CLEAR THE JRACKJ rpHAT roih to BULLAI|)&CO , S STORE JL inaaas . . Of conn* it does. It means|tiat " J : ' BVUARD £ . CO’S ssw o* , SPBING? & SCMSffiR MBS, ue all ttt .nct, and tbat abod|t|tliro6 square miles of people, in end around WeUaboro'tigli andi vicinity, . KifOW WHERE T® 40 ToijjttY GOOD GOODS, £BO BUT THEIf|OHDAP. ® STM AS 3^'& .®o*. defy oompetioa in stylo, rarity, -quantity, quality and cheapness, of ‘ ' , -T. A PIES’ DRESS GOODS] ; I lANCi| GOODS, LACES, TRIMMINGS. SHAWLS,aHOSIERV, LINENS, CAMOBIOS, BUTTONS, LADIES’ GAITERS, SLIPPERS, GLOVES, and—hjrt why : enumerated ’ They hare, everything jn the line of goods «k«d for.> Com© and see. And then— • • ' Those elegant Traveling Baskets! bo cheap and eo n’eat r Been them? and those /• y '* ! enough to convert adjoining townships into Shaker settlements, - Eve# body wants-ono-, and we ptean to sell them at ft will enable every OW a SEK!TLEJ4EK, you l>«en asking for SHITHER OAIsiIIERSj we have the neatest the largest variety of patterns.ever brought into'Wwbboro, * 4 TIP-TOP EREJfE GOOFS, not M cheap as d#t/* 'because j&od goods car?t be sold for a eong now-o-days; htfCjris cheap'. as any like quality of goods can be sold-Si tqe country. Also, • ... summeplhats, . ALL STYLES ANIf^MATERIAL. The Grocery; 2tepartm% comprises everything in. thas? line, all good and at icawnahfe prices. & -"' ' /a Drop in with the crowd. • f\ , - One Boor above Royprßrng Store., >. . . . BULLARD & Ca, Wellsboro, May 27,1880. ’• '■ “TO BOWEN’SS” SEEING a big crowd on Main Street,, hurry ' ing toward a common somebody asked . • Where Arc ion Oolus? The answer was , J i .- “To Bowfcn’s, No. LjTnlon Block!” To look atthat splendid of ; NEW SPRING & SUMMER. GOODS! just arriving from New York* j .•• VERY SENJ?EOPLE,” . taoogbt I to myself; you knCwwbo buys at a bar gain, and sells so as to give pe purchaser a bargain too. ■-, •, , ... • • Therefore, H.y on want anyth .Cgin the hue of DRY GOODS, J 'lr ' INDIES' GOOD.S| * a " ‘ ■ READY MfiOE CEOTHMfG, SHOES, Ac.,- GO TO BOWEN’S, f 3 and If yon want. .' ■ l !u HARDWARE, J. • QDEENSWAKE, 1 , WOODpj-WARE. and . || : GROCERIES, at prices you eso afford to pMj, GO TO ROWE ITS. - If yon hars’Cash/ or Batumi or, Cheese, or Grain to exchange for this ~■, ; * * SPLENDID STO&&OP GOODS, bring them along", and yon wiS get Satisfactory Jjarfalaa j ■ and if yon come once, yon kSr OO sore to come twice —yea, thrice, or - 2>Mi*( forget the place: ]' NO. 1, UNION BLOCK, Wellsborp, May 20,1863,. f JOHN R. BOWEN. JEKOJtIEj^MITH T 3 nowv*eee'v»ißg, freA®om Now York, one -:X of A* Urges t,' if not tbelgjjeat, and beat atooka of SPRING & SlIliBR GOODS, erer brought into the BoroSjh of Wellsboro, com prising, 4 iplondid MsottaAogof 1 . DB7 #ODS, ' bbady-made closing, ■ , MENS’& BOY’SpfMMER HATS; , il amiss® iDiiiss*®®®^ TRENCH C^SSIMERS,. for nubmtr wtar, an nsorli&at of beaatlfal patterns Tweeds and Relitnc'ky Jeans, beaidea af Tgriety of < COCHBCOAND sf#felMAC PRINTS, LAWNS, LINEN GOODS, SHEETINGS A|# SHIRTINGS,' ill to bo aold 11 ehaip 11 'dsfy can bi bought at any otbar itora in tbia region. W uvs-’U ] ■*’ - Don’t /forgqSo coll at W 0.2/ Main Street, and look at tho ASSORTMENT of SHAWLS r AWLS!! with DRESS GOODS \o jgUch, and so exactly .to jhor taste ihairyea the temptation to Wy,lf ysu will only trouble to look at them. ■ HOUSeAI^EBSI ' . yon can beat of 6UBB4VABE, ipoDES.WARE, , &c.', &0., at SMITHS, where -you-- p-rays get your money’s . worth, sod a little more. If yon wont to find SMITHS’, FOLLOW THE CROWD- . . . I.- fg'i'llshori?,’ May 1!7,1563. / WJEIXSBOKO teOCHPRy AND ' :•*; ■ MACnilff' SHOP. mnt! ths.FOPNDRY i AND MACHINE SSUP, formerly' carried on byTooifend WiUUmCa{|;l is prepared to famish •i ' I jpjgtt. T /: CALDRON , nnd oil kinds of ‘ . . Ac.. allow prises for cash. • HU new PLANING MIjOSINB' is in firat rate or itr, and .will enable dress to order, aiding, floorint-and other boj}d|nAl‘. materials, as enstomera - : . ; .CSARPB WILLIAMS. Wjfflafeto, i ‘ f haring been gran w’t. estate of Thomas J, UU of. Tioga, dee’d., those indebted to the said ■&S*SSSS&S% Z e tntS'^ n d t lfe formed. * By otderof Trustees, . • ? J. L.'ROBINSON, Prt,’t. Welljboro, July 