TUK AGITATO Hi, A SD MIBCEL'IAKE^‘jCTS XaOCAlt Wellaboro. ‘Wednesday, May 4, 'iS6S. ws=- _ " *#= Sew Advertisements. : ■Litt of Letters —Tioga Post Office. s - Liit of Letters —Wellsboro Post Office. 1 Auditor's Notice —Thomas Allen, Auditor. ‘ J, Applications for License —J. F. Donaldson, (jterk. Revenue Slump s—John M. Phelps. -• A Joint Uesolnt ion proposing certain Atn'S-Jmenle is the Constitution. The semes of Applicants ftr License at - hnest term of Court is published in to-day’s A number of names pro left oat. Owing to th\ season that no ehllar accompanied their notice. fesVEKPE Stamps. —Persons in want of ;Bi renne Stamps can get a supply by calling at tie di ice of -John M. Phelps, at Mansfield, or at the Sto?ei if M, -Ballard, in Wellsboro. See advertisement ' . Discharged Soldiers Attention. —Tiro, jonte has just passed thb bill appropriating the JScley to pay the $lOO bounty to all who have been discharged on the account of wounds received in battl'!,’.‘;lt has now become a law. All who dt/siro my will please send mo their discharge, with, pafticCUarß of time and nature of said'disability, an.! I £riU be happy to send them the proper papers prhjfcHf filled oat for execEtion. Your discharge will be ' re turned immediately after your claim is Ad ‘ dress War. B. Smith, Knoxville; Tioga Co., \ The Ladies of the Soldiers’ Aid Society leave to return their united and grateful thanks Jp ;many citizens of Charleston for the liberal’ donwm as re ceived from them lust Saturday afternoon, ‘ .■ We would mention the names of all who - ;a?e, 4 bul for want of space, but you may be sure to every thing sent was truly acceptable, from_ the - ,1f t pota toes brought by Mr. Rabb, to the nice horse radish, from Mrs. Clans. Gillet, the miller, will he remembered uyas one of the good loyal citizens of Charleston’ .V.vfaship* I know there are many more in phprlestoa would gladly give in behalf of our suffering soldu 8 f & they knew what to give, for there is hardly a fii- .there bat has sent a son, brother, husband or fatj: >ito the field of battle. Of these then 1 woild ask, thin pieces of muslin that can bq made ii >:;§and kerchiefs or be used for laying upon wouri& sflave you anything that can he made 'into lowe;l/v # * jsces of calico of delaine for patchwork, old linings, bops, chaff or wool for.fillipg cusb l dried fruits of any kind, horse radish grated abo , fcottlcd ? Ail these things will greatly add to the coda or: of •our boys during the coming campaign, and wfl; grate fully received by us at the Court “-Srltorday afternoon, and will be sent from there to tin . Sanitary Commission. Jane W, , There will soon' bo art abundant guppy 4 pf new cents. The present small nickel cent weigh ijEarsuty tiro grains, pnd contains eighty p'er ’ cen;.y>f’*copper and twelyc bf nickeL The new cent will -CDusist of ninety-five per cent, of copper and five >pu&£tent oy tin. They will be ready for delivery short! Best Time to Paint Houses—Experimental. the sun will be much more durable if applied in . irtluipn or Spring, than if put on during hot weathe; >, In cool weather it dries slowly, forms a hard gdi&iy coat, tough like glass, while if applied in .-warn the oil strikes into the wood, leaving,the so’dry that it is beaten off by rains.) J* ,' * Burden Heath.—One last week«»4-h;.dy, the ■nife of Andrew Jackson, in ColumbK own «bip, while visiting at a neighbor’s and aq to the wants of some eiek members of dropped dead in an instant, caused, we understand* by an affection of the heart. She was-a V ity;estiraa ibhj Jady, always attentive to the. wants o'* r suffer ing neighbors, always, doing good, and sutfdcu departure will be missed and mourned by t*£ygc and sorrowing circle of friends. ,4 \ erily, deatji ?U;omcth upon u*; like a thief in the night.” — Tray/ A Gold Mise be.* been ,discovered according to report of somebody, who ha? proi pecting with & gold barometer. is already progressing on tbfc farm of -Cbarlc; Wj\?on.