The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, April 29, 1863, Image 3

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tbk agitator.
LfaClti Airt) KjBCjBt.t.AKB!OTT«.
Welle boro, Wediioaday, April 80,1808.
jua* Bcidiu and other communication! intended
for ihj. paper, ihbhld ttddidied •To the Editor
«f the Agitato*/* that UUy' may reedy. prompt at
tentioq,. j' ,■ .j; , , ■ ■ ; ■ - • ■
Nitiosal Fast Episcopal Church will
be open for Diyinb Eerriee oh Thhnday eyeniug,
next, April 30th, »t?i o’clock.
Subject of diaeaieion—rl'Wer, a for na
tjoaal line.”. , .', • •
Heir Advertisement*.
tfafci. Clock, and Bopairing — A. R. fleecy.
Seed Jfieor—l*. K, fright . , .
fharand fad i Bailey.
flbl<ce-tWia.E)Uei ■ r [
' Tioja Saptitt Attoclaiiox —T. D. EQlott.
Application! for ZictiA--J. F. Dohaldeon,
Court ProcZajnah'flh'—Smriff BtowelK -
Fsoerofnao dor Eaet Farmington ia etill be
ing proieented with rigor and determination. The
preeence of quickeend bender. it neeeaaaty to. tube
the entire irellj rock-boring and all. The qnickaand
rum in from crencei injtbe rock. Oaring to tbia un
foreseen dUßcaltjr the not made each rapid
progreti aa etherwiae itwonld hare done.
Ini Fail. Brook Coal Gompany’a improremenla at
the work, required in their Machine Shop,
and the renewal of work at the Corning Foundry,
hare made an nnhtual demand for labor, and there
haanerer.been each a demand for dwelling houses a.
there is. this aprißg.—Corninp Journal.
,oob raaderi'mnrt notconcludo that we are about
lb pnbliih a daily Jmfceri from tho’bn«ine»a-liko arpeet
of oar Brel pagts this week. Thl, appearance will
diiappcar with this number, and-next week the pa
per will its ninal sUid and sober lace. Such
as affluence of baaine»s,energj cannot be reasonably
expected to recnr twice in an ordinary lifetime. Bnt
it la a luxury to the-’printer. .
The Atlantic Monthly (ot Mpy is an admirable num
ber. It has all the solidity and literary excellence,of
the best British serials Without their heavinew, or
dreary essays upon exhausted themes. Purely Amer
ican in its treatment of. on riant events, and employ
ing the best thinkers jn.:Ameiica, if deserves the pat
ronage of every American.' Robinson keeps it.
The Continental for llSy is well np to the average
ot. its isspes. - The “Al&chant’s Story,” by the au
thor of “Among thq Piias,” continues to increase in
interest and' intensity at the story progresses; end it
contains a valuable political article on " The Value
•I The Bhion." ‘i - ’
Applegate it Co., of Cincinnati, publish n neat vol
ume of 20(T pages, entitled “Sonoo, or the Northern
Sugar Plant,” of which, have a copy. The an
ther, Mr. Hedges, is the’ 4merican pioneer in the cul
ture of Sorghum, and hil book is an unpretentious
history of the plant from-ftifappearance in this coun
try down to the present. will donate our copy to
the Tioga county farmer who has produced the great
est quantity ef SorgofMofassoa or sugar during the
lasi two year?. [ ‘ - j
IVc. call attention to ansippeqTtpthe patriotic peo
ple here and hereabout, in another column. We ore
confident that the app 41 will not be in vain; for the
object is as high and nibble as devotion • t. a sacred
cause can make if. {t its noblest and most pressing pf
all public charities atihej present- time; ono which
pleads ’silently bnt rtdyincjng!y ; .at evpry patriotic
heaVft ■ May’-tho rospditsfbo as goner Ons as the sac
rifice’of ’the noble fellavr* who have gone out to fight
for our common freedom.^
Thb “ War Pnass.”—So those who want a city
•weekly newspaper, devoted heart and mind to the
country, and well up in war news, wo nan most cheer
fully recommend Press. It is, be
yond question the ablest paper published in Pennsyl
vania., Tho club at tipis Astoffice is about expirin',
and Ihiris tie time to realfw.' Mr. Bicbard English
is nownfaking up the new club, and subscriptions
will likewise Ije reccircdjiand credited at this office.
The terms are the same, oJ jfor the Now-York weekly
papers! All of Col. Forney’s " Occasional Letters,”
and the fullest State nowv'appear in the War Press.
T.e School Directors,: —The revenue law requires
a five-ccnt stamp to c*hcli 4-months certificate, or af
fidavit; and the of the Board must cancel
it to make it legal. ■ All,Static me hereafter without
the stamp, will; necessarily, be sent bock to tho
proper Board, j Lave jnpt the authority to affix and
cancel the stamp, Jt:e ’School Department will
not receive cert ideates unless be strictly com
plied with’ ' vi' H. C. Jonxs, t
‘ ■ ; . Co. Superintendent.
BnnyED to Death.—ife are obliged to Superin
tendent John's for the following particulars of a dis
tressing accident, which;,eceurred in Jackson town
ship sne’day last week 0; r
Sophia and Estella Dplyke, daughters of Richard
Updyke, while in the sdbsr-bush, were burned to
death. Approaabiug the fire, their clothes
wore caught in the Sanies,And before the father could
reach them,they were mortal help. Sophia
was about 18, and Esjella' about 10 years of age.
Sophia was a student ’.at tho Mansfield Seminary
last (all, and combined votive modesty, good sense,
studious habits, and tnosi|exomplaTy deportment at
all times. She jras universally beloved by teachers
and. students,
5-00 D. 8. Loan.—F. E. Smith, Eqfl., of Tioga,
informs ns that he is the authorized agent to receive
subscriptions for the I’iVcrTwcnty United States Six
per cent. Loan; and thatbe can furnish the Bonds
in amounts to suit the ejekna of applicants.
