' ~ SioroinginOhurch.: There was* imlhre for John Hartley was arrested ai'fd taken be fore Jostico Wilson for sleefin f in church,' wH<&*-fe#lway* did* as TegalUrlr came round. ... ,' . j. - , “ What do'yoh know abontfta defendant’s sleeping-in chprcb?” de,mannsd/:}ie justice of a witness. • “I know ell about-.it;;'taint-no Secret, I gness," replied the witness, -v . “ Then if; that’s- just Vhet we. ■want to know.” ‘ _ __ “ bead£ the ihort of it is, John Hartley is a hard-work ing min -itßdtis, he works mirffty hard-doing nothing, and that’s -the hardest there is done. It will make s filler sleep qdicker than poppy leaves, so it stands to rcasi-a that Hart ley wool'd naturally be'a very sll.-py sort of a person.-'Well* the wcatfaetis stS-inimes natu- ■ rally considerable warm, and FJ C'qu Moody’s sermon IsTsoriretimes rafter hecVy-lffce-^” “.Stoghstopl, No reflection upon parson Moolly J *-tha'tViiot what yon,wets called for. 1 -' “I dbh’t cast no reflections otf Paraon Moo dy, I was, only telling what I know -about John Hartley's sleeping in meeting'; and it’s my opinion, especially in warm- weather/ that sermons that are heavy-like and, wo hourslong naturally have a tendency—”’ i “JStop I stop 1 I say 1 if you' repeat any of these reflections on Parson M , After a profound alienee the icourt was ad journed, to enable the jnstice }3'think the mat ter over and, render a decisipni Valuable Ta^lj.—sTbe fcllgwingjnforma tion gives the number of seedi in a given quan tity, bpaoe they will ow. One ounce of parsley seed has in it 16.200 seeds, and a quarter of'ifr wiU 'sow a driif "sixty yards-long. One oupce of salmon radish- seed contains 1 1950 seeds, and will sow broadcast a bed con taining'ten yards.-. f -„. , y it One dance of onion seed contains 7,GOO“seed, and sown -broadcast .will- suffice for fourteen • square yards of ground'; but if sown in drills, will be enough for twenty-drills, each four yds. long, or for .about, 24-Square - yards -of ground; One pint of dun-colored dwarf kidney beans contains 750 seeds, which are enough to sow fourjows, each seven yards iopg. Chjnpint of ecarl,et runners contains 264 seeds nnd«ir enough for four rows, each nine yards W- V. ' ■ . " One pint of broad 'Windsor l3eanB has 170 seed*, and iaiufiicient for serfn'rows, each’ four ■ i ■ ( - Ope pint of Knight's dwarf morrow peas Contains 1720 seeds ;• one pint of early War-' wick peas, I 86 0; one pint .oil scimetar peas, 129?; and any one of these. pints Will < sow eight rows, each four yards long, as tha larger peas require to be sown wider apart in the rows than the smaller seeded peas/ ■ ' One ounce of carrot, or .patbnep seed, sown broadcast, will be sufficient for a .bed contain-) ing sixteen square yards; end if sown in drills, for one of twenty-eight square yards. 1 One ounce of any kind Of cabbage or broc coli seed will be,enough fo/ abed containing nine square yards, if sow i broadcast, or for sixteen square yards if Aot n ip drills. The Deacon and the vWVisps.— A worthy deacon .jn„a town of Maine, was remarkable for the'iaoility with which he quoted Scripture on all occasions. The Dim e "Word was ever at his tongue’s end, and all the trivial, las well as important occurrences of life, furnished oc casion for quoting the language of .the Bible. What was’better, however, tKe exemplary man always made his quotations the standard of ac tion. One hot day he wasi/Vgagcd.jn mowing with his hired man, who‘fats leading off, the deacon following in his evrfirth, conning hie apt quotation, when the man suddenly [Sprang from his piece, leaving his swsrtb just itt time to avoid a wasps’nest. ■ - -r* “What is the matter hurriedly -inquired the Deacon/ "Wasps I” was tbe'la«-uisi reply. “iPohl" said the deacSo, “the wiokfed flee when no man pursuctb, but. the righteous are as bold as d lion I” and taking the workman’s swarth, he mowed but a step when a swarm- of tbe'brisk insects settled ahoC-t his ears, and he was forced to retreat with meny a painful sting and in great discomfiture. ' , 1 “ Ahd” shouted the other with a chuckle, “ the'pradent man fdresesth the evil, cod hid cth himsdJf, bnt the oimpif pass on,'and are ppnishedf’ ' %l ' ■ Thp deacon had found kis equal,ih making' applications of scripture, Ind thereafter l was not.ltbb'tfuto quote in the ! sowing field. - Spccissi?