THE AGJTATOIy j-OC A L AIJ D_H IS CEXiXi AH |l PITS. vTeuebcro, Wedncsday, Acs- 3, i»£ A. If evr Advertissmeats. —Selden Butler. " j. —beetle-. 5-. B:vc~c£—Sheriff ctciTcli.' • - '* '• " " —Sheriff Stews!!, i;! cf Tritr.wWellsboro rest Office. , ; 0/ Utters —Tioga. Post Office.’ ... ~ t at Sti-Mti Frfrcs—'Wright i Bdlsp. ; ' , VTi go to press before the rssult-cf the elrttio't'can knows, but present appearances indlcaio a good it, tea of the right stripe, too. .The ',- :i j; u like a jag-handle—on oot eide. V ■ Ur bare-to thank car friend. Mr.-CharUd Tubbs, { Q i;£ cis. for a handsome card of invitation to. «t -•ica ice commencement wetio exercised ot Union - ; U-:je, Schenectady, K- V, dosing on tb I-SSth of ; ; ir Sir Talcs Is one of the class-of life.- We ;;;; ic mop be the Valedictorian cf 1557. -. Fast Dat.— -To-morrow being the day of Tc-sling is! 7sorer recommended by Congress, and fixed iff it: President, religious services trill he hold in the j|. 3. Church ic ibis borough, at IC jA; Ji. The will be 07 Her, Sir. Boggs, paste* cf_the prtibrterian Chorea cf tbit-borough. • C'.yrisrATto:!.—Tbo rite of ConSrmitlct.vr as ad -inisicrci tv Bishop" Stevens to a-.class of eight ptr ut £t. '.PaaVs Episcopal Choree, last Sunday -'roieg- The Bishop preached tea crowded-horse _ ._^ e morning. In tie evening tie house -was denso the occasion being the parting address cf Sector, Bor. Geo- E. Jerks. Hr, leaks takes r :.v the regret* and gcci wishes of the nommu ,:. T ;o jto distant parish in Illinois where he rename's 1j Ishsrs- jiaj he he abundantly prospered. ■- Ijhip Stereos preached an eloquent semen on Ittie- evening. The tight eras fret, hat die anal t::s ciceilent- rrrrr;:.—A led? write* .ns from Pennington nocking a pio-tio held for the benefit of s>.«v.C. L. i.Ecvclin that tone on; the 23d of, Jonh.' I .The peo itcreiaiaressed appropriately by Mr, Howe, after trU:h tie assembly- repaired to too feast of good Iticgs—which, frem. the description, wa* worthy of tti liberality cf oar Eamlngtcn friends. After din-' t=r, the people reassembled and were adi'cssci ty i'istri.Eustß, Bctrstsa and Eiles. , The proceed* cf the pio-aic were presented to Mr. Howe J. B. Esq. Tie occasion appears to hats been in all •Espssts agreeable. ; ■ " • ‘ rft hare received a communication, with a pst of •is tenet cf persons the tare left Bless ftir Canada t: titipe the draft. The communication is from a nUlle naa sad is aooompanied by a reqaeit to pub -14. We agree with him as to the-proprifty of put ttp Etta men on record; fcst we propose to delay as fchiicaiion until Vnout the time of the draft, if a craft has to be resorted to to fill oar quota, thus giving is dsUrqatnts an epporf unfty to return and meet the esrpeacy like men, tmdisgreeed. 'VTo hope thit cti.7 like case of skedaddling trill be reported to this c£:t. - . Ccnrisr.—lt is frith more than ordinary regret that vs chroaicle'tho death of an old friend, Mr. Ed- - v;j L. Ssisi, at the Marin«BospitaI r New Orleans, title Jth of‘June. ; Mr. nears was a member of a lev York regiment, fought bravely in the battle of. fitijaat Hill, as web as In that of the preee/Jug day, tea fell at last -a- rictlia to tbo fotJgtifeS and u tposnpes tf *the campaign. Ho Tras so Trail knoTrn *£ .-this tl - where the most part of his active life was ipcttt, titt this brief tribute of friendship,may seem ctceeesmry. Bat we eannet forbear some.sWght tes- I.SCST to this manly,, straitforwanifrlendjof the ha nse race, wheso heart beat true and gonafoasly to ta last throb. His hatted of tyrants was. Mvir con-. Dying at 3", he Jived long enough to"prove lit manhood and die beloved. , 1 ■ \ aii- Sum leaves a widow end on© cb-.1,. and a t;;s circle of frier.3s to moam cia. iocs. ' - bc:£ err roa Tee-. —V.'e caution our-tenders to it cn their jaard against on emission spurious i.iy cent notes (the new flats,-) whieh hnvt'-Just'beeu fetit drsalation hereabout!- They caniviadtly be detected by absenting tho foaevriag taathbc They tte at c'ghto of at Inch shorter that the' genuine i tbs esrjj •• £fty otEtf” which snrtpount fee head oi '■"asblcjtot ore very pale and Indistinct is'the oonn ■ chile the letter! fcre eery black at,i distinct hisgtasine. The brent® did® around'the head the soanterfeit can hardly bo tees, tvhili tto gcr !s a deep color. The spurious thbugS indistinct - h c'l l‘s outline!, is darker than the good-, Leek cat for jeunterfeit greenbacks slta-cj-frozn Si; 1; c: vs. They afo easily detected ft’Otti the fact he; the hare they portrait of Mr. Chase i'vctcod of JariSeat Lincoln on these- v t '.Trr.