Weoffer a few words|ip explanation, not having
had space in which'to pnhSish'tbe circular sent ns by
Jay -Cooke A Co,, a week’-ciraore ago. In brief, then,'
these Bonds take that*' baaie from the fact that the
Government may redeent dhem in gold in 1867, or
defer tfceir redemption until IBSS. The rate of inter
est is six per cent., payable semi-annually, on the la t
daysot May and NotemJi(jr,TirgoJd. Atthe present
premium on gold Ut-j wisps the rate to 9 per cent.,
currency. Legal-te; dajilnetqe, or cheeks that will
draw them from tho city-. banks, will purchase these
Bonds at par. There are no taxes'on them, unless the
interne from them excebd^SOO; andwben it exceeds
that sum the tax is bnfj-halt that on mortgages, or
other securities. The S&preme Court has decided
that no State, city, orpohnty can Ijiy’o tax on those
. bonds, 'As all import duties are payaiblo in gold, and
as (he Government it f deriving more than $500,000
per day from' that tonnee; there is’ no danger
buftbst the be paid as stipulated.
And now a few words'more: There is no better
investment for surplusfnads. aThe government must
be sustained, end evedy- friend of the conn try is in
doty and in heper bound tp contribute to its snsten
enee as he may bo able?. TVs know- that many prefer
real estate investments £ and where a man invasta in
ianda for {he purpose c* improvement, he does lend,
eid to the SeveratpenVly developing the resources
of the country. purely for specuUtivo
gein, it net giving the pJovernmejjl aid. ' It is net
»n unselfish spirit feat ftiips such capitalists. It is
unnecessary t® «y {Wsfesewords of advice ate dis
interested. They & prompted by a desire to do all
‘hat lies in onr po«u te meke the Oovornnaental arm
'* ttighty that it s£sl be ihlo to wipo ont every trai
ter in the land. " I ,
We publish the list of Jornrs drawn for' Ms/ term
a wwk. esrlier thau|ls our custom* Tsiforo our
columns next the legalAadrertiiU>g must
appear. Readers will do well tft ..outjont the list for
reference, as itrwill nofche published again:
F. Patterson; Charleston- -B.Boom;
OiatKawkr-BArrej Leabh; Covitfgton—Holland'Clem
ohs: J>iUnar— GeOwHngHsh f ‘BeerJ&S— B. Bowen ;
Clvmer—C- F. Farmington —W, Cose;
Jackson-fO. Inscho; Xatcrniec—H. Middsngh ; Mid-
J, Everett, , A. Adams, Jacob Hymes, J. E.
Losiuger; Jtfaj ,JYe)t>Bter; Liberia /John
Ault; Fiehmcnd—Vf Uliam Powers, Fiitlana—V?. W.
Ben tie j ; Tioga Borough —William Garretson;. Tioga
Toum*hip~-Ja*n H Hathaway,* Vstwn— -Benj.-Irvin,
Wm. Wilber; WeUshoro —Jefferson Hairisoa*
ITsaysbsb Jubors— First Week,
CRarfeston-—Elijah Jennings; Covington Totcnthtp
—C, deepens, Stephen S.Riohards; Covington Boro *
—J. Hagenbangb ; tfelmar —o. Blair, Wm. I). Harris;
FartHington —Jas. Beebe; Oaiueo —Russell M. Smith;
Jackson—;Ed. Everett, Eob’t Tillingh&st; Liberty —J.
Frick, Jri Conrad Bing, Wm. Merrill; Middlebury —
Morris E? Iseyi William Hack; Jforrit —R. Costard;
Nelson—J. A. Hammond ; Bichntond —Wm. J. Brew
ster, Wm. Day, Rnel Frost, S. L. Hakes, P. S. Ripley,
Sumner Wilson; Butland— Eli Bartlett, 6. H. Van
Allen, John G. Barnes, E. Rose; Tioga Borough—
-0.8. Lowell; TiogaToumthip —R, Mitchell; Ward—,
J. D. Hill, Tfaos. Morgan; Wettfitld—Zom Atkins,
J. Craig, Barton Hunt..
Second Week,
Bloss—W. Binsmoro, Jr.; Brookfield —Cbaa. Mai*
eho ; C&otAam—-Oliver Chappell, Charles Howland,
Mores Lee; Charlatan —Jacob B. Merrick; Covington
TWnsAtp-—Oliver Elliott, Jr.; Coiinglon Boro* —L.B.
Smith; DiJmar—Calvin Bibble>Wjiliam A. Ta/lct;
EUclartd —Rich’d Collins; Gaines—Jks^-SiWatroA;
J?natcj7/e--Wm. Markram; Xi‘6srfy—U.
baeb, Chas. J. M'Craoken, Borditt
i/tcW/efewry—Lutber Bennett, John Brown, Wm. Roe,
Jacob Briggs, C. A. Cole; HamJUld —L; Beach, Wm.
Holland; Nelson —Samuel Bryant; Bichmond— A.
Cleveland, 0. M, Patcbin, A* Sherwood; Butland —
H. Oldroyd, Charles Sherman; Sullivan —Sanford
Strait; Tioga Borough —H. Fish; Union —£. Gris*
wold; Ward —Benjamin Gnstin; Westfield —Chester
Pride, Janies Secor.
