: '-V3fr: THJS A CIT ATIM-., LOCAL ANJ) JtisCELIAJS'jEDBB, Wellsboro. Wednesday, Aug. 17. iiSM, New Advertisements, f Ettray- Tyler Whitoi, ... . ... UtcctAa High School. ... Ettray —Rofos G. Treat., , r J- \ * 1 V. 1-i VOLUNTEERS! l A ■ MAJOR ROBERT C. COX, of liberty, liv of the j.j £t p, v., has received authority from Siv; Curtin to raise a regiment of Tolnnteers for one ;'fear’s ser- Tl oe, iniiea of the draft. This regiment is to be raised by companies, each company to elects own offioers. The highest,Govemment and lon 1 biunties rriii be paid, and reernits may be credited-Jo to-any district they may elect. This aiforde an excellent opportunity to liable to draft to enter the service under ai, excellent otEcerrin a good organization, and in r ccipt of.p urge bounty. It is an opportunity not y^bo.neg- Iccied. . Persons wishing to join this organization will re port at Mansfield on Monday and TncsdajVAug. 22, md23; at Mainsburg on tbe 24th and 2&V, ajid at TVcilsboro on the 26th and 27th insts., rc' pectlvely, 0 t which times and places Lieut. Geo. feaistinn. p.ecraiting Officer, Will be in i K« Dead. —Mr. 0. D. Keeney, of K cnoyrille, mites ns that he has a' letter from Corp . Jesse K. •WilcoE, Co. H, 45th P. V., dated it Aiir-}reOnville, georjia, April 27, 1864. This, of eoursSp. disposes of. (he report sot afloat last winter of his-deatli itfEibby prison. Corp’l Wilcox was in good hoalt? pn£ anx ious for an exchange. i : " .. ’" ' ■ T - Tnn twenty-second annual meeting of fhe Tioga Baptist Association will bo held with tWJiansfield' Baptist Church on Wednesday, August 3i { 1864, at 10 o'clock A. M. Rev. M. Rockwell is appointed to preach the opening sermon! - fix Contributions for the Missionary, Union. ; Inigo, Aug. 13, 1564. , E. X. BESTj.fi*, Clerk. ‘ IapnoTEMEHTS. —It is an old saying- v hat some evils left to themselves, work their own Pure. The building of a new tide-walk along the Main St. side of the Public Sqanre.reminda na of. tha.,.6ccaaional truth of the saying, at least. - While it ought to have been done a year ago, we cheerfully snbftbHbe te the encouraging doctrine —“ It is never too late to mend.” Since the fit is oh, let ns have a general rejuvenation of the sidewalks nil over town. i • Narrow Escape. —On Wednesday last;affine span cf hersei owned by Mr. P.'C. Hosg,of tijij borough, took fright near the upper end of Main itreet and dashed down the street at a terrible puco.*lbey took' t» the sidewalk at Farr’s Hotel’andjafter Slveral col lisions with stoops and po;ls, cleared themt„ilyoa from the wagon in front of Judge White's, an ; plunged on, still keeping the eldewnlk. Borne roda.l blow they met and ran over two . children belongiC|' to A. P. I one, Esq., tenring the little band-cnrriagt, in which the younger one was riding, into tents, but strange to-aay inflicting upon neither of*> children w much aa a scratch. This is one_pf thd p_arrow.esl escapes from death we ever recorded. , - An Eerou Corrected. —As a mistaken'idea pre \iili in some localities in. regard to thowdAonpf Mr. ir-EKSSET last regular session of the Legislature, on she bill authorizing the construction of K. R. from Manchester Mills, cur Marsh SP-i. Crooked Crcott, to connect with the Corning A .jßlofsburg road, we publish a certified tbh bi(t i Supplement to on ect Incorporating th» Jereev gTiore, Tine Creek, and State Line railroad company. .1 ( P> Tioga borough. <*. jipy ptyt north of *ai>l Tifga borough, in Um county -of Tioga- Sec. 2 Ibat the said company ia also anthar'ced tacon sTjrr a branch or branches from the, borough of Jersey .r f ' in Ljc-'-ming county, fo connect with sTiiFnc railroad, or any other railroad that is, itfvr,cr h*-ro tsfty b ft contracted in the counties of ned Ly .vnitfg ) ni'NKY C. JOLX?O*.. Soeeker of the House of Representatives. - JOHN P. PP^EY, Speaker of "ip Senate. Approved the 14th day of April. A. P-> w > - A. a Office Secretary of the Cotv^nfrealth, Hareisecbg, Ad t ISG4. • - PcnnsjJvnoift 85. . 'y .. I do hereby certify, That the foregomf B#c annexed i 5 a full, trne and correct copy of the origin CljA :t 'of the General Assembly, entitled “ l&Jp- ' Act in- the Jersey Shore, Pino Creek aD-J Spite Lins mdroft'l company,*’ ns tho some remains on tfcu’jfn this of- E:f. