SB. l' I !«■ - i - ; W‘ r ' Tho Words WotTyo._‘ i 1 ajB»vf? •■ ■ ■ -.. Baunaffeeted. be £“ r J W e , a! | lD S and JitingFNe,lhe object. Once more, avoid in confetbation all sin gularity of accuracy. One of/ the bores of so ciety is the talker who is always, settjng you right; who, when you,report from tho paper that 10,000 men were killed/in some battle, tells yon that it was 9,900; wbd, when you de scribe your walk as two fillies out and back, assures yon that it lacked a furlong of it. Truth does not consist in mjnute accuracy gf detail, but-in conveying a right impression —and-tbere are vague ways bespeaking thht ate truer than, strict fact wou! J-be. When tfie Psalmist said,, y Rivers of \ iter run ddwn mine eyes, because men keep ’ bt thy law,” he did not state lhp - fact,-but h j stated a troth deeper than fact, and truth.—. Alford. Moral Courage. —Young.iiian, would, you become morally strong?—AVonM you *gTo'.v up perfectly competent to resist c v-jry foe to your happiness, every enemy which jjpay dispute your progress in the way of'noble 'manhood? Would you fit yourself for usefulness in this world, andfor happiness in the next? Then list en! to the feeblest voice of conscience, calling you to duty .and to right. There. is.;no more certain method of. cultivating; hd promoting moral strength than by heedl tg continually that light which “lighteth ove. y man which cometh into the world.” , When 'Some specious temptation is presented before J Ju. when there, is thrown over it tbe witohing gfhze of fashion and show, do you not hear that .'jhntle and prc» cions voice bidding you look o Vay and shun the specious temptation ?. Xha? voice is soft, os the whispers of angels, and t.s kind as the melting tenderness of a mourner's pure love. You cannot disregard it but at your imminent, peril. Every time you listen.- with attention, your, ear becomes keener to ’ hear, and your strength more competent to resist temptation; It will soon become easy tight. The charm of temptation would losC tta power over —Morning Star. A Shall Calculation.—Ybe following in cident actually occurred during the past week. .__ Scene—A Corner Grocery. Customer—How much are those onions ? Dealer—Yorteen cents,a pound. Onions, very dear now. Pay seven dollars and a half a barrel in the market.' .And-shame too ; dare is enough of everything in dis country. Customer—lndeed ! seven dollars a barrel ? and how many bushels in a barrel ? ■ Dealer—Three. Customer—Only three.' Let me see ; a bush el of onions will.weigh T 2 pounds-,. which at 14 cnets a pound is $lO 08 per bushel, or §3O-' 25 per barrel.. Deduct the cost,, it leaves you $22 74 profit. It wod'ld seßn' grocers coujd' afford to sell cheaper?.* (pauUng for a reply.) Dealer-(apologetically)—l'Jhlks in Sherman novrOto dis odder new cos tower. Exit first customer, without any onions, hop ing most earnestly that something might be done by the people to check snob extortion.'— N. T.. Sun. Dr. Livingstone is as hopeful as ever, and intends to return to Africa, in order to explore the country to tbs north of the Portuguese.— * The Portuguese authorities, as well as thesonl merehants of-the coasts, frustrated all bis plans, broke np the Central African anisaion, and armed hostile tribes, against the natives whom he sought to win oyer to civilization. Good heaven! is it not hear scientific men prate about the superiorly of the Euro pean overthe African skull I; In moral qual ities, at least, these Portuguese slave-traders are far inferior to thi gorilla which is never really vicious unless attache'. Meanwhile, it is gratifying to leartl that ,I)r. Livingstone’s negroes cultivate the soil; £row cotton, and weave it into cloth ; smeltirou, and beat it in to agricultural and other implements; and even manufacture beer, which, if one may judge from the extent to which‘intoxicating stimulants are drunk by “ the superior race,’? ought to be unanswerable! proof o.& their ca pacity for civilization.