How Gen. HOOiter ;.tgt i|ito. Service. '-We find thefoilowinj story about Gen. Hooker in the Chicago ?Prtbjj,p4 ;• " When the war broke' '(||t; Tlrmker, then in California, came po&h%e bi Wash ington to offer-hi* services t(|th«ngoverpmeiit. General Soott was at the hekd n|tthe military ' affaire of the cohntryr'and .batmen that old gentleman and Gen. Hooker wfa-a feud-dating, . hask to the Mexican War; everything' relating to the army jfias -r4|etSfed to Scott, Hbokec was Buffered to applyrifiVam fur even a .regimental command. I)ilgusfe|.'and mad, ho made hie preparations to ictataSo the Pacific coast, and was- about to staytJjthen the first battle of Bull Hup was There was nothing in that to epcourage j ijlgs went up to the White House, ns the last th?pj| before fear ing, to call on the President, wljbrn'he hud never seen. He was introduced by4;i,t. i!<4ala, has just been published,', Mr.- Dra’tc.'ifif ad eminent lawyer in -St. Pauls, an 'all, deipoenU and a TJgiifous epgakeV. We nM’fe the|fullu\viiig ex tracts fropa bis "speech: i;,i>’j |!' “When I speak, as I shall, to-night, uf sla very, let'no man say that,l- give utturnnee ta any other than ;the convictions . which the horrid 'scenes bfitHo ast tivo’.yoars, have fairly burned into Ipfy tiiit d against the preconceptions' of thirty years. - WKfcn.l strike at; slavery 1 , it is because slavery strikes'atmy country- and fur that I -.would strike it down ! !. i* ! 8 # * - “If in this war slavery ■watr End' is the ag gressor;, if this and is contin ued for ‘the planting and Bp 1 , CMliog of slavery ; if Slavery has -bocpme-the ‘goldeif image’ n hich the South .bows down to,’ and 1 kars 4 with us because we too will not frorijrip it; it slavery -feeds' and piothes the-, South; if the'southern heart is envef omed against the North fqr the sake of slayer; ■>; if our freo in stitutions, and fit the hdpe£,of ourselves and On’r children, ary that slavery may hs -exalted, diffused, and' perpetuated; about all of which there is no more room fup doubt than there is iV doabt that .this war exists, then is this nation bound to, destro’y slavery, wherever it is in armed rebellion. i (|Wbat tlien iajha casentialjcharaoter of this war f My friends, the judgment and conscience of the whole civilized world, when the question comes to be folly understood* Aever can be, never .will be.aught else than that it. is a war of aristocratic against the democratic princi ples (applause ;),.a war of-an aristocratic form -of society, resting upon and vitalized by a;sya tem of human slavery, agi ‘met a form of soci ety in which each individu il is as free ai every other'; apvir based -upon Amjaaerilegioua idea that slavery Is a'DHine that— in the words of Albert G. ilrqwp, late Senator from Mississippi—its ‘blessings should be spread, liKMhe religion of*o|if 'Divine blaster, to the uttermost-ends of earff|’ [roars of laugh ter] ; a war for the spread of those ‘ blessings,’ not as ‘ the religion of our Diviqe Master, goes forth, on the wings of uv-dove, bearing ‘ peace on earth and good will tdvfarda men/ but as that of the False PropheV with Jotulerance, wrath, fire sword ; a ; i?an in one word, of human slavery, aaladornimnt and aggressive power, against human freedom, ns a bulwark of human Afrieajniziiied Americans against [immense ap plause]—of a proud, conceited, and ferocious aristocracy,against the people here, and against all peoples, everywhere, that would be free.” [Great' applause-] I' ! . Southjern Opinions.— Slavery, black or white, is right and noopsaacy,” says George .Fill Hugh. .