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto >Rt my hand, and affixed the seal of the Secretary's day and ■>car übo\e written. W. Hz ARM^^T'KONG* Dept. Sec'y of tjw Coji^hwoßlth. This bill was drawn up by Mr. Gacrnfci 1 Dastt Settlement——7ile Coicvcs tios—Tbc Sabbath School Celebua*! f* —A cor respondent writing Jo our {iapcr on these topics, says ; “The Methodist preachers of Troy Df strict, (Eapt G-cnesce Conference) held their lost mctttsg for the present conference year, at the Dartfc-JsGtflement Church, on Tuesday and Wednesday There was a large attendance both of and cf people, at the church, on Tuesday afternoon and evening, and also on Wednesday and the, time was most interestingly, occupied in t •fi'jh exerci ses as usually take place at each distrirt‘:mcetingp. K«v, Mr. Putnam, of JaOkson, gave .an opening ad orea at 2 o’clock P. M. ; then followe# '(op Reading cf sermons and essays,'und the criticising of them the preachers prcsentl Both the .reader* anqftbe ‘•rules contributed to give rest to the evasion, and \n make it peculiarly profitable. Rev. Brownell ircachcd a.warm, evangelic discourse in tfc* evening, vhich was- followed *by short eitempoUvueous ad dresses from preachers as they were cal«& upon by President of the convention ; each speaker hav i3g for hii topics of talk his own religious • experience, 'the extent of bis studies, tSe? religious *'ite of his charge, and the state of Sabbath Schools on his charge, .'This was a very and iitipreirire pari of the meeting. At about noon on the Sabbath Schools began become in 1 a Urge processtoqa and with dying barters and £a gs, from different The 'vas dne lively character, ,Mr. lerly, of bLarlcaton, acted as Marshal of the der, in 4 the train of loaded wagons,' se.t off with rgreeus, headed by the Wellsboro Brass 10 grove of Mr. J. W. Lent, where t»Mes were in to receive the refreshments bright by the xariouß Schools, Addresses weje given if* the grove JT several of the preachers j . and Übe vast Uirong— numbering, we should tbink > ove§two thou perion*—applied themselves to do justice to the collection of eatables. • Tben; : thcr© was fpcahng again, and «l?o*Hnrgirrg, and pie Ety of vis-' jtiE| and chatting, here and there, till assembly *€lo to separate and break away. It rf.£id to have ,, Hn ibe largest gathering of the kind kpown ip 18 tegiem of the country.” , -i' —At a meeting of the Pbvticisns and ■-"geo os 0 f (be Cowanesque Valley an# vicinity," '‘evened at the house of G.' W. Mattisqf .'•! at Knox. Pa,, July 16, 1884 ; Ira W. BeUtm(iii3hairtnan> Albert H. Seely, Secretary. The following! pre "nble and resolations were adopted r i The increased rales of gold-and silvei; c '"ney have caused an unlooked for rfivArr-the pri 's of merchandise and every commodirf of-which I 'vrspirtakcn; therefore- *trr - - • * r *d. That we adopt an incrcoss- of 100 per r.-ii ‘'eddihou to the former rotes for ■ eke practice p'dttine and surgery. ■ , "WM, Tift we recoauaend that 'aMi physicians Iffra fiajolnirig couoaes^aopTßK>esolntions. KenoU'ed, That a copy of this preamble and reso lutions be sent to the Agitator Office for publication. IRA W. BELLOWS, Chairman Albert H. Serley, Secretary. I. W. Bellows, Knoxville, Pa-, j ;W. B, Rich, “ ** ! 1,1 G- W. ilatteaon, “ “ AUett Frazer, - « - - “ D. Mctfaughtoo, Westfield, Pa., ? E. J. .Brown, * - ‘ **—s. “ ,E. M. Benedict, Elkland, Pa., W. W. .Wright, . “ ** H. H. Borden, Tioga, Pa., * H. C. Bosworth, Osceola, Pa., A. H/Seely, Woodhnll, N. Y., N. M. Perry, Troupaburg, N. Y., Wm. T. Humphrey, 149th Reg*t Pa. Vols* . Good Books. —Tbe following good Bookr are now An hand and for sale at Young’s Book Store, and will /be gent to any address fret o/ pwtage, on receipt of 1 tbe pnee : ‘ Rodlola. A Novel, by author of Adam Bede..sl 50 The Now National Tax Law~olficial Copy-..' Seed Tho’t.'Doctrine 4: Devotion. Robinson;. 65 Livingston's Travels in South Affrica........... 4 60 Illustrations of Masonry. Preston 100 The Rappers. .A Rap at-Spiritoalists 1 00 Power of Religion. Lindlcy Murray.. 25f Life of Sam Houston :. : * 1 25’ Memoirs of tbo Empress Catharine II 1 00 Pictures of Comical People 88 Christian Stewardship. Ashworth....;. : _s® Pox’s Book.of Martyrs.../. 2 25 . Concordance to the Scriptures. Crndeh h 150 Moore’s PoetienJ Works. Blue and G01d...... 450 Scott's Poetical Works. 111u5trated.............. 300 . Sqjuifo Trevlyn’s Heir. A Novel. Mrs. Wood.. 1 00 Among the Pines. A Good Story. Kirk0...'..... 75 My Southera-Pricnds. Kirke. 