— Loftdon Cor. Indepen dent*- ■ < —Obscuritt. —You cannot hat observe how thousands are doomed to .plodding obscurity ; how' thousands pass from hirifh to death with no one action of their lives to signalize them selves smong their fellows: hcq* like corn they grow, ripen, and are cut downTdcaying behind theta no marks of their best eYstcnce. Every virtne givesia man a- egree of felicity of some kind. Honesty give, a man a good report; Justice', estimation pi adence ‘respect; courtesy and liberality, affection; temperance, health; and fortitude, a quiet blind, not t} bo moved by adversity. " - ’ —Maekied Happixess. —Harried happiness is a glass ball; folks play with it during the honeymoon, till falling, it is shivpred to peioes, and the rest of life is a wrangle who broke it; If an elephant can travel ; miles an hoar and carry iris trank, bow fast could ho go if Bo bad a porter Uj carry it for %i. I~TQ THE PUB LI O. AM now prepared to manufacture, at meet in Deerfield, _ PLAIN AND FANCY ■ balmo to order either bl.tbe-jfioee ‘p? 4ns- SmerF.' Kuoxville,.-JJj^Pr? 3 S3. /, milE th&jvcll 1 ib#S4wi Q %^ty^i«srs. E.-toJft s Rivet, two miles oast of KnoivifteVtolSfhii method of informing the inhabi tants of/lfogaawradjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on stares to suit customers, into - FLANNELS.,, CASSIMERES, DOE-SKINS, .- -- - FULL CLOTHS,-of all kinds. The machinery has been thoroughly , repaired and new machinery added thereto, also an improved new wheel which will enable him. to work the entire sea son. He -yid PW particular attention to Roil .Carinrig ArClotb' Dressing, which will he done ip the neatest possible manner, having addfed one new TlolPMabhinh, will enable him to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance. He would farther iij> thud be has; cyried on tho busi ness in manufacturing wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining counties for the past twenty years; he therefore c*n warrant all work and-satisfy tJa easte rners. using nothing in‘-manufacturing bat genuine wool. . ...JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, May s, tS63-ly: ; Insurance Agency. THE?&3Brandc Cotapauy.- ol Hofth imeiisoiave appointed the undersigned an agent for Tioga County and vhfmity. , . As the high character and standing of this Compa ny give.the assurance of full protection to owners of property against the hazard of -fire, I solicit with con fidence a liberal share of the business of the county. This company was incorporated, in 1794. Ita'JeapUal is $500,000, and its assests in ISSI as per statement Ist Jan. - - - - —-•-- me TIPS A COUNTY A(i IT A TOR / :v SfllOtESjlXl! . , . Prince's MetcJlc Paint, -^Pfizer_?fc Co's'Chcmicala, Thaddens David’s jinks, Fluid Extracts, Concentrated Medicines, Rochester Perfumery and Cincinnati Wines and Flavoring Extract*, ‘-Branly, f }. i : ‘: WhrtowaslrLimef ’ "FetrokunirOil,- J ; Kerosene Lamps, Progs and Medicines, Patent Medicines, ’ School Books, Stationery, 1 Wall J’aper,. f Wyoming,Mills Wrap- \ Window Glass, ping taper, ~DyeColurs, Furnished at Wholesale Prices by W. D TEBBELL, ■ ~ ■ •' • Corning, N. T. Zimmermann & Go’s. . * J ' 'i p* 0 jfj 1 * 1 ' MEDICAL i COMMUNION PURPOSES. ••..CAtfkwßA. BlliAst»V. THISBRANDT has been analyzed by the Medi ical Director of the Naval Labrctory at Brooklyn, and substituted for French Brandy, for use in the Tj tiited SfefcsTSavy.. Jt Ja.aHoiTJspd and recommcjad ed by Pr. Satteriee, Medical Purveyor in New York -of U. S'. Army, in the Hospital of his Department DRY CATAWBA _ W'lJfE. , THIS WIKiE bits all Ihe'prepef'tie*'of- Pry Sherry Wine. ' - - SWEET CAHAWB.A Wlff£< THIS-WINS foritomlldncSß-ii adapted for Ditb ,lids and fdk cdmmuhioii'purposesV -•-- - Messes, zimmeeaiann a _co., of cindn tori had , formeclj partnership with of Cincinnati the wealthy Native Wine producer, and therefore enables them to furnish the best of American production, at moderate prices. Sold by W. D. TEKBELIj, sit Wholesale and Re tail, and by Druggists generally. Corning, N. T., Jan. 20, lfoi-tf. September Ist’; 1863» FROM THIS DATE, FOR RMDY PAY ORLY ! . .