_Lrrr.—Keep the lawdf duty ev-: er before you’; let it be yottc never-failing pi}- lar.of light. Be brave and pn the'square.with your otfnecienc* to the test Your' success in life may not be' equal .to yitur .hopes or your deserts; it isnot fot Tee best and wisest of us may Jail in the struggle ; bat we may have oar consolation even'then. To gain tfje ; wqrid's and fo anatchits fleeting spoils, is not mai.% sole a«d proper bnsffiesihbCre. : Immortality’ smiles forth' on . the scene, 1 and' beckon ah ija cyef onward'in the race for. .those.eternal ."honors -which the world can'neither give tipr take away—the prize"..which all may strife for, and no one strive-tn vain. • - - Tpt 'fiognsh tale is sheep when fatted acd divide the .vrefcs ht by seven, and call jt qaarterfl- Tbae, a shocft weighing 140 lbs would msp ,|?P na » If the sfaeep ofo m good condition; this rule is eofficiently accurate. for, -til ’purpose-.. p oor ttaNpwUl fill* below thf’inwk, and extra f R . OBWfffOTOTIt. iwiaw notice. 1 OUR ASSOR^JVIENl < /pIF; V’ X»itE§S .;•- • -' ■ T ■ Ip-HCIiOAESr,-;- ■• '. : '=-'T.;' - : are., ic now attractive than evtr Wire, a largo j/stook of en tirely wo are selling off at very T?w< price<..i- PLAIN, FIGGED ; CHECKED & STRIPED MOHAIRS, wad can hardly foil to salt all easterners. In webara on bond a Toapk 'better iteck 'than-, can-be fonfcd eUowhore. "VT© intend to Jbcep this the best sto|k to gehctfrcm in this-Concur. i ,- f Whe Domestic Stock is full of Bargains, an 4 we ore selling all goods, such os ■ * ' * POINTS, SHEETINGS, i SKlfepiNSS; ';,. . : .COTTONADES, &c., at less than current market rates. will be kept fail of fill desirable goods, and sold at cut. regtflar scale M haTo formed a-partnerahip in the practice«f< Jj too Lair, and TTul attend stpctlj to «11 legal badness entrusted to as. We shall also engage in tb< prosecation of SOLDIER'S CLAIMS for PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK-PASV-Ac;, . .. and the procuring of Artificial ifmii for-aach si -or,- entitled to them from the United States, and gene rally will perform all the duties of. Lawyers and Claim Agents. The Junior Partner has devoted much .of his time daring the past four year* to the Pension bofioesß, and wo thick from the facilities we possess, its bon make oar collections as promptly, os-correctly, and[at lose rates than any who are hors engsged.in that business.. Oar, office is in Jadge Case’s Block, at Knoivllle, Tfoghcoahly, Pa.;where; one of, the fijta may be found at all times. ' .. JOEL CAifPBELL, Jr., . .... IKYIHCLHARYEX. , REFERENCES: Knoxville—Hon. Yictor Case, Charles 'Goldsmith, H. D. Wilhelm. Elhland—JoelParkharst, Major Ryan. Lawrehoavillf>i-KcT. L. S. Adams. . -Kelson—A. if. loop, JI." U. ■Westfield—James Maston, M. D. Knoxville, Janß-Syiffijfe-tf.: '• : ~ , .1\ L fTpIOGA CO. COURT PROCLAMATION.— JL 'Whereas, the Hon: Robert G. tYhito, Pf e'stden- Jndge for tha 4th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and Royal Wheeler hnB Slfetocl OagivEsq.'s, Asso ciate Judges in Tioga county, have-issued their pre cept, bearing date the 11th day of June, d? 64, arid * to me directed, for'the holding'’of Orphan's Cdrirt, ’ Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, afTPellsboro, for the County of Tioga, on the Clh Monday of August, (being the 29th day,) 1864, and to continue two weeks. ' , Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroner,- Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and for the .county of Tioga, to appear in their own proper per • sons, withtheirrocordB,inqnisition3,oxaminationaand, remembrance?, to‘do those tilings .whichy;f.d.ljpir.cili ces and in their behalf appertain to be done, and all .-witnesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf of ' tho'Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to be then and there attending, and not to depart.at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punc tual in their attendance at the appointed time; agree ably to notice, Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's' Office, in WoUsfeoro,, the 18th day of July- in -the .year, of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty . four. H. STOWELL, Jr., Sheriff. Manhood ; how xost, how dx&xorx-D.—jest pub: BsMd.a'new edition.) of.JBuC)PwwoiJ!a Cejebpded Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spemator thma, or semlnel Weakness,, Involuntary Seminal Losses, imnotaucy,'Mental cud Physical-Incapacity, Impediment*' to Marriage, etc.: .also, Consumptijn,- Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by salf-lndulgence or sexual extravagance. -dST Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents.' This celebrated anther in this edmirable essay clearly demonstrates, frame thirty years - successful practise, that the .alarming consequences of leif-abuss may ho radically oarpd without the dangerous uss of Internal medicine or tho .application of the tujlfey-pointing out a mods of cure, at, once simple, certain and olreituaJ,by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may bo, may euro himself cheaply,privately, and fadichliy.' '., : 1 : 1 dE-Thl* future should he In the hand* of. every youth .and every man in the land. - ' ’- - Sent, under seal, in a -plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of St2T cents: of too post 'stumps. Address the pnMishlrs. - • :CHAS; J; CxELINE S CO., • Juno 15,’C4-ly,‘X27 Bowery. New Toft. P.O. box 4c3S LETTERS testamentary haring bean granted to the subscriber on the ©state of Tilly Martin,'latfc of ;CoTioglfon township, dec'd, notice is hereby jgrtTen to' those indebted to make immediate payment, and those haying claims to present them properly anthen ticatsd for settlement'td" ' '* fTT'LIXT CHtMSETS, extia.'qnalily for Eewelne ■ 1 Lamps, just received at y ‘ V ,1- * ft ‘ iri SAVE FULL LINES OF POPLINS, CHALLIES, , vl *’ ' : ~'J X) '/ 1 / ? '2. &c., 1 z *» * i-'fc, v ,a r-rr ,-r j*• v CLOTH-'SAcfelfes AND &IR CLOAK CLOTHS; |THE. SOOJ & SHOE,STO€EI JT. A. P ARSONS,, ;. Corning," TV. T. 4pril2T, 1364. . 1 ■ JBzecstor’s Ifbtice. RICHARD VXDEAN,) „ ~ Ifiatcfced Borges lor Sale. THE undeicighed c'ffai’s for sale'hfiteati) of dapple gray Mares, : seyen years old, weight aVontlOOO lbs. each, kind, trne,_and in goad condition. Will -«alt any one io*want W»nci£a.teanA'-'-“ i :'.= ’ Marshfield, Jnly 20, 186*. D. E. HARSH. • j , ESTBAY. /■IiME to the itwlOßurepf thoeubjctiboron the 8d Vi/ inst.-, in Whfd'tdwnihip,' a 'Co tr, light brown coldr," a while spot over her left eye, feet all white. The owner is.rcqnaftbd to cotne forward, pay ehargei/und take her away. Mrs. JOHN McEELLAR. . Ward, Jaly 13, 1861,-3t*_ - SAME into the enclosure Of the 'SdbSCfibcr, in Richmond township,' two Red Tearlfpi' Heifers, of them with the point of the right horn'broken off; the owner is requested to prove property, nay chargees and lake them away; ; H. EidSESTED., alacsEeld, July 4,1864. " " ‘' /i*! ON CENTRATED L b a, female at " ROT'S REtJCr STORE. AN" Assortment of TAELfi GLASSWARE w'at ho found'tit !! KOT*S DREG STORE." 