tiGITITOR. TSt* AUpluißCgi'LAHEoua. yyeinfKoro, WefoiwdaT. Aaguat la. 1883. TSvw g^dTarUiinnents. RV.UHI Atadm*-M B.Prtoe, Principal. I, P-M-' ' sheriff it Be* to-morrow diatriot. The coantiea will te drawn for In the ffUowing order: Center, Clinton, Incoming, Tioge, Pother. It ie not probable that the drawing for thia codify will take place before Mon 4sr -»•£ XHAaxiomito hi pitisioao.—The national day «f Thanksgiving wav jairly observed im our borough, licit of the-plaoes ojpbasiness were oloied, and the attendance upon thoiditconrse of Roy. Mr. Bell in the morning and ttet of Bey. Ur. Jeskb, in the •Sinter,' was largo. |fbe diieours.s of both, gentle merwese excellent kj£i appropriate. The collection for the .Sanitary at tha Episcopal Chnroh to $11.35. || A,Can*.— The offices and membera of, Capt. Colo’e eampany of three merth’a min desire to make ac knowledgments to,tbi'«ltisens of Tioga borough for their kindheia in priding- tranaportation for them from that borough tojWellsboro, on their return from- Barriabnrg. The Organa do nothing by halves; ,nd the fact that the boya homo without delay or charge, epeffa yolumea for their MberaUty and estriotism. ■ j.| -_ t 4 Ddnioinom— **• ?• Church at Elk Kin, two mile. n‘.rth-eaatif Mainrhorg, wiU ba dedicated to th. wonhip of did on Wedne.day, Augnat i«, 1863. Berriee. at flSowa t preaching at 10i A. k., by Hot. J. D. ?eU; M2i r. by Bar. B. 1. Stil wdl, and in .the evening by. Bar. H. Lankin. Other brethren in the ministry and frlenda generally are moit eorfially faTiU&T'atUnd. lu. E. H. C RANKER, P. K. !l'v -.•fm companies octree moaOi*’ or “emergency” men which went this county, returned to.tbeir tomes last Sahjrdkl >nd Sunday. Our boys came inteibwn about 2 Sunday, and of course found a sHtnt welcome.* Hfid they given due notice of their rectum they would hlyo had en ovation* Their wel -OMt9 has not been late because it hat been_pertpnal. fTlm boys show the marks of the suD.'bnVdtherwiie Mem n*f greatly worse fdr theft. soHjering.'r ' ."a ll - ' *he following is a list of the | imrthls.oonnty, in the late bat- ! ijn the 46th Kogt: JjjKtitan. ' , dimes Navlo. Co. jfi Detour.".' . Fester Hill, Co. FiGlymer. FraS6!e?tratton, fji. H.Sliadlebnry. ■ ISHoDsnio. Bdwar,d Carrey knee. -fiwt..WnKChaso,Eßotoar, ehoulder. , DaridUpdyke, Djjlmar, hand. Tin Soldiers’ AidffioOioty will meet on both Xhurs daj cn'd Saturday o£ each week- until - farther notice. It it hoped that Ufa-attendance will be increased laOSr^ffiiSSßh&i#* l *, aa-tb* trying boat of U>o eeaaon will pepalate lia hospital*. with' soldier*. To phow that the iabor| of the Society art appreciated we nake the fellowintextraet from a letter from Mre. Grier toMiss L. E, Jfoort, Cor. Sec’y of the Wells bore.brtsoV: «HewiWeU yon. - X*U all the dear I.ji.. of your Sooietfi that enoh auxiliaries strength *n us and warm our EbaWt I know, the good wire* and mothers. among y® will avail themselves of the blackberry seaion to?pnt np all the mice prepara tions of. it possible 'furious poor fellows. Surgeons are beggiag for it now, ■ Cushion* about ten or twelve indies square oAvered on one sid? with oil cloth are vary much liked by the Surgeons. Ton know the wattMrtsKug froii ajwonddsdaks lhe ordinary cush ions ant-soon- maWsjlttom unpleasant. Our city is cwr(itji'irUh''Weundee pblained. . The position nf those who hept V’itcl;,and worked upon the dwell ings contiguous, ws»l trying. Wc saw 'no flinching from dnty howevet ti The. women of Wellsboro did thaip part nobly as Jljey always do in such ome'rgen -eies.. Through stronnons' effort tho fire was confined to thefmain Foundry boUdiog, which, wiflufs machinery,jh»ttfrni and tods, was totally de stroyed. The msuldtcg room and furnaca are not tnterielly damaged, - 3fha Woodworth Planer was Inekfly rumored, a|sp the engine end boiler, it is thought, will be eareS in Therewss an.inturance on the : pfeperty of $2300 in the Lycom ing Mutualand tho ionwill be about sfoooi X besides the The lots, falls uppn One of our most satorpe ligand energetic business firms, one, however, which; bo discouraged from rebuilding by any iynmen misfortune. Mr. Young 5* at present an ths, six months troops on datyin Harrisburg. HTJhe fife originated over the •agiaerooinf We trust that the lakers performed pn that *«»Bon will baomitMl in future in like eases.' Ilea their enough to forbear enter dwdUug, deQHJingfcrnitura in thaefibrt rwaoreh from fehMhl-dihpr,. Ybu-houses and ""“tare of Messrs. |&«i. WjUiaiTaSd ’Wm.’ Keb. erts, sustained considerable damage through the Un directed efforts of excited persons. It ahonld be recollected that the beat way to protect household goooda in proximity to a fire, ia to care the bonaea in which tite goods are stored. There waa no neeea aity for removing a aingle article from either bouse. And great, credit ia due the fire company for ita services on the eccaaion. Xetna biear no more grum bling about the engine, which ahowcd Itself capable of doing sa much service as any machine of ita power we have ever seen at work. It was operated under the disadvantages of scarcity of water and lack of organisation, yet no donbt saved much property from destruction. We regret to state that ita foreman, Ur. Shakespeare, waa severely injnredby the fall of the hoisting pally of the Foundry, which strnofc him on the head inflicting an ugly wound and rendering him insensible for a considerable time. He ia now recov ering, bnt unable to leave his bod. rev- Blossboho Irmas— Fatal Afvbat.— A party of Irish ’Boughs, late In the employ of J. Magee, Esq., on the Fall Brook Ballroad and coal mines, came into this village on Friday evening laat, and nnder cover of the dark night, commenced an indiscriminate at tack upon any person they met, with along shot or atone, inflicting severe injuries upon, several cltisena, which in the case of Robert Farroy a miner from Sofantou, proved fatal. An inquest was. held before. E. J. Bosworth, Esq., on Saturday, and a-jury con slating of A. L. Bodine', Foreman, T. J. Hail, S. Bow en, X. Murray, T. Fletcher, and M. Hughes. A post ■mortem examtnetion was.made by H.'Kilborn, M. P., who upon , raising the scalp fonnd a fracture of the skull over the right temple, sufficient to cause the death of deceased; ’ Further evidence was given by. several of the parties injured upon which the Jury fraud that the deceased died from the effects of a blow inflicted by the hands of one of- the party, con sisting of John Brennan, John Cassidy, Fhilip Cow ley and Anthony Creamer. Warrants.were issued for their apprehension, but they had absconded and have not yet been esptored. - Sseiocs Accidest. —As a little girl about six yean old, belonging to Simon Golding was at play on the Common on Saturday evening last, she was kicked by a horse in the forehead and now lies in a very precarious state. Pic.nic.— The people of Niles Valley bad a fine pic-nio patty On Saturday last, which turned ont one of the pleasantest social gatherings atwhich we have been present this season. Ear. J. D. Bell, of this borough, made an excellent and inspiriting address, and the vocal music by tbs Niles Talley School, led by Uist Westbrook,’ the choir, and the excellent per formance of the Middlebnry Band, lent additional rest to the occasion. We are grateful to our Niles Talley friends for a day’s unalloyed enjoyment. The Magazines. —Among the excellent articles in the Atlantic fot August, we notice several of. marked ability and interest. '• An American in the Bonse of Lords" presents graphic sketches of the more promi nent notables in the British Senate, and will be found instructive in regard to the function of that body. Inhere is also an essay and chatty review of Theo dore writings, interesting, as everything relating to that young hero always is. Prof. Agassis contributes a scientific paper. “ The Geological Mid die Ages." In "'Debby’s Debut,” we have a pleasant storyj and in “ work" a quaint essay on agricultural andkindred literature of the 16th and 17th centuries. The number is first-rate as a whole. Harper opens with a finely illustrated paper—in continuation of Scenes in the war of 1862. The amusing jiaper —“An American family in Germany," is concluded. “ The ’Battle and triumph of Dr. Susan," and “ Our Contraband," are capital, each in . its way.'