THE JpITATOR. 1,0 CA t> LANE OPS. Walla boro, Wetoeßjlay, August 26,1863. j WelUboro Loyal Icajne. MetUs every MOSDAT EVENING, at the 'CLUB and B3SADJNG. BOOIL, Boy’s EaU. New Alvertisemeuts. Kerotent Oil artd.£&np*- J -W- iD. TorbeH. fire and WalerfrAo/ Cement—J, A. Boy. Ajinounc We “ Cop; We STAN TON, isembly, eubjet jvention. List of arficles in bwc No. 9, Aag. 24, 1863: j, 5 Ur of-piokles, 2j|ts,off jolly, 3 bottles raspberry vinegar, 2 bottles cnrragt wine, t boshel dried apples, 1 rolls of bandagesjilipeck dried, whortleberries, 1 peek dried -currants, eggs, 1 bundle cotton eiathes, 4 pairs' woolst) socks, quantity of papers, pamphlets 4c. ■' • t The Aid Society »Wiphy for blackberries brought to the Court House, August 29th, after 2 o’clock, and we wonld’inrge the importance of each one trying to oozftriiihti, more pr less, of these ber ries to the Aid-Society, l pa there is an urgent demand for them, and we trust each one will feel that a-bless ing is awarded to him. jtho giveth but a cupjof water to,one of those brava khd wounded soldiers.. • L. E. Mooke.J The following extracts from the August number of the Sanitary £epBrtcr,wnblisbed at Louisville will be read with interest and pSede J with' profit As will be seen, it conveys a to our Copperheads as well as to the loyal: “We request that 'circulation be given to IJr- Warriner’s appeal'to ithc scmi-loyal and' these not loyal at all, in behalf of their" rebel brethren at Vicksburg. It is not,at all probable- that this class , will send a greater 'qq&tity of those articles than can bo usefully applieqUo alleviate the suffering or save the lives of th'q|p whom, the fortunes of war have thrown upon onriitands.. - - “ Wo desire to call tSoattention of all who wish to contribute to the hea||b, comfort and efficiency of our troops, to the factKaiat pickles, dried, fruit and cront are at all times oblong, the most useful articles which can be sent tbjrthe army. .Immense benefit followed the use of th*se articles daring the last win ter and spring, and nnjother articles are so univer ssHy and anxiously. Called for as these. Lot every one, thee, _who has a garden put up pickles and sent Croat;-and every onsjuijo owns an orchard dry his nlrplns fruit for our sliAse defenders. • To a soldier tbreatened with BCBrv»i pr Whose digestion has been weakened by camp edpt, a Tew pickles oratm-cup TuUof dried apples ppsessea a value scarcely calcu lable in money.- L - . “The-articles Juat.ifew most needed are eld cotton and linen cloths, cann|fl milk, dried fruit, sour cront ale, green tea, lemons, -drawers, shirts, sheets, con centrated beef, canned)jjVDit, pickles, white sugar, no. tatoes, seda crankersj-ibdfiib" ■ . Wo are indebted °U for half ' b‘™nd.of white sugar' to each .I“*?,°* 10 f! an ounce cf illspice, and beliw i lov “ “p cincamon. When cool, add r kfef a pH to a gill, in hot water, d drink while Aof.f?FQra child, a teaapeoufu], or more, according t<> ag<& / - rt« LA D K *- aßT ' WlifE #' Gather * heu ripe, on a dry " Pat l ? to * TMWFwitli the Jxead 6ut, aid a tap • *. bottom ;fpoa.r on them belling water *" ;,j 0 1 l *t r .? eO, Miahae. berries with your bands 4 let “cm tUnd cotjfted mi the pulp rises to the ‘ top and forms a trust in three or four days. Then draw off the fluid into another vessel, and to every gallon add one pound of sugar; mix well, and put into a cask to. work for a week or ten days, and throw .off any remaining lees, keeping the cask well filled, particularly at the commencement. When the work* log has ceased bung'it down.; after six-or twelve months it may he bottled. - Blackberry Jam.