: The iKoga County Agitator : BY S. .H. COBB. . .. _ Published sv«|f W«dnesd»y-.J»ornl»g and maUedfrr auesedbS* at OKW XJOI.LAK AND FIFTY CENTS Ibe piper ia aep'tjißstage free to const/ subscribers, though the/ me/ rep lire their mail at port-offlee*l6- eaten is-eanstiea itaSadiatel/ adjoining, fot'eonren ienoe. i _ • ■ . The Aoivatos ia the Official paper of Tioga Co., end circulates lq- every neighborhood therein. Sob- Eoriptione beinghn the advance-pay system, it eiren latea among a eil.H inost to the interest of advertisers to reach. Tormjjto' adTOrtißWs as liberal as those of fered by any ppper pf equa} ■oironiation in Northern Pennsylvania, i , ,' • A cross on the margin of a paper, denotes that the snbsisTiption ia ahont to ezpirP. Papers will, be stopped when the subscription time expires, unless tbo agent orders their eontinn tmeo. ■ #* I AS. LOWRjBY AS. F. WIHOM, Attorneys A counsellors at law.wiii attend-the whrt of Tioga, Potter an d McKean Panties. [Welfrfcbro*, Feb, i, 1858.] - imcrxAsojs house Cuh HINO, N. T, Mas. A;Fratnl^, ...... .. . Propriator S nests token tor 40$ from the Depot free of charge. JR EBUEIBT, A TTORNEYfIND COUNSELLOR AT LAW J\ Wollshoro,' '.’logs Co., Pa. Will’ devote his time exclusively W the practice of lair. Collections made in any of tl » Northern counties -qf Pennsyl vania. ' ’ n0v21,60 PKIiSSJ tVASIA HOUSE. Corner of Main Si, let and (Ac Avenue, Wetuooro, I'a. J. W. BJ jouY, PROPRIETOR. , This popular H« ;t, having been ra-fltted and re furnished, through* Vfr MW open to the publie as a .irst-clasa house, ■ IZAAK jVAXXOW BOUSE, ' B. C. YEJiit PROPRIETOR* Gainet TSoga Coonty, Pa. THIS is a new bj tel located -within easy access o the best fl B binj ''and hunting grounds in Northern Pa. No pains trill,- >o spared for the accommodation i of pleasure seekerft-And the traveling public. April 12. 1860. ' ' C. CAMPEU, BARBER HAJR-DRESSER. SHOP in the rear of the Post Office. Everything in his Use will bp done as welt and promptly ns it . can bo done in the city Moons. Preparations for re moving dandruff,, a'nd beautifying the hair, for sale ■ cheap. . Hair and whiskers dyed any Color,, Call and .see. Wellsboro, Sept, 32, 1859. HART’S HOTCIs. rHOHAS GRAVES, - Proprietor. (Former(y oj l&e Covington Hotel.). THIS Hotel, along tiiprby David Hart, }« being repaired and . furnished anew. The subscriber his leased it'for a term of years, where he may be found jwait upon, his old customers ,and the-traveling public generally. His table will Ibe provided witfi the best the market affords. At his 'bar may be fouyd the choicest brands of liquors and -cigars. ; ! . i ’ Wellsboro, J sff. 2t, 1863.-tf. JEBOJIE B- HILES, ATTORNEYS COUNSELLOR AT LAW, KILES VA!.LEY,'i TIOGA COUNTY, I’A., ~TT AVIN6 associated himself, with a,legal firm in Washingtoij'bo possesses first rate facilities for ■ the prosecution if Claims for Pensions, Back-Pay, Bounty, and all tjheri jhet demands against the Gov ernment. All sat h qlaijns will be attended to with promptness- and fdollty, and "no charges” will bo made unices the a, -plication t# successful. Middlebury Centre, Nov. Ik, 1862.-3 m. * HOTEL. B, p. HOFkDAY, - Proprietor. THE Proprlet ■ 6»v|ng again taken possession of tb« aboVe Will spare no pains to insure’ the cortifort of Wnd the traveling public. At . tentiv©'waiters afcfiyejreadj'. Terms reasonable. Wellsboro, |863.-tf. - JOfliT S. .MAIfBT, Attorneys & qodnselloe at law, Couilorsport, I’.i./wlll attend the several Courts nu Potter and'McKoap Counties. Ail business ent trusted to-bis care will’reosivo prompt attention.- He has the agency pf largo-tracts of good settling loud and wil attend to the jjaymerit of taxes on any lands in,said counties.! ' | Coudecsport, Jatft 28-, 1663- a - J. CAMPBEU, JR., ATTORNEY k COUNSELLOR‘AT LAW,' ’ ■ KNOXVJLLE, jf/OGA fOUNTY, PA. Prompt attention giten to the procuring of Men tions, Bock PaV of Soldiers Ac. Jan. 7, ; v 41. W. WEJ.UWGTOW, & GO’S. BANK, CORNING, N. Y., (Located in Drcxissos House.) Aiherican Gold and pilver Coin bought and sold. New York -do. llncurrent Monet* .■ do. United Stoles Pematid Notes “old issue" bonght.