‘.lists, large and small, can in no -i .th?! Tray incest their fends, and old the Governme.i ft) this iiorpjnc-, than by taking the now jean, just ;:t in tbs market. This loan is for $490,0'V,000, in to!! at seven, and three-tenths per cent, p tr annum, pnynhlein lavrltl ncncy, settl-snnncdly.' 'Tod notes rid be of the denominations of 659, s}fo,- $509, 51559, end $5050, redeemable in gold-beating 5 per ks loads in three year* from the leth-ot' tbvpres-i <«=jintb. . £ “ ’■ i’ Itis is really and truly a patriotic loan, ,It Trill h jopdar vrith -ho earncst supporters of tl’V govcrr attt, end with none other. - It trill be tafcfts by that '-u of dticena rthc value the country at a higher to ian traitors aid Wall street speculators, tree nrus cat of pnre aelSshncss. Tha goldr-hc iriug in'- s»l;riae!!-ot, tho nation eight hot to Mite versed at psiict. ihis ecu; loan, therefore, ought-tc f e pre : •'toi before any other in the'lmarfcet, . Wooo'iclade •l fill he jo preferred, from the faet that $2,513,003 :: ;i tu taken the Erst day In the city of Jfei ! Sork , h - Heas jpts for Aid Societies, *- l -:trzr.r.T Sx2"—For Dysenterfy or lijntrhoa. 31s. berries, bruised—boil 1- minutes, t> obtain [■ti isirjgtabqaaiitics of,tbs seeds; then-btrain off XV'* :;S;EE d edd one-half cones each. of ■‘3? sa ?“ ini allspice, and,one-founh ounci. cloves ; ••i spilt fifteen minutes, then strain, and 'l\ d whilst •i :s » pint of pare brandy or old whiskef ,i? n'-spiiei or army use, it is best pat -uv in small' •■■it: which should bs carefully sealed. Pour i qt. goo i vinegar ■‘■ 4 qj;. raspberries: let them stand 12 b nrs, then ear Ic each .pint "add 1 Ib.of/jood dry" *£“> ”5 and Etim 20 minutes, then hf>ttl< '',»4 seal. Ftsjoerro ptEparatlens trill keep In an’ 1 climate, therefore, (besides! drying) tbs 0 ily safe -• preparing these units for tbs sol tiers. 'phary Commission csk fore large lapply of syrup; to which all our AW Societies • a centnbmc a'share, rhe raspberry " vinegar u ‘tin tooling drink in fevers, do. .. if e!j3 ' E demand for grated ho’Vs radish, -,V“, £1 - ; nli be parked in small Jars, and- tuistened £ jXj‘¥2 Er - This is the best anti-scotba'st mourn, ovtry'vrfcsra, and cheap t,t.d easily S| U p £; . S.E.Hon a tt, ti- I ,* crc S°thg' coinmuilestlon together’ with an net*, cnlj retched our bands "on Sat laev We know not rrben llamas sent, u a eing no dati, Mrs. Mr trill please i||®epi ibis p-m I*?*® f6r ll * MnlapJ>eafaß«e ' .Tie pa - 'pokea of w*« mUlald^.B».3 A False State itekt Coskected.—As- the state ment has to some extent been circulated of late, that 'There used toy influence in behalf of jotae one of the candidates now in the field for the office of Sher iff of Tioga County, and as some persons are foolish enough to believe the statement. I taka this public place' to say that the report is utterly without founda tion so far as lam concerned. Whatever terest I have chosen, to exhibit at .any timo in any candidate for office, has had reference solely to some office of the. nation or of the commonwealth, nei ther by word nor by deed have X given my personal influsaceffor any candidate now' seeking any local or county office. And he or they who have ‘ circulated .anything contrary to this, iava done it iil-advisedly or from.evil motives. . . J, D. Ini. ■ The Si beats School Oeieeratio;; Notice was given last week of the Sabbath School gathering and plo-nic, to he bald at Dartt Settlement, oh August 10. I wish to say that the grove that has been selected is that of Mr. Joshua Atberton, a short distance this side of the JDarlt Settlement Church. As it was the request cf the preachers who are to be present'at tbs Preachers’ Convention on the 9th day of August that as many Sabbath School children should be induced to attend as posable, I earnestly urge a general at tendance cf the schools :n this vicinity' and their friends. Mr, J.Gray will act as committee for the Weilabsro M- E. S, School; Ira Johnston, for the Shuuiway HUi school; um. E. Bowen, for the school that meets at the Brewster school house; and Mr. Orrih Benton- for the school that meets at tho Tcnng school house- J- Da Bell. Tee Laet's Fr.tzim 703 Attsnsr.—A beautiful steel engraving, called "Harvest Time,'' opens.the August number of The TadyV Sr'tr.d. Tho steel Fashion Plate,, a -double one, la also, as usual, of tho first quality. The wood engravings are also excellent, especially " The Bridal Dress," and the. following four pages. ■ The literary contents are varied and ex cellent, .including "Sicily Wayne," by-Virginia F. Townsend: " Love’s 'Answer,” by Carrie Myer: " ffnto the Dawn," by Harris Symo; "Tc my Sis-' ter;-" by Mattie Dyer Britts; “First and Dast,’.ia|>y il. C. ?.; •'Auricle,” by Charles Morris; "The Transformed -Village f " Bering Twice and 1 Twice Weidedj” by Mrs. J&incs- -•: “Tbs Mistaken kindness." by Mrs, Denison; “-Signs and Tokens," iy Aunt Alice: 4c. ; 4c., Ac. Prise $2 a year. Sin® gls numbers (post paid) 20 cents. ' Published, by. 