“ Nature bus-made them weak in mind bodyfbr slaves.” A! SlaveryGs tbe nat ural and normal' condilfonjof jhe laboring mao, 'whit® or black," said a £ iutfi Carolina ,f>.iper in 1856.' ”We have pot yo hating everything with the prefix free, n \ sayf tile Richmond Ex aminer;, “ free farms^frd, labor, free society,- free thinking, free chilifi nj, .free ’.schools, -all belong to the same brohj Of damnable Urns'. Rut the worst of all thest dvboraiqationa is the modern system of free sc joola." “ ilmisiUs,” “ starveling "wretches,.” ‘.'greasy mechanics,” “ filthy. Operatives," - “syall-fisted -farmers,” these, are the .words with which 1 tbe slave-lords conciliateyou, oh men of the North and West. ” Tney have grown eancy, and dare to bo im pudent to Richmond Enquirer. ' ;“Now they areia bw, mean, scurvy set, with some little bopk-learning, but as ut terly devoid of spirit or honor as a pock of curs. They have ■ been sufferedrto ran too long with out collars.” ~ , ] : Spbstitcts por Pennies.—Owing to tbe ab sence of pennies in ciroidation, the grocers of New Haven are giving A Hfcaegs in the way of . aaiftll change, J* ' ; j •. 41 '( if. Fun at Home, —Don’t be' afrnii 'of'a littla fan nt home, good people !_,Dpu’t shut your bouse lest the sun sbuuftf fade your" carpets, and your hearts. l(Sßtv.a' hearty laugh ;«hake down some of the musty ojdicobwebs there! If yon wapi'tO‘"'rniu your-eous, let them think that all mirth and social enjoymenttnnst be “left on the threshold without, when they come in once.a home is regarded as only’ to eat, drink hud the work is begun that ends in gambling houses’ ami reckless degradation. Young people must have fuii and relaxation somewhere; if they dp hot find it at their own hearth-stones it will be sought at other and less profitable places. Therefore let the firs burn brightly at night, and make the homestead delightful with gill •those Kttlo arts, that parents so perfectly under stand. Don’t repress the bouyunt spirits of your children; half no'hour of, merriment round the lamp and firelight of home blots out the remembrance of many a care and annoy ance during the day, and the best safe guard they cap take "with them into the world is the’influence of a bright little domestic sanc tum. ALLbuyersof Dry Qoods, Bootratw •Shoe.", Gro ceries, Hats and Caps, 4e., can make money by making their purchases at CHEAP CASH STORE. II id stock is now in fir?t rate shape, consisting of all kinds of Domestic Good*, which will bo sold at lesrf than We have-fall lines of • Brown Sheeting? and Shirtings, Bleached Do., Ben* ims. Tucking?, Striped Shirting?, Cheeks, Blankets, Linens, Towelings, Yarns, Hosiery,.Cotton Batting, Gloves &c., in as great variety as ever. In this stock wu cannot be beat. Having on hand a large stock of Plain and Figured Beds, Brocades, Mohairs, Plain Alpacas, Figured and Plain Morinpes, paramattas, Cashmeres, DeLaines, Ac., from the rich goods to the lowest prices m market. • SHAWL AND CLOAK STOCK, BROCHE SHAWLS, SINGLE' & DOUBLE, BLANKET FANCY WOOL “ “ Cloak?, Sacques, Cloak Cloths, Trimmings Ac., in this stock wn can suit every one, .cloths j\d cassihejies. Clack and Fancy Cassimeres, Black Broadcloth?, Overcoating, Satinets, Ca&hmeretts, Kentucky Jeans,Farmer? and Mechanics Cttssiuieies, Cotionudes and in prices as low as oani bo found in thg county. - ' ‘ . BOOTS AND SHOES. Mens Double Solo Kip Boots, Mens i *Double Sole Kip, Mens Stoga do;, Boys do.. Youths do., Womens Calf Custom made Shoes, Ladies Kid nnd Morocco Balmoral Boots, Ladies Kid and Lasting Balmoral Gaiters. Ladies Kid ami Lasting Congre.-a Gaiters, Kino Morocco BOOG, Childrens Shoes, all kinds. Wo can suit all calls as to t and will guarantee the prices as low as tho lowest. , Butter, Egg’s and other Produce, i taken ou favorable terms. Oct. 15, 1862. GEEICE OF JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At JAY COOKS & CO., Banters, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Philadelphia, Nov. J, 1562. The undersigned, having been appointed Subscrip tion Agent by the Secrefuiy of the Treasury, ia now prepared to furnUh, at once, tho New Twenty Tear 6 per cent Bonds, of the United State' l , designated as ‘‘ Five-Twenties/, redeemable at the pleasure of lht> Government, alter ami authorized by Act of Congress, ap proved February 25, The COUPON BUNDS aro issued in sums of §5O, $lOO, sst'D, SUH>«. The REGISTER, BONDS in sums of $5O, $lOO. $550, SlOOO, and SSUOO. Interest at Sis per cent, per annum will commence from date of purchase, and is PAYABLE IK GOLD,' Semi-Annually, which is eiji\al, at the present premi um on gold, to about injht per cent, per annum* Funnel.