the agitatob;. 2,0 0 AX. A STD MISOEX.Ii AU JS »*JS. Wellsborq, "Wedaeisday, Mar. 2, 186) I Hew Advertisements. . Caution —Charles Worden. • -' ; • : Etiroy— Amos Tyler. - ; Adminietrator't Notice —" Warren S. Daris, Jjp a' A- Holden, Administrators. ' Mercantile Approieement —E. J. Purple, ntilo Appraiser. Important to Married Ladiee —Madame Dili tans, M.D. - . ■ ti . Adminietrator’e Hot tec —Halier Smith, A.'k. WU* ✓ v *on, Admlnlftrators. ZiH of /Letter*— Hogh Jonng, P. M. ' - Notice. —We at© requested to state that pnl| M sor r Vices will b© resumed in the AI. E. Church, »n* Ifella boro, on next Sabbath, March &, at 10£ A. M* Preaching by the pastor may be expected on o‘ ?asion xiflbe 2d Quarterly meeting for the year. '; ■ Commissions for the following Justices ,haV i been received by 11. S. Archer; , • Andrew J. Doan, Elijah D W.ells, John E. Z B. A. Fish, ' 0. D. Ely, ‘A. A. P*gute, Edwin Gregory, Jno. Reddington, Job Doa ieu -George D. Keeney, M. H. Brooks, ■ W. C..3f* fcfey*, 'F. G. Loveland, J. C. Howe, B. Oveutox, TJ. S. A., who was severely Wounded at the battle of Chancellonrille last Spring Jjas’so far recovered the cse of his limb, as to be able to report for duty, which be has done, and hjM been ordered to Elmira, N. T.,as mustering and disbursing •officer for that post— Tfiradford Reporter, \ I ■ •Lnißßii Mills at Williasisport.—TheWcHiamg port Bulletin of last week gives a statement of tie pa-, merous lumber mills now in operation there, « This presents a very brief picture of tbc cf business prospects in Willsamsport next The time is not far distant when manufacture and., send into market annually fcntrfknn dred million feet of lumber. Let those who d-Subt, make a calculation/* " Genesee Lyceuit (Lima) —Birth Day 'of Wash, isctox. —The Lyceum had a happy festival on Friday evening; the 19th lest., in. commemoration of Wash ington's birth day, as well as their own anniversary. The orator, Rev. J. D. JDcll> a young .man who i\an able preacher and writer in the Eass Genesee Goffer enco of the M. E. Church, delivered a strong, cP>qnept address in college hall, beginning at 7 o'clock* :The theme which Jbe discussed was Patriotism in ’&ese Days; and hiftreated it forcibly, dealing out Veer ing rebukes to false patriots, and grappling matfjVily with tho great topics relevant to the present period in onr national history. The collation followHtg! the oration was prepared by the steward of the scii‘oary dining department, and was worthy of the oc.Ycrlr, Deans’ Comers, Webb’s Mills anfjAn fojVa. Assurances have been received from tbcis ant-other places, both in northern Xew York cithern Pennsylvania, which leave no room for doubt t; at the fair will prove a brilliant success. . Indeed 'hvfjnow tbit many towns are already hard at worktpl*paring their contributions. Gifts front abroad b*P?e Hteady been received; and it should be remembcTifi t*at the r.rjncr the various committees aT fl notified jb* intended coilributions, the more complete will be tbelf arrange Sjnts (or receiving them, " • Circulars and information can ba ’ obtained at the iAdquartera of the Pair, No. 4, Ely Ilall; Citizens are invited to send circulars to their fitfertds cad correspondents in other towns. —Elmiirti v r?s*. The following ie a'list of articles senttq tbo *?ani i&ry Commission by the WeJlsboro Aid 'Society,'in bos No. 10, Feb. 20, 1864: - bushels -dried apples, 2 quarts dried cord, 2 quarts 1 email bag peaches, 1 small‘bag cur rants, 21 pairs woolen stockings, 3 pairs (Janfcpti flan nel drawers, 2 pairs domestic cotton’ drawers, £ bed spreads,! pair mittens, S cotton * Bau kdl\er ebiefs, 2 pin cushions, 1 cushion for water -dressing, Also list of articles brought in up to Feb. 27tb: 1 pair socks,’Jennie Sturrock: I pair do. Mrs. ■Cowden; 1 pair do. Mrs. Cobb; I pair do-’Mrs. Dick mson: ipair do. Mrs. Packer; 2 pairs do. Mrs. Jack ?on: 3 pairs