'DnAcos i Pstnsscv, SU TTalnat Street, Philadelphia.. . ■ '. Tss Atlantic ifoaticyfor August pressste its .real' lets with a most substantial bill of fete:. It opens with ha admirable article -on Cias. Beado, as a nov elise ; continues with " How "Borne is Governed ''House and Home Papers/' are con tinued, and are, as ever, fitit rata. The political ar ticle is ahert and pointed. Altogether Uls an extra number. $3 pet year. Can be otdered at the Book store, . Ocic-j with all its wealth of patterns, its tasty lettcr-pires*,nnd Its “gemsof art,” came.ono day too late forsotice Inst weak, YTe beand somebody re mark that Sodey for Adgntt Was " uncommon in teresting," Xonng has it at the bookstore. . MASKIBD . In Mansfield, on the 2ith nit., by Rev. If, L. Eey noids, Hr. JOHN F. DAILEY, of Tioga, to Miss BtlBT ANN TANDEEEN, of Mansfield. In Liberty, on the 10th nit,.by E-C. Cox, Esq., JACOB C. SCHAMBACHER, and Miss LOCI9A ELECKLER, all of Liberty, Pa. DIED. In Broad and Cherry St. Hospital, Philadelphia, of Wounds received at the battle before Petersburg, WILLIAM MATSON, of Co. B, 3th N.'iY. Heavy Artillery, fsen of Mr. E r Matson, of _Delmar) aged 20 years. ' SF^ClAx*. IvPTICaS. Important To-gemalea, £ SB. OSSSSETeIBITS FISSS.- f The combination of ingredients in these Pills is the'recall cf ft long and estecsire practice. They are mild in their operation; and cccnct do harm to ths most delicate,* ccrtsfc *a ccrrccilog all IrrcgaJftritiee, Painful 'ilsnitraatlons,' rcmcTin? all cfcstmcticns- whether from cold cr oiberwlss, headache; pale In -the side, palpitation cf tho heart, whites, all nervous effectless. hysterics, fatigue, la tho back end limbs, 4c , disturbs! sloop, which arise from interruption of catnro, i)Et CH£f&3&m&sT3 ?lfeYs was tho ccmmeacsmeat cf a sew era In ifce trsatosht cs Itregulatltles and obstructions which bare consigned so. man? to arnaxerver ohatx. lio feirxls can enjoy gcod health unless sto Is regular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health begins to decline. These Pills form iht Ji'ntsi pTcTaratior. suer cut ferzari with XMME- LtIAXZ end PstISISTENT SUCCESS. JJOn 7 t b© Ss* CSiVOa. T-ho this ndveitlstmort to vonr Urneglst, and tell Mtp that foti crant tbc SZS"? etna nnzi uIASZZ ZZMAZS !aZfSJCIX~Z fT TJxZ Tr'CS2JC l which Is com prised in these Fill?. I£. CHZSSS-'i'ASr j PIZZS bars beta a'Standard Remedy for cr.r thirty year?, and arc tho mo?t effectual one ever known for all complaints pecu liar to Tcv.alts. To cHclasses they are Inrr.icrble, re'fcicf’tf, certainty, rtrkdical Ttyxtarity. Thoy are known to thousand*, who have ü ß sd then at d!3erent periods, through cat tha 'CQcntry,-ar.7lcg th» sasttloa cf some'of ths most ttintrjt Fr.fZicuir.s fa ZzzliTit ai>cvf:’on? l c.'.'it: v y vrVr; m .ctU n«a,with each Box—the Brioi Cr.: D'.C.r *>ts, or 6 Rosts for $5, containing from £0 to GS Pills. Pills Zijjt cy\ 7r*ailz~: 4 r.zily: seerro from cbserrr.tlon. remitting to the Proprietor*, or any /-gent. w ST Dctt&ezSTS qZyiSAZZT. . EUTCHI27GHS 4: HILLTER, Si Cesar 3t- : lork Sold in ‘Vrelishorbi by JOHN A. ROT. J la Tioga, by H. H. BORPEN. - J In Lf-wrcacorille, by PT. G. iIILIER. y Clutch 28,18G4-ly. PRESERVE TOUR BEAUTT, STMMnaX. OF FORM, --- TOtJR HEALTH AND ACSOTAL POTTSES*, BY using that Safe. Pleasant, Popular, and Specific Remedy known as BEIMBOIL'S SSfZ&CT BVCSV.. E®nd th® Advertisement in - atotber colamn. and profit by it— ■ . Vieetxtee ana £r.z7r.traUd. Cut it out and preserve it. Ton itay not now re quire it, _ , But nay df £t"vc yn..-.. 2) a -j, ' “It gives kealth and vigor to tho frame. And bloom to. the pallid cheek.” It saves long Suffering end Exposure.- ■, Beizan cf Cctr.ii’feiti! Cures : t?;:a-antked. July 13, 1364-lm. HOSTETT£R , S BITTERS have received tho tannest cs.- ceialuzns frees tha press and people tkrosgho , at th 9 Union, cs a ralu&bis tonic: for the cure cf Dyspepsia* Flats* l«ace, Constipation? and general nervous debility, ireanaot fcg approached. Everyday ne~ enus of its great effect are chronicled through ear principal pnkllc Joarnala. -There is nothing etjusl to the enjoyment 01 that Ttfcich tko unlisted espenenoo when hsingtfcJs valuableppechic. Its aUd tone, its snre and rjgcrons action upon a disordered stomach, and the entire fcamca body should recommend it toallcjasses of cay community, %ZST*3c: i or sale by druggists and dealers generally everywhere may XX 6*-a£* * GENTLEMAN,, cured of Nervous Debility, _£X, lopeteneyr PrJmaturo Decay and Toothful Error, actuated by a.desira to.benefit others, will be happy to famish to all who need it, (free of charge), the recipe and directions fbr making the simple rem edy used in his case. Those wishing,to profit hy.his experience, and possess a Valuable Remedy, will re ceive the’same by rotors mall, (carefully sealed), by addressing - _ JOHN B.