•-■as*asr iazraai# racts and Qaeatsc 3 when th*V of Mo-, (SeUanV nomination; not -whet/ ,ay beard of the fall of Atlanta/ ;Wbat ■w«r fc K;a«so Af the difference ?’ ■ • ' i ; Tb» "copperheads- ranfup .thVt- J onlthe City Hall, New York, when they he V- o£ McClell an'e nomination/not when th(i* ieard of the fell of Atlanta,. Was thecaosl; J: the differ ence the same? ■ ■. ", ._Whan~cows -of McCleUanie T ltaination raa- the rebel loan wft t op three per cent. .Why? - - ■--- . ;-.v On* the’ day /ftheh .Shcndaiy * victory over Early was annqnnipid/ar Dtyot;-ipan asked a Copperhead tf be had beard I: ict good news. The reply was-r-“ damn your i” ■ What was the matter wjth him ? ’ ' „ Hebei-prisoners matchingthl- itjjh Wtcshtng ton cheered McClellan.-and groit' pdfor Lincoln. What was the cause of it ? t , /VChha JBa/news of/Early's d/./f was posted on the bulletin p£ tho'Journald., 'Commerce in Wall street,, the crowd that gatA jed around it cheered for Lincoln. Why wat bat ? When the news of the fall of ;tlanta reach ed London, the rebel loan fell S'. 'er cent. And when the news of Sheridan’* y*' fory, arrived, rebel stock took another tumbler , Why ? . -Are wo justified in ascribi.Vj- ike effects-to' like cansesT ’lf we find that ; Clellan’sWo ■oess raisee. the-,spirits of-the ref/ ; at . the South, bticT their sympathizers in Eng-- d, and of the sham Democracy' here, whilr “rebel defeat lower A the hopes of these e> pathizer, and that of-.the eham democracy, ft. not clear that thS cause of the rebellion anA tf ihe Copper heads is identical 1 . . i h Is not the assertion of the HUikmond Enqui rer true that Every defeat */■ Lincoln's fore (es inures to the advantage ef "MjCleU-an” t Is not the assertion of the Charleston Cour ier true when it says that “ t aii intim ate connection" between the s 'ones of, the Con federacy and .the McClellanif a, Snd [that the successor the rebels.“insure) the success of McClellan-*-their failttr-e insi. ca His defeat” t Where ehoftld a. true' pat voga, do bercby'make’kifowb and give this public notice to the Electols'of said Goanty.of Tioga, that a General Election throughoutf tbo County on the second Tuesday -of 1 November next, which will bo the Bth day of said month'; at districts with in the County aforesaid, namely: EfrEXmVlf-BfSTRICTS: Blos9,atthetTnion‘6chooHlon6es rtT t .. . Broifcfidd, at the South lloid'School-Hodso. ’ - Clymeii at -ho bouse of 0. P-, Douglas. Chatham, at the bouse of.E,-D. Dingman. r Charleston, at the Dnrtt Settlement Scno’ol House. Covington Boro, at the Dyer House. Covington Township, at theDyor House. Deerfield, at the CgwaniDsgjne House. : Delmor, at Housed Elk, at the Smith School House. ' • at the of Charles Byoa. Farmington, at the house of John A” Kemp. Qainea, at the house of if. O. Vermllyea. Jackson, at fhVhGaseof Knoxville, at ttioli'oilSe of G: VT/Mattison the house of Joel H. Woodruff, lawrence Tdwnshi'p7 l «t the'hoase of W,.H. Slosscd.? 7 Xawrcncevfllc, at the house of W. JJ. SloHcur' : * Mansfield, at ihe School House; 4 Morris, vt the house of YT.y. Campbell. Hamburg. at the house-of-B. K. Bruhdage. the Holiday School House. Kelson, at the Locey House- Osceola, at the Hotel. ■* u *• Rutland, at the house of Royal Rose. EiUyer.? ~ Shliipen’,frt-the Bigafeadows Schdol House. Sullivan, at the house of H. K. Brundage. Tioga Borough, at the Hotel of E- S. Parr. Tioga Township, at the Hotel of E. S. Farr. Union at tbe house of John Irvin. Hotoc-C/ ‘7* Ward, at the School House. ~ ' - • t Westfield, ai the homo of Jerod 0. Thompson. .At which time absl. places' are *to be elected two electors at large and twenty-four district electors to* cast tho electoral role of Pennsylvania for President and Vice President in 'tbe Electoral College of tbe .United States. ‘ It js further directed that tbe neeßhgpf the return Judges at the Court Houle in Wellsborough to make out tbe general returns sbaU.be on tbe first Friday succeeding tbe said election, which will be the 11th day of November. And in and by said act, I am further directed to, give notice that every person, except Justices of the Peace, who shall hold office or appointment of trust or profit under tho. Government of the United States, or of this State, or of any city or incorporated dis trict, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate'officer