the agitator ■ 0 c .fi h A r ii ‘ ( 'f ii j> hf-dus Tvciisboro, Wednesday. Jan. 11. 1865, TSTctt j-,70 C'-jrfv. "•’ “ iVotV-r. * I /-.-for .r. »T . -r V Pr .*-’=• , , J't'ce —T. M. Trheln«, Deyntr Col T>[i C r 6 ~.:T k * - yrrr'T'fft JVrtr T A- A: C'-^ f> (o ':'frs Notice —H. P. Archer, Resistor. ' t — c h«r?(f T«iVi«r. ‘' i * ' y —T. F. PVnthV. T : v 'Th° fri-rn; Ff Fcv. J. Xn?eri(3t nre rf sj-;?tfhl!v invited tn .Herd n Donation Parbftatthe r ;- ;e Iptnes H."'Smith; in Charlcton. on thf 17th c! [ .ETonir.z. Al\ are enrdir.lly invited. ' . Tsr Tr.TB-"F —Tb'-.e wi?b!ne to gnbseribb for ■yn evrellent new-poper —The Nm Y'rt: WeeHv can nnvr do so t v leaving their names and ;t< money at the Pest Office, where a Club iV being (•rued- The.clnb price is ?2 a Tear, and cl-enfi at it at ' . / i r e are obliged to Hon S. F. WiJloh, State Senate, for public dneijnlents. 1 I Firevan’s Festival.— The dth Annaal • t i of the Wellsbnro Fire Company, will be ceU at the Court House, on Friday evening, January 20th, 1565. Come one, come all, and iar= a good time Good music, wilt'lie in-at tEßaance Bill *2,50. tVe call attention to the advertisement pf J. A. Rose 4 Co . who are doing a heavylmerolan sile business at Mansfield; Man wh< ondeh (tsnd the science of advertising go -mil he tip top men to trade with. Try them ’ - The Publication Committee of [the Philadel phia Union League will please .accept thinks for several copies of the Narrative 'sufferings of Union prieonera of wav in Vehel pri'ens. Every League in the county should order as many cop ias for distribution as pnasi hle. Slf> per hundred. - t Another Soldier Goke.—Alfred T^les. of the 11th Perm’s Cavalry, a son Tele', Esq,, of Chatham, died recently afr City Point of typhoid fever. His body was brought, home, and buried in the Wellsboro Cemetery lest Snnday. An obituary notice will bespub lished in our next. ■ ; 5 A Trump " Card.”- ’—Wc don’t nllude to the tura np in the game with those wicked ftts of fssteboard, but to our enterprising friend arid feilow-citizen. Geo. P. Card, who htisi bought cit Bollard's big s t£k of _Cloths, Clothing, Boots 4 Shoes, &c., one door abbre lßoy’s. Card is a live business man, and has but- one ißult—-he can’t take a joke. As for- instance • We happened in there the other day/having co a hat some per cent worse for wear, find re marked that a new one Wouldn’t disfigure us “overly.” Whereupon Card assaulted os'in a violent manner, fornihly robbing ns ■of the dilapidated tile, aforesaid, and following; np the assault by clapping a brahd new 1 on our devoted head. No doubt tot the new tile bids fair to rub us efface. While we, wore the old one nobody expelled us t pay our debts ; but now—bow changed ! However. 1 we advise every batless, ccatlea.,- ut shoe! -5 wight to go strait to Cnrd’sJStofe, end get the quter man renovated. EOLMEE’S AID SOCIETY: Covington, January 2d. ISfiS. We have not reported the- the. Sol diers’ Aid in Covington for several months as did not deem it a matter of special, neces sity. But, for the gratification of others, and tn dissipate the undesirable impression; that the ladies of Covington have censed thbse la bors, we are disposed to gipe a gynopsis-of our v n rk foy the past sis months: We have received $l2O in money, wittf con tributions of various kinds and have : ’sent to tie W. P. B. of tbo Sanitary Commission, Philadelphia, three boxes, containing "wrap pers, quilts, drawers, shirts, sock* handker chiefs, pin cushions, old linen and cqtthn, to mato catsup, dried fruit, corn-starchy bdoks, papers, et cetera. ' still working, and expect td work, iPro volenle) ns long as the,aid of American rrempn is needed. We are not among those who are willing to turn our backs.upon a oanse 'rhtn the. cry, “ come and help us;'* sounds loudest in our ears. With an- fijve huudred thousand new men in the ft,ld,- and the added’ 1 call for three hundred thousand more, there comes a fact thrillingly sigf Ificsnt; a fact that appeals to