thk agitatoh. 1,,|0 c All Aa-p MISC^t.I.AIT^ic>-tTB. wklsboro, Wednesday, Apr. 6. 18 |I4. Hew Advertisements* 7 Flax Ds P. Roberta. _? Notice to Teachers and Citizens —Robt. Campbell Secretary. , . - Notice to Teachers —l. S. Harkness, ' Administrate!** Notice —Mary E. Mans, Afjcn'jc. Auditor’s Notice —Jno. K. Bacbe, Auditor,;; ? Caution —Benjamin Slago. List of Letters —Tioga Boat Office, List of Letters —Wellsboro Post Office, , . WOTIOE. '-ft;-/ •k LL persons indebted to J. P. KOBINSC ji?, {late of the Book Store) wttl find their notcf And ac counts for collection in the bands of TflOS. <-I/LEN, at the Commissioner’s Office. All persons j adekted are reqoested to pay immediately or costs -will be made. £ WcllEboro, March. 30, ISG4- To the Sick. —Dr, Jackson advertises'; in ’ ioHay’a paper that he will be in Wellsboro on Frijay, the 15th day of April jnext. See his Appointments. This beitfg Leap Yeah, the Ladies, by Common 'consent, are| allowed the privilege of “ pofl Ung the question,” to their bashful lovers. Wo b;po the * * fair” of this place will avail themselves -their privileges, for we know'a fine ."boy" or t-ib vbo dare not propose to them l ; ' We bad the pleasure of greeting our pj. Nichols, who, after an absence of five ar rived in Wellsboro’lost Friday. Hank’* -'miis’ted ia Ohio nearly three years ago, and has done l£o-share of hard fighting, bet is not willing to givcTt Jjp’i until this rebellion is put down. He is a good ITni7n;man» having cast his first vote against the traitor jrbam. Success to him, politics included. Writing School.—Miss L. C. Stratton hy Jnkcn rooms at the’Unit&d States Hotel, in Welisb;A<* r and will remain for a few days to instruct those ;mtsng to improve in writing. from skymens TvUch we have seen, we *«hould think wcl* nnalified to give satisfaction to all who mayf*‘fct c her iithacall. IVe trust those wishing to not let this opportunity pps by unheeded. hours at the Academy at i o’clock P. M., an I at the XT. S. Hotel at 7 o'clock P. 31. Xerm^— jSods for ?I.oo* %. . X be Cash System. —While it is painful td‘iylUcss the futile efforts of certain mercantile men ir, Rad ford county to induce the'people to pin IheiriTiilh to iho credit system, il is pleasant to witness that common sense stands supreme dictafir with the intelligent masses. In these days of mone when credit isn’t worth the snap of one’s finger, tho Verdict of the people will always be found on the pf the .cash system. “ Tick'’ is a yery. good .motto' for a clock, but a very poor one for persons in taint of good goods at fair prices; and-while tick, trnit, and the necessary term for cent which •alwoys atLompa n:es that kind of & deal, wags along in thatr d t : me wav, the people when they come to Troy arrf careful to give it a wide berth. The Cash Store l^y-long been the chief attraction to the buyers of acd Tioga counlyes, end just so long as £ , c *l goods at prices which would ruin any cred> estab lishment in Christendom, just so long the will luy goods cf them. Pcrino is just now in Iv V York buying an elegant stock of Springand Summs. Goods, and will in a few days be ready to supply evf' * fatal-■ !y in Northern Pennsylvania- Render, we fei deeply’ Ivr ibe troubled consciences of credit dealers.-, utcan i ever consent to raise the prices at tho to Lciemmodate them;-and so when you visijJ. roy, if tout heart goes out in sympathy for suffering*, uinar ay, drop a tea'r of sympathetic* you choose, over the once happy credit firms; "1 en, as usual, bay your goods of *Pcbise & Co.— Tro^-Simea. Meeting in LawrenceviUe. r In pursuance of a call from (h 6 -Southern T -irSan itury Committee of Elmira, N. Y\, the people,' T-,X*aw rcuqevilie and the surrounding country’met the Academy Hall, on the evemflgpf Jtfae9th day ruary, IS6I. The meeting was perm-aqcatly I'ed'ly electing the following cfSccrs t- President—' T. B. Tompkins. Vl>.e President —J. W, Tubbs. S’neUiry —G. W. Ryon. ‘ - f Corrctyoiidiuj Secretary —MlsS Kate.S. Titmurcr —A. Yoorbes?. * ■ :> Ej.f'cftficc Committee — Her. L. T. -* C. H. Mather, P. Hurd, S. I- Power, Mrs. Cf IT. L. Perl. Mrs. T. B. Tompkins, Mr*. W. B. A. B. Lindsley, and others. A Soliciting Committee was alsp appointed.