:!■ I jfo'tfttcli X. The Segiiudag of -tUtt Was. To show jsoyv utterly false', he assertion of fho Copperhead leaders Is, i;-at Adminis : ration is justly chargeable With the war, we "ire bclhw a short extract frotd the “ Southern History of the War," by Edward A. Pollard, Lite the editor-uf the BichrnorA Examiner. Mr. Pollard safes up the doing* of ihqGonfederates tba-inauguration of Lincoln, as fol* Km* ‘ . . ** Qu tlifi incoming of the .Arniniatratinn of Abraham'LincoTn, on the 4th wf March, the ri val Government of the South-had perfected its organisation; the separation, jad been widen- ■ cd and envenomed by the etobidextority and perfidy of President Buohafttvr;, The Southern people, however, still hoped >‘or the peaceful accomplishment of their independence, and de plored * war between the O'/o sections, ne a piVlicy detrimental to the ctv-UVed world. The, r-voiution, in the meantime.-l ad-rapid ly aa th - cred-strength, not only in nlfidal power, but in the meahs'.of Avar and mun teems of defence’. Fort Moultrie and.C.istlo had been c-ptured by.fhe South CarTftpa groups. Port Pulaski, the defence of Savannah, had been ta ton, the arsenal at MountiVernnn, Alabama, v-ith 20,000 stand of arms, oad been seized by Alabama troops. FortMorur.n, in Mobile hay. hid been taken. Ports St. Philip,- c n nd Pike, near New Orleans bad been captur j -d by the Louisiana troops-.' Ine New Orleans j Stint and Custom House WV blen taken,; the -Little Rock Arsenal had be.ei seized by the Ar-t Itansas troops, though A r ivhv*ta- had refused to ■■'accede •• and on the 16th Cf February General jTwigga had transferred' tbb tublie property in •Texas to the State authorities." • Mr. Pollard does not nifMon in bis history that the Southern leaders had the least disposi tion, before they began thdbwar, to agree to any terms of pence on the basis of their enft tinuance in tbe Union, brft only hoped for the jfeacahle uccomplishmeivt (f tfyeie independence. and deplored war between-the two sections, as “ a policy detrimental to tbs civilized world." —Louisville {Ky.) Press. v As addenda tooths foregenbg, we present the following chronological facts which spe'ak fur themselves: . ~ t Dec. 20,1800—Capture-pf Fort Moultrie and Castle Pinckney by the Sishih Carolina troop-. ...Jan. 3, 18G1—CaptureHji Fort Pulaski by the ivanmh troops. ( < J in. 3. ISGl—The United; State- Arsenal , nt. Mount Vernon, with 20,000 stand td amts, fieized by the Alabama troupe. Jan. 4—Fort Morgan, W-Mobile -Bay, taken bv AlabauiaLronpe. ‘ -Jan. 9—The D. S. Steaafcr Sdir of the We-t ffOS fired into and driyenb.fi by’the rebel bat teries tjn Morris Island,-when attempting to supply Fort Sumter. - . Jan 10—Forts Philip, and Pik near Sew Orleans, cap'ured by Louisiana troops., . . . w * - • Jan. 11—Capture of P ivnsacola Navy Yard and Fart Mcßae by Ala’ Ana troops. •fan, 13 —Surrender of,-laton Rouge Arfienal to L iuiriana troojjeJ . -i *' - . ( * . Jiin. : £'6—New and Custom fio'l-e tukvu. I ' * Pcbi 2—Seizure of Bock Arsenal by Arkansas troops. C Feb, Air-Surrender piTtfe revenue cutter Cas tle to the Alabama .authi|s? Dies. • Fcb.'lT—Oeu. Twiggif.bansferred the United States property ip Texaf ip tbe rebels. ‘ March 2—The.U- S. JVv’enue cutler woe seiz ed by the rebels in.TeftS. , Thus, it will be seen,J-lie war was begun ancL •arried on under the Administration of James Ludmtmn, and while .degenerate and emas culated X>emocracy behjfa'l the power and pat ronage of the* GovemmSin . And this party, only still more degentSfi ;e, now puts up the charge that Abraham Lincoln is responsible for this war; and asks the- Ajnericsn people to re ject Mr. Lincoln ancH%«ot the man ot its (tbe Copperhead) choic-T, ‘ ' . If, after fifty, yean? - ,ymtrol of the Govern ment, tbe Democracy j; Inged tbs country fn this war, is it quite cc-)-ynun sense to suppose that giving them p o«i . again is the way to bring about-lasting pent 4 ? We guess not. We'guess the jlu'ppe'/ .ot Va'lnndighnra and Toorhecs, who are the tgents of Jeff. Diyir, 'will have to drill his .)