do. 2 poirs dolMpfi~Ens worth; 1 pair mittens; Mrs. H. Sherwood-; % feather; pillows and filling for cushions, material for wrapper, roll for patchwork, I patchwork quilt, Anainda Mor ion; roll muslin and linen, Mr*. J. Sdficld, Cgdar ; bowl jelly, Mrs, H. Sofield; patchwork; Mrs. Mte< load of wood, Ira Wethcrbce : load of wood, , ° Pre 3Ed Burnett; 4 pairs socks and 2 pairs cotton Jfawcrs sent to Richmond for John Emery. ainLOsear liecry. , • Our former Secretary, Mr?. M. C. Kaqkaan. >.ie ‘ately been called to another field of duty,' While regret the lore of one who hnj always -nobly and promptly performed every duty to the A4d Society, evolving upon her, wo wish her'all succossin time 0 come - J. W. Hayses; Secretory, aV *-0« Quota—for Tioga County, classed by jown nips and Boroughs, as officially the -J°y oEt Marshal is pasted Up in the iJookfto’e in *~, fi 7 ol ‘°* Persons calling w examine the I'.-et; will. to examine the splendid assortment o| fjilvcr H ,i r sre recently receded. Private Fnmiliej and it °ri j ec P ers ia want of a Jirtl rate article, wi»} call ai look at the Cake Baskets, Tea' Spoons; 1 esert thMr° D 8 Forks, Table Spoons, - . <• ■ IS INVITED TOTHE LARGE & ATTRACTIVE STOCK —OF— NEW Fill AND WINTER GOODS Now on Band and being received daily at the sub scriber's, (NO. 3; CONCERT BLOCK, CORNING, N. Y.,) in which great inducements are offered as regards-, .. . QUALITIES, STYLES & PRICES. Goods of all binds are being sold at as low rates as can reasonably be expected. The Stock is in mnch better shapf thnn ever before to fill all balls or. orders. . TVE SHALL CONTINUE TO SELL ALL DOMESTICS, SUCH AS BROWN SHIRTINGS AND SHEETINGS, 1 -BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, DENIMS,' , TICKINGS, STRIPES, CHECKS,' . COTTON FLANNELS, HEAVY COTTON IADES, YARNS, ■WHITE, RED, ,: J BLUE AND GREY, , - MIXED WOOL FLANNELS, SHAKERS FLANNELS, WRAP PERS, DRAWERS, - &c. f &o. f &c. t &c., . At about the same'low rates we have been selling the past three months. WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD! PRINTS. COMMON, MEDIUM & EXTRA GOODS, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES! A very large stock to retail from. Mags This stock is full ot choice Goods, such as DeLAINES, ALPACCAS, MOHAIRS, WOOL PLAIDS, WOOL DeLAINES, . . PLAIN & FANCY REPS, &o. No one should buy a dress before examining \ this stock. IN SHAWLS MTe can do well with all; the stock is largo; plenty of ■ BROCHE & WOOL SHAWLS, DOUBLE & SINGLE, From low prices to extra qualities, Small Shawls, Ac. CLOAKS ASD CLOA KINGS. Wc are doing a LARGE CLOAK TRADE, keep ing all tho LEADING STYLES, and! selling them at such CLOSE BATES that no one can get them np cheaper, without they can cut and make the garment themselves, and then they con save but a small portion of the costs of making. If par ties prefer to make up for themselves we have the CLOTHS A TRIHISIIGS of all kinds at the LOWEST CASH RATES. BALMORALS. We can snit any one ns to price or quality, keeping them from tho LO WEST IN MARKET to the EX TRA GOODS, which we sell as low as last season. BOOTS & SHOES. This Department docs its owif advertising. I would simply remark that customers CAN DEPEND on having a fall supply of tho SAME STANDARD GOODS. i y and that we warrant all articles sold to he as repre sented. We can suit AIX CUSTODIERS from the best styles of Ladies wear to the hdaty DOUBLE SOLE BOOT, and St any one. from the smallest child to the estra sizes. Richardson's best make Boots. In Men's D. S. & }, B. S. Boys’ and youths’ always on hand £n full supply CHEAP. As usual we will keep our Grocery, Stock in good order, and sell everything at tbo lowest market rates. WHOLESALE TRADE. All goods sold at Wholesale at lower rates than NEW YORK TIME PRICES. Wo can do bettor by all buyers of Small Wholesale Bills than moat dealers, as wo add bat a small commission to Now