•», "Merchant.-*, Me. h.-u/ic.«, Capitalists, and all wl.o have any money to uncst, s-hould know and remember that those Bonds me, in effect a J-'iist Mnrttjfxtjc upon all Railroad?, Canals, Bank Stocks and Securities, and the immense products of all the Manufactures, Ac., Ac., in the country : and that the full and ample provision made for the payment of the interest ami liquidation of principal, hy Customs Dui ties, Excise Rump- and Internal Revenue, selves to make jdicao Bunds Che J/biff Avaifnhlr mnl }(<>nt Popular Investment in ike Market* Subscriptions received at PAR in Legal Tender Notes, or notes and checks of hanks in Philadelphia. Subscribers hy mull will receive prompts st.tcDtlon, and every facility: and explanation will be atßrded on application at this office. A full supply of Bouds will be kept on hand for Immediate delivery, JAY CUOKE, Nov. 12, 1802. ' Subscription Agent. Kvlloch’s Dandelion Coffee. THIS preparation. mode from the best Java Coffee is recoiiiinunied l»\ phypioifiiis as a superior Nu tritious Beverage fur General- Debility, Dyspepsia, and all billions disorders, Thuueuuds who have been compelled Co abandon the use of coffee will use this without injurious effects. One cun contains the strength ot two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25' cents. pureft and best BAKING POWDEft known for making tight, sweat and nutrlcious Bread and cakes. Price 10 eentg. m. H. BULLOCK, Chemist, Corner o{ Broad and Chestnut Philadel phia, and fur silo by all Druggists and Grocers. March 5. 7M12. liisitrasice Agency. THE Insurance Company of North America have appointed the undersigned an agent for Tioga County and vicinity. As thelilgh character end of ftiis Com pany give tlio assurance of lull protection to owners of pri/perty- against tbe hazard of fiye, I solicit with confidence a liberal sblinj of tba~%Qsino£B of tbo cotfnty. Tiils* Company was incorporated in fefi-i. IU capital is S6OO,QUO, and it* assets in ISfil as per statementr Ul Jan. of Chat>year was $1254,711) SI. CIIARLEi PLATT, ......Secretary. G, COFFIN, -.1 President. Ox&ccof the Company 232 Wslzmt Street, X< x: • Philadelphia* . \V*u. Biicliler, Ooiilr;»l Agcuf,Har>> rhbiii jr, Pa. JOISX W. GUERIVSEV, Ageut tor Tioga Coualy, Pa, April 9,1862. STOVES AN» TIHWAUE. WILLIAM ROBERTS HAS opened a new Stove and Tib shop in the Store opposite-Huy’s Building, where be is pre pared to farnnh his old friends and customers, and tho public.generally with everything in his line of' business, including . Cooking Stover of tbe most approved Styles; par Jor, Dining Room, and Coni Stoves; Tinware and Kitchen furniture of all varieties. jfc+r' Cujl and sec'ppr new NYellsburo, Fcby, 6,1862. SPECIAL NOTICE. J. A. : TABSOKS’ WBJtf YORK FRIGES. DRESS GOODS KIKDS AXV SIZES, An Early Call is Solicited! JAMES A. PAURONR, No. J CONCERT BLOCK, CORNING, N. Y. -KoliuckVXevaln. MANL'FAOTt'JtET) BV ,T&E TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. ■m*k -AYTER^Si'' . ftfcr. CATHARTIC P SsL/ (SUGAR COATED,). ; 'S AjmUDKtO , CLEANSE THE BLOOD AND CUBE THE SICK. Invalids, Father*, ilothem, Phgiiciane, PhiCtmlkro • : pxilt, read thlir Eject,', dud judge of -their KirE.ffl. FOR THE CURE OF Headache, Sick Headache, Ponl Stomach. " ‘ May], ISiS. Da. j’ C. AYES. Sla *. 1 ha-v (icen ropentmUy cured of the wont faeiulncbe any body can have by a doao or two of your l'il Is. It-secmi to arise from afoul stomach, which they cleanse afrooco. If they Will cuio others aathey do me, the fact is worth ED. W. 141EJILK, Clerk of Steamer Chinan. Bilious Disorders and Diver Complaints* Department op the Interior', \ , • • ItVASBixQto?