„ afflg cacra^t \ the agitatos. L 0 c A*. AMD MIBCEIiXtAtfi^OUS, Well*boro, Wednesday, Dept. 14. New Advertiaetnenta. • "> to VoUnteers— ;; Election Proclamation—SbciiS StoneU. . if I Ins Bounty Law, as published last b con-. ; ee j a material error. The tax to be l e r.cd by the second Section, mast bo levi'd upon I a ni personal estate, and not upon ' u iersonal ercrty - only, as'we printed it. We mate i the cor rc u= 3 I'lth lHc printed law before ua. \ »■ joris P. V.—lt gives ns much pleasure lo state (bnt most of the volunteers from Tioga Court i under tt« last call, have been incorporated, with tS I 207th jegt. P. V., with Mej. E. C. Cos for Coldjel, aryl Copt. T. A. Elliott for Major. Col. Cox «t'. Major tlllott will be found among- the very best cheers in lie service. Both true, and sterling men.' We re gret to lose our efficient County Superinteh ,ent, but t man who goes out for his country renderthe ut most of his energies for its welfare. ; : Thb following appointments have been 7tc Troy district, by the Genesee 31.35* Com trcnce ■ 'X.'B. Hunsos, Presiding Elder. Troy—O* J- Dubois. •*- Mftinsburg—E. Macwood. Charleston— G. Stratton. , TCeUsboroagb—J. Sbaw. Pine Greek—-J. Robinson. Knoxville —W. B. Piodler. Lawrencerille—TV’. Potter. , - Springfield —H. Lamkin, East Smitbfiold—J. A .‘'Swallow. Burlington —M. Coyles * Xowanda —EaWood. VTellseoeo Uxiok League.— The Leaine met parfnont to notice Saturday evening, 10th -! ist., and elected the following officers: President— Don. E. G. White.' : '■ Tice Presidents— A. Crowl, J. Emery. .; ' Recording Secretary—TTm. H. Smith, y ' Corresponding Secretary—M. H. Cobb. ' > Treasurer —L. Baohe. . " j The names of the Executive and Canvass eg Com isittecs hove not been handed in.- The Leaf (xeestab- Jisbed Saturday evening of each week as' ill Tegular, meeting night; Remember tie night " * Lawp.esceville Uufbs Leagub. —That-' ;.ionMen of LawrenccvHle, formed a Union Leagne’bnijaturday, evening, Sd inst., with the following officers* President— Hon. K. Wheeles. 4 Tice Presidents— T. Bi'Tompkms, Chas-1 akef. , Treasnrer—P. Hurd. Secretary— E. D, Wplla., •• Thd League agreed to meet weekly Satnr. jay eve-; lings, and specially as often as necessary;■ ■ The Secretary, Mr. Wells, writes ns that apeering was to be held at the Inscho School House,.un Mon day evening, and another will he held 'at ti’o Harris School House, on the Cowanesque, onPridaJ.evening, 16th Inst. - ( There will also be a meeting in one of tho JhnroheS ic Lawrenoeville, on Friday evening, whiof will be tddressed by Hon. B. B. Btrahgi'i ‘ ■ We congratnlate onr Lawrence friends vuonhav iog taken the lead in tho campaign. They'are fully evoke to the importance of. - the contest, ami weJock to see that region “ blossom as the rose,” i i (Jetober end November. " • - „ Tbe contents ot Box Nq,_4, of the South-Charles ton Relief Circle forwarded to tho ,U. 6. S in. Com. wore as follows: ‘ I- flannel shirtsjj pair flannel drawers, 1 J ,ir socks, 1 towel. 1 pillow, 1 bottle horseradish, I’bO le maple molasses, 14 pounds maple sugar. ; * , Box Noi a contained, 3 bedquilts, X I idtick, 5 pillows, 5 hop cushions, 5 pillow cases, 20 % Weis and washcloths, 2 shirts, 1 pair drawers, 10 p)r socks, 23 handkerchiefs, 120 rolls bandages, 1 pfco tage lint, 1 toll of linen, I roll cotton cloths, I caki. of mdplo sugar, 6 magazines. '. . , & Box No. 6, 8 bottle wine, 8 gallons blackberry hrandy, 1 bottle blackberry syrup, 8 pons ids, dried herries, and some dried apples. Jake M. H. Max , Sec’y, The Mainshurg and Sullivan Soldiers'' 4idi have sent two boxes to the VTomen’s Pa, Branch, lan. Com. since July Ist, containing : 17 pillows and cases, 11 .packages driec heries, 8 ■ quilts. 122 yards bandages, 3i lbs. mapi,. sugar, 8 rolls linen cloths, 242 rolls bandages, 1 pac Jge wash rags, Jo towels, 1 bushel dried -epplos, I? tdlS cotton, c'uihe, 10 shirts, 5 ring cushions, 6 pa'fß flippers, 7 sbe-ets, 3 palm loaf fans, 3 linen coats, hnndker* ch-ef?. 13 bottles blackberry brandy, Impair knit crershoos, 2 pair socks, 3 boxes black pepi ersr Mrs. B. ’K. Budijdag. Sec’y. I. 0. OF 0. F- * No. 274.—At a regular' session of Connglon Lodge of the Independent Of* or*of Odd Fellow?.