Moxet tent by Exprtee to John L. Robin
sow, of WtUthoro, by member* of Company A, 149<A
P. K, os the !BfA day of Apni t ineiant : ,
Curtis Gleason, to be delivered to Kelson Gleason, $35
Miles Swope, ** H. Stowell, Jr., 40
Albert Wright, . u : A. B. Wright, 50
Geo. Blackwell, " ’ B, Blackwell, 55
Jesse K. Borden, 11 Benj. B. Borden 25
Salford N-.; Borden, " Addison Boyden, 40
Alfred Boyden, u do. 45
Danl Hhrt, Jr., * Eph. Hart, 3?0
Henry D. Smeod, “ 8. D, Stnead, 35
Thos. Skelton, “ Geo. Skelton, 40
R. E. Pon<J, " A. Spencer, 30
B. H. Warriner, “ Albert Osborn, 20
Dan'l Butler, “ do. 22
J. Warriner,
C. R. Wanfmer, “ do. 27
Cook Willard, “ Alpheus Willard, 30
Harvey Smith, “ Betsey Smith, 20
John H. Wihooler, ‘ il Rox’a A. Wheeler, 45
0. W. Phillips, “ Elijah Phillips, 25
M. Fetzer, u Jno. Fetzer, 75
Geo. A. Noble, “ L. Noble, 40
Jno. Wolbridge, tl Wm. Walbridge, 25
N. H. Wileox,
Austin H. Butler, “ do. 10
Jno. E. Chaffy, " H. Herrington, 35
A. Kipp, “ A. Kipp, 20
R. Frank Goodman, “ C. Robinson, 20
R. A. Martin, “ A. H. Martin, 60
J. L. Pond, “ Sarah J. Pond, 20
Jos. Petrie, u Edwin Klocb, 40
C. S. Howe* “ Eliza Keizer, 30
S. A. Hiltbold, - “ Jacob Hiltbold, 46
John S. Wolcott, “ E. B. Haynes, 35
J, C. Farley, . “ John B. Smith, 27
L. Stouser, *f Philo Churchill, 32
W. H. Noble, “ 't. Noble,' ' 40
A. C. Douglas, “ Edwin Klock, 40
V. R. Chatnpney, “ Mr«. I. Cbampney3s
E. W. Dimmick, Mrs. E. Dimmick 35
Geo F Christian - “ Rev P 8 Christian 10
Henry £ Smith “ Rebecca C Smith 15
Geo D Brooks “ Hiram Brooks 35
Ely Russell. “ Franklin Russell 40
Lewis Ernest “ Marla Babb 20
W B Roes u Martha G Rees 20
Jno WilcoX “ Jno H Wilcox 60
Jno L Barnes u SB Barnes 8
Asher D Cole “ Mrs Rebecca Cole 20
Sergt E D Carr, Ce G “ Lorance S Carr 40
Joshua Ingalls " JSrastui Ingalls 40
Albert Dales “ Nobam Jackson 42
Thus J Evans, Co G “ . Amos Evans 40
Eugene Tremane i( Mrs E Tremano 33
A Kepborl “ Mrs Kephart 25
W W Sofield u Joseph Sofield 40
Thos Davis 40
D P Jones * ~ 40
J" Petrie.
Tbat other jump in goods foretold a few weeks
since bj prominent parties in the Dry Goods business
has taken place, with the slight difference tbat they
jumped ddwnteard instead of up, out of the reach of
email buyer*. Goods of all kinds are now much lower.
Staple Coition Goods, such as Prints, Ginghams,
Bleaobed and Brown Sheetings and Sbirtinge, Ootton
ndes, dolored '"Cambrics, Paper Cambrics, Drillings,
Spool Cotlois, Ac., are now cheap in comparison to
what they were, being sold freely for but two weeks
since. ,
Dress Qoeds, such as new Spring DeLainea, Cbal
lies, Morambiques, Alpaccas, Poil DeCbevres, Poplins
Ac., in all the new apd most desirable styles, are notf ;
about as cheap as ever, some goods nearly 100 per
cent. Jess than the prices, of last March. The sub
scriber has now on band a large and complete assort
ment of all those goods bought daring the recent
panic in prices for cash, And is selling them at a small
advance on those low cost prices, patting them in the
reach of toe most economical or needy persons. All
persons cqu now<bny r what goods they need, and in
such timed as Tiiise no goods should be bought but
necessary [articles of a good quality. Cheap auction
I goods to called poor persons cannot afford ta’buy if
they wish! the full value of their money.
Onr stock of Notions, Fancy Goods, Hosiery, White
Goods Ac.l-is in splendid shape, and we arc new sup
plying oun customers with those goods at very low
prices to tteir perfect satisfaction. We are now4nlly
'supplied with Cloths, all wool, at. low figures,
the best' ai srso per yard. ' >
In Qrocferie?, - and Boots and Shoes, we do not in
tend to beiundersold by*iny one in the trade. The
coming season we r shaU wholesale goods to all buyers
at a small lorance on New York and Manufacturers
prices, making it greatly to the Interest of all buyers'
who comerthii way to call and see for themselves.
We can sell most goods at less than they
bought ini New York in small bills. %
April No. 3, Concert Block, Coming, N. Y.
*1 r> x a r>.
In Nilas Valley, on tko 20th instant, MARY 3.,
daughter of Luther C. and Anna S. Sennet, aged 3,
In Charleston, on tho 17th inst., of typhoid fever,
MARY REES, in the 23d year ot her ago.-
She was a faithful roemberof -tho Welsh Congrega
tional Chircfa, and os she lived Ehe died. Com.
In Cfahjdeston, on the 3d inat., FRANKIE, son of
Chaunee, • and Harriet Dartt, aged 1 year and 3
.Tby ieantiful one is an angel now,
Ligb ; and beauty adorn his brow;
A sb : ning throng of oborobs sweet, -
At heaven’s portals thy loved one did greet
, 'Co*.
Application* for tlccmc.
