: -■ 9o' a [ ■ 'Hi ■; ir i THK i 'lt j . —“ : r L OO A X. AK D iffifijOEl. I. AHEOUg ■ Wellsboro, Wednei erST- Bosiskss and lntended f or tlii? p&per, should j\ ie; (PjdresEed “To tha Editor of the Agitator,” that' the,; pay receive prompt at tention. ' 1 V i . - Special Notice.— DrnSnj 'the absence of the Proprietor, the busings of |h‘e Office bo transect ed bj Mr. L. Bnche, who, qlaoe, unless it be epeciulj ordered otherwise, is Qdthuliicd to collect end receipt Jot moneye due I ,oi' paid jn.'and to °rd» r EU .aete are hereby to bo . nUi end eonrso is not) intended tp'hinder the receipt “of moneys by authorised agent* in. different sections tif-the county. to Mr. Bacbo -until notice. ■ " s:., V\ M . Mew AdT^iteementa. Executor** Notice —Israel StpnCj3sxec6tor. > Adminietralo'r'e -Votics—jjpnisa Sbeivcs, A. G. Gar rison, Jacob Shelves, Adipinistratora.. Hart Ly/At on the 'S'O'J. •V. S. luteruJl M'.rholps. Ayer’* Cathartic Pill*- | ; - 1 Stlascjuitans.—All subscribers to "the AeiTiion whose albs crip lions were in aneaia six months and under on'Ye Ist day of jam 1863, will settle the sam|i with. f w’. present proprietor of the paper; thoeo.whoae su/icripiions were in arrears over six months at that tinp wjili, settle the aims) with - Hugh Young at the IJoit Office, ■ CoaJJJISSIOSEiy OP 'INTERNAL Ee VENUE. ' Speaker Grow is nam'edwn lonncctioir with the Com pilssion of .Internal feaJhnufei'When ths pesition shall *he Vacated by jjoutwell, M. C. elect. Donation Vis," Visit will be 'given at the house of i Austin, in Charleston, for the benefit of Ee'v.s on Thursday afternoon anil 1863. All are invited •to attend. has built a new hall; ijkicda to give the dancing folks a chance of trying qijVhe 20lh inst. If you want \o bave.a gbod is the place to go. We’U-wairant a good time to all who attend. The heard lately of a fe malcrebel, who, oh being asked to give ‘up a seces sion flag, thrust it int^ijefc'bosom and defied some good looking Union j take it. But, ‘to her great mortification and they didn’t offer to, -The ungallant J The Mobile- quote country butter at 75n90 cents per pound,? at wholesale, $3 40a3 57 per pound ; flour, ssGaso WtoI ; bacon, 50a60 cents per pound;'rice, poufid salt, s7oasBG p" “ oral and social standing; '■j,i' T P' l >i‘ e r - R'.olvcd, Thatr*^^!' 0 ? art f, lTe5 to S eth r ", " s , a body ,f- Cluistian-ltrt the name of " The Christian'-A-Ksoeiattqn; ,{ tSft'oe, hundred and Forty. Ninth Regiment, Far wylrijma oluntoers. •2. That, the. otya I tfXhia 8«oci«tio» shall be jnmtnal improvement n allithat p.ttlatns to our Re l giou!, Mural and Sol nt; tbit we will, as far as sico£ aloof from evil societr, mo disoerdUll iliiie things uvich are calcu lated'tu detract feoj ;■ the.thristi.aa eb-iracter, and that we wilt ospeeiißwaisc'he’nteuanoe profanity, cat d. ‘playing, and thosd *. juscWcpts often relortsd to by soldiers in.tho arnVy.V . : ' r 3. that we will sotf ] all importunities of assembling ourselves together foi the jjirpose of social intercourse nod prayer, cod tbaf/wo jm,4>y our daily walk and conversation among te-wst such an example before the world if '■ wljjybo an honor to u« And glorify our Father w! to,is^i».Hofuven. 4. That wo, will at/endftqaily to the 4aty of secret prayer, find ciiU.uptfi' tb|i Go.d'of Hosts 4© assist os ‘in carrying out our and building up hia Kingdom upon the qVth-fi pnd’lhat wherever w© are, or under whatever c we. will so conduct .ourselves before men f-thai'ijce shall he known by our fruits as the faithful 1 dlowcrgof uur Lord Jesus Christ. u. That we will, s far co a verse with and encourage, eon*, el, an‘d aivisa cash other in the discharge of our da ;ea, Arid thereby watch over one another that we do goiiuo by .and ibrbiddco paths. C. That whenoier-Wc spo or have reason to believe •that there axe any, 6tuers*ivhx> are striving to serve r God, and ore willing-to snbicriße tbnir'names to .these 1 resolutions, we wHI cord&ialy wdcotne them into owr association, and enddnyo? 