75 In Wollsboro, on Ihc lOlh irist., by A. S. Brewster, Esq., Mr. NATHAN H. NILES, to Miss ELIZA BREWSTER, both of Charleston. In on Thursday morning, August 4, LOUISA, youngest daughter of the late Samuel W. and Anna Morris. In Delmar, on the 28th nit., of consumption, MART 8., wife of Lewis Miller, (deceased,) in the 58th year of her age. At City Point, on the Ist Inst, of malarial fever, ROBERT C. BALFOUR, son of Alexander and Mary. Ann Balfour, soldier in the Army of the Potomac, aged 16 years, and 6 months. He enlisted April 1, 1864, in 187th Reg’tPn. Vols., Co. I, Capt. Little. He took part in the battle of Petersburg, on June 16, and came ont unharmed. Shortly after, he was attacked with' fever, and placed in hospital at City Point, where he died. JJ|s father visited him-severai days before bis death ; but found him too feeble to speak, and barely able to testify by signs to the fact of recognition. Robert bad been a Sunday School pupil in the Episcopal Church before he went to the war ; and be will be remembered with sadness by his-young class-mates who regarded him with He had long desired to enter the military service, and at last having obtained the con sent of his parents, to whom he was always fondly obedient, he went forth and mixed in the great strife. The young soldier has fought his last battle; but, being dead, he yet speaketh 1 J- D. R. SPECIAL IffOTXOaSS, Important To Females. f DR. CHBBSfiMAN’S CU.LS. \ ■ The combination of ingredients in these Pills is the result of a lojjg and extensive practice. They are mild is and capnoj do harm <° *be most delicate; certain iu correcting all irregularities, P«upfi)l Menstruations, removing all obstiuctious, whether Irupi cold or otherwise, pain in the side, palpitation of the-heart, whites, all nervons affections, hysterica, fatigue, paiu in the hack and limbs, £o., dUtm bed sleep, uhich arise from inteuupUon of nature. DR. CHBESBMAN’S PIUS was the'commencement of a new era in the treatment of many to a premature grave. No female can enjoy good health unless she Id regular, and whenever an r obstruction takes place tftp general health begins to decline. These Pills the finest .preparation n'tT ml /cnwnf with. IMME DIATE and persistent SUCCESS. Don’t beDe ceiVCd. Take tUU advertisement to .your Druggist, and tell him that yon want the. BEST-and mcstZRELIABLE FEMALE MEDICINE IN THE WORLD, which is J com prised in these Pills. CBEESEMAN'S PILLS have beep a Standard Kepvedy for over thirty years, and are the most effectual one ever jkpowp f°T BIJ complaints pecu liar to Fimahs. To all classes'they'aro invalqaple, inducing, with certainty, periodical—The j are known to thousands, who have used them at different periods-, through out the country, having the sanction of some of the most eminent Fiiysiciana in . ■ Explicit directions, stating when they should nothe used, with' each Box—tbe Price One Dollar per Box, or 6 Boxes for ss,’ containing from-60. to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptly, secure from observation, by remitting to the Proprietors, or any Agent. Jtsr SOLD BT DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. • HDTCJIItfGS # JrIILLYER, Proprietors. 81'Cedar St., Mew Sold in TTcHaboro, by JOHNA.ROF. , t In Tioga, by H. H- BOKPEJJ. J /In Lawrenceville. by W. G. MILLER. March 23, 1864-ly. \ ' A CABD TO THE EVFFFBimI ; ‘ SWALLOW two or three hogsheads of “Buchn/' s “Tonic Bittprp,”.“ sArsaparUla ? ” “Nervous An tidotea,” Ac., Ac., Ac., and after you are satisfied with the remit, then try ene box ofOLD DOCTOR BU CHAN’S ENGLISH SPECIFIC ' PlLLS—and bo to .health and vigor in less than thirty days; They ere purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects op t]sp broken-down and shattered constitution. Old and~yoxrag can take thepi with advantage. Imported ana sold in tbo United States only by JAS. S. BUTLER, No. 427 Broadway. New York, Ajppt fpr tb« United States. P. S.—A Box of the fills, seicprcly packed, tfill bp mailed to any address on receipt of price, jphicb U ONE DOLLAR, post paid—money refunded by the Agent If Dntjre satisfaction is not given* July 27, 186i-rBm. Editor of Agitator: ' Dear Siu;>—With your permission I-fvish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by rep turn mail) to all who* wish it (free), a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple vegeta ble Balm, that will effectually ’remove, in ten days. Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities .of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and bcaati/qj. v ’ I will also mail free to those Iwipg p|il4 Pcads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will.enable them to. start a fall growth of Luxuriant. Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty days, * All applications towered by rptqrn mail without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, 831. Broadway, New York. July 27, 1864 r 3m. DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED! PH.* BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS cure, In less than 30 days,the*worst cases of Nervousness, Impotency, Prematijf'o Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Affections, no mat ter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, past paid, by mull, on receipt of ap order. Oue Box will perfect the cure in most cases. Address •' - . , JAMES S. BUTLER* General Agent, 427 Broadway, New York; .. July 27, 1854-3 m. • s ' Tap OONppSSIONS ASP EXPEDIENCE op AN TN VALip.—Published lor the benefit, and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN, and Others, who suffer from NerVous’tte tillty, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac., supplying at the snme timo The Means or Self-Cure. By one uho baa cured himself after' undergoing considerable quackery. By en closing a postpaid addi eased envelope single copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Eaq., diiue 1, ISbtrly, Brooklyn* Kings Co., N. Y, SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facial,'Levari Facial, and Venditioni Exponai, issued ont of the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county; Pa., to me directedj will be exposed to public sale in the Court House, in Wellsboro, on Iu)NDAT, tho' 29th day of August, 1864, at I o’clock in the afternoon', the following described property, to wit: A lot of land in Tioga township, bounded north by C. Pr-Swanrenst fay Av Sr-Tnrner.-sonth- by John, Dailey, and 'Test by-Tiogh lfnd‘ Bfbasbbrg' rdllroadi containing f acres, abbot 3 acres improved, one frame house, andTsomb ffuTf trees iEercbn, To be spld if. the property of Daniel Webster. -,.-J OMC A I* !R I B X> . DIED. IOG;I : W®TT,Y agitator. Also—a lot of Jand in. borough of Lawrence villa described as follows: on 'Main; street ,in 'said borough, adjoining lota of Sainnel Chapman and M. Si Baldwin, twenty-six*feet front and'one hundred feet back on which is creeled one frame building used as a cabinet, shop and . foundry, which building does not belong with said lot, and .only, the lot is to be sold as the property of John R. Smith. Also—A lot of land in Farmington township, bounded north and. east by George Hall, south by Ambrose, Place," and Vest by William price-rcon l Uining,'l9 dbres, with about 10 acres improved.’: To be sold as of .Ambrose .Place. . . . : 'Atso^—Alot of land in Gaines townships bounded and described as follows r commencing at a hemlock on Jho ;spijth r west corner of the Davy lot; thence wert 262 rods ton sugar maple; thence north 181 rods to a hemlock; thbbc© east 262 rods'toV post, thence south 181 rods to the place of beginning—containing 280 afcrcs be the same more or less, and part of war rant No. 1041. „ . - ■ Also —another lot bounded and described as fol lows: commencing at a .white oak the north-west, comer of said lot above described; thence east 64* rods to a post; thchce south 250 rods to a post; thence west 64 rods to a post; thence north 250 rods to the place of beginning—containing’ 100 acres, straight measure; and part of warrant No. 2356. To be sold as tbe property of Nelson Johnson and Laura Ett Johnson. Also—a lot bounded north by lot No, 306, east by lot No|. 251, south by lot No. 253 and-unseated land, west by lot No. 254 and land of Samuel Vickers, being lot No. 305 on tbe map of lands, of Henry H. Dentin Jackson township and part of warrant No. 3370—containing 105 acres more or less, of which ‘aboutTO acres ore improved, one log house, log bam, • out buildings and -fruit trees. To bo sold as the. properly of Rcnben-Updike.. . Also—a lolofjana in Charleston township, bound ed north by'Jonas Roach,* cast by Francis Ulemons, south by Jot No. 9, Deans’ map of warrant No. 4475,. and John- Bren on, ah dw cst by warrant line No; ,4479 1 and being lot No. 5 of Deans’ map of said warrant—, containing one hundred and eleven acres and 135* perches, with 25 acres improved, and a