T H E - A fi l 'J' A T O TL local aif d Ki&ciiL'ml; Pa. Vfcllsboro. Wednesday, Oct. 19, lS>i< PUBSIDESTIAF- EtEJCTICft v- l'/ , ’ JOHN W. FORNEY | % rfl a ,Uie'f a MAS? MEETING at f.o, giXUKDAIVOct. 29, at 2 o'clock, P. SI. . F.ALLY REPUBLICANS 1 C<.p£* L. Boiune. Co.- A 149th P.V., is hp£ I nu f . :K leave. He returns to Washington in a Viirastc Suckling Colt. —Sheriff Stowelf lid a mekliitg colt to 0.. H. Wood, Esq.,' j, on Iccriey, for the snug little sum of £2OO. T£ colt ws out of the famous “ Hembleloniac, Jr.’V tmed trMr.-Weod. So much for '*• blood.*' .V.-’ ' -Oditcaut. —Mr. Martin V. Lovell, non of *.'r? Ol iver Lovell, Of Rutland, in this county,' fell f < iftliy *oonded.in a skirmish with the rebels near. . i into, od the 20th of August last. He was one of o J «ch- B ent from the 7th Penn'a. Cavalry* sent ou r?de itroy tho enemy’s communications, r juita tLd Macon, The attack was a daring one, ajs t(ar :ng me** were selected for the work. 1 4 tT Martin Lovell was a brtfte and faithful . .flier cud fell universally regretted by bis cpmnifl'* JRs ttine will be remembered, aa-one more addei < 'the roll of heroes who gave their lives for'their <,t ftry eci'Pix Death.-—Miss Cabbie Barbee, l, t'd 36 lean, tiicd at the residence of her- tester at : , ;pox-, ville. in this county, on the 13th inst., unde finite „ngukr eircuinstanca. Miss Barker retired t h her ruotn on thp night of the 12th inst. apparo ; ~y ill ber usual health and spirits, at usual bcdlime morning her sister nent into the room to on jAier to a late breakfast and found her insensible, all i -upon the table on empty three or four ounce vial i 1' ipjed, Paregoric. Medical aid was immediately o o-l ped tut they tailed tb rally her from her stupor litf.she. died in the afternoon. ' t-* i The deceased had been for years troubled, aith severe neuralgia and had been in the prf of taking opiates to quiet the pain, and the ph .islnns decide that her death eras caused by an over of Paregoric.' . Mil- A. E. Niles, of the Veteran R« , sires, .stationed at Point Lookout, Sid., battalion is guarding 10,000 rebel is borne on aviait to his family. lie anywhere is a marked change in the’ language ear ing of the prisoners brought in from tW- ’ Jen andoah Valley, fruits of Sfieridon’s vi#’ des. They have lost their defiant air, and adn * jhat they are played out. This is;a eignifioaii feet. When the rank and file lose confidence i'-.lbeir cause the rebellion cannot bo ranch long- tained. This ought to nerve every loyi tnan to renewed effort in this campaign, with the traitors’! Muster Soil Co. A, 207th Hegimen. V. HtADQUABTER! 207tB'P. V' _ \ Nfar Petersbcbo. Va., Oct. 4, IEG, } Ff.'cMi Coeb : Please to.lr.sert the follow : : hist of OEivrs iuid privates of’Company A, 207 , iegl uent P. V., from Tioga County, and you will ■ jatly ol!i-e the members of that Company and fr' Is-at beme- * - Officers, BACKER, Roseville/ « Ittl-.eut mint —J. M. Yovse, Pojth ‘Creek ; :i Lieutenant—Ynos. Doud, Alamsburg. Sergeants. ht—Eugene Rich; . 4ib—Wesley 33. ft r *6lds, ''l-. r»a- L. Morgan, 6ih—William i ci—ti.urlci Shepard.,. ," i COBPOHALS- jb* .•V—Btnj. phcnhan, • sth—Dayid Hulslj f er, *d—Oscar-Rounsville, ,6th—Lyajas MeC-i \ t :3—M J rtfi-rEagete Wee . 4th—lsaac Wwudburn, ' Privates, !.,»■ Anii a*. Jaton Hairi?, Jaitt.-AsUcrait, NalhacUnisri/, Ina-.r Allen, * Abner Knapp, Fe'ry Avery, GeolTKnapp, ! >•• ? css; a Alexander, Ira Knapp, • ••:?Vtea Arirus, Charlt-s W KeUj, X Ir.i'uuder ‘Ayre?, Goo Knapp, - jr '^ A-.-’eph H Austin, Joseph A Lott,, v' , Benjamin B<.otb, ✓- John Mansfield, *j/r Lewis Barrett, . ' * Joseph Minturn,- ' v ./unto Baker, J 'John J. Miller, '£•. J?bn C Baker; .. - James Ncnhup, : I'eicr Benjamin, • • Jonathan Nelson/, *» - a H Dlakcsly, , Harvey. Owen?, * IVm Bailey, * Aga Osg6od, 5 r.iyai Baker, David L Phillips,- A 'rxan Cramer, Smith Palmer, 1 * '•iXqrc C'loman, . . Charles Putcrhaug •£_ Henry B Clink, Charles Petty, * . Oe.r t c Collin s , Wo Ronnaville, * . . S«Dcn B Chesly, Hiran/Eoblver, V Jtxes ? Carr, Clinton Reynold,- Orrt-n L Campbell, John J Smith, ' V - •"* . \V Conly, ‘ "■ Daniel Swartwood/- David pounatle, A C Sturdevsnt, • John Cur,uln”ham, . “ Zenos J 3 -Smith,. Claries B Card, _ John Sntton, Jr Daniel Doty, John F Smith, -* ' liter/-Evans, Charles L Stage, F.