'to' throw about them those -hallowinginfluencescalculated to-do thea good,both ' body and soub - ' *f» , . - N. Each mtHnheriol this association when leav ing bis regiment ’qithor t£ he absent at home or to be sent to the general hosp Sal on account of sickness or •wounds, is provided Witlf a certificate of membership, ' which also gives the adless to bra parents or nearest friends whom ho wpuld »h*e informed in case of bis death. fsj signed by the Leader and ■ Secretary of the Assqciajiou. ' MBJIBBRS ,OF’tJ3B ASSOCIATION Gijo. W. Spear. Moyer li/. C. MeCnll'afgb, Captain co. E;C. L. lloyt, Ist l.i^uL. co. K; 11. Clay Weaver, Ist Lient. co.. I; Lieut. Ja’hn M. Chose; F.. D, Carr, •Sergeant co. G-; Erasing frippcn, Sergeant; Charles P. McMaaters, co. Jl; Jo{f n T. Milter, d. S., co. G; ■Robert Fos, co. G; 0. t;C. Pre.-ho, Corporal; Jos. S. M. Bradley, Joseph: W.rjlcinan, Wm. Lewis, Luke S. Munn, co. B ; David fflloiges, co. Bj A. B.Cole, Sergeant eo. B; Sainn|p F. George, co. B, James McDowell, co,B; \yitli|ii Stnilh, eo. B; George W. McDowell; eo. E; Jos. Vantew, co. G; Lnmnn Peck, co. G : Silas lE. (Ml, co. K; P. M. Welabah, co. C; Josiah Werner,cca'i’; John Klick.co.C; John ■!v nl r ’ co ‘ : o hh Block, co. C; John Fragrew, co, C; Wm. Moyer, eoM - j Joseph L. Dale, co. B ; New ton ReadtCo. B \ co. B; Win. H’. Read, co.II; Geor|« Wi Bnrry, co. B; John-Henry, ico. B; John Morrir, Coflkwol, on trial: John Gram, vorpornl, on trial Presho: Jas. F. Simons; Corporal; Samuel M 1 .iV : / Lt. Joax M. C UXfEj p>*. A. ByeHj President, irctary, Thwgwnent infer ox of the new Bailed, drnwo from the supposed advantages which T.ioga county is to dcrivafrom it, is thatmost commonly used by Mr. Magee atid hls friends, flbd, perhaps, deserves further notice. If the coontriata beEesefitted hfit, let a® endeavor to see'Aow. *- lie friends answer us ty saying tint the building of the road will n*nbe a large amount of business in the valley of the Tioga while ft-fc building. That Itwill give a new impetus to bosinosf generally la the county'; and that it will build up an important u home market” These are the benefits which it‘ls alleged Tioga county Is to derive from the soecesss of Mr. Magee's hilt iy, Feb. XX. 1863, The first is readily disposed of. Mr. Magee has built some ,eight or, nine miles of’new road, in , the county, and no basloess was advanced by it except Hr. Magee's own. He builds a fellrbadlti. the cheap* est way for himself. He-employs his bands, brings his provisions from New York for them, and famishes (hem goods out of his own-store. NaVa merchant is helped by it—not a farmer’sells a bnshel of wheat more or less in consequence of it. This also disposes of the third benefit, vis: “home market.” Bat will Mr. Magee mine more coal if he-gets his charter than he will if he does not ? In either case he will mine all he can sell to advantage, or all that his mines can bo made,to. yield profitably... Jp either case be .will have the same .number of miners employed, and con* sequentiy in eithoV casb there will he-the same “home market” Tho new road; therefore, will neitherlwlp nor hurt the county so far as that is concerned. But it is said that will give an impetus to business generally. How ? No more coal will be mined—no mors miners at work in 'mining, it—no more men to be fed and clothed. It could, not help business if it was otherwise, for Mr. Magee furnishes his own dry goods and groceries at his own store. But let us take a practical view of this question from another stand-point. It is a fact beyond nil cavil that the present road doesj da'all the business that both rejads would have to demand is capable of doing much more.' Now what is the uniform effect of dividing a busi ness none too large to go together ? A man keeps a hotel and has a comfortable business. Soon, some peighbor, moved by a desire to injure tbe landlord, efr it may be with the expectation of getting rich, erects a rival house,. The fc building of another house and the Consequent doubling of tbe accommodations, does not double tbe custom. That remaine-as be fore, and divided between the two is really worth nothing to either, while to either alone it would af< ford a comfortable living. H, ia. so