~ ISITATOR. THE ioOAll AH'P MIBOEIiI.A:yEOTrB VfaUiboro, •Wtodtariaarj; Deo, 16 r 1863, , '_-j Saw .A^turt^iements,; ftmlion—ValsntineWebb.' 1 Atlantic A Eields. Special No!He«.—Th« forgetfelneti «f appli ' cants forces ns io give notice, that riotice’pf all appli cations for license mast bo paid for. before they can appear in The, Aoitatob, W* bare all tie stookiwo iaftndtotabe in each enterprises- ‘ &BHOTBD—Mr.Harkocsa As removed Ms stock of bapts and ahoea to the room- lately oMnpied by .Esq- Cfrowl. Give him a call. ; t?■ i ; . To the BioK.—Dr. Jackson advertises that he will be at this place onSatnrday and Banday, Jan. 9 and 1881. See his appointments on foorth page. Dohaiiojt Visit. —The friends of .the Rev, Mr. Shaw, are invited to attpad a Donation at the house df Nelson CafUn/in Charleston, ; on TuasdaJ after noon qqd evening, Dec. 22d,,1?W. '- ■ ■' Onn Sahta CnAOthasarrjved intownwitha largo assortment of »y e; op .M«hea_d quariero at the book store... He Informs ns that Mr. J. P. Robinson will sell them, to cuttomers at the. lowest cash rates. . > . The following le a list of casualties in the battlß.of Milo Kan, Nor;; 29,>f thejtAth.Pa. Caralry. CapL Robinson'e Company, from T.tga codnty, Pa.: Ifoiintied.— Sergt-'H F. lsaac Wilkinson. Tbos. Rodmakor;,t3eo. Chrisiftger, Wm. Black. if,Way. —Corpl. Chas. Da iaihg, Jos. Walters, E. Squires. ' ' Cobrv Cut News.— We bav&recmved the first six jiamberi of a paper-of the '.iboii name, pnbUshed at Corry, Erie county, Pa.'. ByloOking .over the-adver tisements we should judge )M our friend W. A. Roe haseome to : the ooneioiian tbafthc way'to be soooes ful is to uso pribterVmk. The paper Is 'got npib gppd style and presents a neat typographical hppearf ' ftface. We wish it tuecegs.., . *■ ■ r just received some beautiful sheet music published by Oliver .Ditson A Go.; 277 Washington Street, Boston. “ GeneraT GmuCrGrand March," « La Mia Letiiia," a charming fustrumebtalplece from the opera of “I. Lombardi,".by -Brinley Richards; “ The Shadow Song Polka Rcdowa,” by I.S. Knight; and the Jfcmic song “ Cousin Jedediah." Thapostage on sheet music is but one or tVo cents for each piece, and therefore persons at a di lance can obtain it by mail much cheaper than by express. Ail orders ad diesscd to these publishersfwill be' promptly at tended to. . , • f ; . •■■ \ Nbw-Tork A Erie Railroad;—Change ot hours commencing Thursday, Dec. 10, 1863. Trains will lesTo Corning as follows: •. ’ ■WEEIWApn notyjD, ~ .* ■ Ko. i, Buffalo Express..,. ........ 6 23 p m No. 3, Night Express 5 25 a ra 80. 6, Mail , 12 40 a m EASTWARD pOU-VD'. No. 2, New York Expres f... 9 57 a m 80. 4, Nigfit Express 22 p m 80. 12 .i. —. r .. .1..... 4 ,05 p m 80. 16, Cincinnati Egress:,...! 3 23 a ih 'No. 20, Way Freight, 1... 115 pm CnAS. Misot, GenT Bupt. Asleep,—The people of Pennsylvania ate taking the wetter ,concerning the raising of 38,0'00 addition altroopr very easy. To judge from appearances one’ would suppose the whole Stale was asleep. The sleepers will have a sudden airjtjtoning, however, on the sth of January! • ■ > '■. >- ■ ■ LfPOKTAST TO THE RELATIVES OE PRISOSEUS OV War. —The Departmenfat Wnjbington has decided to pay to the wives or'faraillefliof officers or soldiers non confined as priaoners-of Jratithc amount of puy that may be duo. This in'certainly an excellent or der.and if will give many ffinjiHcs-cot only the means of relief for themselves, but obfeijending assistance to their.Watives or friends. jj ■ U. S. Reyeses Tax.