— We were shown specimens of the gold _ 15( rock, bet to our inexperienced eyea the contained therein seemed to be iron pyrites « nd mica. Tfce ecxitemenk among the citizens just h w er tho Pennsylvania line rune high. Great nro anticipated. We fear that those who djjr 3&JU take jnore trouble thAn -they receive benefit,— Ad - certuer. Bachelors. —A day or two "before the of the Maryland Legislature, a proposition S*Aa intro duced to tax bachelors above twenty-five y £rs'of\ng6 not less than $2O a bead per annum' bpciiy \ the war is destructive of the male population,#vhll*e rjip num ber of females is greatly in of kjaf / ! tfeo op pofciie sex, and it isj&e duty of every rof his country to promote by every means tbet? X'ji-mta that constitute her strength ; said tax to Be -vd to the support and education of the *ehildrcisV:'? B “4aryland soldiers slain in battle. Tho proposition .amended by doubling the tax npon bachelors years of age. L \T , Office op Provost Marshal, iStp-D-ftf Pa., ) * Williamsport, Aprils j '■To all tchom if may Concern.* * t .• By information tbi* day received froin rf?o A. A. Pro. Mar. Gen!, of PenrTa, it has-been, that a large number of soldiers' ure .citSUgt to -the -ISth'MilUury District of-Pcon’a, cou'-btlpj therein or large, without a designation of par.t/cn&r locali •ties. The number thus credited at ,»fj|l be dis tributed to the spociul credits of estab lishing claims to proportionate and credits. Tfye representatives of the' several st in this district "are required to prodda '*dorc the Board of Enrollment without delay, evi dence that their sub-districts are entitle* i Credits in •addition to tboie already assigned. i “Evidence. Additional credits it Boards of Enrollment. ’“-J 1 ‘‘Credits not assigned by Muster-in-or by supplementary Rolls, or by the Vvdshed by the A. A. Pro. War. Gen’l of Penn's office to particular sub-dictricts, counties -or ciit? nt large, may be assigned to sub-districts district counties or cities r evidence be given in each case that' churning 'the credit has either pal& a to tinotions, whether from cold op otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart,! whites, all nervous affections, hysteric*, fatigue, pain in tni back and limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of natnro. DR. CHEESEMAIC’S PILLS was the commencement of a new era in the treatment of and obstructions winch have consigned so many to a premature grave. No female can enjoy good health unless she and whenever an obstruction takes place tho general health begins to decline. These Pills form the finest preparation ever put forward with imme diate and persistent suooess. Don’t be De ceived. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that you want the BEST ami wst RELIABLE FEMALE MEDICINE ZZY THE WOULD, which is com prised in these Pills. , . DR. CBEESBXAIPS Pit IS have been a Standard Remedy for over thirty years, and are the most effectual one ever known for all complaints pecu liar to Females. To all classes fhcy»aro invaluable, inducing, with certainly, periodical regularity. They are known to thousands, who have nsedthemat different periods, through out tlife country, having the iinction of.som'e of the most emineth Physicians in America. Explicit directions, stating when they should nolht used, with each Box—the Price One Dollar per Box , or 6 Boxes for $5, -containing from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent hy mad. promptly, secure from observation, by remitting to the Proprietors, or any Agent. SSrSOLD BT DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. UUTGIIINGS & UILLYER, Proprietors. ‘ ‘1 v 81 Cedar St., New York Sold in Wellsboro. by JOHN A. HOY. ! In Tioga,iby 11. U. BOUDEN. J In Lawrenbeville, by W, G. MILLER, March 23, 1804-ly. SWALLOW two or three hogsheads of‘Buchu/‘Tonic Bitters/ ‘ Sarsaparilla/ ‘Nervous Antidotes/ £c., Ac., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try ono box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN’S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS; and be lestored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They aio purely vegetable, pleasant ti take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken-down anil shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advan tage. Imported and sold in the United States only by JAMES S. BUT LEI*, Station D, Bible House, New York, General Agent. *P. S.