few fruit trees, .an old jog house or shanty thereon. To bo sold as the property of Petpr Burns. Al&o—a lot of land in Dclmar township, bounded north by highway, cast by Meekham, south'by Samuel Dickin9on, and west by -Charles Goodrow— containing about 30'acres, about 15 acres Improved, frame house, log bam, and apple orchard thereon. To. be sold as the property of Harmon Dawson. Also— a lot of land in Delmar township, bounded north by Anna E. Valsing, east by Frederick-Moyer, south by Walter Valsing, and Wm. Dibble, and jreat by George Valsing—containing about 60 acres, afbqut 40 acres improved, two frame bams and an apple or chard thereon. Also— another, lot in Dclmar township, bounded north by Wallet Valsing, cast by Harvey Smith and.' Nahum Jackson, south by James English, and west, by Wm. Allen and Wm. Dibble—containing about7s aCres, about 25 acres improved, log bouse, milk bouse, < and apple orchard thereon. .To be sold as the prop erty .of Walter Valsing. ' > AtBoA-ihe following lots of land in Tioga County, originally granted in the warrantee name of James Wilson, one lot known as No. 4488—containing 999 acres of land with allowance of six per cent. Also— another lot known, as No. 4485—containing 999 acres of land with the allowance of six per -cent, be.the same "more or leas, and being the same two tracts which with others were conveyed to Wm. E. Dodge byHenry H. Scheiffelin and Richard X. Scheiffelin, executors and trustees, of ibe estate of Jacob Scheiffelin, dec’d. Also— all those other two lots or parcels of land known as lots No. 1 and No. 2 on map made August 2?d;i840, bytErastus'p. Deane, surveyor of warrant No. 4480, siiuated in the townships of Charleston and Richmond—containing .together two" hundred and twenty-seven acres or thereabouts, and bounded as follows : commencing at a post on the north easterly cornerof said warrant 4480; thence sooth 89 degrees, east 329 perches, ten links to a post on the north easterly corner of said warrant; thence south 1 deg." vest 111 perches seven licks to spost; thence north 88| deg. west 329 perches ten links to a post; thene'e' north 1 deg. east 108 perchos eight links to the place of beginning, be the same more or less, being the same, premises conveyed to Wm, E. Dodge by Alex* ander Graves and wife by deed, 1 dated June 21, 1843... Also —two crther lots or parcels of land known ns lot No. SandNol 4 on a map made by E- Ih Aug.-22, 1840, of warrant' No. 4480,.titoated dir.the townships of Charleston and Richmond aforesaid,' bounded as follows; beginning at a post’ lil porches and seven links-from-lhe north easterly cornerof said warrant No. 4480, south 1 deg. west 102 perches eight links t * n /the capacity of Salesman, the business will be continued nnder the name and firm of MJT.U & WAITE v. AT THE N E W .STORE, OPPOSITE THE Dickinson House, and will be conducted as heretofore on the' principle ONE PRICE AND READY PAY. Ten years experience in tbe former, and from two. to threp, years in ,tho latter (daring which time our business has more than bos fully demon strated the wisdom of this course. We are now re ceiving _ * Direct froar Hew Torh, a fresh flupplyjof - SPRING GOODS, selected with especial reference to the wants ‘of the people of this vicinity. The Stock'will consist of. STAPLE & FAKOY PUT GOOES, among which are - - - • BROWN AND BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, TICKS, STRIPES, DENIMS, CHECKS, PRINTS, FLANNELS,, GINGHAMS, CHAMBRATS, DeLAINES, ALPACCAS, SCOTCH PLAIDS, and a great variety of DRESS GOODS. Also, SHAWLS, & LA ,DIES’ CLOAKINGS, CLOTHS & CASSIMEUES, by tho yaid.or made op to order. KENTUCKY JEANS, COTTONADES,. LINENS’, and a general assortment of Goods for MEH’S MD BOY’S WEAR. We alee keep a general sleek of . BOOTS & SHOES, ,FAMILY GROCERIES, ' ; YANKEE NOTIONS, PALM LEAP HATS, SUN UMBRELLAS, Ac. We shall endeavor to hoop onr Stock aa complete as possible, by the ; Continual Addition of such articles In onr line as the wants of onr custo mers- SEEM TO REQUIRE. Oar facilities for purchasing Goods ; ARC UNSURPASSED, and while we do not pretend to sell Goods LESS THAN COST, yet we are willing to sell them at a SMALIJ PROFIT, and it will be our aim by - FAIR DEALING, to merit a share of public patronage. We are very thankful for the liberal and constantly .. INCREASING PATRONAGE; bestowed upon us, and hope to merit Us continuance and increase. Customers from TIOGA COUNTY and vicinity are cordially invited-to call and examine Goods and Prices. 