- The lovers of light reading will find a good ' story ini" Euialie.” There is a fine article entitled “ Cemeteries.” and the number is edited with great ’cans. —t -- , Each of the above Magazines may be had of Boh inson, at the Bfok Store, VAB NEWS. We have dates from off Charleston to the 3d instant. The siege was going on favorably. Admiral Dahlgran and all his officers are confi dent of success. A correspondent says that the grand battle will begin during this week, and will be the most furious of the war. The Iron sides is within 500 yards of Sumter. Both sides are putting up land batteries on James and Morris Islands* There has been little can nonading of late. The -enemy are evidently saving their ammunition. Union re-enforce ments have arrived. The capture of about 500 Itebels by the New York “ Lost Children" {Enfam Perdu) is reported. They had gone to a small island near Folly Island, where oar men succeeded in bagging the whole lot with scarcely a show of- fight Our English friends have had their feelings hurt again. On the night of the Ist, a blockade-runner tried to get out oL-Cbarleston harbor, but was discovered by the Ironsides and sunk by a broadside. It is supposed that a fine load of cotton was lost to. the Liverpool market; the crew very proba bly went down with the vessel. On the pre vious night the steamer Kate, a swift, Clyde 'built craft, was captured by the Iroquois. The Kate had a cargo of cotton from Wilmington. She was sent north to be condemned. Boston, August 7tb. The correspondent of the Herald in a letter dated ;off Charleston, August 2d, says that the new [battery erected by Gen. Qillmore on Morris Island is mounted by the largest guns ever oast at the North. When these batteries are opened against Sum ter, there will be a dreadful scattering' of bricks, legs, arms and . bodies. One hour and a half is allowed for the bombardment of that fort before it will be compiled to surrender. I Nit Admiraei. — A Democratic meeting held at Elbridge, Edgar county. 111., on the 4th nit., passed the following resolutions: . Betoleed. Thatwe hereby undividedly pledge ourselves one to another that we will not ran - der support to the-.present Administration in carrying on the Abolition, prusade against the South. That we will resist to the death at tempts to draft any of our citizens into the army, aid that we will permit no arbitrary ar bitrary arrests. to be made among ns by the minions of the Administration, i : Besohed. That we regard theemanoipation proclamation as the final blow that has des troyed all hopes of reconstructing the Union as it was. We also riew it as the entering wedge which wilL ultimately diride theUlddla and Northwestern States from onr mischief-making, DIED. Id Middlebnry, on the Ist instant, SOLOMON WESTBROOK, aged 07 yean. In Sabnla, loirs, on the 25tb alb, after extreme Buffering ef congestion of the lung!, JDWIGHT AL FORD, sen of Jerry and Lydia Wood, aged 1 ■year, A months, and 18 days. Tioga Baptist Association. THE annul meeting of ' the Tioga Baptirt Aaeo oUtien Will he hsld with ths Baptist Churchi in eorington, on Wadneoday.Anr. 3S,Jat 10 o'clock A. M.latrodactery Sermon by Ray. fl.>;Watrou». . Tioga, Aug. 10,1863. B. T. BBKTLET, THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS! rpHE SUBSCRIBER is now selling all kinds of DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN DRY JL GOODS afereally reduced prices: Bis stock is all now, and ha* been selected with great care, and BOUGHT AT THE VERY BEST ADVANTAGES that the Eastern markets afford. He dees not elates to have a large stoek, BOUGHT SEVERAL YEARS AGO, as be has always made QUICK SALES, and SHALL PROFITS his MOTTO, and his been enable to keep his GOODS THAT LENGTH OP TIME, IF HE HAD WISHED. His customers hare always manifested a preference fer NEW GOODS in their proper season, and he has always made it his business to introduce tbe LATEST STYLES In all kinds of goods usually, kept in largo Stores. The stock at present it in splendid working order, and be'ean supply customers with all tbe Goods needed at this timeSpf the year, and at PRICES that CANNOT FAIL to SUIT the MOST ECONOMICAL. Wo lines in all the several. DEPARTMENTS OF DRESS GOODS. We hare a Tory large assortment, consisting of all the VARIOUS NEW STYLES, in , MEDIUM AND LOW GRADES, at prices that will correspond farorably with OLD PRICES. ! • IN CLOAKS, SHAWLS, CLOAK CLOTHS, PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS, . SILK MANTILLAS, MANTILLA SILKS. LACE CAPES AND SHAWLS; —ALSO— TBIHOIXOI FOR SUCH GOODS, WE CANNOT BE SURPASSED. 