—A box sent -to any address ou receipt of price— which is one djllai; —post free. mar!7—3ra * USE NO OTHER’—BUCHAN’S SPECIFIC PILLS are tho only EEUAhLE JiEMrny.for all disenM-s of the seminal, urinary and nervous systems. Try one box, and be enred. ONE DOLLAR A BOX. One box w ill perfect a cure, or mo ney refunded. fcent hy mail on receipt ot price. JAMES S. BUTLER. General Agent. marll-Sra Station 1), Bible House, New York. BO YOU WISH TO BE CURED?—Dr. Buchan’s English specific pills cure, in less than thirty days, the wornt uasrs of myvoDsnoss. tiupnrency, premature decay weakness. 1 /insanity, and all urimuy. sexual and nervous af lections, no matter from what c.iU'iO produced. Piice, one dollar per box. Sent, postpaid, by mad. ou receipt of an older. Address, JAMES S. BUTLEU, mai-17-3ip Station T>, Bible House. New York. HELMBOLD’SEXTRACT BUCIIU. THE GREAT diuretic. HELMBOLD‘S EXTRACT BUCHU. THE GREAT DIURETIC, HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU. THE GREAT DIURETIC. .HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU. THE GREAT DIURETIC. And a positive and spec s fic remedy for diseases of the . Bladder. (Organic Weakness.) Kidneys. Gravel) 1 Dropsy, And all diseases of the Urinary Organs. . See advertisement in another column. Cut it out and jend lur the medicine at ouce. Beicare of comi ier/cif 9. marSO-lm • . IMPORTANT TO MARRIED LADIES! ! TRpLY A BLESSING! . I will send, free of ‘'charge, to any Lady who will send in her name and address, directions how to pre vent the extrame pain of Child Birth; also how to bave'perfectly healthy and beautiful Children; also one oilier new and importont secret, the only sure and safe remedies ever discovered. My object in making the above offer is- to induce every lady to test ray remedies. Address „ MADAME DULEX FAUX, M. D., March 2,186-i-3m. 767 Broadway, X, JT. City. TO NEKVOCS SUFFEKEUS ' OF BOTH SEXES. A Reverend gentleman having been restored to health in a few days, after undergoing ‘all the usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treatment without success, considers it bis sucrcd duty to com municate to his affleted fellow creatures the Dieting of cure. Hence on the receipt ef an addressed envelope, be will send (free) a copy of the prescription used. Direct to Dr. Jous M. Bagnall, 186 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, K. Y. ' j June 1, !Sfi3-iy. \ THE CONFESSIONS aSD EXPERIENCE t : OF A NEIfVOUS INVALID. Published for the benefit on*d ns a caution to young, men, and others, who sutler from Nervous Debilily, Early Decay, and. their kindred ailments—supply ing the means of self-cure. By one who has cured himself after being, a victim of .misplaced confi dence in medical humbug and quackery. By enclo sing a post-paid directed envelope, tingle copies may be had of the author, Nathaniel Mayfair, Esq., Bedford, Kings county, New York. Juno 1,1863-ly. ■ HUGH YOUNG, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, American Clocks, American, English, and Swiss Watches, Jewelry, Silver PJaled Ware, Spectacles, Picture Frames, Photographic Albums, Stereoscopes, Microscopes, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, Fishing Tackle and Flies, and Fancy and Toilet Articles, SCHOOL-BOOKS of every kind used in the County, constantly on hand and sent by mall or oth erwise, to order. KO. 5, UNIOtf BLOCK, , WKLLSBORO , PA, Wellsboro, April 20, 1864. KGSIOVAL. MISS PAULINE SMITH has removed to the bouse ()ate the residence of Chas, Williams,) opposite the United States Hotel. I wish to inform my .customers that I have juat'reccived my SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, and can be’found at the above place, ready to do work In the best manner for all who may favor me with a call. • PAULINE SMITH. Wellahoro, April 13,1864-tf I have^ started a Millinery Shop nt Mainsbnrg, to which I Invite the attention of people in that section of the county. It will be under the management of Miss Ellen Green. * SEED POTATOES. ■TVrEW' VARIETIES of SEED PATATOES for 4.1 N« P-OT’S DRUG STORE. DI E'D. AND DEALER