11 SMITH k WATTE. Corning, March 30,1864. United States 10-40 Bonds. THESE BONDS are Issued; under the act of Con gress of March Bth,-1864, which that nil bonds issued lender this act shall be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or under any State or municipal* au thority. Subscriptions to these bonds are received in United States notes or noterof National Banks. They are TO BE REDEEMED IN COIN, at the pleasure of the Government, at-any period jioJ Utt than teniuxr more than forty years from-iheir date, and until their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID ‘IN COIN, on bonds of not over one hun dred dollars annually, and on all other bonds semi annually. The interest is payable ea Ibe first days of March end September In each year. Subscribers will receive either registered ojr coupon bonds, oathey may prefer. Registered bonds are re corded on.tbe booka of IboUnUcd States Treasurer, and can he transferred only on the owner's order.— Coupon bonds are payable to bearer, and are more convenient for commercial uses. Subscribers to this loan will have the option of ha ving their bonds draw interest from March Ist, by paying the accrued interest in coin—(or in TT. States notes*, or. the notes of National Banks, adding fifty percent for premium,) or receive them drawing inte rest from the date subscription and deposit. As these bonds are Exempt from Municipal, or State Taxation, tbeir value is increased from one to three per cent per annum, according to the rate of tax levies in va rious ports of the country. ‘ ]" At the present rate of premium on gold they pay OVER EIGHT PER CENT. INTEREST in currency. and aro of equal convenience as a perma nent; or temporal? investment. It is believed that no securities offer so great in ducements o lenders as the various descriptions of IT. States bom s.. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or Ability of private parties,- or stock companies, or* separate communities only, is pledged for payment, while for the debts of tho United States the whole property of the country is holdcn to secure the pay ment of both principal and interest in coin. These Bonds maybe subscribed for in sums from $5O hp to any magnitude; on the same terms, and are thus made equally available to tbesmallest'lender and tha largest capitalist.- They can be converted into money at any moment, and the bolder -will have the benefit of the interest. ' .It may ho useful to state in this connectionrthat the total Funded Debt of the United States on which in terest is payablo'in gold, on the 3d day of March, 1864, was $768,965,000. The interest-on this debt for the coming fiscal, year will be $45 937*126, while tbe customs revenue in gold for the current fiscal year, ending June 30th, 1864, has been so far at the rate o over $100,000,000 per annum. It will be seen that even the present gold revenues of tbe Government are large); in excess of the wants, of tbe Treasury fop the payment of 'gold interest, while tho recent increase, of the tariff jvill doubtless raise the annual receipts from customs on the same amount of importations, to $150,000,000. I h Instructions to the National Banks acting' as loan 'agents'were not issued from tbe United'States Trea sury until March 26, but in the first three weeks of April the subscriptions averaged more than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. - ’ -• ••' ■ ‘ ‘ ' all' NATIONAL BANKS which ore depositaries of Public money, and all Respectable banks and rankers . throughout the country, (acting as agents of the Na tional Depositary Ranks), will .furnish further infor mation on application and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY t;0 SUBSCRIBERS. May 18, 1864-3 mos. At>3llN ISTRATOR’S NOTICE. LETTERS of administration baring-been granted to the subscriber on the estate of. Amos Warri ner,"lat£Tof DeTmar/deVd,‘notice is hereby given to those to make immediate payment, and those haring claims to present thorn properly authonticatediar set tlement to dan OSBORN, Adm!r. . Sljony Forkj July 13,1864-« t» • AKOTHEB HEW STOCK 03? SPRING GOODS AT FERINE & CO’S! THE attention of the public is hereby called to tbe largest and best assortment of SPIES AN2) SUMMER DRY GOODS fever offered .in .this market The faithful patronage which wo have received daring the