01? AMi RHSTES' AH3B), E)ISSIBIW2@K®b AS CHEAP AS THE CASH CAN BUY THEM. L. C. HANDKERCHIEFS CHEAP AS EYER. HOOP SKIRTS.--The largest variety and 1 at the Lowest Price in the Country. We can suit every one. LADIES’ & MISSES’ FLATS—Nearly all Styles, do. j do. SHAKERS—CoIored and. White. TRIMMING for each and all of them, in all the styles. BOOT SHOE STOCK. In tils Department no pains will be spared tojteep it np to (he mark, ao as to have everything called for, and at SATISFACTORY PBICEB. ' *-y MENS’ BOOTS AND SHOES, BOYS’ do. . do. LADIES’ GAITERS AND BOOTS, MISSES’ 2 W we intend to sell everything at the lowest market rate*, and to keep everything in that linethst wo have been in the habit of keeping. ’ ' i ■ WHOLESALE TRADE. ALL GOODS in any of the alfose Stocks will be WHOLESALED at a very SMALL ADVANCE on NEW YORK CASH PRICES. Making it the inUnrt «f nil who buy in that way to call .and 1863 " 1jr - H. S. ARCHER, B«giiter. Wilbboro, April 22,1863. The aecoant of S. B. Shelves, and E. B. Garrison, Executors of John Shelve, deo’d. Ang. 12,1883. UNIOH ACADEMY. S. B. PRICE, ......Pbivcipal. Miss L D. Reynolds, —Preceptress. Hr. L*G. Hoyt,.; ..Teacher of Mnsio. The Fail Term of 1883, commences September Bth. Winter Term of 1863-4, “ December Bth. Spring Term of 1864, “ March Ist Tuition, from three to fire dollars. Deerfield, Aug. 12, 1863. 3t» Application in Divorce. Biadamy Brate; Ton are hereby notified that Philo S. Drake, your hnsband, has applied to the Court of Common Pleat of Tioga Connty. for a di vorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that the said Court have appointed Monday, the 7th day of Septem ber next, for bearing the said Philo S. Drake, in the premises, at wbioh time and place you can attend if you think proper. H. BTOWELL, Sheriff. July 29, 1863. Application ifr Divorce. Louita Barit ,- You are hereby notified that Rich ard B. Davis, your husband, has applied to tbe Court of Common Fleas of Tioga County, for a divorce from the bands of matrimony, and that the said Court have appointed Monday, the 7th day of September next, for hearing the said Richard B. Davis, in the premises, at which time and placeyou can attend if yon think proper. , H. STOWELL, Jr., Sheriff. Augusts, 1863. GUARDIAN’S SALE. IN pursuance of an order of (be Orphans’ Court of Tioga County, Pa., and to aio directed, I will expose at public sale On the promises, on Wednes day the 28th day of August, 1883, at 11 o'clock a. m., the following described property of tho late William J. Lyon, to wit: A certain Village, let in the Tillage of Blossbnrg, in the eonnty of Tiogt, known and distingaished upon a map of paid Tillage on the file in the Recorder's Offloe of Tioga Connty, as being lot No. 5, in Block No. 3, being fifty feet front, and running back one hundred and fifty feet, and pointing on the Williamson read, together with the improvements thereon, con taining one large frame store room.. CHARLES L. LY’ON, Guardian. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in tbs Post Office at Wellsboro, Angnst 8, 1863: ' P. Patman* George, -' IbeuptSß, Alanton Taylor; Edward! .hoda ' Taylor, Lt. Wm. 2 thoda Vandtuen, Sarah i ' White. Seth U. ; tiling for any of the abore letters, will jy are' advertised. HUGH TOUNQ, P. M. A DMINISTKATOR’SJfOTICK—Letter! of Ad ministration having been granted to the rob scribers on the estate ef John B. Monroe, late of SnlUran, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them da le an then tics ted fer settlement to H. B. OABD, > ... — DANIEL BRADFORD, f A4m ™ Sullivtn, Ang. 13,18(3-(t.* SSES and SYRUP— s, Na.l, article (tVat-fair prieesit^J^JfATHEßS’. OUR DOMESTIC STOCK; —SUCH AS— SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS, BLEACH’D & BROWN, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, CHECKS^ DENIMS, STRIPED SHIRTINGS, FLANNELS, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, CLOTH SPREADS, dec. was nsrer in better shape to fill all calls than at pre sent, and at a REDUCTION of from 20 to 40 per cent, on early Spring prices. —O^TR— NOTION k WHITE GOODS STOCK it. well.filled, and we are selling notions of all kinds' much cheaper than last month—WHITE GOODS the lithe way. CHILDRENS’ SHOES.