11 'IAREIT JARS a large supply of Glass Jars and mwfrcwTff ROT'S DREG STORE. ,« TO BOWEK’SS” SEEING a big crowd on Main,Street, hurry , ing Wirard a common center,- -somebody asied- Wiiei’C Are 'S'ou Going? Theanswcrwas; • . . ■ “To Bowsn'S; wo. i, union Bladf!” To loot at that splendid stock of NEW SPRING £ SUMMER GOODS! ust arriving York, -•- j •• VERY SENSIBLE PEOPLE,”’ ‘ thought X to myself"; i you know"* who Any* at a'bar gain, and sells so as to give the purchaser a bargain too* ' ' r JSierefoTft.if yon want anything in the lino of; -. DRY GGOife,' " : LADIES’ GOODS, . READY. MADE CLOTHING, : ■ ■ boots;-sicbfis, *o., GO TO BO'WEJTS, . and If you.want > - - HARDWARE,. , o • QUEENSWARE, , «* m ESrO.CE OF GjOODS, bring them along, and you will get , r.h Satlaffißatrayr Bargains; an 4 if win be soretto cemstwice —yea, thrice, or fetlf.awlpzen tiroes?. , ■ i -.Don’t forget the place I AO. 1, UNION BLOCK, Wollsboro,-JnneT,lB64. : ■ ■ ffOHNiR. BOWEN. SepMber l§t 9 - ; I§B3 S i_ . , PROM THIS DATE, ’' '_, FOR RMOT PAY ftTO ! : CUSTOM BOOTS A2UD SEOBSI L-eathsr. PnaisgSj |£e.< OA3H PAID FOR HIDES, iEELTS, DEER : SKINS and: FURS;i • £ ;jQR. FRANKLIN BAYS; ‘ '! When, yon hare .anything to advertise, tell the .pcblic'of it plain, simple language:”.. ", . I am manufo.ctv.ring go?d;castota?made Boots and Shies which I will ; prices,; ohd-only for 'SSAHX PAY- Snch work cannotbesold.at aa low. rates per pair as eastern made slop-work, hat it can and will be sold at-prioas which will -enable, the pur chaser to protect hta feet-wivh good subitilttial boots more cheaply than; with % -peer- aiep-ahep; article.- (which, even ifjdt hipieeyewith the “first weeks service, is .bnT.a dohblful protection in wet and cold weather. Try me; - ' ' - ■ Back aad Boeakidd WfaieS,' in the red acd short Uue/fcrTrMcb I jtfU pay cash ’add a good priced ‘ j ' ' Bsnf-Hiiss snd Osifsicios Wanted, for which I wiUgdsßpaycash. - Sbsop r.alta , w anted, for which I.wil}. jiajr.cash. and tea. highest mar ket price.■ ■' An assortment of sene;upper,'calfskin* andlinings, pegs, fire&d, nails, awW, : knives,,Bhoer hammers, At-, ioj, kept constantly on hapd, whioh I will sell cheap; forcash. Shop on Main Straetbetween Wilooi’s and Bullard's. ’ £ x _ f -• mOBTETTEWB CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A Pure and . Powerful Tonic, Corrective and Alterative, of Wonderful £ff,caey, in Diseases of the. STOMACH, LITER AST) BOWELS: Cures Tyspepaia, Liver Complaint, Headache, Gen eral DehjHty, Kervousnass, Depression of Spi rits, Constipation, Colic, Intermittent Po vers. Crataps and Spasms, and all Com plaints "of either Sei arialngTrom Bodily Weakness, whether in * herentintheaysfemorpro- 1 ! daced ■by Special 1 Causes. 1 Noihi3» that it net wholcscms. genial and mtorativs In its natur*. enters Into the composition of HO3T£IT£R ; 3 STOMACH BITTERS. This popular preparation contain* no mineral of any kind, no deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant; but It ii a combination of the extract* of rare balsamic carts and plants, with the purest and mildest cf all diffusive stimulants. 'lt is wall to bo forearmed against disease, and. to far as the hitman system can be protected by human moans against •maladies engendered by an unwhofrsema atmosphere, im- find otter external causes, xiCST£XTirB,-'S DIX TZESmny bo rolled on as a safeguard. 1 la districts infested with Tr.-sr ar.d 'Ayvt, It has beep found infallible as a preventive, and irresistible asa remedy, and tbonsan'da who resort to it under apprehension of an at tack, escape the scourge; and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of its productive qualities in advance, are .esredby avirybriof course cf this marvelous medicine.— JT.STSf and Agr.a patients, after being plied with quinine for months in vain, until fairly saturated with thot dangerous alkaloid, are not r.nfrcqncntly rostered to health within a feiy days by the use cf HOBTETXKR’S BIXiERo- The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appetite restored ty this agreeable tonic: and hence it works won der* in cases of DvSrwSiA end in 1c33 confirmed forms of XivDiazsnon. Acting as a gently afid painless- apparent, as we}l as up liver, it also invariably relieves ths’Coxsn ?Atips superinduced by irregular action of the digestive and vsmefiv© organs. ; Parsons of feeblo habit, liable to AffdcAs, Zcio- j-vij of Languor 1 find