in every branch of business. Until there is a public demand for*it-- an increased business to require it—tbe building of tbe new road would only servo to divide the business which tho present road can and ought to do. Instead of building up tho county it would be a positive detriment, because it would render the general busi ness of the road comparatively worthless to each of them, and neither could afford to take the pains to accommodate the public with one-half the business, that either could do with the whole. * This is perfectly obvious. The real motive of Mr, Magee ia very different from what men are asked to believe. He does not come into Tioga county to spend bis money for the benefit of a people who are strangers to him. Ho has no such broad philan thropic purposes in viow as are glibly talked of by his friends. He comes into the county (hr tho simple .purpose of making money for himself—and that in the speediest possible. He - owns tho lower end of the present road. His mines are at (bo other end. If be could got his vow road bo could carry on it all there is to be carried over the route. By refusing to take freights over his road from the State! lino down (as be then could do with impunity) which had come to that point in"the cars of the Tioga com pany, be could at once compel everybody to.patronize Lie road. No roan could then ship a pound of freight or send a single, board over the Tioga railroad, for* if be did it would be stopped at the State line, and not permitted to go beyond it. This would render the whole length of the Tioga railroad useless. That company, which expended money in building tho road—-which developed the mineral wealth of the county, and which has given to tbo county all the benefits which it can ever derive from a railroad up the Tioga valley—that company will he ruined. Ko man in the county —no man in the State, will be benefitted by it. John Magee, and he only, will be the gainer. He asks the people to help him forward to this result. Can any fair-minded man do it? jgg* Thb Soldiers* Vote.—Senator Johnson read the following bill in bis place granting the men who fight for their country, the privilege of voting at elections. The bill roads : A j«int resolution proposing ru amendment to the Constitution extending the right Of suffrage to citi zens in actual military service. Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representa tives of the Goiumomr/alth of Pennsylvania,in General Assembly met r That fhe following amendment bo pro posed to the IConsalution of the Commonwealth in accordance with the’ provisions of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution to be designated as section four, as'follows: Sue. 4. Whenever any of the qualified., electors of this Commonwealth shall be in rfny actual military service under « requisition from the President of the United States or by the authority of this Common wealth, such may exercise the right of suffrage in nil elections by the citizens, under .such regulations as shall bo proscribed by law, as fnlly os if they were present at their usual place of election. TnimLbw Weed, retires from the Albany Evening Journal, which hehnj been editingfor_thirty ihrco years. Tburlow has been moulting his Repub lican feathers for some time, and, we trust, will no longer stand on tho'order of his going. • At the residence of the bride’s father, in Wellsboro, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. (i. P.’Watrons, Mr, J. A. KNAPP and Miss ELIZABETH EMERY. In Charleston, on instant, OLIVER WIL LARD, aged about 80 years. Mr, W. was one of tho earliest settlers in Tioga county. In Wellaboro, on the 6th inst., of diptheria, CHAS. FREDERIC, youngest son of 0. V. and Jane Craas, aged 9 years and G days. In Wellsboro, on the 9tb instant, of consumption, MARY, wife of-Lewis Smith, aged about 44 years. In Alba. Bradford county, Pa., on tho Ist nit, of diptheria, youngest son of Abram and Lydia Young, aged 4 years, 7 months and 3 days. Gone like the flowers when summer's o’er, When winter’s breath is nigh, Flown, like birds, to a far off clime, { To sing fnealb a summer sky. Sore TlU’oat stud Diphtheria. A' NEW nnd powerful remedy to be used A. only externally has just been found. It must be applied when tbo first symptoms appear, and it will certainly reduce the swelling and. ioflamation. Call for the Lethean Ointment at Roy’s Drng Store. Directions accompany each bottle. Price 25 cents. Wellsboro, Feb- 4, 1863. