the agitato;!. AWD .StisCXl'XiliAZn !OUB. Wells boro. Wednesday, Kept, 21, f 104. . New Advertisements, S Cardl-g oui Cloth Dreeing —J, I. Jackson ; yji Soardnau, Gray & Co. Piano Fort 1— so?*- ’ “ y{. ; a. .Vo.'cu—Joseph Guiles. _ L [.;v,’r }■ *ur' —M. F. Elliott, Auditor. rjir'.o! Xot.ce —J. A. Parsons. ' Inhering Ebtahlithment, Belling and p* \eys for Si\t~ E. Bayer. ' ' ‘ i . r :' REPUBLICAN :*> ‘ MASS MEETING'i!I- Gov. PIERiEBOHT, of % 4., -AND ■ et Col. F. m6ftT* 6 f Tiskaburg, Miss., 'will speak In V. - - D?.T cn WEDNESDAY EVENING, 28th tost ‘f - - They will be present at a Grand Hass il teling to It held at . \ j WELLSBOBOk c t THURSDAY, Sept. 29th, at 12 o’clock {.'. RALLY AROUND THE FLA^V We are requested to give' notice that tlj ; peers of tte M. E. Church in this borough trill be j tnted on friday evening. Saptember 30. ’ 1 Persosal.— Our friend j, I. Mwill bee that ttc matter referred to in his letter is edjurjiJ. W« fuity agree with him in sentiment. , , ■ Wr are under obligations to Mr. Georg. } •; Mason, ot Lawrenceville, for favors. A few such a live'man in every district would revolutionize any , oumy iu tie SUM. ' . ’ ■ 2CTTa P. V. —This netv regiment, Col. I ix com manding, has left Harrisburg and !»• not' City Point, Vu. This regiment has three Con junies of liogn men in its orgnization.. It will do it« duly. llissnsw Uwos League.—The Unitr imen of Mansfield assembled on Saturday 'eveniag'-ltet and organized a Union League with the followin, ‘lffioers : President—A J. Ross. ' ’ Tice Presidents—G. W. King, L. K. Spe'tctir. ' F.eo. Secroturj—Albert Clerk. _ , Cor. Secretary—Dr. C. V. ill licit. f* Ihc names of the Committees have notna. bed us. Car friends in. hfansfield will do their whol-3 1 duty, We can asspre our friend Prof. F. A. Alien, of the Mansfield School, that we are “neither dead-nor sleepinghat wide awake for the fight, 2-Ihe omis sion nllnded to was inadvertent nnd win ’tut occur again. We acknowledge that ' but a spote in the wheel of the universe. ■, ' We areHlso glad to learn that the Norma. fell—or nearly so—there being 140 scholai«--oandi detes for pedagogio honors. And that 'tsvel.ty ladies from Chester, Delaware, and Philadelphia iboald be among the number is somewhat csompli nentary to onr worthy friend. It also is ['iievidcnce cf Ihe good eenso of the ladles of that regijn. Legislative Conference, ’f We, the undersigned Conferees appointee!!to nomi oeu Candidates for election to. represent ho .Conn lies of Tioga and Potter in the next Aesem. Uy of Pennsylvania, hereby agree npoW nomihate end recommend for such office, John W. riCERSSEV, E,q.,of Tioga, in the-County of Tioga; riay. Arthur ■6. (Rested, Esq., of Coudersport, in the- County of Palter, O. H, Seyuodb, r ' 1 Joes Robikbok, I ( i . f - .Z. J. Thompsos, p 5 J. M. Kiluoubse, J Ccadcriport, £ept. 11, T 864. ;■ lot Deerfield Aid Society forwarded U. S-. Sanitary Commission; Sept.v8 r hox No. 2~o6rtainicg the foilcwlng article?: i. * T* - ’ 4 feather pillows, 2 wobl pillows, 2 hofk-p'lloiFs, T tew double wrappers, 2 new single 3 ring ctufiicn?, 1 rol. Agitator, 1 roll cloths, I 2 pil low cases, 10 handkerchiefs,-“4 towels, 23 vMIm banda ge!, 1 shirt, I can apple butter, 2 fcatbJt cushions, 25 lbs. dried apples, & packages dried bag dried corn, 3 quilts, 1 package papers and "books, 1 6 pwriuew drawers.- »• , Loot Mooue Hotchkiss, orHp£ uationab ueitioDß of the day. Enter ez-Csptainr, than oh "L , increased vain* from and -'!*% i* Unable. % ■ ' k* v^? 8051 dressing the cloth Is hew, under the Lr/r lb “ te return allanch cloths so flrdisod by him, ’ fty tb» tar thtreep. h?t» alloy jeptpcptlsct -.' A . all such Uses be has paid, of the owner or owners or parties to whom, the goods were delivered. - - Tbe'persofc finishing tbo goods mnsfc estimate their value, according to the best of bis judgment, where there are no actual sales of the goods by which their value can be dotcimined, and make bis returns ac cordingly. If, however, the Assessor has reason to believe that such goods are undervalued ho may put his own estimate upon them. All such goods, however, have a market Taluk, and there can be no difficulty, practically, in fixing tho value for purposes of taxation. ■ Yours, Respectfully, - J. I. Jacksok. Esq., Joseph J. Lewis, 'SVellsboro, Tioga Co.. Pc. Commissioner. APPOINTMENTS. \ H. W. Williams wUI speak at Dartt Settlement thif evening. , Wm. and M. H. -Cobb will Address the citizens of Delmar at the .Broughton School House this evening. Messrs. Wm. H* Smith, Q. W. Williams and M. H. Cobb will address the citizens of Charleston at the Bound Top. School House on Thursday evening. - Messrs. H, \V. Willtataa and J. B. Niles will'ad dress the citizens of Chatham on Friday evening. Messrs. Wm. H. Smith and M. H. Cobb will speak at the Osborn School .House, Stony Fork, on-Friday evening. MARRIED . On tho -28th alt., by M. H. Brooks, Esq., ADDI SON GERMAN, of Lawrence Township, to MAR THA WASHBURN, of the same place. On the 2Sth alt., by M. H. Brooks, Esq., WILSON, MACK, of Nelson Township, and DELIA BIRCH, of the same place. On the 11th inst., by M. H. Brooks, Esq-, HENRY HEQGERSTON, of Painted Post, N. Y., to-FIDEL IA BORST, of the same place. SPECIAL NOTICES. Important To Females. f J}R. CHBEsiMAN’S PSttS. /- .