- CUSTQif AND SHOES; , Leather,’ Findings, &c. CASH PAID FOR HIDES,. PELTS, DEER SKINS AND FURS.' “ ' FRANKLIN SAYS: “When'you have anything to advertise, tell the public of it in plain, simple language,” I am manufacturing good custom mad© Boots and Sboes-sfhlch I-wiiLaflLal faifcsxasMj far READY Jp A T. cannot be a6ld*at as low rates per pair as eastern made slop-work, but it can and will be sold at prices which will enable the pur chaser to protect hU> feet with good substantial boots more cheaply than with- a poor slop-shop article, which, even if it chances not to fall in pieces with the first weeks service, is but a doubtful protection in wetandcold_weatber*jyVy me. Buck and Doeskins Wanted, in the red and short blue, for which I will, pay cash and a good price. ! - - ->• Bscf-Hidcs and Calfskins Wanted, for which I will also pay cash. ' " • ~ * Wanted, . for which I wilt also" pay cash and the highest mar ket price. _ _ An assortment of and linings, pegs, thread) nails; -awls/ knives, shoe-hammer?, Ac., Ac., kept constantly on 1 hand, which I will leell cheap for cosh. Shop on Main Street between Wilcox's and Ballard's. - .-ft. W. BEAKS. H. B. 1 carTT'glve credityhecanse, to7bC plaint haven't got ft t$ r gITQ. . Wellaboroj Sbpt/5,'1860. . * Wheeler’s Horse Powers and Thresh ers and Cleaners. THE subscriber Would respectfully announce to to tic Threshers and Farmers of Tioga and ad joining counties, that be still continues to sell tbe above named MACHINES, and that I bare, tbe pleasure of offering tbis season some valuable im provements on tbe old macbines and a large addition, to tbe variety: I now have’-for sale Railroad Horse Powers for one, two, and three horses, three different sizes of iVheeler's Rake Gleaners, si* horse Lever Powers, Howard’s Mowers and combined Mowers and Reapers, Smith’s Green’. Mountain Shingle Machine, Palmer’s self-sustaining Horse Forks, Clover Hollers, Feed Cutters, Circular and Drag Saws, adapted to horse powers, Horse Rakes, 4c., 4e. All of which will bo sold.atriotly at tbe manufac turer's prices. addingtranaportatidn, and will be war ranted to give entire satisfaction or no sale. Extras 'for repairing old machines kept on hand.- ■ WM. T.-MATHERS/of' Wellshbro, land G. H. BANTER 4 CO., of Nelson, are my assistant agents for Tioga County, where Forks will be kept on hand and orders left for other Machinery will be promptly attended to. Descriptive Circulars containing price list senttorajlapplicapts. - B. £. TEARS. . Troy, Pa.,Jane 29,’1864-tf. OSCEOLA Hion SCHOOL. THE Fall Term of the Osceola High School, under the direotion .of Prof. C. A- STONE,'.will com mence on Tuesday, Sept 20,1864. The Winter Term, on Tuesday, Dec. 27. 1864, and the,Spring Term on Tuesday, April 20,1865. The Fall and Winter Terms will continue 13 weeks eaoh,Jha Spring Term 12 weeks. ’ " The past success’ of this' institution bus been truly gratifying to its numerous friends, and the prospects’ for the ensuing year are no flattering then they have been heretofore.' 1 TbWwia no iranf effcommo dious rooms for a large number of students. There is a building designed exclusively fob ladies. Gentle men, or companies of ladies and gentlemen together .will room in the .school bnildisg. A- teacher will room in eaoh of the buildings and have’control of the students- No Institution in this 'section of the-conntry’offers better facilities for obtaining an 'education' than this. The range of Studies embraces everything necesaary to entering college. • A Teachers’ Class will be formed during the Fall Term.- . ... Tuition from $4,00 to s6’oo. Prof I. G.JJott has charge of the department of -Music. For further particulars as to expense's; regulations, 40., address 'one of the Trustees and obtain a circular. •A. K. : EOSAKD; Esq.'