ltd* Want aiaapiteih.- a all the drifted' men would ratter be physical or other cau'ses than pay jtbu foquired Bar this; like every other ru!e,ba< its exceptions. '’’A young mao residSaJs i»;JLiancaifor county, who was drafted, wjsi wry;. fearful that ’be would not mss' an' examination, and when before the Board put 6ii"i martiah raien;;expanded bis chest to its fullest capacity,jhlofoM bis legs about in a vigorous manner,; and performed td Show that he was what ha chimed tp be—-ri perfectly sound roan. The examining sargeo o ? m nob pleased with the manifested anxiety of, the young man to be accepted/. Alter a short' examination, passed him asonefittomake a-good fighting man for jtinoio Stonuel, Every one expected that the young man wontd immediatelyrfeport for duty< tint he bad ho intention of d< ing anything, of the kind, I *nd._Ms_.anxiefy be passed was owingfotSe following: - The yobrig 1 man had,beeh; paying Ms ad dresses to a young lady who, in addition to her personalcharms, is worth a round earn.of money; waa drafted the young man tpade a tender of his hand'to the lady, bqt she had heard ad mack of that fearful- edfd .plaint “ physical disability," .so prevalent Urapngst drafted men, that to roar jy him unless he would pass' on examination before the Board of Enrollment.-and provided .further that if he would pass, she would pay the $3OO exemption for him, arid make him bar lawful master. The young-- man,’ much to bis relief passed as above stated the young lady, true to her word, hos already paid the $3OO for him andm a few weeks.the.cnuplo will be united in. matrimony—especially the money part.— Sartisixtrg Teligioph^ ' A Hist to Phf6«xl t n.ite3,—/‘ What. shall I do? I can.get no Bleep!" gen tie man to his friend,, one day, not very long ago. What is the matter?” asked the sympathetic friend, “the.matter! That chicken I .that horrid, doleful chicken ! that Shangbae Like a harbinger of evil, like a vnicp from the tomb, like a~- —” “Ob!” exclaimed'the friend, “ kill him I” “ What,. kill my neighbor’s chicken V' “ Yea, kill him;!’’ “ I can’t do that." “‘Buy and kill him.”' “The owner wiil notselL” “Oh. 1 then do yon give-him one." “Tfhatt give him toother chicken!” ‘‘ Exactly." ! “ To distract my rest with double force f” ‘ i 0h,,n0! give him a game chicken “Ahl rioV T onddrstand," Mid the'gentlemnn, ns he smiled till one of his. eyes was lost to view. “ I understand •, I’ll be generous.” In a day or two he had presented to the churlish proprietor Of. the Shanghae, a heroic chanti cleer,‘aUd within on hour thereafter, the dole ful Shanghai had. ceased to. distnrb the peace of others; end was taking bit (Wrn last rest. -—si^ Tm Greek Fire. —The Greek fire was in vented about a thousand years the East, ant}- in -the crusades against the Christians,! to. whom it was i source of the ut most terroij and confusion. Kit is composed of what is known ns “ arsenicalhleohol,'” and is chiefly made of pitch, naptha,land bitumen, and readily burns on and under water. It was originally projected on arrows'and javelins, around which flax was twisted, saturated with the compound. It emits offensive odor in its discharge, and is destructive in its effects. The' secret 'of the Composition of this fire was, lost until the cot ;menoement of our Civil War, when ft was discovered or re-lovent ejJ—singularly enbugbi by | a Virginian—who offered it to our Governmec t, and tried to pro core a patent foil it, *■ Parties who were in Washington ,-a . year- and ai half ago may re member the efforts of this, individual to obtain s hearing from the-Governjnent officials. Tiro Sdarps.—An old mW piolpd np a half k dollarin the street. “ 013'msn,/that's mine,"’ said a Veen-Iboking hand it over.” Did ihine hnvjs a hole in It?” felted the old man. “ Yes,” , replied the . other, V Then it is not thine,” mftdly replied the old jb»b : “Thou most learn tf) he a little sharper aeil time, myboy." . 