prompt and-per mdnontreUef fromthellittsrs. Thoteatimcnyonthlspoint is most cnucimive, andjfrom ccth sexes, - The agony of Eaters? Ccxtc la immediately assuaged by a single-dowof the stimulant, and by occasionally resorting to it, thsretnm of the complaint may be prevented. A» a general tonic, HOSTETTRR'S EIXX.C.RS produce ef fects which must be experienced or witnessed before they can bo fally apprec'stdd- In cases cf Ccr.itiisiicr.al ntak -7043; Pmr.atxre Dvxy. end Debility and Decrepitude aris ing from old age, it exercises the electric influence. In the ppavnlisesatxtagas of alt diseases, it operates as a delightful invlgerant. When the powers of nature are relaxed, it cp etdtss to reinforce and reestablish thorn. but not least, it Is Tm Only Sqft being sound and Inocnons materials, and en tlibly free from tbs acid element? present more or less iaall the ordinary ionics and stomachics cf the dey . JJo family medicine has heex so universally, and. It may bb truly added, dccrrmiZj' popular withhto intelligent por tion of tho community,as HOSTEixXR‘S XIXIBRS. . .Prepared by HOXSTTUaER £ SMITH, Pittsburg. ?a. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Storekeeper?, every where. fcfc3-Iy HEIMBOLDS GESUIXE PREPARATION. COMPOUND FLUID EPTHACT EUCHU, a positive and specific remedy for the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop sical Swellings This Medicine Increases the 'power of Digestion, and a* cites the absorbents into healthy action, by which, tho Wa tsty'or Calierous depositions, and all Unnatural Enlarge ments aro i educed, as well as Pain and Inflammation. BEL&BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCEU: For Weaknesses arising from-Excesses, Habits of Dissipa tion, Early Indiscretion of Abase, attended with the follow* leg symptom*: Indisposition to-Exertion, Ldssof .Power, Less of Memory. Difficulty of Breathing,'Weak'Nerves. Trombllng, Horrors of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pam In the Back; Universal Lass.ltudo of the mnsralar system,.. Hot Hands. Flashing of tho Body, Dryness of tho Skin, Erup* tjons on tho Pace, Pallid. Countenance These symptoms, li allowed to .go on, which this medicine Invariably removes, soon follows Impotence, Fatuity, Epilepsy, Fits, In.ono of which the patient may ejyuro. Who can sny that they are cot froqnently followed by those “ Difefhl Diseases,’* “INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” Many are aware of tho cause .of their suffering, Bcr ncxs will coxrcss run recoups OF sse Lvsavs Ast trxs. " "' { And Melancholy Deaths by Consumption hear ample wit* ness to the truth of the assertion. i The Constitution cmc: affected v?iik. Organic 7Tbtvncsy T re* aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate tho system, __ 7T7kfcv HtxboLD'S FSTKACT BUCHTT xnrorvaJfy docs. A trial will convince the most skeptical. ' * FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES. Jn many Affections peculiar to females, tho ExTsacT Bueno Ijunequallodbj any other remedy—as la Chlorosis or Be tention. Irregularity, Pain fulness, or Suppression cf Custo mary evacuations, Ufcerated or Scirrhous stuto of tho "Ute rus. Leuchorrbcc or Whites, StsnUty, ar.d for all complaints incident to the sex. whether arising from ip'Usdxetiou, Hab its of Dissipation, or in the * ' I DECIIN2 OH CHANGE OF X-TFE Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant medicine for unpleasantandaangsrojts diseases. . HXMBOLD'3 E3.Xr.ACX BECED AND IMPP.OTEE ROSEVASK COKES SECRET DISEASES, Is all their stages. ' At little expanse. Little or to change diet. No inconronicnce, and no .exposure. Etcauses.f frequent desire and gives strength to urinate, thareby removing prerenting and curing stric tures cf the Urethra, allaying pain ana inflammation, so Bexneaf in thfr class cf diseases, and expelling all poisons, aiwosts ond &cr/t vui nutter. TuOgaWWCPW XHCw3A323,Wno HA7B BtKf 7HETKUXB OT ftCAciakacd ■nLo ba~e paid ktarjfess to b& cured in a short tuns, hare found they were that the “POISON* has, by the use cf “ rcwsrfal aatriugsats.