23, 1864-ly,] TO THE NERVOUS, DEBILITATED AND DES PONDENT OP BOTH SEXES.—A great snffer er having been restored to health in a few days, after many years of misery, is willing to assist his snfior ing follow-oreatarea by sending (free), on the receipt of a postpaid addressed envelope, a copy of the formula of enro employed. Direct to JOHN M. DAQNALL, Box 133 Post Office, Jan. 4, 1865-sm. Brooklyn, N. V. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—letter) -of administra tion ha-ring been granted to ‘bo, 05'l | a*J»ned on the estate of H. B. Blanchard, late of Fnrwlngtoa, deo’d, notice is hereby given to those indebted to make immediate .pay moot ana those having claims to present them properly au thenticated for settlement to O. H. BLANCHARD, Farmington, Not* 28, UftWt* AuJßt* IE peculiar taint or infec in which we call Scßor .A lurka in the conatitn ms of multitudes of men. cither produces or ia uhtced by an enfeebled, iated state of the blood, icrein that fluid becomes' • jompetent to sustain the. tal forces in their vigorous ition,' and leaves the sya un to fall into disorder id decay. The scrofulous