the benevolence f every l patriot in the land ; , and one that' ape dally, to the door of every woman's sent—wo n'll who lays legitimate claim to sympathy *'th pain and suffering —and pleads for the most energetic labor on her part to assist in collecting and preparing the necessary com forts for eating, drinking, and wearing,.to be held in reserve when these gathering ranks,of “tor brave men shall he broken, and' their’ bruised and mangled bodies be longed in Wploss onguish upon the, thousand foots of 'he various hospitals of our land. walk” in that good path that shall lead them directly- to the door of the different societies in their rnidsf. If, as Dr. Bellows asserts in a recent speech in New Fork city, the Ladies' Aid Societies are tlih *• life-blood” of the San itary organization, it may become a matter of concern to us that we do nothing to etop the circulation of this vital current, lest we there by find ooreclve= in deuger-of breaking the sixth commandment. We are glad tn know that an Aid Society has recently been organized in Blossburg un der the most encouraging auspices, with Mrs. James 11. Gulick as its President. TFe wish them eminent success in finding willing bands among the ladies, and large hearts among the gentlemen, to sustain them in the noble enter prise. F. A. Dter. Sec’y. ( MAHRIEp. In Tioga, on the 28th ult., by Rev. S. J. McCul lough, JOHN TANOSTEN, of Havana, N. T., and MELISSA A. PLACE, of Tioga. " In Lawrence, on the 28th ult, by Rev. Francis Rand, at the house of the' bride's father, Mr. MER RITT Detroit. Mich., to Miss EM ILY BLANCHARD. " In Rutland, on the 27th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. CHARLES H. MORGAN, of Waverly, N. Y., to Miss MARTHA M. SIMPSON. - On the 29th alt., by Rev, D. B. MoDermond, Mr. SETH J. SNELL, of Chemung; N. T'.. to Miss SU SAN E INSCHO, of Jackson, Tioga county,. Pa. Onthe3lsi ult., by the same, Mr. E. PAGE, to Miss NANCY E. HURLBURT, l?oth of Bioee, county, Pa. Cki the 81st ult., by the same, Mr. CHARLES W. STONE, of Montoir, Schuyler‘county, N. Y., to Min REBECCA STUART, of Tioga, Pa. DIED. 1 In Tioga, on'the sth lost., Mrs. LUCIA M. FISH, aged 56 year*, formerly of Wellihoro. SPECIAL NOTICES. important To Females, f DB. eaEBiiMAN’S PILLS. f The lngredients in these PilU is the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their opetation, and cannot do barm to the. most delicate; certain in correcting all irregularities. Painful Menstruations, removing all ofcsti actions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation ol the heart, whites, all nervons affections, hysterics, fatigue, pfiin in the back'and limbs, disturbed sleep, which arise £fom interruption of nature. ijl SB. CHBBSEMAirS PILLS 'was the commencement of a new era in the treatment ol itrcgnlarities and obstructions which have consigned so many to a premature grave. No femalp enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health begins to decline. These Pills form the finest preparation ever put forward with IMME DIATE and PERSISTENT SUCCESS. Don’t be De* ccivod. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that you want the BEST and most RELIABLE FEMALE MEDICINE UN THE WORLD, which Is com prised in these Pills. DR, CHEESEMAN’S PILLS have been a Standard Remedy fqr over thirty years, and are the mosteffectUal one ever known for all complaint* pecu liar to IcmaLcs. .To all classes they are invaluable, inducing , with ccrtaiTii-J, periodical regularity. They are known to thousands, who used them at different periods, through out the country, having the sanction of some of the most eminent physicians in America. Explicit directions.stating token they should noibe used, with each Box —the Price One Dollar per Bex, or 6 Boxes for $5, containing from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mail,promptly, secure from observation, by remitting to the Proprietors, or any Agent. BS*SOLD BT DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. HUTCHINGS & HILLYER, Proprietors. x 81 Cedar St., New? York Sold in tTvllsboro, by JOHN A. ROY. / Tn iioga, by H.H. BORDEN. / In DawreccevilJe, by W. Q. MILLER. - March 23,186 Wy. BE WISE. BY TIMES. f ho net trifle with your health, constitution and character'. If you are suffering with any diseases for which HELM BOLD'S EXTRACT BDCHU is rec- Qymended. -f f TRY ITd TRY IT) TRY IT! It will Cure you, Save Long Suffering, allaying Pain and Inflammation, and will restore you to HEALTH AND 1 PURITY, at little expense, and no exposure. Cut out the Ad vertisement In another column, and call or send for It. Beware of Counterfeits! Ask fur-Helmbold'a, Take no other. Cures guaranteed. Jan. 4, !865-lm. TO THE NERVOUS, DEBILITATED AND DES PONDENT OF BOTH SEXES—A great suffer er having been restored to health in a few days, after many years of misery. Is willing to assist bis suffer ing fellow-creatures by sending (free), on the receipt of a postpaid addressed envelope, a copy of the formula of cure employed. Direct to JOHN M. DAGNALL, Box 183 Post Office, . Jan. 4, 1865-om. Brooklyn, N. Y. SPECIAL NOTICE. ALL BITTERS OF DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Cloaks, Bearer Cloths, Broadcloths, Sack-, ings, Cloak Trimmings, DeLaines, Prints, Sheetings, Shirtings, Flannels, Casslmeres, Jeans, Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Notions, Ac., arc informed that they can SAVE mONET BY CALLING AND EXAMINING OUR STOCK Seasonable Goods. NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. Wo CAN and WILL make it much to every one’s interest to call and BUY WHAT GOODS THEY NEED. AU goods are high; but there is now more neces sity fur close buying, and for every one to get the LO WEST CASH PRICES than ever before.' A Dollar saved is as good as a Dollar earned. We are keeping less goods of a cheap quality than ever before, as we believe customers cannot afford to buy any but GOOD GOODS. JIEN'S AND BOY’S Custom made Boots, Ladies’ and Children's Gaiters and Shoes, is now larger than ever before; and moat of it is being sold at less than New Tort prices. HAV/NO SOLD OUT OCR GROCERY STOCK. we have more room and more cash to ns* for tbs balance of the stock and can do better ■ for onr cus tomers. Call and see. J. A. PARSOIfS, * ■ Corning, If. T. Sept. 21,1864. , [aprSr.WM.] —OF— THE STOCK OF AND J OF ALL KINDS. TH E TlO6l COUNT T A GIX A TOR. General Order No. 1. HEADQUARTERS of the iron brigade — or — Tioga and ! Poller Uo unties, 4 LL persons'whether liable to draft or not, want- J\_ tug auy articles wholly or m pun of cast iron. bereby notified that the headquarters of this t'rig.kCU *i= permanently located at the Knoxville r'ouiiJry. where all such w.ints will be*Bupplied upon prcbentHiiou of 4 ‘ The Greenbacks." If you r. -iut u Cook Stove call at Biles'. If you want a Purler Stove, call at Headquarters. Il yoa Tiim a Box Stove, call at Knoxville Foun dry. If yoa tract a good Plo it, call at Biles’. > If jou want a Koad Scraper: call atr Headquarters. It you want •Cultivator Teeth, call at Knoxviilft Foundry. If you want a Wagon Shoe, call at Biles’. If you want a Paint Mill, call at Headquarters. If you want Sled. Shoes, call at Knoxville Fonn- If yon want Mill Irons, MSchinery, or any thing ever made at a FOUNDRY, call where they make the best of every thing and do mistake Is. E. On account of the serious illness of the OLD- MAN CREDIT, Mr. CASH'oil] take his all persons inr d£bted will walk op to the Captain’s Office and settle or not gtowi when the constable comes around. J. P- BiI.ES, At CO. J. P. BILES. I H. K. RUMSEY. j KaozrilU } Oel. 26, 1884, TpAIL A&D WhSTEH GOODS.