-hold in their Hall.on Saturdn* Waning, Bept. 3d, 1864, the following preamble- resolu tions were ordered; 4 3Vhereas, In the divine government of our Heav enly Father, it has pleased him to remove our fra ternity, our beloved brother, Isaac B. Walker, who died In hospital, at Nashville, Tenn.> of chronic diar rhea, July 27, 1864. Oor beloved brother V&slker, left tis peaceful home to serve his 'country as a volunteer in Co. L. 7th Pa. Yol. Cavnhv, and has thus early by disease, fallen & sacrifice (o>bis coun try’« cause. Therefore, hfeoUsd, That we deeply feel the loss-<;f our*be- Uved brother, I. 3). Walker, who was an K Hive mem ber of our Order, whose band was‘always^’'pen to the woes and wants of others ] and whose hca£’. and. sense cf duty called' him fco present his life,- \ his coun try's shrine, in the hour of* her danger. Jitsc/jvetL,- That we truly-sympathize * ;lb‘ bis-be reaved wife and-parents, bis brothers and,usters, and ineadf, feeling that by his death, they. parted with one that was very dear to them and'iis. Jietohed, That these resolutions be published in the Agitator, nnd that a copy of -them ib presented to his wife and friends, and to'cach of «ai brothers in’ the army. By orderof the Lodge. G. M. BUTLE’I, N. G. V. 0. V.G* ’ lu. Pajcuix, Sec-y. —lf any of our re&deri have a de lire to see what can be done in the way * manufac turing lombor, we can commend themto.-Uop over at Williamsport for a few days. It .is safe fto eay that there are teveral square miles of il pine wc fds }> ,l stuck s p" along the river 'above WillfamßpoiJ ‘ nud other tuilcs in process of manufacture.- Probably no other- in Pennsylvania will-enter tbo ;tsts against Williamsport in the manufacture ofJumNr. . The traveler going north on the Elmi'vt road will notice on bis left, about a fail© above depot, the of an irnmenaa building. It i , growing up a beautiful grove of oa ’e, known as “Canfield’s Grove," as If by- magic. I/.is budding is U 6 fect Jtquare, will be (four VtoifeS l.'i height, rind *hen finished will bo seebnd,'only, in 4 i to, elegance to the -Continental. Hotel, of r tuladcTphTa. Williamrpart is to owe this noble impro' -tment to the enterprise of Peter HerdicVEsq.*. 'ho is never M utcnt with doing a common-place btf inesp. Tbe B *tel is to be pushed forward rapidly u til enclosed. hen finished tbe Philadelphia‘and "B-B. Co. erect a large and elegant new dejK . contignoap, travelers will be dinnered and sup; pred therenf in a dining Hall of mammoth Vise, iad a style that will not insult the stomach of tbe 1 angry. Hr. Perdic seems likely to carry tho town, mile op the r3fer in spite of opposition, and with a trect railway fr on the Court House to the new depot it will not be 10 tard a pulT aflerral: . ' ‘ ‘ We made, a: vitif’to the Bulletin 0 ice, where-wo hsd a cordial hand-shake with brotl Tts Kinsloe, and found- leisure* to admire bo excellent €«t-up of their establishment. They .arc the finest Job Office in Northern „ Pennsylvania, with three power presses, ruling machine, et ctUra. We found the proprietors extremely agreeable gentlemen, and worthy at' -the extensive patron&ge they receive, Tbe BulUiin xe, doing a good work. Rev. J. F. Calkins, writes to Mr. Isaiah Cole, con cerning the death of his son, a? follows: 41 Asher was one of the best soldiers in Co. A, 149th regiment. Always healthy, cheerful, content to do bis whole’duty uncomplainingly. Indeed, I had marked him as a pattern soldier, and had so told his Captain only ao long ago as Thursday, 18th August Last winter Asher was quite thoughtful on the subject of religion. I shall miss hinLvery much for. I ever .found him so cordial and faithful." —ln aP. S. Mr. Calkins says farther : " Lewis Earnest, a Germau- irom Babb's Creek, was severely wounded in the fight on the .Weldon Road, and 1 thinly cannot live. £To [other casualties -to soldiers from your vicinity." • > - ( —Lieut. A;W. Guernsey, Co, D* 16lh Pa. Cavalry, writes Mrs. Thomas J. Hollander, at Mainsburg, concerning the death of her husband in a fight with the rebels at Malvern Hill, in the month of July. . He •ays; *' 44 Ho was bravo, in that he shrank from no danger; he was prudent, in ihat be did not un&ecesaarlly ex pose themsen under him;:faithful., because ho did his whole duty. A brave soldier, a sincere Christian, an. honest man. What more*can I say ?" • - 4 , —C. I). Chapman, Battery A, 7th Pa. Light Artil lery) writes from the Army In front