. *) ? ’ ' AtLEN SE-ELT, ' i Trustees ENOCH M. STEEB, J Osceola, Aug. VI, 1963-itlfV" ■ ™ E & CO. PIANO FORTES. THE rindetaigued ia selling, ibese luperior instru menM at tbe very lowest retail prices, made w lft cqa Insulated Iron Him and Frame (cast in ona plite) 1 They durabililyXorior ity of tone, and elegance oi external appearance. • Lar Z e ', s rich Rosewood oases, elegantly" fin ished, heavy powerful tone, do. ■ smalbpaklor: PIANOS,- full round mellow tone—easy and elastic touch ele gant and. ornamentalJn appearance. All.these Instruments:are knished.wilh all lar*e rimnd coiners; frqnt.and back alike; (center Pianoll and are made of materials carefully, selected and nre pared. Every Piano warranted- Jo;give perTecTsaT-' i sl action. Send for Circnlara and address IG' Hovr - Osceola, Sept. 21,1564. , ' - . [fobl7ly.] - ' AGRICULTURAL mpLEEIEWTS. T W.OmD Inform. Balers in X meats, that I have Horse Kakes of theTnbst m poyed styles, and' Superior- quality. AI TO - Band Rakes of a.boUer quality than' any-minufadhtred in this seodon.-whieh r will famish ib ; aby -bushtltt-ida lired to.dealers'in'the countlcs of yio*; and Lycoming. . ' --' I) V'nmris™’ U.:„.S. t=Bo Loan. The Secretary oFthe treasury give* notice that subscriptions will be received for Coupon Treasury Notcs,-payablo three years from August 15, 1864, with semi-annual interest at the rote of T-SlOths per cent, per annum,—principal and interest both to bo paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option, of the holder at maturity, into six per cent. goliLheaiing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twen ty‘years fronf-their date, as the Poverament may elect, ‘ They will be issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000, and all subscriptions masfbe for fifty dollar* or soino multiple of fifty dol lars - - • The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation,charge* as soon after the receipt of the ’ original Certificates of Deposit as they can be prepar ed. ' As the notes draw Interest from August 15, persons (making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the • interest accruedfrom dalo of'noto to date of deposit. ! Parties depositing, $25,000 or upward for these nctei at nny one time will be allowed s commission ,of -one-q.uarUr of ope per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon receipt of bill for the amount, certified to hjr-the officer with whom the de posit was made.. £l6 deductions for .must be made.‘from deposits. Special Advantages of tills Loan. It it a 2fationah£iri7,pi Sank, offering a higher rate cf interest than any other, and tks best tteurity. Any Savings Dank which pays its depositors in U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circula ting median* of* the country, audit cannot pay in any thing better, for its own assets are either in govern meat -securities.or in notes or bonds payable in gov ernment paper. It f? equally convenient as a permanent or tempo rary investment. The notes can always be sold for whhin a fraction of their face and accumulated inter est, and are the best security with banks as collater als for discounts, ' Convertible into a’6 per cent 5-20 Gold Bono, In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years/this privlftge'Zf conversion is now worth about three per cent/peV annum, for thepur aent rate for 5-20-Bonds it' not less than nine per cent. Premium, and before thawcr'tho preminm on United ■States stocks was dtef twenty per. cent. * It will be ■lUen'that'the actual profit on .this loan, at the present ’market rate, is not less than ten per cent per annum. Exempt from Stale or municipal Taxation. But aside from all the advantages we have enumer ated; a-special Act of -Congress' exempt* all Trtatnry, notes and bonds from local taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent, per an num, according to tbo rate of taxation in various parts of the country.- It is believed that no r,',.V , . a i* er ' _ “ -• Robt.-T. Lane. Hirstisfftou st. Mrs. EUii Shost, Guesses st. -Prlscillf! ilcCaujfbllc, SehaShmfacn*. Burnetts:. Aon Hill, Vatic* st. ( Tlio above same* are from vrell-knovra' respectable citizens, and a thousand more names might he added, of whom information can be had In reference to the astonishing cures performed. Prepared and sold, wholenleand retail by b. cßime, NO. 53 GENESEE ST., HARBIi BLOCK, UTICA, N.Y. and Storekeepers generally. For Sale by JOHN A. BOT, Wellaboro, Pa, January 13,1864. -» r ANHOOD : HOW DOST, HOW RESTORED.