— No. 2, Union r Block. JEBOME SMITH Ha» late)/, returned from lisw York with a splendid assortment of DRV GOODS, REARf-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS 4 SHOES, GLASSWARE. HATS 4 CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODENWARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, SATINS,' TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, FRENCH CASSIMERES, FULL CLOTHS. Attention is called to bis stock of Black and Figured Dress Silks, Worsted Goods, Menaces, black and Figured DeLainee, Long and Square Shawls, Ladies’ Cloth, Opera Flannels, Ac. Purchasers will find that No. 8, Union Block, Main Street, is the place to buy the best quality of Goods at the lowest prices. JEROME SMITH. Welisboro, Nov. 16, 1864-tf. • PILL m WJOVTM GOODS I T* L. BALDWIN IS now receiving a large and well selected STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of a General Stuck of DRY GOODS, I tBfES’ OUESS GOOES, • READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, groceries. Hardware, BOOTS AND SHOES, WOODEN WARE, 4c.. Ac. 1 All of which will b» sold VERT LOW for READY PAY Olfl/Y. l__ ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. All persons baying GOODS for READY PAT, Are respectfully incited to call and examine THE STOCK. As they, are to be sold at VERY LOW PRICES. CASH PAID FOR WOOL. Tioga, Nov. 27, 1364. T. L. BALDWIN. CLEAR THE TRACE I 'T'IIAT rush to 0. BULLARD’S STORE -1- means something! Of course it ilocs. It means that Blf Lt A KD’« NEW STOCK OF PALL & WINTER ROODS, are all the rage, and that about three square miles of people, in and around WcUgborough and vicinity, KNOW WHERE tO GO TO BUT GOOD GOODS, AND BDT THEM CHEAP. BULLARD detfes competition in style, variety, quantity, quality and cheapness, of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, LACES, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOSIERY, * -.LINENS. CAMBRICS, BUTTONS, LADIES’ GAITERS, SLIPPERS, GLOVES, cn;t—but’why enumerate? Ho has ororything in the line of goods that will to asked for. Come and see. And then— I BUY TO SELL AGAIN, not “ cheap as dirt,'* because good g©9ds can't be sold for a song now-a-days; but as cheap as any* like quality ot goods can be sold in the country. Also, BEAVER HATS, ' AIL STYLES AND MATERIAL. The Grocery Departm't, comprises everything in that line, all good and a* leusonable prices. Drop in with the crowd. Jgas*‘ One Door above Roy's Drug Store. 0. BULLARD. Wclisboto, Nov. 1, L 863. jpfpVafm A LEOTUBB TO YO UNO MEN. Just published in a Sealed Envelope, Ww*»' Price Six Cents. A Lecture on the Na ture, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhcea or-Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Consumption,Epilepsy, and Fits; Men tal and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self- Abuse, Ac. By Ros’t J. Cvltzrweu., Sf, D,, Au thor of the “ Giveu Book,” Ac. ’ - The world renewed author, in this admirable Lec ture. clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of .cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may he, may cure himself cheaply, pri vately, and radically. Thia lecture icill prove a boon to thouaande and thouiande. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, seeled envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addte*eing CHAS. J. C. K.LINE, ■* CO., 127 Bowery, New Tork, Post-Office Box, 4586; Nov. 15,1864-4 m. [June 16,1861-ly.] CO -h .0 HESS WA-TEI R, fur sale at ; ROT'S DRUG STORE. AN Assortment of TABLE GLASSWARE will be found at ROTS DRUG STORE. YEAR WITH NEW PRICES ! GOIJIO OH AT* J A. BOSE & GO’S « CHEAP CASH STORE ] NEW GOODS AND NEW STYLES! GOODS RAVE FAIXE N! GOODS ARE CHEAPER! The only question among Ladies >», where can I get something handsome in the shape of a Good Stylish Bress, Cloaking, &c., and at the same time CHEAP ? On walking into th* Store of J, A. ROSE & CO’S the Ladies will tied this difficult question IMMEDIATELY ANSWERED. HE BUYS CHEAP! HE SELLS CHEAP I BRSSS OOODS Corded Poplins, Meiinoes, Aiapaocai, Cobnrgi, Sep Delaines, Pacific DeLainee, Ac., Ac. FANCY GOODS Hiir Rolls, Head Note, French and American Cor sets, Breakfast' Shawls, Splendid Nubias, Skating Caps, Hoods, Hood Nubias, Dress Trimmings, Collar and Sleeve everything. LADIES’ CLOTHS, j FLANNELS, SOLEERINOES, figured and