— Fari;|ert.who. batcher their own stock—that is the stock tbyyhave raised err fati toned on their farms-iand in'gftat .way' sell it, mast make a return under oath to 1 Assistant Assessor of all stock thus slaughtered antl'- I *o'ld* They do not need a license untesk they worth'; bat they are bound to pay 20 cents j)ir bead, for all cattle over 18 months old, 5 cents forsil under 18 months, 6 cents Cor eaeh bog,and S cents/or-each sheep. Report op Secretary of Aid, Society fob the mosth op NoyEiiß^fti - 1868- — The Society taro during the month sent JO; the Sanitary Gommia 3i#Q one barrel potatoes anjf a box- containing the ■ following articles t 1- ' 3 qaatvpieced,«dv»nte4j'hy-the.yopng girls, 1 doable wrapper! ri&r^nsll?!; 6 lawn- hand kerchiefs, 1 package sage, d pillows fqr water dressings, 6 smollnop pillow^,'s ( ‘ rolls linen, rags; 4 large feather p.iilo*s,Ts busHfs dfied apples, 4 pin cushions and pins, 2 atm slin ( |?, 2 pair vfoolen socks, 2 pew calico shins; IZ'fiUgeip’cots, 2 1 packages dried com, 3 dotes packages lint, lldcien rolls bandages. 1 roll cotton rags. 1 package } package dried crab apples, old magazines andfpopefs. The following persons haya*be©JL-addedJko the list via«t - R« Bowqn,’Newton / Eigoncy. . ; •; - / -JJoniitioni Received,— Mrs. * 4|eo.. Barker, I bushel potatoes; -Mrs. Jas. Locke, 1 biabC* potatoes; Robert Roy, ink-for marking boxes Christian, 2 shirts,' slightly wdrn, lint and bapAges, 1 package dried blackberries, 1 package dried Jaipes B.'Joriea, 1 barrel for, packing'? Mrs. Cdpestidk, 1 bushel potatoes; “ Friend,” sbwf H doken eggr; -Lucy B.,Moore, 2 gallons' pickles'without vine ‘gw; Mrs. Ctymer, wool-delaiiWW cushions, cloth for patchwork, 0 yards new lawn.for.h*hdkerch'iefB,.priDt ed labels for boxes Ac., sent j.Mrs. R. G. White, 8 gallons vinegar; Celebration .Commit* t«e,” $26.40; Mary' Cowden,£'clolh for., patchwork, bundle rags; Sarah Barker&cloth fob patchwork; Mrs. 11. Young, cloth for jratehwork; Mrs. ,0-. D. Smith, cloth for patchwork; Williams, clfath-for patchwork; Mrs. Sam). Dicklnsoh, bag dried, plums, 1 bushel dried apples; u Friend** lawn skirt, bundle retton rags; Mrs. Archer, Z- ghllons pickles) Mary' jaoore, 7 pin cushions; JohirN. Bacbe, Rsq., large load of bark; Mrs. Dr-.Pack.et 8 gallons apple but- 3 gallons pickled cabbage! Mrs. S. E. Bnsworth,' impounds dried applet; MaUr- Sturroek, bag dried •nhonWi.rries, ba dried . ■ ■ ■w.u-v— , Anr C. -i .irttKJiAtJ, Secretary. WeUftwo’, Nor. JO, 1663. ,■ ' ' S °s^ E ?f c , A i?^P nA:TI!AI f Vailky.—Forwarded “gif r„V^ mi 863 T * <> ' ft*ai Breach, U. 8. Sani wry Commission, 130! Street, Philadelphia: lh. M Ck !.l S ’ l Etk i c but >Vl bo* eonteining2 d'nV,i ? d b ?n Cm J es ' 10 H 4 *®* currants, li Ibr. 5 2 !“* d , fled . 23 IbS-dricd ton on’ii 6 |, ' DeD t .°' re 8j 4 people books,:* rolls of cot- P l '? 6B -I 4 muslin drawers, 6 pairs of woolep socks, 5 shirts, ■ . ■ ' J Mirs E. leeve Tolls', Cor. Eeo’y. ticed befoin hli’r? 1 ihould. .bare been ao abtfojobbllhavebut jutiicceirsdit, J . . * , h, E. Moose. ef^or^v^^ 9 Tjec/B, 1863,. fJWfr-* 1 ** 0 * A %N. 5* 62 y™*’ irhom rt,V l raiich to» n *?a BeW ' ra : D ?lmafj Vioga county,J?a., to *•» aS*. a J? ““e focty-gw J#ar». ago. They totrtnVmi? 