er agent who is or shall be em ployed under the legislative, executive, or judiciary department of this Stale, oral any incorporated dis trict, and also that every member of Congress, and. of the select and common-council.of any city, com missioners of any incorporated district, la by law in c&poble of bolding or exercising at the same time the office br appointment of.judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no in spector, judge, or any other officer of any such elec tion shhU be eligible to any office then to be voted for. „ . : r;:5 - .. . For instruction? in regard to the' organization of election boards eot., see Act of: Assembly of 2d July, pamphlet laws, page 7119 j likewise" contained in a practical digest of the election laws - of this Com monwealth, furnished at every place of holding gen eral election, page -86, etc. f Givcn under my hand afWellsboro,this 10th day of Oct, 4*!D**lB64i ■ H. STQWELL,.jT/,Sberiff. TO PROFESSORS .OF MUSIC, AMATEURS, AND ' THE MUSICAL PUBLIC GENERALLY. •■■■<• P. A. WUXDEBWAirif, l Foreign & American ISnsic Warehouse, 824 BROADWAY, Having.on hand the largest stock of Foreign Music in New York, which he imports from Europe expressly to meet the taste and requirements of the American Ifivers of Miislc/TCTectfuHy calls attention to the fact, that he is now’sapplying Music of Every Stylo at a reduction of 'Twetty-giVo to* Fifty j>er cent, less than-any other house fn the United States. -r Private Families can be supplied (p6st free) by for warding the cash to the 'above'address. Should the amount of cash forwarded exceed the cost of the .Music, the'balance willpromptly returned in ■postage currency, . Dealers and Professors should not neglect this op portunity; they will be liberally dealt with. N. R.-r-Any.andjvery piece of Mnsio (vocal or in strumental) published in Europe oriAmerfca, will bo to order, if accompanied by tbe cash. • Remember tho Address/ • P. A. WPJVBERMANN, Foreign and American. Music Warehouse, 824 Broadway, New York.- August 31, 18fi4-3to. BOUNTY TOTOLUNTEBRSI—The County of Tioga will pay’ a ’bounty of THREE HUN CHED .D.OLLABB*- to Vdun enlisting to the credit of the several .sub-districts-in - said--county,' to the extent of their respective quotas under the late call of tho President-; .'.IV: I ! This bounty li not In addition to that already offered by the Townships, but in lieu of it, or so much of it as can be raised % taxation. N. B. Kecrnlting Officers and all others interested, should see to.it ibat proper ceTtific&tea’ of enlistment and credit are made out and returned at once to the County Clerk, at Welisboro. - . , J JOB BEXPORD, "i ‘I r , c. P. MILLER, 5. Com’rs. -M._BOCKWELL, j Attest; THO 9. ALLEN, Clerk. WeUsboro,.Sept..i,4,l,BB4. „ , . CLAIM AGENCY. THE undersigned will promptly prosecute all claims against the Government for services ren dered in the Military or Naval Service of the United States. Charges reasonable—will advance the legal necessary fees if desired. ■No charge if nbt success ful in the application.’ D. McNAUGHTON. Rtfertnctt; Hun. Victor Case, I. TV. Bellows, Ex amining ' Surgeon? at’ Knoxville, Pa-, B. B.’Strang, Olymer, Pa., B, Strang, Hector,,Pa., S. H. Beebe, Harrison, Pa. Westfield,. Aug. 24, 1864^-6mos* \\/ E- are receiving New Wheat Hour and can T V afford to cell it at greatly reduced-prioes. We want 10,000 tushels,-Wheat, 10,000 bushels Oats, and 10,000 bushels Coni, for which we will pay the highest market price in Cash. , . '-Wcgsfegro/Ahg. 2^6C.. 3 fll®i*>“'BAltET. THE Co-patfnorshiir heretofore existing between H. W. Porino, of Bath, N. Y., A E, P. Ferine, of Troy, Pa., undorlheErm'of Ferine A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. H. W. FERINE ' ■Troy, Sept. I, 1864., , E. P. FERINE.'. Mr, E. P. Ferine, in behalf of the- old firm feels very thanKfuMp the puhliofor their liberal patronage during their co-partnership, in assnmlng the pro prietorship of.the business, ho hopes to merit a con tinuation of said favor. The business will bo con ducted as herotpfore. Jfo shall endeavor to beep a large>nd varied stockpf merchandise and shall offer them at prices not to be fonnd elsewhere. BROKE into the enclosure efrihe, subscriber on the Pine Creek road; on the night’of the sth inst, four head-of cattle, viz: One pair 'of spotted three year old Steera; .two 2-year old heifers—one spotted and'the-other red. The owner Is requested to comp forward, pay charges, and take them away. Delmar, Pot. 12,ISSj-St* - -PETERSON. ‘ ■'7 - estuay. - BROKE into the enclosure of the subscriber in Chatham, Tioga County, Pa., on the Bth insL, a Day Horse, four years old,-Star,in the forehead and white left forward toot. The owner is requested to come forward, pay charges, and take him away Chatham, Oct. 12,1864.