wmTl^mxth, T)EOSECUTINg| i?|islON ATTORNEY, J: and Dealer-in £ ! -if;'!'* •. IAKP.fW&RANTS, Aad General CoUe iiiiii and Claim agent, KNOXVILLE' CO., PA., :[ i/- J - ■ ' 'Will attend to Supremo Court and Court of claims, and'to '%'prosecution of claims be fore the several -Doparti Government. Espe r.is! attention ‘wilt be ci fcr- 1 to claims for BOUNTY LANDS and ARHEAI'S’OF PAY; $lOO BO UN TY and PENSWNs,i'i%he LAND and INDIAN OFFICES; Se/bre POST OFFICE, on d MILITARY ClfAlkp'lotnerolty. The Subscriber hoWnj teed engaged for the past four ycars.iu tho projectjjan'df claims before the De partments inWashiu(jttk||rtU-give particular atten 'fi°D 1 CLAIMS •for Pensions and BOtNjSY’LANDS, especially in cases where the soldler oifnaow is Unable to state the officer’s name. In illiSich cases no charge will 'be made unless sacdeftfil® Cngoestipablo references Vill be riven in 'all casisJu All business relating to above referred li|*D be done by correspond •onco With the subscribe! ieSd oil letters addressed to him at-Knoxville, Pa will receive ■prompt attention.;. WM. is. bMiiK. August 27,1862.', *• fiuloa Boom*. , H. EC. WOOD’S SKISpeiIO-liT ROOMS, OVER C.W.SEAI Mew SHOE STORE, below C. L. V N'yCO.X. - H. H. WOOD, vfonld to the inhabitants of Wellsboroand country, that be is, now prepared to rurniahitheir ; W|h everything in the line of *- HIOTOGSAFm ■ , • ■ OR i ' j - Jt^,AINOTYPES, 'furnished at any room- i'l |{« .City. J.UEt received, a sett of JAMINS CELEI .BattED LENSES, manufao tflrsd exprissly for the de visile. Also a large assortment of ~ ‘■ | pho foam miC albums, price, from $1,25 tq S4.C(>|i i A ! t this-day, no parlor in ‘ble is considered finished the PHOTOGRAPH IC ALBUM. i - -m-l Cases of all styles* from twenty-five cents to five dollars. ’ • .‘Jaici. Thankful for past far l Miff would solicit a contin uation' of the same' by in®"? [first class work for all. Wsllsboto, May 28, 1.'1^p,,-j H. 11. WOOD. . >Var!, War. [the Union ! THE andersigned respectfully inform his old friends, custom the public generally, that he has opened a J-» j" • CABINET ‘AH|| CHAIR SHOP on Main Street, opposite Dartt’a 'Wagon-Shop, where he intends to keej'Constantly on hand a gene ral assortment of [1 Cali iasit; 6i .made of the best mated jd\|wd by the best workmen. Also Coffins made to .i’r,j&r arici as cJeap as can be procured elsewhere, tic, opfiaaued with a Hearse. Also Chairs of-every' from the BEST down .to'the CHEAPEST r to*-< i t Suit;f whasers. Also Turning uf'all kitfda t(one t 0 order and to. suit, C U $ R S. The undersigned fid* many years expen •«cnce, both in-France*an IbU inis country, feels confi dent that be cannot U < jdd in either of the above branches of further would recom mend the public to ' CALL bis workmanship an& before purchasing else where. ; V rU JACOB STICKLES 7 . Wellsboro, Marches, lIOtSEfeM|if^!jFURXmJnE. THE LADIES to select Household Furniture, and?it easier for them to a carriage andlrid \ £®jw miles and return tbap sto go 4Q or 50 ber would inform them• Has J us t enlarged his STOCK before the jilri prices are upon us; and has a largo nni l isSUiPlg assortment, which he will be happy to sbqw who may favor him with a viml j fy I * • MAHOGANY SQIPXSijfeD, $25 and $2B. Tate a fetes, *s22, $2B and;:sB?.t| ingrain Carpets .for s *, by 6, 7,.8 and Jet iljiSftsw* yard. Swing Ma chines, $lO and sl2;* 1 e; Has also 10 styles of Bedsteads, with fiat spring bottoms, and 16 different kinds oi' CUailf' ’with everything else.in the Furniture lino. i. ptf Jtle is also" of Prince A Co’s, cel ebrated dnd Church Organs, of Buffalo, N. V., tbe£ld<& lin'd largest eplablhhment in the United Sthtejfc. \ ■ I E. D. WELLSJ Lawrenccville, JijJV ( ® 18C2. =."*lA _ - _ •THOM iK£| HARDEN -is now receiving at? ,‘V • EZTE K W* V E,ST ttC E •4.-0 r! ■ 1 disc, Tfhlch he. offers on , ■' 1 SUIT TIMES. Ail are respectfully call and examine. "Wellsboro, Juno IS, TTIOS. HARDEN. STOVES il# [TINWARE. WtLlilA ROBERTS HAS opened a; and Tin Shop in the Store opposite B Building;, where ho is pre pared to furnb h b?js ol< feiejoda and customers, and the public generally ivjtaJeicrytlHJig in bis line of business, including j . Cooking Stoveskf tlVs&obt approved styles; Par lor, Diniug Kitchen furniture allK'l-ncUcs. Call and stotf.k. Febj£ i>, rs'i3f ! . ; Agency. lnsurance of America*liave 1, appointed the gnc]s?&|gned an agent for Tioga County and vicinityi| .'r,; ■ w 1 •As, the high ch|afMcti> imd etandirig of Ofts Com pany give the assnr.