of Petersburg, under date of Sept. 2, as follows: “We have just heard of., tho nomination of Gen. McClellan. As soldiers we feel glad that they nomi nated him Instead of a stranger, for with a man well known on, the Democratic ticket, we feel, confident that the ra election of Abraham Lincoln will be an easy task. My chanee for conversation within the Army has been somewhat limited; hut frpm the best of my observation, I think Lincoln will get a fair majority in the Army of the Potomac. I took pains to canvass oar. Battery of over a hundred men, and among them aU I found only six in favor of McClel lan, and not a single one for Fremont; tbe the. Battery being for Lincoln ; every officer, commis sioned and uncommissioned, in the battery, and nearly all of the men are strong Lincoln men and will prove themselves snob at the ballot box. I know that the Democrats of the North tell-yon. that the soldiers want to see McClellan elected; but it is' only a re* hearsal of. the false doctrine which they are ever ready to teach to gain their ends. Let them not de lude-yon, friends of the Bepablic. Play well your part, and trust the soldier for theirs; they are capa ble of voting,-and next November will shoyrldthe world that we know with Whom to bust tho' guiding of the ship of Stats.” ' ;I \ —Jos. E. EamsdeU, of the same Batteipr" writes J- Shetwood; Esq., as follows: I “ I must give a littlelncident that happened to-day. here in our battery. The Johnnies pitched al2 pound shell into onr rifle pit; but it did not burst from some defect in the fuse. One of the boys picked it up, took out the fuse, poured out' the powder; and then took a short rope- and woubd a piece of white cotton cloth around-it; then took a small piece of paper and wrote a shprt note omit, and pat ft into the,shell. He then fastened one end of tbe rope into tbe fuse hole with a pine plug, and shot it back to ihem with our best re spects. I saw them go ont and pick U up; so I sup pose in about a couple of hours we will have the shell back’agaTn, but whether it will be as harmless asir was when we .shot it, or not, is more than X can tell-” Goon Books.— The following good Books areaow on hand and for sale at Toxme's Book Stoee, and will te sent to any address /ree of pottage, on receipt o the price : ’ Junius' Letters . -Si 00 Ellen Dacre:.; 1 75 Cushings Manual—New Edition.. 40 Sister Mary's Talcs.,. J-* 40 Philosophy of a future -State./Dick- Gaulidets Biography. 3 Mendip Annals. Hannah M0re..... Mnsterman Beady. Maryatt Settlers in Canada. " The Whaler’s Last Cruise.... Popular Tales. Guizot Bears of Augustcnbarg.. Penn's Maxims Fallacy of Dreams. •Sunset Stories.. Marco Paul Stories. 12vol9;oach 75 Lichen's Little Folks. 3 role ,* each..., 65 Sanford and Merton McClellan's Report.. Wendell's Blackstone's Commentaries In 'Vfqllsboro, Ang. 27, 1864, of diphtheria, MART P.,'third liaQghter of J. N, and Sarah Bache, aged 9 years, I SPECIAL NOTICES. Important To Females. , DK. CKEESBMAN’S PILLS. f . The combibatiotf of ingredients in these Pills is the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their .operation, and cannot do harm to the most delicate: certain in correcting nil irregu lari tics, Pninfnl Menstruations, removing all obetinctions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the aide, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervous affections, hysterics, fatigue,' pain in the hack and limbs, &c H disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. DR. CUEESEMAN’S PILES Was the commencement of a new era jn the treatment of ItrVgnlarlfies and obstructions! which have cousiguedao manv to a peematuhe obavx. Iso female can enjoy good health unless she is regular, and •whenever , an obstruction takes place tbe general health begins to decline. These Pills form the finest preparation ever put forward with IMME DIATE and SUCCESS. 