- OGDEN, . No. 60 Nassau street, Kerr Fort. May IS, 1864-Smns... A CARD, 70' 7SE ,Sf UFFEBING. QiwALLOW twih or three, hogsheads of “Bachn," iO “ Tonic Bitters," " Sarsaparilla/' - " Nervous An tidotes,” Ao., 40., Ac., end after you are satisfied with the result, then try ons'box of OLD DOCTOR BU CHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC FiuLG—and be restored to health and vigor in less than., thirty-dayi. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary, in their effects on the broken-down and shattered constitution. -.Old and young can take them with advantage. Imported and sold in the United States only by- -JAS. S. BuTLEB, No. 427 Broadway, New Tort, ‘ Agent for the United Stetes, „ P. 3.—A Bcx”of thoTnisrecohrely packed, trill be' any address'on, receipt of price) which'ts' ONE DOLLAR, post paid—money refunded by the Agent if entire satisfaction is net given, July 27,1844-80. . THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. mHB confessions and experience of an in X Valid—F;’ibli-- : hc:i Icr the f and r.s ii CAUXION XO TOuNG MEN, and ethers, rho suffer from Nervous 3>e- HUty, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac., supplying at the same time Tus Moans or Srir-Crr.v. 3y one vvho has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. 3y en closing r. postpaid addressed envelope- single copies may to hud of the author- NATHANIEL HAYfAXR, Esq, Juno 1, lEci-lj. Brooklyn, Kings Co., N". T. bailor of Agitator: Dri.r. Sjs:—With year permission I'visbtosay to tbs renders of -your paper that X mill send, hy re turn mail, to all trio vish it (free),-a'Recife, frith fail directions for making and using a simple Vegeta ble Balm,, that trill effectually remove, in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Xan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, icaring tbs tamo soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I trill also mail free to those hating Bald .deads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that trill enable ibeia Ip start a fall Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty days. Ail applications ansrretei by retain snail rrithaut charge. , Respectfully roars, TKOS. t. CHAPMAN, Chemist, • 831 Broadway, Kerr mrk. July 27, ISiU-Sm. DO YSU WISH TO.BE CURED i ( DR, BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS cure, la less than SO days,'the -Verst cases of Nervousness, Impotenoy, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Affections, no. mat ter from rtfcat cause produced. •Price, One Dollar per box. .Scut,post-paid;byrnail,;onreosfphof an'order. Che Box trill perfect the euro in most oases! Address JAMES' Sj BUTLER . , ' ,- General Agent,.427 Broadway,.NoyrXc.'k- ; July 17, ISS4-3n, .... T IST OF LETTERS remaining in tie Post AA Office at Tioga, August ls£ 130 a: . Abbott, S. 3. rVTr. 2 McCallem, John Mr;. Cowes, C. F. 2' ‘ Mirim, Elylh Mrs, Carman, Esq. Wm._ Mosher, Gib Day, Wm. Esq. 2 ' " ‘ " 'McCaluin, Wm. MrA”' Dennison. James Mr. Mason, Esther Mrs. Easton, J. N. Mrs. ' Qain, EpsisMrs. Fogles,-_MaJgert Miss Reamer, Mr. . -. ■l, Harpr, u. W. Miss Schrcgc, um. Mrs, Harlstt. Nelson. ’6paldin,.M. Mr. j King, Moiniaas Mrs. ‘ Tremain, Mos.E.’Mri, KilthyMcs 3. ’ XhoscSs,' Mrs. Lida ■ ■ : Miller, Jacob 2- ' Wilson, S. R. Mr. 2 • • MUler, Wm. 3, Mr. - Wheeler, Ears A. Mrs. MitohcU. lr. D. Esq. -' "Wyants, Martha Kiss Mack, Si A. Cap • , Tfells, Lida Miss ' • Persons calling for any of tie above letter?, Trill please say they are advertised. '-' ' ' LEWIS DAGGETT, P. M. - ■ IST OF IETTSRS-Temaiaidg in the Pest OSes. JLd at Wellshora, Angait 1,1354: " Brown, S. W., - Myers, Frederic p. Blakqloe, Mrs! roily Soiltos,-sanil; , ■ 2akar, Miss Sementha Smith, Mrs. Carolina - Coudish, Miss Prlsila , Scfianlon, John- •; ; Ctesfrall, 3. M.’