IN THE TIOGA COUpTY AGITATOR. SPECIAL NOTICE. OUR ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, is now much more complete and attractive than ever before, having, just received a large stock of en tirely new styles, which we are selling off at very low prices. WE BA YE FULL LINES OF PLAIN, FIGURED & STRIPED ALPACAS, CHECKED & STRIPED MOHAIRS, POPLINS, CHALLIBS, DeLAINES, &n., and can hardly fail to salt all customers. In CLOTH SACQUES AND CIRCULARS, SHAWLS AND CLOAK CLOTHS. we have on hand a! much better stock than Ans. At the KNOXVILLE FOUNDRY, where they are made, and at various agencies around the country. Ques. Are there any other plows made at that Foundry ? Ans. Yes! Biles makes various kinds of wooden I and iron beam Plows v both for flat land and side hill, and ho keeps ahead of all other establishments by getting thq BEST PATTERNS invented, without regard to the COST. Ques. Are Plows all that Biles makes ? ! Ans. By, no means. lie also makes HORSE HOES; a superb article for Corn, Potatoes, Ac. ROAD SCRAPERS that beat the world. Cast Cul tivator Teeth of a very, superior pattern. Shovel Plow Castings for new lan-J, and indeed almost every thing that is over made at a Foundry, from a Boot Jack to a Steam Engine. ‘ Ques. Would you then advise me to buy there? Ans. Most certainly would I, fur besides making tho best KIND of every thing. Biles makes those that are tbo most DURABLE, and it is a common ex pression where bis Plows have been introduced, that they last as long as -from two to four got at any other shop; bo has always been at the business from a email buy and ought to know bow it is done, and if yoa try his wares once, you will be ready with me to tell all wanting anything in that line to go, send, or in some other way procure them of J. P. BILES, at the Knoxville Foundry, Knoxville, March 3y, 186.3-tf. INSULATED IRON KIM, AND FRAME These pianos have the pure musical tone of tl 6 Wood, together with the strength of the Iron, and are thus far superior to all others. ' The Over Strung Scales, givipg i& connection with the Patent Iron Rim, full, round, powerful, and sweet tone. These pianos will remain in tune a greater length of time than any other pianos known, and are warranted lor the time of five years. The undersigned offers these pianos at the same prices as at the ware rooms in Albany or New York, saving tbe.bnyer the expense of going there to buy, and will keep them in tone for the term of three years, without cbaVges. r For a general description of these pianos send for a circular, con taining prices, styles, Ac. X. O. HOYT, THE IMPORTED JACK! -NAPOIiEON 9 WILL-scrvo a limited number of Mares at Mans field, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. NAPOLEON is 5 yeers old, having been imported from France in the year 1852, being then three years of age. He id a sure foal getter, stands 13i hands high, weighs Sl)0 lbs., and is the heat Jack in Northern Pennsylvania. CONTRACTS will be made with; owners of Mares for the delivery of the foal as' soon as weaned, for which a fair price will be paid* TERMS :—slo to insure. Marcaftom distance ac commodated with pasture. Call and see this animal. FAULKNER A BAILEY. " Mansfield, April 20, 1864-3m° * . . LETTERS of administration baring bcon granted to the subscriber on the estate of Isaac Mann, late of the township of Tioga, deceased, noticS is hereby given to those indebted to: make immediate payment, and those having claims to prefect them properly authenticated for settlement to MARY-E. MANN, Adm'i. Tidga, April 6,1864-6 t A4mliii*tr:Uor’s IVotlce. the PEOPLE’S STORE IN COMMSITO, N* Y. AT THE ONE PRICE AND READY PAY. Direct ‘from New ITorb. by the yard or made up to order. SEEM TO REQUIRE. Oar facilities for purchasing Goods ARE UNSURPASSED, SMALL PROFIT, INCREASING PATRONAGE BOARDMAN ANO S 'celebeate'd PATENT (IMPROVED PIANO FORTESS Osceola, Tioga County Pa, Osceola, Feb. 17, 1564. Administrators’ Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been grant' ed to the subscriber on the .estate of Norman Francis, late of Delmar township, deceased, notice is hereby given to those Indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims to pre sent- them properly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. ‘ LSAAC M.