The mosa Odinty Agltaten “ SI X, B. COBB. *Xhe psper is seat pottage free to county subscribers, though they'dt atpost-offifesip-. o»t«ddne»nhttealnitmdlatyy ; adj o lnlrSg,for eonven 'ini Aouatob l.tbc OfflsUl piper of Tioga Co., end circulates ip pejlghborhDpd theitin. Sub scriptions being op the adyanw-pay .system, Uoiron. lrte»among.a the interest pf advertisers toreaeh. Tof'hsto aUiberalas. those.of fored by Pennsylvania. £&• &. cross' onthamargin. of. a paper.-denotes thattbe subscription is About ty.explre. 'JOSS'. Papetswill bo stopped when .the subscription limbexpltos,*un|baa tba, agent.orders their continu ance. ’i ' JA& LOWB£r A S. F. WIISOI, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS at LAW* St*.' will attend the CdnrtaoT Tioga, Potter and McKean counties, . [Welisboro, Jan. 1.1863.] : JOHN 9.‘- HAWN, , j \ ’TTOBNEY& AT LAW, /a. Coudersport, Fa., wilJetttend the several Coma 1 a.Poller, and MoKeap,counties. All business ‘en trusted to his care triit’tecsly'o prompt attention. hai the ageney of iafgS' tracts’of good settling, land" and.will thepayment of taxes on any.lands In said ebnptjes. ; », - Jon. 28,1883.* DICKINSON HOUSE, ~ cobhing, n. t. ;■ A. FIELD, •-. .Proprietor. /QUESTS token to nnd froro thsDepbtft'ee \X of oharge. 1 [Jab.l, 18<3.] ’■ RSUfHINAIii HOUSE; CORNER OE-MAIN STREET AND THE AVENUE, ■ Wollaboro. Pa. ’ J. W. 8rC0NY,.......,. Proprietor. THIS popular Hotel, having, been, re-fitted, aod re-farolihed'Sifoogboat.'ii now bpen to Ihjs public as a first-class home. [Jan. 1,1863.] IZAAK WAWOII HOPft OaiiiM, TUqi Court;, Fa.-' H.- C. VERMILYEA,.;.'; .......Proprietor. THIS ia a new hotel located within.eaay ac cess of th« host fishlhgand baiting grounds In Northern Pennsylvania. ; Jfo pains will be spared for, the accommodation of pleaenrs seekers and the trav elling public. [Jan. 1, 1863.]! Jv WATCHES,. CLOCKS AS» JEWELRY !’ Repaired at BULLARD’S & CO’S. STOKE, by the iubsoriber, in the best dianner. and at a? low prices as tbs same work jean be df np for, by any first rate prac tical workman in the State. ffeUsborb, Jnly 15, ljj6B WECESBOKO HOTEI. 8.8. HOLIDAY,,, 1 .. ...Proprietor. THB Proprietor.'hav. eg again taken possession of the above Hotel, ailtspliro no pains to insnro thooomfort of.guest*aild-tbo traveling public. .At tentive waiters always 'tWdy. * Terms reasonable. Welisboro, Jan. 21, 1|63.-tf. , A.-tBIEY, Watches, Jeweltv, &c., &c., . REPAXBBD !'AS OLli PRICES. POST OFFICE BUILDING, NO. -5, UNION BLOCK. Welisboro, May. SO, m E. R.'BLACK, BARI^Rf^TOIBiDRgSSER, • SHOP OVER C. R. WILCOX’S STORE, NO. 4, ■UNION' BLOCK. WellAoro, Jom **» JBf3- JLOVB AXD 'FEGD STORE. " -WMOIfl 1 - fc“--3BAfiUOfST r l HAVE had .their mill .thoroughly repaired ahd'are f^of wlaj'llfhsah^gronnd. flour, feed, «rtte»l, Ac,, every 1 it their, store icTtotrh, ' Cash paid for all khld«t the lowest prices. lUSVEV St)lO0B 'h ray'; aulhorntodtgent and will sell Stone ate>*»a prices as at the shop. WE BU-VE iMUX QKE PlilflE. Tioga, MaV'SO, iBBs-ly. ; " I A. Vt COLE. JOHIV A* H OT, T\EAISB W .DBtfM AttP JLr Chemic*iB,.V»rn!«li> PainW D ft*, Soaps, Per fumery, Braahee,-610*0, PSttyV Toy*. E*nent ■Uodieme»ol v (he Medicine* warranted gen- HiR«OPd Ofthe , - ,t ■' ' best Quality. /Physician’* Prescription* accurately compounded, fha bait Petrqljaam Oil {Bpjripfiojmy other (or burning in Keroaee lwpK. Also, ntfother kind* of Oil* usually Htft ini * ! ~ Q. W. WEI.UISQTON &CO>S. DAIiS, • y.. (We«*tn ,pt i« ©icsiasoa Hodsb.) Aeterlbe.V'litW' ai*d Silver (Join bought end -sold, jgew fark.ExohaMtei do, vhcarrent MoOcy, : , . do. United State* DemaladKote; * old issue” booght, ■Collections made lit {ill parts Of Che CFcioa at Cor- WtiirSliß'pf dtoekan, jO.. . t ParSctdift painsyritlhe taken .be accommodate otrr patron*.froin the Sw&ynlTeyl. ,oor. Office will 'be open ill i. T£, andudcre at T'V. Ifc, trfvinr parties paestngitbr.