-jgerton, David W Stone,' \ . ■ George C Fellbugh, Nehemfah B Stmi'" ' Jutun Pafseu, Win H Smith* , f', V Orren p F.irr, Allen J Tlcknor, I U A Gustln, 'Horace Ihorp, Dices GoiJon, George Vanness, \ •- Garden, 'Alfred Wooster, G< tt, * William ; Jchn Gordon, f Isaac Yofcng, Chtrlee L iiinev, ■ , Reuben Yale, * Charlc; li-uMandcr, . fV&nkUn H Brink- 1 J'-bri H-.rc?, ‘Wm-Beardsly, -\J“_ bsjlarc Kurtly, Henry C - hsrry Id U.iii, Ebcneser Bronson' Horton. * Gideon Cornell, * ,vV • lluViander, Marlon S Cleveland v - A «t.s C llowhnd, * .• In ill f.ne hundred and loreocnliftcd msi ’ ’osides ctxmUtioDcd officers. fYours truly, - . Elwee Backcr, CaptL-A. meetings to be heed ItarnßET, on'd J.B. Jfttis. Esq. ./iHa'd the of this county at tßc follow ? limes place?: ; 1 • UTVp,n- CEVILLE _ Monday DigJlt ; ‘fot ; )er - 24. Tuesday night, October T 5. '‘ - —Wednesday night, October 26.- ; , —Thursday night, October . —Friday night, October 2' ' , ' I'EsTl'lELD—Saturday .night, October i *l.- a^l^'sVlLLC —Monday night, October & \ - ' bAlS23_(v crm jij. oa * g ) Tac&ddy night, V' r. !.■ 'Y>LLf?BOR0 —Wednesday-night Nov. , Nor. 2, - --HELD—Friday night, Nov. 4. • “ ** night, Nor. 5. ; fes?rs. J o nx I. MrrcnEix, and (', o. M. £ P«, v:iil hold meetings as follows \ ' Mitcheli'g Creek— Thursday nigUt, (-’’ J. 20/ Hammond School Qouee—(Middlebft -til tVi % night, Oct. 21. : ; ! , Tio|&—SatnrdBy night, October 22. '. ' ; - H. Smith, and J., B. Niles, Er U,will- Mress the citizens of Chatham at the ijjtels’ ! “00l House, Friday night, Catcher 5 ■ also, the citizens 61 Middlehory, *t f seifey ™e ' Saturday night, October '22. '■ *' ? r Mw ' A. E. Niles, and SJ. H 7 .Oo * ’■ * i* - 1 - * JS uisszsv: boid ia meeting "at StarkV Corners, Cbntfcnn, Saturday nigbt October 22. 1 f Also, at tho Welelv-School House, Charleston, Monday night,.;Ociober 24. Meetings will l>e held in-Morris,, Liberty, snion;f Ward, Sullivan, Richmond, Rutland and Jackson, of notice will be given by! posters. *- ' 1 , jfcp Libertt Union League. —The Union men ef Lib erty met and organized a League on the first of October, with the Lollcftung officers ; President—Chablbb P. Veil. Vice President—Wtt. Pulkcrson. Tlee. A. Veil. . Cor. Socrejtary—David Halhbono. Treasurer—Wm. Narbcr; A stfnds us a~ekfetch of the'ineetiDg bold at the Block- House by the Vallandighamnicrs on Monday evening, 2d. last., also of tho Union, meeting by. Meslrs.Humphrey and Niles on the night following. The sketch caste too lato.for our last pa per, It seems that n proposition waa. made by the Union men to unite the meetings, both being ap pointed to be befiTon'the same evening. ; The Cop* . peris refused to .divide the time. The Union men then postponed their meeting until the following day," nnd attended the Vallandigham meeting en masse. Tubes Vallandighammers attended the Union meet ing next evening. We agree with our correspondent that modern democracy would not bear the test of discussion. Down Go THfc Pbices.—l t am now selling my entire stock of Dry Goode.at greatly reduced prices ta correspond-with the reduction in-the wholesale rates. We are selling all kinds of Prints, Sheetings, Shirtings, DeLcices, Alpacas, Mohairs, Scotch Plaids, Merinoes, Balmoral Skirts, Ac., at a redaction in prices of from 15 to 50 per cent, making a vast differ ence in the cost of those necessary goods. I shall follow the New York rates on goods, giving my cus tomers as many bargains to choose from as can be found ip this* county. Customers will do well to se cure such goods as they need while they are to be bad at such reasonable rates. J. A. Pabsons, Oct. 12-3 t. No. 3, Concert Block,. Corning, N. Y. r-V SPECIAL-,. NOTICES. Important To Females.- r DK, CHBESEMAN’S PILLS. I The. combination, of ingredients in these Pills is the result of a long -and extensile practice. They are mild in their operation, and cannot do harm to the most delicate;, certain in correcting all Irregularities, Painful Menstruations, removing all obstructions, whether .from cold of'olherwise. headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the beck and limbs,* Ac., disturbed sleep, which Arise from interruption of nature. DB. CHEESBOTAW’S PILLS was the commencement of a new era li| the treatment of and obstructions consigned so many to a'PREMArt'RE orate. No female can enjoy good' health unless she is regular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health begins to'decline. Those Pills form the finest preparation ever put forward with IMME DIATE and persistent success. Don’t bo De ceived* ‘Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that yon scant the BEST and most RELIABLE FEMALE MEDICINE IN THE T