a-? rhysiciah:- Someten years ago Alexandre Ddmaa put i;Bj,ad a-large novel, serially in-a political jonr naL The heroine was represented as n person angering from consumption, the first stage.of which was already passed. Her perspiration, cough, irritability and moo diness, by turus gay and meianchAh the poet ic flights other imagination; i, short,the while category of phthisis grayed with that golden pen which the celebrai ?d novelist still so definantly holds. ' ' One morning, as he was about 'p~ conclude, his work, a distinguished persoi ' from the court "of Louis JPffiiippe called to i the au thor. . . The Marquis de——was announced. •ISr/’. says Marquis, ‘'isyournoyel finished ?” .Entirely,” .was the reply. « And what becomes ofthe heroine ip the end ?’ “ You are fond of rare things, Mqnsiear le Marquis,” says the novelist, laughings “ot else yon wish to read in Arabian styie- 'bcginniug at the end,!'- - ' > ' ■ 13Th»ve,”replied the visitor, more sen o*us motive tojustify my cariosity “ Well, -tßen/'lsays-Dumas, ‘‘■ my, poor suf 'ferrer dies in the last chapter.". ", i; “She most recover, in. that, C(Msg;”ga,id his excellency. ' * ' I,' " “But the plan has been carried out.’, “ Then the conclusion must |ie altered.” “Bat denouement is exceedingly striking.’ “ Another must be found, and you may.depend upon my gratitude.’’- • ’ Dumas stared with astonishment at the se igneur.- 7 ■ e' —-“-Why—vequire-thw- of a—Set foes-peraon •?” said he. , , “ Because my only daughter I'jtffets the same . malady and the same symptom p u have'des— crtlied, and the death of your ht.W.ioe wonld.be a mortal, blow to the mora'e otmy poor child, ’ who fbilowß her adventures anViously merry , morning’s paper." The far-famed writer press Id the . handr He revised the last part of his novel. The neroine wps miraculously' tared. ■ rive yeara afterwards Duihai rnet a jbeauti ful lady, of transcendent charms, in the salon of M. de Monta'lvet; she- was the marquis’ ’ daughter, married, and iu the’ blqbth of health, “ Sjie has four children,” eaHt. her father, in introducing her. ! “And my book four editioiis,” answered the novelist. , A.tneu, noted for bis .calmness tt»d a scolding wife, was one night stopped in the woods hy a pretended ghost. 1 can’t stop: my friend.” said he. “If-you are a man, request yon" to get out of the way, and let me pass.- If you aye, the dev’!, come along ant fake supper, for I married your sister!” - ; Spmetimea society gets tired (f a ."man and bangs inm. Sometimes''a man.,'eta tired of soeiety -and haugs himself. ' QHEAT BARGAINS FOR, THIRTY BAYS— HAVING A. MUCH LARGER Stock of Goods than Desirable, • AT THIS SF.Jk|oN OP The’ VEAR, 1 TASS THIS METHOD - —of— INCREASING 'SALES, and turning them into Cash, for SPEING PUECSASES. S- . ; Prom this time forward until fm hyr notice, I ehall sell mjist of the stock at 1 T- ' GREATLY REDUCED PRICES; As samples" we will, SHAWLS, at a reduction of SIX 1 ) t 053.00 each CLOAKS,. “ 1.00.t0 3.00 each CLOTHS, CASSIMEEBS, DRESS GOODS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS, Red, Gtey, & "White Flatjnela, .12J.t0 .25 pt yd OUR STOCK-■ttl' BOOTS, SHOES, OARERS, DOMESTICS OF All'! KINDS,. AND FANCY GOODS, SUCH -AS ' : . WOOLEN HOODS, SCARFS, rONTAGS, Ac. - REDUCED TO fc . ‘lowest possible I:Friges: TTe wish to cell a good many f,do&s during the next thirty days, and believe woiru able to do so if yep need goods. Call and see foj^yonrselves. JT. A. PARDONS, K. T. January 25, 1865. Jjt 0 R SAL E.— THE CELEBRATED STALLION MA "HOMET. Now owned by Thomas B. Bryden, Be can be seen at the farm of Ifm. Bowen, near Wellshoro. For terms and jmVticularc enquire of R. p. SIMPSON, Bingham LandS£)ffico."WeUsJ)oro. Wellsboro, Jan. 31, 3SGS-tf. y AUCTION.— The subscriber' having disposed of huaweal estate wllKsell at Auction at biff house in’ .East-Charleston, on Thursdays March 2d, 186», commencing at 9 o’clock fi, M., tli'" following proper ly, Id. wit: " . . 