1,1808. A T THE SUMMER BALMORALS, PRIG E S, TIOGA COUNTY, READY PAY ONLY. TH E TI OH A C OUNTX WELLSBORO MOT&TOp. Wo. 5* Union Block* THE subscriber, having purchased anew/sloch in addition to th# well'selected stock be had on hand, is prepared to accommodate the pnblio by keeping A. GENERAL nsws room AND BOOK STORE, where he will famish. AT THE HEW STAND, in the Poet Office Building, No. 5, Union Block, (or by mail) all TEE NEW YORK DAILIES at the publishers prices. He will also kceep on hand all the Literary Weeklies, and The Monthly Magazines, Including Hnrper’eAhe Atlantic, Godey’s, Peterson’s Knickerbocker, Continental Ac., Ac, Also, will be kept constantly on hand, a com iota repository of * CLASSICAL, HISTORICAL, POETICAL SCHOOL: AND MISCELLANEOUS. BOOKS, Blank ißook*, Paper Hauglnp, SBEET MUSIC, PICTURES, BAPS, Ac. Orders for Binding Books. The work executed to suit any taste, and on the lowest possible terms. Particu lar attention will alsobe giventoSPECIAL OEDEKS for any thing comprehended in the trade. One Thousand Volumes of the Latest Editions of . SCHOOL BOOKS. Parents, Teachers and Scholars, are invited to call and examine this large assortment of School-Books in which may be found everything in use in the schools of the County. ' Readers. —Sanders’ entire series. Porter’s Reader, Sergeant’s, Town’s and Willson’s Readers, or the loto~ ett eath rata, Spelubo Books. —Sanders’, Ac. AuTßinfics. Greenleaf e, Davie*’, Stoddard’*, Colburn's 4c. GBA3dfAßB«—Brown's, Kenyon's, Smith's 4c. Geographies.— Mitchell’*, Warren’*, ColtonV4c. Davies' Legendre, Algebra, Surveying 4e, Slates of all kind* and sizes* Copy Books, Steel Pen*. Paper of all kind*. Latin, German, French and Greek Text Books; on band and purchased to order. Watobe*, Jewel#, Picture Frame*, Paper Hang ing*, Christmas Toy*, Fancy Articles, Map*, Pie. tare* 4c. All order* promptly attended to. WelUboro, Nov. 26, 1862. J. F. ROBINSON. WOOL CARDING AND CLOTH DRESSING. Wellsbotoagh, Tioga Count;, Fa. rpRE undersigned, thankful for past favors, JL would inform hi* friend* and the public general ly, that bo i* located permanently in w dishorn, and refitted up the old Foundry Building with entire new machinery for the purpose of WOOL CARDING k CLOTH DRESSING. He wBI manufacture wool by the yard, or on shares,' to suit customers, into CASSIMEEES, FLANNELS, and FULL CLOTHS. , Of ALL KINDS. As bU worksmn by steam power, be can card Woo} at any time for customers coming from a distance. Being a practical Cloth Dresser, and having follow ed it for a number of year*, he can therefore warrant all work t• give full satisfaction, or the money - re turned. Wool Carded for four cents per pound, and Cloth Dressed at from eight to eighteen cents per yard, as per color and finish. Jo9* Wool taken in pay for work. WelUboro, May 20, 1863. CHARLES LEE. J. P. BILES, AT THE moxyillb foundry, MAKES THE BEST PLOWS • *' ji IN THE COUNTRY. ALSO Cauldron Kettles. ; f' ' STOVES, MACHINERY, AC,, AC., ALL AT LOW FIGURES. j f Knoxville, Feb. 4,1863-6 m. jggfglm THE GREAT CAUSE OF Boor HUH AN MISERY, Jutt PublUhed, in a Sealed Enrrlope, Price Six Cent*. A LECTURE BY Dr. CULVERWELL ON THE CAUSE AND CURE of Spormatcrrh®s, Consumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervous ness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nutrition of the Body; Las situde; Weakness of the Limbs and the Back; In disposition, and Incapacity for Study and Labor* Dullness of Apprehension; Loss of Memory; Avon sion to Society; Love of ’.Solitude; Timidity; Self- Distrust; Dizziness; Headache; Affections of the 'Eyes; Pimples on the Face; Involuntary. Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity; the Consequences of Youth ful Indiscretion, Ac-, Ac. /ST* This admirable Lecture clearly proves that the above enumerated, often self-afflicted evils, nay be removed without medicine, and without dangerous, surgical operations, and should be read by every youth and every mao in the land. Sent under seat, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of si* cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing, , - CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 1?7 Bowery, New York, Post Office Bo*. 