VORLD, which is com prised in these. Pills. DR. CHEESEMANS PILLS have been a Standard Remedy for over thirty years, and are the most effectual one ever known for all complaints pecu liar to Females. To all classes they are invaluable, inducing, with certainty , periodical regularity* They or© known to thousands, who have used them at different periods, through out the country, having trie sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians in America. Explicit directions.stating when they should nolle wed, with each Bos—fbe Price One Drlhr per Box, or 0 Boxes, for $5, containing from 60 to 60 Pills. own Pills sent ly mail,promptly, secure from observation, by to the Proprietors, or any Agent. ££* SOLD BT DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. " "HUTCHINGS & HILLVER, Proprietors. 81 Cedar St,, New York Sold in IVellsboro. by JOHN A. HOY. y In Tioga, by .n. H. BOUDEN. . , / In Lawrcnccville, by_W t G. MILLER. . March ii3,18&4-ly. „ A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. SWALLOW two or three hogsheads of " Bucbu/ ,f TonioHUters/' “ Sarsaparilla/' t( Nervous An tidotes/’ &c.; Ac. 1 , &<*., and after you are satisfied with the result, then-try-eno box-of OLD DOCTOR BU CHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC be' restored to Health and rigor In less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their-effects on the broken-down and, •battered constitution. Old and younegan-take them with advantage. Imported and the United State* only by JA'S. S. BUTLER; No. 427 Broadway, New York,- . Agent for the United States. R^S.—A B oft of the Pills, securely packed, will be mailed to any address on receipt of price, which la OKIT DOLLAR/post paid—money refunded by the Agent if entire satisfaction Is not given, .July 2?; 1864~3m. - j FEMALES! FEMALES 1 FEMALES Use that Safe, Pleasant Remedy known as HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUOHU. For all Complaints incident to the Sex. No family should be without it; and hone will when once.trled by them. It ia-used BY XQUNG AND OLD. In the decline .or change pf life, before and after Carriage during and after confinement, to strengthen the Nerves,restore Nature to Its Proper channel, and invigorate the Broken down Constitution, from what ever cause-origin atlng f ‘ USE-NO MORE WORTHLESS PILLS! . . TTanb HELMBOLD'S extract buchu. See Advertisement in another column. Out out, and semTforit. * [Sept. 28/IS6I-lm.] ~ Editor 'of Agitator: .Dear Sib:—With your permission I wish to aajr to the readers of your paper thfht I will send, by re turn mall, all who wish it l (freo), a Recipe, with full direc.Hcms for making and using a simple Vegeta ble Balm, that will effectually remove, in ten days, Pimple?, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the'Skfn, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth aud beautiful I-will also mail-free to those having Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions ans information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, jor a Moustache, In less than thirty day?. • 1 - All applications answered by return mail without charge. ' Respectfully ytfurs, » • THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, 631 Broadway, New York. July 27, 186-»-3m. The confessions and experience of an-tn VALlD.—Published lor the benefit, and as a CAUTION TO TOUNO-UEN, and others, who suffer from Nervous Dc- Witty, Premature Decay of Manhood, ic., supplying at the same time-THE MEatts or Ssir-Coai. By one who has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. By. en closing a postpaid addressed envelope single copies may be bad of the author- ’ NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., . June 1, ISC4-ly. Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. T. OYOU WISH TO BE CURED I DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH' EP.ECIFIC PILLS enre, in-less than 30 days,, the worst cases of Nervousness.--Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Affections, no mat ter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post paid, by mail, on receipt of an order. One Box will perfect the cure in most cases. . Address JAMES S. BUTLER,.. General Agent, 427 Broadway, New York. July 27, ISC4-3m: TO CONSUMPTIVES. ' Consumptive sufferers will' receive a valuable pro scription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis! and' all throat “and Lung affections, (free of charge,) by sending their address to - , ' Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, , Williamsburg, Kings Co., Nbw'Tork. .Sept-21,1804-3®. . v ;• LEFT the premises of the subscriber at Farming ton- Hill—foOr- -Calves —one- 6patted,-rad and white; tho other three; rod. Any one giving .infor mation of . thaire. wbcrt&bouts will bo liberally re -wardedv ; ELISHA-BOULEtt i ..'Panhiagton-Hill; r=r-'-: ESTRAY. yffE TIOG Ay'C’Olf NTT' A G IT ATO R. ' Loan. THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY gives .notice that subscriptions will be received -for Coupon Treasury Notes', payable three years from August 15,.18C4, with semi-annual interest at the rate of 7-310ths per cent, per annum, —principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. Theap notes will be convertible at the.option of the holder at maturity, into sis per cent, gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twen ty Years from their date, as the Government may elect, 1 They will be issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5/000, and rail subscriptions must bo for fifty -uollfire or seme multiple of'fifty dol lars. " The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of Deposit as they can be prepar ed. '. 1 As tho notea draw interest from August 16, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interestiaecrued from dale of note to date of deposit. Parties' depositing $25,000 or upward_for- ; theao. notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of one-quarter of one per cent, which will be.paid by ■the Treasury Department upon receipt of bill Tot the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the de posit was made.. pNo deductions for pommissions mnst.be made from deposits.. , I Special, Advantages'of tuts Loan. It is a National Savings Bank, offering a higher rate of interest than .any other, and the but Security. Any Bavings Bank which pays its depositors In ti. S. Notes, considers that it is paying iu the but circula ting medium of the country, and it cannot payin-any thing better, for its own assets are either in govern ment securities or in notes or bonds payablo in gov ernment paper. It is equally convenient as a permanent or tempo rary investment. The notes can always be dold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated inter est, and are the best security with banks as collater als for discounts. Convertible into a 6 per cent 5*20 Gold Bond. In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for the cur* aent rate for 5-20 Bonds is not less than nine per cent, premium, and before the war the premium on United States stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this lean, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent per Annum. Exempt from State or municipal Taxation. But aside from all the advantages we have enumer ated, a special Act of Congress exempts all Treasury notes and bonds from local taxation.. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent per an num, according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country. "* It is believed that no securities offer so great induce •meets to lenders as those issued government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or-ability of private parties, or stock i companies, or separate communities, onljr, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of tho country is held to secure the discharge of all the obligations of the United States. While the government offers the mest liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of'(Be people.. , Duplicate certificates will be Issued for all deposits* The party depositing must endorse upon' the original certificate the Trustees. ;SNOQH M. STEER, J Osceola, Ang. 17, 1863-tf. AUDITOR’S NOTICE. THE undersigned appointed an Auditor to distri bute the proceeds arising from the sale of the real estate Of Simon H. Landis, will attend to the da ties.of said at his office In Wellsboro,‘ op tbeTKth-day o”ctober next at one o'clock P. Mi , M. F. ELLIOTT, Auditor. Wellshoro, Sept. 21, 1884, THE BOABDMAN, OKAY & CO. .Pkl A N.Q F.P R TES. THE undersigned is selling these superior instru ments at the very lowest retail prices, made with .the Insulated Iron Rim and Frame (cast in one solid a.