* " -Seamen, Miss Nellie " - Canada, Mrs. Noble , Strait, Mrs. 6. E. . Dnndm, Mahala - , ; . -1 Sohnsler, Miss Sarah •. • • FittsSmmons, H. Thompson, Mrs. Emily Hall, Charles ' ■ Topllff, George R.. - T&psoa, Uriah Tompson, Simeon Jacob?, Miss -J, Winter, P. ,■ rungslsy, Daniel B. -Persons calling for any of the abacs letters, mil please say they .are aaveftitad; ” . - - HUGH YOUNG, ?, M. "TT'OUND AT BAST I—lt is found.timt the Cocoa- JC nut Oil is far superior to all the'lemons Hair re storatives now in nse. It stops.tho hair from coining out, removes dandruff, softens the scalp and promotes the growth of the hair. The now Cqcoanut Hair Oil for sale at Roy’s Drug Store, is undoubtedly tho most elegant and useful hairdressing in the market. Orphans’ Court Sale, AN pursuance of an order of the Orphans’ Conrt of Tloga county, bearing date the 20th day of July, ICS'S, the following described real estate, late the pro perty of Horace Dgyfe; lajirof said county, deceased, will be offered-at -public sale on'the‘premises, on Monday the 22d-day-of August,-1864,- at 2 o’clock, p. lu.: - „ . „ A lot of land in the Borongh- of- Mansfield, In said county, hounded on tho north by lot of Mrs Eunice Sykes, on the east by the Williamson Road,- on the south and west by Mrs. Alice Phelps—containing’ about one-half of an acre, with frame house and bare and fruit trees thereon. ' Terms of sale, cash, on confirmation of tho sale.- 9 . A. X ROS 3, Adm’r of the estate of-Horace Dayls, deceased. ■ Mansfield, Jnly 2", ISfii-idt,. - ' - HUGH ITOIJiW, BOOKSELLER & STATXOMEB, AK2 DtiALSB IN American Clock?, .American, .English,, and Swiss Watches, Jewelry, Bllrer Plated Ware, Spectacles, Picture Frames, Photographic Albums, Stereoscopes) Microscopes, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, Fishing Tackle and Flics, and Fancy and Toilet Articles. jJESf* SCHOOL BOOHS of every kind used in the County, constantly on hand and sent by mail or oth erwise, to .order. ■ • SO. 5, VNIOS SLOCK, WELLSBOP.O, PA, E>R. -JACKSON, ■ rsx cntEisArsn bo.taßtzc, A-tNTZO * Indian Plipieiaii; OF ERIE-CITY, PENN’A, - May be ‘Consulted as Feilbus—Free of Charge, Cameron, N. Y. ; Briggs House, Tuesday,'Aug. S, 'Gi. Bathbonyillej N. Y., Rathboh : House, -.. . i "Wednesday, August. 3, 'Addison, K. Y., Doolittle Bouse, Thursday, Aug. i, Corning, N. Y., Dickinson House, Friday, Aug, 5, Bath, N. T,> Park House, • . . " Saturday and Sunday. Aug, 8 and ?, Lawrcn Seville, Pc.; Slo'sson’s Hotel, Tuesday, Aug. 9, Tioga, Pa., Sohnston House,. . Wednesday, Aug. 10,, WeUsboro, Pa., U, S. Hotel, - Thursday, Aug. 11, Blessburg, Pa., Hall's. Hotel, , Friday, Aug. 12, Elmira, N. Y., Brainard House. Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 23-and 24, Troy, Pa., Troy House, Thursday,; Aug. 25, Wheelefs Horse Powers andThresh era and Gleaners, ‘ . rpKE subscriber would respectfully announce to I to tho Threshers and Formers of Tioga and ad joining counties, thatrho still continues to sell the shore named MACHINES, and-'tbat I barb tho pleasure, of offering this season'some'yaluablh'im proroments on the old machines and a large addition . to the rariety. I now hare for sale Railroad Horse Rowers for one, two,-and three heroes,‘three different sires of _J?heeler« Rake Cleaners, aisti horse Lever Powers, Howard's Mowers and combined Mowers and Reapers, Smith’s Green Mountain Shingle Machine, Palmer's self-sustaining Horse Ports,-Clover Hollers, -reed Cutters, Circular and Drag. Saws, adapted to horse powers, Horse Rakes, Ac., do. - All of which will ho sold strictly- at tho manufac turer’s prices, adding transportation, and will bs war rantsd to giro entire satisfaction or no sale. Patras for repairing old machines kept unhand. ' 1 ■WII. T. MAThEES, of Wellsb'src, and ,Q, H. BAaTER A CO., of Nelson, are my assistant agents ’ for-Tlogo County,-where Porks trill he kept on hand and orders left for other Machinery-trill, bo promptly attended to, Descriptive Cireulsrs-oontalnlng-price list sent to ail applicants. - B. S. TEARS. Troy, Pa., Jane 29, 1864-tf. " . . " ' AUDITOR'S SOTTCE. npHR -undersigned appointed an/Audltor to dis- X tribute the money raised by the sale of the teal estate of G. D. Smith, late of vT ell shore, dcc’d, will ■attend to the duties of said Appointment oh Wednes day, the 10th day of August, next,-at the Commis sioner's Office In Wellsboro, at I o’clock P. M, tr n v x 7 vs ic?,®®' ALLEN, Auditor. . TTeilsbcro, Jaiy-13, IS6I, • " , -WASTE©! ■ APESTof-the- CO UNXY.BOUNTY BONDS for CASH. , ... JOHN N. BACHE. . Wyiilsboto, July ls, 1354. . i . : . A LARGE STOCK of GARDEN and AGEXCtJI* TUBAL SEEDS at ROT’S DRUG STORE. THE PEOPLE’S STORE iM- mmniim 9 m ¥*. M. SMITH, J_J asscciated with hits E. vr AITE; who Xi 338 Jwa employed for the last niao years in the Store, In tho capacity of Salesman, the bnilnssi will ba continued under tho nates and £nn of SMIT.I f.;& WAITE, A. * XS S NEW STOEE, '' OPPOSITE TS2 „ BicMiiioii House?'' and ttIU bs conducted as heretofore, on tbs principle of. ONE PRICE AND READ! PAY, Tea.yosrs esparfecce in tba former, and fresn fwo So three years in tea latter (during which time our has mere than doubled) has fully demon stxated’ths wisdom of this courses *VT« st« now re* cal-icj* - iilreci fr®ns lii£p» Toyfe, a fresh supply pf SPRING GOODS, selected with