• Minute Men” about four years more liiefors'l'e can enter the White -douse; Politics Army. ' A Harper’s Ferry corespondent of the N. Y; Tikes saysAk wal'eard recently by y»ur correspondent witlrtVi ’Ar.my of the Potomac, one feels in a purer hi t_. freer atmosphere, out here, Aoidng the blue-£o%ted’and travel stained soldiers of the.Onionl -Here you misj the ha led hiss of the Cupperlt'ad, and feel rejoiced to hear instead .the hdpefu- ’and hearty sentiments daily and hourly uttoA-i -by this portion of our glorious army: No p: oin these camps, not even the little drumtn r :i-'boys, have-a particle of doubt as totheultitoite sucoessof our arms,- and I can hardly ipncimo a worse fate for the rile and heartless inen' who so strenuously urge ' pesos mo rsures upon jhe people, than tr cuui pel them, to show theit’Jjcads in the army. ,-Ounld tjhe soldiers ye their way, C.opper hoadism Would soon and’ the elections this Fall will show ho' ; vast and-weighty is the influence of the army-.n the great question ot the day. People may. n?er as.they will ahum the soldiers’ Vote, andithy-that they cannot vote it .they like, but as tl‘ r tt officers dictate, hut I your readers ;. :at although a soldier is “accustomed to implicit - , bedienco ami the strict est discipline, yet in h . iters not military, he is not the man to allow / bers -to dictate to him his tine of conduct. m either way it makes DO metcriaLdifforenop' n.tho grand result. : - Both officers and m h are Jinited on iho one great .question of-carl ting' on the war to a successful, terminalioa . for they have too often 'faced'’the enemy, and’- lost too many comrades by-‘th#.aSn»ohlties of; .var, to think now, even fur a mqtnoftt, of a* C< hpruaiise or any other , ending of the war, sh -e that of the -tntal and upeohdiuonal submiffidun of the rebel States. “ y 1 ’ i io know, sir, that my 'Jilfla'is’Frances, an£ *ut Prank,’' •• Ah, v<-b, Miss, but jon know tHat 1 have'the frankinz privilege." , , - li o w I ■m*T were » fountain, for then leooM always/1 playing,’* a 5 t b 0 Re hool bay ee-d- i 1 r? 1 ■ . ' vtdrroe is IMte • BD& r; the softer it falls the Ifvgti it rcasiuDß an 4 4« deeper-it sink?. - SPECIAL NOTICE. OUR ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS. . CEO ASS, v is now much more coraplete.and attractive than ever before, having,'"Just received a. largo stock uf en tirely new styles, which we ore selling off at very law prices. WE SAVE FULL LINES OF PLAIN. FIGURED & STRIPED ALPACAS, CHECKED & STRIPED MOHAIRS, POPLINS, CHALLIES, Delaines. &c., and can hardly fail to salt all customers. In CLOTH SACQDES AND CIRCULARS, SHAWLS AND CLOAK CLOTHS,' wo bay* on hand a ranch better stock than can be found elsewhere. .We intend to beep this the best stock to select from in this Count;. The Domestic .Slock is full of Bargains, and we are soiling ail goods, such as PRINTS. SHIRTINGS, DENIMS, , COTTON ADES, &c„ at less than current market rates. TOE BOOT & SHOE STOCK ■ ,1- will be kept fall of all desirable goods, and sold at om regular scale of low prices. All goods warranted te be as represented. Costumers can save money bjr making their pur chases of ns. J. A. PARSONS, Corning, R, T. April 