4586. May 20,1863-2 C. DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY. THE undersigned having purchased the well known Woolen Factory of Messrs. E. A B. S. Bowen on the Cowanesque River, two miles east of Knoxville, takes this method of Informing the inhabi tants of Xiega and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares to suit customers, into FLANNELS, CABSIMERES, DOE-SKINS, FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery has been thoroughly repaired and tew machinery added thereto, also an improved new wheel which will enable him to work the entire sea son. Ha will pay particular attention to 801 l CardlA? & Clotb Dressing, which will be done in the neatest possible manner, having added one now Roll Machine, will enable him to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance. Ho would farther say that he has carried on the busi ness in manufacturing wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining counties for the past .twenty Vfcarc ■ he therefore csn warrant all wotfi and satisfy his custo mers, using nothing in manufacturing hnt genuine wooL - JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, May 6,1863-ly. . IHAYE all along sold KEROSENE-OIL at filly' cents a gallon; and 1 can aud do sell it at fifty cents now. [April 22,] W. T, MATHEBS. agitator. ' *** DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LIN I MEN T! , THE GREAT REMEDY ton RHEUMATISM. GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, OUTS AND WOUNDS PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NER-| TOCS DISORDERS. For all of :which it if a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe ef Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the fa mous bone setter, (and has been nsed in his practice {or morn than twenty years with the most astonish ing f access. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it is un rivaled by any preparation before the public, of which Che most skeptical may bo convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically. Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of cases where it has been mod it-'has never been known to fail. 1 FOR NEURALGIA, it will afford Immediate relief in every ease, however distressing. It will relieve the worst oases of HEADACHE in three minutes and is warranted to do it. TOOTHACHE also wDI if care instantly. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GENE BAR .LASSITUDE arising from imprudence or ex cess, Ibis- Liniment is a molt happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tisanes, it strengthens apd revivifies the system, and restores it to oiasUiity and rigor. FOR PILES.—As an external remedy, we ciaim tiisl it is the hot known, and we challenge the world to produce an eqnaL Every victim of this dis tressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail to afford immediate relief, and in a majority of cases will effect a radical cure. QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are some times extremely malignant and dangerous, bnt a timely application of this Liniment Will never fail to cure. SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and en. Inrgement of the joints is liable to oooar if 'neglected, The worst case may ha conquered by this Liniment in two or three days, - BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, UL CERS, BURNS 4ND SCALDS, yield readily to tha wonderful healing properties of Dr. Sweet’s I.vrAL lible L ikjrf.nt, when used.according to directions. Also, Chilblains, Frosted Feet, and Insect-Bites and Stings, i • j j DR. {STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTI CUT, the ! Qroatr Natural Bone Setter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF-CONNECTI CUT, is known all over the United States. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cares Rheumatism and never fails. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT I* a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Buns and<6oald* Immediately. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT I* the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cares Headache immediately and was never known to fail. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom falls to core. DR. SWRET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Curas Toothache in one minute. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Corea Cuts and Woonds immediately, and leaves no soar. ; DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is tha best remedy tor Sores in the known world. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Hu boon used by more than a million people, and nil praise it. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Taken internally cores Colic, Cholera Morbos and Cholera, 1 1 DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT la truly a “friend in need,” and every family should have it at hand. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT I* for sale by all Druggist*. Price 25 and 50 cents. A Friend In Heed. Try^hf. Pr. Swoot’s XnfblUble* Liniment, as an ex ternal remedy, is without a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it is trnly in fallible, and as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Ac., its soothing, healing and powerful strengthening properties, excite the just wonder and astonishment of all who have ever given it a trial. Over one thousand certificates of remarkable cures, performed by it within the last two years, attest the fact. To Horse Owners! Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment for Horses Is unrivaled by any, and in all cases of Lameness, arising from Sprains, Braises or Wrenching, its effect is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle Galls, Scratches, Mange, Ac., it will also cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may be easily prevented and cored in their incipient stages, but confirmed eases are beyond the possibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithful application will. always remove the Lameness, and enable the horses to travel with comparative ease. EVER| HORSE OWNER should have this renedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually pre vent those formidable diseases, to which ail horses are liable, and which render so many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless. DR. SWEET’S Infallible Liniment, ; IS THI SOLDIER S FRIEND, v And thousands bare found it , TRULY A FRIEND IN NEED I ‘CAUTION. To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every- label, and also “Stephen Sweat’s.lnfallible Liniment” blown in tbe glass of each bottle, without which none are gen uine. . RICHARDSON A -CO., Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. MORGAN A ALLEN, General Agents, ' ’ 48,Clilf Etreet, New York Sold by all dealers everywhere. DscemhejlO, JBB3,'ly. Tke New Commercial Building* are located opposite Court House, cornet- of Court and Cbenanso-Streets. This College is in no way connected with any other Institution. ' , The energies of the entire' Faculty are exclusively devoted to this. --- The design of this Institution is to afford to Young Mon an opportunity for acquiring a Thorough, Prac tical, Satinets Education, ■ The Books and Forms ate carefully arranged by Practical Accountants, expressly for this Institution, and, the Course of Instruction is such as to combine Theory and Practice. COLLEGIATE COURSE. This Coarse embraces Book-Needing in all its de partments, Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Correspondence, Commercial Law, Political Economy, Commercial Ethics, Partnership Settle ments, Detecting Counterfeited and Altered Bank Notes, Ac,* The Spencerian System of. Penmanship is i&aghtih all Its varieties, by the most skillful masters of the art. The Book-Keeping deportment is under the special supervision and instruction of the Principal, D. W. LOWELL. . i - QBMIiaAX' INFOSM^UON. Stndente can enter it any time. No vacations,— Usual time to complete the Course, from 6 to 12 weeks. Assistance rendered to graduates in procuring situa tions. Graduates are presented with ah elegantly en graved Diploma. | For catalogue of 70 pages, specimens of pen manship, Ac., enclose two letter stumps, end address , ,! f. D. W. LOWELL, Binghamton, N. 7. Sept It, 1862. CONSUMPTION, AND Disease* of' the THROAT ;and LUNGS, can bo cured. Not hfow,ever