* been dried np in tho system, to break out In an agrraiated form, and perhaps after marriage. Use nsmloiJ’a Extract Bachu -for ail affection# and die eases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether mating In mala or female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these organs require the aid of a DIURETIC; HEiIBOLD , 3-E£/I£AtM RUCHu 13 TIXE GREAT.DIU2E TIC, and i*cerfcan to hare the desired effect in *i> diseases for:which it is recommended. 1 Evidence cf tbs tacit reliable and responsible character will tcccmpinyffce medicine; Frice t'L per hctils, or six for %5. Delivered to any address, secnrely packed from observe tioar - • DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IH ALL COMMJSICAHOHS. CUTES QUABANTEEDI Advice Gratis! Addressistters for information to . • (H. £. HEMEOLD, Chemist, 104 Socfh Tenth St.. helo~ Chestnut, Phila. HEMEOLDS Medical Esnot, • ' ‘ - * . HEMBCID'S Drayand Chemical dvarchcnso, 194 Broadway, N. Y. BEIT ARE 01 COtEiXEREEIIS ASH uNBKItiCIPLXD HEALERS, who endeavor to dispose cf “ their own” and ‘•other*' articles, on the reputation attained by JEkribold’s 'Ger.vJne Preparations. “ . Extract Buchu. Extract Sarsaparilla. “ Improved P.ose Was%. O"Sold by all druggists everywhere. Ashfor Hembold’s Tote ho othar. Cut out the advertisement and send for it. and cro id imposition and etpceure- BUSHELS .of. FLAX SEED wanted, for &\J\J whioh the Highest Market price in CASH .will he paii ‘ D. P. ROBERTS. ■ VTollsboro, April 6,1564. TIUTTT & WIHDOW GLASS at .JT--- ; ' • KOY’S DRTTS STORE. ■ _CJtrLPHIXE OF preserving CIDER, at iAJ ROY'S DREG STORE, j Soldier*’ Pay Bounty and Pension . |r|i Agenoy,; , . , KXOXVILLE. TWO A COffXTT PEXx a ' The undersigned having been specially licensed t the United States Government to prooars the Back Pat, Bounit,- and Pi.vsioss, of deceased and disabled soldiers, gives notice to n interested, that ha has made arrangements Kith -' U tie: in Washington, by which he is alio to i-? 0 ' Back pay, Bounty and Pensions, in n very short and that he will .give particular attentions to oia'ims that may be brought to him. Beine with all the requisite Perms, Blanks, 4 c., 4c h' • superior advantages in this branch of business V, 1 diers entitled to pensions, will find it to their ad' o*' 0 *' tage to apply to tbe undersigned at Knoiviii c .Vd' examining surgeon for Tioga County reside- th.rV ■Also, Judge Case,before whom all application.;,' pensions may bo mode. “ ’ 101 Soldiers enlisted since the Ist of March 18C1 ! ' any kind of service, Koval or Military, who’ are k" abled by disease or wounds, are entitled to Pennon" AU soldiers who serve for lw? years or during tc, war, should it sooner close, will be entitled-to tics Bonnty. Also soldiers who hare been wounded .buttle, whether having served two vears or not a,, entitled to 5100 Bonnty. Widows C f soldiers Wci-l or are killed are entitled to Pensions aiAl the SICo Bonnty. If there be no widow, then the miner call dren: and if no minor children, then the father" mother, sister?, or brothers are entitled a, afco-a-1 Terms! moderate. I will be at my office on Monday and Saturday at each week, to attend to this business. 1 July 15, ISSJ. ly. Wit. B. SMITH Rn-Ettnrtcss: Wellsboro, J. F. Donaldson, s'-er. iff Stowell. Addison, IT. V., W. K. Smith. -V,-:b. ington, B. C., Tackor and Lloyd. PEEHFajsLD wOOLEE P&OTCH?, THE undersigned having purchased the wsll known Woolen Factory of Messrs. E. 4 B "s Bowen on the Cbwanosqae River, two miles east cf Knoxville, take* thi» method of informing the inhah tants of Tioga and adjoining counties that he wiji manufacture wool by the yard or on shares to nf, cuatotters, into > EL A-t NEL3, CAS3IMERES, DOE-SKINS, i EDLL CLOTHsJf all kind,. The machinery has been thoroughly repaired at p new machinery added thereto, also