- They excel all others in durability, snperior tono, and elegance of external appearance. Large cites, rich Rosewood cages,, elegantly fin ished, heavy powerful tone, 4c. .SMALL PARLOR PIANOS, full round mellow tons—easy and elastic touch ele gant add ornamental in appearance. All these instruments are finished with all large round corners; front end back alike; (center Pianos) and are-made of materials carefully selected and pre pared.''Every Piano warranted to-give perfect sat -isfaction. ... Send for Circulars and address I. G. HOYT. OsoCola, Sopt 21; 1864. [feblTly.] MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED.—Jest pub llabed', a now edition of Dr. Oulverweir* Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermator rhoea, or. iemtnal Weakness,, Involuntary Seminal 'Losses, Impoteacy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to ilemago, etc»: also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fite, Induced by seif-lndulgenco or sexual extravagance. Price, fn a seated envelope, only 6 cents. This celebrated author In this .admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the alahnlug consequences of solfabuso may be radically cured without the dangerous use of Internal medicine or the application'©? the knife—pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may euro himself cheaply,privately,-and radically. Lecture should be in tho bands of every youth and every man in the land. 1 Sent, under leal, In a plain ennelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address tbe publishers. CHA.3. J. 0. KLINE A CO., Juno 15, ’54-ly. 127 Bowery, New York, P. O. box 4580. - Executor’s Notice. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the subscriber on the estate of L. D. Rumsey, late of Sullivan township, deo’d, notice is hereby given tpjhpse indebted tomoke immediate payment, and those having claims to present them properly authenti cated for settlement 1 to AMANDA RUMSEY, Oct. 12, 1864-6t* Executrix. Executors’ Notice. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to to the subscribers on the estate of John Good- of .Knoxville, decM, notice la hereby given to those indebted to make immediate payment and those havhig claims to present them properly puthen ticatod ftfsettletoent to JOHN GOODSPEED. Knoxville, ) p -> • ' CHARRED QGODSPEED, 'Wcktfleld, ] ****• SepU-2e, ISC4-6t* . - . " FLINT CHIMNEYS, extra qtfftiity for iKerosine Eampr, Jtist rocolrod &t ,- rr-.-. . HOY’S DRtJG STORJS, >/'i ~ ] THE INHERENT. DISPOSITION OP MANKIND, , LEADS DIM TO PURCHASE TH E NECES S A RIE S, ‘AS WELL AS SHE LUXURIES OF LIFE, A T--THE Lowest Possible Prices; AND SINCE THE “Almighty Dollar" HAS BEEN STYLED THE SOUL OF MAN, IT TAKES But Ordinary Understanding TO COMPREHEND THE TRUE TALUE AN. ESTABLISHMENT, TEAT FURNISHES A COMMUNITY with a large variety of SEASONABLE MERCHANDIZE, AT UNIFORM LCfW RATES. When Ferine A Co. located their establishment in Troy, it was tor the express purpose of furnishing the public with goods at SUCH PRICES AS COULD NOT FAIL ATTRACTING PURCHASERS. We will allow the public to judge of their success. Mr. E. P. FERINE, WHILf! THANKING THE PUBLIC FOR PAST FAVORS, f WOULD SAT, THAT NO EFFORT SHALL BE WANTING ON HIS PART, TO Qerit a Continuance OF SAID FA V OR. HE NOW - HAS A LARGE STOCK MERCHANDIZE FOR THE FILL 11 WINTER TRIBE PROBABLY LARGER -i THAN CAN BE FOUND IN THIS OR Adjoining Counties, which! the public Are invited EXAMINE A T SUCH PRICES AS CANNOT (wo have the boldnex to affirm) BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. HE BUTS BIS GOODS FOR CASH, AND SELLS POE, CASH. and the consumer gets the worth of his money. With quick Sales and light Profits, both Parties are enabled to realise the mine of the • NIMBLE . SIXPENCE. Jitter,"dot; s, 1864.- J... j, :J ,1 T ! ~^ DISEASES RESULTING FROM ARE CURED BY HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS, HATE AND DO GIVE BETTER SATISFACTION HAVE MORE RESPECTABLE PEOPLE TO VOUCH FOR THEM? W* defy any One to contradict this Assertion, ,3?o any one that will product a Certificate published by na that li not cmm. HOOFLANITS GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE'EVERY CASE OF Chronic or NerVont Debility, Dis ease of the Kidneys, and Diiea* ■es arising from a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS, Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive - I Organs: fll . Constipation, Inward Piles, Fnlnesse or Blood to the Head Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flatter* terlng at the Pit of the Stomach, Swiaxmingof the Head, Bar- Harried end DUBcalt ; Breathing, Flutter- I log at the Heart; I Choking or a Suffocating Sen- 1 satlons when in a lying posture. Dimness of "Vision, Dots or Webs be fore the Sight, . Fever and Dull