—Gather the froit in dry weath er, allow-half a pound of good sugar to every pound of fruit; -boil the whole together gently-for an hour, or dll the blackberries are soft, stirring and mashing them well. Preserve it like any other jam, and it w m be fennd very useful in families, particularly for children—regulatiag their bowels and enabling you to dispense with cathartics. It may he spread on bread or on pudding, instead of butter; and even when the blackberries are bought, it is cheaper than butter. i . The Ladies of South Charleston organised a flour ishing society at the Welsh Church, in June last, with the following officers and members: Mrs. Abram Hart. Treasurer—Mrs. T. L. Paries. . Secretary —Miss J. M. Hart. jßojrrenionding Secretary —Miss M. C. Hart* 5 1 . Members. f Mre. —A. Hart, D. G. Edwards, T. L. Davies, W; J. Richards, J. J. Thompson, B. Evans, M. Rees. Jfmes—C.rG* Rees, M. C. Hart, A. M. Hart; M. J. Hart, M. E. Jones, Jane Edwards, M. E, Block, E« Lewis, M. Richards, M. A. Jones, E. J.' Davies, B. Wheeler, M. Hart, E. Walker. ifessrs.—D. G. Edwards, T. B. Jones, Thos. Doyles, D. p, Jones, D. A. Evens, J* J, RofS, Jones, J. D. Brans, Thos. Rees, SamL‘ Evans, Goo. Thompi Bon, Oscar Jennings, A. Hart. A box was forwarded July 22d, containing the fol lowing articles: 64 lbs. dried apples, 10 lbs. dried entrants, 2-lbs. dried plums, 2 lbs. dried berries,! bottle currant wine, I bedquilt, 1 bedtick, 8 feather pillows, 3 hop pilloVs, 3 cottony pillows, 8 pillow ca ses; 8 pairs woolen socks, 6 new cotton shirts, and 3 partly worn, 26 handkerchiefs, 16 towels and wash cloths, 2 rolls of rags, 1 package of lint, 600 yards bandage, 2 new calico double gowns. A pic-nio, for the benefit of this Society, will be held in the grove, south of Abram Hart's, on Satur day, August 29th. ,J. M. Hart, Seo'y. DEATH OP JUDGE PEBBLE, • M. H. Cobb, Esq.:—Will yon please publish in your journal the proceedings of the mooting of mem bers of the bar recently convened in the city of Chi cago, for the purpose of doing honor to the memory ef Norman H. Purple, deoeeased, These proceedings are published in the Peoria Daily Transcript of the -14th August, ipst., and in other Illinois papers. : JttdgqPurple read low in Tioga County, Pa., - and’ was adnmftnhtqjbe bar in that comity on the 20th of Soft. 1830. .After his admission be remained here seven years, actively engaged in the business ef his profession, and with great energy and industry pre paring himself for that brilliant career of professional effort and usefulness which crowned his labor in the State of Illinois. Judge Purple changed his resi dence from Pennsylvania to Illinois late ip the fall of 1337. • f To the numerous friends of the deceased In Penn sylvania the annunciation of his death at this time will be as unexpected as is sad and unwelcome.— Although at the bar the bench upward of thirty years. Judge Purple had not yet reached that period of life when the faculties of hard working pro fessional men are expcctedjto fail. He was still in the prime of life, and but a short time previous to bis death bad been engaged in his professional avo cations, exhibiting much of his accustomed energy and avidity. Judge Purplo bad many, warm- friends in Tioga county,—some of these hoyd' preceded him in their journey across the dark valley. Others survive him who will learn with profound grief the intelligence of hia early death and will cherish while they live the recollection of his friendship. -By these, his high professional and social reputation in bis adoptedJState will be regarded with just pride and gratification. Hero is an example worthy of the consideration of our young men. Behold bow much can‘be accom plished by integrity, industry, energy and perse verance. Judge Purple occupied in early life an bum- - ble position. Thirty-three years of honest and well directed effort have given him an enduring name and fame,—the name and fame of a citizen “ who was everywhere known and respected as possessing the highest integrity and patriotism”—s-of a judge “ who added honor to the ermino and dignity to the bench,” and of a lawyer who was regarded “ os the. leader of the law in the State.” Tioga. ! August 24 ,1863. [Resolutions next week.] WAR NEWS. From tha army of the Potomao we