York Cash Prices. PRODUCE Of all kinds taken on ns favorable terms ns -any buyer. PAID for all marketable articles. . I. It. PARSONS, / C«»rnsMs, N. Y. November 11, ISGifc dyspepsia, AN D diseases -RESULTING from DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS ARE CURED, BY lIOOFL AN D’S german bitters. The Great Strcnstfacnins TONIC, These Bitters have performed more Cores! HATE AND DO GIVE BETTER SATISFACTION I HAVE MORE TESTIMONY! HAVE MORE RESPECTABLE PEOPLE TO VOUCH FOR THEM? Than an 7 other article in the market. Wo defy any One to contradict this Assertion, AND WIZX FAY 9.1000 To any one that will produce a Certificate published by us that'is not' 'genuine. 110OFLAND’S .OVERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Clirohic or Ncrvons Debility, Dls ■ case of (be Klduc}*, and Risen -BCB arising from a Disordered Stomacb. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS ■ Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation, Inward Files, Fiilncssa or Blood to the Head of tho Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust tir Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach Sour Eructations, Sinking orFlutter tering at tho Pit of the Stomach,' Swmmilngof the Head, Uur- - Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Flutter ing nt the Heart; -*»; • , _ Chokmgoc * ■ 1 ' ; Suffocating Sen sations when in a lying - r : • posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or ’ < Webs bo r fore the Sight,. Fever and Dull Fain Pain in tho Head, De " ficienfcy of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs. Ac., Sud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in tho Flesh, Con- * stant Imaginations of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. REMEMBER THAT* THESE BITTERS ABB WOT AJLCOHOEfC, CONTAIN NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CAN’T MAKE DRUNKARDS, B UT IS THE BEST TONIC, IN THE WORLD. JB@“- BEAD WHO SA TS SO-: “©a Prom the Itov.Xcvi.O. Beet, Pastor Of the Baptist Church, Pemberton; N. J., formerly of the North Baptist Church. Philadelphia, • . . • • 't bare known Iloofiaud's German Bitters favorably for a number of years. I have nsed them in my-own family, ami have been so pleased with their effects that I was induced to recommend them to many others, and know that they have operated In a strikingly beneficial manner. 1 take great pleasure in linn'publicly proclaiming this fact, ami calling the attention of those aflilclcd with the diseases fur which they are recom mended, to these Bitters, knowing from experience that ifly recommendation will bo sustained. Ido this moro cheer fully as Iloofliiod’a Bitters* is intended to benefit the afflicted, and is *• not a rum drink,” Yours truly. From Rov. J. Newton Drown, D. D., Editor of tho Encyclo jtedia of Religious Knowledge, Although fiot disposed to favor or recommend Patent Med icines in general, thrt ugh distrust ol their ingredients and effect*,! yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits ho believes himself to have re ceived from any qlmplc preparation, in the Lope that ho may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Itooffanda German Bitters, prepared:by Dr. CM. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced] agulnst them for many years, under the impression that tjhcy were chiefly nn alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to myfrieOd Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper testa, and for encour agement to try them, when suffering from groat and long continued debility. Tho use of three bottles of these Bit ters, at tho beginning of tho present year, vfas followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I hod not felt for sis months before, and bad almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank. God and my friend for directing me to the u-e of them. PuiLiDELPinA, Jw* 20,1861. J. NEWTON