Pain Pain in the Head, De ficiency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Byes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs. Ac., Sud- den Flushes of Heat, Burning In the Flesh, Con stant Imaginations of Evil, and great Depression of Spirit*. CONTAIN NO RUM OR WHISKEY, THE BEST TONIC, from the Key. Leri. G. Beck, Pastor of the. Biptlst Church Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Baftlst Church Philadelphia. • • * * i hare known Hoofland’s German Bitters favorably for a number of tmm I hare used them in my own family, and hare been so pleased with their effects that I was induced to recommend thorn to many others, and know that tpaey bare operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. Mike great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this feet, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the diseases for which they are recom mended, to these Bitters, knowing from experience that my recommendation will be sustained. Ido this more cheer fully as Hoofland’s Bitters is Intended to benefit the afflicted, and is »• not a rum drink.” Yonrs tmly 1 hfifl G. BECK. From Hot. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the Encjclo- pedla of Religions Knowledge, Although notUfiposed to favor or recommend Patent Med Icine* in general, thrcnghdlstrnst of their ingredient* and effect*, I vet know of no sufficient re&jons why a man may not testify to the benefit* he believes himself to have re ceived from any simple preparation, In the hope that he may tbna contribute to t):c benefit of others. 3 I do this the more readily In regard to Hooflande German Bitten, prepared by Dr. 0. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the Impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture X am Indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Eso, for the remoral of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encour agement to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. Iho use of three bottles of these Bit ters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by BTident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and bad almost despaired of regaining. I tborefere thank God and my Mend for directing mo to the use of them PBUAisuaii, Jura 20,1861. J. NEWTON BEOWN. From the Rev, Jos. n, Kennard, Pastor of the 10th Ban* tit Church. r Dr. Jackson Dear Sirl have been frequently request ed to connect my name with commendation! of different kind! of medicine! bnt regarding the practice as ont of ay appropriate sphere, 1 have In all cases declined; but with a clear proof in various instances,and particularly in my fern jly, of the nsefalnes* of Dr. Hoofland's German Bitter*; I depart for once from my usual course, to express my foil conviction that, for general debility of the system and espe» cially for liver Complaint, it is a safe and valuable prepara tion. In some cases it may foil; but usually,! doubt not. it will bo very beneficial to those who snffer from the above cause. Tours, very respectfully, J. H. KENNARD, Eighth below Coatos Street, Philadelphia. ; From Ear. Warren Randolph, Pastor of tbs Baptist Church; Germantown, Penn. Dr. C. M. Jackson Dear Sir Personal experience ena bles me to say that I regard the German Bitters prepared by you as a most excellent medicine. In cases of severe cold and general debility I have been greatly benefited by tbe use of the Bitters, and doubt not they will produce effects on others. Yonrs, truly, WARREN RANDOLPH, Germantown, Pa. From Rev, J. H.Tuniqp, Pastor of Bedding ME.Church. Philadelphia. * Dr. Jackson;—Dear Sir Having used your German Bit* tars In my family frequently, I am prepared to eay that it ha* been of great service. I believe that in most cases of general debility of the system It is the safest and most val uable remedy of which I have any knowledge. Toura, respectfully, J.H. TURNER. ' N0.726N. Nineteenth Street. From the Eer.J. M. Lyons, formerly Pastor of tbs Cdum * bus (N. J.) and Mlltstown (Pa.) Baptist Churches. ...... _ Now Hochella, N. T. Br.C.M. Jackwn;—Boar Sir;—lfeol It a pleasure thus, of my own accord, to boar testimony to the excellence of tha Oeman Bitters. Some year* since being mnch afflicted with mpepoa, I used them with Ttry beneficial results. I hare often recommended them to pereons enfeebled by that tor* meeting disease, and haeo heard from them the meet flat* taring testimonials as to their great value. In cases of ««a* enl debility, 1 believe it tobe