have, no stirring tidings, but it would seem to be press ing forward gradually, by divisions, while the entire army is under marching orders. It is now known that Lee’s army is rapidly weakening by wholesale desertions whole companies going off in a night. Add to this the admissions of the Mobile papers, to the ef fect that the 31,000 men captured and paroled by Grant at Vicksburg, are dispersed and be yond, recall, and the affairs of the rebels seem in hopeless case. The rebel guerilla chief, Quantrell, with a force 800 strong, suddenly descended upon the city of Lawrence, Kansas, last Thursday night and sacked and burned that city, murdering many of the inhabitants. Jidf Lane, who was in the city, rallied a few men and pursued the thieves, but with what success,we do not learn. The loss by this raid is estimated at $2,000,000. Charleston is evidently to share the fate of Vicksburg soon. 4 Gen. Gilmore’s batteries of 200'poundar Parrott guns have knocked sever al ugly holes into Fort Sumter. The Richmond papers of the 21st say that Gilmore’s guns are too much for Sumter, and the Fort replies only at long intervals. Gov. -Bonham has ordered the removal of all non-combatants from the city of Charleston at the earliest moment. It is said that the rebels will fight from street to street, as long os a foot of earth is left. That sounds well, but a single Monitor can render every street untenable in sixty minutes, with-, out loss to our side. The Savannah papers are bitterly lamenting the evident doom of Charles ton, ns are the other rebel papers. With the fall of that city goes Mobile, Savannah, and the occupation of the blockade-runners ; and with that accumulated disaster Northern Cop perheadism dies the death. The cause of re bellion and the causa of Copperbeadism are identical. digod to Later.— An official despatch from Admiral Dablgren to Secretary Welles announces that Port Sumter has been silenced, ns well as Fort Wagner and Battery Gregg. The probability is that Charleston is ours ere this time. From the West we learn tidings of a great battle in progress between Gen. Bosecrans and Gen. Johnston, at Cbatanooga. Burnside is is also on the march. There is little doubt that Kosecrpns will gain* deoisivC'viotory and close tbs fight in the -Southwest. This news is op'to 4a- m. Tuesday morning. - Of paralysis, on the 11th last at the house of his con Julius, near Stony Fork Settlement, Mr. JOHN DORTT, aged 71 years, and about five months. He was one of the oldest settlers in the above men tioned part of the county. Com. OAl’L'lN’S IMPROVED Fire and Water Proof Cement is th» best preparation Id dm-' Ibt mending broken articles, sneb os CHaes, China, Crockery, Wood* Leather, Ornanents, Stone, Hetaly'Bono, Ivory,Pearl* Porcelain, in fact, most any broken article. Being perfectly wilt© It will not disfigure the articles. It wilt stand all climates, and when thoroughly dry, the part to which it is applied will be as strong as It was before broken. Price 25 cehts per bottle. J. A,, ROY, Agent for Tioga County. IFclhboro, August 26,1863. x FXMJB, best and middling grades, at lowest market prices, at [April 22] MATHERS’. '■irate 1 SIEO. THE TIOGr A CO UKTY AGIT AT OR. A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS ! THE SUBSCRIBER is now selling all kind* of DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS at greatly reduced prices; His stock isall new, and has been selected with great care, and BOUGHT AT THE VERY BEST ADVANTAGES that tbo Eastern markets afford. He does not claim to hare a large stock, BOUGHT SEVERAL YEARS AGO, as be has always made QUICK SALES, and SMALL PROFITS his, MOTTO, and has been nnable to keep his GOODS THAT LENGTH OF TIME, IF HE HAD WISHED. His -easterners have always manifested a preference for If E W GOODS in their proper season, and ho has always made it his business to introduce the LATEST STYLES in all kinds of goods usually kept_ in largo Stares. The *lock at present is in splendid working order, and he ean supply easterners with all the Goods needed at this time of the year, and at PRICES that CANNOT FAIL to BDIT the MOST ECONOMICAL. Wo have full lines in all the several DEPARTMENTS OF DRESS GOODS. TVe have a very large assortment, consisting of ill the VARIOUS NEW STYLES, in EXTRA MEDIUM AND LOW GRADES, at prices that will correspond favorably frith OLD PRICES. , ll—■ CLOAKS, SHAWLS. CLOAK CLOTHS, PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS, SILK MANTILLAS, MANTILLA SILKS. LACE CAPES AND SHAWLS; _ AISO _ NOTION k WHITE GOODS STOCK miTMiriv/'C unD sirm nnnns is well filled, and we are selling notions of all kinds TRIMMINGS FOR SUCH GOODS, amh chesper than , Mt mont |_ WHITE goods WE CANNOT BE SURPASSED. - the same way. imEisnr ©3* u'om n isimio^ AS CHEAP AS THE CASH CAN BUY THEM. handk]ekchiefs cheap as ever. L. C. HOOP SKIRTS.---The largest variety and at the Lowest Price In the LADIES’ & MISSES’ FLATS—Nearly all Styles, db. do. SPEAKERS—CoIored and White. i TRIMMING for each and all of them, in all the styles. I ~ , BOOT AND SHOE STOCK. In this Department no' pains will be spared to keep It np to.the mark, so as to bare everything called for, and at SATISFACTORY PRICES. MENS’ BOOTS AND SHOES, BOYS’i do. do. LADIES’ GAITERS AND BOOTS, MISSES’ do. do. 1 IT we intend tOj sell everything at the lowest market rata, and to keep everything in that line that we have been in the habit of keeping. WHOLESALE TRADE. ALL GOODS in any of the above Stocks will bo WHOLESALED at & very SMALL ADVANCE on NEW YORK CASH PRICES. Making It the interest of all who buy in that way to call and see what we are doing. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. All customers are invited to call and look at oar Gopds. If not equal to their expectations, we do not expect to sell. A good many Goods are needed in the Country this season, and they can be sold at reasonable rates. I intend to keep and ttil - iLL GOODS and do my share of the'business of the country. | J. A. PARSONS, May 27, 1863. Insurance Agency. THE Insurance Company of North America have appointed the undersigned an agent for Tioga County and vicinity. As the high character and standing of this Compa ny giro the assurance of full protection'to owners of property agaibst the hazard of fire, I solicit with con fidence a liberal share of the business of the county. This company was incorporated in 1794. Its capital is $500,000, and its assests in 1861 os per statement Ist Jan. of that year was $1254,719 81.' CHARLES PLATT, «...Secretary. ARTHUR GJ COFFIN, .X,'.'.President. Office of the Company- 232 Walnut Street • Philadelphia. Wm.Buehler, Central Agent Har | rUbnrg, Pa. JOHN W. GUERNSEY, Agent for Tioga Comity, Pa, July 15, 1663. EXECUTOR’S SALE. THE subscriber will offer for Sale at Public Auction, on SATURDAY, Sept. 12,1863, at 1 o’clock, P. M., the fol lowing property, to wit: The John Shelves’ Farm! This farm is situated in the town of Jackson, Tioga Co. Pa., and contains about ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY acres of woodland and cleared land, upon which are two good barns, and all necessary out-buildings; also two GOOD FARM HOUSES. Two Orchards, in a thriving condition, are also attached to the. place. After the sale of the above property the subscribers will offer for sale at Auction ICO ACRES GOOD LAND! 30 acres of which Is upon which Is situated a good barn. ’ s-» ■ 49»SaIe to take place ujton the premtiei;—Terms made known on the day of Sale. - * • iL. B. SHELVES, TB. B. G ARRISON, / £Xr Jackson, Tioga Co. Aug. 10,1863. WESTFIELD SELECT SCHOOL. U. P. STEBBINS, TEACHER. The Fall Term of this school will begin on Mon day, September the 7th, and will continue eleven weeks. 