-'lhe *tu|ji*fßail toad, ampU dnie .to itraniaet their basin* « hefore. thb of;the. _ drain in the morninf;, and after Its arrival is tie „ o. M, i yrEhtpiQxv'B t T*eiiam: timing, K. T.,'Ntv. l «, LB4> . ' ttpRWAi, Schools, ‘ ■, Jljjr;(h‘e 5& District, P*.} ' • •. ;>ND HaiJfliH CltWßkmsV Seminary- j JbssH.A- ftewwsKfe,H.^M.Mr.l..ksnstsot AssisUßtiaaS Seseber in Sfo4«lS(*eol. Assistant, of Music. ; , _ rf Skis Tnetltatipa will open Sept. I ‘ Tern, M»di yfaoh term to «*ntinße tKrteen 1 weafca. ~t f ’ -/ j- ■ A fftrori School Course ofrtndy ft* grateftoD, jeara isnd^,vsrejgeW.. .... .. - -- .i.-,; -—^ THE AGITATOR VOL. X. &rigtn»l &6*tvg* O’er the waters brightly beaming, " Guiding nationsfrem afar, ~ See! the light is gently streaming. —.-. .Porthfrom freedom’s radiant star; . ' Beacbnlight to' forlorn’ travelers,— . Star of hope tomisesy's son ,- May thy ray still cheer those brothers , Who have once thy favor, won, ~ 'Neath thy rays, where eft unfettered ' Freedom’s bird, hath deigned to soar, ■ ■ Ifay thesopgbe eveyntterid, . ■ r . •: ■; Inthy favor, ever stand,' Still In gracious accents breathing, “ Welcome here, from every land.", ■-v Though a storm so dsrk hath risen, Sfiroudingitin .darkest night,— .. , Boon, that.EUr,,will burstfrpru prison Bat, to.shed-its n rays more bright,- '. For the airwat'dartand, sulphurous,— Slavery’sstench/'and traitor’Sbreatb, : Bad made this fair lan(J so - That it threatened all with death.' And as thunder clouds will hover, - - O'er the land lomesulfry day,, ' *. prom, ohr viewi. the sunV. last'ray,— 1 ■ : So that bright star, seemed- enveloped ' ■ - ■ In the murky cloud of death. . As those.dark deeds were developed .By the traitor’s treacherous ( breath. Bat the thunder’s powciv is -cleansing, i And the vivid lightning's ray i So this fearful storm now raging ,]WiU foul vapors clear ■Though the storm Is long, and fearful, Patriots quail net at the shook, -. Let your heart be strong, yet prajpjfal You £a?e built upon the rock. A. R. HASCY. Bmt the lighting-now discloses To oqr view, a right more drcei^ Serpents, huge, tbeJight exporea * Aid their hisses greet the ear; They are creeping, crawling, will ding, ' Tq the ballot, round the polls And they dream, they firm are-binding Freedom, in their slimy folds, ' * But this storm will soqn be over, :‘ , , < And that star will shine more bright. Then with'joy we shall discover, Traitors can not bear thelight; * . Then those reptiles, now se frightful, I Will be floating down the stream, ; And all mooßters once so dreadful ( Soon will voolsh' like a dream. Only tfapsc, whose tents are founded, Oil the dry and barren sand, Will find all their hopes confounded As that star shines o'er the land; Courage, then I the light approaches Wfaiip.tho storm lasts, walcb and-prsy 'When the'star dawns, oil reproaches To fair freedom flee away. M-iKfIPIEtD, Oct. Ist . H*-* .5 C / THE yOtTNG BARON OF ÜBBBRACB. A great many years ago—gome hundreds, for aught I knew—theroUved a proud and puis sant-baron, named Bodolph von Liebersefa- In whom a great many of the virtues, and all the vices, of his race seemed combined. -His life was passed in his castle, in a sort of semi-bap barons retirement, except when foreign wars called him abroad; and the sudden change from the bastie of the field then made him 'sombre and gloomy for many-weeks at a time. In his youth be 1 had spent much time abroad, and bad for two years served in the armies of the Greek emperor, at Constantinople, in whose service be had won much honor, but little re ward.