2>6n’t be De ceived* Take tins advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that von want the BEST 1 ' and mrst RELIABLE FEMALE MEDICINE IX THE WORLD, which is com ’prised in these Pills, , DR. CHEESEUAXS PTtLS have been a Standard Remedy for over tbii ty years, and are tbe most effectual one ever known for all complaints pecu liar to Fcmaks, To all classes they are invaluable, inducing, ioiih certainty , periodical regularity. They are known to thousands, who have used them at different periods, through out the country, baring the sanction of some of tho most eminent'Pliysxcian* in America. \ Explicit direction*.staling -when they should noibc used,with each Box—-the Price One Dollar per Box, or 6 Boxes for $5, containing from 50 to 60 Pills. ‘ Pill* sent by ‘mait.pTovipi/y, secure from observation, by remitting to tbe Proprietors, or anv Agent. SQTSOLD BY DRUGGISTS GFXERALLT. i nUXpHINGS & HILLYER. Proprietors, 81 Cedar St., New York | Sold in ■Wcllsboro, by JOHN A. ROT. J In Tioga, by 11. H. BORDEN. 'I J In Lawrcnceriilo, by TP. G. MILLER. ~ March 23, 1i64-Iy. A CARp r TG, TBE SUFFERING. Slf ALLOW two dr three hogsheads of u Buchu/ Tonic Bitters," " Sarsaparilla," "Nervous An tidotes/’ &c.j AcV, Carpet Department! NEW SEEING STYLES I Those in need of a Now Carpet, will find it to their advantage to inspect our large and varied assortment before going elsewhere, as we cannot fail in suiting them both in price and quality. Brussels, Ingrain, Hemp, Mattings of all kinds, Oil Cloths. In fact, everything in the Carpet Line. WALL & WINDOW PAPER! Who wants to purchase these goods at prices that will defy competition? Ton who do must not fail to call and see the GREAT. Y ARIETff rf now offered, consisting of new patterns. j :RICH GOLD LEAF, 1 SATIN PAPER. IMITATION SATIN, COMMON PAPER, GOLD BORDERED WINDOW SHADES, PAINTED. “ . . PRINTED “ “ PLAIN “ BOOTS fit SHOES. This Department is overflowing. Noiother concern can show 30 handsome and varied a {stock. Every one will find it greatly to their advantage to PURCHASE OF I US. READY MADE CLOTHING. , SPRING. &- SUMMER STYLES I A large and varied 1 assortment in this line, Inclu ding Gents' Black Frock and Business Coats, Satin, Parmer's Satin and Cloth Vests, Black Doe Skin and Fancy Cassimere Pants, Boys' Clothing. TVo also have an extensive stock of. CLOTHS & CASSIMERES! IN SBDBT, OUR WHOLE STOOK is complete and fall in Its every department, and with thanks for past patronage we w3l endeavor so to conduct our bosmeiSy as to merit the fntnre confi dence of all. ~ E. P. FERINE. , Aphid, ism. OF AT STOCK OP DYSPEPSIA AND DISEASES BESCLTING FROM - DISORDERS OP THE LITER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS ARE CURED BY HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS, TUe Great StrengtbeQins TONIC, That* Blttcre bays performed mon Curat HATE AND DO GIVE BETTKB SAXIaiACTION HATE KOBE TEST ISKONT! HAVE MORE RESPECTABLE PEOPLE TO VOUCH FOR THEM* Than any other article in the market. Wo defy any One to contradict thia Auertißo, AND WILL PAT To any one that will produce a Certificate published by us that is not si»rnts. EOOFLANjys GERMAN BITTERS WILL CUBE EVERT CASE OE 1 Chronic or Nervous Debility, Bis* ease of the Kidneys, and Disea ses arising from a Disordered Stomach* OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Resulting from Disorders of ike Digestive Organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, fnlneaas or Blood to the Head Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Pood, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flutter' } Uring at the Pit of the Stomach, Swunmingof the Head, Hur ' Hurried and Difficult v Breathing, Flutter* ingatthe Heart; Choking or Suffocating Sen sations when in a lying posture,Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs be fore the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain Pain in fte Head, De ficiency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, limbs. Ac., Snd ' den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Con stant Imaginations of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits, REMEMBER THAT THESE BITTERS ABE MOT ALCOHOLIC, CONTAIN NO RUM OB WHISKEY, AND CAN’T MAKE DRUNKAKDS, BfT IS THE BUST TONIC, IN T*HE WORLD. SPREAD WHO SATS j ' From the Eev. Lori. G. Bock, Pastor of the Baptist Church Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Ban list Church Philadelphia. ♦ * ♦ • I have known Hoofiand’s German Bitters favorably for a number of yean I have used them in my own family, and have been so pleased with their effects that I was induced to recommend them to many others, and know that they have operated in ft strikingly beneficial manner. I take great pleasure In thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with tho diseases for which they are recoin* mended, to these Bitters, knowing from experience that my recommendation will be sustained. Ido this more cheer fully as Hoofland’s Bitters is intended to benefit the and is *• not a rum drink." Yours truly, 7 . LETI Q. BECK. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. IX, Editor of the Encyclo* podia of Religions Knowledge, Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Med irtnes in general, through distrust of their ingredient* and effects,! yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits be believe* himself to hay© re ceived from any simple preparation, in the hope that he mar thus contribute to the benefit of others. J I do this the more readily In regard to Hoofland* German Bittora, prepared by Dr. C 11. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under tha impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. 1 a'm indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq, for the removal of this prejndice by proper testa, and for encour agement to try them, when suffering from great andlbha continued debility. Tbo use of three bottles of those Bit ters, at the beginuing of the present year, was followed by relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefere thank God and my friend for directing mo to the use of them PaHADEIPHiA, J-.VE 20,1881. J. NEWTON BROWN .Prom the Rev. Jo*. H, Kaunard, Pastor of the 10th Ban. tlst Church. 1 r Dr. Jackson-Dear Sir:—l have been frequently request* ed to connect my name"with commendations of different kinds ot medicines but regarding the practice as out of tty appropriate sphere, I have in all cases declined: but with a clear proof in various instances, and particularly in my fam |ly, of the usefulness of Dr. Hoofland’s German Bitten. I depart for once from my usual course, to express my foil conviction that, for general debility of the system and e*pe dally for River Complaint, it is a safe and valuable prepara tion. In some cases it may fail; but usually.! doubt not, it will be very beneficial, to those who suffer from the above cause. Tours, very respectfully, J. H KENNARD, Eighth below Coates Street, Philadelphia. From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Germantown, Penn. Dr.C.II. Jackson;-—Dear Sir-Personal experience ena bles me to say that I regard the German Bitters prepared by you as a moat excellent medicine. In cases of severe cold and general debility ! have been greatly benefited by the use ol the Bitters, and doubt not they will produce similar effects on others. Tonrs, truly, WARREN RANDOLPH, Germantown, Pa. Prom Rev. J. H. Turner, Pastor of Bedding M E Church Philadelphia. 9 Dr. Jackson Dear Sir Having used your German Bit lara in..mv family frenuentlv-T/W nr»n arof i .v,. «* _ has been of great service. I believe that In moat case* of general debility of the system It ia the safest and most val uable remedy of wbich 1 have any knowledge. Tours, respectfully, J. H. TURNER. ‘ No. T2B N. Nineteenth Street. From the Eev.J. M. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Colam bus (N. J.) and Milestojvn (Pa.) Baptist Chnrches. _ „ , , ' ' . New Rochelle, Dr. C. M. Jackson; —Dear Sir; —I fast it a pleasure thus, of my own accord, to bear testimony to the excellence of the German Bitters, gome years since being moch afflicted with Dyspepsia, I used them with very beneficial results. 1 base often recommended them to persons enfeebled by that tor menting disease, and have heard from them the most flat tering testimonials as to their great value. In case* of gen eral debility, I believe it to bo a tonic that cannot be snr passed. . J. M. LIONS. PRICES. large Size (holding nearly doable quantity,) $1 00 per Bottle—half doa. IS OO Small Size—7s cents per Bottle—half doa. $4 60 BEWARE.OF COUNTERFEITS! See that the Signature of «C. Iff. , JACKSON” i« on the WRAP. PER of each Bottle. Should your nearest druggist not have tfie article do not be put off by any of the intoxicating preparations that may be offered in Its place, bnt send to us. and we will forward (ftcurel? packed by express. wrwwo, Principal Office & Manufactory, NO. 631 ARCH STREET. JONES & EVANS, (Successors to C. M. JACKSON k Co J Proprietor*. FOB SALE by Druggists and Dealers In every town In the United States. Jan, 5,1864. (Sept.P, 188S-ly.]