BROITN.' From tho Rov. Jos. 11, Kennard, Pdstor of the 10th Bnp tint Church. Dr, Jackson:—Bear Sir:—l have been frequently request ed fn'couucct nty name with commendations of different kinds ot medicines bnt regarding tho practice as out of tny appropriate sphere, 1 have in nil cases declined; bnt with a clear proof in various instsnces.nnd particularly in my fam il>% of the usefulness of Hr. Uootland’s German Bitters,! depart for once from my usual course,4o express my full conviction that, for general debility of the system and espe cially for Liver Complaint, it is a sate and valuable prepara tion. In abmc cases it may fail; but usually, I doubt not, it will bo very beneficial to those Who suffer from tho above cause. Yours, very respectfully, . J. 11. KENNARD, Eighth below Coates Street, Philadelphia* From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Germantown, Penn. Dr. C. M. Jackson; —Dear Sir :-f-Pcrsonal experience ena bles mo to say that I regard the German Bitters prepared by you as a most excellent modfeino. In cases of severe cold nn'd general debility 1 have been .greatly beuolltted by tho use o! tho Bitters, and doubt not they will produce similar effects (m others. Yours, truly, WARREN RANDOLPH, r ‘ Germantown,Pa. From Rev, J. n. Turner,.Pastor of Redding 31. E. Church, . Philadelphia. Dr. Jackson; —Dear Sir: —Having used your German Bit ters in my family frequently, lam prepared to say that it has been of great service. I believe that iu most cases of general debility of tho system it is tho safest and most val uable remedy of which 1 have any knowledge. Yours, respectfully, J. 11, TURNER. • No. 726 N. Nineteenth Street. Frcunthoßcr. JMII. Lyons, formerly Pastor of thoXJolnm* .bus (N. J.) and Mllestowu (Pa ) Baptist Chnrchcs. • New Rochelle. N. Y. Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir;—l feol it a pleasure thus, of my own accord, to bear testimony to the excellence of the Orman Bitters. Some years since being much afflicted with Dyspepsia. I used them with very beneficial results. I have often recommended them to persons enfeebled by that tor menting disease, and Imvo heard fiom them the most fiat* tering testimonials as to their great value. In cases of gen eral debility. I believe it to bo a tonic that cannot .bo sur passed. J. 31. LYONS, PRICES. Large Size (holding nearly double quantity,) . . $1 00 per Bottle —half do z. So 00 Small Size—7s cents per Bottle—half doz. $4 60 beware of COUNTERFEITS I Sec that the Signature of “ C. 18. JACKSON” is on the WRAP PER of each Bottle, Shotttd ronr nearest druggist not have the article, do not be put off by arty of tins intoxicating preparations that may bo offered in its place, but send to us, and Wo will forward, securely packed by express. Principal Otficc & Manufactory* NO. G3l Alien STREET, JONES & EVANS, (Successors to C. M. JACKSON & C 0.,) Proprietors. JITS' FOP. SALE l.y Druggists and Dealers ill everj town in tlie Uuiteil fctntes, , , ,hiu. 0, ISlit Lficjl. U, ISCo-ly.) CASH STORE! JX Is now past two years since the opening of oar TROY, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., since which time the public hare awarded to ns a GENEROUS PATRONAGE, we hare been signally prospered. The has afforded us ample means_to ‘prosecute our busi ness in such a manner as tu Perhaps no greater comment could be adduced to show the value of this plan than tbe perfect security affords to the purchaser. He not-only gets the value it of bis money, but has tbe full consciousness that be .Is a free man. Bans to him are things talked of but net realized. We do business thereby saving a hejevry tax which mast be imposed on the purchaser, where a We purchase most of our Goods for Cash, offering them at a very slight advance’ | FBOH COST,* preferring as wo always have done from the com mencement of our business to do a large trade for Small