-r ’ In pursuance of the above, the following- founts were collected and duly forwarded to the £Jimtary ]\tir which was held at Elmira, X. Y., drj£ig the week commencing on Monday, the lith jvfii: - . ;i- • Lawrencevillc, * - . - - - Nelson, ------ *' ‘8,93 Neighborhood of Tompkins’s Mills col- a £ ’/ lected by 17. W. Demun, Esq., ■- - \ ! e .£,60 r Total, - - - - ■ $r s'oo 5 ' 00 A Resolution was passed that the Secretary'equest cur county editors to publish the proceeding at this' meeting. 5 _ * * Geo. W, Rrqx, SecT.u/y. Lawrcnceville. March 25, 1864. 4 *■?? r ’SOLDIEH’S AID • SOCIETY-: The following is a list of articles ecnt’to . hd-Saui tary Commission, in box Xo.'lT, Ap-ril 4, 186 U 2 dozen cakes maple sugar, 1 pair featbcl -Tpiriows, 1 pair slippers, Ifi pairs woolen sock?, ? pairr'-yroolcn gloves, 2 pairs Canton flannel drawers, H'puiJa cotton drawers, 1 pair cotton shirts, 1 bag dried curtate, 15 bushels dried apples, 8 pocket handkerchief 1 sack salt, 1 paper pepper, 4 lbs. crackers, 1 -dotiHe gown, a pincushions, I paper • pins, bed spread" 1- roll cloths, number of magazines, pamphlets, Also the list of articles brought in up to < $ ril 2d, Stockings: * . • Mrs. H. Cook, 1 pair; Mrs. Howe, 1 j toxj Mrs. Collins Culver, 3 pan J » Mr« ; pairs ; ’ Mrs. Sturrock, I. pair; Barbara pair; Mr?. Wilcox, 1 pair; Mrs. Gray, 1 pail*£.2 pair; donation from Mrs* Bodine ; .Mr*'* »’ pairs ; Mrs. Vanvalkenburg. 1 pair; Mrs. * pairs f Mrs. Iloig, I pair 'mittens; • Mrs. B. pair; Mrs. Cowden, 1 pair; Mrs. Archer, 1 tfa«. r i ‘^ rs * h. Smith, 1 parr; Mrs. Borst, 1 roll Mrs, Poa«l, 1 roll patchwork; Mrs. Clymer, 6touVU^V'- a t<* brush and ink, package of paper and envelo e k «. We receive mhny ahd liberal donations, .run and iavo a great-deal ot work done by person?, i'bo i.«- ever keen an active member, and an in the Society, has our beet wishes, and her good deeds will follow her. Her place of Cv rr wpond »a£ Secretary has been well filled by .Martha Emery. ' ■! T fl Philadelphia, March 1 lj 1864. “ Tour box was opened on Monday 7th lost, and we found it well ■packed and". esftirjf article •f value, and we beg tp thank each member 1 4f your Society. ‘‘We are very sure you jvill opt only hii/fatk® Central Pair/ to be held in June/bnt tpieyour iQfiue&te through yonr beautiful county of the F.i(r. Every thing will be acceptßhfuTand wc Jope that our dear old 1 Keystone’ will nri iVU he • bind-hep former renown in loyal deeds.f 'Kb iState tag given more precious lives than our ptftKfvpd we mast Eirain every nerve, and use all our j-y' now, a pdalldaynaud months to como, to sol oiftrg natif this fearful w cru*htd\. - “ b 7 order of Com, Sophia W. We have solicited eggs and maple sugar from the farmers, and now we askfor piokles to fill a keg that weih§re already.partly.filled. ' We will gladly, .pay for them if you will bring the Court House any Saturday afternoon. .Jane W, Haynes, Sec'y. Questions .Respecting the Education of Indigent Chil dren made Orphans by the 'War, to be answered by r of School Boards : The -Governor, in his annual message, urges upon "the Legislature the claims of-"tho poor orphans of our soldiers who have given or shall give their lives to the country in this crisis,” and expresses the opin ion, “ that their maintainance and education should be provided for by the State.” Of the justice of this claim no one for an instant can doubt. The first step toward carrving out this humane suggestion of his Excellency, is to ascertain the number of such chil dren in the State. i This can best be accomplished by the officers of the school boards, in the several counties and cities. It will be an adtof benevolence that will result in good to those who have been made widows and orphans by the war. Ton are, therefore, requested to forward to this Department, answers to the following questions, viz: V r ‘ * Ist. What is the number of indigent children in your school distri jt, whose fathers have been ki’led, or have died in tl e military or naval service of the United "States? . 