1 TUITION. Primary Department, $2,90 Common English, 3,00 Higher,—Algebra; Geometry; Philosophy; Astron omy; Chemistry ; Zoology; Mental Philosophy, Ac.,- -3,50 Rooms and Boarding eon be "bad in the Tillage at low prices, j Westfield, August 19th, 1863, 3t* SPECIAL COURT. ■vrOUCB is hereby given that a Special Court will be held by the Hon. Ulysses Mercur, at the Court House in Wellsboro, conimencing on the third Monday iu October nest) and to continue one week, for the trial of the follow* iog causes, to wit: f S Bobs, now H H Dent, rs, Stephen Babcock, Sarah h Keene, ts. Amos Bizbf, A Blxby’e Adm*r, vs. Sarah L Keene, Sarah L Keene, ts. Amos Blxby, A 8 Turner, « ts. John Brew et al, U M Lattimer ei al, ts. A foster, . John N Bache, ts. W E Dodge,' J W Mayner, j ts. U Davis et a], J F * vs. A P Cone, J N Bache, ts. Job Wilcox. Augustus, 1»63. , J.F. DONALDSON, Frothy. KEKOSESE OIL. AND LAMPS AT WHOLESALE. . A LARGE STOCK just received for the Fall Trade. Uerebants eapplied at city price! by W. D. TEEBELL, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, CORNING, N. Y. August 26, 1863. . LIST OF; LEXTERS remaining inthe.Posfc Office at Wellsboro, August 22, 1863: Butler, Lester H. Lovell, L. Y. Campbell,' Geo. W. Reynolds, Willio English, Martha Miss Stevens, Mrs. Imp son, Florence Miss West, Thomas Persons calling for any of the above letters, will please say they arc advertised. . . HUGH YOU2TG, V. M. OUE DOMESTIC STOCK; —SUCH AS— SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS, . * BLEACH’D & BROWN, POINTS, GINGHAMS, CHECKS, DENIMS, STRIPED SHIRTINGS, FLANNELS, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, CLOTH SPREADS, Ac. was never in better stupe to fill ell calls than at pre sent, and at a REDUCTION of from 20 to 40 per cent* on early Spring prices. Country. We can suit every one. CHILDRENS’ SHOES— MOROCCO, KID AND CALF, KIP AND SPLIT, with and without the Copper Toe. @3B®®IS3Ba3IS No. 3, Concert Block, Coming-, N. T. Itfansfleld Classical Seminary- Rev. W. D. A. M Principal. Mr Mrs. H. S. Taylor, Miss H. A. Farnsworth, Assistant. Assistant, and Teacher in Model School. ....Assistant, and Teacher of Music. The Fall Term of this Institution will open Sept. 2 Notice .is therefore hereby given, to the Coroner,' ‘Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and for the county of Tioga, to appear in their own proper per sons, with their records,inquisitions, examinations and remembrances, to do those things which of thoir offi. [ ces and in their behalf appertain to be done, and dll, f Witnesses and other persons prosecuting in tehalTsf ihe Commonwealth against any person or .persons, ere required to be then and there attending,' and not to depart at tbelr peril. Jurors are requested to be pane tool in their attendance at the appointed time) agree ably to notice, , Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriffs Office, iqWelUboro, the 22d day of July, in, the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty three. H. STOWBLL, Jr., Sheriff. Soldiers’ PayPonnlj and Pcnslotf Ascnc,. , •" Knoxville, tioqx county penxa: • The undersigned haring been specially licenced by the United States Government to procure the Back Pay, Bounty, and Pensions,' * of deceased and disabled seldUiy, gives notice to all interested, that Fe hSa mode arrangements with par tios in Washington, by which he is able to procure Bad* pay, Bounty aad Pensions, in a very short time, and that he will give particular attentions to all such claims that may be brought tohim. Being provided with all the requisite Forms,. Slants, Ac., Ac., he has superior advantages in this* branch of business. Sol diers entitled'Co*pensions, will find it be their advan tage to apply to the undersigned at Knoxville, aa tha examining surgeon foi* Tioga County resides turn. Also, Judge Case, before whom alf for pensions may be made.’ Soldiers enlisted since the Isf .of Mhreh, ISfft, in any kind of service, Naval or MiGtaiy/who, ,are dis abled by disease or wounds, are entitled to pensions. All soldiers who serve for two' yean or daring the war, should itsooher close, will be entitled to sl6o Bounty, A3so soldiers who have been wounded in battle, whether having served two years or not, are entitled to $lOO Bounty. Widows of soldiers who die or are killed are entitled to Pensions and the $lO5 Bounty. If there widow, then the minor chil dren ; and if no' mindr children, then the father, mother, sisters,. or brothers are entitled as above,— Term's, moderate. * ESTELLAB I will be at ray office on Monday: and Saturday of each week, to attend to this business. July 15, 1863. ly. WM. B. SMITH.' LUSTRES, HEFisnEkCES.- Welltboro, 1. F. Donaldson, Sher iff StotteH- Addison, N. Y., W. K. Smith. Wadi ington, D. €., Tucker and Lloyd. VALENCIAS, "VTOTICE is hereby given (hat tAs following •L v and Executors bare fifed their accounts in Register’s Ofeoe ot Tioga County, and that the same will be presented to tH’e Orphan’s Court of said County, on the first Monday of Sept A, D’. 1863, for confirmation and allowance. 'The account of George- P. Crlppen Aid* Hiram Hodges, Admr’s. of David Crip’psh, doc’df. ( The account* of Job Rexford, Aaiip,' of Henry Decay, dec'd. , N The account of William Hamson, Admr. of William Meek, Dec’d. The account of Ira Soper, Adm’r. of MariaScllard, dec’d. ORGANDIES, The account of S. B. Shelves, and E. B. Garrison, Executors ef John Shelve, dec’d. ... t TISSUES, We ore requested to announce the name of RGBT. C. COX, of Liberty, as a candidate for Assembly, e ob ject te the decision of the RepubUeaa County Con vention.* We are requested to annoance 8. B. BROOKS, of Elkland, as a candidate for Assembly, subject to the decision of the Republican county Convention.* - We are requested to ennonnee WU. T. HUM PHRET, of Osceola, as a candidate for Assembly, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. We are requested to. announce MTRON ROCK WELL,! of Sulllran, as a candidate for Commissioner, subject the decision of the Republican County Con vention.* We are requested to announce SELDEN BUTLER, of Chatham, as a candidate for the office of Count/ Commissioner, subject to tbo decision of the Repub lican County Convention. We are requested to. announce EPHRAIM HART, of Charleston, as a candidate for Commissioner, sub. Ject to the decision of the Republican eonnty Con* ventlon. We are requested to announce the name of JOHN J. HAMMOND, of Charleston, as a candidate fur Commissioner, snbjecs to the decision of the Repub lican county Conrention. 'for treasurer. «-L We are requested to announce the name of T* D. SEELEY, of Brookfield, as a candidate for the offire of Treasurer, subject te the decision of the Republi can County Convention. We are announce the name of MOR GAN SEELY, of Osceola, as a candidate for the offire of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Republi can County Convention.* We are requested to announce the name of A. M«. SPENCER, Aif Richmond, as a candidate for the office of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Republi can County Convention.* We are requested to announce the, name of AN DREW CBOWL, of Wellsboro, as a candidate for the office of Treasurer, subject to tbo decision of the Re publican County Convention.* We are requested to announce CHARLES SEARS, of Wellsboro, as a candidate for Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Republican county Convention. We are requested to announce the nuceof H. S. ARCHER, of Wellsboro, as a candidate for tho offico of Register and Recorder, subject to the decision of the Republican CoqoAy Convention.* Wo are requested to'announce J. N. BACHE. ef Wellsboro, as a candidate for Register A Recorder, subject to the decision of the Republican Conrention. _ JOHN CESSNA, Speaker of the Haute of Bepreeentalicee, JOHN P. PENNEY, Speaker of the Senate* OffilCE or the Secretary op the Comics-) wealth, Harrisburg, July 1,1868. J REGISTER’S ' JTOTICE H. S. ARCHER', Register! Aug. 12,1863. AlVlfOV]fC£l!lfim FOB ASSEMBLY. FOB COMMISSIONER, FOB REGISTER AM> RECORDER.