— 1 MOROCCO, KID AND CALF, KIP AND SPLIT. do. -with and without the. Copper Toe. ® aSI ® M 3B 2 i_B STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, [For the sth District, Pa.] , ' AND Mamfield Classical Seminary- Bev.-W. D. TAYLOR; A. M. -Principal, Mr. ....... -Assistant. __ ' Mrs. B. 8. Taylor, Preceptress. Miss H, A. Farnsworth,; Assistant . Assistant, and Teacher in Model School. Assistant, and Teacher of Music. The Fall Term of this Institntion will open Sept. 2d. The Winter Term, Dec, 2d. tTbe Spring Term, March 16tb, 1864, Each term to continue thirteen! weeks. A Nortnal Sohool Courso of study Tor graduation, embracing two years, is adopted. ' Students for the normal Coarse, and for the Classi eal Department, are solicited. For particulars, address Eev. W. D. Taylor, Mans field, Tioga County Fenno. Send for a Circular. W. COCHRAN, President of the Board of Trasteesr . WM. HOLLAND, SeorsUry. ~ Mansfield, August 5, 1863. NOTICE OF APPEALS. n 'HE Aegflssoi-oPffieiSaLColleotion District I of Pennsylvania, hereby girel~notioe that'in pursuance of the provisions of the 16th soction-of the Xzeise Law, approved July Ist, 1882, he will hold his Appeals in the counties comprising his District, as foUows;, . For Tioga county, at Wellsboro, on Wednesday the 19th day of August, A. D. 1863. For Potter county, at Coudersport, an Saturday the 22d day. For Lycoming county, at Williamsport, on Wednes day and Thursday, the 26th and 27th days. = For Clinton County, at Lock Haven, on Friday the 28th day. For Centro county, at Bellefonte, on Tuesday the Ist day of September. , The. Assistant Assessors of the several Divisions, will keep their assessment books open for 16 days be fore the bolding of Appeals, for the inspection of such persons as are interested. CEOBQB BOAL, July 37,1863. Assessor, 18th District, Pa. IN pursuance of an order of the orphans’ Conti, for Tioga County, the undersigned, Admin istratrix of the estate of James H. Boot, doo’d., will expose to public sale, on the premises in Morris tp,, on the 2(ti day of August, 18(3, atone o’olook f. H., ef said day, the following described real estate, si ta sted in Morris township, to wit: A lot of lan A bounded on the north by Lewis, on the east by —— Lewis, on tbs south and west by Campbell; containing eleven acres and twenty three perches, with two old saw dills and dwelling house, Ac. * Also a lot-in Liberty, bounded on the east by Wm. Kilpatrick, sooth by it. Hartsook, west and north by Harvey Boot; containing twenty-five acres. JTAHCT C. BOOT, Admix. Morris,, August 5,1863. GAME into the enclosure of the subscriber in Deer field Township, the 31th day of July, last one. 3, year old HEIFER, red with line beck, .white oyer tie brisket, white hihd legs, and left horn lop*.. The . 'Deerfield, August Ist, 18(3.* SPEOIAI. NOTICES. Administratrix Sale. ESTBAY. TO THE PEOPLE OF TlOfil AND BRADFORD COUNTIES! AGAIN we beg leave to call your attention to our third Stock of t SPRING AND SUMNER GOODS! Our Teiy extensive sales this Spring, hare enabled ns to take advantage of the late decline in ©OLD AND;COTTON, tad we flatter enrtolVes Store in this paitof the State can ezbihit a • ; i ■ CHEAPER OR CHOICER ASSORTMENT OF GOODS 1 OCR STORE IS FILLED WITH BARGAINS, which the most economical and difficult CANNOT FAIL TO APPRECIATE, We hare ail the novelties of the season, and by far the GREATEST ASSORTMENT IN THESE“?A'fi^S. Read the Following Varieties; SPLENDID NOZAIIBIQTES, SPLENDID JfASPA HOZ AHBIQC ES, SPLENDID NOIR ANTIQUE IOZANBiqtES, SPLENDID BLACK & WHITE CHECK, gPLEIND \ TWOIL AC NORD, SPLENDID SPLEUDIB IRISH POPLINS, SPLENDID POIL Dc CHETRES, SPLENDID STRIPED ALPACCAS, SPLENDID SPLENDID I ; CHALLIES, SPLENDID : i . I VALENCIAS, VI SPLENDID I PLAIN *' FIGURED WOOL DeLAINES, SPLENDID 1 FIGURED DeLAINES, SPLENDID | I V i JACONETS, SPLENDID i t | | ORGANDIES, SPLENDID , „ i TISSUES, SPLENDID BEREGES Ac. At Perin e & Co’s Store —TROY, Bradford