—Jn.t pub JJX. listed; a new edition of Dr.pulvtfrweU’a Celebrated Esey on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermator 'ifccfea..or‘«emrnal''VreaVnei3J, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotancy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage,-etc.: also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. /©•Prico.-in a'sealed 6 cents. This celebrated author ju this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that 'the'alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the'dangerous use of Internal medicine or tbo application of the knife—polutibg'but a mode of cure, at | once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may euro himself cheaply, prlvdtoly, and radically. Lecture should to In the bands cf every youth and every man in the land. ‘ Sent, under seal, in a plain enuelope, to any address, nest* 'paid, on recelpy.of six cents, ox two post-stamps. -Address the publishers. . - - CUAS. J. CvK.LIN£ A £CK, ..June lsi ’G4-ly. 127-Bowery,NewTorfc,i > . 0. box 4556. Adminlslratoir’s Notice. LETTERS of administration having bees granted to the undersigned on the estate of David Close, deceased, notice,. ia. hereby given to those indebted to mnke'imnfediafe payment, and.those haring claims to presentjhpm .properly-authenticated for settlement ta .. -- .EPEAZrER'S.-BHE-LEY, Adm'r,-< , O‘ctojserl5 f ? - lulu at ; . rv - ‘ X.v ROY’S DRUG STORE. HOSTB^TBH’E CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERB. A Pure and Powerful Tonic, Corrective and Alterative,.of Wonderful Jtffcacy, in Diseases of the STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS;. Corea Dyspepsia, Diver Complaint, Headache, Gen eral Debility, Kervouanasa, Depression of Spi rits, Constipation, 'Colics Intermittent Fe vers, Cramps and Spasms, and all Com* plaints of either Sex arising from Bodily Weakness, whether in herent in the system or pro - duced by Special • Causes. > Nothing that is not wholesome, genial and restorative in its nature, enters into the composition of HOSTi-TTBITS STOMACH BITTERS This popular preparation contains no mineral of any Lind, no deadly'botanical clement: no fiery excitant; tut it is a combination of the extracts ol rare balsamic herta and plants, with the purest and mildest of all diffusive stimulants. < It is well to be forearmed against disease, and, so far as the human system can be protected by human means against maladies engendered by an unwholesome atmosphere, im pure water, and other external causes. HOSTETTER3 BIT ITERS may be relied on as a safeguard t In districts infested with Fever and Ague, it has been found infallible as a preventive, and irresistible a* a remedy, and thousands who resort co it under apprehension of an at tack, escape tbe scourge: and thousands who neglect to, ‘avail themselves of Us productive qualities in advance, arc* cured by a very brief course of this marvelous medicine Fever and Ague patients, after being plied with quinine for [months in vain, until fairly saturated with that dangerous ’alkaloid, are not nnfreqnentiy restored to health within a few days by the use of HOSTETTER’3 DITTER3. The weak stomach Is rapidly invigorated and the appetite restored by this agreeable tonic; and hence it works wun ders in cases of Dyspepsia end m less confirmed forma of iNDiszsnON. Acting as a gentle and painless apperient. as • well as upon the liver, it also invariably relieves the Consti pation superinduced by irregular action of the digestive and secretive organs. Persons of feeble habit, liablo’to Scrvous Attacks. Leu: tic:s cf Sy,-rJ.s and Fits of Languor* find prompt and per raauent relief from the Bitters. The testimony cn thispoint is most conclusive and from both ssxs*. Tbe agony of Bilices' Cone is immediately assuaged by a singly dose of tbe stimulant, and by occasionally resorting to It, the return of the complaint may ce prevented. As a general tonic, tIOSTETTER'S BITTERS produce ef fect* which must be experienced or witnessed before they can be fully appreclatdd* In cases of Ccnstit::ti' Weak nest, Premature Decay, and Debility and