19 •“ItMl eys4fe‘ intbelast-named 8,,, JP’it when ,thee came atmoat e trtidetv Ilf. ~.t“ en *•* eonvertei to a Christian coarse ScihS.i , 9 . a *?, Q f J7.lt! a pniyer..meeting held at gt. 0?'*" ., At PKUadelph la, the trasa member of the i«n » r *’* Chatch, on sth Stfeet She had long * Of the £■» WeUebaro. Said sho-'tdhwpastdT,'* few'wee£i before heir death Safe* I tried jtnclffnrafid serve the-Lord; bat have been a poor" erring nreatnre. Bat He is merci ful. Praise Ber bnjbaUd .was parted from her by death, seven years ago' ; last Jane; and no# their bodies, free forever from the pain that once racked them, rieep in one grave in the new .Cemetery ‘of'WelUbgrd.Vhaetheir,happy epipts areuniteddn heaven. Mrs. Allen had for a long time the most assiduous and indefatigable 'care, involving la* borioas and sleepless.watchfulness;' and her neigh bors and friends In ?the Borough, faithfully and in a Commendable manner attended her to the last, . ’ J.D.B. In MiddJebury, on tbe the_ I7th nit, of typhoid fever, LOUISA, wife of IJeber Cole, aged 62 years, 6 monihs/ahd 7 days. . In Knoxville JTot.-30, 1863, of typhoid fever, CLARENCE E.*, son of Isaac and Helen M. Loghrey, aged.lft years, 9 months, and 8 days. > A dutiful son, a kind, affectionate’brother and com panion, honest apd .upright in: all his, dealings with bis employes) he won the hnd esteem of all who knew him. Baring an illness of several weeks no murmur escaped his lips, but he expressed a perfect resignation tb the .will of God. Be left, his friends the happy assnranoe that their lobs is bis everlasting gain. - i.. J v Con.* • In Knoxville, on the. 4th insi, of typhoid foyer, HELEN M.) wlfe'of Isaac toghrey, in the SSth year of her age. .A loved and; loving wffp and/taother, b** been, re moved froa-.a wide circle of .“kindred wbieh and »«r bappj. Shehos lefr behind*her gentle a life ’and character marked by unusual sweetness and unselfish ness of disposition and rendered more attractive .by a cbeerfulUhristian faith and hope and charity.- Co*. *" ' In Charleston, on the Bth Inst, gf dropsy. -Mrs. DIANA., ElCE. ; relict of -S. J. Eipe, aged $0 years, 6 months, and 5 daysi J The deceased has left a family of ten children to mourn her loss. One is in the army~thns:in three brief years, father, mother, and two i’ohildren have been’torn from tbe family circle, pennon on the-Oc casion by the writer. .. . , J. Isqbbicx. - SPECIAL* y NOTIOBS. SAFOBIFIEE, OR CO TSTCEkSn’R-A-TEU LYB FAMILY SOAP MAKER. , WAR makes high prices; Saponifier helps to rc ‘ Jnco them. It makes SOAP, for FOUR cents a pound hy using your kitchen grease. CAUTION 1- As spurious 1 Lyes are offered also, be careful and only 1 buy the PATENTED arti cle put up in .IRON cans, ail others bcipg COUN TERFfiIiS. ' • ‘ PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO, . Philadelphia—No. 127 Walnut Street Pittshnrgr-Pitt Street and Svqneine Way. . Nov, 18, 1863-om. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS OF BOTH {SEXES. A Reverend geutlemnu having 1 been restored to health in a few days, after undergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treatment witbout-enccess, considers it bis* sacred duty , to com municate to his*a£Beted fellow creatures the means of cure. Hence on the receipt of an addressed envelope, be will send (free) a copy of the preemption used. Direct to Dr. Jobs M* DagnAll, 186 Pulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Jane 1, 1863-ly. THU CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF A NERVOUS INVALID. Published for the benefiLand as.a caution (o yonng men, and others, wb at is not a violent remedy, but emollient.' worming', searching and effective. Sold by all druggists at-13 Ind 25 cents per bottle. Sept., 9, 1863. A GENTLEMAN! cared of Nervous Debility, In competency, Prenature Decay and Yobthfnl Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it(freo of charge) the recipe and, direccion« for making the simple Rem edy used in bis dase. Those wishing to profit by fafs experience—and possess a Valuable Remedy—will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed,) by addressing JOHN S. OGDEN, ■ ' No. 80 Nassau Street, NewTork. •' Sept. ICaliBo3-jfmoB. ’ ' • ADtIIJVISTKATOffi.’S NOTICE. LETTERS of Admiqistmtion»haying been granted to tfa'e pubpcribor on the estate' of Kat>son Park hurst, late of Lowrengovillo, deceased,.notipe is here by given to-those.indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, and those having claijns to, present thepa properly authenticated for settlement to , , J! G. PARRHURBX, Adin’r. -Elkland K Dec* 9,1863-fit. - - CAME into the.enclosure of the -subscriber on or about the 26th of October last, - A RED STEER, white lipped Ui), 2 year. old., The dwner U reqnest e>d to prore property, pay charges amt ; t»ke it away, ■ SaMTIEL eogeks. Cherry Flattfc S’oy.lS, 1863-St.* Admin let rator’s Ifotlce. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the gnbieriberstm the Marvin.iato of. Charleston - township,, deceased, no tice* is hereby given to those indebted to said,estate to make immediate payment, and those having' claims to present them'properly authenticated for settlement. to ' MARIAS MARVUO t JAMES KELLY, ) Admr• Charleston, Nov. 25, 1863-dt. HEW MILLINERY SHOP, ATHAINSBURG, TIOGA COUNTY, PA; MISSPADLINE SMITH bega leave to announce ‘to the oitiiena of Uainsbarg and vicinity, that ehohas opened a' Millinery Shop in the 1 house.of JobnEobinson, and is prepared to .do in the best manner, all kinds of work that she may bo favored 'with.., i . ,V-- •’ • " - ; :1. - ' i. 1 Stamping'for Braiding done; I also wUb'td inform my' ooatomers of Wellshoro. and vicinity dhat X oto befottml otmy shop opposite Boy’e fimg. Store. : - Mainjburg, Nor. 35,d863-tf. t j [COMMOKTCATED J ESTBAV. THE TIO©A COONIY A ©ITAT OR. ypi’R attention _rt . -ft ly of the ■“SAME ST. iNOARD GOODS, At articles (old to be ai repre- and that we warrant een ted. We can idi Alt CCSTOMERS from the best styles DOUBL sf Indies veer to the hear; SOLE Boor, the smallest child to the'extra best make Boots. la Men’s D. indy oaths’ .always an ’hand in and fit any one, from Bite#.- Richardson's 8. JUS. BbyO full supply CHEAP. ® Ife IE S Ss o • At usual we will keep oar, Grocery Stock in good order, and sell.ererjjtbiag at the lowest market Tates. ' T 1 -‘V , . ... WHOLESALE TRADE. . . .. • ij All goods sold at -Wholesale -at lower rates than NEW YORK TIME PRICES. Wo con do bettor by all buyers of Small Wholesale- Bills. than' most dealers, as we add-but a small commission to New York Cosh, Prices. _ s ■ PRODUCE Of slTkind* taken on u favorable teralr as as/ buyer. CASH pj4jTZ7 for.aU marketable artfylei* jr. 4, PARSOHB, :' ■ : ; ;; ' ; C*ralug,lf. "Vf.l SSrethbor It, 1843; - NOTAETOttDBINKI A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED i VEGETABLE EXTRACT A PURE TONIC, THAT WILL BELIEVE THE AFFLICTED, AND NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS. DB. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY DE- C. M., JACkSON, PHILADELPHIA, FA. ■WILL effect oally and most certainly CURE ALL DISEASES ' ARISING PROM A DISORDERED LIVER, . STOMACH, o» KIDNEYS ' ’moFLAinys oebman bittebs WILL'CURE EVERT CASE OP Cilronic or Herrons. Debility. Dis ease of the Kldne)*, and Disea. te» arising from a Disordered Stomach.. ■ ; OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Bemiting from Disorders of the 1 ' Digestive i Organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness. or Blood to the Head Acidity of the StomaCh, Nanssa, Heartburn, Disgasfi. fur Food, Falne«s or Weight in the Stomach •,. L Sour Eructations, Sinking «r Flatter a tering at the Fit of the Stomach, - fiwimmiogof the Head,Har- Harried and Difficult ' '■ “ Breathing. Flatter ingat toe Heart; 1 Choking or . . Suffocating 6eo* aatlona when In a lying of Vision, Dota or > - Weba b* < fore the Sight, Fever land Doll Pain Fain in the Head, Do*- r .'. . flciency -of Perspiration, Yel townees of the Skin and Eyee, Pain * In the Bide, Back, Cheat, Limbs. Ac, Sad* - den Flashes of Heat, Burning in-the Flesh, Con-' stant Imaginations of Svll, and great BepPeaalbn otflplrits. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CITE TOO A GOOD APPETITE, WILL* GIVE YOU Strong Healthy Nerves, WILL GIVE TOO BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS, WILL ENABLE YOU TO SX EBP WELL, AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVXSI, YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, 4c. Those Snflerlnglrora Broken down and Delicate Conitltiitieaa, ‘ From whatever cause, either in M4LE OS FEMALE, will find In nooFEANtt’S German bitters. A REMEDY That -will restore them to their ostial health. Bnch has been thf cue In thousands of instances, and a fair trial Is but required to prove the assertion. . ! *7 From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. XX, Editor of the Encyclo pedia of Religious Knowledge.! Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Med icines in general, thnogh distrust of thdr ingredients and effects,! yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he belieVea himself to have re ceived from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others, i > - ’ ' 1 de this the more readily In regard to Hooflands German Bitters, prepared by Dr. 0 M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixturei; I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encour agement to dy-them, when snffulng'ffom great andlong continued debility. The' use 'of three bottles of these Bit ters, at the beginning of the .present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily, and mental vigor which ! bad hot frit for six months beforehand had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore tflank: God and my friend for directing me to the us* of them.' Phoadilphu, Jos* 20,1M1. • J. NEWTON BROWN. DISEASES OF KIDNEYS AND! BLADDER la Toong or Aged, Male or Feoiaie Are speedily removed, and the patient retried to health. DELICATE CHILDREN, r . - Those suffering from MARASMUS, wasting away,-with scarcely any flesh on their bones, are cured in a very short time; one bottle in such cases, will have A mbst surprising effect. !