- 1 While in the capital of the Eastern em pire h e had seen and loved the fair daughter of 1 a certain Greek noble attached to the court, and When ha profferedher his band, her father and the entperor compelled her to accept it, because they feared to ■ offend the rude Frank warrior,- though she loved him not. But, alas, what a chauge for her 1 ‘ About * mile from'the city, a luxurious villa stood on' a rising ground overlooking the' Bos phorus. Spacious gardens 1 stretched from the house to theshore, perfumed by the 1 surround ing orange groves, and 1 shaded by tfae'citron and olitre trees which overhung the calm water, as if hanging to, kiss it. A fountain plsyed in the oeptrei and arbors at every 1 corner invited to base and'retJrtment, while the nightingale i sang aH day long in the branches overhead!— The parest planta and flowers of Europe and Ibe subjoined rules will be charged for Quarterly) Half-Yearly and Yearly advertisements . 1 Square, 2 do 3 do i C01umn,,,.,.. i do. 1 do Advertisements not having the number of inser tions desired marked upon them, will be published until ordered out and eharged accordingly. Posters, Handbills, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, and. all kinds of Jobbing done in country establishments, executed neatly and promptly. Justices', Constable’s and other BLANKS, constantly on hand. t NO. 8. grasp the welcome missives from loved ones at home, and eye after eye moistened With tender ness, as kind loving words were read. At lengthbis reward for patience '.came, in the shape of a well filled letter, and ihis dark eye dilated with Joy, as he rapidly tore open the envelope, and glanced eagerly down the page; With an' unaccountable feeling of. dread, 1 watched bim white be read, and soon saw a pallor like that of death stealing over bis face. His rosy lips were baeless, and firmly com pressed, to restrain the smothered groan that would escape, as be tamed bis glittering eyes towards me. “Oh God 1 Oh-God 1" was his, harried exclamation, and he placed the letter in rby hand, and threw himself upon a conch. From it'l'learned that his father, and two brothers, bad fallen at New Orleans, and that he' alone was left to care for bis widowed - mother, and orphan sister, and he, —a cripple for life! I sorrowed for the merry heart tins suddenly crashed, bat tears were a useless offering, and. as I returned the paper I casually remarked,— “Martyrs for Liberty! may their 1 reeking blood prove a grateful offering on the - altar of reform.” “Amen!” he solemnly responded, and turned hastily away, ’ And now, the gay jests that had all along'' fallen among ns, like sparkles of light on a tempest tossed lake, eame no more from the lips of onr Booster friend. A deep gloom bad settled like a pall open him, and he earnestly pleaded for bis discharge. For some reason it was denied him, and the poor fellow seemed unable to bear the terrbla disappointment. At length there came news ' of bis mother's illness, and now hia affectionate nature seemed ready to burst the bonds that held him to fly to her presence, lame and en feebled as he was. Itis powers of pleasantry bad suddenly left him, and a smile on his lips was now a rare expression. I watched with sorrow the despairing look, that grew each day more settled in his face, and feared for him, and one Sabbath morning* as the solemn church-belts were pealing forth their swet invitations to come to the house of God, an “ Orderly” entered, and hastily re ported his death.' .Be had jumped from the window of the-Provost Marshal’s office, : in the second story of the building, and had survived the fall but a few moments. His noble heart bad chafed so bitterly at the unnecessary strictness which detained him from his friends, that reason reeled