}D. Feb. 1856. Sir: Ifmro used your Villa in my general, anil hospital practice ever since 7011 made them, ami cannot hesitate to say ther are the best cathartic w» employ. TUoir regula ting action on the liver is qnlck and decided, consequently they are an admirable remedy for derangements of that or-nin. Indeed, 1 bavo seldom fonnd a case of bihons dis ease so obstinate that It did not readily yield to them. •> ’ 'DnUeFsally-yoare,- ■, ALONZO BALL, M.D. t *•* A Physician of the Marine Hospital. Dysentery, Relax* and Worms. ... . pOB% omcB, lav.Co.. 16,1555. Dr.Atbe; Your Pills are the perfection of medicine.— They have done my wife wore good than I can tell yon. She had been sick ntad pining away for months. WeUtolT to he doctored ot groat expense, but got no belter. She then commenced taking your Piliij, which soon cured her, I»y ex pelling large quantities of worms (dead} from lior body. They afterwards cured her am! our two children of bloody dysentery. One of pur neighbors bad it bad, and my wife enred him with tuodcuscsol your Pills, while others around us from five to twenty dollars doctors' bills, and lost much time, without beiugenred entirely even then. Stub a medicine as yours, which la actually good and honest, will bo pared here. OEO. J. OKIFFTN, Postmaster. Indigestion and Imparity of the Blood. j-’rvm Bcv. J. I*. Himes, i r of Advent Church Boston. Dr. AVer: I have used your Pills with extraordinary suc cess in my family add among those 1 am called to visit In distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood they are the very beat remedy ever known, and 1 can confidently recommend them to my friendn. Yours. J. V. HX3JLJ3S. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y n Oct, 24, JBo.i. Dear Sir: lam nsing your Cathartic Pills in my practice, and hod them nn excellent purgative to cleanse the system and purify the lountaina of the blood. * JOHN (i- MEACHAM, M. D. Erysipelas, Scrofula, Singes Evil, Tetter, Tamers, and Salt Ehcnm. From a Funcarduuj ILnJuint qf «SK. Lota*, FrJj. 4, 1556, Dr. Ayer : Your Pills are the paragon of all that is gr.-at in jm’tliiMne. They have cured my little daughter of nla-r -on« sores upon her hands and feet that had proved incurable for years. Her mother has been long grievously afllicted w jtlt blotches and piuiplox ou her skin ami in her hair. Af ter our obi|U was cured, ah® also tried your Fills, and Hr*y have cured her. . ASA iIOIIQUIDUii. Rheumatism- Neuralgia- and Gout. From the Lev. Dr. Iluvvkfcs, of the Methodist Kpfs. Church. PCLAPfci Horsp'. Jan. 6.183 G. HoxotumSm: 1-ttlnmM he ungrateful fur the relief your skill has brought me if 1 did not report my case to yon. A cold Ketrled in piy limbs and brought ou exerucluting neu ralgic Turn*! \vhlsh ended in chrome rheumatism. .Ndtwith- Btmidiug I hail the be&t' of physicians, thu'diHCasu grew wor®e and worse, until, by the advice of your excellent agent m Baltimore, Dr. Makcnzle, I tried your Pills. Their ifleet* were alow, but sure. By persevering in thu use of them 1 am now entirely well. Sekvte Chvmhkk, lUton Hocge, T.a., o Dec. 1835. DR. Avtu: 1 hauj been eutindy cured by your Pills of Itheumatic Gout—a painful disease Unit had ntilicted me foi ycata. ■ v v , VLNCKNT SLIDELL. i'ot Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Complaint®, requiring an active purge, they are an excellent remedy. For CostivenefS or C«m«tipution,aud os a Dinner Pill, they are agreeable and efttctual. Fit®. Suppression' Paralysis, Inflammation, and even Deaf ness, and Partial Blindness, have been cured by the altera live action of these Pills. Most of the pills 111 market cmitaln Mercury, which, id though a vaiunbio remedy itvskillful hands, is dangerous iu a public pill, from the dreadful consequences that frequent ly follow itsincauttouß use. 