7 • • . f j, 1 # A rttrhiornihgs since We Were relating to' onr family tb r e fact of ajfrienij having found upon his dooretep-aGha little male infant, whom be bad adopted, when one of . the ofive branches remarked : “Pa, dear, it’U be bis step sod, won't it ?” Wa thought It irbuid, decidedly. ’ Aatsvca Wlsi eayail">“ 1 have already given -twa cousins to the war, and I stand ready to saerifiss my wife's brothgrvTuther’n not see the rebalyp krasiht. wuss coms to wnss, I’ll ahed-every drop of b|if|ipy able-bodied re laaKnna has got to proseoeit the war,” Ah! , '_iaaid a Sundoyrchool teacher, “ Ah, Caroline Jones, what do yW-think you would have been without your gtjpd. father and pious mother?” “ leoppose, pKim,” said Caroline, who waa struck with the joft appeal, “1 sup pose,' mum, 1 should ba'l'wen a borpban.” “ I SAT," enid i) youijf'; fellotr to his friend,'- “do you know |hat Jones feid you were not do to dean bis shoes.” 11 Hi jho J,” was the reply. •‘I hope you defended pt.” “ Yes, that I did.” “What did year ijy “ I said yon Were.” ('* . SosiK yoong follows, joiftop , found fault with ths batter on their hoarding-house table.— '‘■Whit is the matter wiffr.UT’ asked the 'mis tress. “ Just you ask itliji, said one “it is old snoagh to speak for itself ■' '■ ■ '.-t i-^STt! — A PtasoK named once left his creditors somewhat' nuieromoniously, upon whish awsgwrote— “ Oven Moon hus ika away, Owin’ mon.4hau Kef eoold p ay.” «•;. - Mmik is ([Sighted that Prince Alfred would have nothing -in do with Foreign Greece., Snyeshe fit (vnyfc -thought he had fceUeratidk to hie native ails. • 4 ' - * T ' Xbs Moos is so. oitl.Mbat if it is mads of green cheese,-it is inhibited. 'And theremust be an on it from the khnndaioabfsiippera. I'm;,- f • . ! '"TWflijVrjT ... - ; Porerty.; i» often despair.’ A poor, fellow went to bang himself, bos finding a ppt of gold went, merrily home. B%be who. had bidden the pot went andhoig*l) joiself. Tn* physician who. ijs (kdrertisißg to core ■** ell kinds of ■ female > weaknesses,” mast bo the most wonderful of doctors. Sktatom here three ages', ags, end poetage. -■< - J ,* deidr ldek yehonld extricate ;wUhedalefeaikey. V PALL S WIMTRR G«®S at is a-.'; PEOPLE’S STO«E JL & good assortment of Qoojiy tJm i FALL* & WINTER TR AI^E, ootiBisting-fg>pitt oVagotSlineofDbnieatKGitodß, - a 'general rariety of J(reM Qooda,>incrading a gtod supply of iOtIHISG GOODS, to which Ccular ntujntion is paid. AND.CLOAKINGS, a fine slock of - SPRING AND SUMMER SHAWLS, CLOTHS AND CASSIHEEES ; for Mena’Sad Boys’ wcar t foV_t4lo„'by die yard, or made to order. A good assortment of : -. WHITE GOODS,' } , . - 300P-BKIKTS of every • variety, for. both. Ladief and children, ' - BUMMER BALMORALSj r a large stock of HOSIERY and GLOVES, :: SHAKERS’ HOODS, .; BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS, togather with a good assortment of EASILY Ac. The purchaeea for the FALL & WISTER TRADE, won made daring thetemporary fall inth*. - --. f GOLD MARKET, sod as I sell only for -READY PA lan enabled to take advantage of the market I shall keep my STOCK gsod . ’ „ i and keep thoroughly posted in regard to .. JPEICES.,.. and when goods decline, I shall market Without Regard to Cost. Returning my sincere thanks to the eitixens of TIOGA COUNTY, tor their kind and liberal patronage, I shall try to merit its continuance and increase. The Store is directly opposite the Dickinson House, on Market Street. J. M. SMITH. Cortdnfc-N. Y., Oct 1, 1863. KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS JLT WHOLESALE. A LABOR STOCK just received for the Fail Trade. Merchants supplied at city prices by W. D. TERBELL, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, ; CORNING, N. 7. August 26, 1863. «TO BOWELS!” SEEING a big crowd on Main Street, harry ing toward a common center, somebody asked Where Are Tou Going? ■ The answer was “To Bowen’s, Vo. 1, Union Block!’’ To look at that splendid stock of NEW FAll & WINTER GOODS i Just arriving from New York. “ VERY-SENSIBLE PEOPLE,” thought 11» myself j you know who boys at a bar gain, and sells so os to give the purchaser a bargain too. Therefore, if you want anything in the lint of DRY GOODS, LADIES’/GOODS, READY MADE G LOT 111 NO, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac., GO TO BOWEN’S, and if ypn want HARDWARE, . . . ' QDEENSWARE, , ; WOODEN-WARE, and GROCERIES, at prices yon esn afford to pay OO TO BOWEN’S. * If you have Cash, or Batter, or Cheese, or Grain to exchange for this SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS, bring them along, and yon will get Satisfactory Bargains"; and if youcome opce, you will be sure to come twice —yea, thrice, or half-a-dozen times. Don't forget the place: • 1 NO. 1, UNION BLOCK, Wellsboro, Oct. 1, 1863. JOHN E. BOWEN. GERM THE TRACK! That rush to bollard & co’S store means something!. Of course it does. It means that BVLZ.4RD 6c, CO’S NEW STOCK OF FILL & WIiVTER GOODS, are all the rage, and that about three sqware miles of people, jo and around Wellsboroogh and vicinity, KNOW WHERE TO GO TO BUY GOOD GOODS, AND BUY THEM CHEAP; defy oompetion la styjo, variety, quantity, quality and cheapness, of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, ' FANCY GOODS, LACES. TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOSIERY, LINENS, CAMBRICS, BUTTONS. LADIES’ GAITERS, SLIPPERS, GLOVES, and—but why enuedemte? They have everything in the line of good* shat will be asked for. Come and see. And then—„ TIP-TOP TRENCH GOODS, not “cheap as dirt/* because good goods can't be sold for a song now-a-days; but as cheap as any like quality of goods can bo sold in the country. Also, BEAVER HATS, • | ALL STYLES AND MATERIAL. The Grocery Departm t, comprises everything la that line, all good and at }6oson&b!e prices. Drop in with the crowd. One Door above Roy's Drug Store. . I ’ BULLARD A CO. Wellsboro; October 7,1863. THE Co-Fartnersbip bsretofors existing niv'sr the name of Guernsey A Smead, Store Deoiers, is this day dtssolrcd by mutual consent The Notes and Accounts of the late firm ore io my' hands for collec- tion. SUCCESSOR to Guernsey A Smead, will continue the Store .end . Tin Business at the old stand, wuore may be fuuttd a good assortment of Cooking, Parlor and Box Stores, Ae., of the latest-improved pattern*. 'Ateo'Bellow W art, Tin, Cupper,and Sheet Iron -Were, Ae. • f3f Jobbing of-nll kinds promptly-done; Tlogs,-Sept. 21, 1863. -B. A. SMEAD. • ■VfOTICE is hereby giren to all persons in =J-’I dobted to the late Finn of Young A 'Williams, of Wellsboro Foundry, will find tUeir notes and ae> counts at the Office of Thoa Allen, in said Borough j and if not'settled by the first of October next, most expect cost made upon them. Wsllsboro, Bopfc 30, 1883. 3t Concentrated lye, for saieat,v_ ROF’S DRUG StOF*. THROUGH THE SEASON, . • * IMBBOLIITION, Tioga. Sept 15, 1863. E. A. SMEAD, HOTiCG. • oS N ¥ y'-iWff a Wit. ffEtSMUfI MM M i\o. 5 r Union , Block. THB .enhsoriher, having purchased-* new stoch in addition to the welf selected stock he hid on hand, is prepared Co aocejnißodato the public by keeping . . . . , . it sts-vtrs xvooLc AND BOOK. STOBE, whlreke will famish, . ' At THE NEW STAND, in the Post Office Building, No. ,5, Union-. Block, (or byrnaUJedl ;• t , - - • • • the nett tore bailies at the publishers prices. He will also keeep on hand all the Literary Weeklies, and, The monthly magazines, InClndliig Harper'S, the Atlantic, Godey’s, Peterson's Knickerbocker, Continental Ac.', Ac. Also, will he kept constantly on hand; a com let* repository of CLASSICAL BISfOBICAI, POETICAL SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Blank Books, Paper Hangings, SHEET MUSIC, PICTURES, MAPS, certain remedy far Neuralgia. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT f!nr.» Rnnu and Roalds DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises. mFALLTBLE-LTNIMENT Cares Headache immediately and was never known to fait /.w :-J. DR. SWEET'S LINIMENT Affords Immediate relifcf far ' p lle3/ahd scldoffi fails to cure. DR. SWRET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Todtiiache in one minute. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately, and leaves no scar. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best remedy for Sores in the known world. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Has been tued by tnoft {hap a ksiftion(.pebple, and all praise it. ■ dr.' sweeps Infallible' liniment Taken internally cures Colic, Cholera Morbus and Cholera. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE, LINIMENT Is trnly a “friend in need,” and every family should have it at band., , DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE Is for salaby all Druggists. Pner2s an«U5O cents. A Friend in Need. Try It. Dr* Sweet’s Infallible Liniment, as an ex ternal remedy, is without a rival, arid will alleviate pain more speedily thah any other preparation! For all Rheumatic and Nervoqs;.Disorders it is truly in fallible, and as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Ac., its healing >nd -powerful .strengthening properties, eicite tfie just wonder add astonishment of all who have ever, given it-a triaU, Over one thousand certificates of remarkable cures/ performed by it withio the last two years, attest the fact. • To Horse Owners! Dr. Sweet’* Infallible Liniment far B?nes is unrivaled- by any! and ‘id ~ all -chaos of Loitfeness, arising from Sprains, Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is magical and certain.- Harness or Saddle Galls, Scratches, Mange, Ac., it will also cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may ; be prevented and cured in their Incipient stages, but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of a radieul cure. No cafce of the kind, however, ii_sq desperate or: It may be alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithful application will remove, the Lameness, and enable tbd hortes-to tmel'trith'comparative o*fee. EVERY HORSE OWNER should have this renedy at band, for its timely; use at the first appearance of lameness will effectually pre vent those formidable diseases, to which all bosses are liable, and which render fo tnany otherwiie valuable bones nearly worthless. '' Infallible Liniment, - - • rs-TUs ‘ ■ " • • SOLDIER’SJFRIEND, And thousands hare found it trdly x'ERri:ND ; m ‘ need i * CATOOHr. To avoid imposidoh.obaerte the 6i gn’riire and' Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also “ Stephen Sweet’s InbflibUi UnimeW?* blown in the glass of each bottle, without which none ore gen uine. . RICHARDSON* CD., Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct, MORGAN * ALlifcN.GaiSral Agents, dt CUII Street, New York, *99* Sold by aU dealers ••. - December 10.1883.-ly- , ■ - .... manufacture* of Photograph materials, 601 BHOABWAV, JST, tT. CABS' PHOTOGRAPHS. Oar Catolpgne jnoii embrace* comiderably oyer fOVJI THOUSAND different subject* (towbieh ad ditions ary continually being made) of Fortraite of EminentAn3eric*h*,et<)., vis: 7? Major General*, , 625 Statesmen, - ISO Brigadier General*, 127 Dirine*, 259 Colonel*, . ; . . 116 Author*, 84 lieutenant Colonel*, 3P Artiste, N 207 other Officers, , 112 Stage. r7 { 80 Nary Officer*, 48 Prominent Women, .* 147 Prominent Foreign Portrait!, mo COPIES OP WORKS OP ART, including reproductions of the most QelehraledEn gravings,. Paintings, Statues, Ac*' Catalogues sent on i receipt of Btamp.i An order for One Doseo Pictures from our Catalogue will be filled on receipt of $l.BO, and tent by mull, FREE. 1 Pbototrapblc Albums. Of tbrso we manufacture a great V ariety,,rangin g ip price front 60 bents to $5O eaeh. '' Onr ALBUMS’h ave the reputation of being snpe rl6r in bcauty.'nnd durability to any others, the smaller kinds ctin be sent, safely by mail at a postage of six cents per bs. ' ' . The more expensive can he sent by express. i ■ Wo also keep a large assortment of STERESCOPES' AND STERESCOPIC VIEWS. Our’Catalogue of these will he sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. Bt AH. T. ANTHONY,;, . ■ Manufacturers of Photograph Material!, 1 "SOI BROADWAY,VNew-Tork. _ PHends' Or relatives of prominent military men will confer a fevor by sending ns their likenesses; to copy. They will be kept carefully and returned un injured. _ .