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of Ad ministration haring been granted to tho subscri* beta on the estate of Cornelius Pierce, late of Farm ington Uwnsbpy r doc’d, all persons haring claims or demands against said estate are hereby requested to makeimmediate: payment, and those haring claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement to the subscribers. GEO. M. tIALL, 1 jA», Feb. 4, i863-6t. NOAH CORWIN, j Aam * m ' A TTORNEy *& COUNSELLOR AT LAAV, A Coudersport, Pa.,’will attend the serchil Churls In P ter 'hod McKean Counties. AH bittiness en trusted t® bis ealre will receive prompt attention. He has tho agency if Urge tracts of good settling land and will attend Id the payment of taxes on any land;* In shid ooantieal , - Cvudersport, 28,1868:* {Adverftasme&t.t THE F&6FOBEP HEW BATIiEOAD. 3 Pennsylvania*. -A. RBI3D. dib r>. JOHN S. MAWIV, ffiffE t 1 *'"" J. P. BILES, AT TUB , ; ■, , •• ; KNOXVILLE FOUNDRY, MAKES THE ||:sx Riots : IN THE COUNTRY. ‘ _ \ ALSO -"-v ‘ - -’ ' , ‘ \'] r Cauldron Settles. STOVJBS, iSACBIiIERT, AC., *€* "• • 1 ALL AT LOW-FIGURES. Knoxville, Feb. 4, 1863-oin. A GEM FOR THE MILLION, . ASDA I Splended and Appropriate Holiday Present, BE^OKEST’S name. ' RUNNING STITCH $5 Sewing Machine, THE embodiment of practical utility, and a marvel of simplicity ; makes the panning stitch very rapidly and perfect,-uses a common needle, and will last a lifetime* ACtbo New York Slate Fair, its simplicity, efficiency, and great practical utility, was confirmed by tbe award of the First Premium. It will gather, raffle, shirr, tuck, ran up breadths, etc., with a single or double thread on any material adapted to tie running stitch* The thinnest* Usually tbe most difficult to stiteb by other sewing- machines; being sowed tbe easiest. For ladies’ and children's apparel, and other articles made of light fabrics, it will therefore bo found nJmdst invaluable* It is attached to the table like .a sewing bird, and having no tension, and requiring no lubrication or change of stiteb, U always' for operation, bud such a marvel of simplicity that a child of six or eight years can understand and use it successfully. It is not at all liable to get out of order. Each machine is put up in a neat box, accompa nied with full and explicit directions, and twenty five heedlea. . > Sent to any address in the United States on re ceipt of an order, inclosing the amount, or may be collected by Express on delivery of the machine. When the sent with the order afid regis tered, wo guarantee its'safe receipt.and tbe delivery of tbe machine, anywhere within 2000 miles free of any Express charges. Very liberal arrangements for agencies. Sec Mirror of Fashions, or for full particulars, specimen of sowing, etc., send :a stamp for return postage. Address, - MMB. DEMOREST, t 473 Broadway, N. Y. Every lady, mother, milliner and dress-maker, should have one of these valuable sewing machines. January 21, 1663. H DRIEST EAl>. A NEW'STOVE AND TIN SHOP HAS just been opened,in Tioga, Penna*, where may bo found a good assortment of ■ Cooking, Parlor and Box Stores, of tho-most approved patterns, and from the best manufacturers. The HOMESTEAD Is ad mitted to be the best Elevated- Qven Stove im the market. The ' “ GOLDEN AGE”.ds GOOD MOPE” are square, flat top air tight stoves, with largo ovens, with many advantages over any other stove before made; Parlor Stoves. The Signet and Caspian are both very neat-nnd superior stoves. ' Also Tin, Copper; and Sheet Iron ware, kept bon stantly on band knd made to order of the best cate na! and workmanship, all of which will be sdd at the lowest figure for cash or ready pay. Job work of ail binds attended to on call.' i Tioga, Jan. U, 1863. GUERNSEY