'These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL. FOR TUB RAPID CUKE OF Cuui/hs, Colds, 1/oarecntna, hjlttcuza, Bronchitis, WhuOjiimj Coifjh, Cioup, Asthma, In~ ■ cfpient Consumption, mid for the relief of consumptive patient® in advanced sta ge® of the disease. We need not speak to the public of it® virtues. Through out ewiy tovfcu, and almost evury the American Mute*.lts wonderful cures of polmobary complaint® have made u already kiijow 11 Nay, fen .tie the families in uay uvilwed country on this continent without some persuihil experience of it® eflecta; and fewer yet the communities any where which have not among them some living trophy of it® victory over the subtle and dangerous diseases of (he throat and lung®. >Unle it is the most powerful antidote yet known to man for the foimidable and dangerous disea se® ol the pulmonary oigans, it is aho the pleasantest and pnte«l remedy that, can Ik? employed for infant® ami v i.iing person®. Parent® should him* it in stole against the m®id uouh enemy that et ( eal® upon them unprepared. Me have abundant grounds to believe the Clierry.l'ectoral ®a\t» more lives hv the consumptions it prevelite than tho»o it cures. Keep it by you. ami cure your cold® while they ate curable, nor neglect them ■until no human r-kill cun master the im-x -otuble canker that, fattened on the vital®, eat® your life away. All know the dreadful latahty of lung disoid'-r-, and a® they kuow too the virtues of this remedy, wo need not do more than to iis-urc them it is still made the best it cun he. Vi 0 spare DO cost. no Tare, no tod to pumuce it the muff ported p<*®s*iblo. and tHm aflbrd those who rely on it the best agent which our skill can lurmth for their cure. Prepared by Dr J. C- EE> Practical anti- Analytical Chttniet, Lvtreii, Macs. AND SOLD BY C. 4 J. L. Robinson. WcU»lioru; S. X. BilUurb, Gainer*. U« 11. Borden, Tiopt: Ur. INirkhprsi 4 W. 11. Miller, Lawrence* \111**; S. S. Piu.kurl, Covington; Bennett 4 Son, MnbUeburv liulick J: lajlor.-UlosbßurK: Fox. k \N it ter. iiainsburg; C. L. Mwiit, ICuseville, jiml Dealer* ever} \s hole. Feb. 11, IS&S. —(fin. Economy U.WeullU! CURE YOUR COUGH FOR 13 CENTS' The Best and Cheapest Household Remedy in the World. Madame 2.AD00 PORTER’S Great Cough Remedy. , Madame ZADOC POKTEK’fc- Ccuativf. Bvlsam is warranted if used according to the directions, to cure in all awes Coughs, Colds Whooping Cough, Astbuiu, and all of Ibo Throat and ' r JI-UUMK ZADOC POJiTEK’* BALSAM is prejiiucd with nit . the requisite care ami skill, from a combination of the bust rcim dies the vegetable remedk-i af fords, its remedial kingdom ure based tm its power to assist the healthy and vigorous chcnliicm; of tlie blood, tbo Lungs. It is not a violent remedy. but emolient—warm, scorching und effective; can be taken by the eldest person or youngest child. t JUdamb ZADOC I*OUTEU> BALSAM hiio been in use b\ the public for over 13 rears, and has acquired its pieseut sale simply | bv Jm-luk rrcoumieuded by tlu»a* L who have used it to then afllict rW[X ed friends and others. |*gS Most Important.—Mad- SSS.ttne Zuduc Porter's Curative B.d is sold at a price which lt m the reach ot-every * . \! „ , ouo to kcupit cuoveultnt lui Udt The timely use of a single bottle will pru%e to be worth 100 times its cost. NOTICE.—SIVE YoHB Monet:—Do not be persuaded to articles jit to $1 which Uo not contain the vir tues of a 13 cent Bottle of Madam© Porter's CnratWe Bal sam. the cost of pianu&cturing which is as groat as that of lUmoit any other inedlcine; and the very low price at which it is sold, makes the profit to the seller apparently small and nnpiincipted, dealers will sometimes recommend other medicines their profits ore.larger, unless the cut- having Madame Porter's and none oilier. Ask for Madame porter’s “Cmative BaUam, price J 3 •cents', and in Urge 25 cents, and take no other. If yon cannot get it at one store you can at Another. by all Druggets ond Storekeepers at 13 cents, amf in larger bottles Of 25'cents. Hi Ui A DUCKED, Proprietors, Jan. 28, iSOS.