Profits, rather than run the risks which the losses attending a involved. Wo therefore can and do offer to purcha sers of the best assortment of Gooods to be fonnd in NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA, US 8 -SU&9 8 8 If you want to purchase - BLACK, BROWN, BLUE & GREEN SILKS, BROCADE & PLAIN, Call at^PERINE’S. LEVI G. BECK, of all styles and quality. Plain and figured French Merinoes, English Cobnrgs Colored and Black Alapacrfs, "Brocade Reps and oriental lustres, J Figured Grcrfadiacs, Brocade Mohairs, In in the Dress Goods linft, K AT PfcRINE ’Si ■! ? * SIS&WLBi r -W iPc ALL* AND SEE Splendid Broebcs, and Sqa&re Shawlsy Black TMbelglong Shawls, Black ShaWh, Colored Tbi^s, Black Silk and jjhawla of 6ve*y klncf and variety, % AT PERINE’S. •-r> - cloaks, Jacques, & mantillas, of the newest designs in Black or Colors, ', AT FERINE’S. Fltil THOUSAND YARDS Baciflo and Minohester Doioina for 2 shillings per yard, I , r < I. AT PEKINE’S. TEN THOUSAND YARDS Madder Prints for 1 shilling per yard, AT PERISE’S., a large Quantity 1 of Domestics at prices that defy competition, Shop-made Kip alid Stoga Boots, for $3,00 per pair, AT PERINE'S., HATS AND CAPS of great variety in quality and price, AT PERINE'S. Ladies, Misses A Children’s Shoes in great variety and cheap, AT PERINE’S. Flonf b j tho Sack of barrel, AT PERINE'S. J Prices reduced on Hoop Skirts and Corsets. AT PERINE'S. Opera Flannels, plain, figured, striped and checked, heavy twilled and tod, blue, green, white ami yellow, Flannels, AT FERINE S. A new andc''p tloekof TROY, Sept. 30,136». PERIIE’S rEadv; pay; store 1 —AT— PAY AS YOU- GO PLAN defy competition; Strictly for Cash, CREDIT BUSINESS IS-DONE. credit System DRY GOODS, AT PERINE’S. FIFTY CASES KOTICE. r J.' B. XngersolU and other*, trustee* of j In the Court of Commoir the estate which was ( Picas of Tioga County, State’ of William Bingham tof Pennsylvania, of Septem deoeaaed, I bar 1381, No. 332. r». Edwin Inscho et aL Ejtefctment for a tract of land- . in.Xtaerfield township, county’ aforesaid, containing tbirty.three and fivo-tenths of an acre or thereabouts, bounded and described *» follbtfs, viz: Beginning at the south-east corner of' IfitNo. 8 in tho allotment of the Bingham lands in Deerfield township aforesaid, conveyed to Caleb B. Smith; thenco along lines of said lot north three fourlbs of a degree cast eighty perches, east ten perches and north twenty four perches to the north east said lot No. S; thence south seventy nine degrees east fifty perches and four-tenths of a perch to the north west corner of lot No, 10; thence along the west line of said lot south ono degree west ninety-four perches four-tenths of a perch t# the north-east corner of lot No. 7 ; thence along th® north lino of said lot west fifty-nine perches and two-tenthd of a perch to the place of being lot No. 9 of the allotment of the Bingham lands ia Deerfield township aforesaid, and part of warrant numbered 2029 in the name of Thomas M. Willing. And now, fo wit, January 25,-1304, rule on John Ward and Eliza his jsifo, and Benonl Watkins and Mary Ann, bis wife, to appear and plead, by the first day of next term, . TIOGA COUNTY, SS: I, John F. Donaldpon, Prothofiotary of the Coart of Common Pleas of‘add* county, do certify the abort? to be a true copy of a rule entered in the foregoing entitled suit. In testimony whereof I have hereunto’ ( —. ) set my band and affixed my seal of office l < L. S. > the ,Ist day of February, ISC4, ( w r —') . J. F. DONALDSON, Proth’y. February 10, 1364. Hare You a Friend in the Arfiiy t Fort Alexander, 51d., Get. 12, ’62. let mo assure you that persona having aonisa husbands and brothers in the army will do well to send them Cline’s Embrocation. It is Jnst thrf medicine now wanted by soldiers for colds, coughs, strains,'rheumatism,-and camp ailments produced by exposure. Hoping that Sutlers for the army will take prompt measures to got a supply, 1 re main, sir, Scrgt. SAITOEI/8,-. BANCROFT, Co. C,- 117th Eegt. N.