}ncd|i*| full protection to owners of property ogalnsß tlid Jjpzard of fipe, I solicit with ■confidence a liberal 6h* ( a of the of the county. This ComfearyVvas 'incorporated in 179-1- Its'capital is ss(l^3,rnlO*{ sfta its in.lSGl as per Statement Ist Jan,' of ; /tyvt "year wjas $1251,719 81 CHARLIES ■PL ATT.. . j ARTHUR G. Office of thq Walnut Street, PhiJftSfclphia, . IVm.Biieliloj-, fTuHlr.'il Agent, If ar riklnii j;, Pa. JOIIX hvfc'&irlSKYSiEY, Xgcnl forlrlgiji Comity, Pa. •Xpril 0, 1862. , ' f ' — New Goods. MISS IML’LVNL has ju* CHILDREN’S HATS, tie wnmination oLftflcb she invites’the Indies of \Vellaboro. placc-Ffcst door below IbeAtatATOß office, iHpljgalfs, ' VfeHsboro, Oct. 8, I'Sftg iMr , PENSIdfe. AGENCY. 'TO SOLDIERS THEIR FRIENDS. T* H ® undersigned bad considerable oxne drv/f'l" 0 ,!.-'" P f OC ," Prll, 1858, it is my intentionjo take early measures for the sale of the powder magazine in the city of Philadel phia. The powder magazine at Harrisburg is not judiciously located. A State powder mag azine ought, in myjudgment, to be erected on a suitable site in the vicinity of this place, and I recommend -the attention off the Legislature to the subject. In September last two batteries of rifled can non were presented to the Commonwealth by a committee of citizens of Philadelphia, through S. V. Merrick, Esq., which are now in the Ar penal in that city. I recommend that provision be made for procuring carriages, caissons and bthcr equipments for them, The liberal donors bre entitled to the thanks of the Commonwealth p>r their patriotic gift. i Under tho joint resolutions of 28th of Feb ruary, 1862, measures were promptly taken for the relief of oar sick and wounded men in the field. The wounded 'at Winchester, Strashurg, Front Royal, Williamsburg and Fair Oaks, and those in the corps of-Maj. General Banks were duly attended on the field or in the vicinity by Surgeon General Smith and a corps of surgeon* under his direction, and wep*e brought into the State. The same system 1 would have been continued, but in June last, T received a letter from the Surgeon Genial of the United Statesj representing that it was found inconvenient to the service, and must create difficulties in the regular identification of thejsoldiers for and pensions. " * * In compliance with his views, I was reludj tantly obliged to discontinue the system, bat I have not ceased to urge bn the War Depart ment the propriety of sending our sick and wounded men imo the State, where they can be nursed and cared for by their friends, and bare to say that at length such an arrangement was made with the authorities at Washington, which it wai hoped would be effective, but there has been such tardiness in putting it into practical operation, that I recommend the m m. Legislature tp inv’itje the attention of the Wa i department to the subject. Our suffering men hare a right to the sympathy and aid of their 1 State, to be rendered as not to injure the serf Tice. If the bringing them home to be attend* ed could produce even inconvenience to that, I. would not urge it. But it is oraejto leave then! to the care and (I.regret to say it)' frequently to the neglect, or worse, of strange officials, ai points in tire immediate vicinity of all the abundant comfortwhicb the solicitude of tbeit families and friends would rejoice to provide fur them. * " - In addition to the expenses of attending an<( bringing home oar sick and wounded as ebovd I have expended less than $4OOO in the transportation of friends of sick, killed, orf’ wounded volunteers, and other persons sent by; me for their care to the several battle-fields. and hospitals, and in bringing home for. inter*' ment the bodies of those plain. The whole' expense incurred nnder the joint! resolution’ was five thousand one hundred nineteen dollars and eighty-three cents; the 1 details,.of which will be found in the report Of the Sur geon General of the Chief of Transportation.. I have uniformly, when applied to, allowed' the expense of transportation of one person t a the field to bring home the body of his friend or relation, and the expense of his return with' the'body: , The cost of this- has not exceeded $6OO, is included in the snm of less that! §4,ooo,'above stated. In this connection I must speak wltti ap* piause of the active benevolence of our citizens* who'have without