• 1 PAR CUTS: Baring suffering children as above, and wishing to raise them, will never regret the day they commenced with these Bitters. . LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, And those working bard, with their brain/, i boold "always keep a bottle of HOOFLAND’S BITTERS near them,a* they will God much benefit from its use, to both m nd and body, invigorating and not depressing. IT IS NOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, And laavoa no prostration. , ATTENTION, SOLDIERS i . AND THE OP SOLDIERS. We call the attention of all having relations or friends In the army to the fact that HOOFLaMD’S German Bitters’! will cure nine tenths of the diseases induced by exposures and privation* incident to camp life. In the lists, pub lished almost dally in the 'newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large proportion are suf fering from debility. Every case of tfast kina can be readily cored by Hooflnnd’s German Bitten. We have WLheaitatlon Instating that, if these Bitters were freely nsetf'amongoor soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that otherwise would be lost. The proprietors are daily receiving thankful letters from snfferendn the army .and hospitals* who have been.restored to health by the use of these Bitten, sent to them by their friends. BEWARE OP-COUNTERFEITS I gee that the Signature of “C. M. JACKSON” is on (he WSAP. , PER ot cucli. Bottle.' PRICE PER BOTTLE V» CTB. OR HALF BOX. FOR 94 00. Should your nearest druggist not have the article.do not bo put off by any of the Intoxicating preparations that mat itftplaco.bat send tons,and We will forward. isMurely'packed by express.! V ’ - Principal, Office A ißanuftclory, NO. 631 ARCH STREET! JONES fit EVANS. (fioMMsonto ttM. JACKSOsIiCo-.X, ;- ■ :;, Proprietors; ea-FOKSAW lij Druggists and Bfil.ra Ineterjr.tiwS ■in the .Called States,.'. ' . J SepWlnßcr 9,15934,. - PEKOE’S CASH STORE! JT is sow put two years since the opening of our READY PAY STORE TROY, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., sineo'whicb time the public have awarded to us a GENEROUS PATRONAGE, we hare been signally prospered. The PAY AS YOU GO PLAN bu afforded us ample means, to prosecute our busi ness in such a manner as to DEFY COMPETITION. y Perhaps no greater comment, could be adduced to show the;value of (hit plan than the perfect security affords to the purchaser. Be not only geti the .value it of hit money, but has the full consciousness that be it a freejman. Punt to him are tbinga talked of ,bnt not realised, Wa do butinett I ‘ , : Strictly! for Cash, thereby taring a heavy tax which mmt be impend on the pnrehater, where a . CREDIT BUSINESS IS DONE. We purehate molt of enr Goode for Oath, offering them at a very slight advance FROM COST,' preferring at we always bare dens from the com mencement of onr bntineta to do a largetrado for Small Profits, rather* rlikt which the losses attending a CREDIT SYSTEM involved. We therefore can and do offer to purcha sers of ■: _ 1 '/ DRY GOODS, the best assortment Of Qooodt to be found in NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA, SIM.SB SMSIS If you want to purchase ■ BX.ACK, BROWN, BLUE &. GREEK 81ERS, BROCADE & PEA IN, Call at FERINE’S. ! of all styles and quality. Plain and figured French Merinoes, I English