Decrepitude aris ing from old age, it exercises the electric Influence.. In tbe convalescsat stages of all diseases, it operates as a delightful larigorant. When the powers of nature are relaxed, It op erates to re-eufexceand re-establish them. Lost, but notleast, it is Th* Only Safe Stimulant, being manulhctured sound and Inocuous materials, and en thely free from the acid element? present mere or les* Inall the ordinary tonic* and stomachic? of the d?y No family medicine has been so universally, and. It may ’bo truly added, deservedly popular, with hte Intelligent por tion of* the community, as HOSTETTER’S BITTERS. Prepared by HOTSTETTER A SMITH, Pittsburg, ?a. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Storekeepers, every where. febS-ly HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. COMPOUND FLUID EPTRACT BUCHU, a poeitlve and specific remedy for the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop sical Swellings. This Medicine increases the ‘power of Digestion, and ex cites the absorbents into healthy action, by which the Wa tery or Calcorons depositions, and all Dnnatnral Enlarge ments are ieduced, as well as Pain and Inflammation. mELMBOLiyS EXTRACT SUCEU, For Weaknesses arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipa tion, Early Indiscretion of Abuse, attended with the follow ing symptoms: Indispojdtipn to Exertion, Loisof Power, Less ot Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horrors of Wakefulness,'Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Buck, Universal Lassitude of the muscular system, Hot Hands. Flashing of the Body, Dryness- of the Skis, Erup tions on the Paco, Pallid Countenance These symptoms, it allowed to go on, which this medicine Invariably removes, soon follows ' “ Impotence, Fatuity , Epilepsy* Fits* i In one of which the patient may expire. _ Who caasay that they are hot frequently followed by thcie “ Direful Diseases,” “INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION” Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, But sorts will ccrwits iss records OP tax tasass Ast- LUXS. And Melancholy Deaths by Consumption bear ample wit ness to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution once affected wilk Organic Weakness, re quires, the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, Which tliMßoin’S ESTRACT BUCHU invariably dots. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES. In many Affections peculiar to females, the ExTracT Brcar Is unequalled by any other remedy—as in Chlorosis or Re tention. Irregularity, Paiafalness, or Suppression of Custo mary evacuations. Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Ute rus, Leuchorrhce or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sax, whether arising from Indiscretion, Hab its of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF lUE. Take no more Bdham, Mercury, or unpleasant medicine for unpleasant and dangerous disease?. HEUBOUUS EXTRACT BUCHU AND liI?EOT£D ROSE WASH CUBES SECRET DISEASES, In all their stages. At little expense. Little or no change in diet. No inconvenlenco, and no exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to urinate thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing stric tures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inflammation, sc froxuent in this class of diseases, and expelling aU poisons, disease and worn cut matter. THC.CaA.XLS C?OX 3AVX BSZX TBX VICTIMS 07 qpACE9, and who have paid heavy fees to bo cured in a short time, lurre found they were deceived, and that the “POISON 7 * has, by th? use of “ powerful astringents. 77 been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage. Use Hembold’s Extract Each a for all affections and dis eases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in male ’or female, from whatever cause originating, and no matte; of how long standing. Diseases of these organa require the aid of a DIURETIC: HEM BOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHUI3 THE GREAT DIUBE* TIC. and Is certain to have the desired effect in all diseases for which it is recommended. 