% Collections majje.in £ll parts of the Union at Cur rent rates of Exchange, . Particular pai&s wllfke taken to accommodate our from tha Tioga Valley. Out Office will be open at 7 A, M., and close at 7 P. M., giving parties passing over \thv i Tioga Rail Road ample time to transact before the departare of the train in the dwaingy-and after its arrival in the evening. President. Corning, N. Y- Novi 12,r1862. * "WOO; i CARDING AND * CL OT *1 DRESSING-, IN TBg OLD FOUNDRY AT Wellshorofrgh,; Tioga County, Pa. THE subscriber hav{ng fitted np the place for the purpose of \Vool Cording and Cloth Dressing, and also would iafcCm'lho people lhat we will lake wool to manufacture on shares of by the yard, to suit eustotners, and wonld inform the people that we can card wool at any time; as our works run by steam power, and also shat all wool will be carded- for four cents per pound. Wool and,produce will bo taken for pay for th’e same. ; N. B. Prompt attention will bo paid to all favoring jus. We will givegood satisfaction. w •I CHARLES LEE, ’ JOHN LEE. ' Wcllsboro, Juno 11,.1862. HOMESTEAD. Anew, stove, and tin shop has just been dpenefl in'Tioga,'Penna,, where may ■he found a. good 'assortment of Cooking, Parlor and Box Stoves, of the most approved, patterns, and from the best manufacturers! The HOMESTEAD is ad mitted to. bo the.hesti Elevated Ovea Stove in the onarket. Tho . * GOLDEN-AGE” & GOOD BOPE,” o parties upon it—one which would uphold (he Government, and one which would destroy it; —one which would crush and conquer the Rebellion, and one which would giro it aid and,' encouragement, and se cure it ultimate triumph. All half-and-half pretenders; all compromisers, all go-betweens, all who would hail leaders in arms, en gaged in perpetrating jail the crimes that black en the history of civilization with proposals for armistices, and negotiations for peace, are men to be despised, and thrice more to bo distrusted that the Rebel who levels his musket at your heart They would sell their country’s birth right for a mess of political pottage, while he would take it by the force of arms. The coun try is cursed by the mean ambitions of some of all parties—by thobe wbe have been accus tomed to run with the machine—who fear they majr be lost sight of-under the waves of the great popular ocean wjbon its bosom is jgitnted, and heaves and beats iwith the throes of revo- ■ lotion, unless they cling to the rigging of their political craft; and hence they cry out at such times with the tired Caesar, “ help me, parly, or I sink.”. It is for this these party organiza tions are kept on footj when their notes should he hashed in silence. It is for this that honest; loyal men are carried away, by knavish leaders, under the rallying cry of political party. It is for this - opposition to the just measures of the Administration nie raised up to the encour agement of t|ie Rebellion, the bmdrance-of the Government and thoi vigorous prosecution of the war; and it is for‘this that teds of thou sands of our-brave sons are stain by Rebellion, which is protracting the war, in the hope that Rates of Advertising, Advertisements will be (barged $1 per Kjaarepf <0 lines, one ortbree insertions,sUd if cent* f»t entj subsequent insertion. ‘Advertisements of fessthanTO line* considered as a sqotre. The subjuiubd rales will be charged for Quarterly, Half-Yearly and Yearly advertisements; ,_ V 3 MONTHS. 6 MONTHS. 12 MOUTHS.' 1 Squirt,-...,,. $3,00-' ‘ $4,60 s*,!»' * “>• - 5,00 0,50 8,00 f _ 7,00 8,50 10,00 i-Column, 8,00 9,50 12,50 » *P°- 15,08 JO,OO 25,00' 1 do. ,25,00 35,00. 40,m Advertisements not having the number of Inser tions. desired marked upon them, will be published until ordered dut-and charged accordingly. * Posters, Handbills, Bill-Heads, Bettor-Heads, end ail kind! of Jobbing done in country establishments, credited neatly and promptly. Justices', Constable's and other BLANKS, constantly on-hand. KO. 30. its political sympathizers trill gain the poorer in one section, and rise op In another,‘aswas to have been done in the Berth-West, if. it had been successful in its disloyal eohemee. in Con necticut. ’- The political class jaei described,bare' hew designated as Copperheads. Never, petlipt/ Was a name more richly merited, or mom wor tbily and appropriately-bestowed. In the,pop ular nomenclature the. copperhead is the rattle •snake’s mate-more mlan,. and,- if .possible, more venomous, and its poison more virulent »o)ssj;;Vmi»» - around the Union, and strangle and sting It to the death, and-the Copperhead of the loyel States is crawling npon its snaky, slimy errand to render its assistance. May oar brate Army and Navy abroad cut off the .head of the one, and the heel of the woman’s seed at home most .effectually and thoroughly bruise the head of the other, T The designation of Copperhead is not one of recent origin, as is supposed by some. In a speech I mode at Albany a few evening since, I called the attention of the audience to the foot, that they existed as long since as the daye of Paul; for be declared that “Alexander the copper head hath done me much evil!—the Lord reward him according to hie works !” 