County, Pa. ; I p n We hare no hesitancy in saving that we have,the GREATEST VARIETY, ! FINEST ASSORTMENT, MOST PERFECT GOODS, HANDSOMEST STYLES. ‘ TOR THfc LEAST MONEY, cf any merchant in NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA. In short the ladies well know that w» hove always kept the best assortment of '■ MES3BB (&<6*• !” ' and bnying for CASH, with selling at I SMALL PROFITS, gives our customers advantages over Any Other Store. FERINE ft CO. IBOT, June 17, ls(3, h 1- S' A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing certain A Amendment/to the CosHtntion. Re it revived M (kt Smote art f Bovee of BepromtaHofe ofthe Commonwealth of Penneykania in General Au-mhlf met, That the following amendments be proposed te the Constitution of th«"Comiooawealtb, is accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof: tThero shall bean additional section to the third ar ticle of the Constitution, to be designated as ssotioß fonr, as follows: J Section 4. Whenever any of tie qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military service, under acquisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of this Common wealth, such electors may exercise the tight of suffrage in all elections by tho citizens, under such regulations os are, or shall be, prescribed bylaw, as folly as if they were present at their usual place of election. There shall be two additional sections to the elev enth article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections eight, and nine, as follows: Section 8. No bill shall be'papsod by the Legisla ture, containing more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in tho title, except appropriation bills. Section 9. No bill shall be passed by the Legisla ture granting any powers, or privileges, in any ease, where the authority to grant snob powers, pr privi leges, has been or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts ef this Commonwealth. JOHN CESSNAS Speaker of the Souk of Rareeentativee . JOHN P. PENNEY, Speaker of the Senate, OffilCE op the Secretary of the Convoy- > wealth, Harrisburg, July 1,1863. J PENNSYLVANIA, SS« , »I do hereby certify that the foregoing r and annexed is a full, true and comet Copy of the original Joint Resolution of the General Assembly, entitled “A Joint Resolution poposing certain Amend ments to the Constitution," as tbs seas remains on file in this office. Is I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the Secretary’s office to be affixed, the day and year above brUtenr rpiOGA CO. COURT PROCLAMATION.— _L Whereas, the Hon. Robert G.'White, President Judge for the 4th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and' Royal Wheeler and Victor Case, Esq/s, Asso ciate Judges in Tioga county, have issued their pre cept, bearing date the 6th day of June, 1863* and to me directed, for the holding of Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at Wellsboro, for the County of Tidga, on the 6th Monday of August, - (being the 31st day,) 1863, and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and fbr the county of Tioga,'to appear in their own proper per sons, with their records, Inquisitions, examinations and remembrances; to do those things which of their offi ces and intheir behalf appertain to be done, and all .witnesses and other persons prosecuting"!!! behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to be then and there attending, and not .to. depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punc tual in .their attendance at the appointed time, agree ably to notice. Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff* Office, . in Wellsboro, the 22d day of July, in the‘year : , of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty j three. H. STOWELL, Jr., Sheriff, Soldiers 9 Payßonntf andPentloM Agency. ‘i knoxville: tioga county pmsx. The undersigned having been specially licensed by the United States Government to procure the' Back P.vt, Bounty, and Pensions, of deceased and disabled soldiers, gives notice to all interested, that be has made arrangements with par* tios in Washington, by which be is able to proem* Back pay. Bounty and Pensions, in a very abort me, and that he will give