* - CHAS. BURDICE. ■Administrator’s Notice. LETTERS of administration having been granted .to the undersigned on the estate pf David Close deceased, noticb is hereby given ‘tb those indebted to make immediate payment, and those having elaiins to present them properly authenticated ftfSettlement ' ELEAZER S. SEELEY, Adta’r. Ootsber 12,18d4-6t,* ■ ■ •w-'wr Flour at Reduced Prices. DISSOLUTION. BSTRAY. j (the tiooa 1 county agitator. 66 T0 BOWEN’S!”- SEEING a big crowd oa Main Street, hurry ing toward a common center, somebody asked Are 3T6n Going? Tho answer was “To Bowen’s, Wo. 1, Union Block 1” To loot at-that splendid stock of . NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS! just urriving from Ncw-Xork. . . , “ VERY SENSIBLE PEOPLE,” thought I to myself; you know who bnys, at a bar gain, and. Sells SO as to give the purchaser a bargain too. • * Theroforejlf yon mint anything In the line of DRY GOODS,. - . :• GOODS, * 1 ■ ' READY MADE CLOTHING, : BOOTS, SHOES, &0., GO TO BOWEN’S, . and if yon want HARDWARE/ * QUEENSWARB, • = WOODEN-WARE.and ’ 1 - ■ > - 'GROCERIES, at prices you can afford to pay ■ - - GO TO BOWEJP*. If 1 yon have Cash/or' or Cheese, or Grain to exchange for this . vaeimWiP,STOCK: OF goods, - brinsthemsloiigj ; 3 - n - :] J ; and if yoncome oricV ; y'dtt will to sure .to come, twice —yea, thrice, or haif-atdozen; timer. • v Don’t forget the place ' NO. 1, UNION BLOCK, '■ Weilahoro, June 1. 1864. JOHN'E, BOWEN. September j list, 1863. . FRQM 'THIS DATE,. FOR READY PAY ONLY! CUSTOM BOOTS AND SHOES; Leather, 4 Findings, &c. . GASH PAID FOR HIDES, PELTS, DEER ; ‘SKINS AND FURS. FRANKLIN,SAYS; 1 “When you’have anything to advertise, tell the public of it in plain, simple language." ■ lam manufacturing good custoni made Boots and Shoes which.l will sell $t fair prices, and only for READ Y PA Y. - Such work cannot he sold at as low rates per pair as eastern made slop-work, But it can and will h? enn BUSHELS of FLAX SEED wanted. for iv\J\J which the Highest Market Price in CASH will be paid. D. P. EGBERTS, Wellsboro, April'S, 1864. PUTT! A WINDOW GLASS at ROT'S DRUG STORE. SULPHITE 07 LIME Ihr preserving CIDER, at ROT’S DRUG STORE, i ;:'Vt Soldiers’Pay Bounty and Penuon Agency. u KNOXVILLE. TIOQA COVNTT P£X.\a The undersigned having been specially license v She United States Government to proenre the Back Pat, Bounty, and Pension of deceased aifd disabled soldiers, gives notice t i interested, that he has made arrangements nrh •?"* ties in Washington, by which he is able to or/'"' Back pay. Bounty and Pensions, in a vety short and that bo will give particular attsntlons to all ‘|°t’ claims that may be fcroaght to him. Beinv with oil the requisite Porms, Blanks, 4c., 4c he b superior advantages in this branch of business diers entitled to pensions, will find it to their si lage to apply to tho undersigned at Knoxville at”?' examining surgeon for Tioga County resides d». Also, Judge Case, before whom ail applications pensions may bo made. * : Soldiers enlisted since tho Ist of March 18$i • any kind of service. Naval or Military, who’ are j.-' 5 abled by disease or wounds, aro entitled to Pcndct*' All soldiers who servo for two years or duritVlc. war, should it sooner close, will ho entitled lAut Bounty, Also soldiers who have been wounded n battle, whether having- served two years or not ° entitled to $lOO Bounty. Widows of soldiers who j" or are killed are entitled to Pensions and tbs jin! Bounty. If there be no widow, then the minor chil Jren; and if no minor children, then the faih.,' mother, sisters, or brothers aro entitled as shore- Terms, moderate. I will be at my office on. Monday and Saturday c [ each week, to attend to this business. 