NOTICE istiereVfgiren thatthe following
naified persona hare filed their petitions for Li
cense it tho.Protbotary'a Offioe, and thattbehr »ppu
cationa wfil be board at the Conrt Honse, in Wollaboro,
on WEDNESDAY, May 27, 1863, at 2 o’olook, P. M.t
Hobsas or EaTBnTAisJiBST.
Biou— Jot. Yoakin, Btnj. B. Halt*
Xfjewjl—Sanmel Carroll-
Banns HotranS.
re —Wesley Pitta.
r.P.Monelf •:
j , iJ. F. DONALDSON, Clark. -
jro. May 28, 1863. - ' "
Slou-4 1
i Tioga Baptist Aiwclatle*.
bird Quarterly 'Meeting of the A*»o
-m-will'be heia with the Weei Jaohfon
k WEDNESDAY, Mey it,' IMS, el 1«
jM. Coßlrfbotioiu by the. finrebes 'for
irtohewill be teken rm.
]■- : • T.D. ELlAOTr,X7tri>>J Kin. -
tleUs, ApHi S»/ISB3-3t., - : . r ’
To the
1 dalle
Ohuroh o
o’clock Aj
Home MB
At* ill T QB.
THHE undersigned takes this method of fa*
JL forming the inhabitants' of Steuben and Tioga
counties'dud vicinity, that be ha* rented for a term of
yean; with the intention of pnrcbaaing the well known
Woolen Factory at South Addison, (known aa the
Worn bough Factory) where howill manufacture Wool
by the yard, or on shares into StoOk!ng-T*nr, Flan
nels, Cassimeree, Doe-Skins, and Foil Cloths'of all
kinds; The Machinery (a undergoing a thorough and
complete repair, and new Machinery is being added
to the Mill, which will enablstit to tarn off a style of
walk far superior to anything of the kind ever dene
in tbit section «f the country-. Also particular sitfen
tion will be paid to 801 l Curding and Cloth Dressing;
which will be done-in the neatest possible manner.
The 801 l Machine is also being fitted entirely new,
and can be depended upon doing work satisfactorily.
The subscriber would here say, that be has been en
gaged in the business of manufacturing Wool for
Farmers for the past fifteen years in the east, and is
thoroughly acquainted with the business; that all
who want work of this kind may rely with eonfldenee
on ils’.being dona to tbeirentire satisfaction.
First clan references given as to ability and respon
sibility. ,] W. F. KEEFER.
South Addison, N. Y., April lb, 1883.-4 m« '
N sod after JULY Ist, 1863, the privilege
of converting the present issue of LEGAL
FEB CENT. LOAN (commonly called " Five-Twen
ties") will cease.
All who.wish |to invest In the Five-Twenty Loan
must, therefore,|apply before the Ist ef JOLT next.
JAY* GOOKE, SonscßiPTioa Aoxxt,
No. lid S, Third St., Philadelphia.
April 8, ises-gm. .
Editor of The Agitator :
Dear Sib ; With your permission I wish to say
to. the readers oil your paper that I will send by return
djiail to all who wish it, (free) a Recipe, With full di
reottoca for making and using a simple Vegetable
Balm, ithaT'will effectually remove, in 10 daye, Pim
ples, Blotches, Ton, Freckles, and all Imparities of
the Skin, leaving tbe some Soft, clear, smooth and
beautiful. I '
I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads
or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that
will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant
Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than 30 days.
All applications answered by return mail without
charge. Respectfully yours,
. THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
Feb, 25,1863-3 m. No. 831 Broadway, New York,
SICKNESS TO COLDS.—No matter where the
disease may appear to be seated, its origin may be
traced to suppressed perspiration, or a Cold. Cramps
and Lang Complaints are direct products of Colds.
In short Colds are the harbingers of half the diseases
that afflict humanity, for as they are caused bycheck
cd perspiration, and as fire-eighths of the waste mat
ter of the body escapes through the pores', if these
pores are closed, that proportion of disposes necessa
rily follows. Keep clear, therefore, 'of Colds and
Coughs, the great precursors of disease, or if con
tracted, break them up immediately, by a timely use
of Jfadume Porter** Curative Baham. Sold by all
Druggists, at 13 cents and 25 cents per bottle.
March 11, 1863-ly.
The confessions and experience
OF A NERVOUS INVALlD,—Published for
the benefit and ns a caution to young men, and others,
who suffer from Nervous Debility, Early Decay, and
their kindred ailments—supplying the means of self
cure. By one who has cored himself after being a
victim of misplaced confidence in. medical humbug
and quackery. By enclosing a post-paid directed
envelope, single copies may be bad of the author Na
thaniel Mayfair, Esq , Bedford, Kings County, New
Jan. 28, 1863.-ly.
HAVE had their mill thoroaghly repaired
and are receiving fresh ground flour, feed,
meal, Ac., every day at their store in town.
Cash paid for ell kinds of grain.
Wellsboro, April 29, 1863. v
I AM now receiving a very choice new kind
of .seed Spring Wheat for the farmers of this
county. ’lt was raised by one of the best farmers of
Chemung county, N. Y., and is perfectly clean.
Weltsboro, April 29, 1863, F. K. WRIGHT.
NOTICE.— Runaway on the night of the 20th
inst, my son, Ti J. Botler, a minor. Now I
hereby, forbid all persons harboring or trusting Mm
on my account, as I will pay so debts of bis contract
ing. [April 29, 1803.] C. F. BUTLER.
Watch, Clock, & Jewelry Repairing.
HAS removed from the Post Office, to Bul
lard A Co’s Store, (three doors below,) where
bo is ready to do all kinds of work in bis'line at the
shortest notice, and in the best manner possible.
Thankful for favors for the last two montbs, (while
at tbo Poet 6ffife,) 3 wilt *rjr ivrxA o*l* •ttisfactiOQ tO
all old and now customers that see fit to patronise me.