any medicine taken into the stomach, as has been fully shown recently in a series of essays by Dr, Robert Hunter of New York City, published in the J Oaily Tribune ; but by Inhaling the suitable medicine combined with oxygen, into the Lungs. The subscriber is so fully satisfied of this that he has entered Into an arrange ment with Dr. Hunter, by which any person suffering from diseased throat or lungs, on giving him a full statement of their symptoms, and paying the regular fee, which- is very reasonable, con have their case .sent to the Doctor and the medicine and furnished to them. Person* able to come to him are desired to do so, ‘and will generally find him at his Furniture,'and Car pet Rooms in Lawrenceviuo. Those who are unable to come, be will visit on being requested to do so. i He ho* made this arrangementand gives this notice that no one in this county may die of these diseases without the trial of this last and most successful triumph of medical science,. Lawrenceville, Jan. 14, ’63.-tf. E. D. WELLS- CORNING , WHOLESALE DRUG AND BOOK STORE. RUGS AND MEDICINES, i , , PAINTS AND OILS, r WINDOW GLASS, KEROSINE OIL, ' ALCOHOL, > BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Sold at wholesale by ' tv. I>. TERBELI. Country Merchants supplied with these articles at NEW YORK PRICES. Corning, Feb. 25, 1862. STOVES AND TWIYARE. WILLIAM ROBERTS HAS opened a new Btovo and Tin Shop in the Store opposite. Roy's Building, where be is pre pared to furnirh his lold friends and; customers, and ttbe■public generally with everything Id his line of ‘business, including ' Cooking Stoves of the most approved styles; Par lor, Dining Boom, and Cool Stove*,* Tinware and Kitchen furniture of all varieties, i jpg*- Call and sec our new stock. ’ welleboro, Peby. 5, 1862. PENSIONERS A RIJ Jiereby.informed that the undersigned JlA_~ has been appointed an Examining Surgeon by the Commissioner of Pensions. Applicants for pen sions Will be promptly examined on presenting them selves at his office in Knoxville, Tioga county, Pa. Special notice will be given in respect to the bien nial examlnation.of pensioner* in this region. IRA W, BELLOWS, M. D. Knotville, May 6,1863~3m# Sore Tliroal and HiplitUeria. ANEW and powerful'remedy to be used only externally „has just been found. It must be appjied when the 'first symptom* appear, andiit will certainly reduce the swelling and inflamation. Call for the Lethean Ointment at Roy's Drug Store. Directions accompany each bottle. ( Price 25 cent*. Wellsboiro, Feb. 4, 1863. Something for Everybody, IT is s common remark of physicians, that skin diseases arfd eruptions were never so preva lent as now. It should be borne in mind that at BOY’S Drug Store a new purifier is offered for sale, the Depurative Syrup of lodide of Potasrium. This is the best blood purifier in the .world. It works wonders in Scrofula and all those diseases which in* dicate an impure state of the blood. Try it and be conduced. . April 8. BETDhSED SOLDIERS AND their FRIENDS, can obtain BACK PAY, PENSIONS, and BOUNTY, through the subscriber, who has made aranjfbments to prosecute all such claims, with a long-established and perfectly reliable PENSION AGENCY at Washington.' * As'the affidavits must be taken before a judge of the Court, aud as this is the residence of Judge.Whee* ler, the business can be transacted In an hours time. Lawrencoville, Jan. 28, 1863. E. D. WELLS. LADIES ehould procure the new DYES Which are sold at Roy’s Drug Store, as they make fast colors, and are sold at a low price*. Call and got a Circular. Wellsboro, May 27, 1863. THE CELEBRATED Rochester Trout Flies. rpHE Subscriber begs lease to .inform the -X- fishermen of Wellsboro and vicinity, that he is agent for tbe sale of tbe Rochester Trout Flies, A fine assortment just received.'’ Shop opposite tbe -Barber Shop. VLOREN A. SEARS. "Wellsboro, March i, 1863-tf. ’ New Arrival at the Book Store. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Ladies’ - Fancy Goods, Embroidery Braids, Dress Braids, Gloves, Thread, Needles, Buttons, Zephyr, Worsted, Shetland Yarn, Ac., Ac-, may be found at the stora of J. F. Robinson. Ho would also beg leave to call at tention to hie large assortment of Photograph Al bums. [April 22, 1863] J. F. ROBINSON. SUGARS! —I can sell pulverized, crashed, coffee, and brown Sugars, as low B 3 any dealer in Tiogia Connty. • [April 22] W. TJ MATHERS. IHAYE PRIME PORE!, homo packed, by the pound and barrel, and sell it as « Cusmn Baisak [■ wirtutedH med accordJng-to th» direcaoni to care In ill aue» Conglu, CoM, r Whooping Cohgb, Anlim. JS all alfecUaM ol the Thtoet mj hangs. MinjUrt ZADOC POSTER'g BALSAM is prepared with' til the requisite cm and ikiiLfrcte a combination of.4he best naZ dies the vegetable remedies it fords, its remedial Kingdom tie based on its power to atiiit tie healthy and vicoront elrcnut w of the blood, through the Lqo» It is not a violent remedy, bs' emollent—warm, searching tns effective; can be taken by tbr oldest person or youngest child. . Mosaic* ZADOC PORTBR’B ' BALSAM has been in use by t&b pabUc tor over 13 jetrs, end haw acquired Its present sale simply by being recommended by thee* L who have need it to their afflict l|k ed friends and others. (SB? 2tfortlmportant,—Had ■Bazne Zadpe Porter’s Curative Bal ■■sam Is sold at a price which brings it in th’r reach of every one to keep It convenient for dm. The timely use of a single bottle will prove be worth ICO times its cost.. * NOTICE.—Sam Toun Hoarr i— Do not be persuaded to purchase articles at 4s toil which do not contain'the vir toes of a 13 cent Bottle of Madame Porter’s Curative Bal sam, the cost of manufacturing which is as great as that of almost any other medicine; and the very low price at which It is sold, makes tha profit to the seller apparently email, and unprincipled dealers will sometimes recommend other medicines on which their profits are larger, notes* the cci tomers insist upon having Madame Porter’s and none other Ask for Madame Curative Balsam, price .13 cents, and in large bottles at 23 cents, And take no other. If JO n cannot get it at one"store yon can at another. ‘ B®* Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers at 13 cent*, and in larger bottle* at 25 cents. ■" For sale by JOHN A. EOT, Wellsboro, Pa. HALL k RUCKEL, Prewritten, r New Yark II Jan. 28,1863.-ly. It Cures Headache in Ten minutes. CLINE’S VEGETABLE EMBROCATION. T7\OH the sure cure of Headache, Toothache, Bianhcw, J; Rheumatism, sore Throat, Kbnralgia, Pains In the Em®, Back or 7 Stomach, Cramps, Cuts, Sprains, Burns, Brahes, Woortds, Ac., Ac. Also for ail kinds of wound* on hones. TRY IT—IT CANNOT FAIL! 43?»The numerouscaresth stare daily performed by tbs use of the Vegetable Embrocation, are aaffldeftt ’erldence o! its auperior excellent virtues, Furthermore, this proper*- tion does not contain minerals, or diletoriou drugs. Prom Prof. Williams , Principal of the Utica Musical Institute. B, Clots —Dtar Havivg witnessed the very bensficlij results from the nee of youi Vegetable .Embrocation by my. self and members of my family in case of colds, sore throe and hoarseness, I cheerfully give* yon this testimony to Its worth, and can confidently recommend it in Che Abovacuts from an experimental knowledge of its efficacy. - Yonas very truly. - W. WILLIAMS. Utica, June 4,1861. •• Good News from Home--All Agree See What They Say. We, the undersigned citizens of Utica, having used Cline's Vegetable Embrocation in our families, and finding it aa *]- most salutary remedy, can cheerfhlly recommend it to tbs public generally, as being an indispensible article for fkrnily use. Wedo not wish to underrate any other worthy medicine, but cad truly say that we never before have found An esc*i to.tbis Vegetable Embrocation, and would advise every fam ily to keep a bottle ready for Immediate use. Mrs. M. A. Hill, Schuyler st. Mrs. I. Crocker. Burnett it Mrs. Em jGerrin, “ Mrs. E,Oarnrgut, “ Mrs- Bathel Roberts, “ Mrs, A. M. Eibbs, “ D, Bacon, Catharine st., B. L. Simons, “ T. 8. Robinson, 72 Geneseest., Mrs. M S Francis.BUodlD it das. Marsdcn, Huntington st., N. M. Shepard,' spring, it-, Mrs. George Bancroft, “ Mr*. M. Wheeler, Mrs. Alvira Lane, “ Mrs. Anna Williams. « Mrs. Mary Vaughan, “ vD. Tauvulkenbarg, “ Henry Hill, Vatfck st., John Sbotc, Genesce st. F. C. Hartwell, « Jane Bavlson, Scayler st Mrs. J ; Walker. “ BobertUne, Huntington it Mrs. Eliza Shott, Genesee st., Priscilla McLaughlin. “ , ZHcabeChGnints, Catherine st. MaiyarelWeeden, u Selina Simmons, Bnroess st-, Ann HilJ, TarfCk st., The above names are from well known respectable titiztiu and a thousand more names might be added, of whom ani mation can be had in reference to the astonishing cxru »». formed. r Prepared and sold, wholes*!