compensation devoted their 1 time and care to their suffering fellow citizens* disabled by the casualties of war. Not only have many gone to the field, to administer theif kind offices, but in every part of the Common wealth thousands have applied their means and exertions to the same end ; and especially harO the women of Pennsylvania, obeying their trod womanly instincts, shown that they are worthy to be the mothers, wives and Sisters of the brave men, whom they have atimulated to their 1 duty, and soothed and nursed in the sufferings that have ensued the performance of iti The city of Philadelphia having patriotically offered to the United States; League Island as a donation for a Navy Yard, Congress directed a commission to report upon the availability of that site and , also of New London. To the general astonishment, a majority of the com mission have reported in favor of New London* but the minority has presented a report, which -• is fortified by the approval nf the Secretary of • the Navy, showing so conclusively the sbperi* ority of League Island that it is scarcely possi ble -that Cpngress should hesitate to select that location. To establish a Navy Yard for thd construction of iron clad vessels at a point re mote from all necessary supplies, situated od salt water, and accessible by more than- one route to an enemy, who may bare a moment l ary superiority at sea, would lappear to ba quite inconsistent with the wisdom of Congress* especially when a site is offered convenient to iron, coal and other necessary supplies, situa ted on fresh wafer with a sufficient depth for 1 the draught of-large vessels, and-Safe from hostile attack bjf its position-. Capt. Ilenry K. IFrigley, of the city of PbiU adelphia, at my request, and without compen sation, has mado a report to me on the defen ces of the Delaware, which 1 herewith trans mit for information. In July last, I received, at Pittsburg, by graph, an offer from the Pennsylvania Railroad. Company) of a donation of fifty thousand doR lars to assist in paying bounties to' volunteers; I declined this offer, because I had no authority to accept it on behalf of the public, and was unwilling to uddertake the disbursement of the fund in my private capacity. I have since re ceived a letter on the subject from the company suggesting other modes of disposing of the money, a copy of which is annexed to this message. If the Legislature should accept the dond; ion, I recommend that it be applied towards the erection of an asylum for our disabled eul diets, and that the trustees appdnted to super intend the erection and management of the asylum be authorised to accept such furthfir contributions as our citizens may offer. In a well managed establishment of that kind-, it is probable that the pensions to b 6 allowed bjf the Government to the men,-will enable thbnl to support themselves with comfort. By ah act of Congress passed on the second day Of July, 18G2, lands were granted to tbfe Several States for the endowment, support and main tenance by each State, of at least one c'olt'egS for teaching such branches cf learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts; without excluding other scientific and Classical studies, and including militaty tactics. I recommend that proper- provision be mide by the Legislature for having the lands thus granted to this State selected, and the title made to the -State, and that Congress be re quested to allow the lands and their proceeds to be used by the State in the construction and support of such an asylum as I hkve above suggested. . The details of the operations of the common scbbol syetem, during the school year that ter-' initiated, on' the first Monday hr Jnhe, 1862, manifest scarcely any evil effects from the troubled stale of the country. Absence ef the usual degree of progress in the various depart ments is the only result observable.-. -To have held its own, however, during thr severe ordeal to which, in common with all oar’great social interests and enterprises; it has been subjected, is the strongest proof of its inherent vigor, and of the hold it possesses upon the affections ns well as the judgement cf the people of the State. , It has come to my knowledge that insoms parts of the State a system exists of pitying the wages of workmen and laborers not in money but in orders on store keepers for mer chandise and'other aiiitlcS; This tsthm, by '■ i ' ' ■■■;• ■' -