Social'reference to the wonts of the people cf tnij-Tidbity.. Tho Stock will consist of ■. . STAPLE '£ FA&CT PR7. QQOZS, among vhioh arc * ■ . •- BROWN AND BLEACHED SKIRTINGS, TICKS, ■ . STRIFES, .DENIMS, CHECKS, PRINTS, - FLANNELS, GINGHAMS, ' CHAMBRAYS,' Pul-AINRS, ALFACCAS, . SCOTCH PtAIDS, and a great variety - _ cf DRESS. GOODS. Also, SHAWLS, 4 LA. DIES’ CLOAKINGS, CLOTHS 4 CASSIMBRES, -byths yard or made up to order, KENTUCKY JEANS, CCXTONADESi LINENS, . Endagencralasscrtnont-cf Goods for MEW- A'SS> BOY’S WEAR fr« also keep a general stock of SOOTS & SHOES, T:pHLI GROCERIES, "TAIfKEE NOTIONS," ‘ - . ' _ , j PALM LEAF HATS, - SuN UMBRELLAS, 4c. We shall endeavor te keep' cur Stock as ■ ccapjete aspossible; Iff.the . - .aoatinaai AddiiioQ of rackartiefesin outline as the waits of oir'eusto asta - - f VSEEM TO REQUIRE. Oar faoilitiss for purchasing Goods . ABE - IJNSERPASSEB, mid while -we|d*not pretend to tell Goode LESS THAN COST, yet we are willing to sell them at a SMALL PROFIT, and it will he cnr ; aim by I'.AIIt D juAZIIIQ -, to merit a shore of. public patronage. We cfo very, thankful for tho liberal and constantly •. .INOpASING PATRONAGE. bcstowednpoaus, and hopo to merit Its contlnnanoe end increase, ’Customers from ' ■' TIOGA COUNTY, and vicinity am cordially invited Jo call and aaamine Goods aid Ericas- SMITE 4--WAITE. - Corning, Mreh 30/1364. IJfIU/fl Slates 18-49 BokßSs, : . ■ THESE BJErDS.are itsfled under the act of Con-, grass of Man-h' 5th71394, which- provides that all -bonds issnedhnder this act shall be EXEMPT FP.OM TAXATIONhyor under any State or municipal au thority. Sujsoriptiona to these bonds are received in United. Stalk notes or notes of National Banks. They are TO BE REDEEMED IN COIN, at the.ploasnre m ZbtTiicpal or Sale Taxation, their value li itersased from one te three per cent, per annum, nfcoording to the rate of tas levies in va rious parte of the-country,' At the present rate of premium on gold they pay O VER RipST, PER CENT. INTEREST in.currenoy, end ale of equal convenience as a perma nent or tempornry,investment. . . It Is believed that no-securities offer so great in ducements to lenders as the various descriptions of V.' States bonds. Id allotherforms of indebtedness,the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate communities only, is pledged for payment, while fop the debts of the United States the ’ whole property -of - thi country is holdon to secure the pay ment of both principal and interest in’eoin. These Bondi may be subscribed; for in sums from s3o up to-any magnitude,-cr.thc samrteimsynutiyaTs thus made-equally available to the smallest lender and the largest .capitalist.. They, can,, be converted-inte rne ney-at ah-yaonient, and the holder will have the benefit cf the interest.; • . ■ It may ho useful to state in this connection that the tots! Funded ijebt of the 'United States on which In terest is payable in gold, on the £d day of March, 1864', was $763,965,000. The interest on this debt for the’ coming fiscal year will bo s’4s 931,126, while the customs-re rondo; in gold for ih'o current’fiscal, year, ’ending June 30th, 1864,.has been so far at the rate o over $100,000,000 annum. - - It will he seen that even the" present’gold revenues, ■of the Govern&ent are largely In excess of the wants of the Treasury for the payment «f gild interest, 1 while-the recent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise tho annual receipts from customs on the same amount of importations, to $150,000,006. ,'' Instructions to tne National Banks .acting as loan ajents were net l&saed from tht United States Trea sury until Ulisthh 26, but in the first three week* of subshtiptjshs- averaged more than- TEN MILLIONS A ■VyEEZ. Subscriptions wlll be received by all ' - WATIOSAD BASKS which are depositaries of Pobiic money, and all ; SSSPSCTAtIIZ &A3S3 At*X> BAIfZERS throughout the country, (acting as agents of the_N»- tlonal Depositary Ranks)/will furnish farther' iuior tSation on application and * - ~*' AFFORD E VERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. May 18,1864-Bmos. - -AWMjntISTRATOV’S IfOXICJB, LEUEES of administration ha-jng been granted _fo the subscriber on -tfaO’Cstato of' Anna • WettSir tier, lets of Delmar, dso’d, notloa ta hereby glren to * .thSfejSo make inunodiate-p'ayment, and those hating claims to present them properly authenticated for eet (lament to DAN OSBOKS, Adm’r, j Stony fork, July 13,1804*01? A?fOiH£E rmw ST^CH OF SPRING GOODS AS - FfßO£ & CO’S I THE attention cf the public is hereby culled to 'the largest sad lest assortment cf ' {' - " - ' ■ • ’ ' : 1 JSPSXr A 172 Z7XXS3 S?. 7 GCOS-3 ' over offered in this market. The fiithfal patronage which