..’’Wellsboro, April 29, 1863. A. R. HASCY. '
-P. S. Don’t mistake the place —Bullard A Go’s
Store, three doors North of the Post Office.
THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of
bo held at-f No. 25 Philadelphia Exchange, on TUES
DAY, ,tho'-sth of May next, at 12 o’clock, M., when
and where an election will be held for'Managers,
President and Treasurer for the ensuing year.
WM. ELLIS 1 , Treaanrer.
No 724 Market Street.
April 29, 1863.
Tioga co. court proclamation.—
Whereas, the Hon. Robert G. White, President
Judge for the 4th Judicial District of Pennsylvania,
and Royal Wheeler and Victor Case, Esq.'s, Asso
ciate Judges in Tioga county, have issued their pre
cept, bearing date the 3d day of February, 1863,
and to me directed, for the bolding of Orphan's Conrt,
Court of Common Plea's, General Quarter Sessions
and Oyer and Terminer, at Wellsboro, for the County
of Tioga, on the 4th Monday of May, (being the
25th day,) 1863, and to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroner,
Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and for the
county of Tioga, to appear in their own proper per
sons, with tbeir.rcQords, inquisitions, examination* and
remembrances,’to do those things which of their offi
ces and in their bcbalf appertain to be done, and all
witnesses and.otherpersonr prosecuting inbeholf of
the Commonwealth against any person or persons,am
required"to bo then and there attending, and not to
depart at their peril.' Jurors are requested to be puhe>.
tnal in their attendance at'the appointed time, agree
ably to notice, I
Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff’s Office,
in Wellsboro, the 15th day of April in the year
of bur Lord one tbonsand' eight hundred and sixty
three. * H. STOWELL, Jr., Sheriff.
More i.igiix on the sub.iect.-ali
persons interested in light materials should
certainly call at Boy's Drug store and see that fine,
pure specimen of Petroleum Oil for burning (d the
Keroeine Lamp. It is not o&ly the safest hut the
cheapest and pleasantest light that eon be procured.
Wellsboro, Feb. 11,1563. - -
I HAVE All Along sold KEROSENE OIL at
fifty cents a gallop.;, and X, can and do sell it at
fifty cents nowt - - [April I2i] W. T. MATHERS.
I HIVE PRIME PORK, home packed, by the
pound and barrel, and sell it as cheop ns-any man
in Wellsboro. [April 22] W. T. MATHERS.
prima-quAlity, at ~ [April 22] MATHERS^.
Tj*LOUR» : beat and middling,grades, at lowest
Jl ‘market prices, at [April 22] MATHERS*.
rpEAS.'XOEFBBi-aifcd SFIGBS, Best qualities
X and feir prieee alwaye on hand et
V«Uel>oro.April2fr IBM. MATHE&B*. ..
CB&ARS !—I can tell pnlrerbod, ertttbad,
O brown Sagan, u lav u an; dealer is
TiogaCpnpty. „ [Aprim],: T. MATHEBfe
■\f OLASSEB and SYRUP—a No.l.nrtide
IIX of both at fair prices at. iIATHEBSV -
Wellaboro, April 22, 1863.. - ■ .
XJL -SEED at - f April 15,1363,3 HARDENS, -
' . AT Til . .
nfaHS People’* Store is now well stocked with
-V * good assortment of Goods, adapted to the John C. Evan 5.........
'- ' ■ cs-rvrax-vTA'L rrro » r\n Jamas Gornon, Furniture.!.,
SPRING- TRADE, J. P. Morrell, Grocer ....
conristing in pert of a good line of Domestio Goods, JaroesA Son.
Alpacas, Mohair, Poplin, DeLainej, and a general 0. Ilollernn, Grocer
variety of Dress Goods, including a good supply of St.
HOCBHIII6 GOODS, j John A. Msr{ero, .Grocer.ii.,;
to which particular attention is paid* Tioga Imp.-Company, Provisions.
ladies CLOTHS. AkD CLOAKWS. wfflUm
a lino stock of, ; ■ . / cltxeu. t’ ,
CLOTHS AND CAS§IMKRE3 . covisoxoir rowssoip".
for Mens’ and Boys’ wear, for sale by the yard, or
made to order. A good assortment of . jC. Bennett !! .. . . .?....". 1 ,
WHITE GOODS, G. F. Baker, Grocer.’ .j.l
HOOP SKIRTS of every variety, for both Ladles William M. Lee, Gr0cer........
and children. So So Packard..
SUMMER BALMORALS, ' ?’ W ’ Tho ”\'^ r —’
a large stock of HOSIERY and GLOVES, j. stoddord
together with a good assortment of
Tho purchases for the :
welrftaade during the temporary fall in the
•’tv -
and ftJ I sell only tor READ YPAY, I am enabled
to take advantage of tbe market. 1 shall keep my
STOCK good ]
and keep thoroughly posted in regard to
and wheff goods decline, I shall fellow 1 ' the markcl
Without Stagard to Cost
Returning my sincere thanks to the citizens of
for their kind and liberal patronage, I shall try to
merit its continuance and increase.
The Store is directly opposite the Dickinson House,
on Market Street, J. M. SMITH.
Corning, N. Y., April 15, 1863.
Election of Co. Superintendent.
To the School Director* of Tioga County ;
Gentlemen In pursuance of the 43d section of
the Act of the Bth of May, 1854, you are hereby no
tified to meet in Convention, at the Court House, in
Wellsboro, on the first Monday in May, A. D. 1863,
being the 4th day of (he month, at 1 o’clock in the af
ternoon, and select,-viva voce, by a-majority of the
whole number of Directors present, one person of lit
erary and scientific acquirements, and of skill and
experience in the art of teaching, as County Superin
tendent, for the three succeeding years; determine
the amount of compensation for the same; and cer
tify (he result to the State.Superiotendent, at Harris
burg, as required by the 39th and 40tb section of said
act. Hiram C. Johns,
NOTICE ia hereby given that E. T. Bentley,
Richard Mitchell, and others have applied to
the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County, for a
charter of incorporation for “The Mitchells Creek
Cemetery Association ; and that the said charter will
be granted at the next session of said Court, if no ob
jection shall be made.