• i PINE’ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER for Congte gations to present to their Pastor, or for other purpo ses, with suitable inscriptions, Ac. Sept. 1, 1863-fllm. I , DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY. TpR undersigned having purchased the well known Wpolen Factory of Messrs. AB.S. Bowen on the Cowanesque River, miles east of Knoxville, takes this method of informing the inhabi tants of Tioga hnd adjoining counties thatj he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares to 1 suit customers, inta FLANNELS, CASSIMERES, DOE-SKINS, * FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery has been thoroughly ;tepaired and new machinery added thereto, also an improved: bow wheel which Will enable biro to work the entire sea son; He will pay particular attention to 1 i’’ Roll Carding 4 Clofb Drcwlng, which will be done in the neatest possible j manner, having added one new Roll Machine, will enable him to dispatch and aeeommodate people from a distance. He would farther say that he has carried on the busi ness in manufacturing wool for formers in Bradford and adjoining bounties for the past twenty years; he therefore csd warrant all jvork and satisfy his custo mers, using nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool. JOSEPH INGHAM. ■ Detrfield, May 5, 1863-ly. I CORN I N G i WHOLESALE DRUG AND.BOOK STOJI J RUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, * ■ WINDOW GLASS, * KEBOSINE OIL, ALCOHOL, BOOKS AND STATIONS Sold at wbdlesale by W. D. fSRBEIX. Country Merchants supplied with these artiolf NEW YORK PRICES.! Corning, Feb. 26, 1862. ' STOVES AND TINWARE. | WILLIAM ROBERTS , HAS opened a new Stove and Tin Shop in'the Store opposite Roy's Building, where be is [pre pared to fdrnirb bis old friends and customers, and tfaepublio generally with everything in bis line of business, including Cooking Stoves of the most Approved styles; -Far lor, Dining Boom, and jCoal Stovesj Tinware and Kitohenfurniture of all varieties. Call and see car new stock. Wellsboro r Feby. 6, 1862. Sore Throat und Diphtheria. ANEAY; and powerful remedy to'be tased only externally has just been found. Itimust be applied frhen the first symptoms appear, and it will certainly reduce tbe swelling and inflamation. Call for the Lethean Ointment at Roy’s Drugstore. Directions accompany eaoh bottle. Price 25 cents. Wellsboro, Feb. 4,1863. Something for Everybody, IT is a common remark of physicians, that skin diseases and eruptions were never so pVeva lent as now. It should be borne in mind that'at BOY'S Drag Store a new purifier is offered for sale, the Depurative Syrup of lodide of Potassium;, TMfl‘> ir the" best blood purifier in the world. It works wonders in Scrofula and all tbota diseases which in dicate an impure state of the blood. Try it and be convinced. : | April 8. LADIES should procure the' new DYES which are sold at Roy’s Drug Store, as they make fast colors, and are sold at a low price. Call and get a Circular, 1 Wellsboro, May 27, 1863. Portable Patent Horse-Power, THE undersigned take pleasure in notifying the public, that they have succeeded in devising* Horae Power with only three places of friction, and combines the maximum of efficiency, durability, and economy, with the minimum of weight and price. On account of its simplicity it may be constructed by any mechanic Tor less than half the cost usually paid for hprae-powerS. It is well adapted to thrash ing grain, sawing wood, and churning, also for turn*- ing lathes, saws, planes, and other machinery in the shop. Individual rights $5,40. Township, County, and State rights for sale cheap at our office. Agents wanted to sell territory. For further particulars ad dress MIDDAUGH A CLARK. Mansfield, July 23, 1862.-tf. TO THE PUBLIC. I AM now prepared to manufacture, kt my establish ment in Deerfield; plain and Fancy flannels, Also, Ladies’ *n BALMORAL SKIRTS to order, either by the pleoe or quantity, tp suit eus toxflttfs.' JOSEPH ItfQilAM. Knoxville, July 15, 1863. IMPROVED Fire and Water Proof Dement is tbe bestpreparhtloil In use for mending broken articles, «ueh as Olais, China, Crockery, Wood. Leather, Ornanenta, Stone, lvory, Pearl, Porcelain, lo fact/most any broken article. Being perfectly white it win not disfigure the articles, rlt will stand aUc'imates, and when .thoroughly, dry, the which it is applied will be as strong as it Was before broken. Price 25 cebts per bottle. J. A. ROY, Agent for Tioga County. WellsborOjAngust 26,1863.