2d, Are there sny institutions of learning in your county, that will undertake to provide for the main tainance and education of a number of said orphans, if security bo given that all reasonable expenses shall bo paid by the Slate ? 3d. If there are any such schools, how many chil dren. will each take? It is highly important that this circular, with tho questions answered, be returned promptly by the 15th of April, if possible. This Department cannot too strongly urge upon the officers.herein addressed, tho necessity ot prompt action in this matter. They may thereby bring joy to many a sorrow stricken, destitute family, .. CHARLES R. COBURN, 4. , Superintendent of Common Schools. That Baby.—The London correspondent of the Trlbuhe gives some account of tho christening of the Prince-of Walos*‘baby, Water was brought from the river Jordan‘to sprinkle it with, and this was-dono by an Archbishop. .It was named “ Albert, Victor Christian Edward"—enough to make any baby squall. And splendid photographs of its pa and ma may bo seen at Young’s book store in this borough, together with a new supply of Photographic Albums, Station ery, Yankee Kotions, and Wail Paper, and every kind of School Books used in the county. MARRIED. In Harrisburg, on tho 23id of Nov. 1803, -by Rev. Chas. A. Hay, Mr,. GEORGE W. DESNISXEN, cf McHenry township, Lycoming county, Pa., to Miss AGNESS COPESTTCK, of Belmar. SPECIAL NOTICES. Important To Females. f DR. GKEESEMAW’S PILLS. / The combination' of ingredients in these Pills is tho result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their and cannot do harm to the most delicate; certain hi correcting all irregularities. Painful Menstruations, removing ull obstiurtionsj whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in tho ride. palpitation of tho heart, whites, all nervous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, Ac., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. d, DR. CHSESEM&N’S PILLS was the commencement of a ncljr era in tho tieatmcut of aud obstructions which have consigned so many to a PaoiArraz grays. No female cun enjoy good health unless whe is rcgular.and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health begins to decline. These Pills form Vic finest preparation er*r- put forward with IMME DIATE and pERaibTENT si’CCKSs*. Don’t be De ceived* Take thi-i advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that vqji want the'BEST and nv si RELIABLE FEMALE MEDICIXE IX THE WORLD, whkh is com prised in these Pills. HR. CHEESEMAXS PILLS have been a Standard Ilcmedy for over thirty years, aud are 'the most effectual one over known for all complaints pecu liar to Femaks. To all classes they arc invaluable, inducing, with ccrtcivf'j, periodical rojulartty. They are known to thousands, u ho have used them at different periods, through out the country, having tho sanction of sumo of tho most eminent Physicians in America. Explicit 'dirediotvf.paling when they should not he used, with each flox—tho Price. One Dollar j>cr Box, or 6 Doxea for $5, containing from 50 to 60 Pills. Tills sad hj/ Triad, promptly, secure from observation, by rcmUClusr lo the Proprietor**, or any Asrcnt. It 'Ev'SOLlf UY JfRdUGiSTS UJSydtjiz.LV. HUTCHINGS k HILL YE 11. Proprietors , 81 Cedar Si., New York Solti ia AVclUboro, by JOUX A. HOY. ’ j la Tioga, bv 11. IX. BOUDEX. J In LttwrencevilJe, by W. G. MILLER. Mjircb‘2.l, ISGt-Iy. IIELMBOLH’SEXTRACT BUCHIT. THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHIT. THE GREAT DIURETIC. HEUIBOLD'S EXTRACT BDCHU. THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCMU. i THE GREATI DIURETIC. And a positive and ?pec. ; oc remedy for diseases of the * I Bladder, . (Orgatilo TTcakness.) [ ' Kidneys. Giavel, ‘ Dropsy, And all diseases of the Urinary