NOTICE is hereby given that Samuel Mills,
Nelson CldtiS, Charles Close, and others, have
applied to the Court of Common Pleas ef Tioga
County, for a charter of incorporation for religious
purposes for “The First Wesleyan Methodist Church
and Society of Charleston Township; and that said
charter will be granted at the next-session of sold
Court, if no objection shall be made.
j Wellsboro; Apn 15:1863- 4ft.
NEW SPRING DELAINES at 2a. 6d. per
-yard at [April 15, 1863. j HARDEN’S.
Makes the
Cauldron Kettles*
Knoxville, Feb. 4,1863-6 m.
Mansfield classical seminary,
for the Fifth DUtrict of Penniiflcania.
The Spring term of this Institute will open on
Wednesday morning, April 29th, 1863, aqd continue
thirteen weeks.
Rev. W. D. TAYLOR, A. 8., Acting Principal.
Miss Harriet A. Faksswobtb, Graduate of Gen
ossee Wesleyan'Seminary,. Acting Preceptress.
MF.’L, A. Prof, of French, German,
and ■ ■ ■ ", Assistant Teacher,
Miss Frances A. Cochbar, Teacher of Instru
-1 Music: ’'
--, Teacßer in Model School.
Ttiiiion in the Seminary, and Normal School Course,
the same as last Fall Term.
- Do you ask If this Faculty will do well by the pa
rtial- They will try; Come and see..
A course of study for graduating students in this
Normal School, has been adopted, embracing two
years. The following is the course for the first year:
Ist Term. Orthography and Etymology, Reading
and Elocution, Writing and Drawing, Geography,
Mental Arithmetic and .Grammar, Vocal Music and
Theory of Teaching,
2d. Term. Reading and Elocution, Writing and
Drawing, Physical Geography, Written Arithmetic,
Higher Grammar. and Vocal Music.
34 Term. Beading and Elocution, Writing and
Drawing, Elements of Algebra, Higher Grammar con
tinued, Natural Philosophy, Theory of Teaching,
Vocal Music. *
IsSTßucnow is not confined to the Normal Cenrae;
but is extended as heretofore.
Rooms furnished with stoves, bedsteads, etc., can
be bad for the Term in the Seminary, at $1.50 for
each .student.
For further, particulars as to board etc., apply to
Wm* Hollands, Esq., Mansfield, Tioga Co. Pa* -
PrePt of the Board of Trustees.
W% C. Ri#wr,’Bed’yi
Mansfield, Apr, Ulb, 1663. 4t.
O FAKMWAiIBp stock «f fresh seeds will be Roy’s Drag Store. Barge packages of Field
Seeds as veU os. choice varieties of early Potatoes.
Onion Sels.Ae.; Sc. Call at Roy’a before you pUnt
your gardens. April 22, l°°j^_
I* -RRCSHES for safe at Üby‘» Drug Store.
.Wollsboro; April *2,1861. ”1 -
NKW SPRING OttODS .■iJgaigffgjSaftgßgf
County Superintendent of Tioga County.
Wellsboro, April 16,1363. -
Wellsboro, Apr. 15, 1863. 4t
J. 8. A M. S. Cole.
J. G.-Porkburst A Co
D. 0. A J. fc. Parkhunt
J. C. Whittaker, Gr0cer....,......*,
6. X. Billings
A. P. Cone....
M. K. Batan .............
Reuben ijTells
Jobs Qoodspeed A 50n....|..i...,
A, A J. Dearmao
Markram A Roberts, Hardware
L. B. Reynolds., ...f
J. H. Stubbs 1..;...,
J. H. Tubbs
H. Roff, Grocer
Abbott & Mather .'
Field, Mortis 4 Co_ J...’;
Wm. G. Miller, Grocery & Drugs.
J. Adams, Boots k 5h0e5......
C. Park hurst, Drugs i..........
£. D. Wells, Furniture
John Potter, Grocer
James Kinsey*
D. Wilcox
Narbor A Sbeffer
N. Root
Sami Hartman, Grocer. ...v
G. R. Sbeffer, Grocer
B. Seeleman :
S. Bennett & Son
Fox & Witter
A.‘Bobbins, Jr., Drug 5....!.....
A, J. & B. R, Webster...
P. D. Parkhur#
E. W, Phelps, Grocer j...
Murdaugh k Rose a.
L. Cummings
R. N. Holden, Grocer ,j,„i
Elliott k Ridgeway, Drags...-
Wm. Adams
nelson. j *
Seejey A.Lug£, MerchandJ & Drugs
Campbell & Green, Grocers
H. C. Boaworth
Crandall k Seeley
IlllTLA.2tl>« c - !
McCafferty A Fai k geaon... v .,:.
C. L. Strait j..«
J. L. Pitt
N. T. Smith
J. M.Wced ~
James Kelly, Grocer 1,.*
noaiy coEoconv
T.'L. Baldwin..' L
B. W, Clark...- ]...;
S. C. Alford, Grocer i.. 4
Wm. T. Urell, Grocer 1... L.
S. 0. Daggett
DePui A Butts, Grocer
Borden A Bennett, Drugs..,- -
P. 8. Tuttle ,
H. E. Smith A Son, Books, Ac
H. F. A Ira Wells
Guernsey A Sinead, Hardware -
Fall Brook Coal Company.:.;.
Cbas. Goodspeed
R.-Krusen A C 0.........