A SMEAD. co ening: WHOLESALE DRUG AED BOOS STORE. RUGS AND MEDICINES, ‘ PAINTS AND DIES, WINDOW GLASS, KEROSINE OIL, ALCOHOL, ’. . HOOKS AND STATIONERY, Sold at wholesale by W. D. TERBELL. Country Merchants supplied with thes* article at NEW YORK PRICES. Corning, Feb. 26, 1862. JEROUE B. NILES, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, NILES YALLEY, TIOGA COUNTY, PA., HAVING associated himself with juiegol firmin Washington, be possesses first rate facilities f»f tbo prosecution of' Claims for Pensions, Ba<& Pn*,' Bounty, and all other just demands against the Goi ernment, All such claims will be attended to with promptness and fidelity, and “no charges’* will be made unlens the application is sueecstfut, Middlebury Centre, Xowl2, 18G2.-3m, WOOL CABBING AND CLOTH DRESSING, IE THE OLD FOVEDRY AT Wellsborougb, Tioga County, Fa. THE. subscriber having fitted up the plapo foe the purpose of Wool Carding and Cloth {Dressing, and also would inform the people that we will take wool tq manufacture ou shares or hy the yard, to suit customers, and would inform the people that we can card wool at any lime, as our works run by steam power,-and also that all wool will be carded for four cents per pound. Wool and produce will be taken for pay for the same. N. B. Prompt attention will be paid to all favoring us. Wo will give good satisfaction. CHARLES LEE, JOHN LEE. WoHsboro, June 11, 1862. Administrators notice.—Letters of ad ministration having been granted to the sub scribers on the estate of John VanJueen, late of Farmington, dec’d., notice is hereby given to those indebted to.said estate, to make immediate payment and those having claims, to present them properly au thenticated, for settlement to'the subscribers. ■ * ROBERT A. CASBtj&R, > , ANDREW VANDUSEN, [ Adi t l .*- Farmingtdp, Jan. 7, 1862.-OW. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Letters of. ad ministration having been granted to the subscri ber, eu the estate of Justns S. Burdick, late of Chat ham, dec’d; notice is hereby given to those indebted .to said estate to make-immediate payment, and those haring claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. - ■ - ~ . D. S. SHOVE, Administrator. Chatham, Jah. 14,1863. AUDITOR’S SJOXIGE. —Notice is hereby given that the undersigned having been appointed an Auditor to. audit Ibe’accounts of O. B. Wells and Gales Bird, Executors of the Estate of John. Cowatt, late of Jackson township; deo’d., will attend to the duties ol bis appointment at the office of J. W, Gaern* key, iu the borough of Tioga, on Saturday, tbe'SUt day. of January instant, at lO o'clobk A, M.,at which time amKplace all persons-having any claims upon -said fond ore required to present them lor.allowance. Tioga, Jan. 7,1863.. WM. QARRBJgQN. J. CAMPBEfJL, |R., ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAiiV, icxdxrif’c,E, fiftr.A r6uxtr, PA. * Prompt attohtlon g*uen to the procuring of-Pen sions, BabU fyty of Soldiers Ac: Jaa» h MELLSBOUO BOOK .SMEf i\o. 5, irnion Block. • f THE subscriber,-havingyfurcbased f new stoch in addition to the well'seleoted stock be bod on bund, is prepared- toJiacceminodatfi. the public by keeping A. OENBBAIi.iN-B'WS ROOM T . , AND BOOK STORE, wUI furnish, ! ’ . v I; AT THE WEW‘STiJIBT “ in the Post Office Building, No. 5, Union Block, (or by mail) aU -. j Tftv. 'STEW YORK DAILIES at the publishers prices. He will also keaop on haad all the Literary Weeklies, and 1 - 1} ; The Monthly Magazines, Including Harper’s, the Atlantic, Godej's, Peterson's ’Knickerbocker, Continental 4c., 4e. •’ '' Also, Will bo kept constantly ?a hand, a coin ,ot» [repository of . : ■ • - r CLASSICAL, HISTORICAL. POETICAL ... SCHOOL AED MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Blank Hooka, Paper iDaiigtasi, ■ SHEET-MUSIC, PWTURES, UAPS,:tc, Orders for Bindtng.Books. The work executed to suit anjr taste, sndon the lowest possible term's. Partico. tar attcntinnwiU slso be given to SPECIAL ORDERS far any thing comprehended in the trade. • One Thousand Volumes of the Latest Editions ’of" SOHOOU BOOKS. Parents, Teachers and jßcholars, are Inrited to call and examine this large assortment of School Books in which may ie found everything in us* In tha schools of the County.