Organs. ♦ See advertisement in another column. Cut it out" and ? end for the medicine at onco. Ueware of coun- UrjvUe. s mar3rt-lm SWALLOW two or throe of ‘ BuchUj’ ‘Tonic Bitters,’ 1 Sarsaparilla,’ ‘Nervous Antidotes,’ ic., Ac., and'after you arc satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLl> DOCTOR BUCUAX a ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS; ami be restmed to lieaU!» and vigor id less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable,- pleasant to take, prompt and salutaty in their effects on the broken-down ami bhatteied conbtitution. Old »md yonng can hike them with atlvau* tage. Imported and sold in the United States only by , . JAMES S. BUTLER, - Station B, Bible Ifouse, New York, Gonvrul Agent, r. S.—A b and sell everything at the lowest market rates. WHOLESALE TRADE* All goods sold, at Wholesale at lower rates than NEW TORN TIME PRICES. Wo can do better by all buyers of Small Wholesale Bills than most dealers, as We add but a small commission to Kew York Cash Prices. • PRODUCE Of alt kinds taken on as favorable terms 'as any buyer. CASH PAID for all marketable articles. j. A. PARSONS, ■ Corning, Ni'T* NoTMnbet 11; 1863. ’ -r' P BRINE’S CASH STORE! JT ia now past' two years since the opening of our ready pay store —AT— TROY, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA,, since which time the public have awarded to us a GENEROUS PATRONAGE, we have been signally prospered, The * PAY AS YOU GO PLAN has afforded us ample means]to prosecute our busi ness in such a manner as to DEFY COMPETITION. Perhaps no greater comment could be adduced to show the value of this plan than the perfect* security affords to the purchaser. He not only gets-the value it •of his money, but has the full consciousness that be is a free man. Duns to him are things talked of but not realized. We do business Strictly fpr Cash, thereby saving a heavy tax which mast be imposed on tho purchaser, where a CREDIT BUSINESS IS DONE. We purchase most of our Goods for Cash, offering them at a very slight advance 1 FROM COST,’ preferring as we always have done- from the com mencement of our business, to do a large trade for Small Profits, rather than run the risks which the losses attondin? a CREDIT SYSTEM involved. Wo therefore can and do offer to purcha sers of DRY GOODS, tbo best assortment of Gooods to be found in NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA. j OtmsumjUion bear ample wit ness to tho tiuth oi the portion. » • The Cr>inUtufio:t ones oJf> cted mil!: Organic re quires tho aid Of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the sy.-tefu, ' i HVncA Hemcold’3 ESTRACTBUCIIU iKrnnViWy docs. A trial will convince the most skeptical- In many AjJecLiou.*peculiar io females, the ExTr icT Bncnu is unequalled by uny other remedy—as in Chlotwis or 1 In tention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppression of Custo mary evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Ute ru*. Leuchorrhoe or Whites, Sterility, and fhr all complaints incident to tho sex, whether arising from indiscretion, Hab its of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE Oil CHANGES OF LIES. AT PERINE’S, Take no more Balsam, Merciny, or unpleasant medicine for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. HhMBOLD’S KXXUACT BCCUU AND IiII’BOVED BOSE WASH CUBES In all their stages. At little expense. , Little or no change in diet. ‘ No inconvenience, and no exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and cuiing stric tures of the Urethra, allaying pain and intiamntatiuu. so froxueht in this chuss of diseases, and expelling nil prisons, diseases and worn out matU'r. Thousands upon thousands,who tivrc deen thf victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy ft-e# to be cured in a short rime, have found they were deceived, and that the “POISON*' has, by the u&o of “powerful astringents,” been dried up in tho system, to break out in an aggravated form, »ud i erbaps after marriage*. - - ... - Jl< Use Hembold’s Extinct Bucliu for all nffectij >ns ami »ISk AT PEUINE’S, eases of the UKINALIY OItUANS, whetlu r exKnng in malt' or female, from whatever cause originating, «nc no matter of how long standing. 