'j ‘ - 1 spiff of meres, 1 yoke oxen, i ‘tows, 1 two-year old bull, 30 sheep, 1 hog, 1 tiro- Ores wagon, I top buggy, 1 cutter, bob' sled, 1 doubt tarness. Farming Utensils.—Plows, drag " r cultivator, horsb rake, fdrks, hoes, ic. ’ Household Furniture.—Bureau,-table, stands, bed steads,. chairs, stove, tin pans, Ac, t J tTEEMS.—AII sums under $1 < cash. Over $lO, liberal credit with approved security. - 1' . _ ■ H. P. 'OOCESjAbER. East Cfiariesfdn, Feb. 22, IS6i., - M ISI R A Toll ’' ,i > N P TI C E.— Uetiers of Administration haring .been granted to the undersigncd upon the estate' 6f Joseph Walker, late of Sichmond, deo’d, those indebted trill please make immediate payment, and ibc*®-having claims against said estate will present them for settlement to W. W. BAYNES, i . ]- , , - . NELSON S. ■WAUt«IVr-r Aamrs -' “Eichmdiia, Feb. 22,m6.-6t»-< -,V,~ - r—•- t T7UEEOSXNTS LAMPS at . ■ . ■ SOY'S STOKE. CON GEES S ... W-A- TIE B, for. sale at SOY'S D iUO STOKE. * ' I s PACIFIC MON I ITT. Y.— Now is the time to Snbßcribe_for oar oow■-Pacific Monthly, which we as the of the MOTgmrfIAGAMES. Employing and payingjbr more Literary talent than -4n;Alre flatter ‘ourselves that no.Depaftment .of -the - Pacific will fi'om the want of able and well* knownVA .'V_. iL. IjITERARY CONTRIBUTORS, representing some of the principal shining lights the Literary world. We shall make each additional engagements,as circumstSnay demand. Your special attention is called to our ILLUSTRATIONS, which are produced, without regard to expense, by an efficient corps of artists—at whose bead stands Brightly and McLenab, .unequaled as Designers and Engravers. WeicalUthe'.attention of the Public to the profusion of first-class Illustrations of the va-‘ ried, noveLand picturesque scenery, and local views of the - - ' ” G O LrD EjN : S"T *A T E S r . A-N D - . _ ~ i - TERRITORIES OF'THE PACIFIC.: Witb Descriptive Views and - Reading Matter, af fording the most' reliable land comprehensive medium; in existence for full information in regard to Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada, and their contiguous and aurif erous territories. The information wo give In regard to tbe.Pac|pc^Slates, alone, is worth ton' times the Subscription Price of our Magazine. The twelve numbers, a year’s subscription, when neatly bound, two splendid volumes, suitable for the COUN TING - HOUSE, and costing bnt FIVE DOLLARS, which in years to come can not be purchased for any price. Onr ... r: j- .. is - - will abound with selections of Wit, Original Storiea Comic Sketches, ,nnd light Literature cnUed from a well-garnered* storehouse of inn, fact and incident, affording interesting light reading matter for the Par lor and Fire-side. This Department of the Monthly, under the imme diate supervision oßMcLehah, the celebrated Comic Delineator, will be found rich in Wit, Merriment, and appropriate Design - - - Having made special arrangements with Mme. Deuobbst, 473 - Broadway,-New. York, forytontribu tioiislo our Fashion Deporlmehl/we call the'attehtionj of the Ladies to the name, and commend qnr Monthly! to their notice, as containing more information in re gard to Dress and the Toilet, than any other Maga zine publisherr,rr„a >. . Norn is the time to Subscribe, and have ydnr vol ume complete for.lS6sr -W» will furnish Bach Num bers to such as do not subscribe in time for the Janu ary or Fcbruarynninber.