A. C105e.....
M. M. Con vor««.
J, R. Bowen
C. L. Wilcox
Jerome Smith J...
Thomas Harden
Ballard A Co
P. R. Williams, Drags-, ....
J. F. Robinson, Books, Ap...1...
Wm. T. Mathers, Grocer J,..
J. A Roy, Drugs ....ii..
G. Hastings A Co., Grocer..].-.
John Harkness, Boots, Ac...;...
Bullard A Co., Grocers j...
L. M. Ballard, Grocer
J. D. Jones, Grocer .Ts*.--
Wm. Roberts, Hardware. i
Wright A Bniley, Provision?]
Lewis Smith
Notice ia hereby given, that an np;
Rt the Commissioners’ Office, in Well
4th and sth days of May next, at
place nil persons aggrieved by the foi
ment will'be heard, and'such abat
aro deemed proper and jast; and al
to appear, at said time and p}ace, wil
making any defence before me.
April S. J/ercan((7« Appraiser
NOTICE is hereby given that a Special Court
will be held by the Hob. Ulysser Mercur, at the
Cobrt Honse in Wellsboro,} commencing on the 2d
Monday of June next, to continue one week, for the
trial of tho following causes, viz:
Pliny Burr vs. Admr’s of E. B«.Jcroald,
H. H. Dent vs. Stephen Babcock,
J. N. Bacfao vs, A. 0. Ely,
Bingham Trustees vs, Anson Buck ct al,
A. S. Turner vs. John Drew ct al,
James I. Jackson ' vs. J. N. Bach© Ex’r,
A. M. Baltin etal vs. A. H, Foster,
Jf. M. Converse vs. Henry Colton,
George Corlies va. Edwin Dyer,
J. W. Maynard vs. 11. Davis et al E.x’rs,
J.’F. Donaldson vs. A. P. Cono,
Bingham Trustees vs. DhriJ A. Clark,
“ vs. Martha J. S. Clark et al,
u vs. George B. Colegrove ot al,
u * vs, Joseph Stafford etal,
u vs, Edtftn Inscho etal,
J, X. Btehe vs. Job -Wilcox et nl.
April 8. 186 q. J. F. DONALDSON, Frothy
WOULD rcspcotfblly inform the citizens of Wells
boro and surrounding country, lhajt they are
now stopping at J. W, Bigoney’s Hotel, known ns fbo
Pennsylvania Ilonse, for w few weeks, and would bo
pleased to wait on all who mny need the services of
their profession. All operations pertaining to the
profession performed in the most careful end scien
tific manner. Wo wnnld call particular attention to
onr hard Robber or Coralite work, wbieh" is tinpreco-,
dented. PRICE i EIR.MAN.j_,
Wellsboro, March IS, 18CS,
Rochester Trout Flies.
Subscriber- bags leave 10 inform the
JL fishermen of WelUboro and vicinity, that he
it agent for the tale of the Rochester Trout Flies.
A fine attortment hut received. Shop opposite the
Barber Shop. BdREN A. SEARS.
Wellaboro, Starch 4» 18&3*4f.
4UUy At the for which the
highest Ca*b Price will 6© paid by Trpr ■
xiogn, March ISj'lBC3-3nl+ lI.~F. & I. WELLo.
Clan, Tax,
Indian Physician^
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
Hay he Contulted at follow—Free of Charge* *
Hornelsvillo, N. Y., Chadwick Hohse, Tuesday, Apl 29
Cameron, N. Y., Briggs HoflsC, Wednesday, April "59
Rathbunvillo, N.Y., Hathbnfl Hons*, Thursday, Apl ffo/
Addison, N. Y,, Doolittle's Hotel, Friday,May l r
Coming, N. Y., Dickinson House, ,f
Saturday and Sunday, May 3 mod 3..
TIOGA, Pa., Jnbnston House, Monday, May 4'
WBLLSBOROr Pa;; U. S. Hotel, Tuesday, May %
NAUVOO, Pa., Comstock'S Hotel,
Wednesday Afternoon, May 9
BLOCK HOUSE, Pa., Woodruff's Hotel,.. ;
• Thursday, May 7 j
7 00
7 00
7 00
Bath, N. Y., Union Hotel,
Saturday and Sunday, May 9 and 39
_7 00
7 00
7 Of
7 00
7 0«(
7 00
Elmira, N. Y., Bralnard House, Tuesday, May X 9
TROY, Pa., Troy House, Wednesday* May 20 ’
Havana, N. Y., Montoir House, Thursday, Hay-21' 1
Watkins, N. Y., Jefferson House, Friday, May 22
Dundee, N. Y., Ellis House, * Saturday, May 23*-
Penn Yah, C N. Y., Branhan House, I
Sunday and Monday, May 24 and 25
. Those Suffering’ from Chronic Disease,
of any description may bo. assured tbat tbeir *4l**,
will be treated fairly and candidly, and thcy wUl'not*'
be encouraged to take my medicine without a.epn*t-~
ponding prospect of benefit. **'•
Dr. Jackson" can be his Rooms, In T9r\
gard to all diseases, which be treats With unprece-'
dented success, oh a new system. Be cures Chronic
coses of diseases; which have keen pronounced incu
rable by the Medical Faculty generally, such, os Ner
vous and Neuralgic Affections, Diseases of Women,,
Paralysis, Epilepsy, Asthma, Salt Rheum, Remittent'
and Intermittent Fevers, the diseases of Children, etc.
All cases of Seminal Emissions which is carrying
thousands to tho grave annually. .
Remember the Doctor does not protnisd to cure all
stages of diseases. While all diseases are enrahU, if
token in season, all ttaget am not. Your ease may be
curable thit week, not next — to-day 7 not /o-mOrreis/
hence the danger of delay. '
Conmllatione Free.