- | , . ’ - READERS.-T-Sanders' entire series, .porter'sJßeader, Sergeant's, TownVahd Willson’s Reader*, aVthe toie e*t cath rafet. | \ \ '. Spellihq Books* —Senders', Webs tors Ac. - Arithmetics. Greenleafs, Davies',. Stoddard's, Colburn's Ac. ■ Grammars. —Brown's,| Kenyon's, Smith's Ac. Geographies. —Mitchell’s, Warren's,-Colton's Ac. Davies’ Legendre, Algebra, Surveying A«, ~ Slates of all kinds apd sUes^ 'Books, Steel Pens. ■J Paper of all kinds. Latin, German, French and Greek Text Books; on hand and purchased to order. Thatches, Jewelry, Picture Frames, Paper Hang ing?/ Christmas Toys, Fancy > Articles, Maps, Pic tures Ac. ’ i All orders promptly attended to, Velisbbro, Nov. 26,1862. J. F. ROBINSON, J. M. SMITH, HAS now on hand and is daily receiving at his JTE W IST ORB, OPPOSITE THE -j DICK IN SON HOUSE, a fill and complete assortment of Pall and ’winter' Goods, wUch have been bought on tbe most favorable terms, aui will be offered to customers at a VERY SMALL ADVANCE. , .Many of‘ his • ' "domestic goods ;: were purchased at different times during the Summer, thus enabling him to sell-them Less than Current New York Pric©s f jind.still makeS'U Imull profit, _ Advantages of such Purchases will at all times be given’; to the yustomera as far as possible. A years expericnee in selling Goods for : Ready Pay Only, has fully confirmed him in the opinion thatthiria the only proper way, for both Buyer & Seller, os it enables him to do better by his customer than would' be possible under tho Credit System.- The Uoutly Pay Syatpin will therefore, be continued, and also THE ONE PRICE SYSTEM, believing that to be the only policy consistent with . Honesty and Fair Dealing. All persons from Tioga Connty visiting Corning are INVITED TO CALL ’ and make an examination. Corning, Oct. 8, 1862. JOHN H. BOWEN, NO. 1. UNION BLOCK, BEGS leave to notify such ef his friends .and the public who do not already know,'that ho is once more on “ THE OLD STAMPING GROUND’* on the corner where stood the-old EMPIRE STORE before “ the Fite,’’ and more particularly that be has just received a large’ atad varied stock of FALL AND WOTEB DRY GOODS, ' LADIES’ GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING,' BOOTS, SHOES, t &c., as well os a full assortment of HARDWARE, QUEEN SW ARE, WOODEN-WARE, and GROCERIES, sfoclally adapted to tbo wants of the-community aad will sell them at the lowest living prices. . CASH AND PRODUCE cf all kinds taken In exchange for Goods. AVellsboro, Oct. 8, ISC2. • •• COWSTITUTIOIV WATER. THE ONLY REMEDY FOR DIABETES, Irrita tion of the Neck of the Bladder, Inflammation ol'the Kidneys, and batarrh nf the Bladder, Strati pU'y and Burning, or Painful Urinating, Stone in the Bhdder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mccous or Milky Discharges after Urinating, i'ur safe by all Druggists. Price $l. WM. H. GREGG & CO., Proprietors. Morgan- A Allen, General Agents, Nb. 46 Cl Iff Jit,, New .York. . JOHN A. ROY, Agent for Tioga County. iVellsboro, April 16, 1862.41 y. HART’S HOTEL. THOMAS. GRAVES, - J,- Proprietor {Fortier?!/ of the Covington ffuttl.) THIS Hotel, kept for a lopg tiraabjr David Bart, is being tepaired' and furnished - arfew. Ihe subscriber has leafed it for a term of years, where bb maybe found rfeady to wait upon hia old customers and the traveling public generally. His table will bo provided with the best the maikst affords. At Uis bar may be found the choicest brands of liquors and cigars. . , . , . . Wellsboro, Jon. 21, 1663.-tjk - • • RETURNED. SOLDIERS AN© their FRIENDS, oah, olitain. BACK. PAST, TENSIONS, anil DOILN'TY, through the subscriber, who baa- wade arangeraonts tif-prujeento all atteb claim*, with a lung eatabliahed ini perfectly reliable PENSION AOEN’CV at Washington. An the affidavit* tmisd be. taken hefure a jndse of the Court, and as this i? tboresidehca of Judge 'V hee ler; the biWnes* t-an be Utt'i-nfcled in an hmtr» time, itawrcnccrjile, dan. SS, I £dii; I*. It- 1* ithi.3, . HAVING MADE HKAtt ADDITIONS TO OCR HITHI&Tt)' LARGE STOCK, ... , We coneiEe^lt.Drvniß ALL IN WANT OF Cheap Goods, - AS ■WE ARE -i. ; - CONSTANTLY PROGRESSING. NO “GO BACK’.’ IN THE CASE! EACH, DAY INCREASES, OUR SALES, AND MAKES NEW CUSTOMERS, WHO SPEAK WONDERS VXN BEHALF OF’THE •“ _ 11 SmaU Profit,” 11 Quick Sales,” ' AND Good Value System. NOTHING LIKE .BUYING. GOODS * 1 CHEAP FOR CASH, IND SELLING TIM (HEIP, * WHICH IS THE GREAT SECRET —OF— FERINE & CO. “GOODS WELL BOUGHT” ALL AGREE IN SAYING i "ARE HALF SOLD?’ Aujb HAVING THE SAME SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES AS FORMERLY IN MAKING OUR PORCBASES, AYE PLEDGE OUR FRIENDS TO MAKE Our Word Good. IN ADDITION ‘TO OUR STOCK OF DRESS "GOODS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERBS, DOMESTICS, 40., 40., &C. ATE JAVE ADDED ONE OF THE FINEST ASSORTMENTS OF CLOTHING TO BE FOUND IN THIS VICINITY AND AT PRICES Defying Competition. ~r * FURS! PURS! ATE HAVE ALSO JUST RECEIVED A SPEEMDID EOT OF FURS, CONSISTING IN PART OP MINK, STONE AND FITCH MARTEN, SIBERIAN SQUIRREL AND RIVER MINKS &C.; Children’s Curs OF ALL KINDS, “MUFFS AND CUFFS IN ENDLESS VARIETY-. GIVE PS A» EARLY CALL 'AND .'SECURE BARGAINS, is WJS PLEDGE YOU To Sell Them! AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES; Ferine & Cfo.j. TROY; PA; 8150 BEST PIANOS. IM • JOS. p. HAI/E & CObaring remorml to OtW new feareroqos, ; V- ,1 . . . Ho.. 478 BROADWAY; are now prepare} to offer ISe pntTlo a magnificent new Scalp full . ' 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO, containing nil Improvenicjita known in this country or Euro|ie t bver*strutig grand action, hary'pedal,, full iron frame, for £l3O & 175 CASH, Warranted fbr 6 Team KtcU itiotitjiting bases,' . $10.6, $250, fe $306, . al£ wiirraitfe&inadeof.the best seasoned material,and to stand better than any sold foe $4OO or $5OO by thd old methods of manufacture. We invito T , DEALERS AND TEACHERS tf< |. in nil parts of country, to act as ageftfis, (tfj test tbeso-unrivalled Pianos with Stcinway A Sons*; Cbickering healthy and vigorous circulation of the blood, through (he-Luuga.* It,is not a violent remedy, bat cfiiolfedt—warm, searching and effective; can be taken.by the eldest person or youngest child. Madams ZADOC PORTWI’i BALSAM has been in nse by the public for over 13 years, and has acquired its present sale simply, by being recommended by lbu*4 who havensed it to their aflivO’' cd friends and others. | Most Important I arae Zadoe Porter's Curative B«f-. run is sold at a price which brings ft in the reach of every v % ij ili ' - ■ one to keep it convenient lor w»«. Tbe timely use-of a single bottle will prove to be worth 100* times its cost. ' . NOTICE.—Sate Tour Moiatt—Oo not be persuaded to.* purchase articles ot 4s ;o $1 Which do not contain the. vir tues of o'l3 cent Bottle of Madame Porter’s Curative -Sat urn, the cost of mamifccfuring which is as great as that almost any other medicine; and the very low price at wbkk It fs sold, makes the profit ter tiro artier apparently smsff. and wnprio&pledjdeal&v vfill sometimes recommend other medicines on which their profits ore larger, unless the cus tomers insist npoithaving Jfadanie PoVtcr’s ahd.tfMW etStf* Ajsk for Mstlnaic Porter’s Curative Balsam, prioj j l3' and in large bottles ut 25 cents, and lake ho other. If you cannot get if atone storeryon at anhfhhf. * . - by ail Druggists and Storekeepers Si l£ cents,' and in larger bottles at 25 cents. ... • J HALL £ BUCKEL, Proprietors,'- Jun. 28,16G3.-ly. New Yarfc. - OFFICE OF JAY COOEEy - SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At JAY COOKE & CO., BaakenV . ' 1U SOUTH THIRD STREET, _!