- BODINB, Wellsborc, April 20 j WORTH OF DRY GOODS, CARPETINGS, GROCERIES, &c„ &c., ON EXHIBITION AT THE CASH STORE! TROY, BRADFORD CO., PA, GRFAT SUCCESS! GREAT SUCCESS! OF THE CASH SYSTEM, THOUSANDS CALLING DAILY!! ;! Oar determination to share our profits with ear cus tomers, fully appreciated Ladies of Tioga and Brad ford Counties, we have this spring for sale a.large variety of Goods just suited to your wants; and de sire that you, one and all, win look over oar Stock before purehasihg. We flatter ourselves - that no Store iu this part of the State, can beglu to exhibit so flue an assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, as yon will find on exhibition at our counters, r SUSS SIE2&SBB PLAIN BLACK, BROWN, BLI’E & GBEES, FANCY DRESS SILKS. An elegant Stock of now and beautiful Styles of • mmmm <& Webs be fore the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain Pain in tho Head, De ficiency of Perspiration, Yet ' lowness of the and Eyes, Fain in the Side, Back, C best. Limbs. Ac , c ml den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Con stant Imaginations of Evil, and great Depression of dpirltib REMEMBER THAT THESE BITTERS ARS WOT ALCOHOL C, ; CONTAIN NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CAIA MAKE DRUNKARDS, E VT IS THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD, SPREAD WHO SAYSSO:^i. From the Bev. Lot!. G. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church Pemberton, N. J-, formerly of the North, -Baptist Church. Philadelphia, ♦ * * • 2 have known Hoofiand v « German Bitters favorably for a numl t-r of years. I have used them in my own family, and have been so pleased with their effects that I was Induced to recommend them to many others.and know that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I fake great pleasure in thus puMicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention x.f those afflicted with the diseases for which they are recom mended. to these Bitter*, knowing,from experu l*jc that my recommendation will be sustained. Ido this more cheer fully ns Hoofiand’s Bitters is intended to benefit theafflicted, and is *• sot a rum drink.’* Yours truly. From Re?, j. Newton Brown, I). D., Editor of tho Encyclo pedia of Religious Knowledge, ' 4 Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Med icines in general, tlm ugh distrust of their ingri-d'enta and eflects, I yet know of nosufficteut reasons why r man may not testify to the benefits lie believes himself to have ra-s celved from any simple preparation, m the hope that bo may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do tins the mor-e readily In regard to Hoof! German Bitters, prepared by Dr.C M. Jackson, of tbi* becanso I was prejudiced against them for many yeai-.'nnder tho impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, 1.-4., for th* removal of this pFejndice by proper tests, and Jo** tnoocr agemeut to try them, when sununDg from gre.ir and Jon-* continued debility.' Tho nsd of three bottles of tbe«»o Bit ters, at the beginning of the present year, wan followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I Imdnot felt for six month* before, and had almost despaired of regaining. 1 therefore thank God nnd my friend for directing mo to the use of them. Philadelphia, JitSb 20,1561. J. NEWTON BROWN. From fho Ear. Jos, |T, Kennard, Pastor of tho icth Bfo* tlst Clmrch. Dr. JacksonDcar^Sir:—T have been frequently e.l to connect my name with commendations rcj.s kinds of medicines but regarding the practice a.* ..hi of s>v appropriate sphere, I have in all cases declined; but with a clear proof in various instances.and particulailv ' r : m>* fam ily, of the usefulness of Dr. Iloofland’a German lL‘fcrs. £ depart for once from tny usual conrs-e. to expra - tny full oon\itfh>h that, for general debility of the system m«i espe cially tor Liver Complaint, it i- a safe and ralnab’e pj, pant tion. In some cases it may fail; but usually,! < ’ ftbt not, it will bei very .benefleial Io those who suffer froh> ibe nb