-ty. NewVjrk. ISOtSEinOtD FURNITURE, THE LADIES are theJ.oues to, select Household Furniture} and it U so much easie'r for them to lake a carriage amf ride a few miles and return than to go 40 or 50 miles for the purpose, that the subscri ber would inform them that he has just enlarged bi> STOCK before the tariff and tax prices are upon us r and has a large and inviting assortment, which be will be h4ppy shew to those who &ay favor him with a visit. MAHOGANY SOFAS, $2O, $25 and $2B. TcU o Ttlet, $22, S2S and $32. Hatidtome Carpet* for 4,5, 6,7, 8 and 9 shillings a yard. Seeing j f a . chintt, $lO and $l2. He has nlso 10 different styles of Bedsteads, with matrasses and spring bottoms and 16 different kinds of Chairs with everything else in the Furniture line. He is also Agent for tho sale of Prince A Co's, cel ebrated Meluaeons, School and Church Organs el Buffalo, X Y.xhe oldest and largest establishment in cbe Umtcd States. v • " i'E.D. DWELLS. Lawrencevilile, Joly 30, 1562. v 08. , SW’iE.I’S INFALLIBLE LrilH'EN T! TUB GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, G 1853.-ly, THE BUFFALO 1 MERCANTILE COLLEGE, CONNER OF Eain and Seneca Streets, Is an important link in the great chain o.f National- Mercantile Colleges, located in the following Cities viz j 1 NEW YORK CITY, PHILADELPHIA, BROOKLYN, ALBANY, . - TROY, CLEVELAND, DETROIT. CHICAGO, AND SAINT LOUISi * A Scholarship issued from the Buffalo College, en titles the bolder CO attend either or all the Colleges for an unlimited time'. Tbe design of these Institutions, is, to impart to young*men and ladies, a thorough, practical btutneta education, These Colleges are organized and conducted upon a basis which must secure to each separate Institution the best possible facilities for imparting a thorough commercial education, and render it as a whole, tho most comprehensive and Complete system in this country. Book-Keeping in all its departments, Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmetic and Penmanship, are taught in the most thorough and practical manner. Tho Spencerian system of Penmanship, is taught by competent and experienced teachers. Scholarship, payable in advance, $-10. College open day and evening no vacations. Resident Principal at Buffalo, J. C, Bbtast. For further iuformation, please call at the College Pwooms, or send for Catalogue and Circular enclosing letter stamp. Address BRYANT & STRATTON; Juno 4,1862. —1 y. Buffalo, N. T. KEW goods: T. L. BALDWIN s now receiving a largo and Well So ectdd Stock of SP2IIKG- AXD SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of a General Stock of - DRY GOODS, LADIES’ DRESS GOOpS, READY MADE' CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, WOODEN WARE, Ac., itc., Ac., Ac., All of which will be sold VERY LOYT for HEADY PAY OSII. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. All persons buying GOODS for READY PA T, Arc respectfully invited to call and examine THE STOCK, As they ace to be sold at VERY LOW PRICES. CASH PAID FOR WOOL. Tioga. May 28. 1862. T. L. BALDWIN. Portable Patent Horse-power. THE undersigned take pleasure in notifying the public, that they have succeeded in devising a Horse Power with only three places of friction, and combine® tho maximum of efficiency, durability, ond economy, with tho minimum of weight and price. On account of its simplicity it may bn constructed by any mechanic for let® than half tho cost usually paid lor horse-powers. It i® well adapted to thrash ing grain, sawing wood, and churning, also for turn ing lathes, saws, planes, and other machinery in the shop. Individual rights $5,00. - Township, County, and State rights for sale cheap at our office. Agents wanted to sell territory. Fur further particulars ad dress MIDDAUUH A CLARK. ilansGeld^ July 23, ISG2.