27, 1864. CAMPBELL & HARVEY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. LICEH'ED CL. Al5l AGESTf. , ftXOXVILLE, TIOGA COUSTY, PA. VTTB bare formed a partnership in the practice of f Y th« Law, and will attend strictly to ail legal business entrusted to us. We shall also engage in the prosecution of - * SOLDIER’S CLAIMS for PENSIONS, , BOUNTIES, BACK-PAY, &0., und the procuring of Attijicial Limit for such as are entitled to them-from the United States, and gene rally. will perform all of- Lawyers and Claim Agents. The Junior Partner has devoted much of fais lime during the past four years to the Pension business, and we-think from the facilities we possess, we enn make our collections as promptly, as correctly, and at less rates than any who are here engaged in that business. Our office ia in Judge Case's B J ock, at Knoxville, Tioga couniy, Pa., wbefe one of the firm may be found at all times. JOEL CAMPBELL, Jr., IRVING HARVEY, REFERENCES: Knoxville—Eon. Victor Case, Charles Goldsmith, AT. D\ Wilhelm. Elkland—Joel Parkhurat, Bfajor-Ryan. Lawrencoville—Rev. L. S. Adams. Nelson —A. Ms Loop, M. B. Westfield—James Maston, M.^B. Knoxville, June 22, 1864-tL Orphan*’ Court Sale, INpursanco of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Tioga county,- bearing’ dale. June Ist, ISfi4, the .oimwing described real estate, late the property of John H. Wilcox, dec'd, will be offered at public gale, at the Court House, in Wellaboio, on Friday the 2d day of Sept, next, at one o’clock P. M. to wit: A lot of land in Covington township, beginning at the south west corner of lot No, 7 Covington town ship, • formerly in possession of Silas Lumphear ; .tbeuco north 89$ deg. east, by the South lino of said lot 77 and two-tenths rods to a corner; thence south 2 deg. west, by the west line of lot No. 40 and of lor No. 41 deeded by U H, Bent to Samuel S. Walker eighty four and five-tentbs rods to the south west cor ner of said loi No. 41; thence by the north line i>i lot No. 25 north 43. dog. west, twelve rods north 03 deg. west, twelve rods to the north west corner tbereot: thence south by the west line or said lot No. 25, one hundred uud forty-seven and seven.tooths rod.* to the south west corner thereof; thence west by the north uae of No. 27 formerly in possession uf. Sumuci Barber eighty-four *tu4 seven tenths rbdfe to the south east corner of lot No. 26 in possession of E thence north one hundred and twenty-six and one tenth rods to a corner of lot No. 26; thence west 'to a corner of lot No. 20; thence ■ north one hundred and thirty five and seven tenths rods'to the north east corner thereof; thence by lines ol lot No, 10 east tfainy.five rods, south thirty eight and nine-tenths rods, east twenty-nine rodtf to the south east corner thereof; thence south 2 deg. west, six rods to the place of beginning—containing one ‘hundred and,fo«y nine' and one tentb acres, Siiving uud reserving therefrom twenty-five acres ,off the *ide of lot sold by said decedent to Amos Kathbone. forms of sale ono-half cash the lime of sale and the other half upon confirmation of the *a!o. ‘ BENAJAH WILLCUX, Adm’r of the festuio ctf John H. WiAlcox, dec’d, August 10, lbt>4. r Orpliaiit* Court. Stile. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Tioga county, bearing date the 2d day of Deo. lco3, the following described real estate, late the pro perty of Xbos. Keeney,-deceased, will bo sold on the premises, on Saturday, tbe 3d day of Sept. 1861. at lV.ob.ck, P. M. to wit; Lots Nos. I and 7, in tho subdivision of the follow ing described iot ot land situate in .Middlebury town ship in sa-d county, bounded on the north by land in possession of Prances il.iker and George W. Uymcs, on the Cast by land of Daniel Uoliduy and Charles -turners, on the south by laud of Ezra Pottor, nnd Charles Somers, and on the west by land of Ezra Potter and Joan Dulmer or, warrantees, which said A. J. as tenant in commcm with H. A Guernsey, owner of the remaining throe-fourths there: of. Terms of sale eash on confirmation of tnU HELEN 11. SOFIBLD, Adm’i, of the estate of A. J. Suheld. deo’d August 10,1881. FRUIT JARS a large supply of Gloss Jars and ■Bottles, of ramus-patients for preserving (mitt will be found at Roy’s l>rug Store. ' PURE GINGER at ROY’S DEI?S STORE IMB TlOliA COUNTY AGITATOR. ■ «TO JSO WEN’S!” SEEING u big crowd on. Main Street, hurry ing toward a common center, somebody asked The answer was j “To Bowen’s, Wo, I, Union Block !"s I To look at that splendid stock of NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS! SHAWLS, Ac., justarriving from .Sew York. thought Ito myself; “you know who bnys at a bar gain, sJtd|Blla so as to give'the purchaser a bargain too. •' Therefore, if you want anything in the line of DRY GOODS. LADIES’ GOODS , READY MADE CLOTHING, ROOTS, SHOES, . n Robt. T. Lane ll’intington sfr=. F.Uza Short, Indisposition to Exertion, Lessor Power, Losaof Memory, Difficulty of Breathing. Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horrors of Disease, Wakefulness, ■ Dimness of Vision, Fain in tho Back, Universal Lassitude of tho muscular system. Hot Hands, Flushing of tho Rudy, Dryness of tho Skm, Erup tions on the Face, Pallid Countenance These symptoms, it allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows Impotence} Fatuity, Epilepsy, Fits, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those “ Direful Diseases, 4 * “ IKSA.NITT AMD COXSUMPTIO&” Many are aware of tho cause of their suffering, Btrt KOKB WILL COrrfKSS THE RECORDS OF TFLK Ix&AKS AST MTHfI. And Melancholy Deaths by Omsumption bear ample wit ness to the truth of the a^errion. The Constitution once affected untie Organic Weakness, re quires the aid of medicine io strengthen and Invigorate the system. Which ITexcold'S ESTRACT BUCHD invariably does. A trial will convince tho most skeptical. FEMALES, FEMALES. FEMALES. In many Affections peculiar to females, the ExTntcT Bccnu is unequalled by any other remedy—as in Chlorosis or Re tention, Irregularity, Pamfulnoss, or Suppression of Custo mary evacuations. Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Ute rus, Lcuchorrhoe or Whiles, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion, Hab its of Dissipation, or ia tho DECLINE OR CHANGE OP LIFE. Take no more Balsam , Mercury, or unpleasant medicine for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. HEMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH CURES SECRET DISEASES, In all thfcir stages. At little expense. Little or no change in (Dot. No inconvenience, and no exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing stric tures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inflammation, so frexaent in this class of diseases, and expelling all poisons, diseases and toom oaf matter. Thousands cpox thousands, who have been the victims or qua :es. and who have paid heavy fees to bo cured in a short tim \ have found they were deceived.and that the “POISON” has by the use of 44 Powerful astringents,” been dried up in the'system. to break out iu an aggravated perhaps after marriage. Use UCmbold's Extract Bucbn for all affections and dis eases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in male or female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these organs require the aid of a DIURETIC; lIEMBOLD-3 EXTRACT RUCmi IS THE GREAT DIUBE* TIC. and is certain to hav© the desired effect in all diseases for which it is recommended. Evideucoof the moU reliable and respon c ible character will accompany the medicine. Price 51 per bottle, or six for 55. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observa tion. DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. CURES GUARANTEED!, Advice Gratis! Address letters for information to' H. B. ÜBMBOLD. Chemist, 104 South Tenth «t., below Chestnut, Pblla. irBUBOLD’S Medical Depot, HEMBOLD’S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, ,* 104 Broadway, N. T. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, who endeavor to dispose of “their own” and “other” on kbe reputation attained by llemhold’s Genuine Preparations. “ Extract Buchte, Extract Sarsaparilla, “ Improved Rose TlusA. Sold by all druggists everywhere. Ask for Ilembotd s Tftko no other. Cnt oat tho advertisement and send for it, and avoid imposition and exposure. QHO BUSHELS of FLAX SEED wanted, for UU which tho Highest Market Price in CASH will bo paid. D. P. ROBERTS. Wellsboro, April 4,1864. PUTTY A WINDOW GLASS at ROE’S DREG STORE. SULPHITE OF LIMB for HO Soldiers*Pay Bounty and pZnTiT Aseutry. * ,O » KNOXVILLE. TIOGA COUA'Ty The undesigned haying been specially u ",' the United Staten Government in procure the 0 *" 1 kj Back Pay, Bounty, and Penskws, of deceased and disabled soldiers, gives nrf t interested, that be has mode arrangement,.' ,■ ~ 0 •“ ties in Washington, by which ho is able , far. Back pay, Bonntyand Penan,ns.in a veiv.h and that he will give particular attentions t,m '’ claims that may be brought to him. with all the requisite Blanks, & e L * d * e superior advantages iq this branch 0 t huiinJ. h l diers entitled to pensions, will find it ( 0 th«, ,1 ' Ug6 to apply to the undersigned a! Kaon ,iu examining surgeon for Tioga County rtt -A,' “• Also, Judge Case, before whom all appi;,.,■ pensions may bo made. anoas fo; Soldiers enlisted since the Ist of Jl» rc h ■ any kind of service, Naval or Military. nh 0 ’ abled by disease or wounds, arc entitled t, t> Te ."' All soldiers who serve ior two years or do 611 * 1011 *’ war, should it sooner close, will be cntiiled 'lc eij,' Bounty. Also soldiers who have been wonna.a 5 - battle, whether having served two rears O r«M " entitled to $lOO Bounty. Widows or soldiers vh’ s' ! or are killed are entitled to Pensions and ik.rf-"; Bounty. If there bo no widow, then the min,* 'v> dren; and if no minor children, then tb» fJ mother, sisters, or brothers are entitled as '.b Terras, moderate. Te *^ t will ho at my office on Monday and Satardsv each week, to attend to this business. 7 July la, 1883. Jy. WM. B. SMITH Kepebehces: Wellaboro, J. P, Donald iOB sv„ iff Stuwell. Addison, S. Y., W. K. Smith. ington, D. C., Tucker and Lloyd. "*“• DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY, TIIE undersigned having purchased the *!« known Wuolen Factory of Messrs £ 1 Bowen on the Cownncsqae River, two miles enn fi Knoxville, takes this method of infocminv the ini,,! tants of Tioga and adjoining countiVs that he m' manufacture wool by the yard or on' shares to „, customers, into ‘ FLANNELS, CASSXMERES, DOE-SKINS, nfe . - , CLOTHS, of all klajj The machinery has been thoroughly repaired ~t new machinery added thereto, also an improved >» wheel which will enable him to work the entire . e , son. He will pay particular attention to J Roll Cardio; dc Cloth Dressing, which will be done in the neatest possible