- But to-hosureandget them without dbtiryf send uTyohr’qnhacnpltbhs early. Onr Subscription Priee-ts . FIVE DOLLARS Jl YEAR, Payable imlAdvanoey-upoit- the rceipt -'Of-which onr receipt for the same will be sent in return. PREMIUMS IN GOLD I As {in additional inducement to subscribe early, wo shall distribute among our Subscribers a large list of valuable Premiums, relying upon an extraor dinary to .compensate us for our liberality.. These Premiums will consist of valua ble Souvenirs of the sof&en Wealth of the Pacific States, and will be as follows: „ jZg£-, To any. person- sending.ua One Hundred Pay ing-Subscriptions, wo willsehd : tbem -immediately, a Twenty and a Ten Dollar Gold Piece, California Coinage; and an extra Copy of. the Pacific Monthly for a Year, free. jSßhfTb any peridh sending ns Fifty Paying Sub scribers; we'will send immediately,'a Ten'abd a Five Dollar Gold Piece, and an extra Copy. of.’, the Pa cific Monthly foir a Year, free. To any.person sending ns Twenty-*five Pay ing Subscribers, ; we -will send, immediately, a Five Dollar and a Two-and-a-balf Dollar Gold Piece, and an extra Copy of the Pacific Monthly for a Tear, free. * . ~ To any person sending 'OS Ten Paying Sub scribers,we will send, immediately, kTThree Dollar an_e£tra Copy,of the PpcifiQ,Monthly .. . cl To any person sending ns Five Paying Sub scriptions, we will’send anextra Copy of the Pacific Monthly for a Year, free. .50 to 2.00 pr yd .78 pr yd .13} to .50pr yd We are also having made, a luge quantity of Valuable ,56 to 1.00 each ♦ - to ,50 *ach for Single Subscribers, who send direct tothe Office. The Presents and Souvenirs- consist "of jAdies* Breast Pins, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, Sleeve-But fons, etc,; and Gentlemen’s Breast Pins, Finger- Rings, Sleeve-Buttons, • Studs, Settings for Cane- Heads, etc., made from California and Nevada Gold and Silver hearing Quartz and Orerr-Ctystalised Quartz Jewelry, (commonly known as California Dia mond Jewelry.) The gold and Silver-bearing Quartz and Ore from which these Souvenirs are made, is from the celebrated GOULD & CURRY and Ophir Mines of Neyada, and will be valuable as Mementos, as well as beautiful in Appearance and Design, Every Regular Subscriber, as above, to the Pacific Monthly, will be entitJed tonne of these Arti cles for every Subscription standing opposite their names on our books. SPEC I MEN COPIES Pacific monthly 'prepaid, of- 'Fifty Cents in Currency or Postage Stamps. '‘'■‘'CAlffl ON? ’ Write your Connty and State, to whore you want the Pacific Monthly sent, Plain { |a.n3 Distinct. * Register all Letters containing Money ; or when convenjent,?seßd by-Express,- $S§~ If yobr’PosfcOffice is* a Mtmey-Order office, obtain a Money-Order for your remittance, JpSf Send none but United States Treasury Notes, or money Bankable in New York. asking Information/ etc., to re-- ceire attention, must contain a Stamp, to prepay an swer. Address all Correspondence, D. M. GAZLAY & 00 , PACIFIC MOSXHII, 34'Liberty Street, Nr Y. 121 NASSAU STREET,' NEW YQRK, SAS FHAs€lSCO,r«BHforala. January 18,186&-ly. DRAWING-ROOM, LIBRARY, OB THE COMIC ILLUSTRATIONS. FASHION-PLATES. SURSCEIRErrtfOW,! " PRESENTS and KEEPSAKES OP THE _ t j>,dbushb&s. WHOLESALE AGENTS AMERICAN NEWS COMP ANT, WHITE r pUEft, TH K "TIOGA COON T Y AGITATOR. THE PEOPLE’S STORE IN CORNING, N. V. J. M. SMITH, HAVING associated with him N. E. WAITE, who has been.employed tor the last nine .years in the Store, in the capacity of Salesman, the. business will be continued under the name and firm oi SMITH & WAITE,. *. t TBE - t NEW STORE, OPPOSITE THE DteMhsoh House, and will be on the principle ONE PRICE AND READY PAY. Tciuyeara experience in the former, and from two to'tbtee years in the latter (during winch time onr business has more than doubled) has fail, demon strated the wisdom of this course. We are now re ceiving i-.. ■ Direct from flew York, a fresh supply of 1 : SPRING GOODS, mlocted with especial reference to. the wants of the 'people of this vicinity.'" The "Stock will consist of " STAPLE & FANCY DRY 00 OP'S, omong wbich are- t - ’ , BROWN AND BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, TICKS. STRIPES, DENIMS, CHECKS, PRINTS, ELAKNELS,-GINGHAMS, . '- ’ k " dHAMBRATS, ' • . DeLAINES,; ALPACCAS, _ JJ.CO.TCH PLAIDS, and a great