1 admitted that I spoke from memory, and might not hSye every word as it was; bat 1 only aim ed at the substance. Democracy is 'a principle, and not a mere name, to be mouthed by fraudulent pretender*. Ail are not Democrats who pat on its uniform! nor is everything an applo that swims'. Tbs foundations of Democracy are troth, justice, and equality. It has ite true and its counter feit, and as in the case of coin or paper, great effort is made by those who bold the spurious to put it into circulation before detection over* takes them' True Democracy wars not. upon its country’* Constitution, nor doesit justify or apologise for those who do so—itwoulderosb, not compromise with Rebellion—it brings not propositions of peace, but a sword, to those whp threaten the integrity of the Union with arms—it connives not with conspirators or trai tors —it nominates no candidates for their bene* fit, nor does it-indulge schemes of uprising against the Government in one section if it can elect its disloyal candidate in another; it never balances between loyalty and treason, with on* foot iu each, ready to. leap either way, as the fortunes of the day may indicate t it never -at* tempts to ride two horses, .especially when they arc going in opposite directions; It ao* knowledges the membership of none who Wr* nish aid and comfort to the- enemies-of the Union, whether moral, material, or politicals it sits not down with its .country’s, foreign ene mies, to plot the severance of the’Union, seek* ing to secure the most adroit method of stri king the fatal blow, but concealing the dastard band; it keeps on foot no spurious party hatching-machine, hatching organizations for the benefit of pinfeatbered politicians, to vex and embarrass and weaken the administration of the Government in a time replete with difl* culty, or to divide the loyal people into politi cal sections r and thus weaken their forces, or to give courage and hope and prolonged cxis tonce to Rebellion, ft observes all tba com* pacts of the Constitution to those who aoknotr* ledge their force; but it proposes to extend the rigors of war instead thereof to those whodenf and repudiate their authority. While it does not favor Slavery in tbo abstract! not regard its existence as a part of, of essential -to the Constitution, it respects and obeys all tbs pro* tection thrown around it in the hands of loyab ty. But it regards Ihe labor of those held ttt service as.no more sacred than other rights of property, and. will seize, confiscate, employ, at release accordingly, os -authorized by the thlra of martial law. But • true Democracy isth* conscience of the people; it is the very essence of the Constitution; it was born with it, and will expire when it dies. It Mil stand by tba Government, no matter by whom adihinistered;. and will swear in the language of its great and sainted leader, that “ the Union mpst and shall be preserved.” THE REPUBLICAN PATt+f AND TdE UNION PAUTTI Tbe Republican party wds formed from tl 6 old TVTiigtjJarty, which was disintegrated when its issues became obsolete,-and the rreo Soil or Anti-Slavery wing of the Democratic party. It was formed to resist what is termed the es% tension of Slavery, upon the repeal of the Mis l souri Compromise, which alarmed, to consider l able extent, the public mind. Beyond tbii object it had no general creed Sr rallying cryi and holds its present organization, as does tbd spurious Democratic organization, opott and'm virtue of issues which no longer bare exis l tenco. There is no question or living issue upon which-either organization stand* Ot Sart stand permanently trad distinelirely,' and both must give place, however muoh they may strug gle against it, to one grcdt, popular living-, breathing organization upon tbs issues of the dey, too strong for the leading-strings' of man l ngers—too eievatod for the moUsingnwls Wbicll bant for party pay. ' It will be a Democratic Republican organization. Tho Constltntioii and the'Taws will be its pillar and its eloudi and rebellion, whether opep or in disguise— whether of the whole or half blood—whether engaged in the work of treason and murder of in acting as the political aids and instrument* and apologists of those who art—will be sttrt annihilation; Treason and disloyalty -rtill h'4vs a party Worthy of sueh principles, and ths defffn'Ct, jaded, corrupt, and stultified' leaders will have a platform' bf principles suited to thC organic remains of the Copperhead chiefs. RADICALS AND CONSERVATIVES’; These terms were' invented and were em ployed to answer the ends arid the purpo ses of ambitions.and conflicting leod'Sri tether than to advance the purposes which all Cnioh- Ibving men bare in view, and the sootier the? give place the' better. That Some will be mote extreme thin others upOnnafeStiOni insepara ble from the prosecution of mS Mrsr is to he ex pected ; heooo a oathollo and liber*) «gftik should bo indulged atiiengi iJI Who EVOUId achieve a common end andare alike for an an* copperheads. DEMOCRACY.