we have received daring tho past yearfrpa the trading community of this section, has stimulated ns to pat forth onr best efforts to please, end having se lected oar present r MmmmQth §t6ek -With great care end particular attention to the knows wants and testes of onrenstomera, wo- have so hesi tation in saying, that we can offer them a *BAEE, OPEORTFSITsi Of supplying yisnsslrea Goods for tha coaisg .season'. . .... Each departaert u fall Us spectlr® stock, end as heretofore-"we can and ahai sell them at prises TfMch.aiil.bld dcSaxuo to-comp© tition. Call and>xamin 9 for yosrselTee, and ttq are con fident that the most fastidiout taste cannot fail is he* ing_gratifie4r—— - - Would tts tnll the attention'©r oat Xad7 etfitoaeri to'oar-’ *■ SS OCE CF Which it Is needless to say Is larger than ever, cm braeing all the styles of the season. Hicb HZacb, Drown, 'Bl-Js & Au-.c-' jDrsti J5i1%9 7 - .Plain and Figured Wool DsLaiaes, Black and White Checks, . MozamblqucS, Foils dw Cheeves, - . Alpaecas of every description, Figured DeLainei, Monrnlng.Soods, ChaUlts, In short, it is unnecessary to ennmarats farther, at the Ladles well know that we id ways have the best assortment of Dress'Goods. ' . - - .. FRESH AMERiCA.IT PRHTTS! - ■: - This department is replete with the best qualities and best assortment of all the leading prints, and are telling at the CHEAPEST PRICES. B®me§tl€§! '. No other Storc'can compels with ns in this line cf Goods. It oensists in part of Brown Sheetings in all grades and widths, Tickings, Stripe Shirtings, Check Shirtings, Den ims, and all tho best makes,' and at no advance in' price. Carpet Separtßaesitl NETT SPRING STTLES! Those in need of a New Carpet, trill find it to their advantage to inspect our targe and varied assortment before going elsewhere, as wo cannot fail in suiting them both in price and quality. Brussels, Ingrain, Hemp, Mattings of all kinds, Cil Cloths. In fact, everything In the Carpet Line’. | WAILZi & WiSroOeV J?Aj?iSSt I 'I Who wants to purchase these goods at ■ prices that will defy competition ? Yon who do mnst not fail to call and see the! •3* , ' . , " -Q-R EAT VARIETY now offered, consisting of-new patterns. RICE GOLD LEAF-, SATIN PAPER, IMITATION SATIN, : - " COMMON PAPERS -. GOLD BORDERED WINDOW SHADES, PAINTED . ■■ „l » '-PRINTED « PLAIN SOOTS&SHOES; Tuts Department is crcrfiowln?. So other concern caff show so handsome end Tailed a stock. Dyery onetwlll dad It greatly to their odyantage to PURCHASE HP—US. - EIADI MADE CLOTHING. SPRIIsG '& SUMMER STYLE SI , A large asd yarled assortment la tula lice, lada ■tUng'Gents' Black Frock and Easiness Coots, Satin, Farmer's Satin and Cloth Vests, Black Doe Skin and Fancy Casslntere Pants, Boys' Clothing. Wo also have an extensive stock of 1 CLOTHS & CASSIMERESfj ' - -- “i ir -r su'cte T 7 OUR WJSOLR' STO CKS - is complete and full in Its eyery department, and with thanks for past patronage we wiil-endearor so to conduct our basinets, as to -merit tfae future confi dence dfnU. FERINE & €o* APRIL, 1804. DYSPEPSIA, AND DISEASES BESUETOG PB4KS DISOEESK3 OF THE LITER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS ABE CUBES B 7 HOOFLANfi’S (ASHMAN BITTBB&+ The Great Strengthening TOKICj Tam BUtsra Bt« perfsraei asr» Calsa! HvTe a:?3 do give bsixeh aAiisTAcnoif HATE MOBE TESTUDMMOn HATS MORE RESPECTABLE PEOPLE TO TOUCH FOB THEM f Ttin zzy ether article ia tie susxkst. Ta defy say Osa ta eoatradlst till* AautUci, ASH> TTIEE PAT $ IC®O To cfi" OH9 that vrill a Certificate potlishsi bj S 3 that Is not Q2irst2 rs. SO'OFZAIiD’S GSSMA2r -:B2TT3SS [ ~IXJ< CUKE E7ESX CASK -OK CliToals or Herrons JJtbllilT, Bls ease of ibe Kidneys, and INwbx sea arising from a Siwtdeisdn Stomacbr OBSEKTS THE FOLLOWING STUB!OHS Rerslting from Disorders of the Digefcse Organs: 1 , Coartijatloa, latrard Jilre, Palacios or Blood to tleS-ad Aoldity o' the Stomach, Haaeea, Heartburn, Wigan: for Shod, Salaosa or Weight la the Stomach Soar Eraotatloas, Sinking or Flatter terlag at the Pit of the Stomach, , Swimming of the Head, Har- Barrled end Diaoalt Breathing. Slatter - lagat the Heart; Choking cr • Saffocatlng San — iatlone token making • pc«are,D!maes3 of > Tieloa, Bote or Wefca he - - fore the. Sight, Borer and Ball Psia Bala !n the. Head, Bo- Snleacy of Perspiration, Tel lotraew of the Sfcla and Eye«, Pala' la the Side, Back, Cheat, limbs, do. Sad den Blaahsa of Heat Banting la the Fielb, Com* Tlsat Imagination# of StU, aad great Beprtesloa of SjfHt*. REMEMBER THAT THESE BITTERS AES NOT AtCOHOUC, CONTAIN KO ROM OB "WHISKEY^ AND CAN’T MAKE DRUNKARDS, BVT IB THE BEST TONIC, IN THE WORLD. SPREAD WHQ SAT 3 SO:*%* 7rcm ths Barr. Ircri, G, Brck, Paster cf ths Baptist Char- it