minuet having added one new Roll Machine, will enabfe bia to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance, He would farther any that he has carried on the bnti-' ness in manufacturing wool for farmers ia Bndlbvi and ndjbining counties for the past twenty jests; he therefore can warrant all work and satisfy his enst,. mers.Tising nothing In manufacturing bnt genmee wool. JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, May 5, ISSS-Iy. Insurance Agency, fiIHE Insurance Company of North America have appointed the undersigned an agent fin n- Bounty and vicinity. ft -A- 5 . High character and standing of this fan ay give the nssnrance of full protection to onn-r. property against the hazard of fire, I solicit with ce, finance a liberal share of the business of the count This company was incorporated in 1794. Its capital is $500,000, and its assesis 'in IS6I as per statemen' Ist Jan. of that year was $1254,719 81. CHARLES PLATT. . . Secrctan ARTHUR 0. COFFIN, . . . President! OfEce of the Company 232 Walnut Street Philadelphia. , Win.Bnchicr, Central Aufill Bar- TO THE PUBLIC. I AM now prepared to manufacture, at mr meat in DeerfieW, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS. Also, Ladies* . BALMORAL _ SKIRTS to order, either by the piece or quantity, to suit toQ > ers - JOSEPH INGHAM. Knoxville, Jniy 15, 1863. Ml MB ttITER GROSS! T. L. BALDWIN IS now receiving a largo and well selected STOCK OP . fall akd winter goods . consisting in part of a General Stock of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, WOODEN WARE, &e„ Ac All of which will bo sold VERT LOW for RJEAJDY JPAY * PENSION AGENCY. TO SOL23USKS AND THEIR FRIENDS. THE undersigned having bad consiuerabJe expe* rience in procuring Pension Bounties und Bud pay of Soldiers, will attend to all business in that I»n# entrusted to his care with promptness and fidelity- ALL SOLDIERS discharged by reason of wounds are entitled to the SJOO bounty. Pensions, Bounties, and arrears of pay, collected by the undersigned. , Persons wishing to confer with me will please call or address me by letter at Sylrania. Bradford couniy. Pa. Charges reasonable. GSO. P. 31025.R0- Refers by permission to GATLIN’S IMPROVED Fixe and Water Proof Cement la the beat preparation In n»e for mending broken, nrt* c "'*' aticb a* Glass. China, Crockery, Wood. Leather, OrsiaiMt** Stone, Metal. Bone. Ivory,Pearl, Porcelain, in broken article.- Being perfectly white it will nu* the articles. It will stand all climates, iwid when.! J®rc-o-f i(, f dry, the part to which It is applied will bo p ir^t 3 ' l ' was before broken. Price 25 cehta per bottle. J. \ BOY, Agent for Tlo e 'a Cw« * ITellsboro, Angn«t-2£; 1563, Portable Printing Officer, For the use of Mercli' at> Druggists. and all tos*' ' and professional * . wish to do ' in*. neAtly and chwpV , Adapted to tlw P r * n: J*I. ntndbttto. n lars, Label* Cards .w ?°r Newspaper* Foil ijl - accompany * ac “ fDahlipgalmj' tea t.i work them Circulars scot fre*. ™ men sheets of Tvpc, Cats, So, 6 cents. Address _ , ADAMS’ P«SSSCBCG SToS£_ | preserving CIDER,'at rB DRUG STORE. CIDKft VINEGAR at . r BOX'S PBP<* ET0B " ri»bnrs. Pa. JOHN W. GUEHNSET, Ago-ai for Tiog-a County, Fa. July 15, 1563. DRY GOODS, ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. All persons baying GOODS for READY pa 7, Are respectfully invited to call and examine THE STOCK, As they are to be sold at TER F LOW PRICES. CASH PAID FOR WOOL. Tioga, Nov. 27, 1803. T. L. BALDWIN. H» B. Card, County Treasurer., "VTellsboro, Pa* P. P. Pon.efoy, Troy, Pa. A« H. Spalding, Sheriff, Towanda. Pa. [April**