- New Arrival at tbe Booh Store. f A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Ladies’ -£jL Fancy Goods, Embroidery Braids, Dress Braids, Gloves, Thread, Needles, Buttons, Zephyr,- Worsted, Shetland Tarn, Ac., Ac., may be found at the store of J. F. Robinson. He would, also beg leave to calTat tentlon to hia large assortment of Photograph Al bum*. ‘ [April 22,1863] J. F.ROBIKSON. GUGARSi—I can sell pulverised, crushed, *J. coffee, and brown Sugars, aalow os any dealer in Tioga County. [April 22] W. T. MATHERS. dcG*AK ipORED HAMS and SHOULDERS, prime quality, at [April 22] MATHERS’. 'OlAiUßribest and middling grades, si lowest JL market prioes, at [April 22] MATHERS’. THAYER RIMRPORK, home packed, by tW JL pound and barrel, and sell it as eheap Is toy man i*. Wellsboro. [April 22] W. T. MAISSBSv GATLIN’S , Beano irty jt ’Wealfli r ■ '. COKE IORR flow? ®O K ,1 3 CBNTS. The But and Cheapest Sovtehold Bmtdtt L {ksWmhd.y nadame ZADOO PORTER’S Great-Cooirft Remedy,. Vaaat 'ZADOC POWgs.s Ctawtv* Bauimu fr Wlu»piag-Co« II CZ f aS of the Threat ZADOc Poaren'i : BALSAM is prepared. £lf.S thottqnWto care and «kR-*JJr . acomblnationof the best S 2: dies the vegetable remedlesTb forte, 1U remedial kln-doia .1 based go ltd power to mist ths It is not a violent ranedvjbrt cmolleat—trarm.-sesrehinj ,o 3 effective; can be taken bv eldest person or yoMsestehiid , Mißi« ZADOC POB*E*>* t . BALSAM has been in E,e fry c;,. public for over 13 years, sod hd> acquired its present-sale stap){ by being reconunesded by th«r Bwho8 who have used it to their affleL ed friends and others,' 1 Kaet Important.—Kul ame Zadqc Porter 5 ! Oofitite BU' is sold at, a _prlc« whlcb brings U in tbe reich of ererj one u> keepit cOoTßnienf/ornate The timely use of a siogle bottle will prove to be .■worth Ififf times its cost. •/ . II NOTICE.—Batx Yotri Most*)—rpp :UQt btpotfpaded t» purchase articles at 4s to $1 which do not contain the yfr, toes of al3 cent Bottle ol Madame Porter’s Curative Bti* earn, the cost of manufacturing which is as great m tbit of almost any other medicine; and the nry Ifcaf priceat wfcfcfc it Is sold, makes the profit to the seller apparently and unprincipled dealers will sometimes fecoauftend otl# medicines on w)iicb their profits are largET,nnle*e tbs cai tomers insist upon having Madame Porter's and none other Ask for Madame Porter's Curatire Balsam/pric* 13 cents and in large bottles at 26 cents, and take no other. If *«[ cannot get it at one store yon can at another. *3“ Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers at I3ce»ti and in larger bottles at 26 cents. ; - * For salapy JOSH 'A. ROT, Wellsboro,- Pa, r HALL A BUCKEL, Proprietor*. Jap. 28 r 1863.-Iy. Kew Yn\. OSCEOLA HIGH SCHOOL. TEE FALL TEEM of the Osceola High School under the direction 6f Prof. Wightman, coanj H . cea on Tuesday, Sept. 1/1863, and continues 14 weeks. The Fall and Spring terms continue 11 .'weeks each* The past success of this Institution has been tr&ly gratifying to its numerous friends, and the prospect for the ensuing year is more flattering than ever be fore. There is now no want of commodious rooms for a large number of students.. The new bjjildinc is designed for ladies exclusively. Gentlemen; or coo. psnies of ladies and gentlemen tdge&er Will room ia the school building. A teacher will room muA building and have the control of the students. No institution in this section of the country offers any better facilities for obtaining an education thu this. The range of essary to entering college. A Teacher's Class will be formed during the Fill term, using “ Holbrook's Normal Method" and Calk in's Object Lessons" as-tezt books. For particulars as ,to expenses, regulations, Ac., address the Principal or one of the Trustees and ob tain a circular. • A. K. BOSAEB, Esq.,'! . ALLEN SEELY, fThtsteer. ENOCH M. STEER, J Osceola, July 1, 1863-tf. cabinet ggBBB WARE ROOM. THE Subscriber most respectfully announce* tha he has on band at the old stand,aodforsski Cheap Lot of Furniture* comprising In part, Dretting