1 Evidence of Che most reliable and responsible character will accompany the medicine. Fries $1 per bottle , or six for $5, Delivered to any address, securely packed from observa tion. . DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN A£L COMMJNICATIONB. CURES GUARANTEED! Advice Gratis! Address letters for Information to {H.B. HEMBOLD, Chemist, • 104 South Tcntblst., Phila. HEMBOLD'S Medical Depot, \ HEMBOLD‘3 Drug and Chemical "Warehouse, 194 Broadway, N. Y. BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, who endeavor to" dispose of “ their Own” and “other*’articles, on the reputation attained by Hemhold’s Genuine Preparations. “ ' " Extract Eucau. “ _ Extract Sarsaparilla. •* “ Improved Rose Wash. by alldmjgUta e-eiywhera. AskfcrHembqld's 'Dike no other. Cut out the advertisement and tend for It ■and avoldimposltlon and exposure. - OOn of -FLAX SEED wanted, for which the Highest. Market Price in.-CASE will bo paid. * D, P. ROBERTS. WolUboro, April 6, 1864. TSUTTT A WINDOW GLASS af -!JT• ■ : HOT'S DHTJG STORE. SULPHITE OP EIME tar prtlerving CIDER, »i v - : - ROY’S drug Store. j Efe and. Ea* Instituted ~ M UP'DE GEAFF OCULIST, AUKIST & OEN’L SCRGEOv • ELMIRA, X. Y. -= -TREATS.ALL DISEASES OF THE ‘FTE: FAR Aim • TBROat. HP HE EYE,—He will operate upon Cataract i . J. ficial Pupil, Cross Eyes, Lachrvmal FiT'"' Pterygium, Eutropion, (inversion of the eye j-.j. s treat, all forms of Cure Eyes, smb as Li U, Purulent Ophthalmia, Opacities of Scrofulous Diseases of the Eye, anti all a;.,,'' 115 ’- which tie Eye is subject. "■ Hl THE EAR—Treats successfully Discharzs. r, the Ear, Noises io the Ear. Difficulty of If, ■ Deafness, (even when the is entirely will insert an artificial one, answering neari-' purposes of the natural). -* UlCj THE THROAT.—Ulcerated Threat, Enlarv*-) T sils, together vrith 1 *' 1-a - CATARBH, la all Its forms, permanently enrod. GENERAL SURGERY.—Ho will opera*a Club Feet, Hare Lip. Cleft Palate, Turners Car-' 5 Morbid Growths, Deformities from Barns '' :i lIEBAIA, Operated upon by a new mode with entire and performs PL.A3TIC OPERATIONS- wher,*? 1 ’ Nose, Lip. or any portion of the face is destto, j through disease or otherwise, by healing thm-J anew. , '■ s Will attend to the Amputation cf Limbs, anl a - eral Surgery in all its branches. ; " *" INSERTS ARTIFICIAL ETES—Oivingthen ’I the motion and expression of the natural,dcf-inv I. lection. They are inserted without removing the Jj one, nr prbducing pain. v ‘ tbs SocCoi's- collection of Instrnnieets ccata-. all the latest improvements, snd is the largest ia A* State. The superior advantages he has halia re .* fecting himself in all that is new and Talnable in *c gery, warrants him in saying that every thing alibi's the bounds of the profession may ho expected of bla The Institute has been greatly enlarged, to that sj can now accommodate an increased number of tients from a distance. Comfortable Boarding Hou' ses attached to the establishment. *Vo iararabie Caati received /or lrtat”tnl or errt. liana. If a case is incurable, he will be so informed Institute upon Water-street, opposite the Btair-i House, Elmira, N. V. o Elmira, Nl T., Nov. 4; 1863.-ly. Pennsylvania State Normal School, MANSFIELD, TIOGA CO., PA. THE Second School Year will commence on iloa. day, September 5, 1864. “ Prop|, F. A. ALLEN, for the past six yean charge i»f the Chester County i Pa.j Normal ScboJ* has bee® elected Principal, and Prof FraiiK Caesar of tbe same institution, has been appoint*! to tbe professorship of Languages and Liteninre Prof, Alls» is well known throughout the Stale mi gentleman of accurate scholarship, possessing a prac tical experience of fifteen years a« an educator',; teachers. Prof. Cbosbt possesses tbe advantags of a rare and successful experience as a teacher of the va rious branches which are pursued in schools of tho 'higher grade. Excellent Chemical and Philosophical will be ia readiness at tbe opening of the School. A Gymnasium will be erected, for which a valuable apparatuses already been secured. \- TcrnosLfn advance, per term, $6.00. No extra