Cohnrgs Colored and -Black Alapacas, Brocade Reps and oriental lustres, Figured Grenadines, Brocade .Mohairs, . ( In-fact everything in the Break Goods line, ; AT PERINE'S. . , gßAmsi.' :.C-‘ ■ . CALX."and SEE / - Splendid Brechts,.and Square Shawls, ; Black Thibet,long Shawl,,. - BUck Thibet, square Shawls, ... Colored Ibihets, ' Black SUk Shawls, and Shawls of every ktnd-ahd variety, AT PERINE’S. CLOAKS,. SACQUES, & MANTILLAS, of t£b newest designs in Block or Colors, ; FIVE THOUSAND YARDS lo and Manchester Deloins for 2 shillings' per, Pactfii yard, , i, j TEN THOUSAND YARDS Madd ir Prints for 1 shilling per yard,; A LARGE QUANTITY icstics at prices that defy compctiticn, . AT PERINE’S. of Doi FIFTY CASES Shop-niado Kip and Stoga Boots, for *3, W per pair, AT PERINE’S. HATS Alfß CAPS of great Variety In quality and P r ‘ c ?i ‘j ' " AT PERINE’S. Ladies, Misses * Children’s Shoes In great, raricty and cheap, AT PKKINB’S. , Floiir by the'Saok’or Barrel, AT PERINE’S. Prices reduced on Hoop Bklfte and Corsets, AT 'PERINE’S. Opera Flannels, plain, figured, striped and cheeked, heary twilled and tedj wHte and yellow, Flannels,, AT FERINE. S._ ««d chcp .tort or , TROT, S«pl.», 1863. —AT— AT PERINE’S. ,AT PERINE’S. AT PERINE’S. Eye and EeCr Inrtttute. DR. UP D£ GRAFF, OCULIST, AORISr * QEN'L SUBOEOtf, ELMIRA, if. T. TREATS ALL DISEASES OF TEE SYS, EAR AUTD TER OAF. rlB will operate, upon Cataract, Arti ficial Pupil, Croat Efts, Lachrymal Fistula, Pterygium, Entropion, (inversion of the eye lid,) ud treats all forms of Sore Eyes, such as Granulated Lids, Purulent Ophthalmia, Opacities of the Cornea, Scrofulous Diseases of the Eye, and all diseases to which the Eyeis.subject. THE EAR.—Treats successfully Discharges from the Ear, Noises in the Ear, Difficulty of Bearing, Deafness, (eren when the drum is entirely destroyed, will insert an artificial pho, answering nearly all the purposes of the natural). ~ . THE THROAT,—Olcsrated Throat, Enlarged Ton sils, together with CATARRH, In all its forms, permanently cored. GENERAL SURGERY.—He wQt~opfrata upon Club Feet, Hare Lip, Cleft Palate, Tumors, Canesrs, Morbid Growths, Deformities from Burns, HERITIA, Operated upon by a new mode with entire suueess j and performs PLASTIC OPERATIONS; where, tha .Nose, Lip, or any portion of the face Is destroyed through disease on. otherwise, by healing them an anew. Will attend to thd Amputation of Limbs, and Gen eral Surgery in all its branches, INSERTS ARTIFICIAL BYES.—Airing them all the motion and expression of the natural, defying de tection, They are inserted without rumoring the old one, or producing pain. - The Doctor's collection of Instruments comprises ail the latest improvements, and is the largest in thw State. The superior advantages he' has bad In per fecting himself in all that is new and valnahio in eor gery, warrants him in saying that every thing within the bounds of the profession maybe expected of him. The Institute has been greatly enlarged, so that we. can now accommodate an increased number of pa tients from a distance. Comfortable Bearding Boa ses attached to the establishment. No incurable Cam r fenced for treatment or opertLr tiom. If a ease is incurable, he trill be io informed. Institute upon Water-street, opposite the Brainud House, Elmira, N. Y, :■ Elmira, N. Y., Nor. 4, 1863.