1 DUouAtMiof tho>e organ* require the aid of a DIURETIC HBMHULD’S EXTRACT RUCHU la THE (JURAT DUMIK TIC, ami U certain to have the desired effect lu all di’scnaei for which it H recommended. Evidence of the mo ears, under tha impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture; I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encour agement to try them, when suffering from great and lona eontnmad debility. The nse of three bottles of these Rit teijs. at the beginning of the present year, was followed hy vMd at relief, and restoration to a degree of bodilv and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and hivl almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God aivl my friend for directing me to the use of them. . j.’niLADELpniAj Ju.VB 20,1861. J. NEWTON BROWN. From the Rot. Jos. H, Kennard, Pastor ofi the 10th Bap tist Chcvcb.. f Rr. Jackson Dear Sir:—l hare been frequently request ed to cunuect my name with commendations of different kinds ot medicines but regarding the practice as out of my appriqn .ate sphere, I hare in all cases declined; hot with a clvar proof,in various instances,and particularly In m 3 fam ily, of the usefulness of Dr. Hoofland’s German Bltteis. I depart lor once from my usual course, to express my full* conviction that, for general debility of the system and espe* f idlly for Liver Complaint, it is a safe and valuable prepara tion. In some cases it may fail; but usually, I doubt not* it will bo very beneficial to those who suffer from the nbova cause. Yours, very respectfully, J. 11. KENNAKD. Eighth below Coates Street, Philadelphia, Tfom Ret, Walrcn Randolph, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Germantown, Penn. Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir;—Personal experience ena ble-. mo to say that I regard the German Bitters prepared by >ona<*a moi»t excellent medicine. In cases of severe cold and general debility I have been greatly benefitted by tha 11 so ol the Bitters, and donbt not they will produce similar effect* vu others. Yours, truly, WARREN RANDOLPH, Germantown, Pa. From Iter, J. H. Turner, Pastor of Hedding M. E. Church, Philadelphia. Dr. Jackson; —Dear Sir■ Having used your German Bit ter-' in my family frequently, lam prepared to ssy that It has been «f great service. I believe that in most case* genemi debility of me rarest ana most val uable remedy of which 1 hare any knowledge. Yours, respectfully, J. U. TXJRNF.It. S. No. 720 N. Nineteenth Street. From the Rev. J. sf. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Colntn- bus (N. J.) am! Alilestown (Pa ) Baptist Churches. Dr. C. M, Jackson; —Dear Sir;—l feel It a pleasure thus, of u»y own accord, to bear testimony to tho excellence of the (ieriM in Bitters. Some years since being'much afflicted with Dyspepsia. I used them with very beneficial revolts. I have often iccommended them to persons enfeebled by that tor meuting disease, and havo heard from them the most flut tering testimonial* as t» their great value. In cases of gen eral debility, I believe it to be a tonic that cannot be sur passed. J. M. LYONS. PRICKS. Largo Sizei (holding nearly double quantity,) 1 $1 00 per Bottle—half doz. $5 00 Small Size—7s cents per Bottle—half doz. $4 60 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! Sec that the Signature of “C. IS. JACKSON” Is on the WRAP- PER of each Bottle. Sbonbl yonr nearest druggist not have the article, do not im put off by any of the intoxicating preparations that may be offered in its place, hnt send to ns ancf wo will forward, securely packed by express. Principal Office A. manufactory. NO. 631 ARCH STREET, JONES & EVANS. (SoccMMrs to C. SI. JACKSON A C 0.,) Proprietors. SAI.Eby OmggUtl nil Dealer, In .rory «»—a in United States. 1 [Sept. 0,1563-IJ.I New Rochelle. X. Y.