-tf. tpmkaaMmM The Sew Commercial Buildings are located opposite Court House, corner of Courtlaud Chetianso-Slieets. This College is in no way connected with any other Institution. The energies of the entire Faculty are exclusively devoted to this. The design of this Institution is to affutd to Touuj. 3lcn an opportunity for acquiring a 'lliorough, Prac tical, Bushient Education. The Books and Forms are carefully arranged by Practical Accountants, expressly for this Institution, and the Course of Instruction is such as to combine Theory and Practice. ! COLLEGIATE COURSE. This Cqurse embraces Book-Kecding in all its de partments, Penmanship, . Commercial Arithmetic, Business Correspondence, Commercial Law, Political Economy, Commercial Ethics, -Partnership Settle ments, Detecting Counterfeited and Altered Bank Notes, Arc, ' The Spencerian System of Penmanship is taught in all its varieties, by the most skillful masters of the art. ' i The Book-Keeping department Is under the special supervision and instruction of the Principal, D. W. LOWELL. I GENERAL INFORMATION. Students can enter at any time, ifo vacations.— Usual'time to complete the Course, frdm Cto 12 weeks. Assistance rendered to graduates in procuring situa tions. Graduates are presented withion elegantly en graved Diploma. For catalogue of 70 pages, specimens of pen manship, Ac., enclose two letter stamps, and address LOWELL &' WARNER, Sept. 17,1862. Binghamton, N. Y. TUe Confession and Experience of a Poor Young' Ulan. AG ENTLEMAN having been cured of the results of early error and disease, will, from motives of benevolence, bdnd to those who request, a copy of the above interesting narrative, published by himself.— This little book is designed as a warning and cauton to young men and those who suffer from Nervous Debility, Lots of Memory, Premature Decay, Ac,, Ac., supplying at tho game time the means of self-cure. Single copies will he sent under seal in a plain envelope,—without charge,-—to any who request it, by addressing the author. CHAS. A. LAMBERT, Esq., *•- - Grcenpoint, Long Island, New York. coiysumpriojv. AND Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS, can be cured. Not however by any medicine taken into the stomach, as has been fully shown recently in a series of essays by Dr. Robert Hunter of New York City, published in the Daily Tribune; but by inhaling the suitable medicine combined with oxygen, into the Lungs. The subscriber |s so fully satisfied of this that be has entorcd ing suffered several years with a severe lungaff---' tion, and that dread disease, Consumption, is anaicui to make known to his fellow sufferers the means v‘> cure. r " To all who desire it ho will send a copy’ of the prescription used (free of charge), with .directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a mra cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis Acs The only objcct of the advertiser in Bending the pre scription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread infer mation which he conceives to be invaluable, and ho hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost nothing and may prove a blowing. Parlies wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EE WARD A. WILSON, A WiUiamsbufgh, Pet. Ist, 186.. Kings County, 1 New York. f&msm.'j*. CABINET WARE ROOM fTfIIE Subscriber most respectfully announces that X he has oit hand at the old stand, and for sale I Cheap Eot of Furniture. comprising in part Dressing and Common Jiareans, Secretaries and Booh Oases, Center, Cdrd and Pier Tables; Dining o«♦ Brea hfastTables, Marble-topped and Common Stand*, Cupboards, Cottage mid other Bedsteads, Stands, Sos fas mid Chairs, Gilt and Sosetcood Mouldings for Picture Frames.’ , , COfFINS made to order on short notice, A hearse will be furnished if desired. N. B. Turning and Sawing done to order. August n, 1859. B, x. VAKHORX.