Pemberton, Jf. J., formerly cf tba ffoxth Baptlit Cfcarch Philadelphia. * • r * • I bars knotra Hcofiana-3 German Bitters faToral-Jy fer a cumber of pears. I naTe used them la my own family, and have been »o plwMd with their effects that I was Induced to recoioaiffid them to many others, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I taka great pleasureln thus pnbikiy p» ccUimisg this fact, and calling the attention cf those affiictod with ths dltsasss for which they are recojn jncEdc.j 3o these Bitter?, bttcsvft g frea eiperissoe tbfit tBT recomissndaHatt ~!U be etutaSnsi. Xdo :h!i mo« chesr foily as Hcofiaod’i Bitten is latsadei to benefit tfct kfiist-d OBd i, - Bet 6 roc drißi “ Tseri trair, " ’ lEiX G. 32 CK. rT?m Kst. J. liawtca Brews,©. ©..Zdltcr cf tbs Sssyclo* pedla cf Ksiiglous Auowlsdge, Although act disposed to lavcr or recommend Patent Ijfsd iS-fSL 1 ? general, throng distrust cf their Ingredients and directs, i ye, knew of no saSsleat reasons why a man may uuttsstifjrto tbtr benefits he believes himself to hay*-a caiyed Croa an j simple preparation, a ths hops that ha su-r tbus contribute to ths benefit of ethers. J " I do tbU Its coro readily m regard to Eoo3aadxG»raaa EU.sro, pppsrrf by Dr. 0. li, Jacfcjcn, of thl» cU7.b4cs.Bto * was agaiajt tbsa ft.- oaay yearo, nnder sh» Impression that tfcoy wers cbiefiy an alcoholic calxtyr*. X amdnddbtsdto a?-friend P.obert Shoemaker, £9O, forth* xtaotal of tills prejudice by proper teats, and for escoar agem*nt to try then, when suffering from great"aadlofie continued debility* Ths use of three bottles of these Bj£ ters, at tbs beginning of thg present year, was foUswed 07 orfclept relief, and restoration to a dopreo of Wiilj and mental vigor which 1 had not felt for ste months befofe, and had almost despaired of regaining. 1 therefore thank Ood and ray fritn d for directing ms to the nee of them Zvrrz 20, IS 6I. j. XZyfToy BaatTT. ..?^^ ,S * T - Ji^B ’ K, = =erf 'Mtk Say. Jut Choren- * Vt. J&ksoaPear Sir •—-1 b«To beou frequently cd to connect mf name with commendations of dfcTfcrenc kinds oi medlclaea but regarding ths practice as out of ay appropriate sphere, I bare in all cases declined: bat with ft cleat proof Jfi varicua Instances, and particularly lazay&m lly, of usefulness of ©r. Soofland’s German Bitters, X .depart for once from ay usual course, to exprtsj ay full conTlstloaithftt, for g«ceral debility of the systearand espe cially for IdTor Complaint, it Is a snfe and TnlaaWs preoara- ‘ flop. la flea® case? It may fail; but asaclly.l doabt act, ItwUlhewy boneSclal tothosawbo suffer firom tbs ahoy* cause. Tours, .Tory reMrttftillj, J, H. KEXSaZV* eighth bolow Coates Street, PhUade^W Proa 2t7- nans Randolph, Pastor cf the BapUst Church, Germantcwa, Penn. 3 Br.C. iL Jackssn;-*UsaT Sir:—Personal *;tp3rf«nc* m*- WctJ&o say that I regard the Gcraanßltiers prepared by yen as a most ssccßent medicine. Imcagesof pcTsrscold ond general debility I bare been greatly bjtha -U3O ot the Bitters; cad doubt not they will produce similar effects on others. Tours, truly, "n, r - GcrmantcTrp, Pa^. itoa EtT.J. s. turner. Pnator of Stdalnj SI, E. Chnroh, Bt. Jackion;—Bear Sir: —Haring ns;d yctir Qstaeo Sit* fen In my Small? &eqncatly, lam prepared to ear chetlt has teen of mat ssrrlce. TMfeve that la aosi easaaof goaefal debility of-the system tt la tie safest esd a sit Tal remedy of which X hare eny knottled**- . icnr3,r?sp-stftnj, .7. H. TuSSSS, • n Ifo. 725 S.i'iastrsnU street. trcm the Ber. X. H, Xyoae, formerly Foster cf the Cslna cn» •>.) and h&cston'h (?a ; Baptist Charciet- Br. C. 31. Jackson ;_B 3 a r Sir;—l ftcl'it oLS?»£aitf£2 Ta i<£.?“ lr t=s “ aoa 7 to sh* erccUenca of tie gasman Bifegra. jeane since teJair Cinci aSLitted srlti Broepan, 1 nsedthem trim very ternEclal recite. I hare often reooamsoaderthea to persona enfeebled be that lor. mealing disease, and hato neard from tie a lie meet fiat- Serin* testimonial* as to theft great Tilne. la case* of ns. c«l deilHty, I hellers It to ha a tonic that cannot be en?. J.'at.iTOSS. PBiCE9, Largs Si« (bolding nearly dbnbla quantity,) - ■ $1 CO,per Bottle—half dot. $£ OJ Small Site—7s cents per Bottle—half dot. $4 69 BEvvABE of counterfeits j See that the-Signature of (I C. Sf. j ACSisON” li on the WBAPc PER oi each. Bottle. Should your ccarnt druggist act-hare the article* do set ha Jut eff by acy cf the iatoxlcatlag preparations that Stit he offered iu Its place, but «ud tc u«. asd 7a ttUI Ibrjrard. iecuraly packed by express. Principal Office & ;HaasAciot|, NO. 631 ARCH STREET, JONHS & EVANS; (Snccßtorato 0.51. JACSSOJr t Co,) Proprietors OS SALE by trngshts and Panlert In erery tows Is tho rotted States. Jan. O,IBW. [Sept,9, ISJWy-J