past year from the trading community of this section, has stimulated us to put forth onr beet efforts to please, and having se lected our present [ •>. Mammoth Stock With great care and particular attention to the known wants and tastes of our customers, we have no hesi tation in saying, that we can offer them a BARE OPPORTUNITY! • Of supplying themselves with Goods for the -coming season. Each department is full to overflowing with its re spective stock, and as heretofore we can and shall sell them at prices which will bid defiance to compe tition. Call and examiqe for yourselves, and we are con fident that the most fastidious taste cannot fail in bo lug gratified. • - ■ Especially would we call the attention of our Lady customers to onr • | STOCK OF im mmmm Which it is needless to say is larger than ever, em bracing all the styles of the season. • * Rich Black, Broiou, Blue Domestics! No other Store can compete with as In this Hoe of Goods. It consists in part of Brown Sheetings in all grades and widths, Tickings, Stripe Shirtings, Check Shirtings, Den ims, and all the best makes, and at no advance in price. Carpet Department! NEW SPRING STYLES! Those jn need of a Now Carpet, trill find it to their advantage to inspect our large and varied assortment before, going elsewhere, as we cannot fail in suiting them both in price and quality. Brussels, Ingrain, Hemp, Mattings of all kinds. Oil Cloths. In fact, everything in the Carpet Line. WALL & WINDOW PAPER! Who wants to purchase these goods at prices that will defy competition ? You who do must sot fail to call and see the GREAT VARIETY now offered, consisting of new patterns. RICH GOLD LEAF, SATIN PAPER, - IMITATION SATIN, COMMON PAPER, GOLD BORDERED WINDOW SHADES, PAINTED “ “ PRINTED PLAIN 1 “ BOOTS & SHOES. This Department is overflowing. No other concern can show so handsome and varied a stock. Every one will And it greatly to their advantage to • PURCHASE OF US. READY MADE CLOTHING. ' ' SPRIX6~ (£■' S VMMER STYLES ! ' A large; and varied assortment in.this line, incla-- ding Gents' Black Frock and Business Coats, Satin, Satin and Cloth Vests, Black, Doe Skin and Fancy' Cassimere Pants, Boys' Clothing. Wo also have an extensive stock of CLOTHS & CASSIMERES! IN SHORT, - O U£-. W B ax. J 3. .S T 0 CK is complete and fall in its every department, and with thanks for past patronage we will endeavor so to eonduqt onr business, as to merit the future confi dence of'all. FERINE & CO. AKSffiJISiM. DYSPEPSIA. AND DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OP THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS ARE CURED BY HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS, Tire Great Strengthening TONIC, These Bitters hare performed mere Cures 1 HATE AND TfO SITE BETTER SATISFACTION HATE MOKE TESTIMONY! HATE MORE RESPECTABLE PEOPLE TO TOUCH FOR THEM? Than any other article in the market. We. defy any On. to contradict this Assertion, AND WILL PAT 91000 To any ono that will prodnce a Certificate published by ns that is not GEauiss. EOOFLAJW’S GERMAN [ BITTERS WILL CUBE EVERY CASE OP Chronic or Herrons Debility, Dis ease or the Kidneys, and Disea ses arising from a Disordered Stomach* . OBSERVE TKE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs : Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness* or Blood to the Head Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Pood, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flutter* tering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swinuningof the Head,Hux- Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Flutter- , ingattfae Heart; > Choking or Suffocating Sen sations when in a lying posture,-Dimness of Tlslon, Dots or |. Webs bo- I fore the Sight, Perec-and Dull Pain v Pain in the Head, De ficiency of Perspiration, Yel ' lowness of the Skin and Eyes, pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs. 4c., Sud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Con stant Imaginations of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. REMEMBER THAT THESE BITTERS ARE IfOT ALCOHOLIC, CONTAIN NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CAN'T MAKE DRUNKARDS, B UT IS THE BEST TONIC, IN TH|E WORLD. t&'EEAD Wko si From the Rev. Levi. O. Beck, Pastor of tho Baptist Church Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Baptist Church Philadelphia. * * * * I have known HoofianeTs German Bitters