’ JAS. lOWReI «£: S. F. WIESOIf, cMfi?sellorsat law, win attend the poaj&oC Tioga, pottor and McKean counties. [WellBtyorejj|Febd-l, 18y3.] piCK.I»SOW HOUSE C OjK Kit K'G, N. Y. Jlaj. A. Field,], ...... Proprietor Guests taken to &nd f,y\nJtho Depot free of charge. if, ] ' OTERY, ' Attorney ANi*i coljnsedlor at daw Wellsboro, jlioA'i (Col, Pa. Will do role hie 'time exclusively {othlabractice of law. Collections made in any of the ggrlhetn, counties of Pcnnsyl rania. " *■■ ■’ f n0”21,G0 PINSSIXyASIA HOUSE. Corner e/ Mata Street on|f the Avenue, Welhboro, Pa. J. W. PROPRIETOR. This popular Hotel, fiijvifig been Ire-fitted and re furnished throughout, is open to the public as a first-class house. ’ 1 IZAAK HOPSE, \ET. C. r E Bill I PBOPBIEfOIt. Gaines/; TioB& jCotmty, Pa. VjIHXS is anew hotel locatpd’within easy access o I the best hunting grounds in Northern Ipa. No pains will (B sparad for tho accommodation ‘of pleasure seekers ' nd theltraycliug public. ‘April 12. 1860. •' < r :^A!3IPEUU, BABBEI f A SEA. IQ HOP in,the rcarrijf ?hV just Offoe. Erorything in his lino will hei'doUßjaVpotl and promptly as it • e an bo done in the eTfycialolms. Preparations for re raoring-dandruff, add;Jfea.i)lirying the hair, for sale 'cheap. IJair and TfbSspheljyed any "color. Call and ■ see. WellsborQ, iiak ri'ViaioTEi.. ' , THOMAS gA ■- '■si- Proprietor. .(Fsrmertj) . f (tie '(to nngton^otel.) THIS Hotel, koft for 4 liinig time by David Hart, ia being repaired Sod famished "anew. The subscriber has leased it fbf A term of years, -where he may be found repdy to wait upon bis old customers and the’traveling public His table will bo. provided with the besf Ja4 market affords. At his bar may be'foirtd the chownst brands-of liquors and cigars. ' "U ' Wellsbnro, Jan. 2], ISSjrtf. - . HOTEL. TJ. B. HOLLlDfifp ] - Proprietor. THE Proprietor having Again taken possession of the above Hotel, wit sppo no pains to insure the comfort of guests ant} the ’traveling public. At tentive waiters always featjlfj !fcrms reasonable. N Wellsboro, Jan. 21, 1#3.-sf. Q W. WELLIWfifoW & CO’S. BANK, N.. Y., (Located in th(j ipfCKixsox HorkE.) American Gold apd Silver ICoio -bought and sold. Now York.ExchangP,|l, ‘ • do. Uncurrent Money, J '*| *■’,* ,do. United-States “old issue" bought. Collections made in aj‘. gar la. of the Union at Cur* rent rates of Exchange?!-*' Particular pains wßUi'eiUlccn to accommodate our patrons from tho Tid£a&a|tey. Our Office will be open at 7A. M., clffe !ati TP. M., giving parties passing over "tho Xtߣ Bi <'Ifyil Road amplo time to transact their business &osre the departure of the traiddn the morning, -its arrival in (he Q. TV. TfiEJiWNGTON,president. Corning, N. Y./Ntyk 32, ,dS62. / • JERO.IIX: jib. “ arrqusE yA-‘vdv%spLLan at law, NH.E3 YALLUV, tfSa’A COUNTY, PA.,^ hwpsplf with a legal firm in Washington, he? first rate facilities for tho prosecution of Qlaim.