variety ” "of"D'RBSS GOODS. Also, SHAWLS, & LA DIES’ CLOAKINGS, CLOTHS ,* CASSIMEREB, - ‘ by "the yard or made up toordcr. .KENTUCKY.. JEANS, COTTONADEB, LINENS, and.a general assortment of Goods for MEN’S AS» SOT’S WEAR. Wo also keep a general stock of s . • BOOTS & SHOES, FAMILY-GROCERIES, r -- YANKEE NOTIONS, ; PALM LEAP HATS, ■ SDN UMBRELLAS, &c. Wo shall endeavor tp'keepronr Stock as complete as possible, by the ’ f Continual Addition Qfjsacb artiolas la oar line §8 the wants of oar easte rners-; j , SEEM TOvREQDIRE. • Oar facilities for purchasing Goods V ARE UN SURPASSED, and while we do not pretend to sell Goods LESSTH AN-COST, yet we are willing to sell them at a SMALL PROFIT, and it will be Onr aioft -by - __._J?AIR DEALING, ; to merit »;a|iare|)fs public jmlronage. i ,; i j are very thankful for'the liberal and constantly INCREASING PATRONAGE bestowed upon us, ahiEliope'lo merit its continuance anti increase,, Cufitninarn from .. TIOGA COUNTY and vicin ity.aro. cordially invited to call, aml examine Goods and Prices. SMITH A WAITE. ' Corning, March 30,1864. ' S.X ORB PRINCE’S METALLIC .PAINT, THADDEDS : DAVIDS 7 INKS, CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, CINCINNATI WINES & BRANDY, ' - WHITEWASH LIMB, - / KEROSENE LAMPS, ~' PATENT MEDICINES. STATIONERY,: ; FLUID EXTRACTS, • ) PAINTS AND OILS, ' PETROLEUM OIL, DRUGS & MEDICINES, ROCHESTER PERFUMERY - ' 7 '& FLAVORING* EXTRACTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, WALL PAPER, WINDOWtGLASS, DYE C0L0R5,.... , r , Furnished at Wholesale Prices by : ... W. P, TERBELL, Jan. is, isSi-tf. ..... Corning, N.’Y. 1. Hew Flour and Provision Store.. CHAB/4 H.VANVALKENBURG wishes to .in foroLtha citizens of Welisboro-and the surround ing country that they have recently started a new FLOUE AND PROVISION STORE, in the building/omeriy known as “ Osgood's Store/' where they may-lie foimd atalltimes-ready to wait on all customers who may favor them with a call, and sell them the'choicest kinds of ■ flour; meal, buck wheat, pork, Ac., at as reasonable rates'as an; firm in this place. CASH paid for all kinds of GHAUT, HIDES, andPPHS. CHAS. &H. VAN YALKENBUKQ. . Wellsboro, Deo. 21, 1864. JQ ISS 6 L U TT6 N\ The so-partnership heretofore existing nnder the firm name of S. Benett A Sons, is this day dissolved by nratnaloonsent. Solomon Sennet and John Vis- authorized to nse the firm name in liquida tion.. SOLOMON BBNNET, V.L.CiBEHNEX, JOHN VISCHBR. Middlebnry, Jan. 20, 1865-St. The bnsiheess .will, hereafter be conducted nnder the firm name of S. Bennett A Co. rjVT 0, T J C E ..—'Notice is hereby, given .by ;the il of the County of Tioga,that all persons who are agrieved by tho late Triennial As sessment of the said County ..will be heard in the premises during Court Weeks,'and' any- time during their sessions up to tho day of Appeal, March 16 ’65. Attest; t G.HPi-MILLER,; 1 j THOg.-ALEEN, " HrEOCKWELL, I'CoVrs Cierk. E. S. SEELEY, J Wellsboro, Jan;_2s, 136jjr ; ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTlCE.—Letters of ad ministration having been granted,'to the nhder signpd-on‘-the«kate-of Hiram Avery,-late of-CVarles ton, deceased, notice is hereby given to those in debted to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement to Ge W. AVERY, Adm’r Charleston,'Feb; 15, • A" DMINISTRATOR-a' NOTlCE—Letters bf admtafetra tion having been granted to tho undersigned upon the estate of Harrison Mack, lato of Westfield, deceaWTnotice is hereby given to those indebted to make immediate nav ment, and thoso-having claims to present them pronerlv au thenticated for settlement to DANIELS SHOVK Chatham, Feb. 1&, 1865-fit. Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.— Lettera of administration having Lean grunledto the nn dersigned on tho estate of James E. Johnson, late of Dolmar deceased, notice is hereby given to those indebted-to make immediate payment, and those haying claims, ti present them properly authenticated for settlement tcP Y “ Delflwr;Feb'.V6s-4H* RUSSELLLAWION Adm'r STRAYED OR STOLEN.