upon its throne, and in one of bis hours of hallucina tion, be bad committed the desperate act that sent him uncalled, before the bar of God 1 Peace be to his memory"!' Texas'; 1863.' - ' . : Some ten months.ago, Mr, Charles Monroe of Fair Haven, was at Lagos and at Aoora, on the Guinea coast, whither he had sailed as mate, with Captain Post, in the baric Elizabeth, and while there He drank of the water of that part of the world, without thinking to take the pre cautions commonly in use among the natives for the prevention of a terrible disease known as the Guinea worm. It appears that the At rieans always boil this water before drinking in order to destroy the minute, invisible egg of the worm, which is so small that it is absorbed by the blood vessels from the stomach, and is in that manner distributed in different parte of the body, usually the legs, where it is hatched, and after a longtime, makes its| appearance in the shape of a white, thread-like worm, painted on both ends, and it twines and twists aU about the muscles and veins and arteries and -produ cing no particular feeling of uneasiness until some part of its body comes near the skin, when bad inflammations take place. It was in March last that Mr, Monroe began to be trou bled with' them, for three months he has not walked a step. He is now in the Connecti cut State Hospital- under treatment, and one worm has been taken from the bottom of his foot that measures over two feet long, like way it is done is this: When the snrfsle of the skin is so pricked or. irritated aa to show where the “ critter” is, a thread is fastened to him’ and a attached to the other end of the thread. The worm gets tired of pulling so steady a strain and gives ground a trifle day by day, end as' be comes oat, a little spool winds him up until he is all out. Tbs pain is very great—for forty nights Mr. Mon roe hardly slept on account of the suffering.— One worm 13 now in process of being drawn from his heel, and those medical men who have never seen a case of the kind- are much inter ested. Great care has to be taken not to pull too bard,' because tbe worm would break and tbe'trdnble be rough prolonged. Its medical name is -Dracunceulus and it grows to be sev eral feet in length'. It is endemic in hot coun tries. When the bother commences, it appears, under the skin like a varicose vein, and after a painful boil hos been farmed and broken, the head-of the animal is discovered. Mr. Monroe is very patient under this strange affliction, and we hope beforejlong to see-'fahA restored to health. —Journal <&' Courier. Charles XII, king of Sweden, was once ri ding near Leipsic, when a peasant came before him to request justice from’ a grenadier who bad earned away hie dinner. The king ordered the soldier"to appear, “fa it true,” said he, “ that yon have robbed this man?” “Sire,” ■aid the soldier, “I have not done him so much injustice as your majesty has done', to his mas ter; you have taken from him a kingdom, and I have taken only a turkey from this fellow.” The king gave the peasantten ducats; and par doned the soldier for the boldness of his witty [retort, saying to him :—“Remember,'if I have dispossessed Augustus of a kingdom, I Have kept nothing for myself.” A. Reverend ,De.\x economical of bis wine, descanting on the extraordinary performance of a blind man, rentnrhed tliat the poor fellow could see no- more than “ that bottle.” “No wonder, sir, a minor canon; “ for I haT|'seen no more than.that bottle all theaf ternbon!”r~' - - • His is a-strong mu irira eao, hold down bis ownopimom 3 UOSTBB. .6 MOSIHB, 12 HO3TD». .$3,00 $4,60 $6,00 5.00 6,50 8,00 7.00 8,60 10,00 . 8,00 • * 9,60 12.60 15.00 ; 20,00 - 26,00 .25,00 , 35,00 40,00 Singular Case.