- Y. S. V. P. S. "While writing, I am parting with my last bottio I had far my own use. CLINE’S 1 VEGETABLE EMSBOCAT&N 11 HONET 2ETVNDKD IT IT TAILS TO GAT’S CELEBRATED PATENT IMPROVED INSULATED IRON RIM, AND TRAMS PIANO FORTES! These pianos have the pur© magical tone of the ■Wood, together with the strength of the Iron, nndarv thus far superior to all others. The Over Strang Scales, giving in connection - with the Patent Iron Rim, full, round, powerful, and sweet tone. These pianos Will remain in tune d greater length of time' than any other pianos known, and are warranted for the. time of five years. The undersigned offers these' pianOs at the same prices as at the wore rooms in Albany or New York, saving the buyer the expense of going thbre to buy, and wili keep them in tune for th# term of three years, without charges. For a general description of these pianos send for a circular, cook taining prices, styles, Ao, I, Q. HOYT, Osceola, Tioga County Pa, Osceola, Feb. 17, 1564,' A Valuable Farm fof Sale, VERY CHEAP. THE old homestead of the late Ansel Purple of 10tf acres, together with 200 acres adjoining it on the north is now offered for sale at the low price of $3O per acre—s2,ooo will-he required at the time pos session is giveft—the balance may be paid in instal ments to suit the purchaser. There is about 1.10 acres’ under fence, and 125 acres good plow-land. The bal ance is well timbered, as follows ; 50 sores with pine . timber, 25 with under wood of pine, hemlock, beech,- Ac, The balance principally with large hemlock,- mixed with ash, maplo, beech, birch, Ac. The land is well watered, and stocked with abundance nf fruit • trees. The buildings' are worth over s2.o(d>. Ther land is in n high state of cultivation, and for fertility wiU rank second to none in the county. For further particulars apply to M. V, pmPLlj of Knoxville, Pu., or address S, H. PURPLE, C<7-‘ Inmbm,* Lancaster county* Pa. Jan. 20, , 4 Portable Printing Offices.- For the use of Morrhhhfs,’ R-'. Druggists, and ajl brraino**' ! and professional ntun who’ 1 W'" wish to do their own print-’ BP 1 ‘ ; lug, neatly and cheaply.— ! Adapted to the printing of Handbills, Clrcn jars, Labels, Cardsnnd Small fcLgffg Newspapers. Fall iustCur - _ ir ~^ tions accompany ouch office - enabling a l>oy ten years.oh) t 0 wor k them successfully.’ ~ m Circulars sent free. Speci men sheets of Tvpe, Cuts, Ac-, C cents. Address ADAMS’ EXPRESS CO. 31 Park Row, X. V.. and 35 Lincoln St. Bostoii, Mass.* January 27,1^04-ly. CAUTIOUr. VrTUBREAS, my Trite, CATHARINE; has Veit my W bed and board without just cause or provoMi tion—l therefore cautidnal! persons against harboring or (rrrsting heron my account as I wilt pay no debt* of her Contracting alter this date. AUSTIN DOOLITTLE. Charleston, Feb. TO, 1864-3|t.* * Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the subscribers on the efttato of Uhial H.* Koyco, late o t Delmar townBhipV°deceased. notice' is hereby given to those indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment, and those having claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement to E. H. HASTINGS, 1 4 . MALTSSA J. ROVCB, j A(XjffrSi Dotmnr, Fob. 10, ISO4-6C. ADRttfISTRATOR’S UOTtICE. LETTERS of Administration havihg been granted* to tho subscriber on the estate of -Mortimer Bnl lard, loto of Wcllshorough, deceased, notice is here by given to those indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment,-and those having claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement to 0. BULLARD, Adui’r. ■W'ellsborOj.Feb. 10,1584-01. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE TEA, Just received at’ /V ROT’S DRUG STORE. Family dye colors at ROY’S DECS STORE. COKCEA'T RATED LYE. for sale at . - • ROY’S. BRUOSIQRR; 3 i