—From the enclosure of David Short In Chatham, on or. about 'the of Jan* 1866, thirteen Sheep, described as follows: two .large Wethers one with long tail, the other with horns, both with swallow tail in right ear ,£lo rest .mostly were—two with • swallow tall fn left ear, onu with square crop on the right ear all considerably full of burdocks. Any one glring information where tbeyjnay bo fbund.will be liberally rewarded Chatham, Feb. 8,1865-St* * PtTEB GINGER .at-:).: r . BOY'S DRUG STORE. September Ist, 1868. FROM THIS DATE, FOR MADY PAY ONLY! CUSTOM BOOTS AND SHOES; Leather, Findings, &c. CASH PAID FOR HIDES, PELTS, DEER SKINS AND FOBS. ■QB. FRANKLIN SAYS: , “When you have anything to advertise, tell the public of it in plain, simple language/’ I am-manufacturing good custom made Boots and Shoes which I will sell at fair prices, and only for READ YPA Y» Such work cannot be sold at as low rates per pair as eastern made slop-work, but it can and will ho sold at prices which will enable the pur chaser to protect bis feet with good substantial boots more 1 cheaply than with a poor slop-shop article, which, even if it chances not to fall in pieces with the first weeks service, is but a doubtful protection in wet and cold weather. Try me. Back and Doeskins Wanted, in the red and abort blue, for which I will pay cash and a good price. Beef-Hides and Calfskins Wanted, for which I will also pay cash. Sheep Pelts Wanted,, for which I will also paycash and the highest mar ket price. An assortment of sole,upper, calfskins and linings, pegs, thread, nails, awls, knives, shoe-hammers, Ac., 4o;, Kept constantly on hand, which I will sell cheap for cash: Shop on Main Strcetbetween Wilcox’s and Bullard’s. Q- W. SEARS. N, B. I can’t give credit, because, to be plain, haven’t got it to give. Wellaboro, Sept. 9,1863. FILL AMI IJTER GOODS! T. L. BALDWIN IS now receiving a large and well selected STOCK OP i FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in p&rt of a General Stock of GOODS, DRY LADIES’ DRESS' GOODS, ; READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, - GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, WOODEN WARE, &0., &c. All of which .will be sold VBKY LOW for HEADY PAT ©HIT. j Alii KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE.- fj AllpersOns baying GOODS for | READY PA F, Are respectfully invited to call and examine : THE STOCK, As they are to Be soldi at VERY LOW PRICES. CASH PAID FOR WOOL.. Tioga, Nov, 27, 1864. T.L. BALDWIN. OSCEOLA lIIGII SCHOOL. THE Fall Term of the Osceola High School, under the .direction of Prof. C. A. STONE, will coin' mouoe on Tuesday, Sept 20,1864. The Winter Term, oh Tuesday, Doc. 27, 1864, and the Spring Term on Tuesday, April 20, 1865. The Fall and Winter Terms will continue 13 weeks each, the Spring Term 12 weeks. The past success of this institution has been truly gratifying to Us numerous friends, and the prospects for the ensuing year are no less flattering than they have been heretofore* There is no want of commo dious rooms for a large number of students. There is a building designed exclusively for ladies. Qentle men, or companies of ladies and gentlemen together .will room In tbo school building. A teacher will room in each of the buildings and have control of the students No Institution ip this section of the country offers better facilities for obtaining an education than ibis. The range of studies embraces everything necessary to entering college. A Teachers’ Class will be formed during the Fall Term. Tuition from $4,00 to $6,00. Prof. I. G. Hott has charge of the department of Music.. For further particulars as to I expenses, regulations, Ac., address one of the Trustees and obtain a circular. A. If. BOSAED, Es