-ly. September Ist, 186 SK FROM THIS DATE, FOR RSABY PAY ONLYB . CUSTOM BOOTS AND SEOES ; Leather,*( Findings, ko, CASH PAID FOR HIDES, PELTS, DSIR SKINS AND FURS. J)R. FRANKLIN SAYS; “ When yon hare anything to advertise, tel ike public of it In plain, simple language," ’ I am manufacturing good custom made Boot* ail Shoes which I will sell at fair prices, and only for READY PA T. Such work cannot be sold et aslow rates per pair as eastern mads slop-work, but it saw and'will be sold at prices which wiU' enable tbs pop* chaser to protect bis feet with good substantial boots more cheaply than with a poor slop-shop article which, even.lf It chances not to fall in pieces ,witlt the first weeks service, is but a .doubtful protaotisa iB wet and cold weather. Try me. Buck and Doeskins Wanted, in the red and short blue, for which I will pay ledk and a good price. ‘ i Becf-Bidaa and Calfskins Wanted, for which I will also pay cash. , _ ■ ‘ Sheep Pelts Wanted, for which I will also pay cash and the highest-Baits ket price. An assortment of sole, upper, calfskins and Ilniaft pegs, thread, nails, awls, knives, shoe-hammers, -M* Ac., kept constantly ’on hand, which I will sell ehtaja for cash. Shop on Main Street between WCcorVanw Bollard’s. - G. W. BEARS. B, I can’t give. eredit,-beeanse, to he plaia/jl haven’t got it to give.; Wellsboro, Sept. 9, 1863. NEW ... AND S E COIf D HAKD4AFGI. FOR SALE CHEAP, AT TOT Yew York Safe Depot, 71 William Street, lew York. S. A. GREGG. Size and Prices of LILLIE 1 S Fireproof Safa. OUTSIDE. HEIGHT, 1 WIDTH, No. 1 24 .20.,., No. 2 .....28..... No. 3...;...;.....30...., No. 4...... 32...., No. 5....„ 34.... No; 8..,.„ .40..., IMIDE. height. 1... No. 2... No. 3... No. 4... No; 5... No. 6... ...13 ...13 ,_1« ~15 ..._21 -14 JI IS TRIGS... No. 1 .$5O 00’ No. 2 .'. BO 10 ' 1 No. 3 J# OO a , No. * 85 OB No. 5 .. „..;bo on No. 6 i 115 00 Nor. is, 1863-4! mo«. WEUBBQRO’ AGiJ>Einr. THE next term of this institntion trill com meet* on MONDAY, Nor. 30,1883, under the charge of BEMJAHIW EOUN, B. A. r as Principal; assisted-by a corps of.competent teachers. J. L. ROBlNßON,fret’t.-. J. EMBRY. Sec’y. * Wellsboro, Oct. 31,1863. D. HART’S HOTEL. WELLSBOBO, TIOGA CO. PEKXA. ' THE subscriber takes this method to inform hia old friends and customer! that be has re>~ snmed the conduct of the old " Crystal 'Fountain Hefei,” and will hereafter give it his entire attention. Thankful fer post favors, fas solicits a renewal of the same. DAVID HABT. Welhboro, Nov. 4, 1863.-ly. UNION FLOUR AND FEED STORE. OSGOOD’S BLOCK, MAIN ST, WELL6BORO I AM receiving, and (boll keep constantly on band, at my store in Osgood’s Block, the best quality of Genessee Floor, which will be sold at lowest market prices. Also, FEED, COEN MEAL, and BUCKWHEAT BLOCK. ALBERT BOSS ELL. Wollsboro, OofcSS, 1885. AGRICULTURAL HSFLEffIENTS. I WOULD inform Dealers in Agricultural Implc meats, that I bate Horse Bakes of the most ap proved 'stylos and snperior quality. Also, Hsq<| Rakes ef a better quality than manufactured in this section, whioh I will furnish in any quantity de sired. to dealers in the counties of Tien, Bradford, and Lycoming. D. R. DOUD. ' ■Mainsburg.Nor. 18,1865-9mos.* Hear Ye t Hear; Ye 1 ■ Rear Ye I A - LLjWßiMsAudsbtfHUs the subscriber wni ooafer a faror, and satetbetoeelTSs cost, bjeslling-a*- £. DEPTH. J# ......‘.34 .** ...34... .....14 .-..34 -...5i .Bl WIDTH. n ...Jll ....asi DEPTH. -13