Distant Invalidt. — Patients unable to visit Dr. J.
by appointment, con communicate tbeir symptoms
letter, end have proper medicines sent to any part of
the world by express, with certainty and dispatch!.
All letters ef inquiry must contain one stamp td pre
pay reply. Address Dr. A. C. Jacksoh, Hrie, Penn*.,'
Box 30. April 3, 1863.'
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00.
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 GO
7 00
7 00
7 00
Mansfield Classical Seminary and
. Stale Normal School.
A CALL is hereby made upon tha-etockkobi- ’
ers of the Mansfield C. Seminar; and State
Normal School for the stfr District, Pa., to meetun.
Friday, May 22d, 1863, at 2 o'clock P. M. in said
Seminary, preparatory to.the reception of $5OOO, *p
propriatsd to said institution by the nest Legislature;.
ns required by the following proviso, appended to the
appropriation bill:
And provided further, that the s«ms hereinbefore
given to the Stafe Normal Schools shall only bo pay
able on the production to the Superintendent of Coin-*
mon Schools of a duly certified icopy of tbo proceed
ings of a general meeting of the stockholders thereof '
respectively held, after thirty public notice, for
the purpose of agreeing by a majority of said con
tributors or stockholders, that the capital stock there
of shall be reduced by an amount equal to that here
by appropriated by the State; (to effect which redne*
tion when thus agreed to, authority is hereby given
to the Trustees of said schools respectively, to call hi
the present certificates of stock and issue others in
iieu thereof, nf such amounts as shall effect said re
duction ;) and that should dividends be hereafter‘de
clared by either of said schools, such dividends shall
in no case exceed six per cent on such reduced capi
tal stock.” W. COCHKAN,
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 oa
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
President of the Board of
Wjr. C. Ripley, Secretary pf the Board.
Mansfield, April 22, 1863.
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
THIS school will be open for the reeeptidn of
pupils on Monday, May 4, 1863. A limited anm J
her of girls taken as boarders, and every attention
paid to their minds and morals. The course of in
struction will be mest thorough, and no pains spared
to render the school deserving of public p&tronago*
For terms &c., apply to
April 22, 18113. Mrs. M. C. STtfTKER.
7 00
7 00
Watch Repairing &c.
THE subscriber respectfully informs the pub
lic that be has permanently located himself at
the old stand r in the Post Office Building, where ba
will be happy to wait on his old customers. Thankful
for past favors, would most respectfully solicit a con
tinuance of the satire. A, FOLBT,
Wellsboro. Apnl 22, 1563. - - '
15 OQ
7 00
7 00
7 00
Knox Fruit Farm & Nurseries.
for many years we bare made the cultivation of
a speciality, and taking into account variety, quantity
and quality, our slock of Vines and Plants of
is unequalod anywhere, which we offer <m the most
favorable terms. Parties wishing to purchase would
do well to correspond with us, or send for our PRKJE
LIST, which will be acntlo all applicants freejof
charge. I % f
NTo. 29 Fifth Street,
where all articles belbnglng to such an establishment
can bo, had of the best quality.
J. KNOX, Box 155, Pittsburg, Pa.
' Maech 25,1863-3ra. __ _
peal will bo held
Isborongh, oo the
which time and
rogoing apprnise
lements made as
11 persons failing
ill be barred from
for Tioga County
flfew Arrival at the JBookSlofc.
Fancy Goods, Embroidery Braidr, Dress Braids,-
Gloves, Thread-Needles, Buttons, Zephyr, Worsted,
Shetland" Yarn, Ac., Ac., may be found at the store of
J. F. Robinson. lie would also beg leave to call at
tention to his large assortment of Photograph Al
bums. [April 22, 1863] J. F. ROBINSON.
THE Stockholders of the Mansfield C. Scmi
inary and (as now constituted) State Normal
School, are hereby notified that their first annual
meeting under the revised charter, will be held at the
Seminary the first Monday in May, 1863, at 2 o’clock.
P. M., for the purpose of electing fifteen trustee*, Tor
one year j also, their President, Secretary, and Trea
surer. W. COCHRAN, President.
Wm. C. Ripley, Secretary
Mansfield, April 1, 1863.
AND their FRIENDS, ran obtain BACK
PAY, PENSIONS, and BOUNTY, through tbo’
subscriber, who has made arangements to prosecute,
nil such claims, with a long established and perfectly
reliable PENSION AGENCY at Washington.
As the affidavits must bo taken before a Judge of
tbo Court, aud as this is the residence of Judge Whee
ler, the business can be transacted in an honre time.
. Lawrenccville, Jan. 2S, 1363. E. D. WELLS.
administration having been to tbo sub-*
soriber on the estate of Samnel B. Childs, late, of
Liberty, dec’d., notice la hereby given to those in
debted to said estate to malte immediate payment,
and those having claims to present them properly au
thenticated for settlement to the subscriber.
RICHARD CIHLDS-, Administrator, ' r
Morris, April 1, 18&>-6ir.
Dissolution of partnership.—No
tice is hereby given that the
heretofore existing under the natoo. and firm of Mc-
Lnfferfy A Furgersoh, is this day dissolved by mntu rT
nl consent, and the Books, accounts* and notes nro lit
tho bands of Wm. H. Fnrgerson for collection, and„
all tbqso indebted will please call immediately and
pay same. WM. H. FtJROERSON,
Roseville. April 14, - '■
tofore existing between D.'W, LOWELL andi
A. J. WARNER, under the name of “ Lowell A War- 5 -
ner,” of the Binghamton Commercial College; wm
dissolved bn the 9th day of Jasa&ry, 1863. \<
Binghamton, K. T.. April 22, 1863.
■ at HARDEN’S at Is. per gallon. April IS*