favorably for a number of years I have used them in my own Jamily, and have been so pleased with their efleets that I was induced to recommend them to many others, and know that they have operated in strikingly beneficial manner. I take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the diseases for which they are recom mended, to these Bitters, knowing from experience that my recommendation will be sustained. Ido this more cheer fully as Hoofland’s Bitters is intended to benefit she afflicted, and is *• not a rum drinkYour# trnly, * LEVI a. BECK. From Rev. J. Newton Rrowa,D. JX. Edltor of the Encyclo pedia of Religions Knowledge, Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Med i clues in general, thrthgh distrust of their ingredients and effects, I jet know of no sufficient reasons whv a man mas not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have re ceived from any simple preparation, in the hope that he mas thus contribute to the benefit of others. J I do this the more readily in regard to Hooflauds German Bitters, prepared by Dr.C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for’ enconr agement to try them, when suffering from great and lone continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bit tors, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodilv and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing mo to the use of them PniLAOELPins, Jusn 20,1861. J. NEWTON BROWN. From the Rev. Jos. H, Kennard, Pastor of the 10th Ban tist Church. Pr. Jackson Dear Sir:—l have been frequently request ed to connect my, name with commendations of different kinds ol medicines but regarding the practice as ont of my appropriate sphere; 1 have in all cases declined; but with a clear proof in various Instsnces,and particularly in my fam ily, of the usefulness of Dr. Iloofland's Gorman Ritters, I depart for once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that, for general debility of the system and espe cully for Liver Complaint, it is a safe and valuable prepara tion. In somo cases it may fail; but usually,! doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those who suffer from the above cause. Tours, very respectfully, J. H. KENNARD, Eighth below Coatee Street, Philadelphia. From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Germantown, Penn. Dr. C. M. Jackson; —Dear Sir Personal experience ena bles me to say that I regard the German Bitters prepared by yon as a most excellent medicine. In cases of severe cold and general debility I have been greatly benefittdd by the ns© ol the Bitters, and dor.bt not they will produce similar effects on others. Yours, Unly, WARREN RANDOLPH, Germantown, Pa. From Rot. J. H. Tomas Pastor of Hcddlng M. E. Chorcb, Philadelphia. Dr. JackecnDear Sir Having need your German Bit ters In my family frequently, lam prepared to say that it has been of great service. I believe that In most cases of general debility of the system it la the safest and most ral uable remedy of which 1 bare any knowledge. Yours, respectfully, J. h. TURNER. No. 726 N; Nineteenth Street. Promtheßev.J.M. Lyons,formerly Pastor of the Colum ' bus (N. J.) and MUeatown (Pa.) Baptist Churches. „ New Rochelle, N. T. Dr. C. M. Jackson; —Dear Sir; —I feel it a pleasure thus, of my own accord, to bear testimony to the excellence of tbs German Bitters. Some years since being much afflicted with Dyspepsia, I used them with very beneficial Teiults. I hare often recommended them to persons enfeebled by that tor menting disease, and faaro beard from them the most flat tering testimonials as to their great value. In cases of gen« eral debility, I believe it to be a tonic that cannot bo sur- P a ”' a - J. M. LYONS. PRICES. Largo Sire (holding nearly doable quantity,) • . SI 00 per Bottle—half dor. $5 OO .Small. cents per Bottle—half dor. $4 00 BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS; See that the Signature of “C. HI. JACKSON” Is on Ihe WRAP. PER of each Bottle. Should your nearest druggist not here the article, do not bo put off by any Of the intoxicating preparations that may bo offered In its place, but send to ue, end we will forward, securely packed by express. * Principal Office S^HXannfhctory, NO. 631 ARCH STREET. JONES & EVANS. (Successors to C. SI. JACKSON 4 C 0.,) Proprietors. . SALE by Druggists and Dealers In every town In the United States. Jan. 6,18 M. [Sept. 9, 1883-jly.] rs SO:-®*