^'for -Pensions, Back-Pay, Rounty, and all other* juiislemands against the Gov ernment. AU.guch cl'&lmtffi’lU be amended to with promptness and fidelity,land. “no charges" will he mado unless the applligdtidn'is successful. t MiddlobaryCcntro,;Kdy(’l2, 1862,-3m. . MANSI, A TJTORNE Y.. &' QOiInSELLOII AT-LAW, Xjl Cbudersport, attend ,tbe several Courts ia r Potter and McKean' gpuntics. All business en trusted to his care wUl'Seogve prompt attention. He has the ogency of good settling land and wiirattend to of tascs on any lands in said counties. r ] {S - Cuudersport, Jan. ItS) J. CAiTti’l ATTORNEY & AT LAW, kxoxrii.L e| yjpoA cousrr, pa: Prompt attention^,is Sit'-to llie r roeurin S of ren sions, Back-Pay of S/Atofs ic. Jap. 7, 18GJ.-Cm.*£ WOOL s*U|3q|l»lNCi AND SIN GK, jjf .TEE ,( KiOifj'OUMJllY AT WellsborougL, '’'fifga County, Fa. THE subscriber bavi&|mtcJ up the place for the purpose of Woql. Ca^ilug-.and Cloth Dressing, and also would inform thhSp'pjOplo that we will take, wool to manufacture ! dn‘sh|*s3 or Ivy the yard, to suit customers,.and would itbo people that we can card wool at any time, i|&ijr wonks run by steam power, and-also he carded for four cents per pound. will be taken for pav for the same. 1 M ; * N. B. Prompt he paid to all favoring us. We will give go^siiti»fyction. •TSlI.f CHARLES LEE, *4.hi t ' *LEE. Wollsboro, June ijMlf'. __ . 9?50 . BKS«* : PIANOS. ISO JOS. P- HALE &. removed to their now warerooms, ' '1 a ' * No. ini Roadway. are now prepared 1 to' public-a magnificent now scale full !” \[ ‘ ■ 7 OCTAtE ( U^E WOOD PIANO, containing all imprdv4vnoun ih this country or Europe, ovcr-jjtruUgi?«?V French grand action, hary pedal, full ipon for. CASH, , Warrant cA'Tar 5 Years. JUfth case?,' ■ vj , • " sm, siSjj & 8300, All warranted made o ,r thgacsl seasoned material, and to stand better than ijby gild for-SIDO or $-300 by the methods of '“mantfh(it . „ We invite teachers* In all parts of the conntiJ§| tci act as agents, and rto '•test these unrivalled IP,iajsp? with Steinway A Suns, ChicketiDg- &' Song£ cr ars|:firbt-cla?s manufacturers. - ' - /os. -p\ co„ 478 ItROAmVp, SEW YORK. Oct. 22, 1802.-411!.’, ' gb] , HOMESTEAD. A NEW STOVE -.AND TIN SHOP HAS just been opened In Penna.; where may bo found a good of Cooking, Parlor and Stoves, of tho muTtdfiprjuved pattern?, and from *lie.UBt manufaclurerSLflW HOMESTEAD is od *m Lilted to he the Vctl JOfevkted Oven Stove in llifr •market, Tho . *4,,' “ GOLDEX GOOD HOPE” 'j are square/ flat tojf shoves, with la.r'je ovenp, ■with many advantagerjktrsrr e,ny other stove before rra.ulo, , Parlor Stove?.|fl|e fignct and Gaspion ire hath very neat and sueihrTpr Steves, : ■ Also Tip, Copper, app SWet Ironware, kept con stantly on handtand thrift to, order of tho best mate rial ahd woykraimsbi]j,eS|Sß which will he sold at the lop-cat figure for |r xcgdy pay, , Job it orb of all kiSds attended to on call. . Jlmga, i SJIEAD, PENSICwfejfAGENCY. I*o anb Their friends. THE undersign.ei}' , tij2Yii|g ind considerable expo rttnco ia proctor) ag I&nsion Bounties aud Back pay of Soldiers, wilM,t|ea| td.all business in that line entrusted to his cftec’ivUhtiproinptßess and fidelity, ' Mesons wishing to coaffr With me will piaaso call or address me by letofat j-ylynhia, Bradford County, ia.-. Charges reasonable. • ; j GEO. P„ MONROE. ,■ Befers by permission t