plain, every color and quality. Gentlemen say before leaving koine, “ Where do you want to .go to trade, Wife ?” “ I don’t know." “ Well, I will toll yon. Ton STOP AT ROSE’S. HE KEEPS THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF BEJDI HIDE CLOTHING, AND I WANT A PAIR OF PANTS, SO LET’S STOP THERE.” “ YOU’RE RIGHT. J. A. ROSE & 00. .. KEEP HOOP SKIRTS, a|nd such an assortment; WHY, I DO BELIEVE be bet enough to build a telegraph across the Atlan tic Ocean; AND I WANT ONE, YES, I W AWT T WO, YES, We will Stop Th^re, FOB HE SELLS I 1 WOMEN’S SHOES, for. BALMORAL SKIRTS, (full size) 2.25 55 HOOP SKIRTS, (wide tapes)..! 1.25 BEST KIP BOOTS, (shop made).;........ 5.00 BESIDES ALL THESE HE HAS ALL KINDS OF BOOTS and SHOES I AND ALL PRICES, , AND THEY ABE CHEAP, TOO, FOR I HAVE TRIED THEM, A N D I Knew then are Right ana Cheap. £ DOS’T BifOW HOW HE GETS HIS GOODS, (probably steals them or buys them and never pays for them) BUT WE WON’T ASK HIM, AS LONG AS THEY ARE CHEAP, WE WILL BUY.” LADIES & GENTLEMEN, WE HAVE EVERYTHING; Tes, I tsy we have everything except wagon tracks and post holes and these you can buy at the Hard ware Stores. IT IS WORTH WHILE TO STEP IN AND SEE WHAT HE HAS. Don't buy—only see. Come and. examine. The deeds ate :o your taste. And remember the plaee. ROSE’S CHEAP CASH STORE, IAHVIEIiD, Tioga County, Pa., NEXT DOOR TO MANSFIELD HOTEL. Menifleld, Jamary 11,1866-ly. THE INHERENT DISPOSITION MANKIND,! LEADS HOI TO PURCHASE THE NECESSARIES, AS WELL AS LI/XVBIEI OF FIFE, Lowest Possible Prices; AND SINCE “ Alsnlgim Dollar” HAS BEEN STYLED SOUL OF MAN, IT TAK E S But Ordinary understanding COMPREHEND THE TRUE VALUE • AN ESTABLISHMENT, - THAT FURNISHES A COMMUNITY with a large variety of SEASONABLE MERCHANDIZE, LOW RATES. When Ferine A Co. located their establishment in Troy, it was for the express purpose of famishing the public with goods at SUCH PRICES AS COULD NOT FAIL ATTRACTING PURCHASERS. We will allow the public to judge of their success, Mr. E. P. FERINE, WHILE THANKING THE PUBLIC FOR PAST FAVORS, WOULD SAY, .THAT WO EFFORT SHALL BE WANTING ON HIS PART, .51.25 merit a Continuance OF SAID FAVOR. HAS A LARGE STOCK" MERCHIANDIZE FILL AND WINTER TRADE, PROBABLY LARGER THAN CAN BE FOUND Adjoining Counties, WHICH THE PUBEIC ABE INVITED EXAMINE SUCH PRICES (w* hsTo tho boldness to affirm} BE FOUND ELSEWHERE, SE BUYa BIS GOODS FOR CASH, FOR CASH, and the consumer gets the worth of his money. With quick Bales and light Proflts, both Partin are enabled to realize the value of the Nimble sixpence. TROT, Otrt. 6,1884. 0 F !t H 5 AT THE THE THE TO AT UNIFORM TO HE NOW FOR THE IN THIS OB A T AS CANNOT AND SELLS THE PEOPLE’S STOBE m n. y. J- M. SMITH, HAVING associated with him N. E. WAITE, who has bean employed for the last Din# years in the Store, in the capacity of Salesman, the famines* will be continued under the name and ten of SMITH & WAITE , AT THE NEW STORE, OPPOSITE THI Dickinson House, J and will be conducted as heretofore on the principle of ONE PRICE AND READY PAY. Ten years experience in the former, and from tiro to three years in the latter (daring which time oar business has more than doubled) has fully demon itrated the wisdom of this coarse. We are now re ceiving Direct from New York, a fresh supply of SPRING GOODS, selected with especial reference to the wants ef the people of this vicinity. The Stock will consist of STAPLE <£■ FANCY DRY GOODS, among which are BROWN AND BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, TICKS, STRIPES, DENIMS, CHECKS, PRINTS, FLANNELS, GINGHAMS, CHAMBEAYS, DeLAINES, ALPACCAS, SCOTCH PLAIDS, and a great variety of DRESS GOODS. Also, SHAWLS, * LA DIES’ CLOAKINGS, CLOTHS A CAS3IHSBSS, by the yard or made np to ordeh. KENTUCKY JEANS, COTTONADES, LINENS, 1 and a general assortment of Goods for MEN'S AND DOT’S WEAR. We also keep a general stock of BOOTS & SHOES, FAMILY GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS, PALM LEAP HATS, 1 ! SUN UMBRELLAS,