and Common Bureaut, Seerrtartet and Boob Ca*e», Center, Card and Bier Tablet, Dining and' Breakfast Table*, Marble-topped and Common Standi, Cupboard», Cottage and other BetUieudt, Standi, /at and Chain, Gilt and Botetcood Moulding*fvr ' Picture Framet. COFFINS made to order os short notice. A hearse will be furnished If desired. N. B. Turning and Sawing done to order. Aogustll, 1859. B. T. VANHORN. Tbrcshins iWaclilncs and igrl cultnral Implements. THE subscriber wonld respectfully annonnet to tbe citizens of Yiogd add Adjoining eeuntiti, that he still continues to sell Agricultural Implement! as agent for the old well established firm, of Wheeler Melick A Co., of Albany, N, Y. They; bore made several valuable improvements, to their former unri valed Threshing Machines and'large additions to their variety. They now manufacture-two different kinds of Hail Hoad Horse iTowets for one, two and three horses, a six horse levee Power,- and three differ ent sizes-of their, celebrated Threshers sad Winnowers, from 26 inch cylinder to M. Likewise- Palmer's Excelsior, self-sustaining,-Horse Pltcbfetk, Circular and cross cut Saw MilS, Clover Hallire/Feei Cutters, Horse Hakes Ac., ajl of which ; jsi offered lot sale strictly at Albany prices, adding tratocporUtin, for cash or approved notes on time.' All kinds of u tras for repairing old machines kept on- hand -or or dered on short notice. Order# solicited anAprtnaptiy attended to. B. S. TBABS. Troy, Pa., Jane 17; 1863. jggfflm. manhood ; Qglar How Lost! How Aeijtored [ Just Published, in a Sealed. Envelope, -Ptipe Six Cento. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment end Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak ness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness, and Involuntary Emissions, inducing Impotohcy,- Consumption, aad Physical Debility. ; i,. By BOB’? J CUX.VEBWEU, H 9. P. The important fact >bat the awful consequeseei.ef Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without inter nal medicines, or the dangerous application of cant tics, instruments; medicated bougies, and other em pirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely! new and highly successful treatment M adopted by the celebrated author, fully explained, bj means of which every one is enabled to care faimsell perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day- Tbis lecture will prove a boon to thousands aad thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid on receipt of two postage stamps, by ad dressing the publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office 80x,4556. Sept. 9, 1863-So. • -•. _ wool, CLOTH DRESSING. Wellstoorongh, Tioga County, Fa. THE undersigned, thankful.for' pasf.ftiTnr?,. would inform bis friends ant Ibb JabHc general ly, that he it located permanently in Wellsboao, sai refitted up the old Foundry Building with entire ne« machinery for tie purpose of WOOL CARDING * CLOTH DRESSING. He trill manufacture wool by the yard,oron-ib*«iV to suit CQBtomera,:mto CASSIifERES, FJjANNELfi.and FULL Gh&THS* OF Al ii xfrntSa As bis works run bysteam power* he can cord Wooi at any time for customers canJing from ft. distance* Being a practical Cloth Dresser, and having folio** ed it fop a natnber or years* ha con therefore vwrssk alt workto givo full satisfaction, or the mosey H* turned. Wool Cajrdedfor four cents- per pound, es« Cloth Dressed at from eight toeighteen cents perytT'L as per color and finish.' ' • Wool taken In pay for work. _ WeUaboro, CHARLES LE*« ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTlCE.—Better* if W tnioislratidd bating been granted to the under signed upon the estate of Harmon 6. BUI well, late Jackson township, deceased, notice' Ja hereby p” 0 to those indebted-to said estate to- make hmoedist* payment, and those having claims against tie *»® are requested to present them duly authenticated fl* settlement, to the suhscsibec. > CIiARK STHiWELB, Adnrr. Jackson, Sept. 9,1883-fit.* AflA CORDS OF HEMLOCK BARK *«** 4UUU at the Tioga Tannery,, for wh" 11 " highest Cash PrioewiU bapaidhy - .g Tioga,. Mate( 18,. USi-Sat., H-1. A L WKUbR