an imp roT ,d n!ff wheel which will enable bim to wort the entir* n aba. Ho thll attention to Roll Cardin; & Cioib Dressing, which will be done in the neatest possible manner haring added one’new Soil Machine, will enable bin to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance. He would farther say that he hae carried on the holi ness in manufacturing wool for farmert in Bradford and adjoining counties for tho past twenty yean-'ia therefore osn warrant aii work and satisfy his custo mers, using nothing in manufacturing- bnt genuine w°ol. JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, May 5, 1363-ly. Agency» THE" Insurance Company of North America hare appointed the undersigned an agent for lieja County and vicinity. * A» tho high character and standing of this Comps ny giro tbs astnranca of full protection to o-uati d property against the honard of fire, I solicit iriih con fidence a liberal sbaro of the business of the county. This company’ tra* incorporated in 1794. Its capital is $503,000, and its assests in 1381 as per statement Ist Jan. of that year was $1254,719 81. CHAEtES EEATT, . . , Secretary, ABTHDR Q. COITXir, . . . President' Office of the Osbssb; 238 Wslact Street Philadelphia. Wn*. Bnetalcr, Central Agent Har risburg, Pa. JOHN w. GDBRKSEV, Agent for Tings Cnnnty. Fa, Joly 15, 1863. ■ - T " 1 ... O THE PUBLIC. lAJX now prepared to manufacture, at my JatafclUh meet in Deerfiotd, j PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, Also, Ladies’ BAZMORAL SKIRTS ler, either hy the piece or quantity, to snit oat JOSEPH UfGHAit. to old tomer Km ioitUU, Jnly 15,1563. PILL iND WINTER GOODS' T. L. BALDWIN IS now. receiving a large and well selected STOCK OP ■ j fall and writer goods, consisting, in part cf a General Slock of , DET GOODS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, WOODEN ' WARE, Sas., &x. ’All of which will bo sold VERT LOW for BEADY PAT' OJfLY. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. All persons buying GOODS for RE ALT PAT, Are respectfully invited to call and examine THE STOCK, As they are to be sold at VERY LOW PRICES. CASH PAID "FOB WOOL. Tioga, Nov. 27,1563. T. L. BALDWIN. PENSION AGENCY. TO S.CiiSumS AnS 7tu>iS t-BudfliS. ’ I 'HE undersigned having bad considerable expe ■_L rienea in procuring Pension Bounties and Barb pay of Soldiers, trill attend to ail business in that bus entrusted to bis care with promptness and fidelity. ALL SOLDIERS discharged by reason of wcundi are entitled to the clOu bounty. Pensions, Bounties, and arrears of pay, collected by the undersigned. > Persons wishing to confer with me will pleuse call or address mo by letter at Sylvania, Bradford county, Pa. Charges reasonable. GEO. P. MONRO- Refers by permission to K. B. Card, County Traasnrar, Wcilsboro, Pa. D. P. Pomeroy, Troy, Pa. A. H. Spalding, Sheyff, Towanda, P#. [Aprill. GATLIN’S I IMPROVED Fire and Water Proof Cement .U the beat preparation In nse fer sending broken aril:!*** snch oa-QUsa, China, Crockery, TfV.od, leather. Ornansfl* 5 * Stone. Metal. Bone. Ivory. Pearl. Porcel.wsv. In fact, scat a*? broken article. Being perfectly white it will not d;sfl«v:» the articles. It trill stand ell climates. and “hen thorcogb l ; dry, the part to which it is- applied will bo s* strong si -t wat before broken. - Price cebU per bettio. J. A. BOT. Agent for Xlogc Cccnty- Wellsboro, August 20, lies. . Portable Printing Offices. Fcp th» mo cf Meteiian! 1 ' Enijiiiti, and ail lai: v' 3 and prcfcss.czinl c* 2 trUh to do tbeirctra 4Sd Adapted to the •• Handbills, Billhead*. 9 ;;- j lir3*litcis, Cards aaiStt r, | Notrspapers. Fall ticas cccoajaay tacli cs timfelias a boyt«a 7 ?a ” °V fo-trort th«a rc r cewp i V Ctrmlcrs teat free. - men sheets of Type, Cat*. &?•, 6 costs. Address ADAMS' SSSSS CO -31 Ffltk Rot, S. T„ and SJ Ilneflo St. Renton, Masa * January 27,13C4-Iy. ‘ _ * I'i'i EASILY DTE COLORS at , K^t“B-MTO STORE- Giber vihesae ROS?B J>BTO STORE.