particular attentions to all' such claims that may be brought to him. Being provided with all tbe requisite Forms, Blanks, Ac., Ae., be ho* superior advantages in this branch of business. Sol diers entitled.to pensions, will find it to their advan tage to apply to the undersigned at Knoxville, as the examining surgeon for Tioga County resides there. Also, Judge Cose, before whom* all applications for pensions may be made. {Soldier? enlisted since the Ist of Maroh, 1861, in any kind of sendee, Naval or Military, who are dis abled by disease or wounds, are entitled to Pensions. Ail soldiers who serve for two yean or 'during rile war, should it sooner close, will be entitled to $lO9 Bounty. Also soldiers whe have been wounded in battle, whether having served 'two years or not, are entitled to $166 Bounty. Widows of soldiers who die or are killed are entitled to Pensions and the $196 Bounty. If there be no widow, then the minor dron; and if no minor children, then the father,' mether, sisters, or brothers entitled as shoved— Terms, moderate. I will be at my office on Monday and- Saturday of each week, to attend to this basinets. 9 July 15, 1863. ly. WM. B. SMITH. References : Wellsboro, J. F. Donaldson, Sher iff StowelL Addison, N» t Y-, W. K. Smith. Wafth* Ington, D. C.« Tucker and* Lloyd. ESTELLES LUSTRES, Insurance Agency. THE Insurance Korth America hare appointed the agent -for Tioga County and vicinity, * As the high character and standing of this Compa ny give the assurance ofTull protection to ownen Of property against the hazard of fire, I solicit with con* fidence a liberal share of the business of the county. This company was incorporated in 1794. Its'capital is $500,000, and its assests in 1861 as per statement Ist Jan. of that year was $1254,719 81. * CHARLES PLATT, Secretary, ARTHUR G. C0FF1N,.«... President. Office of the 'Company 232 Walnut Street Philadelphia. Wm.Buehler, Central Agent Har risburg, Pa. JOHN W. QOBRNSBY, Agent for Tioga Comity, Pa, July 15, 1863. . ARNOimCEJIEm ! We. aro requested to announce WM, T. PHEEY, of Osceola, as a candidate for Assembly, subject to tbe decieion of the Republican ConTention. We are reqnested/to, announce MYEON EOCK WELL, of Sullivan, iaaoandidate for Commjasioneri—■ subject to of theJtepablieanConnty Con- We arq requested to announce SELDEN BtTTRBR, of Chatham, as a candidate for the office of Ceunty Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Repub lican County Convention, Wo are requested ERHRAIM HART, .of Charleston, as a candidate for Commissioner, sub ject to the decision of the Republican county Con vention., . We are requested to annonnerfhe. name bfJOHN J. HAMMOKD, of CharlegtooT'bs a candidate for Commissioner, subjeos to the decision of the Repub lican county Convention. We are requested to announce the name of L. D. SEELEY, of Brookfield, ae a candidate for (he office of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Republi can County Convention. Wa are reqnested to announce the name,of MOR GAN SEELY, of Osceola, as a candidate forth® office of Traaanrer, subject to tha decision of the Republi can County Convention.* • We ere requested to announce tbe name of A. M. SPENCER, of Richmond, aa a candidate for tha office of Treasurer, subject to tbe decision (if the Republi can County Convention.* Woare requested to announce the name of AH~ DREW CROWL, of Weiisboro, as a candidate for the offioe of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Re publican County Convention.* Wei are reqnested to announce CHARLES SEARS, of Weiisboro. as a candidate for Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Republican county Convention. 11 FOB EEGiBIEB ASU BECOUDEK, We) are requested to announce the name of H. S. ARCHER; of Weiisboro, as a candidate for the office ‘ of Register and Recorder, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. 3 Wo are reqnested to aunonneo J. N. BACHE, of Weiisboro, aa a candidate for Register k Record*!, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention, ¥ i - \ ELI SUPER, r of (he Covxmon*talt\> FOB COSCMISSIOSEB. TOE TBEISURCR. S 3, OOPPEE, add SPICES, beat aualitfc* S fiirUriees always o» band at - iboro, April 32, 1863, MATHBBS’.