charges for the languages or mathematics. Boarding in the ball, or in private families, fjvm $2.50 to jS.C’J per week, ■ W, C. RIPLEY, Albert Clark, Sec^y. Preset Board of Trustees. Mansfield, July 20,1364-ly. TO PROFESSORS OF MUSIC, AMATEURS, AND THE kUSICAL PUBLIC GENERALLY. P. A. WCNBGRiVAItIvj Foreign & American Music Warehouse, 824 BROADWAY, Having on hand tho largest stock of Foreign Music in New York, which he imports from Europe expressly to meet the taste and requirements of the American lover's of Music, respectfully calls attention to tie fact, that he is now supplying Music of Every Style at a redaction of Twenty-Five to Fifty per cent, less than any other house in the United States. Private Families can be supplied (post free) by far warding the cash to the above address. Should tbe amount of cash forwarded the cost of the Music, the balance will be promptly returned ia postage currency. Dealers and Professors should not neglect this op portunity ; they will he liberally dealt with. N. B.—Any and every piece of Music (vocal or in strumental) published in Europe or America, will bo supplied to order, if accompanied by the cash. Remember the Address, P? A. WUNDERMANS, Foreign and American Music 'Warehouse, 524 Broadway, New York, August 81, 1564-3 m. Schtcd tbs Safe &f the * Inga Co Bank. ON Wednesday night. May 25, 1864, ihefcil'jffing described bonds and note? : 1 U.- 9. 5-20 coupon bond, 4th aeries, Utter F, Ny. 14,719, for $5OO. 3 XT. S. 5-20 coupon bends, 4th series, letter C,Nas. 36,180, Sl-52, each SSCO. 17 U. 3. 6-20 eedpon bends, 4th series, Utter F, Nos. 73,579 to 73,395, each $lOO. 14 U. S. 5-20 coupon bonds. 4ch series, Utter M, Nos. 19,824 to 19,337, each 3:6. 3 U. S. 6-20 coupon bonds, 3d series, letter A, Nos. 5,504 6-6, each $lOOO. 4 IT. S. 5-20 coupon bonds, 8d series. Utter A, Nil. 3,050-51-52-53, each $5OO. Tioga County Bank notes, old issue, 5 7 5, 10'a aoi 20's—$5,000, Signed by former officers of thebanif, all punched through centre of vignette, and had teen retired for three years. No other notes of this bans bad ever been punched. The public are hereby cau tioned against purchasing or taking any of the said bends and notes. * A. S. TURNER, •Tioga, May 23,1364. Cashier. FARM FOR SALE. ADJOINING Wellsbcro, the coflnty seatof Tlcga Co. Pa., containing 155 acres, 125 cleared, i-J woodland. The region U remarkably healthy Churches, schools Ac., are found in the Tillage. Thera is a large and commodious mansion, surrounded by ornamental trees and shrubbery: oat buildings large and convenient, house and barn supplied by a fonc taiu of running ‘Water. It is well suited for a dairy farm, for raising sheep or bops- Large orchard o£ apple and pear trees, chiefly grafted fruit—about 2t»o trees. The orchard alons might bo made to pay the interest upon the cost of the whole property. It ii distant about 12 miles from the Tioga Railroad, which connects with the Erie Railroad at Corning. Leave Corning at 7$ a. m., tako stage at Ticga Station, reach Wellsboro about neen. Price of the property $5O per acre—ono-fourth cash down, balance to suit conveni ence of purchaser. Apply to WM. E. MORRIS. Harlem R. R. N. T City. JAMES LOWREY, Wellsboro, Tioga Co. Pa. JNO, W. GUERNSEY, Tioga, “ " " F. K. WRIGHT, Wellsboro, “ " “ December 9, 1863-tf. GATLIN’S mPHOTSD Fire and Water Proof Cement Is the best preparation in use mending broken article** such as Glass, Chico, Crockery, Wood. leather. OrnanenUj Metal. Boas, Porcelain, in ftet, most any broken article. Being perfectly ■whits it will net dlrfcrr# tho articles. It will stands!! climates, and when tfccroap£*r dry, the part to which it U applied will bo as strong *s** was before broken. Price C 5 ccbts per bottle. J. A.KOT, Agent for Xicga CsssV eUslcro, August 28,1563. Portable Printing Offices, n3e Cards aadSffl*^ - '^ I f > , *■+ , iion* accompany cad enabling a Loy ten Circulars sent free. SF eC *‘ men sheets of Type, Cuts, 4c>, 6 cent*. Addre** ADAMS* PRESS CO. 31 Park Row, N. T-, and Z 5 I lac-da St. Boston, 3J«n- January 27, lS€4-»ly. FAMILY DYE, COLCE3 at BOt'S DET7G STORE.