--The combination of ingredients in these Pills lathe result of a long end extensive practice. They ore mild in their operation, and cannot do Larin to the most delicate; certain in correcting all Irregularities. Painful Menstruations, removing all obatiuctlons, whether from, cold’or otherwise, headache, pain in the aide, palpitation of the heart, whites, ell nervous affections, hysteric?, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, Ac., disturbed sleep, which arise £rom ; Interruption of nature. DK/CHEESEMAW'S PILLS was the commencement of a new era in tbs treatment of irregularities and obstructions which have consigned to many to a premature grave. No female can enjoy good health unless she Is regular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general.hcaltb begins to decline. These Pills form the finest preparaiibr. ever put forward with IMME DIATE and persistent success. Don’t be De ceived. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that you want the BEST and-mest RELIABLE FEMALE MEDICINE IN THE WORLD, which is com prised In these Pills. dr: cbeesemans rills have been a Standard Remedy for over thirty years, and ar* tbetßbst'effectual one-ever known for all complaints pecu liar jo -remold. To all classes they are Invaluable, inducing, .with -certainty, 'periodical rigidariiy. - - They are known to thousands, who have used them'at different periods,through out the country, having the sanction of sozno of the most eininwi Physicians in America. ■ Explicit directions.bating when they should nothe ?r. Jackson; —Bear Sirl hare been frequently request euto connect my name with commendations of different kinds ot medicines but regarding the practice a* out of br appropriate sphere, I hare in all case*, declined; bat with • clear proof in ration* instsncea.and particularly In my fkm rty, of the usefulness of Dr. Hoofiand’s German Bitter*, X depart for once from my usual course, to express nr foil conviction that, for general debility of the system aud etp*. daily for Liver Complaint, it is a a&fe and raluable prepare* tlon. In tome cases It may fail; but usually,! doubt hot. It will he very beneficial to these who suffer from the above cause. Tours, very respectfully, J. H. KSNNABD, Eighth below Coats* Street, Philadelphia. From Ear. Warren Randolph, Pastor of the Bap Hit Church ’ Germantown, Penn! 9 »r. 0. M. Jackson Dear Sir:—Personal experience ena hl«» nxe to »oy that I regard the German Bitter* prepared by you as a most excellent medicine. In case* of sorer* cold and general debility I hare been greatly benefitted by the use of the Bitters, and doubt not they win produce dnrilar effect* on other*. Tours, truly, WARREN RANDOLPH, Germantown, Pa, From Bex, J. H. Turner, Pastor of Heddlng M. E. Church' Philadelphia. * ’ Br. JackionDear Sir:—Haring used your German Bit ten in my family frequently, I am prepared to say that tt has wen of great service. I believe that in meet com* of general debility of the system It Is tho safest and most val uahle remedy of which 1 bare any knowledge. Tours, respectfully, J. h. TUBNZS. No. 72® N. Nineteenth Street. From thefter.J. 3f. Lyons, formerly Paster of the Colum* bus (N. J.) and Milestown (Pa.) Baptist Chnrche*. Dr.C.M. JacksonD«ar SirlfeS of my own accord, to boar testimony to the excellence of tbe Goman Bitter*. Some years since being much *fth. Dyspepsia, I used them with vary beneficial malt*. 1 have often recoznmoaded them to persons enfeebled by that tor* mealing disease, and have heard from them the most fat taring testimonials as to their great value. la coses of n» oral debility, 1 bcliove It to be a tonic that cannot be tur* j. M. LYOS9. PRICES. Large Size (holding nearly double quantity,) a „ Q . „ SI 00 per Bottle—half dot. $5 00 Small Site—“s oebta per Bottle—half dos. (< 00 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I ,9«e that the Slgnatarc of «C. ffl. JACKSON” Is on the WRAP PER ol each Bottle. Shonldfyonr heawt druggiat not haTo'tho artloli. la Bat bo put ofr by any of tho latoilcatlag praparatlono that art bo offered in It. place, but send to ui, and are will fortran! MCnwly paohad by express. Principal Office & Mamtlhclory, NO. 631 ARCH STREET. JONES & EVANS. - (SneesMora to C. SI. JACKEOy 4 C 0.,) Proprietor*. Dw^ts “ d ***” iaewy town Jam e, i!6t tfcpt.9, ism*}