1 July 15, 1563. Jy. r ‘ WM. B. SMITH, References : Wellsboro, J. F. DonaHion, Slor. .ff Stowell. Addison, N. Y., W. K. Smith. Waili! ington, D. C., Tucker and Lloyd. DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY. THE undersigned having purchased the well known Woolen Factory of Messrs. E. 4E, s Bowen on the Cowanesque River, two miles east of Knoxville, takes this method of informing the inhahl. tants of Tioga and adjoining counties that ho wiii manufacture wool by the yard or on shares to mt customers, into FLANNELS, CASSIMERE3, DOE-SKINS, DULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery has been thoroughly repaired sc i new machinery added thereto, also an improved aew wheel which will enable him to work the entire lot. son. He will pay particular attention to ; Roll Carding & Clotb Dressing, which will be done in the neatest possible maaotr having added one new Roll Machine, will enable hint to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance. Ha would farther say that he has carried on tbska.-i. ness in manufacturing wool for farmers in Brsd/ori and adjoining counties for the past twenty years; ha therefore esn warrant all work and satisfy bis comd mers, using nothing in manufacturing but getraico wool. JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, May 5,1863-ly. Insurance Agency. THE Insurance Company of North America bare appointed the undersigned an agent for Tioga County and vicinity. As the high character and standing of this Compa ny give the assurance of full proteetion to owners cf property against the hazard of fire, I solicit with cod- Science a liberal share of the business of the county. This company was incorporated in 1794. Its capital is $500,600, and itsiassesta in 1861 as per statement Ist Jan, of that year was $1254,719 81. CHAHLE3 PIATT, ... Secretary. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, ... President. Office [of the Company 232 Walant Street Philadelphia. Wm.Bnehler, Central Agent Har risburg, Pa, JOHN W. GUERNSEY, Agent for Tioga County, Pa, July 15, 1863. TO THE PUBLIC. I AM now prepared to manufacture, at my establish ment in Deerfield, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, Also, Ladies’ BALMORAL SKIRTS to order, either by the piece or quantity, to suit ns tomera. . JOSEPH INGHAM. I Knoxville, Jnly 15, 1863. I FILL m VINTER GOODS! . T. L. BALDWIN IS now receiving a large and well selected STOCK OP FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting In part of a General Stock of DET GOODS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, boots And shoes, Wooden) ware, &c., All of which wiil.be sold VERY LOW fbr BEADY PAT ONLY. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. All persons baying GOODS for READY FA F, Are respectfully invited to call and examine THE STOCK, As they are to be.sold at VERY tow PRICES. CASH PAID FOR WOOL. Tioga, Nov. 27, 1563. T. L. BALDWIN. PENSION AGENCY. TO SOLDIERS AND THEIR FRIENDS. THE undersigned baring bad considerable exp*' rience in procuring Pension Bounties and Back pay of Soldiers, will attend to all business in that lice entrusted to bis care with promptness and fidelity. ALL SOLDIERS discharged by reason of wound* are entitled to the $-100 bounty. Pensions, Bounties, and arrears of pay, collected by the undersigned. Persona wishing to confer with mo will please call or address me by letter at Bradford county, Pa. Charges reasonable. GEO. P. MONRO. Refers by permission to H. B. Card, County Treasurer, WeJUboro, Pa* D. P. Pomeroy, Troy, Pa. A.H. Spalding, Sheriff, Towaoda, Pa. [April I. GATLIN’S IMPROVED Fire and Water Proof Cement la the beat preparation la oao for mending broken artld’ 4 - soch as Glass, China, Crockery, Wood, Leather, Oroafl eDt? j Stone, Metal, Bone, Ivory, Pearl, Porcelain, in iact, most its/ broken article. Being perfectly ■white it will not tb© articles. It will stand all climates, and when tborocgw; dry, tho part to which it is applied will be as strcog ss1 ’ was before broken. Price 2d cehts per botfie. J. A. BOX, Agent for Tioga Cca- { J' Wellsboro, August 20,1503. Portable Printing Labelsfc&rdsaad Jflisls Newspapers. Poll tlons accompany each c °‘ 1 enabling a boy ten year* i* Circulars sent free- men shc4t» of Typo, Cuts, 4c-, C cents. Address ADAMS' PKBSS CO SI Park. Row, N. T-, and 3d J inc >ln St. Boston, Mass- January 27, 1864-ly. _ . Family dye colors at • HOY'S MUG STORE* CELEB VINEGAR at Bors lbxtg sx