* &cd retail, hy B. CUTfX, Jw 60, Genesee street. Marble Block, Utica, N. Y. Alt* for nit by JOHN E. JONES, of Cherry Flatte. trarelllor agent. August 15,1863. , HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. THE LADIES are the- ones to select Household Furniture, and it is so much easier for them to take a carriage and tide a few miles and return thin to go 40 or 50 miles for the purpose, that the subscri ber would inform them that he has Jnst enlarged bis STOCK before the tariff and tax prioea are upon ni; and baa a large and inviting assortment, which he will be happy to shew to tkAo who may favor him with a viait. - J MAHOGANY SOFAS, $2O, s2Sand s2s'. TtU a Taira, $22, $2B and $32. ffandton se ingrain CarptU for 4,5; 6, 7, 8-and » abillinga a yard.* • Sewing Jfa. china, $lO and $l2. - Ha haa also 10 different styles of Bedsteads, with matrasses and spring bottoms, and 16 different kinda of Cbeirs with everything else la the Furniture line. [ He is also Agent for the sale of Brine* A Co’s, cel ebrated Melodeons, School and Church el Buffalo, N. Y., the oldest and largest establishment in the United Slates. B. D. WELLS. July 30,1862. Boors, SHOES. LEATHER AITS ' FIITOim J)R. FRANKLIN ISAYS: “When you have anything to advertise, tell lbs publio of it in plain, simple language.** I am manufacturing good custom made Boots and Shoes which I will sell at fur prices, and only Ist BEAD 7PA 7. Such work cannot be sold at u low rates per pair as eastern made slop-work, bnt It css and will be sold at prices which will enable tbs pur chaser to protect his feet with good substantial booti more cheaply than’with a poor slop-shop articlt, which, even if it ebanees not to fall in pieces with the first weeks service, is bnt a doubtful protection is wet and cold weather. , Try me. Back and Doeskins Wanted, in the red and ahort bine, for wfaiab I will pay cuk and a good price. Beef-Hides and CalftUsa Wasted', for which I will also pay cash. Sheep Pelta Wasted, for which I will also pay cash and the highest tnsr ket price. >' An oesortment of sole, upper, oalfekins and linings, pegs, thread, nails, awls, knives, shoe-hammers, Ac,, Ae., kept constantly on hand, whieh I will sell cheap for cash. Shop on Main Street between Wiieox’s snd Bullard’s. Q. W. SEARS. N. B. I can’t give credit, because, to b» plain haven’t got it to give. Wellsboro, August 27,1862. PENSION AGENCY. TO SOLDIERS AND THEIR FRIENDS: TUB undersigned baring bad considerable exp* Hence in procuring Pension Bounties and Back pa; of Soldiers, will attend: to all business in that lino entrusted to bis care with promptness and fidelity. ALIi SOLDIERS discharged by reason of wounds ate entitled to the SIBO bounty. Pensions, Bounties, and arrears of pay, coUeot& by the undersigned. Persoge wishing to confer with me.will please call or address mo by letter at Sylvania, Bradford county,- Pa. Cbargea reasonable. ’ QEO. P, MOUHO. Refers by permission to , H. B. Card, Connty Treasurer, Wollaboro, Pa. / D. B. Pomeroy, Troy, Pa. ! A. H. Spalding, Sheriff, Towandn, Pa. [April !■/ Portable Patent Horee-Power. THE undersigned take pleasure in notifying ti* public, that they bare succeeded in deviling* Horse Power with only three places' of friction, sni combines the maximum of efficiency, durability, and economy, with the minimum of weight and pries.. On account of ita simplicity it may be oonstnntsd by any meehanie for less than half the. cost usually paid-for horsepowers. It is well adapted to throw ing grain, sawing wood, and churning, also for turn* Ing lathes, caws, planes, and other machinery hr I**' shape Individual rights $5,00. Township, County, and State rights for tale cheap at our office. Agents wanted to sell territory. For farther particulars so dree* MIDDACCIS' * ClAß** Naasseld, July 23,1862.-IL 1