_ Philadelphia, Nov. J, tB«2. Tbe undersigned, baring been appointed Subscrip tion Agent by the Secretary of the Treasury, iTnoW prepared to furnisb, at onCe, the J ifceJW Twenty Teas 6 pet eent Bondi; of tbe United States, desrgfiatecf as “ redeemable-at the pleasure of the Govennhetit,! after : fivo years, and authorised by Act of Congress, ap provcd-February 25, 1862. I The COUPON BONUS are issued in sums of sso>* sioo, $50o,;$iooo. 1 Tbo REGISTER BONDS 1* sums of $550, $lOOO, and - <' Interest at Six per cent, per snnum #3l cofefesßed from date of purchase, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD, Semi-Annually, which is equal, at tbe present premi um on gold, to about eight per cent, per onnam. i Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who have any money to invest, should know and remember that these Bonds ore. In* effect ai/Yrsf Mortgage upon all Railroads, Canals, Baok> Stocks and Securities, and the immense products of All thej Manufactures, Ac., Ac., in the country ? kndtiit tie full'and ample- provisionmade for tbe payment pf tqd interest and liquidation hi principal, by Customs Du ties,- Excise Stamps and Internal Revenue, serves ta make these Bonds tbo, - , Beet, Host Available and Moet Popular Investheitl . tn the Market. Subscription* 'received at FAB in Legal Tended Notes, or notes and checks of banks in Philadelphia, Subscribers by moll will receive prompt attention, and every facility and explanation willb© afforded,on application at this office. * j ■ A full supply of Bonds will be kept on hand wf immediate delivery. JAY COOKB, , - Nov.-12,1562. Subscription Agpnt.- CONSUMPTION, AND Diseases of the THROAT and LTTNGB, can be cured. Not however by any medicine taken into the stomach,'as has been folly shown recently in a series of-essays by Dr. Robert Roster of New York City, published in the Daily Tribune: but by inhaling the Euilablo'medicine combined with oxygen, into the Lungs. The r subscriber is so: folly satisfied of this that ho has entered into an arrange ment with Dr. Hooter, by which any person suffering from diseased throat or. lungs, on giving him a full statement of tboir symptoms, and paying the regular fee, which is very reasonable, cab have their case sent to J tbe Doctor and the mediclnb and inhaling in strument furnished tu them. -*’ Persons able to come tofhim are desired to do so; and will generally find him at his Furniture and Car pet Rooms in Lawrencevtllo. Those who are tinaSle to come, he will visit on being requested to do So*. . He bos made this arrangementand gives this notice that no cne in this county may die of these disease* without the trial of this last and most successful triumph'of medical science. - Lawrenceville, Jan. 14, 'GS.-tf. E. D. WELL& To Consumptives. THE advertiser, having been restored to bettlth iti a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after har ing suffered several years with a severe loop nffec tion, nod that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to make known to. hia. follow sufferers the me&h& of cure. . ~ To all who desire it be will ,send a copy of toe ♦ prescription used (free of charge), with direodenS for preparing and using the same, which they will Abd a sur« mre for, Consumption, Asthma, dttl The only object ot the advertiser in sending the pre scription is to benefit tbo afflicted, and spreaa infor ififltion which be conceives to be invaluable, aifid ha hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it trill coat nothing and may proto a blessing. Parties wishing the prevriptionwill please address Her. BEWARE A. WIESON, Will lam sburgb; Kirigs Connty, New Terk; Oct Ist. 1862. The Confession and Experience of a. Poor Tours Man; A GENTLEMAN havingboen cured of the result* of early error and disease, will, from motives of benevolepce, spud to those who request, a copyof the above interesting harratiVe, published by himself.— This little book is designed, aa a warning and eauton to young men and those who suffcr fVotn Ksnvurs Psb'iwtv, Loss op Memory, Premature Decay, do., supplying at the same tine the mean* 'of self-cure. Single copies will be sent under leaf in a plain envelop^,—without charge;—to any who request it, by addressing the author. CtIAS. A. tAMBERT, Elq„, Qrconpuint, Long fsland, New Yurih E STRAY.—dunio into the enclosure hf the subscriber on tntr I7lh Inst., a large whitS HOG. The owner is rcij«e/tc/d to halt prora prpf»erf j; nty charges, end take it - B« B/PfilCE; DiacfleW.-Ain. 21, 1 ! , s 4